Thursday, November 30, 2023

Returnees from across the province gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the development of the Bay Area

Returnees from across the province gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the development of the Bay Area 

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-30 22:44

From November 24th to 26th,2023  more than 40 returnee association presidents and returnee youth from all over the province gathered in Zhaoqing to participate in the "Jointly discuss and join hands to create a better world and create a glorious chapter for the Bay Area" Zhaoqing trip for returnee youth across the province, and conducted an on-site inspection of Zhaoqing. The business environment and cultural tourism industry jointly provide suggestions for the development of the Bay Area. Li Jian, Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of Zhaoqing CPPCC and Secretary of the Duanzhou District Committee, Chen Caixia, Secretary and Chairman of the Zhaoqing Overseas Chinese Federation, Huang Shilin, Executive President of the Guangdong Overseas Returnees Association, Li Zhizhi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Duanzhou District Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, Deputy District Mayor Peng Weihong, Deputy District Mayor and District Sanrong Industrial Park Management Committee Director Chen Zhiyong attended the event.

During the period,

Zhaoqing Overseas Chinese Federation, Duanzhou District People's Government

Jointly held in urban areas

“Returnee elites gather in Duanzhou to empower the ancient city with new vitality”

The province's returnee youth investment promotion meeting in Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing.

Returnees from across the province gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the development of the Bay Area

On behalf of the Duanzhou District Party Committee and District Government, Peng Weihong delivered a welcome speech and promoted the investment environment. He introduced Duanzhou District’s location advantages, investment environment and industrial supporting conditions, and sincerely invited the majority of returnee youth to Zhaoqing City to inspect development, invest and start businesses. .

At the meeting,

Duanzhou District investment promotion video is also played,

Conduct "Ancient Duanzhou" sand painting performances, etc.

To deepen the participants' understanding of Duanzhou District.

After the meeting,

Returned youths also conducted on-the-spot inspections

Duanzhou District Shuanglong Modern Industrial Park, China Duan Inkstone Museum,

The international cultural exchange base for Chinese overseas Chinese—Zhaoqing Yanzhou Island,

Gain an in-depth understanding of Zhaoqing’s industrial development advantages,

Feel the rich cultural heritage,

Appreciate the unique humanities and history.

Returnees from across the province gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the development of the Bay Area

this event

It is a place for exchanges and cooperation among returnee youth across the province.

An important opportunity.

Returnees from across the province gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the development of the Bay Area

Young people who have returned from overseas expressed that

Zhaoqing has a long history, rich cultural heritage and beautiful environment. It is a treasure land for investment and real estate and has broad development space. It is hoped that through this inspection and exchange, communication and docking with relevant departments in Zhaoqing will be strengthened, and opportunities for cooperation and development will be sought. In the future, the Zhaoqing Overseas Chinese Federation will further play the role of bridge and link, bring together overseas Chinese intellectuals and talents, and drive more returnee youth to Zhaoqing for innovation, entrepreneurship and development.

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

Released by Guangning County 2023-11-30 20:25 Published in Guangdong

On November 29, 2023, Guangning County held an on-site credit granting ceremony for the "New Factory Loan" enterprise. Guangning Rural Commercial Bank provides 1 billion yuan in financial support to enterprises, responds with practical actions to insist on the manufacturing industry, supports the "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages", and boosts local economic development.

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

➤ County Magistrate He Jiancai pointed out at the credit granting ceremony

The “new factory loan” business is of great significance in promoting the establishment of newly introduced enterprises in the county, cultivating the development of emerging enterprises, accelerating the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and expanding the market. It is a major innovation in Guangning County in promoting high-quality industrial development. , opening up a broader financing channel to solve the financing problems of enterprises in our county. Guangning will use this credit grant as a new starting point to strive for greater investment and continued support from financial institutions. It is hoped that after receiving financial support, the company will focus on improving the efficiency of the use of funds, maximizing the value of funds, and promoting project quality improvement. Increase efficiency; at the same time, we hope that Guangning Rural Commercial Bank will continue its efforts and strive to make greater contributions to the economic development of Guangning County. We also hope that financial institutions in the county will provide more project loans and liquidity based on the needs of our county’s project construction and financing needs. Capital loans, trade financing, bills, non-financing letters of guarantee and other credit and financing support businesses work with enterprises across the county for common development and win-win cooperation. The county party committee and government will further strengthen the investment environment construction, comprehensively optimize the investment service system, create an efficient and clean service environment, a transparent and stable policy environment, a fair and unified market environment, and create a first-class entrepreneurial environment for investors.

He Wenzhao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guangning Rural Commercial Bank, said at the credit granting ceremony that the Rural Commercial Bank will take the "new factory loan" as an opportunity to continue to strengthen multi-party cooperation between "government, bank and enterprises", proactively provide proactive services, and timely follow-up services , precise and refined services, and investing more financial resources to help Guangning County’s high-quality economic development.

Enterprise representatives said that they will keep pace with the times and take advantage of the trend to make more contributions to promoting high-quality economic development in Guangning.

On-site credit extension of 1 billion yuan! Guangning County Rural Commercial Bank’s “New Factory Loan” helps the development of manufacturing industry

It is understood that this time Guangning Rural Commercial Bank provided an "overall credit" line of 1 billion yuan for the "new factory loan" business, and granted a total of 183 million yuan of credit to representatives of five companies. As of November 28, Guangning Rural Commercial Bank's manufacturing loans were 790 million yuan, an increase of 186 million yuan or 30.89% from the beginning of the year; it has granted credit to 15 "new factory loans" with a credit amount of 416 million yuan and a disbursement amount of 273 million yuan. Yuan.

