Wednesday, October 25, 2023

If your place is suitable for industry, you should engage in industry. If your area is suitable for agriculture, then you should engage in agriculture. ——Investigation on the Construction of Demonstration Townships in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province

If your place is suitable for industry, you should engage in industry.

If your area is suitable for agriculture, then you should engage in agriculture.

——Investigation on the Construction of Demonstration Townships in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province

Zhaoqing, Guangdong, located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has a strong industrial base and distinctive characteristics. However, with the rapid economic growth, the problem of unbalanced and uncoordinated development between urban and rural areas has gradually become apparent, and the need for industrial transformation and upgrading in townships has become increasingly urgent. For Zhaoqing, which has long been a "half-mountain and half-pearl", how to make up for the shortcomings in the development of counties, towns and villages is a question that must be answered to promote rural revitalization and achieve high-quality development. Recently, reporters visited many towns to see how Zhaoqing solves the problem of coordinated development between urban and rural areas.

"Guangdong is also rich, and Guangdong is poor." As one of the cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province has superior resource endowments, but it is also a microcosm of the unbalanced development between urban and rural areas in Guangdong. "Half Pearl, Half Mountain" and "Half City, Half Countryside" are Zhaoqing's largest market conditions. The east is strong and the west is weak, and the south is rich and the north is poor. With less than 30% of the city's land, the southeastern plate supports 70% of the city's total economic output. How to solve the outstanding contradictions of unbalanced and uncoordinated development? How to achieve coordinated development between urban and rural areas and better promote common prosperity?

Guangdong proposes to implement the "High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages" (hereinafter referred to as the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects") to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas towards a higher level and higher quality. This is an important development opportunity for Zhaoqing, which is eager to achieve a counterattack. Zhaoqing took the lead in promulgating a series of policies to implement the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and took the lead in exploring the construction of four demonstration towns of "two industries and two farmers", striving to transform the shortcomings in the development of counties, towns and villages into "potential boards" for high-quality development, and actively responded to The issue of coordinated regional development.

Exploring possible paths

"Zhaoqing's outstanding shortcomings in promoting modernization are in the counties, weak links are in the towns, and the most difficult and arduous tasks are in the rural areas." Zhang Aijun, secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, said bluntly. How to make up for the shortcomings and explore a feasible path for the development of Zhaoqing's townships?

Thinking deeply will lead to further success, making decisions before taking action. Zhaoqing follows the idea of ​​"working if it's suitable for work, and farming if it's suitable for agriculture". Among the 108 towns (subdistricts) in the city, it selected Jinli Town in Gaoyao District, Dasha Town in Sihui City, Xiashuai Zhuang and Yao Township in Huaiji County, and The four towns in Shapu Town, Dinghu District, are leading the demonstration of "two industries and two farmers" and implementing the "millions of projects" from point to point.

Why were these four towns chosen? Zhang Hao, executive deputy director of the Office of Zhaoqing's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" Headquarters, told reporters that Jinli Town and Dasha Town are Zhaoqing's two major industrial towns, but urbanization and industrialization have created a situation where "one leg is long and the other is short"; next Shuai Township and Shapu Town have good conditions in terms of national characteristic industries and modern agricultural industries, but lack rural revitalization highlights and town economic growth points. Selecting such pilots for exploration takes into account both typicality and diversity.

Through “setting benchmarks and setting demonstrations”, Zhaoqing is accelerating the construction of brand-new counties, towns and villages. Work meetings went to the construction site, seminars went to the fields, and planning meetings went into the workshops… From early spring to late autumn, Zhaoqing City's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" headquarters went deep into key project sites in counties, districts, and towns to guide local exploration. Demonstrate the way to solve the problem.

"Implementation Plan for the "High-Quality Development Pilot Program for the Integration of New Industrialization and New Urbanization" in Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City" and "Implementation Plan for the "High-Quality Development Pilot Program for the Integration of New Industrialization and New Urbanization" in Dasha Town, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City" and other 4 copies Documents have been released one after another, and "construction drawings" have been drawn for demonstration towns to follow a coordinated development path between urban and rural areas with Zhaoqing characteristics.

