Showing posts with label huaiji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label huaiji. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Huaiji release September 5, 2024 22:08 Guangdong PRC

On September 4, 2024, Liang Qingyan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd., went to Huaiji to carry out research on the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project", further deepen pragmatic cooperation, discuss the development plan of counterpart assistance, and promote the "Hundred Million Project" to increase its strength and speed up. County leaders Yu Xiaojun, Feng Yongzhong, Jiang Jianjun and Li Zechu participated in the research.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

At the symposium, Guangwu Holding introduced the situation of the planned investment projects in Huaiji. The participants exchanged views on promoting project construction, coordinated to solve the current problems, and clarified the next step of assistance work goals.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to Liang Qingyan and his party on behalf of the county party committee and county government. He said that in the future, Huaiji will resolutely implement the relevant deployment requirements of the superiors, seize development opportunities, take the initiative to think and plan, give full play to the advantages of location, ecology, humanities, etc., and work with Guangwu Holdings to broaden the scope of assistance and expand the field of communication, especially in the development of people-friendly projects, agricultural, cultural, tourism and sports industries, etc. Deepen cooperation and create highlights. All departments should take the initiative to strengthen contact, communication and cooperation with the assistance units, and strive to accelerate the implementation of assistance projects and bring benefits as soon as possible, help the provincial vertical group assistance work to go deeper and more practical, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to continuously achieve new results.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Liang Qingyan said that Guangwu Holdings will resolutely implement the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", focus on promoting the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", accurately grasp the actual needs of Huaiji, and continue to work hard in green and beautiful construction, financial support, cultural, tourism and sports integration, etc., and help Huaiji's high-quality development with greater efforts and more practical measures to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The provincial vertical assistance work team stationed in Huaiji County should grasp the assistance tasks, give full play to the role of bridges and ties, actively plan assistance projects, highlight characteristics, demonstrate results, and strive to promote the implementation of various tasks.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

During the event, the research team also visited Area B of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, the site selection site of the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, the Park Management Bureau and other places to inspect the progress of key assistance projects such as the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project and the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, and listened to the introduction of the construction of the Huaiji County Park, industrial development and investment promotion.

Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Guangwu Holding) is a member unit of the provincial group to vertically assist Huaiji County. It has always given full play to the resource advantages of large provincial state-owned enterprises, and has continued to assist Huaiji in industrial investment and consumption assistance, helping Huaiji to enhance its endogenous development momentum and strengthen the county's comprehensive strength.

Huaiji, combined with its own geographical environment and cultural advantages, deepened its cooperation with Guangwu Holding, and achieved tangible results in county industrial development and green and beautiful ecological construction. At present, all key assistance projects are progressing smoothly. Among them, the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project plans to invest a total of 30 million yuan, and plans to build 6 Shiji New Material production lines with a plant area of ​​about 7,000 square meters. After the project reaches full production, it is expected to achieve an annual output of 14,700 tons of stone-based new material packaging boxes, an annual revenue of 90 million yuan, which can provide local employment for 60 people and generate annual tax revenue of about 5 million yuan. The project can significantly reduce the loss and cost of various products, provide low-cost, high-quality, green and environmentally friendly packaging services for Huaiji's primary and secondary industry enterprises, help local governments save energy and reduce emissions, and supplement the regional enterprise service industry chain. At present, the site selection for the project's production plant has been preliminarily completed.

The Green Beauty Ecological Park Assistance Project is located in the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. It is jointly built by Guangwu Holding Group and Huaiji County. It plans to invest 2 million yuan in construction funds and a planned site area of ​​6.7 acres. After completion, the park will be open to the public, further improving the ecological leisure and greening level of the park, and providing a place for cultural exchanges and social activities for the surrounding people.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

Huaiji Release 2024-09-05 20:51 Guangdong, China

The close relationship between Guangzhou and Huaiji County should be attributed to the construction and development of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone.

In March 2012, the Party Committees and Governments of Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhaoqing determined that the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Economic Cooperation Zone would be located in Huaiji. The planned area of ​​the starting area is 10 square kilometers, divided into Zone A and Zone B for development and construction.

Currently, there are 193 projects in the park, with a total investment of 16 billion yuan.

the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone.

