Showing posts with label diamonds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diamonds. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

China Jadeware Expo City--gole,jewelry,jade,jadeware,diamonds,

China Jadeware Expo City

China Jade Expo City is located in the Expo City of Sihui City, Guangdong Province.

China Jade Expo City is located in the core jade business district of Sihui City, Guangdong Province, the hometown of Chinese jade, close to Sihui Avenue.

It covers an area of more than 30 acres, with a total construction area of 170,000 square meters, of which the shopping mall operating area is 70,000 square meters. It is a large-scale modern jade display and trading center, and has been awarded the honorary titles of "China Jade Products Procurement Base" and "Guangdong Province Integrity Demonstration Market".

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

China Jadeware Expo City,sihui,china,guangdong,zhaoqing,jade,jadeware,jewelry,

Saturday, May 13, 2023









I don't know when it started. Jade practitioners and jade industry from Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Nanyang, Henan, and Ruili, Yunnan have been continuously gathering and migrating to Sihui City, Zhaoqing.

Now, Sihui City in Guangdong has become the largest jade market in Asia. Sihui City has a complete and mature jade industry chain, and some foreigners come to visit and purchase.

In recent 2023, there has been a new trend that may not have been noticed, which is that the jewelry industries such as gold, diamonds, crystals, agate, etc. have also shown a trend of gathering and transferring to Sihui City. The citizens of Sihui Small County have never seen such a grand scene before.

What kind of magical power is it? What attracts so many jewelry industries to this small county town in Guangdong?

The jade market in Sihui is no longer sufficient, and a new diamond, crystal, and gold jewelry city has been planned. To meet the needs of other jewelry giants settling in.

The magical place of Sihui City in Zhaoqing is worth studying.

In 2023, a new trend has emerged in the jewelry industry - the gold, diamond, and crystal industries are shifting and gathering in Sihui City, Guangdong Province

 لا أعرف من متى تبدأ ، جييانغ ، وقوانغتشو ، وفوجيان بوتيان ، نانيانغ ، وخنان ويوننان رويلى ، اليشم اليشم العاملين في هذه الأماكن ، والصناعة ، باستمرار إلى مدينة تشاوتشينغ Sihui تجمع الهجرة . 

 الآن مدينة Sihui فى مقاطعة قوانغدونغ أصبحت أول سوق اليشم في آسيا ، مدينة Sihui كاملة وناضجة سلسلة صناعة اليشم ، بعض الأجانب يأتون لزيارة وشراء . 

 في الآونة الأخيرة ، في عام 2023 ، كان هناك اتجاه جديد ، قد لا يكون لاحظت أن الذهب والماس والكريستال والعقيق وغيرها من صناعات المجوهرات ، ولكن أيضا في اتجاه التجمع الرابع .  أربع مقاطعات صغيرة من المواطنين ، لم أر مثل هذا المشهد الكبير . 

 ما هو السحر ؟  أن مقاطعة قوانغدونغ جذب الكثير من صناعة المجوهرات ؟ 

 الآن أربعة اليشم السوق ، لم تعد كافية ، وقد تم التخطيط الجديد الماس ، الكريستال ، الذهب والمجوهرات المدينة .  من أجل تلبية غيرها من المجوهرات كبيرة من القهوة تسوية . 

 مدينة تشاوتشينغ Sihui هذا المكان السحري يستحق الدراسة . 








On ne sait pas depuis quand, Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Henan-Nanyang, Yunnan Ruili, les praticiens du jade de ces endroits, l'industrie du jade, se rassemblent et migrent constamment vers la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui.

On ne sait pas depuis quand, Jieyang, Guangzhou, Putian, Fujian, Henan-Nanyang, Yunnan Ruili, les praticiens du jade de ces endroits, l'industrie du jade, se rassemblent et migrent constamment vers la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui.

Maintenant, la ville de Guangdong Sihui est devenue le premier marché de jade en Asie, la ville de Sihui a déjà une chaîne complète et mature de l'industrie du jade, certains Chinois sont venus visiter les achats.

Récemment, en 2023, une nouvelle tendance est apparue, que tout le monde n'a peut - être pas remarqué, est que ces industries de bijoux comme l'or, le diamant, le cristal, l'onyx et d'autres, ont également tendance à se déplacer vers les quatre rassemblements. Les citoyens du petit comté n'ont jamais vu une telle scène.

Quelle magie magique exactement? Pour attirer autant de l'industrie de la bijouterie à ce petit chef - lieu du Guangdong?

Maintenant, le marché de Jade à quatre sessions, qui ne suffit plus, a prévu de nouveaux diamants, Cristaux, bijoux en or ville. Pour répondre à l'installation d'autres grands cafés de bijoux.

Ce lieu magique de la ville de Zhaoqing Sihui mérite d'être étudié.

In recent 2023, there has been a new trend that may not have been noticed, which is that the jewelry industries such as gold, diamonds, crystals, agate, etc. have also shown a trend of gathering and transferring to Sihui City. The citizens of Sihui Small County have never seen such a grand scene before.


Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...