Saturday, January 14, 2023

 قوانغدونغ دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ موقع الاستثمار ؟  حيث الأراضي الرخيصة ، والعمالة الرخيصة ، وموارد المياه الرخيصة ، الكهرباء الرخيصة ، حيث الحوافز الضريبية

  قوانغدونغ دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ موقع الاستثمار ؟  حيث الأراضي الرخيصة ، والعمالة الرخيصة ، وموارد المياه الرخيصة ، الكهرباء الرخيصة ، حيث الحوافز الضريبية ؟ 

 كل مدينة تشاوتشينغ ، وهناك العديد من المدن التي لديها عدد كبير من السهول ، هو مناسبة للاستثمار الصناعي ، وأنا نقطة أدناه . 

 مدينة Sihui : Dasha تاون ، Dawang منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية ، Longfu تاون ، Jianggu تاون ، مدينة xiamao ، 

 Gaoyao : Jinli تاون ، مدينة الطين الأبيض ، Jindu تاون ، xiangang تاون ، Liantang تاون ، 

 Dinghu District : يونغ تاون ، Guangli تاون ، مدينة ليان هوا ، 

 هذه المدن ، مع الكثير من الأراضي المسطحة ، وظروف حركة المرور جيدة ، على مقربة من دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ ، من السهل تطوير الصناعة والتجارة . 

 من أجل تطوير الصناعة ، تشاوتشينغ أخرج أكبر الإخلاص ، وجذب الاستثمارات في جميع أنحاء العالم . 

 التدابير المتخذة هي : الأراضي التفضيلية ، والامتيازات الضريبية ، بسيطة وسريعة الفحص والموافقة الإدارية ، 

 ونحن نسعى جاهدين لجعل الاقتصاد الكلي ، وزيادة الإيرادات الضريبية ، وزيادة فرص العمل . 

 تشاوتشينغ لديها كمية كبيرة من موارد الأرض ، والكثير من الأراضي لم يتم استغلالها ، عدد كبير من العناصر الاقتصادية لم تستثمر في البناء الاقتصادي ، وبالتالي فإن إمكانات هائلة . 

 الشركات المحلية ، يمكنك اختيار هذه المدن على الاستثمار الصناعي والتجاري ، ليس فقط في المنطقة الأساسية من دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ ، ولكن أيضا في جميع أنحاء العالم للقيام بأعمال تجارية ، تشاوتشينغ هذه المدن ، هناك ظروف مواتية لمساعدتك على تحقيق الأعمال التجارية أكبر وأقوى . 

 مع مساعدة من تشاوتشينغ ، تشاوتشينغ الاستثمار في الأعمال التجارية ، وهناك العديد من أكبر وأقوى ، عدد قليل من قد بدأت بالفعل في السوق .  هذا يثبت أن مدينة تشاوتشينغ هو الصادق لخدمة الشركات . 

 في الوقت الحاضر ، أسعار الأراضي في منطقة دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ الأساسية مكلفة للغاية .  في تشاوتشينغ ، تحتاج فقط إلى 15 ٪ -- 20 ٪ من أسعار الأراضي في منطقة دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ ، يمكنك القيام بأعمال تجارية في منطقة دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ .  تكلفة الأراضي من الشركات بنسبة 70 في المائة .  الآن عدد كبير من الشركات في المنطقة الأساسية من دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ ، تشاوتشينغ هو نقل ، تشاوتشينغ هو النظر في موارد الأراضي الرخيصة ، رخيصة الموارد البشرية ، ورخيصة الموارد المائية ، ورخيصة موارد الطاقة . 

 على مدى السنوات ال 30-40 الماضية ، دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ المنطقة الأساسية قد نجحت في التصنيع .  كثافة التنمية في المنطقة الأساسية من دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ هو أكثر من 50 ٪ . 

 تشاوتشينغ هي المدينة الوحيدة على مستوى المحافظة التي لم تحقق التصنيع والتحديث .  تشاوتشينغ الصناعية إجمالي حجم الاقتصاد الصناعي لا يزال متخلفا جدا . 

 الناس هنا ، عموما الدخل فقط حوالي 2000 يوان .  الدخل مع دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ المنطقة الأساسية ، فرق كبير . 

 بسبب عدم وجود صناعة ، تشاوتشينغ لفة خطيرة جدا ، السكان المحليين يمكن أن تذهب فقط إلى العمل لكسب العيش ، حتى السكان ببطء .  هذه الحالة خطيرة جدا في المناطق الجبلية من مدينة تشاوتشينغ . 

 ولذلك ، تشاوتشينغ هو في حاجة ماسة إلى جذب الاستثمار ، والاستثمار في جميع أنحاء العالم ، العالم للمشاركة في البناء الاقتصادي تشاوتشينغ . 

