Sunday, March 31, 2024




Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Hong Kong compatriot Mr. Yao Kaiwen donated money and love to help Dinghu improve medical equipment

Hong Kong compatriot Mr. Yao Kaiwen donated money and love to help Dinghu improve medical equipment

Dinghu released 2024-03-26 22:26 Guangdong

On March 26, 2024, the equipment donation and unveiling ceremony of the Blood Purification Center of Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held at the Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Hong Kong compatriot Mr. Yao Qiwen and District Party Committee Deputy Secretary and District Mayor Liang Jianmei attended the event.


Mr. Yao Qiwen, a Hong Kong compatriot, donated 1.2 million yuan this time to purchase hemodialysis equipment to further improve the medical equipment of Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, promote the construction and development of the hospital's blood purification center, and better meet the diagnosis and treatment needs of kidney disease patients in the region.

At the event, Huo Jieling, director of the Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Zhaoqing, accepted the donation check on behalf of the Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and presented a commemorative plaque to Mr. Yao Qiwen in return.



The guests present jointly unveiled the Blood Purification Center of Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which will be put into use after it is completed according to the standardized procedures.


The blood purification center of Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is positioned as a professional department focusing on hemodialysis treatment. It will be located on the 10th floor of the inpatient department. It will initially have 20 beds. In the first phase, 5 beds will be opened. The center has a comfortable environment and a reasonable layout. It is equipped with advanced hemodialysis machines imported from Italy, adopts a medical two-stage reverse osmosis water treatment system, and uses high-quality consumables and high-flux dialyzers to ensure safe dialysis for patients. The Blood Purification Center of Dinghu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has received strong support from Mr. Yao Qiwen from its preparation to its gradual improvement. The Dinghu District Party Committee, District Government and Dinghu District Health System expressed their gratitude to Mr. Yao Qiwen and the Hong Kong Dinghu Association for their kind deeds in giving back to their hometown and benefiting the people of Dinghu. They promised to strictly use the donations and insist on managing and making good use of this batch of medical services. equipment to maximize social benefits and better meet the medical needs of the people.


It is reported that Mr. Yao Qiwen, a Hong Kong compatriot, has always cared about and supported the development of various undertakings in Dinghu. Under the leadership of Mr. Yao, a large number of fellow villagers have actively devoted themselves to social welfare undertakings and vigorously supported the development of education, culture, health, and rural revitalization in their hometown. Especially during the epidemic prevention and control period, after learning that there was a shortage of masks and other epidemic prevention materials in Dinghu District, we immediately purchased nearly 60,000 masks, 5,000 bottles of alcohol, 25,000 pairs of medical gloves, etc. from Japan, South Korea and other places. Anti-epidemic materials were donated to Zhaoqing free of charge, which greatly alleviated the shortage of materials on the front line of epidemic prevention.

District leaders Qiu Chengguang, Xian Youjun, Wen Yonghong, relevant leaders, experts and employee representatives from the District Related Working Committee, District Overseas Chinese Federation, Hong Kong Dinghu Association, Dinghu District Health Bureau and Dinghu District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital participated in the event.


鼎湖發布 2024-03-26 22:26 廣東

2024年3月26日,「愛心送溫暖 慈善助醫療」鼎湖區中醫院血液淨化中心設備捐贈暨揭牌儀式在鼎湖區中醫院舉行。


香港同胞姚啟文先生本次捐贈 120 萬元人民幣,用於購買血透設備,進一步完善鼎湖區中醫院的醫療設備,助推該院血液淨化中心建設發展,更好滿足區內腎病患者診療的需求。



