Wednesday, September 4, 2024

China Sihui: Continue to promote high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas, and paint a picture of rural revitalization with "beautiful villages, harmonious people, and common prosperity"

China Sihui: Continue to promote high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas, and paint a picture of rural revitalization with "beautiful villages, harmonious people, and common prosperity"

Civilized Sihui August 30, 2024 18:39 Guangdong, China

Walking into Shigou Town, Sihui City, the orchids are lush and fragrant; the secret landscape is crowded with tourists; the beautiful countryside is picturesque and suitable for living and traveling.

Since the implementation of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", Sihui has gathered the power of progress. The whole city has united as one to do a solid job in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. On the basis of keeping the bottom line of food security and not returning to poverty on a large scale, it continues to promote high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas.

Sihui develops modern agriculture with the concept of industrialization, continuously improves the rural living environment, builds green and beautiful villages, and promotes the in-depth integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, painting a picture of rural revitalization with "beautiful villages, harmonious people, and common prosperity".

Flower Art Gallery of Bougainvillea Base in Jianggu Town

Thinking Innovation

Developing Modern Agriculture with the Concept of Industrialization

Recently, the Night Orchid Trading Center in Weizheng Town was officially opened. After the establishment of the trading center, it will drive more than 500 farmers to participate in the planting of night orchids, increase the planting area of ​​night orchids by more than 1,000 mu, promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers' income, and promote primary industry with secondary industry.

In recent years, Sihui has focused on developing modern agriculture with the concept of industrialization and has continuously achieved fruitful results. Polishing the "golden signboard" of Sihui tangerine, accelerating the scale, standardization and branding development of tangerine, and has fully built a provincial-level modern agricultural industrial park for tangerine. At present, Sihui has certified two famous, special and new regional public brand agricultural products (Sihui tangerine and Sigong tangerine), and two "Guangdong-branded" agricultural brand demonstration bases (Guangdong Citrus Demonstration Base Sihui Dingfeng tangerine Demonstration Base, Sihui Cuitian tangerine Demonstration Base). In 2023, the comprehensive output value of Sihui tangerine provincial-level modern agricultural industrial park will reach 2.193 billion yuan, and more than 10,000 farmers will participate in the industrialization of tangerine.

"Science and technology breeding" transformation and upgrading to promote high-quality development of fisheries. There are more than 3,800 fishery farmers in Sihui, who used to rely mainly on traditional breeding technology. Starting from the second half of 2022, Sihui will promote the application of 5G Internet of Things and blockchain technology, smart sensing, network management and other advanced management methods. Jingkou Town and Dasha Town will take the lead in creating a smart fishery information platform to digitally manage the fishery breeding situation in the town, assist farmers in production decision-making, promote product output and quality improvement, and increase farmers' income.

In the past, external factors such as river water pollution and pond algae reproduction often damaged water quality and caused large-scale death of fry. Today, the breeding process has achieved precise control and intelligent management such as real-time environmental monitoring, automatic oxygenation and feeding, and risk warning. Sihui is also committed to the industrialization and scale development of fisheries.

Taking Dasha Town as an example, in 2023, state-owned assets will lease back more than 1,200 acres of concentrated breeding ponds at a price higher than the market average, and will be handed over to the town government and the municipal agricultural and rural departments for unified planning and upgrading, and the leading enterprise Taier Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. will be introduced to lease and develop. The breeding base is mainly engaged in sea bass breeding, with an annual output of 8.4 million catties. In the future, the base is also planned to develop into an industrial integration body integrating seedling cultivation, commercial fish farming, deep processing, fishing and sightseeing, driving local employment and promoting the integrated development of agriculture and tourism.

Fishpond area in Dasha Town

▲Fishpond area in Dasha Town

In addition, Sihui insists on taking industrial projects as the "No. 1 Project", introducing high-quality agricultural projects with good benefits of supplementing, extending and strengthening the industrial chain and linking agriculture and bringing agriculture, so as to drive villagers to increase their income and become rich. In the first half of 2024, a total of 5 new projects including koi farming and macadamia nut industry were introduced, with a total planned investment of 1.524 billion yuan, and all 5 projects have been started.

