Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Guangdong Industries | Laying out five major industries and planning Guangdong’s “future”

 Guangdong Industries | Laying out five major industries and planning Guangdong’s “future”

Invest in Guangdong 2024-02-27 16:42 Guangdong

Recently, OpenAI released Sora, a large-scale "text-generated video" model, which once again caused great shock in the industry; on February 3, the world's first 6G architecture verification satellite was launched into orbit; in January, Musk, a well-known American entrepreneur, announced that humans Received brain-computer interface (Neuralink) chip implantation for the first time...

Since the beginning of this year, cutting-edge technologies and future industries have been as limitless as the sky, gradually turning people's imaginations into reality.

At the "First Meeting of the New Year" province-wide high-quality development conference held recently, the action plan documents for Guangdong's five major future industries were officially released (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"). This is the first province to issue a specific action plan document for future industries after the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and seven other ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Innovation and Development of Future Industries" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions").

According to the action plan, Guangdong will develop five future industrial clusters: future electronic information, future intelligent equipment, future life and health, future materials, and future green and low-carbon industries.

Seizing new trends and sprinting onto new tracks, Guangdong will promote strategic emerging industries such as semiconductors and integrated circuits, intelligent robots, new energy, and biomedicine to become large-scale and high-level, and quickly release new momentum; with forward-looking layout and seizing the commanding heights, Guangdong will We will make proactive moves and build new advantages in future industries such as 6G, artificial intelligence, low-altitude economy, quantum technology, and life sciences.

The global race for future industries

How can Guangdong seize the spotlight?

      Looking around the world, future industries that represent the future direction and trend of technological development and can form disruptive technologies and major original achievements have become the focus of international competition. Different countries and regions are accelerating the layout of future industries and trying to seize the commanding heights through technological innovation.

The United States has proposed focusing on the development of technological fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum information science, advanced communication networks, advanced manufacturing, and biotechnology;

Japan has issued a series of policies and measures around the vision of "Society 5.0", focusing on supporting the systematic layout of technologies and industries such as life and health, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, quantum technology, cutting-edge material manufacturing, energy and environment, and autonomous vehicles;

Germany focuses on making forward-looking plans in the directions of artificial intelligence, smart manufacturing, green energy, and digital technology;

The UK has identified five future technology portfolios, including artificial intelligence, engineering biology, future communications, semiconductors and quantum technology.

      Across the country, as early as 2022, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other places took the lead in introducing policies to lay out future industries. Taking Shenzhen as an example, in June 2022, Shenzhen issued the "Opinions on Developing and Expanding Strategic Emerging Industrial Clusters and Cultivating and Developing Future Industries" to proactively lay out eight future industries such as synthetic biology, blockchain, and aerospace technology.

      In January this year, seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Opinions", focusing on promoting the development of industries in six major directions: future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space and future health, and building a number of future industry incubators and pioneers. District, break through hundreds of cutting-edge key core technologies and form hundreds of iconic products.

      How can Guangdong, which has a profound industrial foundation, promote future industrial development? Judging from the content of the action plan, Guangdong attaches great importance to the integration and innovation of future industries and strategic emerging industries. Fan Jianping, president of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that Guangdong’s strategic emerging industries are in a leading position in the country and will also have an impact on future industrial development.

      Specifically as follows:

Future electronic information industry cluster

Focus on the development of new generation network communications, artificial intelligence terminals, virtual reality, quantum information, etc. By 2025, the scale of Guangdong’s core artificial intelligence industry will exceed 300 billion yuan. Looking forward to 2035, the future electronic information industry will become the leading force in the high-quality development of the new generation of electronic information industry, the key core technology innovation capabilities will reach the international advanced level, and a number of leading enterprises and innovation platforms will be gathered.

