Showing posts with label dasha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dasha. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

Project frequently delayed due to rain? Zhaoqing service makes up for the "horsepower" and escorts with all efforts

Project frequently delayed due to rain? Zhaoqing service makes up for the "horsepower" and escorts with all efforts

Invest in Zhaoqing July 15, 2024 21:41 Guangdong, China

The heavy rainfall has stopped recently, and all projects under construction are speeding up construction.

The production plant of the Haobo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area has been built to the 2nd floor. In order to catch up with the progress that has fallen due to the rainy season, the project and government departments work together to ensure that the goal of putting into production in June 2025 next year can be implemented as scheduled.

The HoPo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area is busy with "catch-up progress".

The HoPo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area is busy with "catch-up progress". 

The project is one of the representative projects of the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area. Invested by Shenzhen Haobo Window Control Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Haobo is a national high-tech enterprise and a provincial specialized and new enterprise, mainly engaged in the production of high-end window control hardware and integrated systems. The total investment of the project is 578.5 million yuan, with a construction area of ​​114,000 square meters. In addition to the three-story factory and R&D workshop, the project also has supporting staff dormitories that can accommodate 1,000 people. After completion and production in June 2025, the company will relocate the entire production line in Shenzhen to Zhaoqing.

"Zhaoqing Service" escorts, and enterprises are busy with "catch-up progress" construction

The project was officially started at the end of 2023 last year. Before the start of construction, the land had been connected, connected and leveled, and the early progress was smooth.

However, since this spring, heavy rainfall has been "extremely long standby". The intensive rainfall has not only disrupted the original construction rhythm, but also brought great challenges to on-site construction management and safe production, making the already tight construction time even tighter.

After learning about the situation, the Zhaoqing agglomeration area actively coordinated the responsible units to speed up infrastructure construction, make emergency plans for flood season construction, send 24-hour weather forecasts and rainfall conditions to construction units every day, assist construction in material preparation and construction plans, overcome the impact of rainy days, add slag access roads and steel plate laying, add pumping equipment, dredge in time, and do construction drainage in time to fully guarantee the start of the project in the area.

The production plant of the Hopo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Guangdong (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster area (Dasha Town, Sihui City)

The production plant of the Hopo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Guangdong (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster area (Dasha Town, Sihui City)

At the same time, actively coordinate various departments to provide more detailed services.

For example, the Sihui Meteorological Bureau provides more detailed weather forecasts to help the project make construction arrangements in advance. The safety supervision department often visits the construction site to remind them how to ensure the safety of personnel in thunderstorms, and guide the project to reasonably pump and drain water. "We must now rush for time and progress to ensure that it will be put into production in June next year," said the relevant person in charge.

In order to serve the project well, speed up construction. Zhaoqing Cluster Area strengthens the "front-line work method" and keeps ahead in on-site handling. It arranges two groups of service specialists to stay at the project site, coordinate and solve the problems and difficulties encountered in the project implementation every day, and set up a WeChat group for each project to achieve "quick response and quick processing".

At present, the rain has stopped, and the construction team is also seizing time to catch up with the annual progress.

The production plant of the Hopo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project located in the Guangdong (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster area (Dasha Town, Sihui City)

Photo by Li Xiaoyu, a reporter from Zhaoqing Media Center

It is reported that in order to promote the accelerated construction of the project, this year Zhaoqing Cluster Area (located in Dasha Town, Sihui City) vigorously implements the "three front-line" work measures. Including being more forward in the land handover link. Strengthen communication and cooperation with the local government and the original right holders, intervene in the land acquisition, transfer and handover links in advance according to the development schedule and the priority of project implementation, and seize time. Then, be more forward in serving enterprises. The starting point of serving enterprises is advanced to the project contact and selection stage, and special personnel are arranged to follow up and supervise the design drawing review work, promote the quick results of project design, and urge enterprises to speed up the determination of construction units and start construction on site. At the same time, we will be more proactive in on-site handling, strengthen the front-line work method, and "respond quickly and handle quickly" to the problems encountered by enterprises. We will solve the problems on the same day, resolutely not let the problems stay overnight, and go all out to promote the implementation of the project.

The rapid advancement of the HoPo Window Control Intelligent System Industrial Park project is a microcosm of the significant improvement of Zhaoqing's business environment.

