Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Division of labor and internal organizational responsibilities of the leadership team of Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Division of labor and internal organizational responsibilities of the leadership team of Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Release date: 2022-10-24 13:08:22 Source: Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

1. The Sihui Municipal Investment Promotion Center is responsible for the investment promotion and comprehensive coordination and management functions of the Municipal People’s Government. Its main tasks are:

       (1) Attract investment. Increase efforts in attracting investment, strengthen external contacts and exchanges, broaden investment channels, and innovate new ways of attracting investment. Responsible for macro-guidance and management of the city's investment promotion work. Actively organize various economic and trade fairs, investment promotion meetings and other activities, expand external publicity and influence, and strive to introduce some powerful enterprises. Establish and improve the investment promotion work system, improve the investment promotion work platform, and promote the development of industrial clusters.

       (2) Investment promotion. To promote the investment environment, preferential policies and resource advantages of Sihui City, we focus on building three platforms: the first is an investment promotion window platform to recruit and cultivate Sihui City’s investment promotion talent team; the second is an investment promotion preferential policy platform to comprehensively improve and Implement preferential policies for investment promotion in Sihui City; third, serve as a service platform for domestic and overseas investors to do a good job in reception and service.

       (3) Comprehensive coordination. Do a good job in collecting, managing, displaying, publicizing and publishing information on the city's investment environment, investment policies, investment projects and other information, organizing, coordinating, supervising and implementing various preferential policies of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and coordinating relevant functional departments to be efficient and effective orderly operation to provide enterprises with high-quality services.

       (4) Other work. Undertake other tasks assigned by the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

2. Internal organizations

        Based on the above tasks, the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau has three stock-level institutions:

       (1) Office.

        Responsible for daily operations such as documents, conference affairs, and confidentiality; responsible for party building, government information (disclosure), files, petitions, and confidentiality; responsible for the center’s seal, personnel, finance, labor, wages, property, family planning, and other logistical administrative management Work. Connect with the Zhaoqing Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipal Bureau") office.

        Contact number: 0086-758-3611228

       (2) Investment stocks.

       Responsible for the reception of merchants, project access control, project investment selection and filing, pre-signing contract review and actual absorption of foreign investment, including the implementation of relevant national, provincial and municipal investment laws, regulations and policies, and providing introduction to local economic and trade to foreign investors Information and policy, legal consultation and services, negotiation and tracking services for key investment projects; organizing and participating in various forms of economic and trade fairs, investment promotion meetings and investment activities. Responsible for the collection, management, reporting, display, external publicity and release of information on the city's investment environment, investment policies, investment projects, etc., taking the lead in compiling and printing investment promotion guides; implementing various preferential policies of the municipal party committee and municipal government. Connect with the Municipal Bureau’s Project Promotion Section 1, Project Promotion Section 2, and Investment Promotion Section.

        Contact number: 0086-758-3611168

       (3) Comprehensive coordination unit.

        Responsible for the formulation and evaluation of the city's investment promotion targets, tasks and responsibility systems, and responsible for industrial investment promotion construction, inspections and supervision, including accepting complaints about investment promotion and related coordination work; accepting complaints from enterprises, and coordinating and solving the problems of foreign investors in production and various difficulties and problems encountered in the business process. Connect with the Municipal Bureau’s Project Promotion Section, Industrial Research Section, Overseas Investment Promotion Agency Management Section, Municipal Investment Liaison Office in Shanghai (Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau in Shanghai), Municipal Investment Liaison Office in Shenzhen (Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau in Shenzhen), and the Municipal Full Process Scheduling Supervision Office.

        Contact number: 0086-758-3611193

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