Deputy County Magistrate Yang Hongzhang attended the credit granting ceremony.

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2023-11-30 23:49 Published in Guangdong

On November 29,2023  the Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau’s International Industrial Cooperation Liaison Service Point Listing and the “Invest in Guangdong” platform’s “Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises” special area online launch event were held at Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Wanyang Public Innovation City in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau Zou Xiaoling, deputy director Li Zhenjie and relevant comrades of the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, the person in charge of Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Wanyang Public Innovation City and representatives of settled enterprises attended the event.

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

At the event, Zou Xiaoling, director of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau, awarded the "International Industrial Cooperation Liaison Service Point of Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau" plaque to Liao Yanshen, head of Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Wanyang Public Innovation City. By establishing a liaison working mechanism and in-depth cooperation with the park, we will provide foreign affairs services to the park and the companies settled in it, explore the international market, and help the park and companies develop and grow.

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

The "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is the first foreign affairs service area in the province to launch the "Invest in Guangdong" platform. It mainly includes four functional sections: foreign affairs window, five-foreign cooperation, business processing, and overseas consular protection. The "Invest in Guangdong" platform is an intensive, intelligent, and visual investment promotion portal for the entire province unifiedly built by the Guangdong Provincial Government. The "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" special area was the first to be launched on the platform. It is an innovative measure by Foreign Affairs to explore new paths for high-quality development of enterprises and localities under the background of digital government construction. With the support of the Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and the Zhaoqing Branch of Digital Guangdong Network Company, the Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau actively explores digital empowerment of investment promotion work, simultaneously expands investment promotion channels through offline contact points and online platforms, and further enhances Zhaoqing City It is attractive to foreign-related enterprises and projects, demonstrates Zhaoqing's good image of opening up to the outside world with high-quality foreign affairs services, and contributes foreign affairs strength to optimize the business environment and do a good job in attracting investment.

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

The Zhaoqing APEC Business Travel Card policy was also preached at the event, and learning materials such as "Zhaoqing City's Guidelines for Applying for the APEC Business Travel Card" were distributed, which was well received by the participants.

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

The first foreign affairs service area in Guangdong Province, "Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Benefiting Enterprises" area is online

After the event, Zou Xiaoling led a team to investigate Guangdong Kuwang Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Ailip Electric Co., Ltd., which are stationed in the park, to learn more about the company's product exports, investment and factory establishment in foreign countries, and related foreign affairs work needs. She said that the Zhaoqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau will focus on the construction of "foreign affairs + platform" and "foreign affairs + park", actively explore new paths for high-quality development of foreign affairs services, and innovate ways to help attract investment. At the same time, based on the needs of enterprises, we carry out "foreign affairs to benefit enterprises" to provide high-quality services for enterprise development.

Attending the first Chain Expo! Zhaoqing Cluster District delivers a strong message of development to Chinese and foreign enterprises!

Attending the first Chain Expo! Zhaoqing Cluster District delivers a strong message of development to Chinese and foreign enterprises!

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area, Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone 

Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-30 20:15

November 28,2023

The first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Chain Expo") kicked off in Beijing.

This is the world’s first national-level exhibition with the theme of supply chain!

November 28,2023  The first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Chain Expo") kicked off in Beijing.    This is the world’s first national-level exhibition with the theme of supply chain!

Source: China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo

As the country’s largest economic province, it is also a major manufacturing province.

The exhibition area of enterprises in Guangdong Province exceeds 3,000 square meters. Excellent Guangdong enterprises spread across various chains, forming the "provincial delegation" with the largest exhibition area and the most complete chains at this Chain Expo.

The large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) also appeared at the Chain Expo!

And promote ourselves to entrepreneurs at home and abroad to deliver a strong message for the development of agglomeration areas!

Source: Electric Shock News


At the event organized by Guangdong Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Southern Finance Omni Media Group

At the "Guangdong Industrial Chain Supply Chain Special Exchange Meeting",

Peng Songguang, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area Planning and Construction Headquarters

We made a special presentation on the investment environment of the agglomeration area to introduce the Zhaoqing agglomeration area to Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs!

Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Provincial Committee

Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Provincial Committee

Peng Songguang introduced in detail the investment advantages, industrial foundation, industrial chain development status and future plans of Zhaoqing agglomeration area to the participating entrepreneurs.

We also warmly welcome high-quality chain enterprises from all over the country and the world to come to Zhaoqing agglomeration area to inspect and invest.

Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Provincial Committee

Source: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangdong Provincial Committee

The large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) has a good business environment, convenient location and transportation, and huge development potential.

At present, Zhaoqing agglomeration area has been formed

The pattern of "catching up projects and seeking development in full swing" presents a scene of construction in full swing, and the song of joint and upward construction is sung everywhere.

The Lianfu project in the municipal management starting area is under construction

The Lianfu project in the municipal management starting area is under construction

By participating in the Chain Expo, the popularity of Zhaoqing Cluster Area in the country has been further enhanced.

We also met a group of new energy vehicles, new energy storage and other chain entrepreneurs who are in line with the industrial development positioning of the agglomeration area.

A number of high-quality projects that are in line with the industrial development orientation of the agglomeration area have been reserved to lay a solid foundation for future project attractions!