 تشاوتشينغ السكان المحليين ، ومعظمهم من التعليم الثانوي ، والانضباط ، والالتزام بالقانون ، والالتزام بالعقد درجة عالية .  تشاوتشينغ هي المدينة الوحيدة في دلتا نهر اللؤلؤ مع أدنى معدل التخلف عن السداد ، أعلى درجة من الائتمان .  العديد من المؤسسات الاستثمارية الأجنبية تعتقد أن تشاوتشينغ الائتمان جيدة مثل البلدان المتقدمة النمو . 

 الكانتونية ، الماندرين ، اللغة الإنجليزية . 

 نأمل من جميع أنحاء العالم وكالات الاستثمار في مدينة تشاوتشينغ بمقاطعة قوانغدونغ للاستثمار .  وأعتقد أن تشاوتشينغ سوف تصبح الجنة للاستثمار .















過去30 ~ 40年、珠江デルタ核心区はすでに工業化に成功した。珠江デルタコア区の開発強度は、すでに50%を超えている。









Welcome to Sihui City, Guangdong Province for inspection

Welcome to find investment industry

Welcome to run a business in Sihui City

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


Where is the investment site of Guangdong Pearl River Delta? Where is the land cheap, labor cheap, water resources cheap, electricity cheap, and tax incentives?

Where is the investment site of Guangdong Pearl River Delta? Where is the land cheap, labor cheap, water resources cheap, electricity cheap, and tax incentives?

There are several towns in Zhaoqing City that have a large number of plains and are suitable for industrial investment. Let me point out below.

Sihui City: Dasha Town, Dawang High-tech Zone, Longfu Town, Jianggu Town, Xiamao Town,

Gaoyao District: Jinli Town, Baitu Town, Jindu Town, Conggang Town, Liantang Town,

Dinghu District: Yong'an Town, Guangli Town, Lianhua Town,

These towns have a lot of flat land, good traffic conditions, close to the Pearl River Delta, and are easy to develop industry and commerce.

In order to develop industry, Zhaoqing has taken the utmost sincerity to attract investment all over the world.

The measures taken include: land preference, tax preference, simple and fast administrative approval,

Strive to expand the total economic volume, the total tax revenue, and increase the number of jobs.

Zhaoqing has a huge amount of land resources, a large amount of land has not been developed, and a large number of economic factors have not been invested in economic construction, so the potential is very huge.

Domestic businesses can choose these towns for industrial and commercial investment. They can not only do business in the core areas of the Pearl River Delta, but also in the whole world. These towns in Zhaoqing have excellent conditions to help you make business bigger and stronger.

With the help of Zhaoqing, many businesses invested in Zhaoqing have become bigger and stronger, and a small number have started to go public. This proves that Zhaoqing City is sincere in serving enterprises.

At present, the land price in the core area of the Pearl River Delta is very expensive. In Zhaoqing, you only need 15% - 20% of the land price in the Pearl River Delta to do business in the Pearl River Delta. The land cost of running enterprises will be reduced by 70%. At present, a large number of enterprises in the core area of the Pearl River Delta are transferring to Zhaoqing, focusing on cheap land resources, cheap human resources, cheap water resources and cheap power resources in Zhaoqing.

In the past 30-40 years, the core area of the Pearl River Delta has been successfully industrialized. The development intensity of the core area of the Pearl River Delta has exceeded 50%.

Zhaoqing is the only prefecture-level city that has not achieved industrialization and modernization. Zhaoqing's total industrial output and industrial economy are still very backward.

The average income of people here is only about 2000 yuan. There is a huge difference between income and the core region of the Pearl River Delta.

Due to the lack of industry, Zhaoqing is seriously involved, and the local population can only go out to work for a living, so the population is slowly losing. This situation is very serious in the mountainous counties of Zhaoqing City.

Therefore, Zhaoqing is in urgent need of attracting investment, investment from all over the world, and participation of the world in Zhaoqing's economic construction.

Most of the local population in Zhaoqing have received high school education, are law-abiding, and have a high degree of compliance with contracts and contracts. Zhaoqing is the only city in the Pearl River Delta with the lowest default rate and the highest credit level. Many foreign investment institutions believe that Zhaoqing's credit level is as good as that of developed countries.

Cantonese, chinese and English are widely used locally.

It is hoped that investment institutions from all over the world will visit Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province for investment. I believe that Zhaoqing will become a paradise for investment.

Zhaoqing will become a paradise for investment

Friday, January 13, 2023




你看吧。都学会了。年轻人不购买天然钻石,选择义乌的人造钻石,钻石老板De Beers 都开始抱怨年轻人不受忽悠。
























Thursday, January 12, 2023

중국에서 기업을 설립하기에 적합한 곳은 어디이고, 싼 토지는 어디에 있으며, 우대 정책은 어디에 있습니까?