In September 2023, Tianhe District of Guangzhou City established a counterpart industrial cooperation relationship with Huaiji County. In accordance with the city-county cooperation and the coordinated promotion of industrial development in the county, the Tianhe District and Huaiji County jointly built industrial park in the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone (Zone B) were explored. The two sides introduced four new projects with a total investment of 547 million yuan that year through joint investment promotion, sharing of investment promotion information, building of industrial investment promotion platform, and docking and negotiation activities.

At the same time, the two parties jointly invested funds to support the high-quality construction of the industrial transfer cooperation park and promote the overall quality and efficiency of the economic cooperation zone. In 2024, a total of 18 park construction and infrastructure supporting projects were jointly planned, with a total investment of about 115 million yuan, of which about 62 million yuan was invested in Tianhe District's special assistance funds, vigorously promoting the standardization of industrial parks.

the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone

From September 4 to 5, 2024, Wang Huanqing, deputy mayor of Guangzhou Municipal Government, led a municipal government delegation to Huaiji to investigate the docking industrial cooperation work. Li Xingwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, and county leaders Yu Xiaojun, Chen Tengda, Jiang Jianjun, and Huang Zhiwei accompanied the investigation.

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

The investigation team visited the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, Laimeng (Huaiji) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Sanyue Nature Reserve Science Popularization and Research Base, Red Cone King Ancient Tree Park, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base Trading and Expo Center. Through on-site inspections, listening to reports, and watching promotional videos, they learned in detail about the planning and construction of our county's industrial parks, the landing of industrial investment, the cooperation of counterpart industries in the park jointly built by Tianhe District and Huaiji County, as well as the arduous struggle of the "Yueshan Afforestation Campaign" and the construction of the Red Cone King Ancient Tree Park.

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

The research team fully affirmed the phased achievements of the construction of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, and stated that Guangzhou will earnestly implement the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and in accordance with the principle of "what Huaiji needs and what Guangzhou can do", continue to find the entry points and focus points of industrial cooperation, improve and perfect the industrial transfer docking mechanism, and jointly promote the construction of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, further give play to Huaiji's location and ecological resource advantages, promote the orderly transfer of industries, and promote regional coordinated development. It is hoped that the two sides will integrate resource advantages, work together and move forward hand in hand, and carry out all-round and multi-field in-depth counterpart cooperation to jointly promote high-quality development in the two places.

Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, expressed his sincere gratitude to Guangzhou for its long-term strong support for Huaiji's economic and social development, especially for docking industrial cooperation. He said that Huaiji will transform the glorious tradition of "Yueshan afforestation" into an effective practice to promote the high-quality development of Huaiji, actively seize the historical opportunity of the provincial party committee to implement the "hundreds of millions of projects", give full play to Huaiji's advantages in history and culture, ecological environment, natural resources, and transportation location, strengthen cooperation with Guangzhou in industrial docking, talent exchange, scientific and technological innovation, establish a normalized cooperation mechanism, promote industrial upgrading and regional coordinated development, and strive to achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefit and win-win results.

We hope that entrepreneurs all over the world can go to Huaiji County and take a look when they are free.

Maybe you can find an investment opportunity that suits you.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Monday, August 26, 2024

Deepen cross-border cooperation! This is how Huaiji County, China expands its industrial advantages

Deepen cross-border cooperation! This is how Huaiji County, China expands its industrial advantages

Invest in Asia August 20, 2024 22:03 Guangdong, China

On August 19, 2024, Huaiji County and Shunde District jointly held the "Huaiji Taste·Shunde Cooking" Food Carnival at S-Park Sports Park, Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Foshan City.

Huaiji has high-quality ingredients, and Shunde, as the world's food capital and the hometown of Chinese chefs, the event will build a rural revitalization exhibition and sales platform and a window for product display and exchange through the strong cooperation and complementary advantages of the two places, further enhance the popularity of Huaiji agricultural and sideline products in Shunde, and open up the last mile of agricultural product sales.

At the event, Zhaoqing Dayuan Supply and Marketing Agricultural Co., Ltd. and Huaiji County Hexing Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. signed production and marketing cooperation agreements with Shunde District Longjiang Town Rural Revitalization Agricultural and Sideline Products Exhibition and Sales Center and Foshan Yilixiangfan Catering Management Co., Ltd. respectively.

Enterprises in Huaiji County and Shunde District signed production and marketing cooperation agreements.
Enterprises in Huaiji County and Shunde District signed production and marketing cooperation agreements.

Enterprises in Huaiji County and Shunde District signed a production and marketing cooperation agreement.
Enterprises in Huaiji County and Shunde District signed a production and marketing cooperation agreement.

