Friday, October 27, 2023

A county in Guangdong, named after the meeting of four rivers. It is one of the earliest four counties in Guangdong.広東省の県。4 つの川の合流にちなんで名づけられ、広東省で最も古い 4 県の 1 つです。

Guangdong Province is located at the southern tip of mainland my country, south of the Nanling Mountains and on the coast of the South China Sea. It is the southern gate of my country. The provincial capital is Guangzhou. Guangdong belonged to Baiyue in ancient times. After the Qin Dynasty Ping Lingnan, it began to be included in the Chinese territory. Most of it belonged to Nanhai County. Guangdong was named after the Lingnan East Road in the Tang Dynasty and the Guangnan East Road in the Song Dynasty. It was officially established as a province in the early Ming Dynasty and was the earliest province established in my country. one.

After more than two thousand years of immigration and development, Guangdong has formed a unique Lingnan culture. It has a unique style in language, customs and other historical and cultural aspects, and retains many ancient characteristics. Today, Guangdong Province has become the most economically developed province in my country. . Guangdong has been included in the territory of China since the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty established counties and counties here. Today's Guangdong Province is divided into three counties: Nanhai, Xiangjun, and Guilin. Most of it belongs to Nanhai County. However, there are only four counties in the province, namely Panyu, Boluo, Longchuan and Sihui (it is said that there are five counties, in addition to the above four counties, there is also Jieyang County), Sihui County is one of the oldest counties in Guangdong.

Sihui City is located in the west of central Guangdong Province and on the northwest edge of the Pearl River Delta. It is currently a county-level city in Guangdong Province and is managed by the prefecture-level Zhaoqing City. Sihui is located at the intersection of mountains and plains. The whole area is shaped like an upright mulberry leaf. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. There are dense rivers in the territory. It is said that the name Sihui is derived from the "four rivers flowing" here.

Sihui belonged to Baiyue in ancient times. After Qinping and Baiyue, three counties were established in the south of Lingnan: Nanhai County, Guilin County, and Xiang County. Most of them in Guangdong today belong to Nanhai County. Sihui is one of the four counties under the jurisdiction of Nanhai County (one theory is that Guilin County) is one of the earliest ancient counties in Guangdong and an ancient town in Lingnan. The Sihui in the Qin Dynasty was much larger than it is now. You can imagine that there are now 21 prefecture-level cities in Guangdong, but at that time there were only four counties. The area of one county at that time was comparable to several cities today. Although the rivers in Sihui today are closed, there are only two larger rivers, Longjiang and Suijiang. However, in the Qin Dynasty, Sihui County had a large area, and the saying that "the four rivers flow together" still has basis. "Taiping Huanyu Ji" written in the Northern Song Dynasty has the following record: "The Four Meetings have Gujinshui in the east, Zhenjiang River in the south, Jianshui in the west, and Longjiang River in the north. All four rivers are connected, so they are named after it." The specific four "waters" are unknown due to the passage of time.

Sihui County was established in 214 BC and has a history of more than 2,200 years. It belonged to the Nanyue Kingdom at the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty destroyed the Nanyue Kingdom, it belonged to Nanhai County. Although Sihui is one of the oldest ancient counties in Guangdong, it has not had a county or state-level organization in history and its area has become smaller and smaller. From the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was mostly subordinate to Nanhai County (renamed Guangzhou in the Sui Dynasty). It was changed to Duanzhou. Duanzhou was promoted to Zhaoqing Prefecture in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Sihui County still belonged to it. In the Yuan Dynasty, Zhaoqing Prefecture was changed to Zhaoqing Road. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was still Zhaoqing Prefecture, and Sihui County was under its jurisdiction.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Sihui County's affiliation changed and it briefly merged with Guangning County twice. Sihui County successively belonged to Xijiang Prefecture, Yuezhong Administrative District, Gaoyao Prefecture, Jiangmen Prefecture, Zhaoqing Prefecture, Zhaoqing Area, etc. In 1988, the Zhaoqing area was evacuated and established as prefecture-level Zhaoqing City, under which Sihui County was affiliated. In 1993, Sihui County was changed to county-level Sihui City, which was directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province and has been managed by Zhaoqing City to this day. Now, Sihui City has a total area of 1,166.38 square kilometers and a permanent population of about 500,000. It is the famous "Hometown of Citrus in China" and "Hometown of Jade in China".