 중국에서 기업을 설립하기에 적합한 곳은 어디이고, 싼 토지는 어디에 있으며, 우대 정책은 어디에 있습니까?

중국 광동성 조경사회시

광동 4회시에서 이곳은 인민들이 근면하고 토지가 싸며 정부가 청렴하고 능률적이다.

4회시에는 거대한 값싼 토지가 있고 거대한 수자원이 있으며 무한한 전력공급이 있다.

전 세계 외국 상인들이 투자하고, 공장을 세우고, 장사를 하기에 아주 적합하다.

4회시에 기업을 설립하면 주강삼각주를 대상으로 상품을 판매하고 세계를 대상으로 상품을 수출하기에 적합하다.

현재, 점점 더 많은 외국 상인들이 4회시에 가서 기업을 설립한다.

왜냐하면 그들은 4회시에서 그들의 기업이 발전하고 강대해질수 있으며 장사를 전 세계로 할수 있고 상품을 전 세계에 판매할수 있다고 믿기때문이다.

현재, 주삼각주의 토지 자원은 갈수록 비싸지고 있는데, 가장 효과적이고 가장 적합한 방법은 바로 토지 가격이 싼 4회에 투자하여 공장과 기업을 토지 가격이 싼 4회시로 이전하는 것이다.

4회시에서 기업을 설립하는 원가 방면.

토지 비용, 인건비, 세금 비용, 수자원 비용, 전력 비용, 시간 비용은 다른 곳보다 50% 이상 저렴합니다.

많은 외국 상인들이 4회에 와서 투자한 후에 모두 매우 만족을 느꼈다.

세계 유명 기업 유품회는 바로 4회시에서 크게 번창하고 있다.

샤오펑 신에너지 전기차 기업도 4회에서 대왕에 투자했다.

닝더시대도 4회에 크게 투자하였다.

나는 머지않아 전 세계 500대 기업이 모두 4회에 기업을 설립하고 공장을 세울 것이라고 믿는다.

저렴한 토지 가격, 저렴한 인건비, 거의 제로 세금.

이곳은 경영의 천국이 될 것이기 때문이다.

Où est - il approprié de démarrer une entreprise, où y a - t - il des terres bon marché et des politiques préférentielles en Chine?

 Où est - il approprié de démarrer une entreprise, où y a - t - il des terres bon marché et des politiques préférentielles en Chine?

Ville de Zhaoqing SiQi, Province du Guangdong, Chine

Dans la ville de Guangdong SiQi, où les gens travaillent dur, la terre est bon marché, le Gouvernement est propre et efficace,

La ville des quatre confédérés a d'énormes quantités de terres bon marché, d'énormes ressources en eau, un approvisionnement illimité en électricité,

Idéal pour les étrangers du monde entier pour investir, démarrer une usine et faire des affaires.

Démarrer une entreprise dans la ville de SiQi, adapté pour vendre des marchandises vers le PRD et exporter des marchandises vers le monde.

Maintenant, de plus en plus d'étrangers à la ville de la Conférence des quatre démarrent des entreprises.

Parce qu'ils croient que dans la ville des quatre confréries, leurs entreprises peuvent se développer, faire des affaires dans le monde entier, vendre des marchandises dans le monde entier.

Maintenant, les ressources foncières du PRD sont de plus en plus chères, et le moyen le plus efficace et le plus approprié est d'aller à l'investissement des quatre confédérés avec des prix fonciers bon marché, et de transférer les usines et les entreprises aux quatre confédérés avec des prix fonciers bon marché.

Dans la ville des quatre confédérés, le coût de démarrage d'une entreprise.

Qu’il s’agisse du coût des terres, de la main - d’œuvre, des taxes, de l’eau, de l’électricité, du temps, tout est 50% moins cher qu’ailleurs.

Beaucoup d'étrangers viennent et investissent après, ils sont très satisfaits.

Société de renommée mondiale, juste à dawang, la ville de Sihui.

Xiaopeng New Energy Electric Vehicle Enterprise, qui investit également dans Sihui dawang.

L'ère Ningde, c'est aussi l'investissement dans les quatre confédérés.

Je crois que dans un proche avenir, les 500 plus grandes entreprises du monde entier lanceront des entreprises et créeront des usines.

Bas prix des terres, bas prix de la main - d'œuvre, presque zéro impôt.

Car ce sera le paradis des affaires.






















Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel:  0086 758 3611228

Fax: 0086 758 3611228



In China, where is suitable for starting enterprises, where is cheap land and where is preferential policy?