Huaiji County has the reputation of "the hometown of Lingnan vegetables". Huaiji is based on the functional positioning of Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline products distribution base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Zhaoqing Industrial Base for East-West Cooperation in Guangdong Province, focusing on the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to build the vegetable industry into a leading industry for enriching the people.

Source Huaiji Release

Huaiji County is the distribution base of green agricultural and sideline products in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and also the hometown of Lingnan vegetables. It has more than 80 provincial and above agricultural brands such as national geographical indication products, national famous and special new agricultural products, and "Guangdong-branded" agricultural brands. The output of specialty agricultural products such as grains, vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry ranks among the top in the city. It is a veritable "rice bag", "vegetable basket", "fruit plate" and "meat case" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Source Guangdong Agriculture and Rural Areas

Huaiji will continue to strengthen the promotion and publicity of the "Huaiji Taste" regional public brand, further enhance the brand value and competitiveness, and continue to polish the "golden signboard"!

As a large agricultural county, Huaiji strives to promote the development of the entire agricultural industry chain, strengthen the promotion and publicity of the Huaiji Taste regional public brand, promote the application of standardized production models, and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the brand; through participating in exhibition and sales activities, it continuously enhances the popularity and reputation of agricultural products.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

World movie information | Filming in Zhaoqing! The film will be released nationwide on September 10, 2024----Huineng Prequel--The wisdom of the master

World movie information | Filming in Zhaoqing! The film will be released nationwide on September 10, 2024----Huineng Prequel--The wisdom of the master

World Film Information  August 21, 2024  NewYork

The first scheduled trailer is released!

The movie "Huineng Prequel", which is based on the history and culture of Zhaoqing and shot in Zhaoqing, will be released nationwide on September 10, 2024!

Movie English name : The wisdom of the master

huaiji,sihui,Zhaoqing,china,Huineng Prequel,The wisdom of the master,Newyork,Sixth Patriarch Huineng,Fifth Patriarch Hongren,Zen Buddhism,

The movie uncovers a history that goes back thousands of years, telling the legend of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng from a woodcutter to a Patriarch.

huaiji,sihui,Zhaoqing,china,Huineng Prequel,The wisdom of the master,Newyork,Sixth Patriarch Huineng,Fifth Patriarch Hongren,Zen Buddhism,

In the movie, the Fifth Patriarch Hongren is old and needs to find a successor among his disciples. Just when many disciples thought that the successor of the Fifth Patriarch must be Shenxiu, Hongren handed over the mantle of teaching the Dharma to Huineng, who was a woodcutter. This triggered the story of Huineng hiding in Huaiji and Sihui Mountains for fifteen years.

Why was the movie chosen to shoot in Zhaoqing? What is the story between the Sixth Patriarch Huineng and Zhaoqing?

Let’s take a look~

Huineng, one of the "Three Great Saints of the East", the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism

The Sixth Patriarch Huineng

△The Sixth Patriarch Huineng

"When you feel pregnant, stop; when you meet, you hide"

Huineng practiced in Zhaoqing for 15 years, and finally became famous and became the Sixth Patriarch.

The cast of ‌Hui Neng Prequel‌ includes:

‌Sixth Patriarch Huineng‌ :  played by Lin Jiangguo

Huian‌: played by Li Ming

‌Leader‌: played by Tang Zhenzong

‌Yang Zhenshan‌: played by Chen Zhihui

On January 16, 2024, "Hui Neng Prequel" won the Best Film Award and Best Producer Award at the 4th Asian Chinese Film Festival in Macau

Don’t miss this movie!

電影資訊|在肇慶(四會市、懷集縣)取景!這部電影9月10日全國上映《慧能前傳》----Sixth Patriarch Huineng


電影資訊 2024年08月21日 21:35 中國廣東


慧能前傳,Sixth Patriarch Huineng,The wisdom of the master,






「東方三大聖人」之一 禪宗六祖慧能

六祖慧能 Sixth Patriarch Huineng

△六祖慧能 Sixth Patriarch Huineng














△圖源 四會發布































为什么武则天立无字碑? 为什么六祖慧能不传文字?


Why did the Sixth Patriarch Huineng choose Sihui as a hiding place?