01  Future intelligent equipment industry cluster

Focus on the development of humanoid robots, aerospace equipment, deep-sea equipment, deep-earth equipment, etc. By 2030, Guangdong will achieve about 30 key future smart equipment technology breakthroughs, take the lead or participate in the formulation of more than 30 future industry standards; cultivate 4 internationally competitive "chain owner" companies and more than 50 specialized new companies .

02  Future life and health industry cluster

Focus on the development of gene technology, cell therapy, AI+ biomedicine, synthetic biology, brain science and brain-inspired research, etc. By 2030, Guangdong's future life and health industry will cultivate about 10 future-oriented companies that master disruptive technologies, have explosive growth potential, and may grow into world-class companies.

03  Future Materials Industry Cluster

Focus on the development of bionic intelligence, advanced metal materials, superconducting materials, nanomaterials, new energy materials, material research and development paradigms and instrumentation. By 2030, Guangdong will cultivate more than 5 future materials industry pilot zones and build more than 100 laboratories/enterprise future materials joint engineering centers to achieve full-chain development from source innovation to industrialization.

04  Future green and low-carbon industrial clusters

Focus on the development of deep-sea wind power, new energy storage, advanced nuclear energy, green hydrogen energy, high-efficiency photovoltaics, carbon capture, storage and utilization, etc. By 2030, Guangdong will have deployed a number of major (key) scientific and technological innovation projects to form several future green and low-carbon industrial clusters with strong international competitiveness worth 100 billion yuan.


      Towards the goal of becoming a global industrial innovation highland, Guangdong is accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system led by technological innovation with 20 strategic industrial clusters and 5 future industrial clusters as the main axis.

      Jia Fangfang, general manager of CCID Consulting Guangzhou Branch, said that the future industry is a forward-looking and leading industry that represents the new direction of future technology and industrial development, with great market potential and strong driving role. Guangdong has a good industrial foundation and resource endowment. Cultivating and developing future industries plays a critical, supporting and leading role in Guangdong's economic and social development. It is of great significance to Guangdong's construction of a strong manufacturing province and the promotion of high-quality economic development.

Future industries are still in their infancy

How to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements?

Future industries are currently in their infancy or early stages of industrialization. The cutting-edge nature of their technology, the uncertainty of their routes, the process of product market acceptance, and the long-term nature of incubation and cultivation determine the development paths and development models of future industries. It is bound to be very different from mature industries.

How can Guangdong build an ecosystem suitable for future industrial development? Building a platform, building a system, expanding scenarios, and providing strong support are important focuses of the action plan.

On the one hand, Guangdong will focus on improving the innovation level of the sources of strategic scientific and technological forces such as existing major scientific and technological infrastructure, planning a number of new major innovation platforms, and promoting the construction of world-class original innovation infrastructure clusters for future industries.

The report "Top Ten Trends in Future Industrial Development" released by CCID Research Institute pointed out that innovation highlands such as national key laboratories, national high-tech zones, national independent innovation demonstration zones, and comprehensive national science centers serve as important carriers and driving forces and will continue to play a role in Cultivate the main role in future industries.

According to the action plan, in order to promote brain science and brain-inspired research in the future life and health industry, Guangdong will rely on universities, research institutions and major research platforms to focus on the neural mechanisms of occurrence and intervention of major brain diseases, the formation and development of brain-inspired intelligence, etc. Core issues, exploring and building a "Human Brain Tissue Resource Library in South China", etc.

In the field of artificial intelligence terminals in the future electronic information industry, universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises are encouraged to cooperate to build a number of high-level innovation carriers and build a "tech brain + future laboratory" innovation system.

On the other hand, Guangdong will also build an achievement transformation system based on the different characteristics of each future industry.

For example, in response to problems such as insufficient reserves for future materials basic research and applied basic research, the action plan proposes to optimize financial science and technology investment, carry out systematic R&D layout targeting major scientific issues in the industry and key technology fields, and encourage teams of strategic scientists and enterprises to carry out research from "0 -1" "1-N" full-chain research and development, accelerate the formation of disruptive, cutting-edge, and cross-cutting new technologies and new "samples", and seize the commanding heights of innovation at the source of industrial technology.

