Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The "Zhaoqing City Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" will be implemented from November 1 2023!



The "Zhaoqing City Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" will be implemented from November 1 2023!

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-10-08 20:45


The 14th Zhaoqing Municipal People’s Congress

Standing Committee Announcement

(No. 13)

The "Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment of Zhaoqing City" passed by the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Zhaoqing City on August 29, 2023, has been the fifth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Guangdong Province. The meeting approved it on September 27, 2023, and it is now announced and will come into effect on November 1, 2023.

Standing Committee of Zhaoqing Municipal People's Congress

October 8, 2023

Zhaoqing City Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment

(Adopted at the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Zhaoqing City on August 29, 2023. Approved at the 5th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Guangdong Province on September 27, 2023. Announced on the 8th and effective from November 1, 2023)

Article 1 In order to continue to optimize the business environment, stimulate the vitality of market entities, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market entities, promote high-quality economic development, promote the modernization of the government governance system and governance capabilities, and build Zhaoqing into the western growth pole of the core area of the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong The modern new city of the Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has formulated these regulations in accordance with the State Council's "Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" and other laws and regulations, and in combination with the actual situation of the city.

Article 2 Optimizing the business environment shall follow the principles of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, be guided by the needs of market entities, focus on the transformation of government functions, strengthen the construction of a service-oriented government, innovate systems and mechanisms, reduce institutional transaction costs, and improve The rule of law guarantees and creates a stable, fair, transparent and predictable development environment for various market entities to invest and operate.

Article 3 Market entities shall have equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal rules in economic activities.

The property rights, operational autonomy and other legitimate rights and interests of market entities are protected by law, and the personal rights and property rights of business operators are protected in accordance with the law.

Market entities have the right to know laws and policies, obtain public services, supervise, complain, and report work in business environment-related fields, and receive timely processing.

Market entities should abide by laws and regulations, perform legal obligations, abide by social ethics and business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, compete fairly, and jointly create a healthy and orderly business environment.

Article 4 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall strengthen the organization and leadership of optimizing the business environment, and the main person in charge shall be the first person responsible for optimizing the business environment. Coordinate and promote the reform of the business environment, formulate and improve policies and measures to optimize the business environment, and solve key and difficult issues affecting the business environment.

The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall clearly define the competent departments for optimizing the business environment based on actual conditions, and shall be specifically responsible for daily work such as organization and guidance, overall planning and coordination, supervision and inspection, assessment and evaluation. Other relevant departments shall do a good job in optimizing the business environment according to the division of responsibilities.

Article 5 Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall strengthen the construction of digital government, coordinate and promote the intensive construction, interconnection, and coordination of government application systems in various industries and fields; promote the collection, classification, sharing, application and security of government data Ensure the standardization and standardization construction, promote the digital transformation of government performance and government operations, and improve administrative efficiency.

Article 6 This city should strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to optimize the business environment, promote the docking of system construction, working mechanisms and reform measures, promote the connection of market rules and government service collaboration, and achieve the unification of government service standards. , mutual recognition of qualifications, and regional coordination.

Article 7 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall promptly summarize, copy, and promote effective experiences and practices, and actively explore original and differentiated optimization within the framework of the rule of law in light of local realities. Business environment reform measures; if errors or deviations occur during exploration and the following conditions are met, the liability may be exempted or reduced in accordance with the law:

(1) In line with the reform direction and policy orientation determined by the country, province and city;

(2) Decision-making and execution procedures comply with laws and regulations;

(3) Be diligent and conscientious and do not seek illegal benefits;

(4) Not maliciously collude to harm public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(5) No major losses or negative social impacts were caused.

If laws and regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

Article 8 Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments may formulate industrial guidance policies in accordance with the prescribed authority and procedures based on urban functional positioning, development planning, ecological environment safety and other relevant regulations, and announce them to the public.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should improve the construction of supply and demand platforms for the industrial chain, promote collaboration and supporting facilities between upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, promote industrial cooperation and exchanges, and provide convenience for enterprise production and operation.

Market entities are encouraged to implement carbon peaking and carbon neutrality actions. Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should introduce relevant policies and measures to encourage and support market entities that promote the innovation and application of green and low-carbon technologies such as carbon neutrality and develop renewable energy utilization.