It is understood that the first Chain Expo has the theme of "Linking the World and Creating the Future", with a total exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, attracting more than 500 Chinese and foreign companies to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition sets up five major chain and supply chain service exhibition areas, including smart automobile chain, green agricultural chain, clean energy chain, digital technology chain, and healthy life chain. It displays advanced technologies and products and future development trends of each link of each chain vertically, and displays finance horizontally. , logistics and platform enterprise and other services to help upstream, midstream and downstream industries cooperate and develop together.

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2583333

Fax: 86-758-2588213


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel: 86-758-8392673

Fax: 86-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City

Tel: 86-758-3611228

Fax: 86-758-3611188


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The groundbreaking ceremony of key projects in Zhaoqing was held in Sihui: total investment 8.67 billion yuan! Zhaoqing’s green development adds new momentum

The groundbreaking ceremony of key projects in Zhaoqing was held in Sihui: total investment 8.67 billion yuan! Zhaoqing’s green development adds new momentum

Released by Sihui City 2023-08-30 22:43 Published in Guangdong

On August 30, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony for Zhaoqing's key projects was held in Sihui City. This is Zhaoqing's in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions during his inspection of Guangdong, anchoring the specific deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", and in-depth Implementing the "big battle" for manufacturing project construction has set off a new upsurge in grasping projects, strengthening industries, fighting for the economy, and promoting development, and is an important measure to promote the deepening and solidification of "hundreds and millions of projects". Xu Xiaoxiong, deputy secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and mayor, Zhang Linglong, a second-level researcher in the Industrial Development Division of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Gong Neng, a second-level researcher in the Electronic Information Industry Division of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Weng Zhuohui, deputy secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and mayor, and Liang Xiangda, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Huihui City, Li Xuxi, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of the Sihui Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Zhu Gongshan, the party and government leaders of Sihui City and Chairman of GCL Holdings Co., Ltd. attended the event.

The unveiling ceremony of the industrial fund was held that day.

GCL used power lithium battery recycling project,

GCL Liquid Cooling Overcharging Industrial Base (Zhaoqing) Project

Centralized groundbreaking ceremony.

The groundbreaking ceremony of key projects in Zhaoqing was held in Sihui: total investment 8.67 billion yuan! Zhaoqing’s green development adds new momentum

The groundbreaking ceremony of key projects in Zhaoqing was held in Sihui: total investment 8.67 billion yuan! Zhaoqing’s green development adds new momentum

GCL (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd. is a company that integrates wind and solar hydrogen storage, source, grid and load storage, new energy, clean energy, mobile energy industry new ecology, silicon materials, lithium materials, carbon materials, integrated circuit core materials and other related industries Collaborative development, a global innovative leading enterprise that leads innovation and development with leading green, low-carbon and zero-carbon technology.

GCL (Supramolecular Materials) New Deep Eutectic Electrolyte Project mainly produces new deep eutectic electrolyte products. The project has a total investment of 5 billion yuan, covers an area of 500 acres, and has an annual output value of 22 billion yuan after reaching capacity. The project is invested and constructed in two phases. The first phase has an annual output of 100,000 tons of new deep eutectic electrolyte products, a project investment of 1 billion yuan, an area of 91 acres, and an annual output value of 3 billion yuan after reaching capacity.

GCL Waste Power Lithium Battery Recycling Project mainly carries out the recycling and utilization of waste lithium-ion batteries, covering an area of 240 acres.

The GCL Liquid Cooling Supercharging Industrial Base (Zhaoqing) project covers a total area of 500 acres, and the first phase of the project covers an area of 360 acres. The first phase includes three industrial projects including GCL’s high-end equipment automation equipment production base, GCL’s V2G and B2G supercharge production base with an annual output of 30,000 units, and GCL’s 20GW annual output inverter production base.

Xu Xiaoxiong said in his speech

Zhaoqing City adheres to the real economy as the basis and the manufacturing industry as the leader, and strives to develop strategic leading industries such as new energy storage, and comprehensively builds "Electric Zhaoqing, Zero-carbon Zhaoqing, Digital Zhaoqing, and Green Zhaoqing". Last year, the city's new energy storage industry achieved industrial status above designated size. The total output value increased by 65%, making it a key city in the province to build an energy storage battery industry cluster on the west bank of the Pearl River Estuary, a lithium battery separator production and manufacturing base, energy storage control products and system integration, and an advanced equipment manufacturing cluster. The three projects built by GCL Group in Zhaoqing this time have large investment scales, high technological content, strong industrial connections, and wide expansion space. They represent the strategic direction of collaborative innovation and development of new energy and new materials industries, and will strongly boost Zhaoqing's new The energy storage industry strengthens the chain and extends the development of the chain. We will vigorously support project construction and development, provide enterprises with the most solid guarantee and the highest quality services, and work together to promote projects to be quickly constructed, put into production, and achieve quick results.

It is understood that the total investment of the GCL project that has been intensively started this time is 8.67 billion yuan, of which the first phase investment of the GCL liquid-cooled supercharge industrial base (Zhaoqing) project is 2 billion yuan, with huge investment potential in the later period. After the GCL project is put into operation, it is expected that the total annual output value will reach more than 41.1 billion yuan and the tax revenue will reach more than 1.7 billion yuan. It will effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure of the four cities, drive the development of new energy and related industrial projects in the four cities, and accelerate the implementation of the four cities. With the goal of "global GDP exceeding the 100 billion yuan mark", Zhaoqing will serve as the main force in Zhaoqing's new industrialization and create a new industrial-city integrated manufacturing city in the Greater Bay Area to inject strong impetus.