鼎湖區中醫院血液淨化中心的定位是以血液透析治療為主的專業科室,將設於住院部10樓,初定設置床位20張,首期將開放床位5張,中心環境舒適、佈局合理, 配備先進的義大利進口血液透析機,採用醫用雙級反滲水處理系統,使用高品質耗材、高通量透析器,能夠為病患安全透析提供保障。 鼎湖區中醫院血液淨化中心從籌建到逐步完善,得到姚啟文先生的大力支持。 鼎湖區委會、區政府及鼎湖區衛生健康系統對姚啟文先生和香港鼎湖同鄉會回饋家鄉,造福鼎湖百姓的善舉表示感謝,承諾將嚴格用好捐款,堅持管好、用好這批醫療 設備,使其發揮最大的社會效益,更能滿足群眾的就醫需求。

據悉,香港同胞姚啟文先生始終關心、支持鼎湖各項事業發展,在姚先生的帶領下,一大批鄉親鄉賢積極投身於社會公益事業,大力支持家鄉教育文化、衛生健康、鄉村振興事業發展, 特別是在疫情防控期間,在得知鼎湖區出現口罩等防疫物資缺損的情況後,第一時間從日本、韓國等地搶購近6萬個口罩、5千支酒精、2.5萬雙醫用手套等 抗疫物資並無償捐贈給肇慶,大大緩解了防疫一線物資短缺的情況。


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Founder of Pang Dong Lai: Pang Dong Lai’s cleaning staff will receive a maximum annual salary of RMB 500,000

Founder of Pang Dong Lai: Pang Dong Lai’s cleaning staff will receive a maximum annual salary of RMB 500,000


Looking at the comments, it seems like it’s overturned. hahahahahahahaha.

Doing this reminds me of Chen Guangbiao, a great philanthropist from Jiangsu Province.

Netizens below the video also thought it was fake and were full of doubts. It seems to be challenging the IQ of netizens.

Usually irrational things happen, bragging about irrational things.

That is, he can benefit from these braggarts and lies.






Saturday, March 23, 2024

Traditional + modern! Come and take home cultural and creative souvenirs at Gaoyao, Zhaoqing City, China

Traditional + modern! Come and take home cultural and creative souvenirs in Gaoyao, Zhaoqing City, China

Posted by GaoYao 2024-03-22 21:16 Guangdong, China

In the rural revitalization demonstration belt of Xiaoxiang Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, China, the Coffee Cultural Creative Industry Base, the Ruishijie Cultural Tourism Project, and the Gemu Park Rural Industrial Complex have formed a path highlighting coffee culture, Xiangyunsha industry culture, and ecological nature. High-quality rural tourism routes with resources.

Breath of the Forest is a camping base

Breath of the Forest is a camping base, but it is more than just a camping base.

There is also an exhibition room hidden here, displaying a batch of cultural and creative handicrafts with local characteristics such as Xiangyun yarn, Guangfu gold embroidery, Xinqiao bamboo weaving, Jindu flower mat handbags, Duan inkstones, etc. It is really surprising!

Forest Breathing Camping Base, Gaoyao Xiaoxiang Town, Zhaoqing City, China.

▲ Forest Breathing Camping Base, Gaoyao Xiaoxiang Town, Zhaoqing City, China.


Xiangyun yarn, China's National Geographical Indication product, also known as "Xiangyun yarn", its real name is "shen yarn". It is a silk fabric dyed with the plant dye Dioscorea oleifera. It is the only silk fabric dyed with pure plant dye among the world's textiles. It is known as It is known as "soft gold" in the textile industry.

Xiangyunsha pillow

▲ Xiangyunsha pillow. 

Xiangyun yarn has a unique production process, is rare in quantity, and takes a long time to make. It has the characteristics of being cool and pleasant, light and soft, quick-drying when exposed to water, not easy to wrinkle, rich in sterilization, insect repellent, and has health care effects on the skin.

Xiangyunsha clothing

Xiangyunsha clothing

Xiangyunsha clothing

▲ Xiangyunsha clothing. 

Clothes, pillows, high-heeled shoes and other clothing items made of Xiangyun yarn are all available, and cultural and creative souvenirs such as scarves, tea mats, and sachets are small and exquisite, fully displaying the unique charm of oriental aesthetics.

Xiangyunsha handbag

▲ Xiangyunsha handbag.

