Friday, October 27, 2023

Town Party Secretary’s Challenge | Sihui Jianggu Town: Based on the characteristics of the town, create “One Belt, Three Parks and Two Bases”

 Town Party Secretary’s Challenge | Sihui Jianggu Town: Based on the characteristics of the town, create “One Belt, Three Parks and Two Bases”

sihui Release 2023-10-27 18:18 Published in Guangdong

Jianggu Town is a typical agricultural town in Sihui and an important node in the cultural tourism demonstration zone in the northern part of Bidao Gallery in Suijiang, Guyi. At present, Jianggu Town is taking advantage of the rich forest land and water resources in the area, focusing on the characteristic planting and breeding industry, and the ecological tourism industry, and striving to build a strong town with agricultural characteristics.

"Since this year, Jianggu Town has based on the characteristics of the town, anchored the 'One Belt, Three Parks and Two Bases' and agricultural product cluster development goals, and made every effort to implement the 'Hundreds and Thousands of Projects'." Jianggu Town Party Committee Secretary Han Dang is accepting In an exclusive interview with Nanfang Daily, he said that the town has made use of the natural endowment of Longjiang River in Jianggu to focus on the three articles of "water ecology, water culture, and water economy" of Longjiang River, igniting and detonating the Jianggu agricultural and cultural tourism demonstration zone.

The host of this issue is Shi Liang, a reporter from Nanfang Daily and Nanfang+. The invited guests are:

◎Secretary of the Party Committee of Jianggu Town, Chairman of the Korean Party

◎Xian Jinrong, Secretary of the Party Branch of Xinwu Village, Jianggu Town

◎Zhao Kai, Marketing Director of Sihui Green Ying Ecological Tourism Co., Ltd.

◎Wang Xubin, deputy director of the Sihui City “Hundreds and Thousands Project” Headquarters Office


Deeply explore the potential of "water tourism integration"

Longjiang River is the mother river of the town, and its main stream runs through the entire territory, complementing the rural scenery on its shores. It has a good cultural and tourism foundation.

Nanfang Daily: How was the Longjiang River hydrophilic camp established?

Xian Jinrong: Before the construction of the water-friendly camp, the Longjiang River was a lifeless tidal flat. Now it has turned into a popular tourist attraction, and the surrounding environment has become more beautiful.

Starting from February this year, the party committee, government and relevant departments, together with Foshan’s township-based village assistance team, have worked together to prepare for the renovation, clean up the river silt, increase the camp landscape, and turn the once desolate tidal flat into a "smooth river, clear water, A waterfront camp with green shores and beautiful scenery.

Nanfang Daily: How is the flow of people at the Longjiang River hydrophilic camp?

Xian Jinrong: During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the Longjiang River Water Camp in Jianggu Town successfully went out of the circle, attracting many tourists to come and play. It received a total of nearly 51,000 tourists, bringing considerable income to surrounding restaurants and B&Bs. Everyone is happy We are confident about future development.

Nanfang Daily: How will Jianggu build Haolong Jianghe Camp next?

Han Dangzheng: In the next step, Jianggu Town will continue to deeply explore the potential of "water tourism integration", "build a nest to attract phoenixes" to leverage social capital, attract third-party investment, continue to deepen project construction, and accelerate the realization of a leap-forward and high-quality agricultural, cultural and tourism industry. develop.

On the premise of protecting the green water and green mountains, Jianggu Town continues to improve the Longjiang River hydrophilic camp, build natural beach bathing beaches, bamboo forest camping, flower sea bases, water parks and other areas, creating a new landmark for rural revitalization with high quality and good appearance. , polish Jianggu’s business card.

Picture Jianggu Town scenery. Nanfang + Photographed by Lu Yixuan

Vigorously promote the development of tourism in the whole region

Nanfang Daily: In recent years, rural tourism has become popular. What major changes have occurred in Green Cherry Manor?

Zhao Kai: The current Green Cherry Manor is very different from the previous bougainvillea planting base. We have adapted to the changes in the tourism market and launched different agricultural and cultural tourism projects, and gradually upgraded it to a hundred acres of bougainvillea flower sea, fruit picking spots, and camping restaurants. The pastoral cultural tourism complex integrates scenes such as hotels and B&Bs to create a destination more suitable for parent-child rural tourism and romantic travel for couples. It attracts many tourists from surrounding cities, with an average passenger flow of up to 1,000 people.

Nanfang Daily: How does it feel for enterprises to take root in local development? What are the current difficulties?