In recent years, Zhaoqing's continuously optimized business environment and "mother-like" service have won the praise and trust of the majority of enterprises, effectively promoting "business" to "win business".

Zhaoqing service, progress every day

Zhaoqing service, progress every day

It is worth mentioning that the "Zhaoqing City Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment" will be implemented on November 1, 2024 this year!

We believe that Zhaoqing's business environment will usher in a brighter spring. The implementation of this regulation will further standardize and optimize government services, improve market vitality, attract more investment and talents, and promote the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's economy.

Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster (Dasha Town, Sihui City)

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



投資肇慶 2024年07月15日 21:41 中國廣東










如四會市氣象局提供更細緻的天氣預報,幫助工程提前做好施工安排。安監部門則常到工地走訪,提醒其雷暴天氣如何保障人員安全,同時指導工程合理抽取排水等。 “我們現在要搶時間,搶進度,確保明年6月投產”,相關負責人表示。








Friday, July 12, 2024

2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting Held in Nanjing

2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting Held in Nanjing

Investing in Zhaoqing July 12, 2024 21:20 Guangdong, China

Investment Promotion Continues

2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting

-Industry Promotion Exploring Opportunities-

On the afternoon of July 12, 2024, the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government and the Jiangsu Province Jiangsu Merchants Development Promotion Association held the 2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Representatives of the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Management Committee and Zhaoqing's relevant municipal units, investment promotion departments of various counties (cities, districts), and enterprises formed a Zhaoqing inspection team to participate in the matchmaking meeting and introduced the Zhaoqing industrial environment to the Jiangsu merchants on site. The two sides held friendly talks and in-depth exchanges to jointly explore the broad prospects of industrial cooperation between Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces and explore future development opportunities.

2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting Held in Nanjing

The Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government and the Jiangsu Province Jiangsu Merchants Development Promotion Association held the 2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Nanfang+ Lu Shuman Photography

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area,

Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Management Committee

Relevant person in charge promoted Zhaoqing's industrial environment.

2024 Jiangsu Merchants Investing in Guangdong Zhaoqing Industry Matchmaking Meeting Held in Nanjing

Zhaoqing is one of the cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and is also an important part of the Guangzhou-Foshan Economic Circle and the Guangzhou Metropolitan Circle. Zhaoqing was successfully selected as one of the top 100 cities in the country's advanced manufacturing industry and foreign trade in 2023. The leading industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information have a good development momentum. By building a "10,000 mu and 100 billion" platform, we will strive to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. At present, Zhaoqing is boldly exploring the low-altitude economic field, making a steady layout, and actively promoting the construction of "one center and two bases" to seize the position of emerging industries.

Zhaoqing is one of the seven large industrial clusters that are key to the construction of the province, and has huge development potential! We sincerely invite Jiangsu businessmen to visit Zhaoqing and invest in Zhaoqing!

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Dasha Town, Sihui City, China

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area--Dasha Town, Sihui City, China

In order to promote the development of industrial agglomeration in the province, Guangdong Province has focused on building 7 large industrial agglomeration areas such as Zhaoqing, creating a new growth pole for the high-quality development of the province's manufacturing industry and a major industrial platform for building a new situation of a strong manufacturing province. The first phase of the Zhaoqing large-scale industrial agglomeration area has designated a "2+5" starting area with a planned area of ​​992 square kilometers, excellent transportation location, perfect industrial planning, and vast land space. At present, there are 151 new projects introduced in the municipal starting area, of which high-tech enterprises and specialized and new enterprises account for more than half. One project is supplied with land every 6 days, creating a new highland for the business environment in the Greater Bay Area and achieving "Zhaoqing service, Zhaoqing speed".

During the meeting, the Zhaoqing delegation had an in-depth and detailed exchange with representatives of enterprises of the Jiangsu Business Development Promotion Association, and discussed aspects such as industrial development planning, preferential policy support, supporting facilities, and service commitment fulfillment.

Jiangsu business entrepreneurs have a strong interest in Zhaoqing, a famous Lingnan city and a new manufacturing city, and hope to further seek cooperation opportunities between the two sides through mutual visits and in-depth docking.

"From the introduction just now, my first impression of Zhaoqing is that it is a place with an open mind and a very good business environment." Xu Jiajun, vice president of the policy research department of Muxi Integrated Circuit (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. said.