Zhu Gongshan, Chairman of GCL (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd. said

The more I walked into Zhaoqing, the more I was impressed by the business climate of "two-way improvement" of Zhaoqing's soft and hard environment. GCL Group will promote project clusters to speed up, catch up with progress, seize time, start construction early, reach production early, and create benefits early, create a benchmark for green and zero-carbon projects, a digital factory, and a demonstration base, and provide Zhaoqing with accurate investment, business-based investment, Industrial clusters and strengthened chains will contribute to building a green and low-carbon future together with Zhaoqing.

Weng Zhuohui, Mayor of Sihui Municipal Government, said

The Fourth Committee will always adhere to the development philosophy of valuing business, being pro-business, and respecting business, and provide high-quality, efficient, and convenient services for enterprise development with a more pragmatic work style, a more open cooperation attitude, and a better business environment to help enterprises develop. Enterprises develop and grow; project investors must ensure safety and quality, speed up the progress of the project, strive for early completion, early commissioning, and early results of the project, and contribute more to the Fourth Congress's accelerated construction of a 100-billion-dollar county; entrepreneurs are sincerely invited to Understand the Four Conferences, invest in the Four Conferences, take root in the Four Conferences, and jointly build the Four Conferences into a new platform for entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams and achieve their careers!

Luo Jianlian, Director of Enterprise Service Section, Sihui Industrial Park Administration Bureau, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Next, the Sihui Industrial Park Administration Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will combine its work functions to fully promote the implementation of the project and proactively implement the following two aspects: First, innovation and optimization, focusing on improving service capabilities, and providing accurate and efficient " "Mother-like" service, earnestly grasp the construction progress of the GCL project, and promote the acceleration of the construction, completion and commissioning of the GCL project. The second is to improve the quality of "software", enhance the ability to serve enterprises, further strengthen and improve the coordination and tracking service mechanism, and implement full guidance, coordination and tracking of introduced projects from project approval, registration, construction start, completion acceptance and production and operation. service, strengthen service awareness, further improve service levels, and effectively solve problems for park enterprises with high-quality, efficient, active and enthusiastic services.

Chen Zujie, Deputy Director of Sihui Investment Promotion Center

Next, we will carry out in-depth manufacturing project construction "big battle" and industrial project full-process scheduling and supervision, collect project construction progress in a timely manner, organize relevant coordination meetings and promotion meetings on a regular basis, and target matters that are behind the time schedule of the full-factor flow chart , carry out notification and supervision, and promote the project to be completed and put into production in accordance with the contract.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Annual output is 6.3 million tons! Zhaoqing Guangning Hulu Sand and Gravel Mine Puts into Operation

Annual output is 6.3 million tons! Zhaoqing Guangning Hulu Sand and Gravel Mine Puts into Operation

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-29 19:42


Calabash gravel mine located in Guangning County, Zhaoqing City

Successfully completed the commissioning of the entire line of equipment,

Officially put into operation.

The Hulu Sand and Gravel Mining Project is a key project of the traditional industry upgrading project in Guangdong Province. It is also the first sand and gravel aggregate mining project managed by China Energy Construction through "integration of investment, construction and operation". It successfully applied for mining on August 11, 2021. license and enter the mine development stage.

The total investment of the project is 1.276 billion yuan.

The total amount of ore rock within the open-pit mining area is 56.2331 million cubic meters.

The annual production scale is 2.42 million cubic meters.

The mined mineral is granite.

Total mineral resource reserves are 101.49 million tons,

The annual output can reach 6.3 million tons.

The mining service life is 28 years.

During the construction of the project, Hulu Sand and Gravel Company established a special working group to address difficult and blocking problems, held weekly meetings, and jointly promoted the construction progress through a series of measures, achieving the completion of 2.4 million cubic meters of earth and stone excavation in 3 months and 4 months. Over 60,000 square meters of concrete pouring was completed, and the power acceptance was completed within 4 months.

The formal commissioning of the Hulu Sand and Gravel Mine will provide green, environmentally friendly, high-quality sand and gravel aggregates for the infrastructure construction of Zhaoming Expressway and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the future, the project will vigorously promote innovation in technology systems, industrial models, and operating methods, explore a new path for mining development that is technically feasible, economically reasonable, quality and efficient, and promote the transformation, upgrading, and green development of the sand and gravel industry.