Reshape rural values ​​based on reality and promote high-quality development. Sihui makes full use of the advantages of "China's Jade Hometown" to build a jade culture town; Deqing Gonggan adopts an innovative adoption model to prosper a city through a fruit belt; Guangning focuses on intensive processing to increase the added value of green bamboo products… Zhaoqing strengthens The node role of villages and towns connecting cities and villages is to promote the construction of a number of beautiful leisure villages and key rural tourism villages in each township.

Promote transformation and upgrading

From the bustling construction sites to the roaring workshops and factories, from the front line of investment promotion to the project sites, the hardware industry in Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, the "Hometown of Small Hardware in China", is accelerating its transformation to "intelligent manufacturing".

Starting from a family workshop, after more than 40 years of development, Jinli's small hardware industry has covered the entire industry chain of mold making, die-casting, polishing, electroplating, and spraying. Luo Wenfei, the mayor of Jinli Town, said frankly, "As a strong industrial town in Zhaoqing City, Jinli also has growing pains. Although there are many hardware companies here, their innovation capabilities are insufficient, and the industry is large but not strong. At the same time, Jinli's urbanization construction is also relatively backward. The overall situation shows a pattern of large industries and weak cities."

"In order to solve the development bottleneck of 'more stars but less moon' in the Jinli hardware industry, we have planned a hardware smart manufacturing town with a total construction area of ​​4,500 acres, and built an industrial park integrating R&D, production, and economy and trade to allow companies to develop together." Luo Wenfei said.

"We encourage enterprises to transform and upgrade and move to new factories." Mai Guangzhi, deputy general manager of Gaoyao District Lixing Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd., said that the current infrastructure in the park is complete and can meet the daily electricity and other production needs of enterprises.

“Goldenli takes advantage of the ‘Hundreds and Thousands Project’ to further promote the integration of industry and city, build talent apartments, modern office buildings, supporting large hotels and entertainment facilities, expand the area of ​​park green space, and strive to create an industrial city that is suitable for living, business and industry. An integrated demonstration town." Liang Wenjie, Deputy Secretary of the Gaoyao District Committee of Zhaoqing and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinli Town, is full of confidence.

In Dasha Town, Sihui City, across the river from Jinli Town, the pace of industry-empowering town development is accelerating.

Dasha is a traditional industrial town in Zhaoqing. In the early days, village-level industrial parks developed strongly. However, as the economy continues to develop, the "small and scattered" situation becomes more prominent, making it difficult to support the backbone of the manufacturing industry and seriously restricting the healthy development of the town's economy. . In recent years, to seize the development opportunities in Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters, Dasha has focused on large industries, built large platforms, built large projects, and created a large environment.

Currently, Guangdong Huachang New Aluminum Co., Ltd.'s 200,000-ton annual aluminum profile construction project covering an area of ​​348 acres is stepping up construction. Mai Weijie, assistant general manager of the company, said that after the project is completed and reaches capacity, it is expected to produce 200,000 tons of aluminum profiles annually. , the output value will exceed 5 billion yuan.

As the frontier of Zhaoqing Dongrong Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Dasha Town focuses on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, guiding 10 companies to carry out technological transformation, forcing the upgrading of inefficient industries and the elimination of backward production capacity, and promoting the park to "empty cages and replace birds".

"Dasha Town promotes planning and construction according to modern urban standards, strives to improve the functional quality and comprehensive carrying capacity of the town, and strives to achieve an urbanization rate of more than 75% of the permanent population in 2025." He Zhengli, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and secretary of the Dasha Town Party Committee, said.