Xiangyunsha shoes

▲ Xiangyunsha shoes.

Xiangyunsha pillow

▲ Xiangyunsha pillow. 

Duan inkstone

Duan Inkstone is one of the four famous inkstones in China and is also a national geographical indication product of China. Gaoyao Duan Inkstone has become world-famous since the early Tang Dynasty. It has become a tribute to the royal families of all dynasties due to its excellent texture and exquisite carvings. Famous pits include Shuiyan, Kengziyan, Mazikeng, Songkeng, Xuandeyan, Chaotianyan, Gutayan, Luduan, Baixianyan, etc. They are mainly distributed in Yankeng, Yangmeikeng and other places in Jindu, with high Duan inkstones made from inkstones produced in Lanke Mountain are the most valuable.

"The Number One Scholar Inkstone" is based on the story of Mo Xuanqing, the first number one scholar in Lingnan.

▲ "The Number One Scholar Inkstone" is based on the story of Mo Xuanqing, the first number one scholar in Lingnan. 

There are more than ten arduous and delicate processes in the production of Duan Inkstone. The exquisitely carved Duan Inkstone has the characteristics of being able to grind ink when breathing air, making ink without damaging any hair, and not freezing in winter. In 2006, Duan Inkstone production skills were listed as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

“The Number One Scholar Inkstone”

“The Number One Scholar Inkstone”

▲ “The Number One Scholar Inkstone”. 

Jindu town flower seats

Jindu flower seats are woven from cattail grass called "芏" by the locals. Its texture is soft and the weaving pattern is beautiful. It has the advantages of being insect-proof, the mat does not stick to the body, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer. The weaving craftsmanship is distributed in Gaoyao. Jindu, Baitu, Huilong, Liantang and other towns.

During the Qing Dynasty, Jindu Town's straw seats had become famous. For hundreds of years, it has been selling well at home and abroad, and has also been given as a national gift to foreign friends. 

Jindu town flower seats

The straw seats were originally only a single color of cyan, but later came in yellow, red, and green colors, and the patterns also became richer, including flowers with patterns such as "囍" characters, vases, butterflies, human figures, flowers and birds, chain buttons, and double phoenixes rising to the sun. Flower seats gradually came into public view.

JinDu flower seats’s innovative handbag with editing skills

▲JinDu flower seats’s innovative handbag with editing skills.

Today, Jindu's flower seats weaving techniques are innovative and combined with fashion elements to produce a series of handbags, calligraphy and paintings, baskets, etc. decorated with flower mats, which are both beautiful and practical.

From the bedding that was a necessity in the homes of local people in the past to the handicrafts that decorate homes today, what has changed is the theme and purpose, but what remains unchanged is the persistence of handicrafts and traditional culture.

JinDu flower seats’s innovative handbag with editing skills

▲JinDu flower seats’s innovative handbag with editing skills. 

Guangfu gold embroidery

"Guangfu Golden Embroidery" is an innovative method that uses metal wire as the main material, through coiling, rolling, leaping, stacking and other modeling methods, combined with auxiliary processes such as bonding, welding, sealing, curing, and glazing. A unique "metal silk embroidery" technology.

▲ GaoYao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments.

Gao Yao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments

▲ GaoYao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments. 

"Guangfu Golden Embroidery" in Lizhi Village, Liantang Town has created a unique series of products, "Guangfu Golden Embroidery + Township Innovation" and "Guangfu Golden Embroidery + Agricultural Innovation", with Macrobrachium rosenbergii and lotus as the main elements. "Shrimp" means a good harvest of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, and "lotus" means harmony, beauty and good luck.

▲ GaoYao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments.

GaoYao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments

▲ GaoYao’s “Guangfu Gold Embroidery” craft innovative ornaments. 

Xinqiao Town bamboo weaving (foreign basket weaving)

The foreign basket weaving in Xinqiao Town was started during the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty by Deng Fu, a bamboo craftsman from Xinqiao. Since it was sold overseas and exclusively for export, it was called "foreign basket". It has a history of more than 100 years.