In China, where is suitable for starting enterprises, where is cheap land and where is preferential policy?

Sihui City, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, China

In Sihui City, Guangdong Province, where the people are industrious, the land is cheap, and the government is clean and efficient,

Sihui has a huge amount of cheap land, a huge amount of water resources, and an unlimited power supply,

It is very suitable for foreign investors from all over the world to invest, set up factories and do business.

The establishment of enterprises in Sihui City is suitable for selling goods to the Pearl River Delta and exporting goods to the world.

Now, more and more foreign businessmen come to Sihui to set up enterprises.

Because they believe that in Sihui City, their enterprises can grow and expand, and they can do business all over the world, and sell goods all over the world.

Now, the land resources in the Pearl River Delta are becoming more and more expensive. The most effective and suitable way is to invest in Sihui, where the land price is cheap, and transfer factories and enterprises to Sihui, where the land price is cheap.

In Sihui City, the cost of establishing enterprises.

Both land cost, labor cost, tax cost, water resource cost, power cost and time cost are more than 50% cheaper than other places.

Many foreign businessmen feel very satisfied after investing in Sihui.

Vipshop, a world-famous enterprise, is thriving in Sihui City.

Xiaopeng new energy electric vehicle enterprise also invested in Sihui Dawang.

In the Ningde era, investment was also made in Sihui Dawang.

I believe that in the near future, the world's top 500 enterprises will set up enterprises and factories in Sihui.

Low land price, low labor price, almost zero tax.

Because it will become a paradise for business.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 最近马化腾,李彦宏,刘强东接连发火,自曝家丑。 刘强东痛批京东中高层拿PPT欺骗自己,“用假大空那套忽悠我” ​​​








Tuesday, January 10, 2023









外国人可以叫他 金龙机场。

The Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport is the Zhaoqing Jinlong Airport, which has been put forward in the era of Sun Yat-sen in the Republic of China,

Located next to the Gaoyao Jinlong Reservoir in Zhaoqing,

So it is called Jinlong Airport.

In the 1990s, Zhaoqing wanted to build Jinlong Airport, but it had no money and put it on hold.

In the 2020's, Foshan Airport is too small. They want to find a place to build the airport, and finally choose this location.

In order to protect Foshan and Zhaoqing from competing for the naming right of the airport, Guangzhou came forward and named the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport, neither Foshan Airport nor Zhaoqing Airport nor Jinlong Airport.

So it's settled.

Foreigners can call him Jinlong Airport.

Jinlong Airport,Golden Dragon Airport

China Gaoyao--Airport Economic Zone--Baitu Town, Jiaotang Town, Huilong Town--bonded area


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Monday, January 9, 2023

With the opening of the South China Meiwan Ecological Museum, the cosmetics industry in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will add new colors!Zhaoqing becomes a cosmetics production base in South China.

With the opening of the South China Meiwan Ecological Museum, the cosmetics industry in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone will add new colors!

Zhaoqing becomes a cosmetics production base in South China.

Zhaoqing Hi-Tech released at 21:01, January 9, 2023, published in Guangdong

At the beginning of the new year,

Industrial projects in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Good news!

On January 6, the South China Meiwan Ecological Museum, located in Hongguang Biotechnology Industrial Park, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, officially opened. The museum will actively build a cooperation platform for the cosmetics industry, focus on promoting the seamless connection between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, further promote the concentrated development of the cosmetics industry in Zhaoqing High tech Zone, and add new color to the cosmetics industry in the High tech Zone.

Overall planning of South China Meiwan Project

It operates in the mode of industry-city integration,

Build a complete supporting system for life and work,

There are staff dormitories, central canteens

Supermarkets, banks, cinemas

Amusement park, business hotel and other living facilities,

Satisfy employees without leaving the park

Food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The South China Meiwan Project covers an area of 220 mu,

The total investment is about 2 billion yuan,

There are 40 industrial buildings and 3 staff dormitories

And a comprehensive R&D building.

The project is supplied with steam uniformly by the park, equipped with a sewage treatment center meeting the national first-level discharge standard and a warehousing and logistics supporting system meeting the national safety standards. After the project is completed and put into operation, it is estimated that the entire park will achieve an annual sales of 6 billion yuan, employment of 8000 people, and tax revenue of about 240 million yuan.

On the opening day, the South China Meiwan Ecological Museum


Cosmetics enterprises and enterprises in Guangzhou

11 high-end cosmetics enterprises entered the museum

Live broadcast, retail and exhibition,

And inviting experts to hold industry summit forums.

The products in the exhibition hall cover cosmetics, skin care, washing

Washing, facial mask powder, mechanical equipment, etc,

Featured products are dazzling.