In addition, it is also proposed to rely on original innovation source highlands such as the Comprehensive National Science Center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to coordinate resource elements such as talents, funds, land, scientific research facilities, and build a pilot demonstration zone for future materials industry cultivation to build a "sample-product- The whole process of "commodity" scientific and technological achievements is transformed into ecology.

The transformation process of scientific research results is complex, and technology and innovation often face many obstacles from the laboratory to industrialization and marketization. The technology maturity curve often forms a deep valley of "product visibility" at this stage, which is vividly called the "point of death". valley". Scenario innovation often starts from "what is needed" to provide clear directions for technology and innovation, thereby achieving seamless integration of technology and applications and helping to cross the "trough".

The high-quality development of the industry cannot be separated from the guarantee of factors, and the action plan introduces many specific measures in policy design.

For example, key projects in the future smart equipment industry will be supported in accordance with laws and regulations in terms of project establishment, planning and layout, land use, energy consumption, environmental impact assessment, etc., and all localities and cities will be encouraged to formulate more targeted policies and measures based on local realities.

Regarding the development of green and low-carbon industries in the future, Guangdong will study the establishment of a future green and low-carbon industry development fund in a market-oriented manner, give full play to the guiding role of policy funds such as provincial industrial development and technological innovation, and focus on investments with high growth potential, high technological content, and Promote innovative enterprises and industrial projects with strong capabilities.

At the same time, we will strengthen land spatial planning and the protection of land use, forestry and sea factors, and explore models such as overall land supply for the industrial chain, market-oriented allocation of far-reaching sea site resources, and three-dimensional hierarchical establishment of rights for sea area use. Strengthen the protection of the entire chain of intellectual property rights, strengthen the institutional protection of innovation in "no man's land", and improve the level of intellectual property services.

      To this end, the action plan proposes measures to expand “new scenarios” for integrated development based on the characteristics of different future industries, such as:

Targeting future green and low-carbon industries

The action plan proposes to promote the deep integration of green and low-carbon industries such as "advanced nuclear energy + hydrogen energy", "deep sea wind power + seawater hydrogen production", "offshore integrated energy island + marine pasture + seabed mining", "biomass regeneration + aviation fuel".

Targeting the future life and health industry

Guangdong will increase the construction of future industrial application scenarios, face high-throughput sequencing, AI + biomedicine, explore the full-cycle scenario design mechanism of "future scenarios + pilot demonstrations + promotion and application", and create a world-leading future industrial innovation and development demonstration base.

      The high-quality development of the industry cannot be separated from the guarantee of factors, and the action plan introduces many specific measures in policy design.

Key projects in the future intelligent equipment industry

Support will be provided in accordance with laws and regulations in terms of project establishment, planning and layout, land use, energy consumption, environmental impact assessment, etc., and all localities and cities will be encouraged to formulate more targeted policies and measures based on local actual conditions.

Future green and low-carbon industry

Guangdong will study the establishment of a future green and low-carbon industry development fund in a market-oriented manner, give full play to the guiding role of provincial industrial development, scientific and technological innovation and other policy funds, and focus on investing in innovative enterprises and industries with high growth potential, high technological content, and strong driving capabilities. project.

At the same time, we will strengthen land spatial planning and the protection of land use, forestry and sea factors, and explore models such as overall land supply for the industrial chain, market-oriented allocation of far-reaching sea site resources, and three-dimensional hierarchical establishment of rights for sea area use. Strengthen the protection of the entire chain of intellectual property rights, strengthen the institutional protection of innovation in "no man's land", and improve the level of intellectual property services.

Scientifically plan regional industrial layout

Guangdong, East, West and North China and the Greater Bay Area

How to collaborate and interact?