Gaoyao Xinqiao Town bamboo weaving (foreign basket weaving)

▲ Gaoyao Xinqiao Town bamboo weaving (foreign basket weaving).

Xinqiao basket weaving selects high-quality bamboo materials and mainly uses warp and weft weaving methods, interspersed with various techniques such as thinning, inserting, threading, cutting, locking, nailing, binding, and tying. The patterns and colors vary. foreign baskets can not only be used for ornamental decoration, but also can hold candies, fruits, etc., and have both artistic appreciation value and practical value.

Gaoyao Xinqiao Town bamboo weaving (foreign basket weaving)

▲ Gaoyao Xinqiao Town bamboo weaving (foreign basket weaving). 


Agarwood, the Chinese name of agarwood, is the resin-containing wood of the Thymeaceae plant Agarwood. Mainly distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian and other places, it has the effects of promoting qi and relieving pain, warming and stopping vomiting, and relieving qi and relieving asthma.

Gaogui agarwood

▲ Gaogui agarwood. 

Gaoyao District Zhonglisheng Planting Professional Cooperative has built a high-quality Qinan Agarwood nursery base of 17 acres, with a self-owned planting area of 250 acres and a promoted planting area of 450 acres. It has built a southern medicine (agarwood) industrial park (Phase I). At present, It has launched incense products such as Gaogui Agarwood and Hainan Jianfengling. This year, it will also complete the manufacturing of jewelry and ornaments and the extraction of supercritical agarwood essential oil and put into production.

Gaoyao agarwood incense products

▲ Gaoyao agarwood incense products.

Gaoyao cinnamon and agarwood are perfectly combined, and the unique aroma of incense spreads around with the curls of smoke, refreshing the heart and mind.

Gaoyao agarwood incense products

▲ Gaoyao agarwood incense products. 

Sihui Orchid

Orchids are the business card of Sihui City. Sihui City has the largest orchid planting base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with a planting area of about 10,000 acres. There are more than 200 varieties in four series: national orchid, foreign orchid, hybrid orchid and phalaenopsis, with an annual output value of about 600 million yuan. Shigou Town has even been recognized as a "provincial orchid professional town".

Sihui orchid potted plants

▲ Sihui orchid potted plants.

The orchids are blooming, spreading their fragrance. Orchids have an intoxicating fragrance, and the blooming flowers are some simple, some public, some exquisite and elegant.

Sihui orchid

▲ Sihui orchid.


Sihui City is the "Hometown of Chinese Jade". As the world's largest jade wholesale market and jade processing and sales distribution center, Sihui does not produce jade, but it has the reputation of "stones from other mountains, jade is made in Sihui".

Sihui jade pendant

Sihui jade pendant

▲ Sihui jade pendant.

Sihui has a complete range of jade products, including jade ornaments, toys, pendants, ornaments, etc. Among them, jade ornaments account for more than 80% of the domestic market share, and jade pendants and ornaments account for more than 70% of the domestic market share. There are currently nearly 300,000 jade workers, about 33,000 jade dealers, and nearly 500 e-commerce live broadcast companies.

Sihui jade ornaments

Sihui jade ornaments

Sihui jade ornaments

▲ Sihui jade ornaments.

Sihui jade ornaments

▲ Sihui jade ornaments. 



Good investment news丨Start construction and put into production! Good news about project construction comes from many places in Zhaoqing

Good investment news丨Start construction and put into production! Good news about project construction comes from many places in Zhaoqing

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-22 21:05 Guangdong, China

Foret intelligent manufacturing project started in Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China

On March 10, 2024, the Foret intelligent manufacturing project started. The project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Linton Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and is located in Shuanglong Industrial Park, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China.