As the main battlefield for the development of Zhaoqing's industrial economy, Zhaoqing Hi-Tech Zone, centering on the "leading+characteristic" industry, has vigorously developed the leading industry while giving full play to the active role of the industrial agglomeration base, and has built a number of industrial agglomeration bases with prominent industrial characteristics, highly concentrated agglomeration and good economic benefits, making the industrial agglomeration base an effective carrier to improve the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the park's economy.

Rendering of Guangdong Hongguang Biotechnology Industrial Park Project.

Rendering of Guangdong Hongguang Biotechnology Industrial Park Project.

It is reported that:

Guangdong Hongguang Biotechnology Industrial Park mainly undertakes the industrial transfer of high-end cosmetics and other industries in Guangdong Province, and builds a theme park with outstanding characteristics in the new era according to the development concept of "platform agglomeration, industry empowerment, capital boost, and service science", focusing on building high-quality hardware base and first-class software services, and introducing high-tech, pollution-free, low-emission, and low-energy enterprises, Build the park into the R&D and production center of biotechnology high-end cosmetics in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Up to now, the industrial park has accumulated 10 investment enterprises.

Cosmetics companies pour into Zhaoqing Investment

Zhaoqing becomes a cosmetics production base in South China

Officially completed and opened to traffic! Here comes the first underpass tunnel in Zhaoqing!

Officially completed and opened to traffic! Here comes the first underpass tunnel in Zhaoqing!

Zhaoqing published at 20:15 on January 3, 2023 in Guangdong

Xijiang Daily reporter Lu Zhifeng

Correspondent Shen Wenli

coming! coming!

After nearly 2 years of construction,

The first underpass tunnel in Zhaoqing

It's officially completed and open to traffic!

Let's have a look first

What does this underpass tunnel look like

▲ Zhaoqing Hi-tech released

The upgrading and reconstruction project of Innovation Street in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone was officially opened to traffic. Photographed by Correspondent Shen Wenli

▲ The upgrading and reconstruction project of Innovation Street in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone was officially opened to traffic. Photographed by Correspondent Shen Wenli

you 're right,

This is the first underpass tunnel project in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone——

Innovation Street upgrading and reconstruction project,

On January 1, 2023,

The project was officially completed and opened to traffic.

The total length is about 5.5 kilometers, two-way six-lane

It is reported that,

The total length of Innovation Avenue in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone is about 5.5 kilometers,

The road grade is urban trunk road, two-way six-lane,

The width of the planned red line of the road is 60m,

The design speed is 60km/h.

At the intersection with Dawang Avenue

Tunnel type (semi-sinking type) is adopted for underpass,

It is the first underpass tunnel project in the area.

▲ Photographed by the correspondent Shen Wenli

▲ Zhaoqing Hi tech released

During the construction process, the project eliminated the secondary risk of underpass tunnel and successfully passed the preliminary evaluation and re-evaluation of "Zhaoqing Construction Project Quality Structure Award" and the preliminary evaluation of "Guangdong Municipal Excellent Model Project".

Assisting the High tech Zone in high-quality economic development

Innovation Street, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

It runs through the east and west sides of the park,

As one of the "three horizontal and two vertical" express trunk lines in the area,

After completion and opening to traffic,

The traffic network layout of the area will be further optimized,

Improve the investment attraction environment of the park,

Effectively realize the cross-regional road network connection with Sihui and Sanshui,

To lay a solid traffic foundation for the high-quality economic development of the high-tech zone.

It is expected to start construction in the first half of the year! Shein Bay Western Smart Industrial Park took the land for Phase II in Zhaoqing New Are

It is expected to start construction in the first half of the year! Shein Bay Western Smart Industrial Park took the land for Phase II in Zhaoqing New Area

Released by Dinghu at 21:15 on January 6, 2023 in Guangdong


Shein Bay Western Smart Industrial Park Project

Phase II land has been successfully taken in Zhaoqing New Area.

SHEIN is the world's largest fast fashion cross-border e-commerce enterprise and the most famous brand of China's overseas fast fashion. With the strong promotion of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, as well as the close cooperation of Zhaoqing New Area and Dinghu District, Xiyinwan Western Smart Industrial Park was successfully signed and settled in Zhaoqing New Area in June 2022. Zhaoqing provides escort services all the way to ensure the smooth development of the preliminary work.

Shein Zhaoqing

It is reported that,

Shein Bay Western Smart Industrial Park Project

The planned investment is 3.5 billion yuan,

It is planned to build an intelligent sorting center, order distribution center, etc

A multifunctional intelligent park,

It is estimated that the annual output value will not be less than 3.5 billion yuan

The annual tax revenue shall not be less than 170 million yuan.