広東省の県。4 つの川の合流にちなんで名づけられ、広東省で最も古い 4 県の 1 つです。

広東省は我が国本土の南端、南嶺山脈の南、南シナ海沿岸に位置し、我が国の南の門であり、省都は広州です。 広東省は古代には白越に属していましたが、秦の時代の平嶺南以降、中国の領土に含まれ始めました。その大部分は南海県に属していました。広東省は、唐の時代の嶺南東路と広南東路にちなんで名付けられました明朝初期に正式に省として設立され、我が国で最も早く設立された省でした。

2,000 年以上の移民と発展を経て、広東省は独特の嶺南文化を形成し、言語、習慣、その他の歴史文化的側面において独特のスタイルを持ち、多くの古代の特徴を残しています。私の国の先進州です。 広東省は秦の時代から中国の領土に含まれています。秦の時代にはここに県と県が設置されました。今日の広東省は南海、翔君、桂林の 3 つの県に分かれています。その大部分は南海県に属しています。省内には番禺県、博羅県、龍川県、四会県の4県しかありません(5県あると言われていますが、上記4県の他に掲陽県もあります)、四会県は広東省で最も古い県の一つです。 。

四会市は広東省中部の西部、珠江デルタの北西端に位置し、現在は広東省の県級市であり、県級の肇慶市が管理している。 四会は山と平野の交わるところに位置し、一帯は桑の葉を直立させたような形をしており、地形は北西から南東に向かって傾斜しており、領土内には深い川が流れています。四会という名前は「」に由来するといわれています。四つの川の流れ」はこちら。

四会は古くは白越に属し、秦平、白越の後、嶺南南部に南海県、桂林県、祥軍県の3県が設立され、現在広東省のほとんどの県が南海県に属し、四会はそのうちの1つです。南海県 (一説には桂林県) の管轄下にある郡は、広東省で最も古い古代郡の 1 つであり、嶺南の古代都市です。 秦の時代の四会は現在よりもはるかに大きかったです。広東省には現在 21 の地級市がありますが、当時は 4 つの県しかありませんでした。当時の 1 県の面積は今日のいくつかの都市に匹敵します。 現在四会の河川は閉鎖されており、大きな河川は龍江と綏江の2本だけですが、秦の時代には四会県の面積は広く、「四江は合流する」という格言が今でも根拠を持っています。 北宋時代に書かれた『太平桓游記』には次のような記録があり、「四会には東に古神水、南に鎮江、西に建水、北に龍江があり、四大河はすべてつながっており、具体的な4つの「水」は時間の経過により不明です。

四会県は紀元前 214 年に設立され、2,200 年以上の歴史があり、秦の終わりから漢の初めには南越王国に属していましたが、漢の武帝が南越王国を滅ぼした後、南海県に属していた。 四会は広東省で最も古い古代県の 1 つですが、歴史上、県や州レベルの組織はなく、その面積はますます小さくなり、漢の時代から隋、唐の時代までは、ほとんどが州に従属していました。南海県(隋の時代に広州に改名)から端州に改称、北宋時代に端州は肇慶府に昇格したが、四会県は依然として同県に属していた。 元の時代に肇慶県は肇慶路と改められたが、明・清の時代にはまだ肇慶県であり、四会県が管轄していた。

中華人民共和国成立後、四会県の所属は変わり、一時的に広寧県と二度合併し、その後、西江県、越中行政区、高要県、江門県、肇慶県、肇慶区などに属した。 1988年に肇慶市は疎開され、四会県傘下の県級肇慶市となり、1993年に四会県は広東省直轄の県級四会市となり、現在に至っている。現在も肇慶市が管理している。 現在、四会市の総面積は1,166.38平方キロメートル、常住人口は約50万人で、「中国の柑橘類の故郷」「中国の翡翠の故郷」として有名です。

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