Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Issuance of energy development plan! Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

 Issuance of energy development plan! Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

Published by Zhaoqing on May 31, 2023 at 22:01 in Guangdong


Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

Recently, Guangdong Province officially issued and implemented

Implementation Plan for Promoting High Quality Energy Development in Guangdong Province

(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"),

The Zhaoqing Energy Project is mentioned multiple times in the 'Plan'.



The plan states that by 2025, significant progress will be made in the high-quality development of energy, the ability to ensure energy security will be significantly improved, the green and low-carbon transformation of energy will be significantly achieved, new models and formats of energy development will emerge, breakthroughs will be made in independent innovation of key core technologies, substantial progress will be made in reform of key areas and links, and the ability to coordinate resource allocation will be orderly and smooth. Energy development will be more efficient and fair More sustainable and better meeting the energy needs of the people for a better life.

△ Liang Liang photographed

The Plan mentions that,

Our province needs to accelerate the layout and construction of pumped storage power:

Promote the construction of Meizhou Phase II, Yunfu Shuiyuan Mountain, Shanwei Land River, Zhaoqing Langjiang River, Huizhou Zhongdong, Yangjiang Phase II, Heyuan Centian, and Maoming Dianbai pumped storage power stations; Strive to commence the construction of Zhaoqing Tangshan, Qingyuan Jingbei, Qingyuan Tianhu, and Zhaoqing Changtan pumped storage power stations.

Simultaneously promoting the development of new energy storage:

Promote the construction of new energy generation and new energy storage, promote the layout and construction of independent energy storage power stations as needed, add and put into operation projects such as Foshan Nanhai and Meizhou Wuhua power grid side independent energy storage power stations, Wanliyang Duanzhou independent energy storage power stations, and encourage industrial and commercial enterprises, industrial parks, and other supporting construction of user side energy storage power stations. By 2025, approximately 3 million kilowatts of new energy storage will be completed and put into operation.


Green and low-carbon production and lifestyle

Not only is it a general trend,

It has also become a driving force for high-quality development in Guangdong

Important content.


The recently released "Several Opinions of the Communist Party of China Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial People's Government on the High Quality Development of Guangdong in the New Era" mentioned that Guangdong will vigorously develop clean energy such as offshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and accelerate the construction of a new energy system and a new power system.

As the land area of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

One of the largest cities,

Zhaoqing is rich in wind, solar, and hydropower resources,

Having geographical advantages in developing pumped storage energy

Climate and terrain advantages,

The development of green energy industry is uniquely advantageous.


Zhaoqing is rich in wind energy resources. Image source released by Guangning

In recent years,

High quality construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in Zhaoqing

(Zhaoqing) Green Energy Base,

Accelerate the construction of a green energy system in Zhaoqing,

Continuously unleashing the potential for green development,

Promote high-quality development through practical actions.



Improve the policy and institutional system

Gradually improved policy system

Assist in the construction of Zhaoqing

A green energy system with local characteristics.

Zhaoqing City has been established

The Municipal Pumped Storage Project Construction Leading Group

Municipal green power work teams and other working institutions.


The rendering of the Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station project. Image source released by Guangning

Our city has successively issued and issued

Building the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)

Three Year Action Plan for Green Energy Base


Regulations on the Construction and Protection of Power Supply Facilities in Zhaoqing City

The 14th Five Year Plan for Energy Development in Zhaoqing City

Other policy documents.


CGN Guangning Luogang Wind Farm. Photographed by Li Guoqiang

Also organized and compiled the "Construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in Zhaoqing City

Research Report on the Development Strategy of Green Energy Base


Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Green Energy Base

Overall Construction Plan

Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Energy Sector of Zhaoqing City, etc,

Preliminary construction has been constructed

The policy system for the Green Energy Base in the Greater Bay Area.


Zhaoqing Huaiji Photovoltaic Project. Tuyuan Huaiji Publishing


Promote the construction of key projects

On the other hand,

The key energy projects in Zhaoqing are also accelerating their progress.

Recently, in the Zhaoqing High tech Zone

Provincial Key Projects

——The construction site of the Phase II project of Guoneng Zhaoqing Power Plant,

The main section of the project and pile foundation construction

Infrastructure such as pipeline network and site leveling

Under intense construction,

Workers and mechanical equipment are all busy in an orderly manner.

Zhaoqing High tech Zone is actively promoting the project to reach its peak within the year. At present, the project has basically completed the lifting of the steel frames of the No.3 and No.5 waste heat boilers, as well as the pouring of cast-in-place piles and static piles on site, and is accelerating the main construction of the main factory building.

Picture △: The steel frame lifting of the No.3 waste heat boiler of the Phase II project of Guoneng Zhaoqing Power Plant has been completed. Photographed by Correspondent Wang Ziyang

Zhaoqing aims to accelerate the construction of key projects,

Assist in building a green energy base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing).

Passing through Zhaoqing

500 kV Outer Ring West Section Project in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

Construction is currently underway in full swing.

It is understood that 416 new iron towers have been built in the project, and 402 have been completed so far; A new line of 214 kilometers has been built, and 142 kilometers have been completed so far.

After the project is completed,

Will become another ultra-high voltage power in our city

Delivery channel.

Relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

In 2022, a total of 60 key energy projects, including the Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station project, will commence construction. The city's fixed assets investment in the energy industry reached 13 billion yuan, an increase of 501%.


△ Guoneng (Zhaoqing) Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu


Establishing a modern energy system


Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Government

The construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) has been clearly defined

The goal of a green energy base,

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it is planned to invest approximately 100 billion yuan

Build 164 green energy projects.


Including planning to promote projects of about 7 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power, about 600000 kilowatts of wind power, 3.6 million kilowatts of pumped storage energy, 2.33 million kilowatts of natural gas cogeneration and distributed energy stations, and about 1 million kilowatts of various energy storage stations, and investing 10 billion yuan to improve grid facilities that consume green energy. Planning to build 2 new 500 kV substation hubs, 5 new 220 kV substations, and 14 new 110 kV substations;

Explore the potential of 2-3 pumped storage power station sites and 500000 kilowatt wind power projects; Promote the development of rooftop distributed photovoltaic projects in 5 pilot counties (districts) across the country, promote a batch of village wide rooftop photovoltaic demonstration villages to assist rural revitalization, and promote the construction of enterprise rooftop photovoltaic demonstration projects in industrial parks;

Build a smart energy platform for the integration of source, network, load, and storage in the Zhaoqing High tech Zone; Plan to introduce a batch of projects such as air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and gravity energy storage.


△ Zhaoqing High tech Zone Photovoltaic Project. Tuyuan Zhaoqing High tech Release

It is expected that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period,

Our city will initially form

A clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system,

Meet the green electricity demand of local advanced manufacturing industry,

And provide services for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

More green electricity trading volume.


Zhaoqing Xiaopeng Automobile actively builds a green factory by creating photovoltaic power generation. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In the future,

Zhaoqing will continue to promote green development,

Polish the ecological background of high-quality development,

Cultivate a 50 billion yuan green energy industry cluster,

Make every effort to build a green energy base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing),

Play the "green energy card" well,

Effectively transform "green waters and mountains" into "golden mountains and silver mountains!

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