Shein Zhaoqing

Rendering of Shein Project

Why Zhaoqing New Area can succeedTo win the high-quality project,

In addition to the unique location advantages and transportation advantages,

What impressed the enterprise was the business environment here.

In the process of attracting investment, the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government communicated with each other for many times. Each time the enterprise visited, the relevant municipal leaders accompanied the whole process to track and understand the needs of the enterprise and respond quickly, especially to select mature mature mature land for it. When the contract was not formally signed, Zhaoqing New Area has started to carry out the land leveling work.

The person in charge of the project saw with his own eyes,

Deeply impressed by Zhaoqing's efficiency and sincerity,

Thus, the investment confidence is strengthened.

It is understood that,

Before the official signing of the Shein project,

Zhaoqing New Area has launched a full range of services,

The specialist is responsible for tracking the service,

One-to-one implementation.

After the successful bidding for Phase I land, the company assisted the enterprise to complete the formalities of construction land planning permit, land use approval and so on with the relevant departments on site, and completed the handling of Phase I real estate certificate on September 16, 2022. On December 20, 2022, the project completed the second phase of land bidding at the municipal public resources trading center.

The project is planned to start in the first half of 2023,

To this end, the city and district levels are stepping up docking

Project construction plan,

The preliminary work shall be carried out according to the schedule.

For example, multi-sector on-site office to solve a series of planning and design problems proposed by the project party, project drainage and box culvert design optimization in the plot. Relevant functional departments are also following up the environmental impact assessment, energy assessment, temporary water and power supply of the project.

It is reported that since the project was launched,

Relevant principals of Zhaoqing New Area and Dinghu District

Keep a close track of project needs,

And through special meetings, on-site research, etc

Promote the preliminary work of the project,

Ensure the smooth progress of the preliminary work,

Lay a good foundation for the project.

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone will expand the park and improve the quality, deepen cooperation and strengthen development!

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone will expand the park and improve the quality, deepen cooperation and strengthen development!

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-01-05 19:41 Published in Guangdong

Since last year, the Special Experimental Zone for Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation (Zhaoqing) (hereinafter referred to as the "Experimental Zone") has adhered to the policy of "strengthening the city through industry, taking projects as the king, parks as the mother, and enterprises as the first", comprehensively implemented the strategy of industrial revitalization, actively explored the new mode of expansion and quality improvement, and deepened cooperation and development.


The experimental area has the regional advantages of connecting the east with the west

Accurate and powerful preferential support policies

Affordable production costs and considerable development potential,

It has attracted many enterprises to land and develop,

Significant achievements have been made in industrial investment promotion,

Enterprise projects have developed steadily,

Key projects were accelerated.

Based on the local development reality, the pilot zone seized the historical opportunity of the development of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, actively docked the industrial transfer in the core area of the Pearl River Delta, focusing on the "4+4" industrial chain of electronic information manufacturing, metal processing, food processing and other industries, and focused on attracting leading projects conducive to promoting industrial agglomeration and forming the industrial chain.

Since this year, the pilot zone has signed 11 new projects such as cogeneration and photovoltaic power generation, with a contract investment of 4.11 billion yuan; At present, the pilot zone has introduced 59 projects in total, with a total investment of about 8.455 billion yuan, an agreed annual output value of 8.666 billion yuan and an agreed annual tax revenue of 290 million yuan.

It is understood that,

The pilot area actively provides

Administrative approval agency service,

Do a good job in the project from signing and settling down to starting production

"One stop" tracking service.

At present, 36 projects (enterprises) have been put into operation in the pilot zone, with a total investment of 3 billion yuan. At this stage, the pilot area is making every effort to speed up the deep processing project of Huangshanhuang pig and the natural gas cogeneration project in the special pilot area of Guangdong Huadian Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation, explore the development mode of expanding the park, improving the quality and volume, and strengthen the cooperation and construction of energy infrastructure.

The total investment of 6 projects is 3.58 billion yuan! Sihui City Held the Commencement Ceremony of Industrial Projects in June 2022

The total investment of 6 projects is 3.58 billion yuan! Sihui City Held the Commencement Ceremony of Industrial Projects in June 2022

Released Sihui 2022-06-30 20:40 in Guangdong

On June 30, Sihui City held the commencement ceremony of the industrial project in June 2022 in Dasha Town. Chen Xiaojian, member of the Standing Committee of Zhaoqing Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department, Xie Bingquan, deputy director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing City, Xia Binghong, deputy director of the Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing City, Li Weizhong, Weng Zhuohui, Li Xuxi, Deng Hong'an, Chen Zhi, Xiao Yan, leaders of Sihui City, and relevant persons in charge of the commencement project attended the ceremony.