The departments of natural resources, agriculture and rural areas, ecological environment, finance, investment promotion, and power management of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should establish and improve land planning, land supply, ecological environment security, financial support, investment promotion, and electricity demand. and other information interconnection and interoperability mechanisms to guide and serve enterprises in handling the approval matters required for project implementation, and promote enterprises to launch production.

Article 9 This city implements “one-stop processing and one-stop access” for the entire process of newly established enterprises. Applicants can apply for business licenses, official seal engraving, invoice application, social security registration, housing provident fund deposit registration, bank account opening, etc. through the comprehensive service window of the administrative service hall of the municipal or county (city, district) people's government or online service platform For business, you can receive business license, seal, invoice, tax control equipment, etc. at one time.

Relevant departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should explore and promote the joint processing of registration of changes (recording) of market entities' names, residences, legal representatives, registered capital, etc., and changes in other enterprise-related matters to improve the convenience of services.

The market supervision departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall clearly inform market entities of the licensing matters that need to be handled based on the business scope independently declared by market entities, and at the same time inform the relevant competent authorities of the information on market entities that need to apply for licenses. Relevant competent authorities shall promptly handle enterprise-related business licensing matters upon application by market entities, and promptly feedback the results to the market regulatory authorities.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should organize relevant departments to sort out government service matters such as licensing matters and qualification certificates that are frequently handled by market entities for production and operation, and promote cross-regional handling of related matters.

Article 10 This city implements the commitment system for registration and declaration of domicile (business premises) of market entities, registration of multiple licenses for one address, and registration of multiple addresses for one license, and simplifies the registration conditions for domicile of market entities.

Article 11 Market entities can apply for deregistration through the Guangdong Provincial Enterprise Deregistration Online Service Zone platform, and relevant matters will be handled by the market supervision and management, taxation, human resources and social security departments in a classified manner and in parallel.

Market entities (excluding listed joint-stock companies) have not incurred claims or debts or have paid off claims and debts, and have not incurred or have paid off debts, repayment expenses, employee wages, social insurance fees, statutory compensation, and taxes payable (late payment fees, fines) , and all investors make a written commitment to bear legal responsibility for the authenticity of the above situation, they can cancel the registration according to simplified procedures.

If the cancellation of a market entity requires approval according to law, or if a market entity has its business license revoked, ordered to close or cancel, or is included in a directory with abnormal operations, the simplified cancellation procedure will not apply.

Article 12 This city relies on Guangdong Business Connect to establish a "Quanzhaoban" enterprise-related mobile online government service area to implement industrial project approval agency services, enterprise-related laws, regulations and policies inquiries, industrial land inquiries, financial services, intermediary services, and credit inquiries , electronic licenses, complaints and suggestions and other one-stop services.

Article 13 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall promote a multiple-reporting system in which market entities' annual reports involve social security, market supervision, taxation, customs and other matters.

Article 14 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall promote the application of electronic certificates, electronic seals, and electronic signatures in government services, and stipulate specific business application scenarios for electronic materials such as certificates, certificates, and signatures, and promote electronic Mutual recognition and sharing of certificates, licenses and signatures.

When market entities handle government service matters, they use electronic signatures that meet the conditions stipulated in the Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China and have the same legal effect as handwritten signatures or seals; electronic seals and physical seals have the same legal effect; electronic certificates and paper certificates have the same legal effect. Certificates and licenses have the same legal effect and can be used as legal basis for services and archiving materials. Except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Article 15 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall formulate and publish a list of government service items accepted for vacancy, clarifying the names of the items, main application materials, secondary application materials, time limits for vacancies and corrections, etc. The list of government service matters to be accepted and accepted shall be dynamically managed.

Applicants who apply for acceptance of vacancy accommodation should submit the "Letter of Commitment for Application for Acceptance of vacancy accommodation". After receiving the written commitment, the administrative agency shall first accept the application if the main application materials are complete and comply with the legal form and notify the applicant at one time of the materials that need to be supplemented, the deadline for supplementary submission, and the legal consequences. Applicants can supplement and correct missing materials within the commitment time limit through the Internet, postal mail, or other methods stipulated in the commitment letter.

