Thursday, May 25, 2023

The development here will get better and better! "New energy vehicle merchants are optimistic about Zhaoqing

The development here will get better and better! "New energy vehicle merchants are optimistic about Zhaoqing

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-05-25 23:31 Published in Guangdong

On May 25th,

The Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference opened,

Global automotive component manufacturers gather in Zhaoqing,

Talk about industrial development together.

That morning,

Customer representatives go to Zhaoqing High tech Zone

Zhaoqing New Area conducts an investment environment inspection.

In the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park of Zhaoqing High tech Zone,

Deng Jirong, Director of Zhaoqing High tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

In front of the panoramic sand table in the high-tech zone,

Introduce the location advantages and industrial layout of the high-tech zone

Welcome everyone to the Zhaoqing National High tech Zone, which can provide 10 square kilometers of industrial land for the development of the new energy vehicle industry. Currently, more than 4000 acres of mature land are available at any time


Customers come to the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park in Zhaoqing High tech Zone. South+Lu Shuman shooting

Zhaoqing High tech Zone Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park

Fully completed in April 2021

And officially put into use,

Covering an area of 186 acres,

The total construction area is 136000 square meters,

It is a collection of research and development, pilot testing

A modern technology park that integrates production.


Taken by Wang Zhenyu


95 projects have been settled in the park,

Including the Optoelectronic Technology Research Institute of South China Normal University

Cross border e-commerce industrial park

Postdoctoral Innovation (Zhaoqing) Demonstration Center

Zhaoqing Hong Kong Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, etc.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park in Zhaoqing High tech Zone. Data map


Merchants come to Xiaopeng Automobile Intelligent Internet Connection

On site of the Automotive Parts Industrial Park project,

On site understanding of Zhaoqing High tech Zone

Layout in the new energy vehicle industry.


The merchants came to the project site of Xiaopeng Automobile Intelligent Connected Automotive Parts Industrial Park. South+Lu Shuman shooting

Zhaoqing High tech Zone, with Xiaopeng Automobile

Ningde Times is a chain owner enterprise,

High level planning for Zhaoqing Dawang

New Energy Intelligent Vehicle Industry City,

Efforts will be made to build a large industrial platform with an area of ten thousand acres and a hundred billion yuan.


▲ Ruiqing Era Project. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

The last station,

Merchants enter the

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Agglomeration Zone.


▲ Merchants enter the large industrial cluster area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) located in Zhaoqing New Area. South+Lu Shuman shooting

Standing on the observation tower,

Merchants overlook the future of Zhaoqing's industry.

According to the introduction,

At present, new energy vehicles in Zhaoqing New Area

And 30 components manufacturing industry projects,

Covering the upstream, midstream, and downstream of the industrial chain

Many product categories, with a total investment of approximately 8.1 billion yuan.


Several high-quality enterprise projects have settled in the starting area of Dinghu Zhaoqing New Area, a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). Tuyuan Dinghu Release

The location advantage is obvious,

The industrial context is clear,

Many merchants like Zhaoqing.

Wang Xiaoju, Asia Operations Director of Rolls Royce Automotive Parts (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., stated

I believe that in the future, as our cooperation with customers in southern China such as Xiaopeng Motors continues to deepen, we will also choose to layout in southern China. Zhaoqing will be a good choice at that time

Shen Xianghui, Minister of Development and Business Department of Chuandao Textile (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., said

Through these planning introductions, I feel that the development of Zhaoqing is very fast, and the city's thinking, layout, and service awareness are very mature. I believe that Zhaoqing will definitely develop better and better in the future

Introduction by the representative of Zhaoqing High tech Zone,

The education system in the district is well-established,

Adequate medical security,

Housing prices are relatively low,

There are everything from star rated hotels to cultural and sports centers,

It is a place suitable for living, business, and business.


▲ Zhaoqing High tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Many merchants highly appreciate this point

Liu Erfan, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Iron Anchor Technology Co., Ltd., said

Talents are the primary productive force, and only by ensuring logistical support can we hire and retain people

Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference abgehalten: Gemeinsam auf dem Entwicklungspfad laufen, um ein neues Hochland für die New Energy Vehicle Industry zu bauen

Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference abgehalten: Gemeinsam auf dem Entwicklungspfad laufen, um ein neues Hochland für die New Energy Vehicle Industry zu bauen

Herausgegeben von Zhaoqing am 25.Mai, 2023 bei 23:21 in Guangdong

Angefangen von "neu" und bewegt sich hin zu Hunderten von Milliarden. Am 25.Mai hielt unsere Stadt eine neue Investitionsförderungskonferenz der Energiefahrzeugindustrie ab, die die Entwicklungsgrundlage und den Investitionswert von Zhaoqings neuer Energiefahrzeugindustrie vorstellte. Wir luden aufrichtig globale neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie-Lieferketten-Unternehmen ein, Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu ergreifen, Projekte auszuhandeln, Zusammenarbeit auszubauen und gemeinsam eine neue Zukunft für die Entwicklung der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu schaffen. Zhang Aijun, Sekretär des kommunalen Parteikomitees, Xu Xiaoxong, Bürgermeister, Chen Yuehua, Inspektor erster Ebene des Provinziellen Handelsministeriums, Cai Liyun, stellvertretender Direktor des Provinziellen Investitionsförderungsbüros, und He Xiaopeng, Vorsitzender von Xiaopeng Automobile und Vorsitzender des kommunalen Verbandes von Industrie und Handel, nahmen an der Konferenz teil.

Vor dem Treffen traf sich Zhang Aijun mit Vertretern von Händlern, die an der Veranstaltung teilnahmen, und drückte allen einen aufrichtigen Empfang und aufrichtigen Dank für ihre kontinuierliche Sorge und Unterstützung für die Entwicklung von Zhaoqing aus.