At the commencement ceremony of the industrial project, Wang Xiaofan, Vice President of Wanyang Group, and Comrade Weng Zhuohui, Deputy Secretary of the Fourth CPC Municipal Committee and Mayor, delivered speeches respectively.

Wang Xiaofen said

Wanyang Maker Town is a manufacturing cluster platform operated by Wanyang Group in the mode of "industrial agglomeration, industry city integration, resource sharing, and industry finance interaction", which is dedicated to serving small and medium-sized enterprise clusters. The total investment of Sihui (Dasha) Wanyang Mass Entrepreneurship City Project is planned to be 2.5 billion yuan. The land for the project is won by enterprises through online auction. It is estimated that more than 100 enterprises can settle in the project. This is also the second project invested and constructed by Wanyang Group in Dasha Town, Sihui City. The pragmatic, efficient and professional industrial team in Sihui City allows Wanyang Group to do business in Sihui City with confidence and confidence. They will also give full play to the advantages of resources, expertise and talents, and build Dasha Wanyang Maker City with high standards and speed to build it into an entrepreneurial paradise for entrepreneurs and a new platform for attracting investment in Sihui City.

Weng Zhuohui, on behalf of the Party Committee of the Fourth National Congress and the government, expressed warm congratulations on the smooth commencement of industrial projects.

Weng Zhuohui pointed out that

Holding the commencement ceremony of industrial projects is an important reflection of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which adheres to the principle of "strong industry, projects as the king, parks as the mother, and enterprises as the first", and vigorously implements the special action of investment promotion and implementation of industrial projects, which has achieved fruitful results. It is also an important measure to enhance the confidence of enterprises, accelerate the early implementation of projects, early production, and early results, and encourage enterprises to accelerate their development.

Next, the Party Committee and the government of the Fourth National Congress will take this opportunity and impetus to comprehensively speed up the construction of industrial parks and platforms, focus on industrial investment promotion to promote high-quality development, strengthen factor assurance to promote project implementation, and focus on introducing and building a number of large and good projects to promote better and faster economic and social development of the Fourth National Congress; The Fourth Meeting will spare no effort to provide high-quality, efficient and convenient services for the project, and promote the construction and development of the enterprise.

The leaders and guests attending the ceremony came to the stage together to pull the rod. The fireworks were colorful and the machines roared. All of them witnessed Sihui (Dasha) Wanyang Maker City Project, the headquarters of Guangdong Zhaoqing Oudeya Decoration Materials Co., Ltd. and the new polymer material project with an annual output of 900 million meters, and the new cosmetics and skin care product production project of Guangdong Fubao Medical Technology Co., Ltd, The annual production of 1 million square meters of metal decorative plate project of Guangdong Hehong Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., the aluminum curtain wall project of Guangdong Lufeng Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. and the annual production of 100000 tons of steel structural metal products project of Guangdong Zhenghua Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. started.

It is understood that the industrial types of this project include industrial platforms, new materials, fine chemicals, and metal processing. Among them, the Sihui (Dasha) Wanyang Maker City project is located in the Jiangmin Village Committee, Dasha Town, Sihui City, and the rest projects are located in the Zhaoqing Asian Metal Resources Recycling Industrial Park. The total investment of the six projects is planned to be 3.58 billion yuan, and the annual output value is expected to reach 3.61 billion yuan.

Donate 31000 masks to Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd., a Taiwan-funded enterprise of the Fourth Zhaoqing Society

Donate 31000 masks to Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd., a Taiwan-funded enterprise of Sihui Zhaoqing Society

Impression Guangdong TV, published in Guangdong at 18:01 on January 27, 2020

This morning (January 27), Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd., a Taiwan-funded enterprise of Sihui Zhaoqing Society, donated 21000 masks to the Red Cross Society of the Fourth Zhaoqing Society, and donated 10000 masks to the People's Hospital of Sihui Zhaoqing Society.

Relevant principals of the Sihui Municipal Bureau of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs, Sihui Municipal People's Hospital and Sihui Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd. jointly witnessed this moment of love.

It is reported that Sihui Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd., founded on June 1, 1999, is a Taiwan-funded enterprise specializing in the production of industrial health products. It passed the international standard certification of ISO9001 quality management system in March 2001. In August 2003, China Light and Medium Products Quality Assurance Center awarded "National Quality Stability and Reputation Assurance Enterprise". The company has advanced production equipment and testing instruments; With a group of professional technicians, independent research and development capabilities and design and development departments, the products developed are reliable in quality and excellent in performance, and are widely recognized and favored by customers and consumers in different regions of the world.