The cinema film "Friend" [Chinese name: 知音] filmed in Sihui has started shooting! Come and watch

Documentary "Reborn Land": Pay attention to Zhaoqing's rural revitalization and tell China's story to the world

Monday, July 15, 2024

Good news for investment promotion丨Congratulations! 5 projects successfully bid for land!

Good news for investment promotion丨Congratulations! 5 projects successfully bid for land!

Invest in Zhaoqing July 15, 2024 21:41 Guangdong, China

On July 11, 2024, 5 projects including Huaiji County Xinli Metal Products Intelligent Manufacturing Project and Zefeng Beef Cattle Fattening and Slaughtering Cold Chain Deep Processing Project successfully bid for land.

01 Xinli Metal Products Intelligent Manufacturing Project

The project is invested and constructed by Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd. The project is located in Zone B of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. The planned investment is 83 million yuan and covers an area of ​​30 acres. It mainly produces metal products, plastic products, kitchenware products, mold manufacturing, etc. After the project is completed and put into production, the annual output value is expected to be about 140 million yuan.

Investor Profile

Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd. mainly engages in the research and development, production of aluminum alloy die-casting parts, metal die-casting parts, and kitchenware manufacturing. The company was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 2022 and a Guangdong Province Specialized and New Enterprise in 2023. The company's technical research and development team is composed of a group of engineers with profound professional knowledge and rich practical experience. It is able to provide customers with professional foreign trade services, and the company's export business accounts for 52%.

02 Hongpin Metal High-end Manufacturing Project

The project is invested and constructed by Foshan Nanhai Hongpin Hardware Products Co., Ltd. The project is located in Area B of Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, with a planned investment of 76 million yuan and an area of ​​20 acres. It mainly produces automobile cooling parts, automobile heating parts, hardware and bathroom accessories, medical care accessories, etc. After the project is completed and put into production, the annual output value is expected to be about 87 million yuan.

Investor Profile

Foshan Nanhai Hongpin Hardware Products Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of metal structural parts. It has advanced production equipment and process technology, and can carry out customized production according to customer needs. It has introduced high-quality precision pneumatic stamping machines, automated metal hydraulic stretching production lines, etc., and has been committed to becoming a leading domestic manufacturer of metal molds and parts.

03 Hongqi Plastic Granulating Machinery Manufacturing Project

The project is invested and constructed by Hongqi Machinery Factory in Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City. The project is located in Zone B of Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, with a planned investment of 50 million yuan and an area of ​​19.58 acres. It mainly produces single and twin screw plastic granulators and their supporting equipment. After the project is completed and put into production, the annual output value is expected to be about 60 million yuan.

Investor Profile

Hongqi Machinery Factory in Xingtan Town, Shunde District, Foshan City was established in October 2011. For many years, it has been committed to the research and development and production of single and twin screw plastic extruders, pelletizers, vibrating screening machines, feeders, vertical mixers, water tank dehumidifiers, blowers, crushers, paint stripping (degree) machines, and other supporting equipment. The company is a professional manufacturer integrating design, research and development, and production of various plastic granulating equipment. It has been producing plastic granulating equipment in the mainland for more than ten years.

04 Zefeng beef cattle fattening, slaughtering and cold chain deep processing project

The project is invested and constructed by Huaiji County Zefeng Agriculture Co., Ltd. The project is located in the slaughtering park of Caolang Village, Wenlang Town, with a planned investment of 400 million yuan and an area of ​​31.32 acres. It is mainly engaged in slaughtering fresh beef and deep processing of meat products. After the project is completed and put into production, the annual output value is expected to be about 1.065 billion yuan.

Investor Profile

Huaiji County Zefeng Agriculture Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013 and covers an area of ​​about 500 acres. The company is committed to developing ecological green agriculture, taking the strategy of quality and brand development, focusing on the quality and safety of agricultural products, and building a product testing laboratory. The Huaiji cattle breeding demonstration base built by the company has been equipped with a forage production base.

05 Gan's Quail Slaughtering and Processing Project

The project is invested and constructed by Guangdong Gan's Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. The project is located in the slaughtering park of Caolang Village, Wenlang Town, with a planned investment of 70 million yuan and an area of ​​18.18 acres. It is mainly engaged in fresh and frozen quail and deep-processed products. After the project is completed and put into production, the annual output value is expected to be about 70 million yuan.