He Dongkui, general manager of Guangdong region of Huashe Design Group Co., Ltd., shared: "We have been to Zhaoqing and participated in many infrastructure and park pre-design services. We really feel that Zhaoqing's park construction, market environment, government services and other aspects are relatively good in the country."

In order to further strengthen investment promotion and accelerate the development of new quality productivity, the Zhaoqing delegation will also participate in the 2024 (11th) Jiangsu Business Development Conference and Jiangsu New Quality Productivity Development Forum, and go to Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui to conduct investment promotion inspections.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Land acquisition and construction started + pile foundation completed X5! Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone progress bar is loading at full speed

Land acquisition and construction started + pile foundation completed X5! Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone progress bar is loading at full speed

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone July 10, 2024 22:39 Guangdong, China

Recently, the construction of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone project has accelerated again, and another project has signed a contract to acquire land for construction, and 5 projects have completed pile foundation construction!

1 project signed a contract to acquire land

On July 9, 2024, the Jiafuda Auto Parts R&D and Production Headquarters project signed a contract to acquire land!

The project plans to invest 300 million yuan and plans to use 30 acres of land. It mainly produces automotive lamps, etc., and is expected to have an annual output value of 450 million yuan after reaching full production.

Project renderings

The cooperation between the large production area and Jiafuda Company began in May 2024.

On May 17, Jiafuda Company visited the municipal management start-up area of ​​the large production area for the first time, and highly recognized the location advantages, supporting facilities and investment and business environment of the large production area. After in-depth exchanges and discussions, the two sides reached a preliminary cooperation intention; 

On May 30, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone visited Jiafuda Company for a return visit and a field visit, and learned in detail about the company's R&D strength, production technology and market prospects. This visit further strengthened the confidence of the two sides in cooperation and laid a solid foundation for the smooth signing of the project. 

On June 3, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone and Jiafuda Company formally signed. 

On June 3, 2024, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone and Jiafuda Company formally signed.

On June 3, 2024, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone and Jiafuda Company formally signed. 

It took only more than half a month from the first inspection to the signing of the contract, which once again demonstrated the "acceleration" of the investment promotion of the large production area! I believe that with the completion and production of the Jiafuda project in the future, it will bring new development opportunities to the large production area!

 5 projects completed pile foundation construction

Recently, 5 projects including Zhengchuang Company, Huanchi Company, Miaosheng Company, Ouyada Company and Huaihai Company in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone completed pile foundation construction!

These projects are all key projects in the municipal starting area, and all projects are high-tech or specialized and new enterprises.

Walking into the project construction site, busy workers and shuttle machines can be seen everywhere, and the project construction is progressing rapidly. Since the start of construction, the project construction personnel have been fighting on the front line of construction, focusing on the target nodes, overcoming various difficulties such as heavy rain and high temperature, speeding up the construction progress, and promoting the project construction with high standards, high quality and high efficiency.

Zhengchuang Zhaoqing New Retail Smart Manufacturing Comprehensive Industrial Park Project

The total investment of the project is 1.1 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​214 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 1.7 billion yuan after reaching the standard. The project mainly produces small household appliances and medical sterile wet wipes and other medical equipment products.

Project renderings

Huaihai Headquarters and Elevator Production Project

The total investment of the project is 300 million yuan, covering an area of ​​48.7 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 500 million yuan after reaching full production. The project plans to build the company headquarters and production base in Zhaoqing, mainly producing tensioning devices, high-speed traction wheels and other elevator core safety components and elevator shafts, safety clamps and other new patented products.

Project renderings.

Miaosheng New Materials Headquarters and Production Base Project

The total investment of the project is 250 million yuan, covering an area of ​​25 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 350 million yuan after reaching the standard. The project mainly produces large-scale beverage group designated packaging products, etc.

Project renderings.

Ouyada New Materials and Precision Manufacturing Project

The total investment of the project is 170 million yuan, covering an area of ​​25 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 250 million yuan after reaching full production. The project will invest in the construction of 6 extrusion production lines and automotive parts aluminum deep processing production lines, manufacture new aluminum alloy materials for new energy vehicles, new energy vehicle parts and industrial materials precision processing and processing, and improve the industrial material supply chain.

Project renderings.

