Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Standing Committee of Huaiji County Party Committee of Zhaoqing City held an expanded meeting: leading the high-quality development of Huaiji with high-quality party building

 The Standing Committee of Huaiji County Party Committee of Zhaoqing City held an expanded meeting: leading the high-quality development of Huaiji with high-quality party building

Huaiji released at 22:47 on January 14, 2023 in Guangdong

On January 13, the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to convey and study the relevant spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (enlarged) meeting, and listened to the work report and comments of the secretaries of the Party (industry) committees of some towns (streets), the working committee secretaries of the county-level organs and the education working committee secretaries of the county Party committee on the grass-roots party building work. Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Chen Tengda, deputy secretary of the county party committee and head of the county, attended the meeting. Relevant leaders of the Organization Department of the CPC Municipal Committee attended the meeting for guidance.


At the meeting, the secretaries of the party (industry) committees of all towns (streets), the secretaries of the working committees of the county-level organs and the secretaries of the education working committees of the county party committees reported their work in the form of on-site or written reports, reported the work of the grass-roots party construction in the past year, and proposed the next direction of efforts and work measures. Yu Xiaojun listened carefully to the report and made comments one by one. Participants commented on the work report.

Yu Xiaojun pointed out that

Yu Xiaojun stressed that

With high-quality party building, Huaiji will lead high-quality development.

First, we should continue to strengthen political construction and constantly improve the Party's political leadership. We should work hard to strengthen the political construction of the Party with a clear flag, adhere to putting the political construction of the Party in the first place, strictly enforce political discipline and rules, and comprehensively improve the mechanism for grass-roots party organizations to play a leading role.

Second, we should solidly promote grass-roots party building and promote high-quality development with high-quality party building. We should focus on the rural party building around rural revitalization, implement the rural party building "whole town promotion, whole county promotion" demonstration county and town building activities, solidly carry out the work of grasping the party building to promote the rural revitalization demonstration county, improve the rural governance system and mechanism led by the party organization, and continue to promote the development and expansion of the village-level collective economy; We should focus on serving the people, do a good job of urban party building, organize a dense urban grass-roots organization system, carry out urban grass-roots party building improvement actions, and improve the level of urban party building leading grass-roots governance; We should focus on the central work, continue to promote the construction of model organs and the establishment of model Party branches, and focus on the Party construction in public hospitals, primary and secondary schools; We should focus on promoting the development of the two new party building, improve the quality of the "two coverage", strengthen the construction of party organizations in key industries, and improve the operation mechanism of the two new working committees; We should strengthen the team building around the overall development situation, strengthen the team building of leaders of grass-roots party organizations, improve the ability and style of grass-roots cadres, implement the basic guarantee at the grass-roots level, and purify the political ecology at the grass-roots level.

Third, we should thoroughly practice the mass line and get through the "last mile" of connecting and serving the masses. We should adhere to the people-centered development concept and take the mass viewpoint and mass line deeply rooted in our thoughts and concretely implemented in our actions. We should continue to improve the system of contacting and serving the masses, make good use of the special funds for the Party organization to serve the masses, and solve the problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the masses in a timely manner. We should actively build a grass-roots governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and promote the focus of social governance to move down and the strength to sink. We should promote the implementation of major tasks with the guidance of Party building, and let the Party flag fly high on the front line of major tasks.

Fourth, we should focus on strengthening the organization and leadership, and ensure that the work of grass-roots party building is carried out in detail. The secretaries of the Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels must establish a correct view of political achievements, regard the Party construction as the greatest political achievement, perform the responsibilities of the first responsible person, and plan, deploy and implement the work of the grass-roots Party construction with the central work. We should strengthen guidance and supervision, take measures to strengthen the foundation, promote advantages, and complement weaknesses, so as to create an influential and distinctive brand of party building. We should continue to change our style of work, implement "one mechanism and four methods", and put the grass-roots party building work on specific tasks and measures.

Yu Xiaojun stressed that

Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels in the county should conscientiously implement the main responsibility of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. The secretaries of Party committees (Party leading groups) at all levels should improve their political standing and strengthen their political responsibilities, adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party throughout the whole process of economic and social development, promote the resonance and mutual promotion of the Party's construction and economic and social development, and promote high-quality economic and social development with high-quality party construction.

Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the County CPPCC, other members of the Party Construction Leading Group of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party (Industry) Committee of each township (street), Director of the Huaicheng Sub-district Office, Mayor of Aozi Town, Secretary of the Working Committee of the County-level Organs, Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the County Party Committee, comrades in charge of the two new working committees of the County Party Committee, members of the Party (Industry) Committee of each township (street), representatives of the County Party, representatives of the County People's Congress, members of Party members and cadres at the grass-roots level and mass representatives attended the meeting.

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