Investor Profile

Guangdong Gan's Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. was established in October 2018. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating quail breeding, feeding, slaughtering, deep processing of frozen food, warehousing and logistics sales, and southern medicine planting.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436



投資肇慶 2024年07月15日 21:41 廣東


01 新力金屬製品智造項目




02  泓品金屬高端製造項目




03  鴻企塑膠造粒機械製造項目




04  澤豐肉牛育肥屠宰冷鏈深加工項目




05  甘氏鷓鴣屠宰加工項目




Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Huaiji Release July 5, 2024 10:48 Guangdong, China

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoi

Huaiji has six large reservoirs, one of which was built in the 1970s by the farmers of the whole commune with their hands and shoulders.

That is the Hulang Reservoir located in the north of Maning Town, Huaiji County.

The Hulang Reservoir Dam is 26.8 meters high, 231 meters long, 5 meters wide at the top, 186 meters wide at the bottom, and about 350,000 cubic meters of earth dam. The catchment area is 13.35 square kilometers and the total capacity is 12.04 million cubic meters. It is a medium-sized reservoir integrating flood control, irrigation, power generation, domestic water supply, aquaculture, hydrological observation, and tourism. The Hulang Reservoir area has beautiful scenery, lush ferns, and a wide vegetation coverage. From the satellite map, it seems like a pearl inlaid in the mountains.

However, this huge reservoir was built by expropriating land for free. In the absence of mechanical equipment, the people worked hard for more than five years with their flesh and blood to flatten the four hills on both sides of the dam and build a reservoir dam of more than 350,000 cubic meters.

From scratch, the villagers gave up their land for free to build the reservoir

In the 1970s, in order to better protect the green mountains and clear waters, so that the people can see the blue sky and white clouds and drink clean water, Huaiji County decided to build the Hulang Reservoir in the Hulang Brigade of Maning Commune. Of the six production teams in the Hulang Brigade, except for the two production teams of Pingshanzhai and Shanweizhai, the remaining four production teams of Anning, Linwu, Tanwu and Shazhou were all relocated. Anning moved to a post at the Hulang Pass, and the collective unified planning and reconstruction was named Xincun; the three production teams of Linwu, Tanwu and Shazhou moved to the higher mountainside of the reservoir area to choose a site for reconstruction. In that era of work points, there was no concept of compensation for demolition and land expropriation. The Party Committee and the government are responsible for leveling the land, dismantling the houses, transporting the raw materials, building the same area of ​​civil structure tile houses in other places, and exempting the villagers from the public grain.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

The simple and kind-hearted people in the mountain villages actively responded to the call of the Party, without any complaints, reluctantly gave up their fields and houses, actively cooperated with the relocation, and built new homes in other places. During the relocation process, the masses did not bargain, did not ask for compensation, and there were no "nail households".

Gathering forces to build a water conservancy barrier

The Hulang Reservoir began to build the dam in 1972 and was completed and put into operation in 1977, which took more than five years. During these five years, Maning Commune insisted on the leadership of party building, gave full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and party members and cadres took the lead in the front line, leading the people to actively invest in the construction of the reservoir dam. Under the leadership of party members and cadres, local villagers actively responded to the call, prepared their own production tools, took the initiative to work, and stayed in a simple thatched shed near the mountain near the dam for a long time. They built their own stoves and lived on the mountain tops. They worked hard, overcame difficulties, and built a solid water conservancy barrier with their flesh and blood.

All people participate, and the united assault battle

The party organization fully trusts and relies on the masses. In addition to the transfer of migrant workers, it summons all the labor of each production team in the two periods of spring planting and autumn harvest every year, and brings their own meals to the reservoir construction site to voluntarily carry mud and build dams, and conduct assault battles. The efficiency of the assault battle is not high, but the assault battles in two periods every year can raise the dam by 2 to 3 meters. In the era without mechanical equipment, the use of mass assault battles is a good choice.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Work hard for a long time, and continue to struggle to protect the green mountains and clear waters