Huanchi High-end Equipment Manufacturing Project

The total investment of the project is 150 million yuan, covering an area of ​​25 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 250 million yuan after reaching the target. The main products of the project are the research and development, design, and manufacturing of environmentally friendly building materials machinery and equipment production lines, and provide intelligent production management and control systems.

Project renderings.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)

Dasha Town, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, China

Large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Good investment news丨Signing, starting of construction, completion...Zhaoqing is running to "accelerate" investment promotion

Good investment news丨Signing, starting of construction, completion...Zhaoqing is running to "accelerate" investment promotion

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-20 22:28 China


On March 19, 2024, Duanzhou District selected and approved 7 manufacturing projects

The total planned investment is 1.05 billion yuan

Introduction to individually selected projects

Zhuoboda Internet of Things Technology Manufacturing Project is planned to be constructed by Guangdong Zhuoboda Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. with an investment of 200 million yuan. It is planned to be located on the east side of Ronggang Road, District 2, Mugang Street. The project mainly produces RFID related hardware equipment, electronics Smart tags. The project is expected to have an annual output value of 220 million yuan after reaching full capacity. The implementation of the project will accelerate the high-quality development of the Internet of Things in Duanzhou District.

Project renderings

Introduction to individually selected projects

Huagong Shengtai's magnetic field imaging equipment manufacturing project is also a high-tech industry project selected and passed this time. The project is planned to be constructed by Zhaoqing Huagong Dashengtai Equipment Co., Ltd. with an investment of 150 million yuan. The ZQ-type hot melt condensation box produced by the investor adopts the self-developed "U-shaped round tube staggered square fin tube" technology. It has won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and is the first to fill the domestic gap in phthalic anhydride capture technology and replace foreign products. Similar imported equipment. The project will build an industrial-research transformation and pilot base for magnetic field imaging equipment that integrates research, development, production, sales and after-sales service. The project is expected to have an annual output value of 80 million yuan after reaching full capacity.

Project renderings


March 20, 2024

Deqing County Vidya Metal Products Project

Officially entered the site and started piling construction

The project is invested and constructed by Zhaoqing Vidya Technology Co., Ltd. and is located in Deqing County Industrial Park. It covers an area of about 25 acres and has a total investment of RMB 70 million. It plans to produce 100 million sets of automobile and furniture accessories annually, with an estimated annual output value of RMB 75 million. Yuan and above.

Project renderings

Investor Profile

Zhaoqing Vidya Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in providing overall solutions for buffering, damping and buffering functional structures. It mainly develops, produces, processes and sells metal products, plastic products, hydraulic damping buffers, non-standard automation equipment, and electronic products. , electrical products, etc.


March 15, 2024

Lubrizol new materials project officially completed and put into production

The project is invested and constructed by Shenzhen Lubrizol New Materials Co., Ltd. and is located in Zhongjinrun Industrial Park, Pingfeng Development Zone, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing). The total investment of the project is about 30 million yuan, with a land area of about 2.6 acres. It is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, production, processing and sales of high-end wax additives. The annual output value after reaching production is expected to be 55 million yuan.

Project renderings

Investor Profile

Shenzhen Lubrizol New Materials Co., Ltd. originated from an old company that has been deeply engaged in the research and development and manufacturing of cracked wax for nearly 20 years. The company adheres to the core values of "Quality - Creates Value" and has strong R&D capabilities, advanced and complete testing equipment, strict production management and quality assurance systems; it has also established a polymer materials research laboratory with doctors and professors from relevant universities. It can more accurately customize products for customers and better meet customer needs.


On March 19, 2024, a project was signed in the municipal management starting area of a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)

Contracted projects

The picture shows the executive deputy commander-in-chief of the Planning and Construction Headquarters of the Large Industrial Cluster Zone of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Special Pilot Zone for Cooperation (Zhaoqing), and deputy secretary-general of the Zhaoqing Municipal Government Liang Guangting, the pilot zone Relevant personnel from the Economic Promotion Bureau of the Administrative Committee accompanied the inspection.

On March 19, 2024, Wang Yu, Chairman of Shenzhen Yuanxin Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., led an inspection team to inspect the municipal management starting area of Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial cluster. After a day of inspection and negotiation, the two parties implemented the specific investment plan for the R&D and production project of Yuanxin Intelligent Lithium Pool Energy Storage System on the same day, and signed a project investment agreement with the Administrative Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing).