Zhang Aijun sagte:

Als eine der wichtigsten Städte in der Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing hat einzigartige Vorteile in Bezug auf Geschichte und Kultur, Transportlage, industrielle Gründung, Landfläche, ökologische Umwelt und Geschäftsumfeld. Die Entwicklung der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie hat eine Grundlage, Bedingungen und Potenzial. Gegenwärtig verankert Zhaoqing die Hauptaufgabe der hochwertigen Entwicklung, hält sich an das Prinzip, die Realwirtschaft an erste Stelle zu stellen und die Fertigungsindustrie an die Spitze zu stellen, aktiv die neue Spur der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu ergreifen, konzentriert sich auf den Bau einer neuen Energiefahrzeugindustriebasis basierend auf der Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area und gegenüber dem ganzen Land, beschleunigt die Kultivierung eines neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrieclusters im Wert von Milliarden und baut eine leistungsfähigere Fertigungsstadt im westlichen Teil der Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Ich hoffe, dass Unternehmen und Händler diese Konferenz als wichtige Gelegenheit nutzen können, Zhaoqing weiter zu verstehen und in sie zu investieren, praktische Zusammenarbeit in neuen Energiefahrzeugen und anderen Bereichen durchzuführen, gemeinsam mit Zhaoqing an der Entwicklung neuer Gleise zu arbeiten, gemeinsam ein neues Hochland in Guangdong's neuer Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu bauen und gemeinsam die Entwicklung der Energiefahrzeugindustrie für eine bessere Zukunft zu innovieren.

Xu Xiaoxong gratulierte im Namen des kommunalen Parteikomitees und der Regierung zum reibungslosen Ablauf der Konferenz.

Xu Xiaoxong erklärte, dass

Zhaoqing ist seit sechs Jahren eine außergewöhnliche Straße der Automobilherstellung mit Xiaopeng Automobile gegangen. Xiaopeng Automobile ist zu einem Banner geworden, das Zhaoqing in die neue Energie intelligente vernetzte Fahrzeugindustrie führt. Angetrieben von führenden Unternehmen wie Xiaopeng Automobile, ist Zhaoqing ein aufsteigender Stern in der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie mit voller Fahrzeugproduktionskapazität in der Provinz geworden. Zhaoqing wird alle Anstrengungen unternehmen, um die Entwicklung und das Wachstum von Xiaopeng Automobile zu unterstützen und gemeinsam einen Weltklasse-Cluster für die neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie aufzubauen. Ich hoffe, jeder kann sich dem "Pengyu Circle" anschließen und sich uns anschließen, um in Zhaoqing zu investieren und sich weiterzuentwickeln und Möglichkeiten für die Entwicklung der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu teilen. Zhaoqing bietet Unternehmen die äußerste Aufrichtigkeit und besten Service, so dass sie investieren, Unternehmen gründen und sich reibungslos entwickeln können.

Bei dem Treffen stellte Vizebürgermeister Guan Wei das Investitionsumfeld vor. Während der Konferenz wurden Vertreter der teilnehmenden Händler auch organisiert, um verschiedene Bezirke (Städte, Bezirke), Zhaoqing High Tech Zone, Guangdong Provinz (Zhaoqing) große industrielle Agglomeration Zone und andere Orte zu besuchen, um das Investitionsumfeld zu inspizieren. Unternehmensvertreter haben ausgedrückt, dass Zhaoqing prominente Vorteile in Ressourcen und Umwelt, kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Transportbedingungen, kontinuierliche Konsolidierung der industriellen Grundlage und stärkere Plattformunterstützung hat. Insbesondere Zhaoqing hat ein relativ vollständiges Politiksystem und industrielle Kette, was es zu einem idealen Ort für das Layout von neuen Energiefahrzeugen und unterstützende Unternehmen macht. Als nächstes werden wir die Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit Zhaoqing weiter stärken, das Layout von mehr Kooperationsprojekten erforschen und eine qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklung durch gegenseitigen Nutzen und Win-Win-Win-Situation erreichen.

Als eine der wichtigsten führenden Industrien in unserer Stadt hat die neue Energiefahrzeuge und die Automobilindustrie in den letzten Jahren erfolgreich kettenführende Unternehmen wie Xiaopeng Automobile und Ningde Times eingeführt. Der Produktionswert hat 30 Milliarden Yuan, 40 Milliarden Yuan und 70 Milliarden Yuan in drei Jahren überschritten, mit einer Wachstumsrate von über 50% für zwei aufeinanderfolgende Jahre, zu einem wichtigen Durchbruch für unsere Stadt, um qualitativ hochwertige industrielle Entwicklung zu fördern. Derzeit gibt es mehr als 80 ausgewiesene neue Energiefahrzeuge und Automobilteile Unternehmen in der Stadt. Letztes Jahr überschreitet der Produktionswert 70 Milliarden Yuan, und in diesem Jahr wird erwartet, das Niveau von 100 Milliarden Yuan zu erreichen, bestrebt, eine Skala von 200 Milliarden Yuan so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Über 800 Vertreter von neuen Energiefahrzeugunternehmen und relevanten Abteilungen in verschiedenen Bezirken (Städte, Bezirke), Zhaoqing High Tech Zone, Zhaoqing New Area, Guangdong Guangxi Kooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) und direkt unter der Stadt nahmen an den relevanten Aktivitäten teil.

تشاوتشينغ الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في مؤتمر الاستثمار : في تطوير مسار جديد معا لخلق الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في ارتفاع

  تشاوتشينغ الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في مؤتمر الاستثمار : في تطوير مسار جديد معا لخلق الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في ارتفاع 

 تشاوتشينغ 2023-05-25 23 : 21 نشرت في قوانغدونغ 

 من " الجديد " ، نحو 100 مليار دولار .  في 25 أيار / مايو ، عقدت مدينة تشاوتشينغ الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في مؤتمر الاستثمار ، والتركيز على عرض تشاوتشينغ الطاقة الجديدة صناعة السيارات على أساس التنمية ، قيمة الاستثمار ، الطاقة الجديدة في صناعة السيارات العالمية سلسلة التوريد الشركات ترسل دعوة صادقة ، واغتنام الفرص التجارية ، والمفاوضات ، وتوسيع نطاق التعاون من أجل خلق الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في تطوير مستقبل جديد .  تشانغ aijun سكرتير الحزب البلدية ، عمدة شو شياو شيونغ ، مقاطعة مكتب التجارة المفتش تشن يو هوا ، مقاطعة مكتب ترويج الاستثمار نائب المدير تساى Liyun ، بنغ شياو بنغ رئيس السيارات ، رئيس البلدية اتحاد الصناعة والتجارة حضر الاجتماع . 