Future industrial development is not a "castle in the air", but must be built on the basis of existing industries. As biologist and science journalist Christiane Schwager says in her book "The Future of Life", how the future develops depends on the signs that already exist.

The action plan proposes to build a new pattern of coordinated industrial development and formulate corresponding planning layouts based on the industrial development foundations of different regions to promote coordinated regional development.

For example, in the field of life and health, Guangdong has formed multiple industrial clusters such as the Guangzhou International Bio-Island and the Shenzhen (Pingshan) National Bio-Industry Base. It has built a number of major scientific and technological infrastructures such as the Shenzhen National Gene Bank, and is in the field of synthetic biology, cells and Gene technology, brain-like intelligence, biomanufacturing and other fields have already developed foundations.

The action plan proposes to create an industrial innovation development zone with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the core and Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan and Zhuhai as the focus. Among them, Guangzhou is supported in its efforts to build a global biomedical innovation and industrial development hub, and Shenzhen is supported in building a global source of future life and health industry innovation.

Major cooperation platforms are also the focus of the layout. The action plan proposes to support the Nansha Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Comprehensive Cooperation Demonstration Zone in accelerating the creation of a growth pole for the high-end manufacturing industry of drugs and medical devices, support the Loop Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone in accelerating the creation of a world-class drug and medical device pilot transformation service platform, and support Hengqin The Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone accelerates the creation of a future life and health traditional Chinese medicine industry production base and innovation highland.

In the field of electronic information, Guangdong has a trillion-level new-generation electronic information industry cluster and has a good industrial foundation in the fields of intelligent terminals, new displays, energy storage batteries, and new-generation information and communication technology.

The action plan proposes to comprehensively strengthen the future electronic information industry chain supply with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in conjunction with the in-depth implementation of the "Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns and Ten Thousand Villages High-Quality Development Project" to support eastern Guangdong, western Guangdong and northern Guangdong by combining resource endowments and functional positioning. Chain collaboration will form a closely connected and mutually supportive industrial division of labor, and accelerate the creation of a coastal future industrial development belt and a northern future industrial application demonstration zone.

Green is the background color for high-quality development. In the future green and low-carbon field, Guangdong will focus on the layout of deep-sea wind power high-end equipment manufacturing clusters in the coastal economic belt led by Yangjiang, Shantou, Jieyang, and Shanwei, and the high-end offshore wind power equipment manufacturing clusters led by Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Yunfu, and Chaozhou. The entire hydrogen energy "production, storage, transportation and use" industrial chain, the CCUS (carbon capture) industrial cluster with Huizhou, Zhanjiang and Shanwei as the core starting areas, and the high-efficiency photovoltaic key equipment and raw and auxiliary material industry base with the Pearl River Delta region as the core.

As an open province, Guangdong will also promote the global layout of future industrial development while improving the level of international cooperation.

For example, for future green and low-carbon industries, the action plan proposes to actively integrate into the international green trade system and explore and promote market mechanisms such as carbon emissions trading, green electricity and green certificate trading, and product carbon footprint evaluation and labeling to be in line with international standards.

In addition, it is necessary to deepen cooperation and exchanges between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the fields of green finance, talent training and technological innovation, link up Hong Kong and Macao to build an open and innovative green and low-carbon industrial system, and increase the supply of diversified and multi-level green financial products and services. Build a green development demonstration zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Regarding the future development of the materials industry, Guangdong will rely on the materials innovation infrastructure cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to plan and deploy international cooperation plans for the future materials industry, attract talents at home and abroad to carry out materials science and technology research in Guangdong, and support well-known overseas universities and colleges. Institutes, advantaged enterprises, and international science and technology organizations have established transnational innovation institutions for future materials, corporate R&D centers, and achievement transformation bases in Guangdong.

By continuing to expand opening up, Guangdong will promote more enterprises and R&D institutions to actively integrate into the global scientific and technological innovation network, and strive to build a win-win development pattern for cooperation.


Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

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