The total investment of the project is about 300 million yuan, with a land area of about 22 acres. It mainly produces BYD blade battery stable pressure equipment, builds new energy battery lithium carbonate automatic production lines, battery electrolyte intelligent manufacturing production lines and storage, artificial intelligence robot arms and other The industry's fully automatic filling and packaging production line is expected to have an annual output value of 400 million yuan after reaching full capacity.

Foret intelligent manufacturing project started in Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China

Project renderings

Investor profile

Guangdong Linton Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. is a leading large-scale, high-end, comprehensive machinery manufacturing enterprise in South China. It mainly develops and manufactures large-scale, high-end, comprehensive professional equipment and intelligent integrated systems such as robot applications and visual recognition automatic operations. It is " National High-tech Enterprise", "Guangdong Province 2022 Specialized and New Enterprise" and "Guangzhou Science and Technology Innovation Little Giant Enterprise".

Duanzhou District Junrong power transmission and transformation equipment project starts construction

On March 11, 2024, the Junrong power transmission and transformation equipment project started.

The project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Junrong Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment Co., Ltd. and is located in Shuanglong Industrial Park, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China. The total investment of the project is about 150 million yuan, with a land area of about 13 acres. It mainly produces electrical equipment and related products. The annual output value after reaching full capacity is expected to be 260 million yuan.

Duanzhou District Junrong power transmission and transformation equipment project starts construction

Project renderings

Investor profile

Guangdong Junrong Power Transmission and Transformation Equipment Co., Ltd. has its registered address at No. 8, Kengbian Street South, Gangwei Village, Renhe Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City. It was established in 2009 with a registered capital of 11 million yuan. The factory covers an area of about 3,300 square meters. In 2019, it was Rated as an enterprise above designated size in Guangzhou. Our company is mainly engaged in power equipment and related products. It is a comprehensive manufacturer integrating R&D, manufacturing, operation and sales of power equipment machinery, high-strength steel bolts and other products.

Yizai metal products project in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China, goes into operation

On March 22, 2024, the Yizai Metal Products Project in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China was officially put into production. This project is invested and constructed by Foshan Nanhai District Yizai Metal Products Co., Ltd. and is located in Deqing County Industrial Park.

The planned total investment is 50 million yuan, with a land area of about 20 acres. It will mainly build display rack production lines for engine oil display racks, baby products display racks, wine display racks, power tool display racks, cosmetics display racks, etc. The annual output value after the project is completed is more than 60 million yuan.

Yizai metal products project in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China, goes into operation

Project renderings

Investor profile

Foshan Nanhai Yizai Metal Products Co., Ltd. is an enterprise mainly engaged in the metal products industry. The company is mainly engaged in metal product sales, metal product research and development, metal material manufacturing, furniture spare parts production, etc.

Guangdong Hengji New Home Decoration Products Project in Huaiji County is put into trial production

On March 21, 2024, Guangdong Hengji’s new home decoration products project was successfully put into trial production.

The project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Hengji New Materials Co., Ltd. and is located in Area B of Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone.

The total investment of the project is approximately 1.018 billion yuan, with a land area of 200 acres. It mainly produces new material home decoration products. The annual output value after completion is expected to be 830 million yuan. The project will start construction in January 2023, and will be completed and put into trial production in March 2024.

Guangdong Hengji New Home Decoration Products Project in Huaiji County is put into trial production

Investor profile

Guangdong Hengji New Materials Co., Ltd. is currently mainly engaged in new material technology research and development, new material technology promotion services, technical services, technology development, technical consultation, technology exchange, technology transfer, technology promotion, wood acquisition, wood processing, wood sales, artificial Board sales. Introduce international advanced equipment, build a new home decoration product production line with an annual output of 350,000 m³, and develop and apply other environmentally friendly new material technologies.