Investor introduction

Shenzhen Yuanxin Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2019. It is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, R&D, and manufacturing of large-scale intelligent lithium battery energy storage systems. It has achieved high-capacity integration and consistent temperature control. The latest energy storage system technology with high performance, system safety and reliability, the total scale of participating projects exceeds 5GWh, ranking among the top ten in the world in terms of energy storage system shipments in the first half of 2023, and ranking second in the world in terms of DC side energy storage system shipments. The total investment in the signed project is about 500 million yuan. It mainly produces new energy storage equipment with an annual output of 2GWh, including multiple battery modules and new energy storage equipment manufacturing production lines. The annual output value is expected to be 800 million yuan after reaching production.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province,China

Tel: 0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188


Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 15/F, Fumin Building, Zhaoqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhaoqing, Guangdong,China

Tel:  0086-758-3983186

Fax: 0086-758-3983988


Friday, January 5, 2024

The industrial transformation and solution of a county-level city--Sihui

The industrial transformation and solution of a county-level city--Sihui

China Economic Weekly

2022-09-29 17:58:09 China Economic Weekly

"China Economic Weekly" reporter Wu Suwen|Guangdong report

In recent years, Deng Hongan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Executive Vice Mayor, and Secretary of the Dasha Town Committee of Sihui City, Guangdong Province, has observed that the industrial town of Sihui is undergoing changes: “Factories are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and a line of Roads open to traffic are criss-crossed, supporting the urban development context, and the 'Red Beauty Action' demonstration sites draw characteristic villages decorated with aesthetic thinking..."

Sihui City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province and is managed by Zhaoqing City. Since the 1990s, Dasha Town in Sihui has gradually developed into a large industrial town as the only way to go from Zhaoqing to Guangzhou. With the successive construction of surrounding highways, the original advantages have faded. In the more than ten years since 2007, Dasha has transformed from an industrial-based "Zhaoqing No. 1 Town" to an agricultural based on "pig + fishery breeding" Important town. Against this background, some banks have also withdrawn from Dasha Town.

"Starting from 2020, many banks have returned. Not only the four major banks, but also private financial institutions have taken the initiative to set up shop. Some restaurants and hotels are opening one after another. This year, Dasha's industrial population has increased by 11,000 people. This is all It was brought about by the manufacturing industry," the responsible comrade of Dasha Town said happily.

Tongyu New Materials (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tongyu New Materials"), the leading company in the town, is facing the need to further expand production capacity. "With the growth in demand for electronic products and the localization of the industrial chain, the demand for electronic resin, our company's main product, is growing rapidly, and the company urgently needs to further expand production capacity." Zheng Ye, secretary of the board of directors of Tongyu New Materials, said that the company's factory in Jiangxi has already Started construction and actively raised funds to expand production capacity to meet market demand.

The manufacturing and financial industries are back, which is one of the signals of local industrial recovery.

In the past 10 years, Sihui City has continued to promote the transformation and upgrading of local industry. In 2012, the total industrial output value of the area was 46.462 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach about 93 billion yuan in 2022. In 10 years, it is equivalent to recreating a "Sihui Industry".

As a county-level city on the edge of the Pearl River Delta, Sihui's development faces certain objective constraints, but it does not miss opportunities. Currently, Sihui City is taking the opportunity of Zhaoqing's construction of a large-scale industrial cluster to find a new starting point for transformation and upgrading.

Behind the industrial recovery is a long industrial transformation

Almost all the companies that have settled in Sihui in recent years have talked about the location and transportation advantages. It is located in the east of Zhaoqing, at the northwest end of the Pearl River Delta, close to Foshan and Qingyuan. In the latest Guangdong Metropolitan Area Plan, Sihui City is included in the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area.

Li Feng, general manager of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jintian Copper") said: "The Pearl River Delta accounts for about one-third of the industry's total consumption and is our largest customer location. There will be highways, Transportation is very convenient with light rail, ports, etc. Except for remote areas, it is basically only a two-hour drive from other major cities.”

Since the 1990s, Sihui City has undertaken the transfer of metal, electronics and other industries from Shenzhen, Dongguan and Foshan. However, Guangdong's regional development measures are mostly tilted toward the east, west, and north of Guangdong. As a relatively late-developing region in the Pearl River Delta, Sihui City relies more on its own efforts to promote development.