If the applicant completes all missing materials within the promised time limit and meets the statutory requirements after review, the administrative agency shall issue the processing result within the promised processing time limit.

If the applicant cannot supplement all the materials within the promised time limit or the supplemented materials do not meet the requirements, the government service matters will be terminated and the application materials will be returned to the applicant through the window.

Article 16 For certification matters and enterprise-related business license matters that are included in the list of notification and commitment matters by the provincial and municipal people's governments and their relevant departments, applicants may choose to provide relevant materials or adopt the notification and commitment system. If the applicant has a serious bad credit record or has made false promises, the notification and commitment system will not apply before the credit is repaired.

If the applicant chooses to apply for notification and commitment, the relevant department should inform the applicant in writing of the following content after receiving the application:

(1) The names of administrative approval items or certification materials, the names of the main laws, regulations and rules based on them and relevant clauses;

(2) The conditions, standards and technical requirements that must be met to grant administrative approval or valid certification;

(3) The name, method and deadline of the materials that the applicant needs to submit;

(4) Verification powers of administrative agencies;

(5) The time limit and legal effect of the applicant's commitment, as well as the legal consequences of failing to make a commitment within the time limit, making false commitments, and violating commitments;

(6) Whether the letter of commitment is public, the scope and time limit of disclosure;

(7) Other content that this department deems should be notified.

Relevant departments shall make a decision to grant permission or certify based on the applicant's commitment in accordance with the law. Relevant departments should strengthen supervision. If it is discovered that the promisee has not fulfilled its promise, it will be ordered to make rectifications within a time limit. If the conditions are not met after rectification, the decision will be revoked. If a false promise is made, the decision will be revoked directly and the corresponding legal liability will be investigated in accordance with the law. Failure to fulfill notification commitments or making false commitments should be included in public credit records in accordance with the law as an important basis for differentiated supervision.

Article 17 This Municipality encourages and supports all regions and departments to actively explore the reform of the construction project approval system within the framework of the rule of law based on actual conditions, implement the reform requirements of “delegation, regulation and service” to achieve convenient and efficient approval.

Relevant administrative departments should strengthen pre-service, in-process supervision, and post-event law enforcement for engineering construction projects.

Article 18 This city comprehensively implements hierarchical and classified management of engineering construction projects. Relevant departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall, based on the nature of the project, investment scale, risk level, etc., publish the approval flow chart and list of approval items, clarify the approval time limit and application materials list, and implement joint approval of engineering construction projects, multiple drawings, etc. First instance and joint acceptance.

The city's engineering construction project approval adopts a service model of "comprehensive acceptance at the front desk, parallel approval at the back desk, and issuance through a comprehensive window".

The government service centers of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall establish a unified comprehensive service window for approval of engineering construction projects. The comprehensive service window should establish a full-process consultation, guidance, and coordination service mechanism to provide applicants with construction project approval.

The leading department in the four approval stages of project land planning permit, engineering construction permit, construction permit, and completion acceptance is responsible for organizing and coordinating the relevant departments in this approval stage, relying on the engineering construction project approval management system to complete online approval according to the time limit, and achieve one-time filling of information and materials Once uploaded, relevant review comments and approval results will be pushed immediately.

If a time-limited joint acceptance is implemented for the completion of an engineering construction project, the acceptance drawings and acceptance standards shall be unified, and acceptance opinions shall be issued uniformly.

The surveying and mapping matters of engineering construction projects implement "multiple measurements into one", integrating relevant surveying and mapping matters in stages, achieving one commission and sharing of results at the same stage.

The Municipal People's Government should promote the interconnection between the public enterprise information platform and the engineering construction project approval management system, and integrate the approval matters related to the production and operation of water, electricity, gas, network and other enterprises into the engineering construction project approval management system for parallel approval.

Article 19 The natural resources departments and relevant departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall optimize the coordinated supervision of land use planning, project investment promotion, land supply, post-supply management and exit, and implement full-cycle management of industrial land. mechanism.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should strengthen government land acquisition and storage capabilities, establish and improve idle land and inefficient land clearing and disposal mechanisms, and strengthen land element protection. Encourage the vacation and clearing of inefficient urban land through legally negotiated recovery, agreement replacement, cost rewards and penalties, etc.