Huaiji County, Guangdong, China: Optimizing project supporting service system and carefully attracting investment

Huaiji County, Guangdong, China: Optimizing project supporting service system and carefully attracting investment

Released by Huaiji 2024-03-23 21:15 Guangdong

Since 2024, the Park Administration Bureau of Huaiji County, Guangdong, China has strengthened the guarantee of project construction elements, implemented the nesting operation and the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" in depth, and increased investment in the construction of infrastructure such as park roads, living facilities, and standard factories. , continue to expand the investment carrying space, optimize the project supporting service system, build a nest to attract more high-quality enterprises to settle in, accelerate the industrial agglomeration effect, and promote the sound and rapid development of the county economy.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

The reporter saw at the site of the commercial supporting construction project in Zone B of the Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone that the concrete pouring of the basement roof and first-floor pillars had been completed, and the construction workers began to build floor formwork and main infrastructure.

"The total investment in this project is about 173 million yuan, with a construction area of more than 48,000 square meters. It mainly includes apartments, commercial supporting facilities, basements, parking lots and other projects. All work is being advanced in an orderly manner, and it is planned to be completed and delivered for use in April next year." Zhi Caichao, director of the County Construction Center, said.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

If enterprises want to develop, transportation must come first.

Based on the actual development conditions of the park, the Park Administration Bureau of Huaiji County, Guangdong, China scientifically planned the road network construction of the park, formulated program goals, reversed the construction period, and implemented wall charts to speed up the extension of No. 6 Road, No. 12 Extension Line, and No. 21 Road in Area B. We will carry out road projects and strive to open up the “arteries” for the development of the park.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

At the construction site of the extension line of No. 12 Road in Area B, large machinery such as road rollers and excavators shuttle back and forth. Construction workers are grasping the progress of the project and the construction is in full swing.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

"We will seize the time to resume work after the new year and invest more than 40 workers to speed up the construction. It is expected to be completed and opened to traffic in May." Deng Jianwei, chairman and general manager of Guangfo Zhao Investment Company, said that the company's guidance from the County Park Administration Next, the construction unit is urged to speed up the progress of the project and ensure that the project is completed on time, quality and quantity.

Also stepping up construction is the standard factory building (Phase II) project, which has a total construction area of more than 9,800 square meters and consists of 1 ordinary factory building and 2 heavy industrial factory buildings. The main structure construction has been completed and has entered the comprehensive renovation stage. It is expected that It will be delivered for use at the end of April 2024.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

At present, infrastructure projects in the park are accelerating the pace of construction, and efforts are being made to turn "construction drawings" into "real pictures" to create good basic conditions for enterprises to settle in smoothly.

Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,zhaoqing,guangzhou,foshan,guangdong,china,attracting investment,China Industrial Park,

The relevant person in charge of the Huaiji County Park Administration Bureau said that the bureau insists on taking the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaozhou (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone as the "main battlefield" and "main engine" to promote industrial development, and takes multiple measures to create a high-level modern industrial development platform. , increase investment in park infrastructure, further strengthen financial guarantee, strive for various special funds to be appropriately tilted to the park, and concentrate more resources to promote the expansion and quality improvement of the park. Strengthen the construction of living supporting facilities in the park, improve the convenience of life for corporate employees, accelerate the construction of the park road network, commercial supporting facilities in Area B and other projects, strengthen the supporting service functions of the park, comprehensively improve the service level of the park, and promote high-quality development of the park.












有听过让座,让路,让梨, 没听过让炉的





Friday, March 22, 2024




Sihui City in China: Moving towards “new quality productivity” and improving quality with “new quality productivity”

Sihui City in China: Moving towards “new quality productivity” and improving quality with “new quality productivity”

Released by Sihui City 2024-03-22 11:59 China

Cities are moving towards "new quality productivity", and enterprises are improving quality with "new quality productivity". As the main force in Zhaoqing City's promotion of new industrialization, Sihui City has seized on the "big nose" of technological innovation and accelerated the development of new productive forces.

