Wednesday, February 14, 2024

[Looking back at 2023] Promote the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" with top priority to increase energy storage and achieve high-quality development

[Looking back at 2023] Promote the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" with top priority to increase energy storage and achieve high-quality development

Released by Sihui City 2024-02-13 18:14 Guangdong

Looking back on 2023, Sihui City adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly studies and implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions during his inspection of Guangdong, and implements the specific "1310" of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Deploy, take the implementation of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" as a major opportunity to focus on developing the county economy and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, firmly grasp the county economic development points, and accelerate the transformation of shortcomings in the development of counties, towns and villages into leap-forward, high-level Potential board for quality development.

When you walk into Yuanxin Village under the jurisdiction of Longma Village, Dasha Town, you can see:

The village has built 10 green and beautiful gardens.

Including 1 small park, 4 small vegetable gardens,

3 small gardens and 2 small orchards,

The perimeter is surrounded by bamboo fences, wooden fences and landscape walls.

Build pavilions and teahouses for rest, and lay pavement bricks.

Plant hydrangea, mangosteen, rose, perfume lemon, etc. in the garden

There are more than 2,000 green plants of various types.

It has become a beautiful landscape in the countryside.

Dasha Town Green Beauty Demonstration Site

Dasha Town Green Beauty Demonstration Site

Dasha Town Green Beauty Demonstration Site

△Dasha Town Green Beauty Demonstration Site

Deputy Mayor of Dasha Town Yang Jianfeng

Dasha Town is a typical town of Guangdong Province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”. We adopted the model of “government leadership, public investment, and corporate assistance” and took the lead in improving the appearance of rural houses. We have selected the two administrative villages of Longma and Gangmei as demonstration projects, and we will use one point to guide the whole area and radiate to other villages. At present, we have fully completed the work of improving the appearance of rural houses in the demonstration village.

Since 2023,

Dasha Town, Sihui City thoroughly implements the superior's instructions on further promoting

The ecological construction deployment spirit of Lvmei Guangdong and Lvmei Zhaoqing,

Vigorously carry forward the glorious tradition of "Yueshan afforestation",

Concentrate efforts on the construction of typical villages in the "Hundreds and Thousands Project",

Adhering to the concept of "Planting sycamore trees and attracting phoenixes",

Actively promote "improving the appearance of rural houses",

Pilot projects such as the “Beautiful Zhaoqing·Beautiful Home” action,

Create a "Dasha Model" of beautiful countryside with agricultural, cultural and tourism characteristics.

The appearance of rural houses in Longma Village and Gangmei Village in Dasha Town has been improved

The appearance of rural houses in Longma Village and Gangmei Village in Dasha Town has been improved

△The appearance of rural houses in Longma Village and Gangmei Village in Dasha Town has been improved

Chen Guofen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Dasha Town

The first is to persist in advancing at a high level. A leading group for the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" work was established, a "1+N+16" combat management system was established, and the list promoted the steady and orderly development of 25 key implementation projects in 2023, clarifying development ideas. The second is to strengthen industrial promotion. Adhere to the principle of industrial development and project as king, actively cooperate with large-scale industrial clusters to attract large-scale enterprises and promote the advancement of "industry and agriculture", intensify the beautiful fishing grounds of Dasha thousands of acres with high standards, and build the "Dasha Fishing" brand throughout the chain. Promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The third is to put in enough embroidery skills. Promote the construction of beautiful towns and villages with aesthetic thinking and embroidery skills, and promote the construction of beautiful demonstration main streets, house facade improvements, beautiful town living rooms, beautiful river construction, greening and beautification improvements and other projects in an orderly manner, striving to create "both physical and spiritual" A beautiful town that pays equal attention to both inside and outside.

Specialties of Dasha Town

△Specialties of Dasha Town

Next, Dasha Town will take the "Typical Town" as an opportunity to solidly promote the implementation of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" around the "1+4+7+9+N" work requirements. Taking the "central town" as the starting point, we will focus on the development of industrial parks and improve public service facilities, further strengthen the popularity and business of Wangwei Town, and give full play to the role of strengthening the town and leading the village. Taking the "Typical Village" as a breakthrough, we will carry out in-depth comprehensive improvement of the rural living environment and co-creation of aesthetic values, further beautify and activate the surrounding beautiful countryside, and continuously polish the happy foundation of Dasha Town.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster, Sihui City Dasha Town Gate Tower

△Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster, Sihui City Dasha Town Gate Tower

Dasha Town conscientiously implements

“High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages”

Sihui City has implemented the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" in vivid practice.

Since the Provincial Party Committee’s high-level deployment of the “Hundreds and Thousands Project”, the Fourth Congress has regarded the “Hundreds and Thousands Project” as the “number one project” to guide the city’s high-quality development, and promoted the “Hundreds and Tens of Thousands Project” with the greatest intensity and determination. work, adhere to the overall goal of "being at the forefront" to guide all work, implement the "two positionings" of being the main force for Zhaoqing's promotion of new industrialization, accelerating the construction of Zhaoqing's sub-central city, and anchoring the ranking of the top 100 counties in the country in terms of comprehensive strength ( city), build an economically strong county with a GDP exceeding RMB 100 billion, serve as a county-level model for the province's "Hundred-Tian-Million Project", and launch the "four major battles" of industrial upgrading, coordinated development, rural revitalization, and service optimization, and strive to Promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas has continuously achieved new results and breakthroughs, and achieved exciting stage results.

Sihui City successfully entered the list

Among the top 100 counties and cities in terms of comprehensive strength in the country in 2023,

Selected into the first batch of typical counties (cities, districts) in the province;

Dasha Town has been selected as one of the top 1,000 towns in the country for seven consecutive years.

Longfu Town was selected into the list of Top Thousand Towns for the first time;

in addition,

There are also 1 town and 8 villages selected as provincial typical towns and villages.

Sihui New Rural Style

△Sihui New Rural Style

Sihui City in 2023

Completed regional GDP of 75.915 billion yuan,

Accounting for 27.2% of Zhaoqing city;

The total industrial output value above designated size is 215.009 billion yuan.

Accounting for 46.7% of Zhaoqing city,

Use actual data to highlight the high-quality development of the four conferences.

It demonstrates the strong resilience of the economic development of the four provinces.

Sihui New Rural Style

△Sihui City is making every effort to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. 

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


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