Encourage the use of long-term leasing, leasing first, and flexible term supply to supply industrial land. Optimize the transfer period of industrial land and improve the flexible transfer period system.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should implement "standard land" supply of industrial land in an orderly manner. For new industrial project land, the regional assessment must be completed first and the basic conditions such as water supply, electricity supply, access roads and land leveling necessary for the project to start construction shall be based on the fixed asset investment intensity of the industrial project, average tax per mu, floor area ratio, unit energy consumption standards, unit Emission standards and other indicators will be used to transfer state-owned construction land to improve the efficiency of industrial land allocation.

On the premise of complying with land spatial planning and meeting safety, environmental protection and other requirements, support the supply of mixed industrial land, encourage mutually beneficial functional mixed layout of industry, warehousing, research and development, office, commercial services and other uses within the same land, and promote mixed use of land Composite use with buildings.

Article 20 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall improve mechanisms for talent introduction, training and evaluation, incentive guarantees, etc.Provide convenient services for high-level talents, highly skilled talents, and urgently needed talents.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments of education, science and technology, human resources and social security should promote the deep integration of teaching and industry and support ordinary colleges and universities and vocational schools (technical schools) to establish school enterprises according to local industry needs. Mechanism for cooperative talent cultivation and use. Relevant departments should rely on the comprehensive information service platform for the integration of industry and education to provide various entities with services such as the release, retrieval, recommendation, and docking of information on regional and industry talent supply and demand, school-enterprise cooperation, project research and development, and technical services.

The human resources and social security departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should strengthen the standardization of human resources services, improve human resources management services, support enterprises in need to innovate employment models, and improve the efficiency of human resource allocation.

Article 21 Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall establish and improve the intellectual property public service system, improve the one-stop intellectual property public service supply mechanism, guide and help market entities standardize internal intellectual property management, Improve the ability of market entities to create, use and protect intellectual property rights.

The Municipal People's Government and its relevant departments should establish and improve the coordination and connection mechanism between judicial protection and administrative protection of intellectual property rights, and improve the cross-regional law enforcement cooperation mechanism. Improve the diversified resolution mechanism for intellectual property disputes and the rights protection assistance mechanism.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should improve the intellectual property credit guarantee mechanism and pledge financing risk compensation mechanism to provide support for the innovative scientific and technological activities of market entities.

The Municipal People's Government should improve the overseas intellectual property assistance mechanism, improve risk warning and emergency response mechanisms, and improve the level of intellectual property protection of market entities.

Article 22 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall strengthen and support the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship incubation carriers such as innovation and entrepreneurship parks, incubation bases, and maker spaces, including site use, infrastructure construction, and public management. In terms of services and other aspects, policy and financial support will be provided in accordance with regulations to reduce the start-up costs of market entities and improve the success rate of incubation.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments should optimize the innovation and entrepreneurship service system, guide universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises and institutions, social organizations and incubation carriers to establish long-term mechanisms for docking innovation and entrepreneurship achievements with industry industries, so as to provide The transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship achievements provides services such as docking channels, promotion and application, strengthens tracking support, and promotes the implementation and development of outstanding projects.

Article 23 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall formulate policies and measures in terms of financial support, fee reductions, financial support, public services, etc. to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should formulate and improve policies and measures to guide the professional, refined, characteristic and innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises, support small and medium-sized enterprises in integrating and serving the national, provincial and municipal development strategies, and promote the focus of enterprises Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the main business to enhance innovation capabilities and development levels.

Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments should promote large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises to strengthen cooperation in innovation chain, industrial chain, supply chain, data chain and other aspects, support the cultivation of integrated innovation platforms and bases for large and medium-sized enterprises, and promote the integration of large and medium-sized enterprises. Integrated development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments should improve the incentive mechanism for brand building, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to establish and improve brand cultivation management systems, and support small and medium-sized enterprises in cultivating independent brands. Market supervision and administration, commerce, industry and information technology departments should provide guidance to small and medium-sized enterprises in applying for registered trademarks, geographical indications, special signs and time-honored brands, establish and improve brand protection mechanisms, and enhance the market competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprise brands.

