Monday, July 22, 2024

The city's first half economic situation analysis meeting and the municipal Party Committee Finance and Economics Committee meeting were held: redouble efforts to grasp the economy and strive for development, and make Zhaoqing's contribution to the overall development of the country and the province

The city's first half economic situation analysis meeting and the municipal Party Committee Finance and Economics Committee meeting were held: redouble efforts to grasp the economy and strive for development, and make Zhaoqing's contribution to the overall development of the country and the province

Zhaoqing Release July 23, 2024 10:30 Guangdong

On July 22, 2024, the city's first half economic situation analysis meeting and the municipal Party Committee Finance and Economics Committee meeting were held. At the same time, the city's economic work quality improvement and efficiency promotion meeting was held to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, fully implement the deployment requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee on economic work, conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial first half economic situation analysis meeting and the provincial Party Committee Finance and Economics Committee meeting in 2024, study and analyze the economic operation of our city in the first half of the year, and deploy economic work in the second half of the year. Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhang Aijun and Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

At the meeting, relevant municipal units reported on the economic operation in the first half of the year in accordance with their work functions, analyzed problems and put forward suggestions; responsible comrades from Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, Dinghu District (Zhaoqing New District), Deqing County, Huaiji County and other places made speeches on the local economic operation and put forward the next steps; comrades attending the meeting exchanged and discussed the economic work in the second half of the year in accordance with their respective areas of management.

Zhang Aijun pointed out

Since the beginning of this year, the whole city has worked hard to promote economic development and promote steady economic operation. At present, the whole city is deeply studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the plenary session. We must truly unify our thoughts and actions with the decisions and arrangements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee, seize the reform dividends released by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, further boost the spirit of grasping the economy and striving for development, scientifically grasp the situation, maintain strategic determination, and strengthen confidence in development. We should see positive factors and face up to difficulties and challenges, firmly establish the "one chess game" thinking of the whole city, insist on everyone's responsibility and everyone's contribution to grasping the economy, seize all favorable factors and use all favorable conditions, do it when we see it, do more when we can, do it faster when we can, fight hard in the third quarter, win the victory of the whole year, and strive to make Zhaoqing's contribution to the overall development of the country and the province.

Zhang Aijun emphasized

We must thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's economic thoughts, carry out the annual action of improving the quality and efficiency of economic work, aim at the goals and tasks, grasp the key points, persevere and redouble our efforts to grasp the economy and strive for development, and continuously consolidate the upward trend of the economy.

First, we must insist on the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Adhere to the real economy as the basis and the manufacturing industry as the main body, build and use the "344" industrial park well, expand and strengthen the "two new and one electricity" industry, accelerate the digital transformation of traditional advantageous industries, plan future industries with small incisions, do a good job in agricultural "local products", enrich and expand new formats such as e-commerce, logistics, culture and tourism, promote the deep integration and development of industry, agriculture, commerce and tourism, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Zhaoqing characteristics and advantages, and continuously consolidate the industrial foundation for stabilizing the economy.

Second, we must adhere to the coordinated efforts of the "three carriages". Adhere to the three major sectors of infrastructure, industry, and real estate to stabilize investment, do a good job in infrastructure project investment and construction, consolidate the growth momentum of industrial investment, promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and continuously stimulate investment vitality; coordinate traditional consumption and new consumption, enhance agricultural, cultural, tourism and sports consumption, create more scenes, products and services to attract traffic and promote consumption, and continuously stimulate consumption vitality; play a good combination of "five external linkages", do everything possible to open up international markets, and continuously improve the level of foreign trade and foreign investment.

Third, we must adhere to the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. With the strength of the number one project, we will speed up the implementation of the "100 million project", improve the system and mechanism of urban-rural integrated development, cultivate and expand the county economy, accelerate the promotion of new urbanization with county towns as an important carrier, focus on the construction of typical towns and villages, coordinate the promotion of human settlement environment construction and town and village style control, and implement reform measures such as comprehensive land remediation in the whole region, so as to create a new situation of coordinated development of urban and rural areas with more breakthrough progress and landmark achievements.

At the same time, we must coordinate development and safety, establish a strong sense of risk and bottom-line thinking, promptly investigate and resolve major risks in various fields such as economy, people's livelihood, and production safety, and firmly hold the bottom line of economic security.

Xu Xiaoxiong emphasized

We must earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the plenary session, earnestly implement the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and the requirements of this meeting, accurately grasp the characteristics and shortcomings of the city's economic operation, grasp the key points, strengthen confidence and determination, keep a close eye on the annual goals and tasks, fight hard in the third quarter, and do our best to fight the economic battle in the second half of the year to ensure the completion of the annual development goals and tasks.

We should focus on the key points of economic work, further improve the systematic, centralized and effective implementation of macro policies, actively plan a number of projects that are beneficial in the long run, lay the foundation and can "generate blood", accelerate the promotion of major projects, and continue to expand effective and profitable investment; increase efforts to speed up the implementation of industrial investment promotion, adhere to the simultaneous development of industry, agriculture, commerce and tourism, improve the precision of industrial chain investment promotion and project quality and efficiency, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, and accelerate the connection and transformation of new and old kinetic energy; implement the "two unshakable" principles, promote the expansion and strengthening of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, expand the ability to serve the overall development, support the growth and development of the private economy, continuously improve the modern service industry, and boost the consumer market in Zhaoqing; coordinate development and security, take the initiative to prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers, and ensure the stability and security of the fundamentals of economic operation.

We should strengthen our work style, further boost the spirit of grasping the economy and fighting for the economy, accurately analyze and judge the economic operation, improve the ability to grasp the economy, work together to solve practical problems, promote work planning, doing and achieving, and strive to form more physical workload.

Relevant leading members of the four leading groups of Zhaoqing City, major party and government leaders of counties (cities, districts), Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, Zhaoqing New District, and the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), relevant departments of the Municipal Party Committee, relevant municipal units, relevant municipal people's organizations, relevant provincial units stationed in Zhaoqing, and responsible persons of the Municipal "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" Command Office attended the meeting.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


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