In a nationally recognized laboratory, engineers from Guangdong Sihui Instrument Transformer Factory Co., Ltd. conduct electrical performance tests on products. Its products have been used in space missions such as Shenzhou, Tiangong, and Tianzhou series for many times; Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd. has gradually upgraded its products and entered the fields of communications, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, etc.; Seiko Ink (Sihui) Co., Ltd. has developed ultra-thin nano-inks for folding screens with better bending resistance and thinner printing film layers. Seize the new trend in the mobile phone market...

The relevant person in charge of Sihui City said: "Sihui City is scientifically building a modern industrial system, promoting new productivity to cover primary, secondary and tertiary industries, running through traditional industries, emerging industries, and future industries, and promoting the deep integration of industrial chain innovation chains."

Scientific research empowerment, expanding depth and breadth

Recently, Guangdong Sihui Instrument Transformer Factory Co., Ltd., located in Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, welcomed a scientific research team from Eastern European power industry customers. They not only inspected the production line and put forward specific requirements for the products, but also discussed the development of new products with the company's engineers.

Zhang Minxing, deputy general manager of the company, said: "The foreign power market is a new breakthrough and growth point for the company. Customers believe that our products have stable quality and high cost performance, and we will provide full-process customized services."

▲Series products of Guangdong Sihui Transformer Factory Co., Ltd.

▲Series products of Guangdong Sihui Transformer Factory Co., Ltd.

"As small as community electricity meters, as large as power projects, transformers are needed wherever there is electricity." As a long-established local enterprise, Sihui City Transformer Factory was established in 1988. From simple processing in the early days to current research and development, design, and deep processing, the entire chain Production, the company can design, produce and sell a series of products such as low-voltage, medium-voltage, high-voltage, ultra-high-voltage and ultra-high voltage transformers, dry-type power transformers, etc. In 2021, it was selected into the first batch of specialized and new key "small businesses" financially supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2021. Giant" enterprise.

The core of manufacturing is innovation, which is mastering key core technologies. Zhang Minxing introduced that in recent years, the company has promoted the in-depth integration of industry, academia and research, established scientific research workstations at all levels, and formed a cooperation mechanism with scientific research institutions and universities to jointly solve the technical problems of product "stuck neck" and continuously expand the depth and breadth of products.

Its "depth" refers to the voltage level of transformer products covering 0.66-1000kV current, which can meet the different needs of power industry projects. The company has also built a comprehensive management cloud platform to effectively monitor key production processes and energy-consuming equipment in the factory. Tracking, early warning, management and evaluation to further improve product quality; "breadth" refers to the company focusing on the future, actively responding to the national "double carbon" strategy, making a fuss about insulation media, exploring and researching new materials that meet environmental protection standards, and striving to lead the way The industry is fully upgraded. In 2023, the company's output value and sales will both increase, and orders for the beginning of 2024 have been scheduled until September.

UHV laboratory of Guangdong Sihui Transformer Factory Co., Ltd.

▲UHV laboratory of Guangdong Sihui Transformer Factory Co., Ltd.

Aiming at high-voltage and ultra-UHV products, the company will also build a modular, digital, automated and intelligent Industry 4.0 factory in Sihui Industrial Park, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, with a construction area of 80,000 square meters and a 1000kV UHV test facility. Room, equipped with advanced production lines, is planned to be put into use within the year.

In order to allow the source of scientific and technological innovation to fully flow, Sihui City has issued the [Special Support Measures for Sihui City High-tech Enterprises to Set Standards and Improve Quality Actions], which will provide a one-time reward of 200,000 yuan to enterprises recognized as high-tech enterprises to support enterprises to increase their Invest heavily in R&D, cultivate and introduce high-tech talents, create core independent intellectual property rights, and carry out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements; provide rewards and subsidies to companies that have won national and provincial science and technology awards and famous high-tech products in Guangdong Province, and support companies to carry out key core technology research .

Transformation and upgrading, from “manufacturing” to “intelligent manufacturing”

"When it comes to ceramics, perhaps everyone's first reaction is architectural ceramics. In fact, ceramics can also be used in lighting lamp holders, GPS navigation systems, industrial control parts, automobile exhaust filter sensors, etc." General Manager of Sihui Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd. Yan Qirong said that small ceramic pieces can be transformed from conventional categories into high value-added products by relying on technological innovation to change their physical properties.

