Friday, October 27, 2023

Bay Area Rookie Starts a New Game—Zhaoqing fully promotes the construction of agglomeration areas and accelerates the realization of "two positionings"

Bay Area Rookie Starts a New Game—Zhaoqing fully promotes the construction of agglomeration areas and accelerates the realization of "two positionings"

The large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong (Zhaoqing) is the main area for attracting foreign investment in China.

Source: Southern Magazine Author: Lu Yi Quan Rensheng

◎Lu Yi Quan Rensheng

The planned area is 992 square kilometers, with a starting area of 136.94 square kilometers. The goal is to target a trillion-level industrial cluster... Recently, the large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) was officially unveiled, and a planning and construction headquarters inauguration ceremony was held, attracting attention from all walks of life.

Looking around the large-scale industrial clusters, major projects such as CATL, Xpeng Motors, Fenghua Hi-Tech, and Jintian Copper are accelerating. The industrial chain continues to expand upstream and downstream, and the "4+4" industrial cluster development pattern has initially taken shape. In the future, this place will emerge as the main battlefield for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's manufacturing industry, and it is also expected to be promoted to the first choice for undertaking industrial overflow from the core area of the Greater Bay Area.

As the trumpet for the construction of large-scale industrial clusters is sounded, a profound change is rewriting the pattern and future of Zhaoqing. Bay Area rookies who have been accumulating strength for a long time are constantly approaching the "critical point" as they seize opportunities and compete for the first place, and are about to usher in a qualitative leap.

Gathering momentum:

Concentrate efforts to achieve "two positionings"

Whether in traditional painting or in a development blueprint, how to arrange the situation is very important. In the drawing of Guangdong’s high-quality development picture, Zhaoqing has always had high hopes.

In April 2018, Li Xi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, visited Zhaoqing for investigation and proposed that "Zhaoqing New District should be built according to the highest, best and best plans at home and abroad" and "create a modern new district and high-quality development engine that highlights Chinese characteristics and Lingnan culture", etc. Require.

In February 2019, the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Plan Outline" positioned Zhaoqing as an important node city, clarifying that it will play an important role in accelerating the development of advanced manufacturing and optimizing the layout of the manufacturing industry.

In July 2019, Zhaoqing became one of the "one core" in Guangdong's regional development pattern of "one core, one belt and one district". Relevant documents propose supporting important node cities to leverage their own advantages, highlight their industrial characteristics, and enhance their overall strength.

In 2020 and 2021, Guangdong’s five major metropolitan areas will emerge. Zhaoqing people have since joined the 4 trillion Guangzhou metropolitan area and become "insiders".

Recently, the Provincial Party Committee has given Zhaoqing the mission and goal of “building a western growth pole in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and a modern new city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, injecting great impetus into writing a new chapter.

On one side, the country and Guangdong are building momentum, and on the other hand, Zhaoqing is also building momentum strongly. From "half a pearl and half a mountain" to "a rookie in the Bay Area", Zhaoqing has found its positioning, worked hard to catch up, and achieved impressive results in recent years. In the past five years, the regional GDP and the added value of industries above designated size have grown at an average annual rate of 6.2% and 8% respectively; the number of industrial enterprises above designated size has increased to 1,356, an increase of 22.6%, and the comprehensive strength has reached a new level.

In January 2022, the provincial government work report proposed to accelerate the construction of seven large-scale industrial clusters including Zhaoqing, introduce large projects, cultivate large industries, and prioritize electronic information, new energy, advanced materials, biomedicine and health, and high-end equipment manufacturing. and other industries. This move means that there is more solid industrial support for accelerating the realization of the "two positionings", which makes the spirit of the city's cadres and masses even more "burning"!