 قبل الاجتماع ، تشانغ aijun اجتمع مع ممثلين من رجال الأعمال الذين شاركوا في الحدث ، وأعرب عن ترحيبه الصادق لكم جميعا ، ونحن قد تم رعاية ودعم التنمية تشاوتشينغ عن خالص الشكر . 

 تشانغ aijun يقول 

 تشاوتشينغ ، باعتبارها واحدة من المدن الرئيسية في منطقة خليج دايان في قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو ، لديها مزايا فريدة من نوعها في التاريخ والثقافة ، موقع حركة المرور ، مؤسسة صناعية ، مساحة الأرض ، والبيئة الايكولوجية ، والبيئة التجارية ، وما إلى ذلك تطوير الطاقة الجديدة صناعة السيارات لديها قاعدة ، شرط ، وإمكانات .  في الوقت الحاضر ، تشاوتشينغ هو ترسيخ المهمة الرئيسية المتمثلة في تطوير عالية الجودة ، والتمسك الاقتصاد الحقيقي القائم على الصناعة التحويلية ، استباقية للاستيلاء على الطاقة الجديدة في صناعة السيارات في مسار جديد ، والتركيز على بناء قاعدة صناعية جديدة للطاقة السيارات على أساس قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو Dawan المنطقة ، التي تواجه الأمة كلها ، وتسريع تنمية الطاقة الجديدة للسيارات مئات المليارات من التجمعات الصناعية ، وبناء أكثر قوة في غرب قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو Dawan منطقة تصنيع المدينة الجديدة .  نأمل أن الشركات ورجال الأعمال سوف تأخذ فرصة هامة في هذا المؤتمر ، فهم المزيد عن تشاوتشينغ ، تشاوتشينغ الاستثمار ، وتطوير التعاون العملي في مجال الطاقة الجديدة والسيارات ، تشغيل جنبا إلى جنب مع تشاوتشينغ في تطوير مسار جديد ، والعمل معا من أجل بناء صناعة السيارات فى مقاطعة قوانغدونغ الطاقة الجديدة ، وخلق مستقبل مشرق لصناعة السيارات . 

 شو Xiaoxiong باسم البلدية طرف اللجنة ، حكومة البلدية ، مبروك على نجاح المؤتمر . 

 شو شياو شيونغ 

 تشاوتشينغ Xiaopeng السيارات قد ذهب من خلال ست سنوات من صنع السيارات غير عادية ، Xiaopeng السيارات أصبحت الرائدة في مجال الطاقة الجديدة الذكية شبكة صناعة السيارات في تشاوتشينغ ، بقيادة الشركات الرائدة مثل السيارات Xiaopeng ، تشاوتشينغ قفزت إلى مقاطعة كاملة من السيارات مع القدرة على إنتاج الطاقة الجديدة في صناعة السيارات الصاعد .  تشاوتشينغ سوف تعطي المدينة قوة دعم بنغ السيارات لتطوير وتوسيع معا لخلق الطاقة الجديدة من الطراز العالمي لصناعة السيارات في المجموعة .  ونحن نتطلع إلى المزيد من الشركاء إلى الانضمام إلى " أصدقاء بنغ " تشاوتشينغ للاستثمار ، والتنمية الزراعية ، وتقاسم الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في فرص التنمية .  تشاوتشينغ سوف تكون أكبر إخلاص ، وأفضل خدمة ، حتى أن الشركات يمكن أن تطمئن إلى أن الاستثمار في الأعمال التجارية ، راحة البال ، شون شين التنمية . 

 في الاجتماع ، نائب عمدة قوان وى لتعزيز بيئة الاستثمار .  خلال المؤتمر ، وممثلي رجال الأعمال من مختلف المقاطعات ( المدن والمقاطعات ) ، تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا الفائقة ، مقاطعة قوانغدونغ ( تشاوتشينغ ) التجمعات الصناعية الكبيرة وغيرها من الأماكن لدراسة بيئة الاستثمار .  وقال ممثلو رجال الأعمال أن تشاوتشينغ مزايا بارزة في الموارد والبيئة ، وتحسين ظروف حركة المرور ، واستمرار توطيد الأساس الصناعي ، منصة دعم أكثر قوة ، ولا سيما تشاوتشينغ لديها سياسة أكثر كمالا ونظام كامل السلسلة الصناعية ، الطاقة الجديدة للسيارات ودعم تخطيط المشاريع هو المكان المثالي ، القادم سوف تزيد من تعزيز التبادلات والتعاون مع تشاوتشينغ ، واستكشاف المزيد من المشاريع التعاونية في التوزيع ، والمنفعة المتبادلة والفوز المشترك في تحقيق تنمية عالية الجودة . 

 باعتبارها واحدة من أهم الصناعات الرائدة في المدينة ، والطاقة الجديدة للسيارات وقطع غيار السيارات الصناعة قد أدخلت بنجاح سلسلة من الشركات الرئيسية مثل Xiaopeng السيارات ، نينغده مرات في السنوات الأخيرة ، وقيمة الانتاج قد كسر من خلال 30 مليار يوان ، 40 مليار يوان و 70 مليار يوان في غضون ثلاث سنوات ، مع معدل نمو أكثر من 50 في المائة لمدة سنتين متتاليتين ، أصبحت نقطة الانطلاقة الهامة في تعزيز التنمية الصناعية ذات جودة عالية .  في الوقت الحاضر ، المدينة لديها أكثر من 80 من الطاقة الجديدة والسيارات وقطع غيار السيارات الشركات ، في العام الماضي ، فإن قيمة الانتاج من 70 مليار يوان ، ومن المتوقع أن تصل إلى 100 مليار يوان هذا العام ، والسعي لتحقيق 200 مليار يوان في أقرب وقت ممكن . 