Taking the night orchid industry in Weizheng Town as an example, the investment promotion of deep processing enterprises such as Ruiwei Agriculture has been put into production, combining night orchids with Weilong mooncakes and Weizheng wontons, and promoting the continuous extension and expansion of the night orchid industry chain.

In the future, Sihui will also vigorously enhance the ability to ensure the implementation of projects, and provide comprehensive "one-stop" closed-loop tracking services from signing, settling to commencement and production, so that the projects can be implemented, put into production and produce benefits as soon as possible.

Marketing empowerment

Promote the in-depth integration of agriculture, culture and tourism

This Father's Day, Sihui held the "Father's Love is Like Orchid" Cultural Week and the "12221" marketing event for orchids, focusing on the "Path of Butterfly Transformation", "Cultural Beauty" and "Way of Integration" of Sihui orchids to build momentum through the festival and demonstrate the activation and extension of the "Father's Love is Like Orchid" brand culture.

During the event, Sihui seized the marketing hotspot of Father's Day, and made "Send Sihui Orchids on Father's Day" into a "Chinese-style romance", and made "Father's Love is Like Orchid" into a "city-wide flower event" for the participation of all people.

From brand building to traffic monetization, Sihui has always used practical actions to promote the in-depth integration of agriculture, culture and tourism. By the end of 2023, there were 52 leisure agricultural business entities in Sihui, and a number of leisure parks combining agriculture, culture and tourism, such as "Orange Town", "Hundred Flowers Garden" and "Tiekeng Village", had been built. Jianggu Town, Weizheng Town, Huangtian Town and Shigou Town in the jurisdiction were listed in the list of provincial-level demonstration towns for leisure agriculture and rural tourism in 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively. "Sihui City Original Hometown Lingnan Pastoral Scenery Tour" won the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to recommend the 2023 China Beautiful Rural Leisure Tourism Tour (Autumn) boutique scenic spot route.

Among them, "Sihui City Original Hometown Lingnan Pastoral Scenery Tour" starts from Orange Town, passes through Green Cherry Manor, Tiekeng Village, Shizhai Village along the way, and finally arrives at Weizheng Qishi River Scenic Area. The ancient villages and modern gardens are intertwined, depicting a vibrant and beautiful rural landscape, allowing tourists to fully experience the unique local customs and folk culture.

Since the first half of the year, Sihui has vigorously promoted the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, with Zhenshan crocodiles, stone dog orchids, Huangtian tangerines and other characteristic industries as highlights, connecting multiple tourist routes. In Sihui, you can not only observe crocodile breeding, but also learn modern horticultural culture. "Our main goal is to attract primary and secondary schools from surrounding cities and even all over the province to come here for research and study." The relevant person in charge of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau introduced.

Environmental improvement

Building an ecologically livable green and beautiful home

In the first half of this year, Sihui City mobilized more than 40,000 people to participate in the greening of the county town, the town and the village, planted more than 87,000 seedlings of various types, and greened and beautified an area of ​​about 1,500 mu, with an investment of about 8.19 million yuan. Since the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project", Sihui has always insisted on deepening the improvement of rural living environment and the construction of green and beautiful villages, and has reaped fruitful results.

Sihui has established and improved a long-term mechanism for improving the rural living environment, established a leading group for improving the rural living environment, organized a county-level "special team" to continue to carry out regular supervision, and implemented the responsibility of managing the rural living environment in towns and villages. At the same time, through the "2+1" (i.e., a small test in the first two months of each quarter plus a big test at the end of the quarter) evaluation model, "two representatives and one committee member" are invited as members of the evaluation team to conduct monthly evaluation and ranking, and problems are rectified within a limited time, forcing each town (street) to implement a long-term management and maintenance mechanism for the improvement of rural living environment, and to give financial rewards to outstanding towns and streets based on the evaluation results to ensure that the funds are distributed to towns and villages, and actively promote the improvement of rural living environment to a higher level.