Most of the migrant workers who stay at the construction site are doing the work of transporting mud and building dams. Migrant workers with special skills do high-tech work such as chiseling and blasting rocks, building stone walls, and building culverts. For the migrant workers, the sound of the radio broadcast from the construction site command center is the command signal for their work and life. Due to the high mountains and steep roads, the terrain is steep, and the wheelbarrow has no brake device, when transporting mud down the mountain, one person can only step on the rear of the car to drag the sand, and two people use their shoulders to carry the two handlebars with difficulty, and then slowly move backwards. When they arrived at the dam, the three people used their hands and feet, one person pulled and two people pushed, and arduously transported the mud to the designated location for filling. In this way, they went back and forth more than ten times every day without interruption, and evacuated the construction site by pulling the wheelbarrow at 11 noon. Because the construction site set off the "mud cannon" on time at 12 o'clock, in order to ensure safety, there were special people guarding the safety work. Everyone near the site had to evacuate, and people and animals were prohibited from entering. "Mud cannon" is to use a long-handled iron shovel to dig a round hole with a diameter of 15 cm and a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters, and then put in explosives, detonators, and fuses. When the time comes, ignite and blast to loosen the soil and make it easier for migrant workers to load. Generally, it is set once in the afternoon and evening. At 2 pm, the construction site broadcast sounded and continued to transport mud and build the dam. At 6 pm, the work was over. After a day, the migrant workers were exhausted, covered in mud and sweat, dragging their tired bodies back to the shed. Day after day, they worked hard to start a business, and batches of villagers continued to struggle.

Liang Linsheng from Maning Town was one of the workers who transported mud and built the dam. In August 1974, Liang Linsheng had just graduated from high school and was arranged by the production team to work as a migrant worker at the Hulang Reservoir construction site. He did heavy physical work, ate white rice with pickled cabbage, and lived in a thatched hut that was leaky and full of insects and rats. In addition to transporting mud and building dams, he also took turns to cook three meals a day for the migrant workers in his team. Regardless of the scorching sun in summer or the biting cold wind, he insisted on working every day for one year and six months, using his youth and sweat to make positive contributions to the construction of the Hulang Reservoir Dam.

Upgrading and renovating to solve the problem of drinking water

After the reform and opening up, the social economy has transformed, science and technology has developed rapidly, and large-scale modern machinery and equipment have been used in rural areas. In 2003, the Hulang Reservoir used the abundant water resources of the reservoir to build a water plant. The siphon technology (also known as the reverse suction technology) can continuously divert clean and hygienic water from the reservoir to the water plant without the need for electricity to pump water, greatly reducing the cost of water production. It was completed and put into operation in 2004, solving the drinking water problem of thousands of households in Maning. In 2017, the pipe network and capacity expansion were upgraded and renovated, and the daily water supply can reach 4,000 tons, further improving the water supply capacity, expanding the water supply coverage, and benefiting more people. Today, the Hulang Reservoir not only provides safe, clean and hygienic drinking water for the people of Maning, but also ensures the living water supply for more than 70,000 villagers in dozens of villages such as Huashi Village and Dazhai in the surrounding Liangcun Town.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

A reservoir has witnessed a period of history. More than 50 years ago, the vast number of farmers in Maning Town worked together to build the Hulang Reservoir with their flesh and blood in just five years, witnessing a period of intensive labor achievement in Huaiji County. Over the past 40 years, the Hulang Reservoir has not only played the role of ensuring water supply for life and agricultural production, but also played an economic benefit in the form of power generation, playing an active role in maintaining ecological harmony and social comprehensive benefits.

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Huaiji Release July 6, 2024 18:02 Guangdong, China

On July 5, 2024, Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, led a team to Foshan City to visit and inspect enterprises, actively promote Huaiji's investment environment, promote the accelerated signing and implementation of high-quality projects, and build momentum for Huaiji's high-quality development. Deputy County Mayor, Director of the Management Committee of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone Li Zechu participated in the event.

Yu Xiaojun and his party successively visited the production workshops and product display areas of Foshan Chengming Printing Co., Ltd. and Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd., and learned in detail about the company's development history, production operations, foreign trade orders, technology research and development, vision planning, etc., and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations with the company leaders on matters related to project cooperation.

At the symposium, Yu Xiaojun introduced in detail the location advantages, resource endowments, business environment, preferential policies, and factor guarantees of Huaiji. He sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Huaiji, deepen their roots in Huaiji, drive more projects and upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in Huaiji, and help Huaiji build a full industrial chain. He said that he hoped that the two sides would strengthen docking in an all-round way and accelerate the planning and implementation of projects. Huaiji County will continue to create a first-class business environment, with the greatest sincerity, the best policies, and the strongest services to help enterprises take root in Huaiji and develop rapidly, and achieve opportunity sharing and mutual benefit and win-win results.

The heads of enterprises have expressed that they are very optimistic about the investment prospects of Huaiji and are willing to establish a close cooperative relationship with Huaiji. They will accelerate the implementation of project construction, see results, give full play to their own brand advantages, technical advantages, talent advantages, etc., find more points of cooperation between the two sides, and enable Huaiji to achieve high-quality development while realizing enterprise development.