Investment promotion activities are going on non-stop, and industrial projects have been launched one after another… Riding on the east wind of "millions of projects", the two industrial towns of Dasha and Jinli have firmly grasped the "nose" of industrial investment promotion, and used industry to support the economic chassis. Accelerate the promotion of the demonstration construction of "two industries and two farmers" and the integrated development of new industrialization and new urbanization.

Develop characteristic industries

The Dancong Tea Science Popularization Base in Chefu Village, the Liuqiao Characteristic Village in Zhuliu Village, Niuxian Valley and Zhuangyaohong Manor in Huanghan Village… Xiashuai Township in Huaiji County fully taps into the beautiful ecological environment and cultural resources of ethnic minorities. Promote natural resources, industrial resources, and cultural resources to form a chain.

"We must rely on our existing advantages, play the card of ethnic characteristics, and strive to build Xiashuai Zhuang and Yao Township into a model for high-quality development in ethnic areas in Guangdong Province," Zhang Aijun said.

"We have united five village party branches, including Huang Han, Shanshe, and Zhuliu, to jointly establish Huaiji County Xingshuai Agricultural Development Company, which operates agricultural and sideline product sales and other businesses, and continues to expand the village collective industry." Secretary of the Xiashuai Township Party Committee Liu Jianfei introduced that the collective economic income of all villages in Xiashuai Township now exceeds 100,000 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of residents has increased by 66.6% in the past five years, which is higher than the city's average level.

Walking into Shapu Town, Dinghu District, adjacent to Xijiang River, you can have a panoramic view of thousands of hectares of fertile fields and banana forests. "Shapu Town is a characteristic agricultural town with zero industrial pollution." Liang Dawei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shapu Town, introduced that the town aims to create a Chinese agricultural park and demarcates a pioneer area containing elements such as modern agriculture and ecological farms. Over 10,000 acres. By creating a special agricultural planting and breeding base for bananas, Zhaoshi, and vegetables, Shapu Town highlights the development of new types of special agriculture, creative agriculture, etc., promotes the construction of the "Heron Paradise Beautiful Shapu" rural revitalization demonstration zone, and adopts leisure tourism agriculture and rural areas. The road to tourism development.

In Huangbusha Village, you can see lush banana forests everywhere you look. "The villagers are very enthusiastic about planting, and many young people return to the village to start their own businesses every year." Liang Jinbo, secretary of the Party branch of Huangbusha Village, said, "Last year, our village's collective income reached 2.1 million yuan, and the villagers' annual income from growing bananas at home was at least 10 million yuan." Ten thousand yuan.”

Shayi Village is not far from Huangbusha Village, where specialty industries are flourishing. Starting in 2019, Lu Weiqing, the head of Zhaoqing Shiteng Agriculture Co., Ltd., tried to operate a soft-shell turtle farm using the "company + farmer" model, and led the villagers to increase their income and become rich through the soft-shell turtle industry. Under his leadership, the village increased by more than 60 A soft-shell turtle farmer.

"We will continue to work hard on the special soft-shelled turtle industry, realize the transformation from good to excellent, and drive more folks to engage in soft-shell turtle breeding." Lu Weiqing said that this year the soft-shell turtle breeding area has reached more than 1,000 acres, and the output is expected to exceed 2.5 million kilograms.

In Liantang Town, Gaoyao, the local area is promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries with Macrobrachium rosenbergii as the leading industry; at the orchid planting base of Sihui Huilin Flower Company in Shigou Town, Sihui, there are orchids in the green sea of ​​flower seedlings. Looking great…

At present, Zhaoqing is making every effort to stabilize the primary industry, connect with the secondary industry, and drive the tertiary industry, so as to form the primary industry to be extended backward, the secondary industry to be connected at both ends, and the tertiary industry to be at the fine end, to achieve the deep integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and strive to integrate "hundreds of millions of industries" The blueprint of the "Project" has turned into a real scene of rural revitalization with beautiful countryside, strong agriculture, and rich farmers.

If it is suitable for work, it will be industrial; if it is suitable for agriculture, it will be agricultural.

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