肇慶への投資 広東省で公開 2023-11-29 19:42

2023年11月28日、肇慶市長徐暁雄は投資促進と視察活動のため広州を訪れ、広州嶺南商旅投資集団有限公司、中国南方電力網能源貯蔵有限公司の幹部らと会談した。 、日本貿易振興機構広州駐在員事務所(華南駐在員事務所) 会談中、双方は協力プロジェクトの構築の加速と多分野での協力拡大について緊密な意見交換を行った。

Xu Xiaoxiong氏は、肇慶市の発展に対する継続的な懸念と支援に対し、嶺南ビジネストラベルグループと中国南方グリッドエネルギー貯蔵会社に感謝の意を表した。

徐暁雄 言う

現在、肇慶市は質の高い発展という主要任務と新たな発展パターンの構築という戦略的任務に重点を置いており、省党委員会と省政府の決定と取り決めに従って、次のような政策を徹底的に実行している。 「数十万のプロジェクト」を推進し、産業活性化と観光活性化の実行を加速し、時代の精神を体現し、嶺南の特徴とグリーンエネルギー基地を備えた有名な文化観光都市であることを創造するためにあらゆる努力を払っています。広東・香港・マカオ大湾区。 嶺南商旅集団と中国南方グリッドエネルギー貯蔵有限公司は、多角的な事業展開と強力な強みを有し、肇慶市の産業との親和性が高く、肇慶市の建設加速を基礎に、両者のコミュニケーションとドッキングをさらに強化することが期待される。既存の協力プロジェクトを強化し、農業、文化、ビジネス、観光の促進に努める エネルギー貯蔵統合、揚水エネルギー貯蔵、新たなエネルギー貯蔵産業の発展などの分野で緊密な協力を実施し、相互の達成に向けて協力する有益でWin-Winの開発。 嶺南商旅集団と中国南方電力網エネルギー貯蔵公司の幹部らは、肇慶市の発展見通しについて非常に楽観的であり、企業の発展戦略と肇慶市の都市開発の方向性に基づき、同省の大きなチャンスを捉えて秩序ある産業移転を推進すると述べた。 、産業配置をさらに最適化し、両者間の協力を加速し、より広い分野に向けて移行します。



徐暁雄 言う

広東省および広東・香港・マカオ大湾区のハイレベルなオープン開発パターンの一員として、肇慶市は常に輸出志向型経済の発展を最優先事項として捉えてきた。 駐在員事務所の支援と助力により、電子情報、自動車部品、食品・飲料などの分野で日本企業とのドッキング協力をさらに強化できることが期待されます。肇慶市は、お客様に高品質のサービス保証を提供してまいります。肇慶市の企業の発展と成長を全面的にサポートします。 日本貿易振興機構広州駐在員事務所の幹部らは、同駐在員事務所は経済貿易交流において日本と肇慶市の架け橋としての役割を積極的に果たし、日本企業と肇慶市の交流を引き続き強化し、積極的に焦点を当てていくと述べた。より良い未来の実現をさらに促進するために、双方が適合する産業を連携し、産業の共同建設と共同投資を緊密化します。

Mayor of Zhaoqing City, Xu Xiaoxiong went to Guangzhou to carry out investment inspection activities

Mayor of Zhaoqing City, Xu Xiaoxiong went to Guangzhou to carry out investment inspection activities

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-29 19:42

On November 28, 2023, Zhaoqing Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong went to Guangzhou to carry out investment promotion and inspection activities, and met with senior officials from Guangzhou Lingnan Business Travel Investment Group Co., Ltd., China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage Co., Ltd., and the Japan External Trade Organization Guangzhou Representative Office (South China Representative Office) During the talks, the two sides had in-depth exchanges on accelerating the construction of cooperation projects and expanding cooperation in multiple fields.

Xu Xiaoxiong thanked Lingnan Business Travel Group and China Southern Grid Energy Storage Company for their continued concern and support for the development of Zhaoqing.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Currently, Zhaoqing is closely focusing on the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Zhaoqing is in-depth implementation of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", accelerating the implementation of industrial revitalization and tourism revitalization, and making every effort to create It is a famous cultural and tourism city that embodies the spirit of the times and has Lingnan characteristics and a green energy base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Lingnan Business Travel Group and China Southern Grid Energy Storage Company have the advantages of diversified business and strong strength, and are highly compatible with Zhaoqing's industry. It is hoped that the two parties will further strengthen communication and docking on the basis of accelerating the construction of existing cooperation projects, and strive to promote agricultural, cultural, business and tourism We will carry out in-depth cooperation in areas such as energy storage integration, pumped hydro energy storage and the development of new energy storage industries, and work together to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development. Senior executives of Lingnan Business Travel Group and China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage Company said they were very optimistic about Zhaoqing's development prospects and would seize the province's major opportunities to promote the orderly transfer of industries. Based on the corporate development strategy and Zhaoqing's urban development direction, they will further optimize the industrial layout and accelerate cooperation between the two parties. Move towards wider areas.

At the Japan External Trade Organization Guangzhou Representative Office,

Xu Xiaoxiong expressed his gratitude to the Japanese-funded enterprises for their positive contributions to Zhaoqing's economic and social development.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

As a member of the high-level open development pattern of Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing has always regarded the development of an export-oriented economy as its top priority. It is hoped that with the support and help of the representative office, we can further strengthen the docking cooperation with Japanese enterprises in the fields of electronic information, auto parts, food and beverages, etc. Zhaoqing will provide high-quality service guarantees for the development of enterprises and fully support the development and growth of enterprises in Zhaoqing. Senior officials from the Guangzhou Representative Office of the Japan External Trade Organization said that the representative office will actively play its role as a bridge between Japan and Zhaoqing in economic and trade exchanges, continue to enhance the interaction between Japanese enterprises and Zhaoqing, and actively focus on industries that are compatible with both parties to further promote the realization of a better future. Close industrial co-construction and cooperative investment.