The heads of departments such as the Huaiji County Party Committee Office, Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center, and Huaiji Branch of the Municipal Environmental Bureau participated in the event.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Monday, July 8, 2024

"Going out" without stopping! Zhaoqing investment promotion team went to many places to carry out investment promotion activities

"Going out" without stopping! Zhaoqing investment promotion team went to many places to carry out investment promotion activities

Invest in Zhaoqing July 08, 2024 22:10 Guangdong, China

Recently, the Zhaoqing investment promotion team has actively "gone out" and has been going to various places to carry out investment promotion activities without stopping, showing firm determination and vigorous vitality.

Gaoyao District

Since July 2024, the Gaoyao District Investment Promotion Team has targeted the "3+1+1" industries and went to Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places to carry out investment promotion activities.

From July 4 to 5, 2024, Gaoyao District Party Secretary Chen Depei led the inspection team to Nantong, Yancheng and other places in Jiangsu to carry out investment promotion activities around modern agriculture, food and beverage pre-prepared dishes, equipment manufacturing, metal processing and other industries. The inspection team visited key enterprises such as Jiangsu Kangrui Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zhongya Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Guangdong Hongtu Nantong Die Casting Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Hualu Technology Co., Ltd. The team visited the production workshop on site to understand the production and operation of the enterprise and its development plan, and actively promoted Gaoyao's superior business environment and investment advantages, and sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Gaoyao. The inspection team also visited Jiangsu Kangde Egg Industry Co., Ltd., and had in-depth discussions with the company's senior management on the details of the cooperation in egg chicken breeding and egg deep processing projects, and pushed the project to be signed and settled as soon as possible.

From July 1 to 3, 2024, Li Guanyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Gaoyao District Party Committee and Executive Deputy District Mayor, led the inspection team to Shanghai and Jiangsu Province to carry out industrial investment promotion activities around park construction, low-altitude economy, prefabricated buildings, and pre-prepared food industries. The inspection team visited several high-quality leading enterprises, including the Shanghai Branch of China Wuye Group Co., Ltd., Fengfei Aviation Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Lingjie Technology Group Co., Ltd., visited the production workshop on site, and held discussions with the company's senior management to gain an in-depth understanding of the company's production and operation, development plans, and investment needs. During the period, the inspection team also participated in the "20th Annual Meeting of the China Foundry Association", seized the opportunity of the annual meeting, actively communicated and connected, vigorously promoted the development advantages of Gaoyao District's foundry industry, and warmly invited relevant enterprises of the foundry association to Gaoyao for inspection, deepening exchanges, interactions and investment cooperation.

Gaoyao District will continue to adhere to the combination of "going out and bringing in", vigorously carry out precise investment promotion in the industrial chain, further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district, accelerate high-quality development, and add new momentum to the city's economic quality improvement and efficiency.

Huaiji County

On July 5, 2024, Yu Xiaojun, Secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, led a team to visit and inspect enterprises in Foshan City, actively promote the investment environment of Huaiji, promote the accelerated signing and implementation of high-quality projects, and build momentum for Huaiji's high-quality development.

The Huaiji investment promotion team visited the production workshops and product display areas of Foshan Chengming Printing Co., Ltd. and Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd., and learned in detail about the company's development history, production operations, foreign trade orders, technology research and development, vision planning, etc., and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations with the company leaders on matters related to project cooperation.

At the subsequent symposium, Yu Xiaojun gave a detailed introduction to Huaiji's location advantages, resource endowments, business environment, preferential policies, and factor guarantees. He sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Huaiji, deepen Huaiji, drive more projects and upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in Huaiji, and help Huaiji build a full industrial chain. He said that he hoped that the two sides would strengthen docking in an all-round way and accelerate the planning and implementation of projects. Huaiji County will continue to create a first-class business environment, with the greatest sincerity, the best policies, and the strongest services to help enterprises take root in Huaiji and develop rapidly, and achieve opportunity sharing and mutual benefit and win-win results.

The heads of enterprises have expressed that they are very optimistic about Huaiji's investment prospects and are willing to establish a close cooperative relationship with Huaiji. They will accelerate the implementation of project construction, see results, find more points of cooperation between the two sides, and enable Huaiji to develop with high quality while realizing enterprise development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436



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