Production line of Sihui Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd.

▲Production line of Sihui Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd.

Sihui Kangrong New Materials was established in 2005. It has six production lines including functional ceramics, extrusion, hot pressing, dry pressing, ceramic metallization, and GMP clean workshops. It also has a special ceramics testing laboratory that meets domestic and foreign industry standards.

In 2023, while steadily consolidating the market share in the lighting industry, Sihui Kangrong began to concentrate on "repairing internal strength", deeply exploring the use of ceramic insulation, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance properties, improving product quality control, and integrating various metal materials. Develop various ceramic products suitable for different scenarios. For example, the laminated antenna matched with the GPS navigation system in the automotive industry is the company's latest "hot product".

Production line of Sihui Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd.

▲Production line of Sihui Kangrong New Materials Co., Ltd.

As a specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprise in Guangdong Province, Sihui Kangrong is a successful practice of Sihui enterprises from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing". In recent years, the Fourth Congress has accelerated the digitalization and green transformation of the manufacturing industry, vigorously guided enterprises to carry out digital and green technological transformation and upgrading such as product replacement, production line replacement, equipment core replacement, intelligent manufacturing, and green manufacturing. In 2023, 22 companies will promote the upgrading of regulations. Industrial enterprises implemented digital transformation and guided 65 industrial enterprises to implement technological transformation.

Next, the Fourth Session will also aim at high-end, intelligent, green and other directions, implement manufacturing technology transformation projects, support enterprise equipment updates, process upgrades, digital empowerment, management innovation, and let traditional industries "old trees sprout new shoots" ; Deeply promote the "enterprise digital transformation and technological transformation" action, cultivate more specialized, new "little giant" enterprises and individual champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry, and lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation.

Create an excellent platform to create a highland for industrial development

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park is located in Jianggu Town. It is one of the four leading industrial parks. It mainly develops professional fine chemical industries with high technological content such as polymer synthetic resins, coatings, adhesives, and inks.

"The park has obvious transportation advantages, large development space, and a good overall environment. We can focus on developing new products here." General Manager of Seiko Ink (Sihui) Co., Ltd. Shiozaki Kaku said that the company came to the park to build in 2013 The new factory's main business is the design, development, production, sales and corresponding technical support of high-end screen printing inks. After the two-phase project reaches the standard and reaches production, it can achieve annual sales revenue of more than 1 billion yuan and create more than 200 jobs.

Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park

▲Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park

"We take the path of high-end customized services, and customers can even place orders in kilograms." Shiozaki Kaku introduced that the company's products have been in the leading position in the screen printing ink industry for many years, and many products have won the Guangdong Provincial High-tech Product certification, more than 20 development projects have been accumulated in the past three years, and the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements has reached 100%.

Today, the competition in the domestic ink industry is fierce. On the basis of localization and maintaining a high-quality market image, Seiko Ink will innovate comprehensively from raw materials to processes, develop non-solvent inks with higher environmental friendliness, and continuously expand product applications. Scenarios, making efforts in the direction of car displays and other directions.

In the same park, the 100,000-ton new deep eutectic electrolyte project of GCL Group, one of the world's top 500 new energy companies, was successfully settled. The project can start construction as soon as the land is obtained, and it only takes 4 months from signing to starting construction. Currently, the project is under construction.

According to the plan, Sihui City will accelerate the expansion and quality improvement of the Fine Chemical Industrial Park, and build it into a demonstration park and provincial high-tech zone for promoting industrial transfer in the province. Relying on the Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park and taking the lead of high-end chemical new materials, Focus on the development of electronic chemicals, functional membrane materials, daily chemicals and other fields, and promote the realization of localized supporting applications of front-end materials in new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information and other industries.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster-Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) Investment Guide

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster-Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) Investment Guide


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