Article 24 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall rely on credit information sharing platforms to establish and improve a comprehensive public credit evaluation system that meets the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises, and regularly push evaluation results to financial institutions.

Encourage qualified financial institutions in our city to use public credit information, rely on big data, cloud computing, etc. to improve credit evaluation and risk management models for small and medium-sized enterprises, optimize the credit approval process, and promote service models such as "Xinyidai".

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments may set up credit risk compensation funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, provide loan risk compensation to banks that provide financing services to small and medium-sized enterprises, and provide emergency on-lending relief and other financial support to qualified small and medium-sized enterprises.

Article 25 Public enterprises and institutions such as water supply, power supply, gas supply, communication network, etc. shall disclose service scope, standards, charges, procedures, completion time limits and other information, simplify installation procedures, optimize processing procedures, and reduce installation costs.

Public enterprises and institutions should promote the standardization of access and services, ensure that access standards and service standards are open and transparent, and provide relevant extended services and one-stop services.

Public enterprises and institutions shall not force market entities to accept unreasonable service conditions by specifying transactions, delaying services, etc., and shall not charge unreasonable fees in any name.

Public enterprises and institutions such as water supply, power supply, gas supply, and communication networks shall strengthen the quality assurance of services to market entities and shall not illegally refuse or interrupt services. Relevant departments should establish control and guarantee measures for the supply reliability of water, electricity, and communication networks.

Relevant departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should establish mechanisms for supervision and evaluation of the work of public enterprises and institutions that provide public services, and strengthen supervision and management.

Article 26 Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall, in accordance with land spatial planning and actual conditions, rationally allocate public facilities such as education, medical care, childcare, and public transportation in development zones, functional zones, and industrial parks, and improve overall supporting facilities. and service levels; the construction of the park and surrounding infrastructure should be improved to promote the effective connection of transportation, water supply and drainage, electricity, gas, network, sewage treatment and other infrastructure with the park.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should set up one-stop service acceptance points in industrial park management agencies as needed to provide government consulting and agency services such as business start-up, project construction, and talent services.

Article 27 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall improve the government service data collection and sharing mechanism, promote the interconnection of local government service platforms, and promote cross-regional, cross-department, and cross-level government service data Sharing and business collaboration.

Applicants shall not be required to provide information that departments at all levels in this city can obtain through data sharing.

Article 28 Intermediary service agencies shall clarify the conditions, procedures, time limits, and charging standards for handling statutory administrative examination and approval intermediary services, and disclose them to the public, and shall not issue false certificates or reports.

Intermediary service agencies and their employees shall carry out intermediary service activities in accordance with the law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of clients, and shall not harm national interests, public interests, or the legitimate rights and interests of others.

This city cultivates and develops various types of industry associations and chambers of commerce, and regulates and supervises the charging, evaluation, certification and other activities of industry associations and chambers of commerce in accordance with the law.

Industry associations and chambers of commerce should, in accordance with laws, regulations and charters, strengthen industry self-discipline, promptly reflect industry demands, and provide market entities with services such as information consultation, publicity and training, market expansion, rights protection, and dispute resolution.

Encourage industry associations and chambers of commerce to build various industry docking and exchange platforms, hold influential industry activities, and carry out investment promotion, talent introduction and other work.

Article 29 If major administrative decision-making matters of the municipal or county (city, district) people's government are closely related to the production and operation of the enterprise and may have a significant impact on the vital interests or rights and obligations of the enterprise, unless they are required to be kept confidential in accordance with the law, they shall be fully informed before decision-making. Listen to the opinions of relevant enterprises, industry associations and chambers of commerce, publicly solicit public opinions through government portals, online government platforms and other media, and conduct special reviews such as legality review and fair competition review in accordance with the law.

The local laws, regulations, administrative normative documents and policies and measures formulated by this city that involve the rights and obligations of market entities shall be publicly released in accordance with the law within ten working days from the date of issuance, and publicity and interpretation shall be strengthened through various channels and methods .

Policies involving the rights and obligations of market entities should maintain continuity and relative stability. If adjustments are needed due to changes in the situation or public interests, a reasonable transition period should be set based on actual conditions and the necessary adaptation and adjustment time should be reserved for market entities.

Article 30 Administrative law enforcement agencies shall adopt classified regulatory measures based on the characteristics of different fields, risk levels and credit levels of market entities.