 جميع المقاطعات ( المدن والمقاطعات ) ، تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية والجديدة ، تشاوتشينغ منطقة جديدة ، وقوانغدونغ وقوانغشى التعاون منطقة تجريبية خاصة ( تشاوتشينغ ) والإدارات ذات الصلة مباشرة تحت البلدية هي المسؤولة أساسا عن الرفاق ، الطاقة الجديدة للسيارات الشركات تمثل حوالي 800 شخص للمشاركة في الأنشطة ذات الصلة . 

Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference Held: Running Together on the Development Track to Build a New Highland for the New Energy Vehicle Industry

Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference Held: Running Together on the Development Track to Build a New Highland for the New Energy Vehicle Industry

Published by Zhaoqing on May 25th, 2023 at 23:21 in Guangdong


Starting from 'new' and moving towards hundreds of billions. On May 25th, our city held a new energy vehicle industry investment promotion conference, showcasing the development foundation and investment value of Zhaoqing's new energy vehicle industry. We sincerely invited global new energy vehicle industry chain supply chain enterprises to seize business opportunities, negotiate projects, expand cooperation, and jointly create a new future for the development of the new energy vehicle industry. Zhang Aijun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Xiaoxiong, Mayor, Chen Yuehua, First Level Inspector of the Provincial Department of Commerce, Cai Liyun, Deputy Director of the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau, and He Xiaopeng, Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile and Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the conference.

Before the meeting, Zhang Aijun met with representatives of merchants participating in the event, expressing a sincere welcome and sincere gratitude to everyone for their continuous concern and support for the development of Zhaoqing.

Zhang Aijun said

As one of the main cities in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing has unique advantages in terms of history and culture, transportation location, industrial foundation, land space, ecological environment, and business environment. The development of the new energy vehicle industry has a foundation, conditions, and potential. At present, Zhaoqing is anchoring the primary task of high-quality development, adhering to the principle of putting the real economy first and manufacturing industry at the forefront, actively seizing the new track of the new energy vehicle industry, focusing on building a new energy vehicle industry base based on the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and facing the whole country, accelerating the cultivation of a new energy vehicle industry cluster worth billions, and building a more powerful manufacturing new city in the western part of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. I hope that enterprises and merchants can take this conference as an important opportunity to further understand and invest in Zhaoqing, carry out practical cooperation in new energy vehicles and other fields, run together with Zhaoqing on the development of new tracks, jointly build a new highland in Guangdong's new energy vehicle industry, and jointly innovate the development of the energy vehicle industry for a better future.

Xu Xiaoxiong, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, congratulated the smooth holding of the conference.

Xu Xiaoxiong stated that

Zhaoqing has walked an extraordinary road of car manufacturing with Xiaopeng Automobile for 6 years. Xiaopeng Automobile has become a banner leading Zhaoqing into the new energy intelligent connected vehicle industry. Driven by leading enterprises such as Xiaopeng Automobile, Zhaoqing has become a rising star in the new energy vehicle industry with full vehicle production capacity in the province. Zhaoqing will make every effort to support the development and growth of Xiaopeng Automobile and jointly build a world-class new energy vehicle industry cluster. I hope everyone can join the "Pengyou Circle" and join us to invest and develop in Zhaoqing, sharing opportunities for the development of the new energy vehicle industry. Zhaoqing will provide enterprises with the utmost sincerity and best service, allowing them to invest, start businesses, and develop smoothly.

At the meeting, Vice Mayor Guan Wei introduced the investment environment. During the conference, representatives of participating merchants were also organized to visit various counties (cities, districts), Zhaoqing High tech Zone, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Agglomeration Zone, and other places to inspect the investment environment. Business representatives have expressed that Zhaoqing has prominent advantages in resources and environment, continuous improvement in transportation conditions, continuous consolidation of industrial foundation, and stronger platform support. In particular, Zhaoqing has a relatively complete policy system and industrial chain, making it an ideal place for the layout of new energy vehicles and supporting enterprises. Next, we will further strengthen communication and cooperation with Zhaoqing, explore the layout of more cooperation projects, and achieve high-quality development through mutual benefit and win-win situation.

As one of the key leading industries in our city, the new energy vehicles and automotive parts industry has successfully introduced chain leading enterprises such as Xiaopeng Automobile and Ningde Times in recent years. The output value has exceeded 30 billion yuan, 40 billion yuan, and 70 billion yuan in three years, with a growth rate of over 50% for two consecutive years, becoming an important breakthrough point for our city to promote high-quality industrial development. At present, there are more than 80 designated new energy vehicles and automotive parts enterprises in the city. Last year, the output value exceeded 70 billion yuan, and this year, it is expected to reach the level of 100 billion yuan, striving to reach a scale of 200 billion yuan as soon as possible.

About 800 representatives from new energy vehicle enterprises and relevant departments in various counties (cities, districts), Zhaoqing High tech Zone, Zhaoqing New Area, Guangdong Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), and directly under the city participated in the relevant activities.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The first Jinli Hardware International Expo 2023-Give a warm welcome

 Next month, see you in Zhaoqing Jinli!

Published by Zhaoqing on May 23, 2023 at 21:09 in Guangdong


To continuously polish the brand of "Good Hardware, Jinlizao",

From June 17th to 19th,

Jinli Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City will hold

China Zhaoqing (Jinli) Traditional Dragon Boat Competition

And the first Jinli Hardware International Expo,

Over 300 booths will be located in Hardware Smart Manufacturing Town

Exhibition on the Industrial Avenue.



The editor will take you to visit in advance

The preparation status of Jinli's local exhibitors,

Experience the strong "industrial wind" in advance!