During the "Beautiful Zhaoqing, Beautiful Home" construction month action, Sihui demolished 216 dilapidated mud brick houses, dilapidated cattle pens and pig pens, and broken walls and ruins, with an area of ​​19,166.87 square meters; cleaned up 4,832 accumulated garbage, 465 illegal constructions, and 965 rivers, ponds and ditches; in the cross-inspection and acceptance of Zhaoqing City's "Double Beauty Action", Sihui City scored 93.80 points, reaching the excellent level.

In addition, Sihui has coordinated the promotion of the "three revolutions" of rural toilet reform, domestic garbage and sewage treatment, and carried out the "toilet revolution" in depth. At present, there are about 66,305 rural sanitary household toilets in the whole region, with a penetration rate of more than 97%, and 512 sanitary public toilets have been built, basically realizing on-demand configuration. As of the first half of 2024, Sihui City has completed the rural domestic sewage treatment of 1,191 natural villages, accounting for 73.47%; a total of 2,233 rural domestic garbage collection points have been built, and the garbage harmless treatment rate and village cleaning coverage rate have reached 100%.

Today, all natural villages in Sihui have reached the provincial standard of clean and tidy villages, and more than 95% of administrative villages have reached the standard of beautiful and livable villages. A total of 5,973 "four small gardens" ecological blocks have been created, 86,811 seedlings have been planted, and 10,081 existing farmhouses have been micro-renovated. Beautiful villages are strung together into chains and connected into scenes.

Zheng Wenhe, director of the Rural Affairs Office of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee, secretary and director of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, and director of the Municipal Rural Revitalization Bureau, said that in the future, party members and cadres of Sihui’s agriculture and rural system will shoulder their main responsibilities, focus on their main business, and play a leading role in promoting the "three rural" work to be innovative, colorful, and highlight. In the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization, they will strive to write a new chapter in the modernization of Sihui's agriculture and rural areas with the results of high-quality development.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



文明化された四会市 2024年8月30日 18時39分 中国広東省







近年、四会市は工業化構想に基づいた近代農業の発展に注力し、継続的に成果をあげている。四会市沙塘橘の「金看板」を磨き、沙塘橘の規模開発、標準化、ブランド化を加速し、沙塘橘省レベルの現代農業工業団地を本格的に建設する。現在、四会市は2つの有名で特別で高品質な新しい地域公共ブランド農産物(四会市沙塘橘、四会市贡柑)と2つの「広東ブランド」農業ブランド実証基地(広東柑橘実証基地四会顶峰)を認証している。沙塘橘模範基地、四会市翠田沙塘橘模範基地)。 2023年、四会市沙塘橘省現代農業産業園区の総合生産額は21億9,300万元に達し、1万人以上の農民が沙塘橘の工業化運営に参加する予定だ。

「技術的育種」の変革と高度化は、質の高い漁業の発展を促進します。四会市には 3,800 軒以上の養殖業者があり、これまで主に伝統的な養殖技術に依存していましたが、四会市は 2022 年後半から、5G モノのインターネットとブロックチェーン技術、スマートセンシング、ネットワーク化の応用を推進します。京口町と大沙町は、町内の漁業養殖状況をデジタルで管理し、農家の生産決定を支援し、製品の生産高と品質を促進し、農家の収入を増やすためのスマート漁業情報プラットフォームの構築を主導しました。 。


ダシャ町を例に挙げると、2023 年に、国有資産は、隣接する繁殖池の 1,200 エーカー以上を平均市場価格よりも高い価格でリースバックし、町政府と市の農業および地方自治体に引き渡される予定です。統一的な計画とアップグレードを行う農村部門と、大手企業であるTaier Agriculture Co., Ltd.がリースして開発する予定です。年間生産量最大840万ジンを誇るバスの繁殖を中心とした繁殖基地です。将来的には、この基地は、養殖業、商業魚の養殖、高度な加工、漁業、観光を統合した産業統合に発展し、地元の雇用を促進し、農業と観光の統合的な発展を促進することも計画されています。

