Didou Town

Didou Town (Peanut Town) in Sihui City, China

Shiling Enamel Specialty Industrial Park

A town under the jurisdiction of Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Didou Town, which belongs to Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, is located in the north of Sihui City, connected to Luoyuan Town and Jingkou Town in the east, Jianggu Town in the west, Longwan Town in the south, and Weizheng Town in the north. The total area of ​​the jurisdiction is 90.94 square kilometers. As of the end of 2019, the registered population of Didou Town was 29,517.

As of June 2020, Didou Town has 1 community and 12 administrative villages. The People's Government of Didou Town is located at No. 36, East Street, Didou Town, Sihui City. During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, it belonged to Tiandongpu. During the Republic of China, it belonged to the second district. In August 1983, the community was withdrawn and the district was established. In March 1987, the district was withdrawn and the town was established. In July 2020, Didou Town was awarded the honorary title of National Health Township in the 2017-2019 period. On December 9, 2020, Didou Town was awarded the title of "Guangdong Provincial Civilized Town" from 2018 to 2020.

At the end of 2019, there were 3 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of ​​more than 50 square meters in Didou Town.

Chinese name : 地豆镇

Administrative division code: 441284101

Administrative division category: town

Area: Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Geographic location: North of Sihui City

Area: 90.94 km²

Subordinate areas: 1 community, 12 administrative villages

Government seat: No. 36, East Street, Didou Town, Sihui City

Telephone area code: 0758

Postal code: 526234

Climate conditions: subtropical monsoon climate

License plate code: 粤H

Population: 29,517 (registered population as of the end of 2019)

Historical evolution

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, it belonged to Tiandongpu.

During the Republic of China, it belonged to the second district.

On December 1949, after the establishment of the Sihui County People's Government, it first belonged to the Second District and then to the Eleventh District.

In 1958, it was merged into Didou Township.

In September 1958, the Second People's Commune was established. Later it was renamed Didou People's Commune.

In April 1961, it was divided into Didou, Weizheng, Luoyuan, and Jingkou People's Communes.

In August 1983, the commune was abolished and the district was established.

In March 1987, the district was abolished and the town was established.

Administrative Divisions

As of June 2020, Didou Town has 1 community and 12 administrative villages. The People's Government of Didou Town is located at No. 36, East Didou Town Street, Sihui City.

Details of the division of Didou Town: Didou Community, Xiajie Village, Shiling Village, Didou Village, Dongping Village, Lianping Village, Chicaolang Village, Shuiche Village, Dengzhai Village, Talan Village, Dadong Village, Dabudong Village, Sangui Village

Geographical environment

Location and territory

Didou Town is located in the northern part of Sihui City, connected to Luoyuan Town and Jingkou Town in the east, Jianggu Town in the west, Longwan Town in the south, and Weizheng Town in the north. The total area of ​​the jurisdiction is 90.94 square kilometers.

Details of Didou Town

Topography and landforms of Didou Town

Didou Town is a hilly area, and most of the hills are below 60 meters above sea level.


Didou Town has a subtropical monsoon climate, with an average annual temperature of 22.2℃ and an annual precipitation of 1797 mm.


The Heli River, a third-level tributary of the Beijiang River in Didou Town, is 18 kilometers long and runs through the town.


As of the end of 2019, the registered population of Didou Town was 29,517.


In 2007, Didou Town achieved a total social output value of 252 million yuan, including 147 million yuan in industrial output value and 205 million yuan in agricultural output value.

At the end of 2019, there were 20 industrial enterprises in Didou Town, including 4 large-scale industrial enterprises.

At the end of 2019, there were 3 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of ​​more than 50 square meters in Didou Town.

Didou Town has: Shiling Enamel Specialty Industrial Park, Nianmijing Traditional Industrial Park


The new and old Si (Hui) Qing (Yuan) highways run across the territory. The new Siqing Highway is all cement pavement. With the urban area as the center, it forms a transportation network that is accessible to cars in all management areas. There are more than 50 buses to and from the county seat, Sanshui, Qingyuan and other places every day.

Social undertakings

Educational undertakings

As of the end of 1992, Didou Town had 1 middle school, 16 primary schools, and 1 kindergarten, with more than 4,862 students and an enrollment rate of 99.8% for school-age children.

Cultural undertakings

As of the end of 1992, Didou Town had 27 cultural and entertainment venues. Mass culture includes literary creation, lantern riddles, photography, lion dance, folk songs, calligraphy and painting, etc.

Medical and health care

As of the end of 1992, Didou Town had 1 central health center and 6 medical stations in its medical and health care facilities.

History and culture


Hakka is mainly distributed in Didou Town.

Humanities and customs

Didou Town has a profound Hakka culture.

Origin of place name

The ancient name is Doushi, and there are many ground beans (i.e. peanuts) here, hence the name.

Cultural relics and historical sites

Huangdi Ridge

Huangdi Ridge is also known as Biluo Peak. The peaks are undulating, shaped like a barrier, the grass is evergreen in winter, the top of the mountain is flat and wide, there is a natural stone incense burner, the ancients called it the Goddess of Praying for Rain.

Sangui Mountain

Sangui Mountain is 888 meters high. It is 20 to 30 kilometers around and stretches to Sihui, Qingyuan and Guangning counties. The three peaks on the top of the mountain are staggered, towering into the sky, with a verdant color that remains unchanged in all four seasons. It is the ancestor of the mountains in Sihui County. The top of the third peak is flat and wide, with a white crane altar.

Honorary Titles

In July 2020, Didou Town was awarded the honorary title of National Health Township in the 2017-2019 period.

On December 9, 2020, Didou Town was awarded the "Guangdong Provincial Civilized Town" from 2018 to 2020.

Welcome everyone to visit Didou Town, Sihui City, China!

Didou Town Investment Promotion Office


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com(English、中文)

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