Launch new products at the expo

Guangdong Auster Hardware Precision Manufacturing

Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as "Auster")

It is a "national high-tech enterprise",

Mainly engaged in research and development, manufacturing, and sales of hinges

Hardware products such as air braces, tatami elevators, and slides,

Over the years, Auster has been continuously conducting

Product innovation and upgrading, improving product structure,

Promote multiple advanced door hinge products.


△ Source of images to be released

At the first Jinli Hardware International Expo, Austria

ST will focus on promoting the flip door hinge.

Wu Jiayang, Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Auster:

"This product introduced at the Expo is suitable for the top swing doors of home cabinets. In addition, the installation of the random stop Gas Spring made by Aust will achieve the effect of automatic top swing door opening and buffered door closing. Compared with the same type of top swing door hinge, it is more convenient to install and has wider applicability. At present, we are actively preparing for the Expo, and some new products developed this year will also be launched at the Expo for the first time."


△ Source of images to be released

Taking advantage of the opportunity of this expo,

In the future, Auster will focus on the integration and

Intelligent home supporting hardware

In terms of design, research, development, and production

Continue to exert efforts and increase investment,

Continuously providing downstream home furnishing enterprises with

Strong brand and technological support,

Expand and strengthen the brand influence of "Good Hardware, Jinli Manufacturing".

Specializing in researching high-strength aluminum alloys

Located in Zhaoqing Gaoyao Jinli High tech Zone

Zhaoqing Haojin Aluminum Technology Co., Ltd

(hereinafter referred to as "Haojin Aluminum")

Specializing in the production of high-quality lightweight aluminum alloy materials.


△ Source of images to be released

Lightweight aluminum alloy material is

Energy saving, consumption reduction, and increase of new energy vehicles

One of the important materials for driving range.

With the development of the new energy vehicle industry,

Lightweight aluminum alloy is widely used

New energy vehicle enterprises are widely used.


△ Source of images to be released

Guo Xiaowen, Director of Haojin Aluminum Production:

The holding of the Hardware Expo will gather more resources and development opportunities, and also provide us with the best platform for communication and sharing among manufacturing enterprises

At the upcoming Hardware International Expo,

Haojin Aluminum will compete with others

Local hardware enterprises are developing together,

Make precision, specialize, and strengthen new energy aluminum materials,

Strive to serve more automotive brands,

Maximize social and economic benefits.

Gaoyao Jinli is a strong industrial town in our city,

Here are outstanding talents and industries gathering,

Across the river from Sanshui District, Foshan City,

It is an important node for cooperation and exchange between Zhaoqing Gaoyao and the Guangfo region,

It is an economic hub that drives the development of the eastern part of Zhaoqing Gaoyao.

△ Source of images to be released

Taking advantage of the spring breeze and seizing opportunities, Jinli Town,

Targeting new industries and cultivating new formats,

Gradually forming automobile parts, hardware manufacturing

Leading industries such as fine chemicals and new building materials,

The acceleration of the rise of manufacturing industry clusters with a scale of hundreds of billions,

Becoming the best industrial base in Zhaoqing City

One of the regions with the highest economic benefits and the fastest development speed.


△ Photographed by Chen Yancheng

Since the 1980s,

Hardware has always been a leading industry that Jinli is proud of,

Perfect industrial chain and degree of industrial agglomeration

Make it truly the "hometown of Chinese hardware".


△ Jinli New Yongchang Production Workshop. Photographed by Chen Yancheng

There are currently over 5800 enterprises and individual businesses in the town,

Hardware products produced

There are over 300 categories and over 2000 varieties,

Thirty percent of our products are exported to Europe, America

Middle Eastern, African, and Southeast Asian countries,

More than 70000 employees,

The industrial pattern of "big hardware" has basically formed.


△ Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Products. Image Source Gao Yao Publishing

in recent years,

Around automotive parts, hardware, fine chemicals

The leading industry of new building materials,

Jinli Town is fully committed to building a manufacturing industry cluster worth hundreds of billions,

We have created and upgraded an automotive parts industry park

A number of industrial development platforms, including hardware intelligent manufacturing towns,

Promote the high-quality development of the hardware industry.


△ Jinli Hardware Products. Image Source Gao Yao Publishing

The grand first International Hardware Expo will be held in June,

Will further open Jinli

The gateway to the development of the hardware industry chain,

Make friends from all over the world for local enterprises.

At the same time, the "good hardware, gold made"

The golden signboard will be further polished!


△ Jinli Hardware Intelligent Manufacturing Town. Photographed by Deng Darong

Looking forward to the first Hardware International Expo,

Can open up broader development space for Jinli,

Assist Jinli in building "One Hundred Counties, One Thousand Towns, One Thousand Villages

High quality development project "demonstration model!

Rendez - vous le mois prochain, Zhaoqing Jinli!

 Rendez - vous le mois prochain, Zhaoqing Jinli!

Zhaoqing publié le 2023 - 05 - 23 21: 09 publié dans Guangdong

Pour le polissage continu de la marque "bon matériel, fabrication d'or",

Du 17 au 19 juin,

La ville de Jinli, district de gaogao, ville de Zhaoqing, accueillera

Chine Zhaoqing (Jinli) compétition traditionnelle de bateaux - Dragons

Et la première Foire internationale de quincaillerie Jinli,

Plus de 300 stands seront dans la ville de quincaillerie

Exposition extérieure sur l'avenue de l'industrie.


Ci - dessous,

Petit montage pour vous faire visiter à l'avance

La préparation des entreprises exposantes locales de Gimli,

Sentez le fort "vent industriel" à l'avance!


Lancement de nouveaux produits à la foire

Guangdong Oster Hardware fabrication de précision

Ltd. (ci - après « Oster »)

Est une « entreprise nationale de haute technologie »,

Principalement engagé dans la recherche et le développement, la fabrication, la vente de charnières,

Support pneumatique, ascenseur tatami, glissière et autres produits matériels,

Au fil des ans, Auster a continué à

Mise à niveau de l'innovation du produit, amélioration de la structure du produit,

Faire progresser plusieurs produits avancés de charnière de porte.