Let the agglomeration area lead the way! Take a look at the new look of high-quality park construction in Zhaoqing along Dongjin Avenue-general factories-China Industrial Park

Let the agglomeration area lead the way! Take a look at the new look of high-quality park construction in Zhaoqing along Dongjin Avenue

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-29 19:55

Looking at Zhaoqing along National Highway 321 and Dongjin Avenue,

You can feel how obvious the city has changed!

What used to be a wilderness is now a high-quality park, and projects have been launched one after another. Taking the lead of large-scale industrial clusters,

Zhaoqing's multiple platforms are advancing hand in hand, building the foundation of "manufacturing dominance" step by step.

Lianfu Area, a large industrial cluster in Zhaoqing

At the end of the year, Lianfu Area, a large industrial cluster in Zhaoqing, got a new look.

All eight standard factory buildings will be capped by the end of next month (December 2023), including canteens, 13-story dormitories, etc.

The reporter saw at the scene that each floor of the factory building is 6.8 meters high. At present, internal decoration has begun, and preparations are being made to install doors and windows, embed fire pipes, and install water and electricity.

According to the person responsible for the construction

Zhaoqing Xijiang Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xijiang Company")

Relevant person in charge introduced,

The factory building is planned to serve electronic information enterprises, and the relevant details are designed accordingly. The area of each floor is about 1,800 square meters.

The eight factory buildings can provide a total of about 60,000 square meters of fast production workshops.

Lianfu project under construction

Lianfu project under construction

In order to meet the housing needs of the workers who settled in the project, the park is equipped with dormitories, which can provide accommodation space for more than 5,000 people, as well as a basketball court and a neighborhood center.

In addition, all factory buildings will be equipped with rooftop photovoltaics to provide green power for the projects stationed there.

Low-view rendering of the LianFu Project Neighborhood Center

Low-view rendering of the LianFu Project Neighborhood Center

In addition to general factories, a total of more than 2,200 acres of land in the Zhaoqing agglomeration area has been completed and submitted for approval. Including more than 1,600 acres of cultivated land,

Recently, land auctions have entered a peak period, with a total of 13 land parcels currently undergoing tender, auction and listing procedures, and preparatory work for land parcels that have already been auctioned is in progress.

In order to improve the capital service function of industrial clusters and play the role of "promoting investment through investment",

Xijiang Company will actively participate in the agglomeration area industrial fund,

We will also explore ways to work with equity investment companies with strong professional capabilities and a high degree of marketization to jointly establish various funds that are in line with the orientation of modern industrial system construction.

The reporter learned that

At present, Xijiang Company has established an investment business segment subsidiary (Zhaoqing Runhe Investment Co., Ltd.) as the management and operation entity for subsequent investment projects.

at the same time,

Xijiang Company has finalized the cooperation plan and partnership agreement with Yueke Financial Group.

The total scale of the industrial agglomeration fund is 2 billion yuan, and the initial fundraising scale is 500 million yuan. Industrial and commercial registration can be processed after approval from the superior authorities.

The relevant person in charge of Xijiang Company said,

A stable investment talent reserve system will be gradually established.

Better provide capital services to large industrial clusters.

On September 28 2023, two industrial funds were signed during the signing and construction activities of the starting area of municipal management in the agglomeration area.

On September 28 2023, two industrial funds were signed during the signing and construction activities of the starting area of municipal management in the agglomeration area.

Along Dongjin Avenue, we soon turned into the Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park in Dinghu District.

The industrial park officially started construction in September last year. In just over a year, it has now begun to take shape as an advanced industrial park.

The first phase covers an area of more than 900 acres, and now all the land has been leveled.

14 kilometers of park roads are under construction, and there are already multiple projects under construction.

Intelligent equipment industrial park

Intelligent equipment industrial park

at the scene,

The reporter saw that the land for the first phase was divided into more than 30 plots, and each plot was marked with relevant projects.

Among them, Ouyate Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a CNC machining center.

Its independently developed equipment can combine drilling, cutting, turning and milling and other processes in the production of aluminum products into one and conduct digital management.

With the digital transformation of the global manufacturing industry, the company's market has grown significantly, and it settled in Zhaoqing to increase capital and expand production.

The project covers an area of 41 acres, and the seven-story factory building officially started construction in April this year.

It has been capped and strives to conduct equipment commissioning by the end of December 2023.

The factory building of Ouyate Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is stepping up construction

The factory building of Ouyate Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is stepping up construction

in addition,

The land is being leveled for the second phase of the Intelligent Equipment Industrial Park, which covers about 1,000 acres.

The industrial park project is jointly solicited by Dinghu District and Zhaoqing New District, focusing on high-end equipment.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Gaoyao District seizes the golden period of construction and accelerates project construction-attract investment-China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park

Gaoyao District seizes the golden period of construction and accelerates project construction

Posted by GaoYao 2023-11-29 18:40 Published in Guangdong

Project construction is the “lifeline” of development.

Although the early winter in Gaoyao is getting increasingly chilly,

However, the construction sites of various key projects

The “heat” and “speed” have not diminished at all,

Reporters enter the park, enter the factory, and go to the construction site.

Everywhere you look there is an exciting and busy construction scene.

The project construction site of Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd

The project construction site of Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd

November 28, 2023

Located in Tianzi Industrial Cluster Base, Nan'an Street

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. project construction site,

Engineering vehicles transporting materials come and go.

Road hardening, door and window installation, exterior wall decoration

The construction process is progressing in an orderly manner.

The workers are meticulous and work against time,

Seize the golden period of construction,

Make every effort to speed up project construction.

