Friday, February 9, 2024

Brief excerpts from the 2023 report cards of Sihui City, Gaoyao District, Huaiji County, and Fengkai County

Sihui City in 2023:

60 provincial-level administrative matters have been adjusted to counties. A series of major reforms and assistance policies such as the direct management of counties by the Ministry of Finance, provincial-level vertical assistance, counterpart industry cooperation in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou, and town-supported villages in Chancheng District, Foshan, have been directly implemented in the four provinces. Meeting, we have ushered in a series of development opportunities and room for growth. In 2023, the Sihui area will complete a regional GDP of 75.915 billion yuan, accounting for 27.2% of Zhaoqing city; it has been successfully selected into the top 100 counties and cities in the country in terms of comprehensive strength, and the first batch of pioneering typical counties in the province's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", and has won the title of National Green Green Among the top 100 counties and cities for development, the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for investment potential, the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for scientific and technological innovation, and the top 100 counties and cities nationwide for new urbanization quality, Dasha Town and Longfu Town were selected as the top 1000 towns nationwide.

Strategic emerging industries have introduced new momentum, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has achieved new results, and industries that enrich the people and agricultural industries have burst out with new vitality. Platforms such as the Fine Chemical Industrial Park have expanded their capacity and improved their quality. Feinan Resources has successfully been listed on the market. The total planned investment in newly introduced manufacturing projects has increased by 92.7%. It has reached a comprehensive cooperation with GCL Group, a global top 500 new energy company, to stabilize growth and adjust structure. The key one. The 2023 China·Sihui Jade Culture Festival and the China-Myanmar Jade Industry Development Conference were successfully held. Our city established the first regular jade public sale, and the jade industry achieved "online results and public flowering." Everyone’s enthusiasm for consumption has experienced a surge in recovery. Throughout the year, more than 3.3 million tourists checked in at Juzili Night Market, Longjiang River Camp, Qishi River Scenic Area and other places to collect likes. The number of tourists the city received increased by 54.3%, and tourism revenue increased by 95.1%. Sihui Agriculture is making great strides on the road to modernization and branding. The sugar-orange drink is becoming increasingly famous and its sales network is expanding across the country; Sihui orchids are fragrant far and wide and have "taken root" in Baiyun International Airport; Taier pickled fish "swim" out of the country. Dasha Thousand Mu Fishing Ground and aquatic products processing base are about to be completed and put into operation; the collective operating income of all villages in the city exceeds 100,000 yuan.

More than 80% of the city's fiscal budget was invested in people's livelihood, and ten practical matters related to people's livelihood were successfully completed. The new campus of the Municipal People's Hospital is fully operational, and Shimen Middle School and Sihui Middle School have formed an educational and teaching trusteeship partnership. The quality of high school education and teaching in our city will accelerate to achieve leap-forward development. The "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" and the ecological construction of "Green and Beautiful Guangdong" resonate at the same frequency. The coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the comprehensive realization of rural revitalization are advancing at the same time. Everyone's living environment is more beautiful, travel conditions are smoother, and they have more confidence in struggle. . This year, overseas Chinese have shown their love for their hometown, moral models have interpreted the great love in the world, charity activities have brought together forces from all directions, warm currents have blended in people's hearts, and goodwill has been passed on in everyone's hands.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Gaoyao District in 2023:

Adhering to the real economy as the foundation and taking the manufacturing industry as our own, we planned and held more than 20 investment promotion activities such as the China New Energy Vehicle Die-casting Industry High-Quality Development Summit, setting off a "conference war" craze for manufacturing project construction. There were 40 newly introduced projects throughout the year with a total planned investment of 10.5 billion yuan, including 20 high-tech enterprise and specialized new "little giant" enterprise projects, and the successful introduction of industry leading enterprises such as Tongwei Group and Yike Group. There were 25 new manufacturing projects started, 25 completed, and 22 put into production, with an actual investment of 9.43 billion yuan completed. Promote industrial enterprises to carry out 50 projects to increase investment and expand production, with a total planned investment of 6.26 billion yuan, including 18 projects with an investment of more than 30 million yuan. The total of six major economic indicators throughout the year, including the district's gross regional product, added value of industries above designated size, total output value of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, fixed asset investment, general public budget revenue, and tax revenue at the same level, ranked first in the city. It was successfully selected as one of the top 100 areas with investment potential in the country in 2023, and won the title of China's die-casting industry cluster demonstration base. The hardware industry cluster was selected as the national small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industry cluster in 2023.