△ source haute à publier

Lors de la première Foire internationale de quincaillerie, AO

Ster mettra l'accent sur l'articulation de la porte relevée.

Wu Jiayang, Directeur général adjoint de Guangdong Oster:

« ce produit présenté à l'exposition convient pour les portes battantes des armoires domestiques, en outre, l'installation de ressorts d'arrêt aléatoires fabriqués par Auster, permettra d'obtenir l'effet de la porte battante automatique, de la fermeture tampon, par rapport au même type d'articulation de porte battante, l'installation est plus pratique et l'applicabilité est plus large. Actuellement, nous préparons activement l'exposition, certains des nouveaux produits développés cette année seront également lancés pour la première fois à l'exposition. »


△ source haute à publier

A l'occasion de cette exposition,

À l'avenir Auster sera en costume complet et

Matériel de soutien pour la maison intelligente

Conception R & D et production

Continuez à pousser, continuez à investir,

Continuellement disponible pour les entreprises à domicile en aval

Forte marque et support technologique,

Faire grand et fort "bon matériel, fabrication d'or" influence de marque.

Specialized Research alliage d'aluminium haute résistance

Situé dans le nouveau quartier de Jinli Gao, Zhaoqing gaogao

Technologie Cie., Ltd d'aluminium de Zhaoqing haoqiang

(ci - après dénommé « aluminium renforcé»)

Spécialisée dans la production de matériaux légers en alliage d'aluminium de haute qualité.


△ source haute à publier

Le matériel léger d'alliage d'aluminium est

Véhicules à énergie nouvelle Économie d'énergie, réduction de la consommation, augmentation

Un des matériaux importants pour l'autonomie.

Avec le développement de l'industrie automobile des nouvelles énergies,

Alliage d'aluminium léger est beaucoup

Les entreprises de véhicules à énergie nouvelle sont largement choisies.


△ source haute à publier

Guo Xiaowen, Directeur de la production d'aluminium haoqiang:

« la tenue de Hardware Expo rassemblera plus de ressources et d’opportunités de développement, et constituera également la meilleure plate - forme pour nos entreprises manufacturières pour échanger et partager. »

Lors de la prochaine Foire internationale de la quincaillerie,

L'aluminium Hao sera avec d'autres

Développement des entreprises de matériel autochtones,

Faire de la finition spécialement pour faire de l'aluminium à forte énergie nouvelle,

Cherchant à servir plus de marques automobiles,

Maximiser les avantages sociaux et économiques.

Gaogao Jinli est la ville industrielle forte de ma ville,

Ici se rassemblent les gens, les industries,

De l'autre côté de la rivière, dans le district de Sanshui de la ville de Foshan,

Est un nœud important de la coopération et des échanges entre Zhaoqing Gao et la région de Guangfu,

C'est une ville économique importante qui entraîne le développement de l'est de Zhaoqing Gao.

△ source haute à publier

La ville de Jinli par le vent de printemps, saisir les opportunités,

Cibler de nouvelles industries, introduire de nouveaux modèles industriels,

Formation progressive de pièces automobiles, fabrication de matériel,

Chimie fine et nouveaux matériaux de construction et autres industries dominantes,

L'accélération de l'émergence de Clusters industriels de fabrication de 100 milliards de niveaux,

Est devenu la meilleure base industrielle de Zhaoqing,

L'une des régions les plus rentables et les plus dynamiques sur le plan économique.


△ photo par Chen Yancheng

Depuis les années 80,

Le matériel a toujours été l'industrie fièrement dominante de Kinley,

Chaîne industrielle parfaite et degré d'agrégation industrielle

En faire un véritable « pays du petit matériel chinois ».


△ Jinli xinyongchang atelier de production. Photo par Chen Yancheng

La ville compte actuellement plus de 5 800 entreprises et particuliers,

Produits de quincaillerie fabriqués

Avec plus de 300 catégories, plus de 2000 variétés,

Trois produits exportés vers l'Europe et l'Amérique,

Pays du Moyen - Orient, d'Afrique et d'Asie du Sud - Est,

Plus de 70 000 praticiens,

Le paysage industriel du « Grand matériel» est fondamentalement formé.


△ produits de quincaillerie Jinli Xiang. Source haute à publier

Ces dernières années,

Autour de la distribution de vapeur, matériel, chimie fine,

Les nouveaux matériaux de construction dominent l'industrie,

La ville de Jinli s'efforce de construire un Cluster industriel de fabrication de 100 milliards de niveaux,

Parc industriel de pièces automobiles modernisé,

Hardware Zhijiang Town et d'autres plates - formes de développement industriel,

Promouvoir l'industrie du matériel sur la voie du développement de haute qualité.


△ produits de quincaillerie jinley. Source haute à publier

Grande première Foire internationale de matériel en juin,

Ouvrira plus loin Kinley

La porte du développement de la chaîne de l'industrie du matériel,

Faites des amis pour les entreprises locales.

Dans le même temps, "bon matériel, fabrication d'or"

Le signe d'or sera encore poli!


△ quincaillerie Jinli Zhi fait la ville. Photo par dundarrone

Dans l'attente de la première exposition internationale de matériel,

Peut ouvrir un espace de développement plus large pour Kinley,

Aider Jinli à construire le village de Wan, dans la ville de thousand Counties

Modèle de démonstration « ingénierie de développement de haute qualité »!

Monday, May 22, 2023





















肇慶発表 2023-05-22 22:51 広東省で発表



































































◆肇慶高新区はこのほど、第4回新エネルギー自動車及び動力電池(CIBF 2023深セン)国際交流会を開催し、「ベイエリアの新たなチャンスを共有してリチウムイオン産業の発展を図る」と題した基調講演を行った。図源肇慶ハイテク発表










The Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference is about to open, and the time is

 Heavyweight! The Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference is about to open, and the time is

Published by Zhaoqing on May 22, 2023 at 22:51 in Guangdong

Heavyweight! Heavyweight! Heavyweight!

Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicle Industry Investment Promotion Conference

From May 24th to 26th, 2023

Held in Duanzhou, Zhaoqing!

At that time, not only will there be a display of new energy vehicles, but there will also be interactive activities such as unmanned vehicle test rides, providing you with an immersive experience of intelligent vehicle foresight technology, and experiencing the vigorous momentum brought by the innovative development of the new energy vehicle industry in Zhaoqing City.

In recent years, with the large-scale industrial agglomeration zone in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) as an important carrier, and relying on the main positions such as Zhaoqing Dawang New Energy Intelligent Vehicle Industry City and Zhaoqing (Gaoyao) Automotive Parts Industry Park, Zhaoqing has achieved a regional cooperation pattern of "Guangfo Zhaoche, Zhaoqing Auto Parts, and Zhaoqing Services".

From battery to motor,

From tires to chassis,

From die-casting, sensing to powertrain,

From components to the entire vehicle,

Today's Zhaoqing,

A complete new energy vehicle production chain has been formed,

To achieve the goal of "not leaving the market at all", cars can be manufactured.

Xiaopeng Ningde's "Double Leading" Drive Industry to Take Off

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission held a meeting

Regular press conference in May,

At the meeting, it was stated that,

Currently, the new energy vehicle industry is facing

Unprecedented development opportunities.

Link Å The National Development and Reform Commission's May press conference releases heavyweight information

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. As early as 2016, Zhaoqing proposed for the first time to make the new energy vehicle industry a leading industry, providing strong support in terms of land, policies, funds, talent, etc., and introducing enterprises such as Xiaopeng Automobile before the new energy vehicle industry was fully developed.

Zhaoqing National High tech Industrial Development Zone, with the "dual leaders" of Xiaopeng Automobile and Ningde Times. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, a journalist from Xijiang Daily

With the official production of Ruiqing Era last year,

Zhaoqing's new energy vehicle industry ushers in the Ningde era

Xiaopeng Automobile's dual leaders drive the era.

In line with the development of the two leading industries, the output value of Zhaoqing's new energy vehicles and automotive parts industry has exceeded the 30 billion yuan, 40 billion yuan, and 70 billion yuan levels in the past three years, with a growth rate of over 50% for two consecutive years, accounting for about 7% of the province's new energy vehicle output value. The prototype of a 100 billion yuan industrial cluster has emerged.

△ Xiaopeng Automobile Production Workshop. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Building a 'unable to leave the market' automotive industry cluster

At Xiaopeng Automobile

With the support of chain owners such as Ningde Times,

Zhaoqing fully focuses on intelligent internet connectivity

Conduct investment promotion and layout with the new energy vehicle industry chain,

And establish a sound policy system

And a clear industrial chain.

Pu Tai Lai

Pu Tai Lai is the largest coating and coating processing supplier of Ningde Times. In early November last year, the Jiatuo Lithium Battery Equipment Project, a sub project of Shanghai Pu Tai Lai South China Base with an investment of 5.2 billion yuan, began production, which will drive upstream and downstream enterprises to form a cluster.

Jiyang Intelligence

The power battery production equipment manufacturing base constructed by Jiyang Intelligent Investment will be put into operation in 2021. The lithium electronic battery and supercapacitor production equipment and automation production line produced will mainly be supplied to Ningde Times.

Under the leadership of the dragon head,

The chain of new energy vehicles and supporting industries in Zhaoqing continues to extend.

There are 81 enterprises in the city's designated new energy vehicle industry cluster,

Mainly distributed in Zhaoqing High tech Zone

Gaoyao District, Sihui City, Duanzhou District

Dinghu District and Huaiji County.

△ Zhaoqing High tech Zone. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Chain Investment Promotion to Achieve the Goal of 100 Billion Industry Clusters

Zhaoqing proposed

By 2025, the new energy vehicle industry in the city will achieve the goal of producing an output value of 200 billion yuan; The total vehicle output value of the city has reached 80 billion yuan, the component output value has reached 120 billion yuan, and the "whole to zero ratio" has reached above 1:1.5.

Strive for a breakthrough at the doorstep,

Promote the quick landing of investment projects.

As soon as the Spring Festival holiday ends this year,

Zhaoqing has dispatched over 40 investment teams,

Distribute to various parts of the country,

Exploring potential investment projects and visiting key enterprises.

Afterwards, Zhaoqing went to Guangzhou to hold

2023 "Double City Meeting" Suizhao New Energy Vehicle Industry

High quality development salon,

Go to Hangzhou to hold an exchange conference on new energy vehicles and automotive parts,

Continuously seize the new energy vehicle industry,

Expand the 'circle of friends' on the chain.

Recently, Zhaoqing High tech Zone made its debut at the 4th International Exchange Conference on New Energy Vehicles and Power Batteries (CIBF2023 Shenzhen) and delivered a keynote speech titled "Sharing New Opportunities in the Bay Area and Jointly Developing the Lithium Battery Industry". Tuyuan Zhaoqing High tech Release

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing City stated:

Intelligent connected new energy vehicles are the strategic high ground for future industrial development. Zhaoqing will use various channels to attract investment, point by point, continue to deepen cultivation, accelerate the extension of the new energy vehicle industry chain, and make every effort to create a new highland for the automotive electronics industry and a talent depression for intelligent connected talents, constructing an industrial ecosystem of deep cooperation among market entities in the fields of whole vehicles, intelligent connected components, and system software.

The blueprint has been drawn, forge ahead and set sail again.

Under the blessing of multiple positive factors,

Zhaoqing's "Chain" efforts,

Efforts will be made to build a new energy vehicle ecosystem,

The new energy vehicle industry is entering the "fast lane" of transformation and upgrading.

This city has a promising future!

