Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Sihui City is a city with a promising future

Sihui City is a city with a promising future

Sihui, this new manufacturing city in the Greater Bay Area with profound historical heritage and huge investment potential is being seen by more and more people!

Main urban area of Sihui City

Main urban area of Sihui City

As the east gate for Zhaoqing to fully participate in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Sihui City is running with all its strength in line with the goals stated at the city's high-quality development conference.

Dasha Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province-Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area (Dasha Area, Fuxi Area)
Dasha Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province-Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area (Dasha Area, Fuxi Area)

Industry, as the core and foundation supporting economic development, is the confidence and confidence of Sihui City.

Industrial parks are the main platform for regional industrial economic development.

Sihui City adheres to the park as the mother, builds the main platform for Zhaoqing City to undertake the orderly transfer of industries, builds a "1+4+N" park pattern, and creates:

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park,

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park,

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Sihui Industrial Park,

Nanjiang Industrial Park and other four leading industrial parks.

The four major industrial parks have complete infrastructure and living facilities, basically forming industrial clusters with their own characteristics.

Location map of Sihui Industrial Park in Guangdong Province
Location map of Sihui Industrial Park in Guangdong Province

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park is located in the central industrial area of Sihui City, located in Jianggu Town and Xiamao Town. It mainly develops professional fine chemical industries with high technological content such as polymer synthetic resins, coatings, adhesives, and inks. . At present, Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park is a chemical park that has been certified by the provincial government.

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park(located in Jianggu Town and Xiamao Town)

The planned area of the park is about 4,800 acres, and the development and construction area of about 4,000 acres has been completed, with complete supporting infrastructure. At present, the park has introduced a total of 95 enterprises, of which 33 have been put into operation and 19 are under construction. Among the enterprises that have been put into operation, there are 27 enterprises above designated size, 7 foreign-invested enterprises and 20 national high-tech enterprises.

Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park(located in Jianggu Town and Xiamao Town)
Sihui City Fine Chemical Industrial Park(located in Jianggu Town and Xiamao Town)

Currently, the Sihui City Fine Chemical Industry Park is expanding to the east and west sides. The expansion area is concentrated and connected with the original planned area. The newly expanded area is 4,400 acres. After the expansion, the total planned area of the park is Reaching 9,200 acres. The expansion of the fine chemical industry park mainly focuses on the downstream supporting industry chains such as new energy vehicles and electronic information, and focuses on the development of high-end fine chemicals and new chemical material products with high added value and large market gaps such as automotive chemicals and electronic chemicals. The expansion of the park has been completed Afterwards, the industrial fixed asset investment was 17 billion yuan, the total industrial output value was 18 billion yuan, and the tax revenue was 2 billion yuan.

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park is located in Longfu Town, with an overall planning area of approximately 18,000 acres. The industrial park uses S118 as the boundary to divide the park into two groups and four major development sectors. They are: the east group has a planned area of about 12,500 acres, consisting of two major development sectors: the electronic core industrial park and the metal deep processing industry; the west group has a planned area of about 5,500 acres, consisting of the electroplating park, electronic information industry and its upstream and downstream supporting industries. Plate composition.

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park(Longfu Town)
Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park(Longfu Town)

At present, there are 119 enterprises in the Eastern Group, including 98 enterprises that have been put into operation, 18 enterprises under construction, and 12 enterprises that are under construction. Among the enterprises that have been put into operation, there are 45 enterprises above designated size, 3 foreign-invested enterprises, and 18 high-tech enterprises (including There are 7 national high-tech enterprises). The West Group adopts land acquisition and storage, government acquisition of idle enterprises, enterprise transformation and new land transfer to build an electronic information industry chain cluster.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone -Sihui Industrial Park

The Sihui Starting Area (Sihui Starting Area), a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), is located in Sihui Industrial Park, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Sihui Industrial Park has been developed and constructed since 2012, with a planned construction area of 18,600 acres. It is developed under the leadership of the municipal government, of which 10.67 square kilometers (16,000 acres) has been incorporated into the large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). District (the starting area of Sihui).

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone -Sihui Industrial Park

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone -Sihui Industrial Park

The park mainly focuses on key enterprises such as Xpeng Motors and CATL, and focuses on the development of specialty industries such as deep processing of copper products, new energy vehicles, advanced equipment manufacturing and biopharmaceuticals.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone -Sihui Industrial Park

Currently, there are 72 companies in the park, including 50 companies that have been put into production, 12 companies under construction, and 10 companies that are under construction. Among the enterprises put into production, there are 27 enterprises above designated size.

Dasha Town, Sihui City-Nanjiang Industrial Park

Nanjiang Industrial Park is located in the easternmost part of Dasha Town. It has been developed and constructed since 1992 with a planned construction area of 7,000 acres. It focuses on the development of new material industries based on aluminum (alloy) materials and carbon fiber composite materials and supporting innovative materials and accessories for advanced equipment manufacturing. and other industries, the leading industry is aluminum profile manufacturing.

Dasha Town, Sihui City-Nanjiang Industrial Park

Nanjiang Industrial Park has complete infrastructure facilities, including two 110 kVA substations, a water plant with a daily output of 30,000 tons, and ports and civil docks in the park.

Currently, there are 132 enterprises in the park, all of which have been put into operation. Among them, there are 74 enterprises above designated size, 9 foreign-invested enterprises, and 36 high-tech enterprises (including 18 national-level high-tech enterprises).

At present, standardized factories are rising in the rapidly changing industrial park, showing bright development prospects. The sound of accelerating construction on the project site lined with tower cranes is heard one after another, beating the drum of rapid development.

As the main force in Zhaoqing City's promotion of new industrialization and the main position of the municipal management starting area of large-scale industrial clusters, in the future, Sihui City will achieve "flying with two wings" by building a nest to attract the best, start a "big battle" for industrial upgrading, and create outstanding advantages , a modern industrial system with distinctive characteristics and reasonable layout.

Sihui City is a city with a promising future!

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com

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