"Building a large-scale industrial cluster is a major strategic task assigned to Zhaoqing by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. It is the number one strategic platform for Zhaoqing's future development and a major strategic opportunity for Zhaoqing to accelerate industrial revitalization and build a new manufacturing city." Zhang Aijun, Secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, said in a speech At the opening ceremony of the Planning and Construction Headquarters, it was made clear that the planning and construction of agglomeration areas should be regarded as the number one project for industrial revitalization in the city, and the whole city should use the strength of the city to promote the construction of agglomeration areas to achieve early results.

Take advantage of the momentum:

"Ten Special Actions" to take the initiative

At present, this dynamic ancient city is taking advantage of the strong wind.

"Drive overall advancement with key breakthroughs!" Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee has deployed "Ten Special Actions": continue to step up the implementation of special actions for investment promotion and implementation of industrial projects, continue to step up the implementation of special actions for enterprise capital increase and expansion, and continue to step up efforts to implement the quality improvement of industrial parks Special actions to increase efficiency, continue to step up the implementation of special actions for infrastructure construction investment, continue to step up efforts to implement special actions for innovation-driven development, continue to step up efforts to implement special actions for new urbanization construction, continue to step up efforts to implement special actions for the construction of open cooperation platforms, and continue to step up efforts to implement special actions for the construction of open cooperation platforms. We will vigorously implement special actions to develop modern agriculture, continue to step up efforts to implement special actions to build beautiful villages that are livable and tourist-friendly, and continue to step up efforts to implement special actions to revitalize tourism, so as to be "fully prepared" to take the initiative in economic development.

The COVID-19 epidemic has rebounded from time to time, but it has been difficult to stop Zhaoqing's development. Under the leadership of the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, cloud investment promotion and cloud signing actions have been frequent. In 2022, 11 of the first batch of industrial investment projects will be "cloud signed", with a total investment of 13.4 billion yuan. The projects cover new energy vehicles and auto parts, electronic information, metal processing, green building materials and modern service industries, including cross-border A number of major projects by Jingsuo, Xinxiehang, Haost, Lirui, Huijiang Group and other enterprises.

Through the "100,000,000,000" project to strengthen the city through industry, we can get a glimpse of Zhaoqing's ambitions and ambitions in the introduction of projects. "One, Ten, Hundred, Ten, Ten Thousand" respectively represents the establishment of a large-scale industrial cluster in Jianqiang, striving to introduce more than 100 new industrial projects with investment exceeding one billion yuan in the next five years, cultivating 10 enterprises with an output value exceeding ten billion yuan, and creating There are more than 3 industrial clusters worth 100 billion yuan, and the total industrial output value will exceed one trillion yuan as soon as possible, which is impressive.

It is worth noting that Zhaoqing is not attracting projects for the sake of attracting projects, but is strengthening investment in the industrial chain, targeting leading enterprises, giving full play to its industrial driving force and talent gathering power, and carrying out "chain building", "strengthening the chain" and "replenishing the chain". , thereby maximizing the formation of agglomeration effects, achieving the multiple purposes of attracting projects, strengthening leaders, and supplementing chains, and strive to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

On the one hand, to expand the quantity, on the other hand, to optimize the existing quantity, Zhaoqing insists on “two wheels turning together”. This year, we will launch a special campaign to increase capital and expand production by enterprises. We will support 50 high-quality companies such as Xpeng Motors, Yuanqi Forestry, and Honda Metal to increase capital and expand production through measures such as prioritizing site selection and increasing credit support, and strive to implement 200 capital increase and production expansion projects. Above, there are more than 50 projects with investment exceeding 30 million yuan.

When the land is mature, one piece will be supplied. The construction machinery will arrive first. The land leveling will start first, and the procedures will be stepped up later... In the two municipal starting areas of Sihui Dasha and Dinghu Lianhua, Duanzhou, Dinghu New District, Gaoyao, In the five local starting areas of Sihui and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, infrastructure and service supporting projects are being accelerated to further enhance the industrial carrying capacity and development level of the agglomeration areas.