Lai Yu, the general manager of Sihui Jinfu Industrial Health Products Co., Ltd., has been in Sihui for 18 years, and now a family of four generations has taken root in Sihui. He is also enthusiastic about helping the poor. For more than ten years, he has been actively working on the front line of helping the disabled and students. From 2003 to now, his charitable deeds have reached more than 4 million yuan. Mr. Lai Yuyou believes that "as an entrepreneur, we should not only bring benefits to the society, but also contribute and give back to the society".

Leading dance, Sihui beauty industry set sail

Leading dance, Sihui beauty industry set sail

Released at the 4th National Congress  in Guangdong

Green Algae Eye Mask

30000 goat milk hand masks sold each month

VC toner sold 40000 copies every month

On the flagship store of an e-commerce platform,

Skin care products produced by OBO Group are selling well,

At the Fourth Zhaoqing Conference,

Its 288 mu production base has begun to take shape,

The first phase will be completed at the end of the year,

The second phase will be completed in October next year.

The manufacturing base and headquarters project of the high-end beauty industry chain of Guangzhou Oubo Group is located in Xiamao Town, Sihui City. Sihui City is committed to developing the skin care industry, which is the first leading project introduced. The total investment of the project is 1.5 billion yuan. It is mainly to build a daily chemical production area, a packaging material area, a logistics area, a research and development center, and a sales exhibition center. It is estimated that the project will achieve an annual output value of 3 billion yuan and a tax of 150 million yuan after completion. It will become a leading research, development, production, and e-commerce base for high-end beauty products.

A few days ago, the reporter saw at the project construction site that under the scorching sun, the workers were sweating and busy operating the tower, pile driver, mixer, excavator, transport vehicle, etc. According to the person in charge of the project, the project will be constructed in two phases. The construction of the first phase, which covers an area of 188 mu, started in February this year. At present, the concrete pouring of three storey columns and four storey beams and slabs in the first phase of the office building has been completed, and the formwork support of five storey beams and slabs is being erected. It is planned to complete the capping of the main body this month; The construction progress of several plants is considerable, and the pile pressing of the dormitory building and boiler room has been completed. It is planned to cap all plants before the end of the year, and strive for small-scale trial production within the year. Phase II was started in June this year. At present, two static compressors have started to build pile foundations for three plants in the south. It is planned to complete the phase II pile foundations in the middle of June, and the roads around the plant in the west have been hardened.

Sihui beauty industry,Xiamao Town,Guangzhou Oubo Group,

△ Project construction site. Photographed by Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Xijiang Daily

The reporter learned that the manufacturing base and headquarters project of the high-end beauty industry chain of Guangzhou Oubo Group was invested and constructed by Xingfu Biotechnology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. The company has cosmetics companies, packaging materials companies and injection molding companies. It integrates product research and development, production and sales, and is equipped with automatic production equipment such as automatic canning production lines. It has many well-known brand products, and has established an online e-commerce platform and a nationwide agency and distribution network.

In recent years, domestic skin care products have become more and more popular, and domestic enterprises related to skin care products have grown rapidly. The Fourth Meeting will seize the opportunity to develop the skin care industry and plan industrial clusters. Oubo Group is the first leading project of skin care products. The Fourth National Congress guaranteed its smooth construction with high-quality services, including giving priority to its land supply. "In terms of project land, government departments at all levels have helped us solve many problems. Since the signing of the contract last year, our project has progressed faster than expected, which has greatly promoted the realization of our on-time production plan." Mr. Xiong, the project leader, told reporters. In addition, the Sihui Municipal Government has opened up several "green channels" for the project, and has speeded up the handling of the project construction procedures, construction of supporting facilities at the construction site, and the whole process of service in the underground town where the project is located.

The reporter learned from the Investment Promotion Center of Sihui City that Sihui actively planned to attract upstream and downstream enterprises to settle down with the Oubo Group as the leader. With the cooperation of the government and enterprises, 10 relevant enterprises have settled in the park, including cosmetics packaging materials, raw materials, end products and other enterprises. The person in charge of the Investment Promotion Center said that the relevant enterprises are partners of the Oubo Group. The reason for choosing the four meetings is the urgent need to expand production, and the location and cost advantages of the four meetings. In order to serve these enterprises well, Sihui arranged special classes to maintain close communication.

Xiamao Town is located in the middle of Sihui City,

Close to the urban area, with complete industrial facilities,

Close to Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Park,

There are complete upstream chemical enterprises to provide supporting facilities,

The Fourth National Congress plans to build Xiamao Town into

High end cosmetic characteristic industrial town.

According to the above responsible person,

In addition to OBO Group, 1000 mu of land will be allocated,

Create a cosmetics production base,

At present, a number of manufacturing projects are under discussion,

They are all small and cost-effective projects,

At present, relevant enterprises have a strong desire to land,

The Fourth Meeting will provide good service and strive for it.


Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing production is continuously produced 24 hours a day

Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing product...