Zhao Kai: Jianggu Town is rich in natural resources and has complete infrastructure. It is a good place for the development of the agricultural, cultural and tourism industry. The town government has provided a lot of policy support to enable us to develop better. With the upgrading of the manor, land resources are limited, and the land is scattered and fragmented, which has become an urgent problem for the manor to solve.

Nanfang Daily: What is the response of the town committee and town government to the demands of enterprises?

Han Dangzheng: Our town will actively coordinate with the city’s natural resources and other relevant departments to speed up the implementation of spot land supply indicators, improve land use efficiency and effectiveness, and solve the problem of green cherry development.


Nanfang Daily: Jianggu Town has formed a comprehensive agricultural, cultural and tourism economic belt. Can Secretary Han introduce it to you?

Han Dangzheng: Taking the Longjiang River hydrophilic camp as the breakthrough point for the cultural tourism demonstration zone in the northern part of Suijiang Bidao, Sihui Ancient City, it is connected to Green Cherry Manor and Yifeng Vineyard to the east, Tongmeng Racecourse to the west, and the former fighting site of the martial arts team in Qianfeng Village to the south. , connected to Qingxin Yayuan and Qingyun Memorial Hall in the north, it connects the surrounding tourist and leisure places into a chain, forming a "belt" of agricultural tourism in the whole region.

In the next step, Jianggu plans to vigorously promote the development of regional tourism by continuing to improve basic supporting facilities, enhance service capabilities, and enhance tourists' experience.

Create a strong town with agricultural, cultural and tourism characteristics

Nanfang Daily: What is Jianggu Town’s idea for implementing the “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”?

Han Dangzheng: The main ideas of Jianggu Town: First, focusing on the goal of "One Belt, Three Parks and Two Bases", take multiple measures to promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism, and strive to create a strong town with agricultural, cultural and tourism characteristics.

The second is to keep up with demand hot spots and enhance the popularity of "Jianggu Business Card". We are the first in Zhaoqing to develop a smart voice explanation and navigation system for agricultural tourism, allowing you to scan the QR code with one click to travel around the valley. At the same time, cultural and creative products such as mugs, handbags, and cultural shirts are made with agricultural tourism elements, and small products are used to promote Dajiang Valley.

The third is to strengthen the leadership of party building and gather the centripetal force of political leadership.

Nanfang Daily: What are the key projects for the development of Jianggu? What shortcomings need to be filled urgently?

Han Dangzheng: The key to rural revitalization lies in people, and the key to deepening the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism is also in people. Therefore, next we will make good use of various funds to continue to improve the infrastructure of the Jianggu Agricultural and Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone, continue to lengthen the extension chain of the agricultural tourism industry, enrich business formats, improve services, and provide tourists with more different experiences to the greatest extent. Attract more people’s attention and participation, and improve local people’s ability to gather people and attract consumption.

We all have shortcomings to varying degrees in supporting services, consumption promotion, talent cultivation, etc. Taking supporting services as an example, although Jianggu Town currently has the first Qingxin Yayuan B&B in Zhaoqing to obtain a B&B business license, overall In other words, the rooms in B&Bs still cannot meet the needs of tourists. Next, Jianggu Town plans to build 5-6-story B&Bs through point-based land supply quotas to solve the problem of short supply in the market; second, it develops B&B projects and demonstrates to encourage surrounding villagers to participate in them, so that their idle old buildings can be used. Old houses are redeveloped and transformed into B&Bs. The development of B&Bs can not only revitalize idle farm houses, but also help them become rich and increase their incomes, killing two birds with one stone.


Nanfang Daily: To make the town’s economy bigger and stronger, which industries will Jianggu Town focus on?

Han Dangzheng: First, focus on the development of the Longjiang River water-friendly agricultural and cultural tourism demonstration zone, continue to coordinate water resources and do a good job in water ecological protection, and achieve high-quality development of agricultural and cultural tourism.

The second is to base on natural advantages, strengthen technical cooperation with scientific research institutions such as the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Huanong University, and strive to build the industrialization of the "three parks" of Jianglin Tea Demonstration Garden, Anomatis Planting Demonstration Garden and Jianglin Camellia Oil Demonstration Garden. construction project.

The third is based on the characteristics of the industry, focusing on building the Green Cherry Bougainvillea and Tongchuang Australian freshwater lobster bases, improving the "base + farmers" interest linkage mechanism, and directly and indirectly driving nearby villagers to relocate and find employment.

The fourth is to increase the publicity of Jianggu’s brand image. Promote the development of Foshan-Zhaozhou local specialty cluster of "two places and three museums", strengthen cooperation with mainstream media, Internet experts, new media platforms, etc., expand Jianggu tourism cultural and creative products, and focus on displaying Jianggu characteristics from a high starting point, high level, and high quality Brand.