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228





肇慶発表 2023-05-22 12:40 広東省で発表
















Saturday, May 20, 2023



投資肇慶 2023-05-19 23:29 広東省で発表
























































Sunday, May 14, 2023

我要说句真话: 全世界真正的美食之都,是美国伊利诺州欧克布鲁克-麦当劳总部所在地。














美食之都就是美国 伊利诺州 欧克布鲁克.




这个照片有意境。有寓意:  前面8个是珠三角发达的8个大哥,最后一个是肇庆,落后太多了。用的还是玩具车。













Saturday, May 13, 2023

Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023-2023首届肇庆鼎湖百公里骑行嘉年华暨

Hundred kilometers from Dinghu, Zhaoqing New Area

Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023

"Around Guangdong, Zhaoqing railway station" Cycling Race

May 14, 2023.





Cent kilomètres de Dinghu, nouvelle zone de Zhaoqing

Nouvelle zone de charme, paysage de montagne et d'eau - 2023 premier festival équestre de 100 km du lac Zhaoqing Ding

Course cycliste "Circle Guangdong, Zhaoqing Station"

14 mai 2023. 

Hundred kilometers from Dinghu, Zhaoqing New Area  Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023  "Around Guangdong, Zhaoqing railway station" Cycling Race

Hundred kilometers from Dinghu, Zhaoqing New Area  Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023  "Around Guangdong, Zhaoqing railway station" Cycling Race

Hundred kilometers from Dinghu, Zhaoqing New Area  Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023  "Around Guangdong, Zhaoqing railway station" Cycling Race

Hundred kilometers from Dinghu, Zhaoqing New Area  Charming New Area, Landscape Scenery - The First Zhaoqing Dinghu 100km Cycling Carnival in 2023  "Around Guangdong, Zhaoqing railway station" Cycling Race









I don't know when it started. Jade practitioners and jade industry from Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Nanyang, Henan, and Ruili, Yunnan have been continuously gathering and migrating to Sihui City, Zhaoqing.

Now, Sihui City in Guangdong has become the largest jade market in Asia. Sihui City has a complete and mature jade industry chain, and some foreigners come to visit and purchase.

In recent 2023, there has been a new trend that may not have been noticed, which is that the jewelry industries such as gold, diamonds, crystals, agate, etc. have also shown a trend of gathering and transferring to Sihui City. The citizens of Sihui Small County have never seen such a grand scene before.

What kind of magical power is it? What attracts so many jewelry industries to this small county town in Guangdong?

The jade market in Sihui is no longer sufficient, and a new diamond, crystal, and gold jewelry city has been planned. To meet the needs of other jewelry giants settling in.

The magical place of Sihui City in Zhaoqing is worth studying.

In 2023, a new trend has emerged in the jewelry industry - the gold, diamond, and crystal industries are shifting and gathering in Sihui City, Guangdong Province

 لا أعرف من متى تبدأ ، جييانغ ، وقوانغتشو ، وفوجيان بوتيان ، نانيانغ ، وخنان ويوننان رويلى ، اليشم اليشم العاملين في هذه الأماكن ، والصناعة ، باستمرار إلى مدينة تشاوتشينغ Sihui تجمع الهجرة . 

 الآن مدينة Sihui فى مقاطعة قوانغدونغ أصبحت أول سوق اليشم في آسيا ، مدينة Sihui كاملة وناضجة سلسلة صناعة اليشم ، بعض الأجانب يأتون لزيارة وشراء . 

 في الآونة الأخيرة ، في عام 2023 ، كان هناك اتجاه جديد ، قد لا يكون لاحظت أن الذهب والماس والكريستال والعقيق وغيرها من صناعات المجوهرات ، ولكن أيضا في اتجاه التجمع الرابع .  أربع مقاطعات صغيرة من المواطنين ، لم أر مثل هذا المشهد الكبير . 

 ما هو السحر ؟  أن مقاطعة قوانغدونغ جذب الكثير من صناعة المجوهرات ؟ 

 الآن أربعة اليشم السوق ، لم تعد كافية ، وقد تم التخطيط الجديد الماس ، الكريستال ، الذهب والمجوهرات المدينة .  من أجل تلبية غيرها من المجوهرات كبيرة من القهوة تسوية . 

 مدينة تشاوتشينغ Sihui هذا المكان السحري يستحق الدراسة . 








On ne sait pas depuis quand, Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Henan-Nanyang, Yunnan Ruili, les praticiens du jade de ces endroits, l'industrie du jade, se rassemblent et migrent constamment vers la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui.

On ne sait pas depuis quand, Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Henan-Nanyang, Yunnan Ruili, les praticiens du jade de ces endroits, l'industrie du jade, se rassemblent et migrent constamment vers la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui.

Maintenant, la ville de Guangdong Sihui est devenue le premier marché de jade en Asie, la ville de Sihui a déjà une chaîne complète et mature de l'industrie du jade, certains Chinois sont venus visiter les achats.

Récemment, en 2023, une nouvelle tendance est apparue, que tout le monde n'a peut - être pas remarqué, est que ces industries de bijoux comme l'or, le diamant, le cristal, l'onyx et d'autres, ont également tendance à se déplacer vers les quatre rassemblements. Les citoyens du petit comté n'ont jamais vu une telle scène.

Quelle magie magique exactement? Pour attirer autant de l'industrie de la bijouterie à ce petit chef - lieu du Guangdong?

Maintenant, le marché de Jade à quatre sessions, qui ne suffit plus, a prévu de nouveaux diamants, Cristaux, bijoux en or ville. Pour répondre à l'installation d'autres grands cafés de bijoux.

Ce lieu magique de la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui mérite d'être étudié.

In recent 2023, there has been a new trend that may not have been noticed, which is that the jewelry industries such as gold, diamonds, crystals, agate, etc. have also shown a trend of gathering and transferring to Sihui City. The citizens of Sihui Small County have never seen such a grand scene before.

Friday, May 12, 2023

蛋白质地区,发达地区,把优秀企业变成濒临破产的屌丝。 烂菜干地区,落后地区肇庆,把落后企业,变成准备上市的公司。










Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...