Saturday, February 24, 2024



肇慶高新發表 2024-02-21 20:53 廣東


2024年是新中國成立75週年,是實現「十四五」規劃目標任務的關鍵一年。 肇慶把今年定為全市經濟工作提質增效年,高新區搶抓機會、直面挑戰,不斷把高品質發展引向深入。 「肇慶高新發布」推出「『一把手』說新年、亮承諾」專欄,園區各單位「一把手」談舉措、講思路、亮承諾,加快建設粵港澳大灣區工業科技新城,為全市實現「兩個 定位」作出大旺擔當和貢獻。



「2023年,本局在區黨工委會、管委會的正確領導下,堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指引,圍繞全區中心工作和年度目標任務,履職盡責、實幹爭先, 為推動全區經濟高品質發展發揮積極作用。」肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局黨組書記、局長孫金城介紹。

據了解,肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局在過去的一年取得了助推新能源智慧網聯汽車產業集群入選國家中小企業特色產業集群;園區入選2023年度廣東省工業互聯網產業示範基地;連續六 年跨境電商總量維持全市第一;推動打造首個大旺夜經濟夜生活示範區商圈等包含工業、商務、科技板塊在內的多項工作突出亮點。












密切追蹤服務重大增資擴產項目,持續挖掘傳統企業數位轉型需求,全年力爭開展技改企業數量55家,完成技改投資43.3億元,力爭推動建設總投資500萬元以上增資擴增產項目75 個,新增總投資額3000萬元以上增資擴產項目28個,力爭累計推動190家企業進行數位轉型。






力求全年實現進出口總額81億元,社會消費品零售總額168億元,實際吸收外資1億元的目標,年內建設全市首個國際航空貨運樞紐,聯合肇慶新區申報中國(廣東)自貿試驗區 肇慶聯動發展區。



進一步擴大高新區在跨國電商產業鏈中的影響力,推動跨國電商效能倍增行動;加速跨國企業培育發展,力爭年內掛牌成立馬來西亞-大旺產業園,園區進駐企業超3家;積極 推動麒麟湖酒店計畫創建四星級以上旅遊飯店,大南山森林公園和將軍山體育公園創建國家3A級景區,加速推進北圍糧倉文創改造項目招商,持續推動夜間消費鏈延伸。



新一年,肇慶高新區經濟貿易和科技局將集中精力、堅定信心、理清思路、破解難題,全力以赴完成年度目標任務,以實實在在的工作業績,為推動肇慶高新區高品質發展 作出更大貢獻。


睇下有無合作的機會。 香港澳門過來肇慶好近的,高鐵2個鐘就到了。 港澳到肇庆新区(鼎湖)有高鐵直達車,饮杯咖啡就到了。




Say New Year and make promises | Sun Jincheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone: Taking multiple measures to promote the high-quality economic development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Zhaoqing High-tech Release 2024-02-21 20:53 Guangdong

Opening language

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Zhaoqing has designated this year as the year to improve the quality and efficiency of the city's economic work. The high-tech zone will seize opportunities, face challenges, and continue to promote high-quality development. "Zhaoqing High-tech Release" launched the column "'Top leaders' talk about the New Year and make promises". The "top leaders" of each unit in the park talked about measures, ideas and made promises to speed up the construction of the new industrial science and technology city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and achieve "two goals" for the city. Positioning" to make great responsibilities and contributions.

“In 2023, under the correct leadership of the District Party Working Committee and Management Committee, our bureau will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on the district’s central work and annual goals and tasks, perform its duties and strive to be the first, It will play an active role in promoting high-quality economic development in the region." said Sun Jincheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

It is understood that the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has achieved success in the past year by promoting the new energy intelligent connected automobile industry cluster to be selected as a national small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industrial cluster; the park was selected as the 2023 Guangdong Industrial Internet Industry Demonstration Base; for six consecutive years The annual total cross-border e-commerce volume remains the first in the city; the promotion of the creation of the first Dawang Night Economy and Nightlife Demonstration Zone and business district, including industry, commerce, and technology sectors, are highlighted.

Sun Jincheng said that this year the bureau will effectively focus on the implementation of the provincial party committee’s “1310” specific deployment and anchor the strategic goal of “centering the real economy and taking the manufacturing industry as the master”.

go all out

Grasp projects, strengthen industries, educate subjects,

Increase momentum, promote trade, and boost consumption.

In the new year, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone strives to achieve an industrial added value of 21 billion yuan above designated size throughout the year.

Complete industrial investment of 9.5 billion yuan, focusing on planning and applying for a national new industrialization demonstration base;

Carry out the global "lighthouse factory" cultivation operation and the "national brand" reconstruction operation.

Closely track and serve major capital increase and production expansion projects, continue to explore the digital transformation needs of traditional enterprises, strive to carry out technological transformation of 55 enterprises throughout the year, complete technical transformation investment of 4.33 billion yuan, and strive to promote the construction of 75 capital increase and production expansion projects with a total investment of more than 5 million yuan There are 28 new capital increase and production expansion projects with a total investment of 30 million yuan or more, and we strive to promote a total of 190 companies to carry out digital transformation.

We will strive to promote 30 enterprises to apply for national high-tech enterprises throughout the year, promote 40 newly registered industrial enterprises, and strive to include high-quality enterprises in Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao and other industrial parks into the "one district, multiple parks" model of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone.

Continue to strengthen the construction of "technological small and medium-sized enterprises - high-tech enterprises - benchmark high-tech enterprises"

The tiered cultivation mechanism is planned to cultivate "gazelle enterprises" and "Double Five" enterprises; it is carried out to build a high-level innovation platform, improve the application scenarios of the enterprise innovation points system, promote technological and financial empowerment, and help enterprises reduce costs and increase credit.

Strive to achieve the goal of total import and export volume of 8.1 billion yuan, total retail sales of consumer goods of 16.8 billion yuan, and actual absorption of foreign investment of 100 million yuan throughout the year. Within the year, we will build the city's first international air cargo hub and jointly apply for the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone with Zhaoqing New District. Zhaoqing Linkage Development Zone.

Further expand the influence of the high-tech zone in the cross-border e-commerce industry chain, promote the action of doubling the efficiency of cross-border e-commerce; accelerate the cultivation and development of multinational companies, and strive to establish the Malaysia-Dawang Industrial Park within the year, with more than 3 companies settled in the park; actively Promote the Qilin Lake Hotel project to create a four-star or above tourist hotel, create Dananshan Forest Park and Jiangjunshan Sports Park into national 3A-level scenic spots, accelerate investment promotion for the Beiwei Granary Cultural and Creative Renovation Project, and continue to promote the extension of the nighttime consumption chain.

In the new year, the Economic, Trade and Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will concentrate its energy, strengthen confidence, clarify ideas, solve problems, go all out to complete the annual goals and tasks, and promote the high-quality development of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone with tangible work performance Make greater contributions.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Duanzhou, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Dinghu, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.


Website: blog. misdr. net

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Wechat: 13143984664

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