Nanfang Daily: Jianggu Town’s diversified agricultural, cultural and tourism new business economic circle is a successful exploration of the Four Hui’s efforts to make the central town bigger and stronger. At present, how does the Fourth Committee explore new kinetic energy and stimulate "township energy"?

Wang Xubin: The Fourth Committee has established the “43223” town-region characteristic development system. The "4" urban towns implement the development path of "supporting the river, advancing eastward, expanding southward, optimizing the west, connecting north, and improving the quality of the center" to achieve urban expansion and quality improvement while extensively radiating the development of surrounding rural areas; "3" central towns By creating a high-quality development pilot project integrating new industrialization and new urbanization, and a diversified agricultural, cultural and tourism new business economic circle, we will promote the centralized gathering of various elements, projects, and forces in urban and rural areas; Jianggu is classified as a central town. The "2" industrial specialized towns and the "2" agricultural specialized towns have made in-depth efforts in "one town, one industry" to help villagers increase their income and become rich; the "3" characteristic towns fully exploit and utilize their resource endowments, and are engaged in landscape tourism, culture In-depth development in the direction of tourism, green and low-carbon, discovering and reshaping rural value.

In accordance with the "43223" town characteristic development system construction goal, we will promote each town (street) to be suitable for work, agriculture, business, and tourism, and strive to create a number of demonstration models for various types of towns. .

Nanfang Daily: Finally, I would like to ask the secretary to recommend the specialties of Jianggu Town to friends.

Han Dangzheng: A gift pack of Jianggu local specialties, which contains local specialties from Jianggu Town. They have high nutritional value and are very beneficial to the body.

One of the boxes contains Anomatis imitating wild cultivation in our Xiantian Village. "Cordyceps is found in the north and Anomatis is found in the south." It is not only rich in nutrients, but can also be used as food.

The other two bottles are Jianglin camellia oil, which comes in two varieties: red flower tea oil and white flower tea oil. Jianglin area has a long history of planting tea oil trees, and the oldest tree is more than 200 years old. The finished product is orange in color, clear and translucent, and has a rich aroma. It is an ideal edible oil.

In addition to gift packages, Jianggu also has many special delicacies, such as Jianggu Wo Noodles, Jianggu Reservoir Fish, Jianggu Jianglin Green Tea, Jianggu Australian Lobster, Jianggu Yifeng Grape, etc. Finally, all audiences are welcome to come to Jianggu for a taste.

鎮鎮党書記の挑戦 | 四会江口鎮:町の特色を踏まえ、「一帯、三公園、二基地」を創る

第 4 セッション リリース 2023-10-27 18:18 広東省で公開



江古鎮は四会の典型的な農業都市であり、古義水江市の碧島ギャラリー北部にある文化観光デモンストレーションゾーンの重要な結節点です。 現在、江口鎮はこの地域の豊かな森林と水資源を活用し、特色ある植林・育種産業と生態観光産業に重点を置き、農業特色のある強い町の建設に努めている。




◎Xian Jinrong 江口鎮新呉村党支部書記







Xian Jinrong: 水親営キャンプが建設される前は、龍江は活気のない干潟でしたが、今では人気の観光スポットとなり、周囲の環境もより美しくなりました。





Han Dangzheng: 次のステップでは、江口鎮は「水上観光の統合」の可能性を深く探求し続け、社会関係資本を活用するために「不死鳥を誘致する巣を作る」こと、第三者投資を誘致すること、プロジェクトの建設を深化させ続けること、そして、飛躍的で質の高い農業・文化・観光産業の実現を加速し、発展させます。


江古城の風景を写真に撮ります。 南方 + 撮影:陸宜軒




南方日報: 企業が地域発展に根付くことをどのように感じていますか? 現在の困難は何ですか?

趙凱氏: 江口鎮は天然資源が豊富で、インフラが充実しており、農業、文化、観光産業の発展に適した場所であり、市政府は市のより良い発展を可能にするために多くの政策支援を提供してくれています。 荘園のアップグレードに伴い、土地資源は限られており、土地は点在し細分化されており、この問題は荘園にとって解決すべき緊急の問題となっています。





韓当正:龍江親水キャンプを四会古城水江碧島北部の文化観光デモンストレーションゾーンの突破口とし、東はグリーンチェリーマナー、宜豊葡萄園、西は銅蒙競馬場とつながっている。 、南は前峰村の武術チームのかつての戦闘現場で、北は清心雅源と清雲紀念館につながり、周囲の観光地とレジャー地をチェーン状に結び、農業の「ベルト」を形成しています地域全体の観光。