Solidly advance a number of national, provincial and municipal reform tasks such as the national occupational health classified supervision and law enforcement pilot, the provincial basic education high-quality development experimental zone pilot, and the Jinli "two integration" high-quality development pilot, and further promote "delegation, regulation and service" and digital Government reform, the province's first county-level "digital government" construction and operation center was officially opened in Gaoyao, creating a characteristic government brand of "Gaoyao, happy to do", and the business start-up time was shortened to half a day. Implement the reform of the diversified investment and financing system, promote local state-owned enterprises to participate in projects in key fields such as new energy in the area, and effectively solve the difficult problems that restrict economic development. 85 district-level authorities, including the approval of government investment projects and changes in corporate investment projects, were delegated to the town level for implementation, further enhancing the economic vitality of the town. Promote innovation in all fields, elements, and levels, optimize the systems and mechanisms that support scientific and technological innovation and creation, promote the construction of innovation platforms such as the Provincial Science and Technology Expert Workstation and the Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center, and guide the digital, intelligent, and green transformation of enterprises to improve their scientific and technological innovation capabilities Continuous improving.

Vigorously implement the "Integrating Pearl into the Bay" action, major projects such as the Guangzhou-Zhanjiang High-speed Railway, Shenzhen-Southern High-speed Railway, Zhuhai-Zhaohua High-speed Railway, and the reconstruction and expansion of the Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway have started construction. Dongke Avenue was completed and opened to traffic, and the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport, Jinli Jingang and Xiaoxiangjingkou Port and Terminal projects were advanced in an orderly manner, accelerating the integration into the "one-hour traffic circle" of the Greater Bay Area. The "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" were implemented in depth with the intensity of the number one project, and the area was promoted to strengthen districts, promote towns and villages, and there were many typical demonstration highlights. Jinli Town and Lubu Town were successfully selected into the ranks of the "Top Thousand Towns" in the country, with 3 towns and 11 villages (community) was selected into the first batch of provincial and municipal typical towns and villages, and the collective economic income of all 327 villages in the region exceeded 100,000 yuan. Adhere to the concept of industrialization and industrial chain thinking to develop modern agriculture, develop and expand characteristic agricultural industries, and promote the extension of agriculture to secondary and tertiary industries. It has been successfully selected as a national rural revitalization demonstration county, a national modern agricultural industrial park, and the fourth batch of agricultural industry integration demonstration parks in 2023. , National Green Agriculture Development Pioneer Zone and other creation lists, as well as 6 "National Brand" lists including the 2023 National Aquaculture and Ecological Breeding Demonstration Zone and the 2023 Top 100 Prepared Vegetable Industry Bases. Zhaoqing is the only one selected for the above list. of counties. In-depth implementation of the "six major actions" of green beauty and high-level ecological construction, high-standard construction of the provincial demonstration site of Jinxiangshan Forest Park, continuous defense of blue skies, clear water and pure land, vigorous development of green economy, and continuous thickening of the green foundation for high-quality development.

The district's fiscal investment was 4.3 billion yuan in people's livelihood expenditures, accounting for 77.8% of the general public budget expenditures. All ten people's livelihood practical tasks were completed, and the people's livelihood list continued to fall from "paper" to "the ground". We implemented the "Ten Measures to Ensure Employment" and the "Sixteen Measures" to Stabilize Employment and other policies, creating 6,532 new jobs throughout the year; we solidly promoted the construction of key health projects, including the new District People's Hospital and the Municipal Fourth People's Hospital. Projects such as the new hospital were accelerated. The upgrading and renovation project of the Family Planning Service Center of the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital was fully completed. The comprehensive building of the District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was put into use. The National Clinical Medical Research Center for Digestive System Diseases, Lubu Central Health Center, and Lecheng Central Health Center were completed. It has successfully reached national standards and been commended by the National Health Commission; it has established 7 urban and rural education communities, expanded 8 schools, and added 4,095 new degrees, making educational development more high-quality and balanced; urban public toilets have been upgraded and pocket parks have achieved remarkable results. The waterlogging control project in Nan'an City has been fully completed, the elderly canteen has achieved full coverage of the town (street), and the "Zhaofubao" products continue to benefit more people.

Huaiji County in 2023:

The county's regional GDP has exceeded 30 billion yuan, and the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline products distribution base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been built at a high level and the Zhaoqing Municipal Sub-center has been built into a strong city.

Fengkai County in 2023:

The green building materials industrial park is gradually taking shape. Two temporary berths of the public comprehensive wharf (first phase project) have been completed and put into use. The Dabao Mine building materials project has been put into operation. The construction of the Conch Guli Mountain green building materials project has started. The National Green Building Materials Sending to the Rural Areas (Guangdong·Feng) Site opening) and prefabricated construction and green building materials industry development conference, the "green building materials production base" sign is getting brighter and brighter. It continues to set off an upsurge in industrial investment promotion, introducing 32 projects with a total planned investment of 8.54 billion yuan, attracting competition for projects such as Jingtian Baisui Mountain mineral water to settle in and build, with a net growth of 26% in actual operating entities, and a solid foundation for the manufacturing industry. , The ability to take charge of the house will be more abundant, and the tendency to take charge of the house will be stronger. In the "2023 Guangdong County Economic Comprehensive Development Research Report", Fengkai County's economic development vitality index ranked sixth in the province.