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. project

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. project

The Chantong Company project started construction in April this year. In just half a year, all five main buildings were capped and entered the decoration stage. The entire project is expected to be completed in December and will fully enter the acceptance stage in January 2024, fully embodying the The "high speed" of project construction has been achieved.

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. project

Cen Jianhua, director of Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd.:

"Since settling in Gaoyao District, we have received strong support from relevant government departments during the construction of the factory. The work efficiency is very high, which makes our project construction progress very smoothly. We strive to complete the entire project before the Chinese New Year, and it is expected to be completed after the year During the equipment installation stage, production will begin one month after installation.”

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In 2022, our district will adopt the method of "vacating cages and replacing birds"

A manufacturing company introduced,

Mainly produces fans for food, glass, ceramics and other machinery.

The total project investment is approximately 250 million yuan.

The factory building area is about more than 50,000 square meters.

It is expected that after the project is put into production

It can produce 60,000 industrial fans every year.

Production value will also double.

Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Cen Jianhua, director of Guangdong Chantong Fan Manufacturing Co., Ltd. said:

"Our company's original output value is about 100 million yuan. We plan to add laser machines, cutting machines, CNC lathes, automatic welding machines and other equipment to the new factory. This will increase the equipment by one-third compared to the original factory in Foshan, which will greatly improve our productivity. Production speed and efficiency. We hope that by doubling the production site, our production capacity and output value can double to 200 million yuan."

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Guangzhou-zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce was established, and local entrepreneurs had a "home"

Guangzhou-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce was established, and local entrepreneurs had a "home"

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-11-28 22:19

"Guangzhou Zhao-Commerce finally has an organization.

There is a ‘home’. "


Guangzhou-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce Inauguration Ceremony

A promotion meeting to support Zhaoqing’s high-quality development was held.

Entrepreneurs from Zhaoqing who are developing in Guangzhou gathered together.

Let’s talk about nostalgia, seek development and talk about the future together.

zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhou

Seizing the province's major policy opportunities, Guangzhou and Zhaoqing, which drink from the same river, are engaged in a "two-way" industrial collaboration. In this context, the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce came into being. Cai Jingshen, the first president, said that the Chamber of Commerce will build up the "Zhaoshang" brand, strengthen and expand member companies, and make due contributions to the economic development of Zhaoshang and Guangzhou.

Guangzhou-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce is Zhaoqing

Following the Zhongshan City-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce,

Dongguan City-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce

The third municipal chamber of commerce.

Dongguan-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Source: Dongguan-Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce

Zhaoqing and Guangzhou are geographically close.

Connected by blood and culture,

There are frequent exchanges and interactions and a good foundation for cooperation.

For a long time, many Zhaoqing enterprises

Work hard and create a future in Guangzhou.

According to incomplete statistics,

There are currently more than 10,000 enterprises in Guangzhou,

Including construction and building materials, hardware, auto parts and other industries.

"Zhaoshang hopes to have a 'home'." Cai Jingshen told the author that as the interaction between Guangzhou and Zhaoqing becomes more and more intense, local enterprises in Zhaoqing have the idea of ​​going south and Zhaoshang in Guangzhou has the need to expand business northward. Everyone is eager to do so. An organization is needed to bridge the gap so that cooperation and communication can be smoother and industrial projects can be implemented quickly.

Photo by Liang Liang

With the active promotion of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, counties (cities), districts, and departments, and after more than a year of preparations, in September this year, the first member meeting of the first session of the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce reviewed and approved the "Guangzhou City "Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce Charter", elected the leadership team, board of directors and members of the board of supervisors of the chamber of commerce; in October, the chamber of commerce officially obtained the social group legal person registration certificate issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Social Organization Administration Bureau; today, there are nearly 200 member units.

Inauguration Ceremony of Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce

And the promotion meeting to support Zhaoqing’s high-quality development,

Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government,

The leading teams of all counties (cities) and districts attended together.

While congratulating the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce,

Liaise with members of the Chamber of Commerce on projects.

At the promotion meeting, the government and enterprises hit it off.

Some projects were completed efficiently

Initial cooperation intention.

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing City said

"This is a great thing for businessmen in Suizhao to strengthen contacts, enhance nostalgia, and promote cooperation. It is also a great practical thing to help Zhaoqing's high-quality development. The Chamber of Commerce not only helps the local talented people who work away from home to contact nostalgia, exchange information, Joint development to create a 'Zhaoqing Home' will also provide a 'useful place' for promoting Zhaoqing, attracting business, and exchanges and cooperation, focusing on 'what the Bay Area wants, what Zhaoqing needs, and what the local talents can do', and accelerate the construction of Zhaoqing. The western growth pole of the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will make new and greater contributions."

The Chamber of Commerce is an important force in promoting local economic development.

It is also a bridge and link between the government and enterprises.

It is of great significance to promote regional industrial development.

How to accurately connect “what the chamber of commerce can do” with “what Zhaoqing needs”? At the inauguration ceremony of the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce, the Zhaoqing Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce jointly signed a framework agreement on the "Thousands of Enterprises to Prosper Ten Thousands of Villages" to assist the "Hundreds and Tens of Thousands of Projects" to guide chambers of commerce from other places to actively return to their hometowns to participate in the "Thousands of Enterprises to Prosper Ten Thousands of Villages" project. "Action, join the rural revitalization strategy, support the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" and the construction of green Zhaoqing, promote the coordinated development of Zhaoqing's urban and rural areas, and assist the high-quality economic development of Zhaoqing City.