Through a multi-pronged approach of introducing projects, strengthening leaders, supplementing chains, building platforms, and clusters, large-scale industrial clusters are taking shape at an accelerated pace, and the new manufacturing city in the western part of the Greater Bay Area is developing rapidly.

Gain momentum:

“Look east, rush east” and the future is promising

As the Zhaoqing speed and Zhaoqing phenomenon become more and more normal, a new value highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is about to emerge. The cadres and masses in Zhaoqing are more confident in "looking eastward and rushing eastward", and they have a stronger sense of identity and participation when talking about the "core area of the Pearl River Delta and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area".

These gratifying changes are more real and tangible through a series of data. In 2021, Zhaoqing will take the opportunity of building a large-scale industrial cluster to introduce 601 new "4+4" industrial chain projects. Prioritize the overall layout around new energy vehicles and auto parts, electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing and other industries, including 80 new energy vehicle and auto parts industry introduction projects, 77 electronic information industry introduction projects, and 268 metal processing industry introduction projects. From January to February 2022, the city's key projects completed an investment of 11.004 billion yuan, completing 17.5% of the annual planned investment, faster than the time schedule.

Behind the achievements exceeding expectations, it benefits from the local philosophy that "there is no best business environment, only better". In recent years, Zhaoqing has created a "Zhaoqing-wide" service brand, providing closed-loop tracking services throughout the project life cycle to ensure "Zhaoqing services and daily progress." Party committees and governments at all levels regard optimizing the business environment as the "nugget" for deepening reforms, constantly improve the normal communication mechanism between the party, government and enterprises, and are the first in the province to launch the Zhaoshangtong·Zhaoqing Ten Thousand Enterprises Appeal Service Platform to provide enterprises with a one-stop service "Butler" service. The Second Plenary Session of the 13th Municipal Party Committee held this year also reviewed and approved the "Opinions of Zhaoqing City on Optimizing the Business Environment and Improving the Capacity Level of Service Enterprises", which covers five aspects: market environment, government environment, factor guarantees, legal environment, and humanistic environment. , 20 measures have been formulated to optimize the business environment and improve the capabilities of service enterprises. This series of good experiences and practices has created a strong atmosphere of valuing business, being pro-business, loving business, and benefiting business.

Starting this year, the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have held a party-government-enterprise communication symposium every quarter to form an institutional arrangement and bring together a powerful force to promote high-quality development in Zhaoqing. At a special symposium on capital increase and production expansion held in the first quarter, entrepreneurs raised 19 issues that needed to be resolved through coordination, and relevant departments immediately arranged dedicated personnel to track and coordinate solutions. So far, 8 cases have been solved and the rest are being advanced in an orderly manner.

"Through inspections and docking, we deeply felt that Zhaoqing has a good business environment, and Zhaoqing has a bright future with great potential." said Zhou Yunxian, chairman of Zhuhai Hengqin Cross-border Network Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to promote the in-depth "integration of the industrial chain innovation chain into the Bay", Zhaoqing unswervingly regards "looking east and rushing east" as the focus of transportation infrastructure construction, focusing on connecting Guangzhou and Foshan, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao, and accelerating the construction of "six horizontal lines" We will build a more convenient and reasonable expressway network such as the "Six Verticals", accelerate the completion and opening of the first phase of the Zhaoming Expressway, strive to start the construction of the Foshan-Zhaoyun Expressway, further improve the Pearl River Delta hub (Guangzhou New) airport collection and distribution expressway, etc., and further shorten time and space. distance and shorten the industrial distance. At the same time, by guiding financial services to the real economy, we continue to carry out industrial land consolidation and improvement, vigorously implement ten measures to ensure enterprise employment, and implement energy budget management to provide all-factor guarantee for project implementation.

The momentum has arrived, and time waits not for us. Taking the construction of large-scale industrial clusters as the key starting point, Zhaoqing is marching towards the realization of "two positionings" with an indomitable attitude of struggle and an unhindered mental state, and a new start for new talents in the Bay Area can be expected.

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