Adhering to the "number one project" and focusing on the "millions of projects", the endogenous motivation for high-quality development of counties, towns and villages continues to increase. The new urbanization construction with the county as an important carrier has been accelerated. The National Highway 321 rerouting project has been included in the list of major national projects. The Times Square large-scale commercial complex has been put into operation. The Longhua five-star hotel project has been accelerated. The comprehensive carrying capacity and radiation driving force of the county have been accelerated. constantly improving. In-depth implementation of the "1244" project to strengthen counties and promote towns, and build "four strong towns" in industry, agriculture, commerce, and cultural tourism according to local conditions. "Ten Million Project" first batch of typical towns. Focusing on cultivating and strengthening the town's economy with "local specialties", the first phase of Yuexiu agriculture and animal husbandry, Yuehongkang apricot chicken breeding and other projects were completed and put into operation. The Liandu goat breeding project is progressing smoothly. The annual operating income of all village collectives has reached more than 100,000 yuan, with the highest Breaking through 500,000 yuan. Hejiang Bidao Gallery was selected as a national rural tourism boutique route and one of the "Top Ten Rural Revitalization Demonstration Zones in Guangdong Province" and received a 100 million yuan reward fund.

Comprehensively implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, add 1,110 public high-quality degrees, establish a basic education group, dissolve 49 rural teaching sites, strive for 20 schools in advanced areas to pair up to support primary and secondary schools in our county, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education . The scientific and technological innovation project was vigorously implemented, 16 new high-tech enterprises were added, and 50 small scientific and technological enterprises were added to the database, further improving the scientific and technological innovation capabilities. We carried out the "Thousands of Personnel Visit Thousands of Talents, Use Intelligence to Solve Problems" activity, visited and contacted 139 talents, solved 102 practical problems, and introduced 26 high-level talents. More and more talents choose Fengkai, take root in Fengkai, and serve separate.

Collaboratively promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and carefully build a comprehensive demonstration site of Evergreen Beauty Garden in Hejiang Bidao Gallery. We have completed the optimization and upgrading of forest stands and forest tending for a total of 914,800 acres, and added 63,000 acres of national reserve forests. The “Thousands of Trees in One Village” project has become a model for greening towns and villages across the province, and was reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a typical case of Guangdong Province’s town-based support for towns and villages. The number of days with excellent air quality in the county ranks first in the city. The water quality of centralized drinking water sources and sections above the provincial examination are 100% up to standard. Green has increasingly become the distinctive background and feature of Fengkai's high-quality development.

Promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and carefully build a comprehensive demonstration site of Evergreen Beauty Garden in Hejiang Bidao Gallery. We have completed the optimization and upgrading of forest stands and forest tending for a total of 914,800 acres, and added 63,000 acres of national reserve forest, " The "Thousands of Trees in One Village" project has become a model for the greening of towns and villages across the province, and was reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a typical case of Guangdong Province’s town-based support for towns and villages. The number of days with excellent air quality in the county ranks first in the city. The water quality of centralized drinking water sources and sections above the provincial examination are 100% up to standard. Green has increasingly become the distinctive background and feature of Fengkai's high-quality development.

Inspiring new villages and new farmers appeared on the CCTV program "Home Between Mountains and Rivers" and became a hit. Xinhua News Agency's "Poverty Alleviation Industrial Transformation", CCTV's "Rural Revitalization China Tour" and other column teams went to Fengkai for interviews, filming and special reports, and held environmental With a series of activities such as the Dawan West (Zhaoqing·Fengkai Station) 100-kilometer bicycle ride, the popularity, reputation and product competitiveness of Fengkai cultural tourism have continued to increase. The annual tourist reception and tourism revenue increased by 100% and 98% respectively year-on-year.

More than 80% of fiscal expenditures will be used to protect people's livelihood, and ten practical matters related to people's livelihood will be fully completed. The main construction of the Jiangkou Street Flood Control Project has been completed, 65% of the Nanfeng Town Flood Control Project has been completed, and the Pingfeng Town Panlongkou Waterlogging Area Remediation Project has started construction. Throughout the year, 4,215 new jobs were created in cities and towns, and 190 people with employment difficulties were employed. The County's Second People's Hospital (Nanfeng Town Central Health Center) took the lead in establishing a second-class hospital among the 47 central health centers in the province. The benefits of "Zhao Fubao" continued to expand, and the integration of township nursing homes was successfully completed. Senior citizens over 80 years old received subsidies. The bidding was comprehensively raised, the elderly canteen achieved full coverage of the town and streets, and the work of "guaranteing the delivery of the building" was fully completed.

The construction of safe and law-based closures has been solidly advanced, and the number of various production safety accidents and deaths have achieved a "double decrease". Our county's public security work satisfaction and people's sense of security ranked first and second in the city respectively. Dazhou Community in Dazhou Town was awarded the title of “National Model Village (Community) for Democracy and Rule of Law”, and the County Legal Aid Office was recommended and selected as the “National Advanced Group for Legal Aid Work”. The construction of the "1+6+N" grassroots social governance system has been fully rolled out. The pilot practice in Changgang Town was approved by the provincial party committee leaders, and Wanggao Village in Jinzhuang Town was rated as a "National Rural Governance Demonstration Village".

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