2 つ目は、需要のホットスポットを把握し、「江古名刺」の人気を高めることです。 当社は肇慶市で初めて、農業観光向けのスマート音声説明およびナビゲーション システムを開発しました。これにより、ワンクリックで QR コードをスキャンして渓谷を移動できるようになります。 同時に、マグカップ、ハンドバッグ、文化シャツなどの文化的で創造的な製品は農業観光要素を取り入れて作られ、小さな製品は大江渓谷を宣伝するために使用されます。


南方日報: 江口市の発展にとって重要なプロジェクトは何ですか? 早急に埋める必要がある欠点は何ですか?

韓当正氏: 農村活性化の鍵は人にあり、農業、文化、観光の統合的発展を深める鍵もまた人にあります。 したがって、今後はさまざまな資金を有効に活用して、江谷農業文化観光モデルゾーンのインフラを引き続き改善し、農業観光産業の延長チェーンを延長し続け、ビジネスフォーマットを充実させ、サービスを向上させ、観光客にサービスを提供していきます。より多くの異なる体験を最大限に提供し、より多くの人々の注目と参加を集め、地域の人々の集客能力と消費誘致能力を向上させます。

私たちは皆、サポート サービス、消費促進、人材育成などにおいて、さまざまな程度の欠点を抱えています。サポート サービスを例に挙げると、現在、江口鎮には肇慶市で最初に B&B 営業許可を取得した清心雅園 B&B があります。つまり、全体としては、 B&B の客室は依然として観光客のニーズを満たすことができません。 次に、江口鎮は、市場での土地不足の問題を解決するために、ポイントベースの土地供給割当を通じて 5 ~ 6 階建ての B&B を建設することを計画しており、第 2 に、B&B プロジェクトを開発し、周囲の村民の参加を促すためにデモンストレーションを行っています。古民家を再開発して民宿として活用することで、遊休農家を再生させるだけでなく、農家が豊かになり収入も増える一石二鳥です。


南方日報: 町の経済をより大きく、より強力にするために、江口鎮はどの産業に注力しますか?




4つ目は、江谷のブランドイメージの知名度を高めることです。 「2つの場所と3つの博物館」の佛山・趙州地方の特産品クラスターの発展を促進し、主流メディア、インターネット専門家、新しいメディアプラットフォームなどとの協力を強化し、江古観光の文化的および創造的な商品を拡大し、江古の特色を展示することに重点を置く。高い出発点、高レベル、高品質のブランド。

南方日報:江口鎮の多様な農業、文化、観光のニュービジネス経済圏は、中心街をより大きくより強くするための四回族の取り組みの探求に成功している。 現在、第四委員会はどのように新たな運動エネルギーを模索し、「まちのエネルギー」を活性化させているのでしょうか?

王旭斌:第四委員会は「43223」鎮区特色発展体系を確立しました。 「4つの」都市都市は、「河を支え、東進し、南進し、西を最適化し、北を結び、中心部の質を向上させる」という発展路線を実行し、都市の発展を広範囲に放射しながら都市の拡大と質の向上を実現します。新産業化と新都市化を統合した質の高い開発パイロットプロジェクトと、多様な農業、文化、観光のニュービジネス経済圏を創設することにより、さまざまな要素、プロジェクト、都市部と農村部に勢力があり、江口市は中心都市として分類されている。 「2」の工業特化型町と「2」の農業特化型町は、村民の所得向上と豊か化を目指して「一町一産業」の徹底した取り組みを進めており、「3」の特色ある町は、村民の魅力を最大限に活用・活用しています。資源の寄付を行っており、景観観光、文化、観光、グリーン、低炭素の方向での徹底的な開発、農村の価値の発見と再形成に取り組んでいます。

「43223」のまち特色づくりシステム構築目標に基づき、職・農・ビジネス・観光に適した各まち(街路)づくりを推進し、さまざまなタイプのまちにおける実証モデルの創出に努めます。 。




残りの2本は江林椿油で、「赤花茶油」と「白花茶油」の2種類があり、江林地域には茶油の木を植える長い歴史があり、最も古いものは樹齢200年以上です。 出来上がりはオレンジ色、透明半透明で芳醇な香りがあり、理想的な食用油です。

ギフトパッケージに加えて、江古には、江古ウォ麺、江古貯水魚、江古江林緑茶、江古オーストラリアンロブスター、江古宜豊ブドウなどの特別なグルメもたくさんあります。 最後に、視聴者の皆様もぜひ江谷に来て味わってみてください。

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