(1) Implement full-coverage key supervision in accordance with the law for special industries and key areas that directly involve public security and people’s lives and health;

(2) Implement the "double random, one open" supervision model in other fields in accordance with the law, by randomly selecting inspection objects, randomly selecting law enforcement inspectors, and making random inspection matters and investigation results promptly disclosed to the public;

(3) Problems discovered through complaints and reports, referrals, data monitoring, etc. should be inspected in a targeted manner and dealt with in accordance with the law.

The business secrets of market entities involved in the supervision process shall be kept confidential in accordance with the law.

This city advocates the "artificial intelligence + double randomization" supervision model. Through data sharing and application in multiple industries and departments, big data analysis is used to establish enterprise business risk analysis models, classify enterprises according to different risk levels, and implement differentiated supervision measures.

Article 31 Administrative agencies shall formulate administrative penalty discretionary standards and announce them to the public based on the facts, nature, circumstances, and degree of social harm of illegal acts.

Administrative agencies should establish and improve supporting work systems related to standardizing administrative penalty discretionary benchmarks, incorporate the implementation of administrative penalty discretionary benchmarks into the unit's evaluation, assessment and accountability of administrative law enforcement personnel, and standardize the exercise of administrative penalty discretionary power.

Article 32 Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall implement inclusive and prudent supervision of new technologies, new industries, new business formats, and new models, and formulate and implement corresponding regulatory rules and standards by category and industry. To ensure quality and safety, we must not simply prohibit or exclude supervision.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments should promptly clarify the administrative supervision departments and supervisory responsibilities of new industries and new business formats.

Article 33 Municipal, county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments shall build a new regulatory mechanism based on credit, innovate regulatory methods, and form a comprehensive regulatory system of administrative supervision, industry self-discipline, social supervision, and public participation. ; Implement incentives for trustworthiness and punishment for breach of trust in accordance with laws and regulations.

Market entities are encouraged to repair their own credit by proactively fulfilling their obligations, correcting untrustworthy behaviors, and eliminating adverse effects.

Article 34 This Municipality encourages and supports market entities to establish and improve compliance management systems, and improve legal review and risk identification and early warning mechanisms for major decisions.

Municipal and county (city, district) people's governments and their relevant departments may provide general guidance or suggestions, prepare and issue relevant contract model texts, and send reminder letters to guide and remind market entities to operate in compliance with the law.

People's courts, people's procuratorates, and public security organs may establish criminal violation prevention mechanisms in accordance with the law with the purpose of promoting corporate compliance, urge companies to improve risk internal control systems, and reduce and prevent corporate crimes. Establish and improve the third-party supervision and evaluation mechanism for the compliance of enterprises involved in the case.

Article 35 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall improve the coordination and linkage mechanism for enterprise bankruptcy disposal with the people's courts at the same level, ensure that bankruptcy administrators perform their statutory duties in accordance with the law, and coordinate the resolution of enterprise bankruptcy initiation, employee resettlement, asset disposal, Credit repair, tax-related matters handling, bankrupt enterprise reorganization and other issues.

The human resources and social security departments of the municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees of bankrupt enterprises in accordance with the law, and coordinate and resolve employee labor remuneration disputes, social security transfers, socialized management of retirees, file transfer and other matters.

This city explores the establishment of a credit repair mechanism during the reorganization of bankrupt enterprises, and optimizes the credit repair services for reorganized enterprises in key areas such as taxation, market supervision, and bidding.

Article 36 The municipal and county (city, district) people's governments shall establish a normal communication mechanism with market entities, encourage market entities to make suggestions and reflect the actual situation, listen to and respond to the opinions and demands of market entities in a timely manner, and help them solve problems in accordance with the law. Difficulties and problems encountered in production and operation.

For universal and common issues reported by market entities, relevant units should be included in the scope of reform to optimize the business environment according to their responsibilities.

Market entities can submit inquiries and complaints about the business environment through the 12345 government service convenience hotline, government websites, department telephone numbers, government new media, etc. Relevant departments, public enterprises and institutions shall handle and respond within the prescribed time limit.

Article 37, These regulations will come into effect on November 1, 2023.

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