According to the agreement,

Both parties will publicize and guide Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce,

Member companies, private entrepreneurs

Actively participate in the "Thousands of Enterprises Prosperize Thousands of Villages" campaign,

Returning to hometown to help with rural construction in Zhaoqing,

Deepen industry, employment, technology, and consumption assistance,

Promote rural revitalization and industrial revitalization in Zhaoqing.

Helping attract investment and intelligence is one of the key tasks of the Chamber of Commerce. The two parties will give full play to the platform role of the Municipal Investment Liaison Office and the Municipal Talents and Township Talents Service Station, build the Chamber of Commerce into a frontier window for investment promotion in Zhaoqing and a service position for gathering township talents, and timely collect enterprise investment information, industrial transfer trends and rural talents. We will work together to provide relevant docking services for attracting investment and talents.


The Chamber of Commerce will also strengthen cooperation with all levels of

between governments, between business associations,

Exchange and cooperation among member companies,

To promote business associations, private entrepreneurs,

Economic people’s foreign exchanges, economic and trade cooperation,

Matchmaking in investment, financing, cultural exchanges, etc.

Provide policy, legal consultation and other considerate services,

Let enterprises feel the warmth of "team development".

Cai Jingshen promised that the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce will adhere to the leadership of party building, strengthen management and operations, fully rely on the chamber's resource advantages and talent advantages, build a communication bridge between Zhaoqing and Guangzhou, fully support the two cities' investment promotion, industrial co-construction and other work, and actively mobilize members Enterprises actively participate in the construction of their hometown and strive to explore new ways of win-win cooperation.

Zhaoqing New Area Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park. Image source released by Zhaoqing New District

Zhaoqing New Area Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park. Image source released by Zhaoqing New District

Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce chose Zhaoqing Building in Yuexiu District.

This has been the liaison office between Guangzhou and Zhaozhou for many years.

It is also the base of Zhaoqing’s investment promotion team in Guangzhou.

It can be seen from this that

In the future, the Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and the investment promotion team will

Closely link up and jointly attract investment.

Cai Jingshen said

"Zhaoqing currently has 150,000 acres of large-scale industrial land, and more than 50,000 acres can be developed contiguously. Many entrepreneurial friends have expressed to me their strong willingness to invest in Zhaoqing. My hometown is on a new journey of high-quality development. Regional transportation and infrastructure construction have been comprehensively improved, and reform and innovation have been comprehensively deepened. I hope that the Chamber of Commerce can build a 'two-way bridge' between Guangzhou and Zhaoqing and introduce high-quality projects from all walks of life to Zhaoqing."

Xpeng Motors Zhaoqing Base

Xpeng Motors Zhaoqing Base

since this year,

According to the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government’s new round of

Deployment of counterpart industry collaboration work,

Guangzhou and Zhaoqing carry out counterpart industry cooperation.

Among them, it is clear that Zengcheng District-Sihui City,

Tianhe District—Guangning County, Huaiji County,

Panyu District—Fengkai County,

Huadu District-Deqing County

District-county paired assistance relationship.

Guangzhou-Zhaoqing industrial cooperation continues to deepen. Zhaoqing promotes four counties and one city to strengthen the connection with Guangzhou's assistance area, and promotes Guangzhou-Zhao paired districts and counties (cities) to jointly go out to attract investment for many times; Guangning held a Guangning-Tianhe investment environment promotion conference in Tianhe in July, with a total investment of 19.74 A batch of projects worth 100 million yuan were signed; Huadu provided corporate investment information to Deqing; the Fourth Meeting arranged personnel to communicate with the Zengcheng investment promotion department, etc. From January to October this year, four counties and one city undertook 21 transfer projects from Guangzhou, with a planned investment of 1.63 billion yuan.

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing)

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing)

The development of industrial parks is a key link in the construction of industrial collaboration. At present, four counties and one city have decided to jointly build local industrial cooperation parks with Guangzhou. Among them, Tianhe and Huaiji jointly built an industrial park and started the earthwork leveling project in September. Huadu and Deqing jointly built an industrial transfer park, Zengcheng and The Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park jointly built by the Four Huities has been inaugurated. The construction of the Suining Intelligent Valley Industrial Park jointly built by Guangning and Tianhe is in full swing. Fengkai is making every effort to promote the joint construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing Fengkai) with Panyu. ) Green Building Materials Industrial Park.

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park

A local sage is called a local sage, and a fellow countryman is born;

If businessmen and businessmen work together, "Zhao" will brighten the future.


From the first Zhaoqing Xiangxian Conference held at the beginning of the year, hundreds of Xiangxian talents at home and abroad returned to their hometowns to share opportunities; to the 4th World Cantonese People’s Friendship Conference, more than a thousand people from 60 countries and regions and 421 associations around the world Guests gathered in Zhaoqing to talk about their hometown and seek development; then to the establishment and expansion of the Guangzhou Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce... the power of "Rural Talents +" is gathering and becoming a new driving force to promote high-quality development.


China's Zhaoqing may welcome flying cars----Zhaoqing actively attracts investment from enterprises in the low-altitude aircraft industry chain

China's Zhaoqing may welcome flying cars----Zhaoqing actively attracts investment from enterprises in the low-altitude aircraft industry...