さらに、四会市は産業プロジェクトを「No.1プロジェクト」として扱うことを主張し、連鎖を補完し延長し、強化し、農民と農民を結びつける高品質の農業プロジェクトを導入し、村民の収入増加と富裕化を支援している。 。 2024年上半期には、鯉の養殖やマカダミアナッツ産業など計5つの新規プロジェクトが導入され、総投資額は15億2,400万元で、現在、5つのプロジェクトすべての建設が始まっている。







ブランド構築から交通収益化まで、四会市は常に実践的な行動をとって、農業、文化、観光の徹底的な統合を促進してきました。 2023年末現在、四会市には52のレジャー農業経営体があり、「オレンジタウン」、「百園」、「鉄坑村」など、農業、文化、観光を統合したレジャーパークが多数建設されている。 。管内の江谷鎮、威整鎮、黄田鎮、石狗鎮はそれぞれ2019年、2021年、2022年、2023年の省級レジャー農業モデルタウンと農村観光モデルタウンのリストに載っている。 「四会市原郷嶺南田園風景ツアー」は、農業農村部が推奨する2023年中国美しい農村レジャー観光ツアー(秋)プレミアムアトラクション旅程に選ばれました。

その中で、「四会市原郷嶺南田園風景ツアー」は、オレンジタウンから出発し、Lvying Manor、Tiekeng Village、Shizhai Villageを経て、最後にWeizheng Qishi River景勝地に到着します。古代の村落と現代的な庭園が織りなす美しく活気に満ちた田園風景が描かれており、訪問者はその土地の独特の風習や民俗文化を満喫することができます。




今年上半期、市は県緑化、渭鎮緑化、農村緑化に4万人以上を動員し、8万7000本以上のさまざまな種類の苗木を植え、約1500エーカーの敷地を緑化して美化した。約819万元を投資。 「百千プロジェクト」の実施以来、第四委員会は常に農村居住環境の改善と緑豊かで美しい田園建設の徹底的な推進を主張し、多くの成果を上げてきました。

四会市は、農村生活環境の改善と改善のための長期的なメカニズムを確立および改善し、農村生活環境の改善と改善のための指導グループを設立し、継続的に推進するために県レベルの「特別チーム」を組織しました。定期的な監督を行い、町や村の農村生活環境の管理と保護の責任を果たします。同時に、「2+1」(つまり、各四半期の最初の 2 か月に 2 つの小規模な試験と、各四半期の終わりに 1 つの主要な試験)評価モデルを通じて、「2 人の代表者と 1 人の委員会メンバー」が招待されます。評価チームのメンバーとして毎月評価ランキングを実施し、問題を特定するための期限が設定されているため、すべての町(街路)は農村部の生活環境を改善するための長期的な管理と保護の仕組みを導入する必要があります。 、評価結果に基づいて優れた町や街路に財政的奨励金を提供し、資金が町や村に確実に分配され、農村の生活環境の改善を積極的に促進します。

「美しい肇慶・美しい家」建設月間キャンペーン中、面積19,166.87平方メートルの四会地区全体で、老朽化し​​た日レンガ造りの家、老朽化し​​た牛舎や豚小屋、壊れた壁など計216棟が取り壊された。肇慶市の「ダブル・ビューティー・アクション」の交差検査と受け入れ作業では、4,832 か所のゴミ、雑然とした瓦礫が撤去された。 、素晴らしいレベルに達しています。

さらに四会市は農村部のトイレ改修、家庭ゴミ、下水処理の「三大革命」を推進するために連携し、徹底的な「トイレ革命」を実施した。現在、この地域には農村部の衛生家庭用トイレが約66,305か所あり、普及率は97%以上で、基本的には需要に応じて設置されている。 2024年上半期の時点で、四会市は73.47%にあたる1,191の自然村で農村部の家庭下水処理を完了し、合計2,233か所の農村部の家庭廃棄物集積所が建設され、ゴミの無害な処理率と村の清掃が行われている。カバー率100%。

現在、四会市のすべての自然村は省の清潔で整頓された村の基準に達し、95%以上の行政村は美しく住みやすい村の基準に達しており、合計5,973の「4つの小さな庭」生態セクションがあります。 86,811本の苗木が植えられ、10,081世帯の農村住宅のストックが完成し、美しい田園地帯が連鎖し、連続した風景となった。


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