In the past 10 years, Sihui City has carried out a top-down transformation and adjustment of industrial structure from industrial platform to industry enterprise.

From the perspective of industrial structure, the metal processing industry accounts for 50 to 60% of Sihui City's total industrial output value. In the future, Sihui City will focus on the development of new energy vehicles and auto parts, metal processing, fine chemicals, and smart home industries.

In terms of industrial platform construction, according to He Weiguang, director of the Sihui Industrial Park Administration Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, there are currently four leading industrial parks in Sihui. Except for Nanjiang Industrial Park, which started construction in 1992, other parks have really taken shape in recent years. Affected by relevant policies, parks that started earlier have also experienced industrial transformation during their development.

For example, the Longfu Circular Economy Metal Industry Base, established in 2004, mainly engages in metal dismantling and deep processing. At that time, metal dismantling was very prosperous, and the state also encouraged this kind of waste utilization, and the park quickly expanded in scale.

In 2017, the country adjusted its policy on recycled metals. Higher import requirements and costs resulted in a price inversion. The metal dismantling industry gradually declined, and most companies in the park ceased production and auctioned off their factories. The Sihui Municipal Government acquired these factories and revitalized the park. The transformation will be confirmed in 2020. At the same time, the metal deep processing industry will continue to be retained. The total output value of the park is expected to reach 20 billion yuan in the future, creating a tax revenue of 2 billion yuan.

Since 2012, the four major parks have introduced a total of 256 projects. By 2021, the four major parks have developed 27,000 acres of land, 10,735 acres more than in 2012, and completed a total industrial output value of 37.579 billion yuan, accounting for 44% of the city's total industrial output value of 84.786 billion yuan.

In order to adapt to new changes in the market, enterprises and industries are also seeking transformation and upgrading. Huang Wanxing, Party Secretary and Director of the Sihui City Industry and Information Technology Bureau, told a reporter from China Economic Weekly that many aluminum companies in Sihui City are now accelerating technological transformation and product upgrades focusing on new energy vehicle manufacturing, electronic appliances, smart homes and other fields. Upgrading, continuously expanding the application of aluminum materials, and promoting industrial innovation and upgrading. The government is also actively guiding and providing support through technological transformation subsidies, financial instruments, etc.

"For Sihui City, the biggest challenge is that the market situation and industry have changed too fast in recent years. Although it has improved compared to 10 years ago, in order to keep up with the country's current key industrial development directions as soon as possible, we must speed up The pace of transformation and upgrading." Huang Wanxing said.

Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. Phase I Project

Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. Phase I Project

Project is king, cluster development, enterprise first

In recent years, under the guidance of the work policy of “strengthening the city with industry, projects are king, parks are mother, and enterprises are first”, Sihui City’s industrial investment promotion has achieved remarkable results. And attracting a large project can have an immediate effect on boosting local industrial output.

Jintian Copper is an enterprise introduced in 2018. Lifeng told a reporter from China Economic Weekly: "Compared to others, we need a good business environment and market environment. We feel the strong desire and determination of the local government to develop industry, which also enhances our own confidence. . This year, we proposed to 'create another golden field in Guangdong' and are determined to promote project construction in Sihui City."

What impressed Lifeng deeply was that after Jintian Copper officially started production this year, it encountered a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which caused energy prices to rise sharply. Jintian Copper uses a large amount of natural gas, and the new park where it is located does not have pipeline natural gas access. . "Pipeline natural gas has a maximum price limit guided by the government. If it can be connected at this time, it will be of great help to us in reducing costs. The city government immediately started the approval process for pipeline laying, and we will use it by the end of June."

Less than a year after it was put into operation, Sihui City has become the largest of Jintian Copper's seven production bases across the country, excluding the headquarters. At the same time, the second-phase project is also in its initial stage, and it is planned that the first production line will be put into production next year.

With Jintian Copper as the main chain, Sihui plans to build the Sihui City Copper Technology Industrial Park nearby to introduce high-end copper new material industries and its upstream and downstream supporting industries, such as new energy automobile wires, enameled wires, motor wires, precision molds, etc. Enterprises to create a copper deep processing industry cluster.

Tongyu New Materials is a company founded by masters and doctors from Sichuan University and industry experts. Due to the advantages of Sihui City's industrial cluster development and transportation network, the team registered the company in Sihui City in 2015 and officially put it into production in 2016. With the care and support of government departments at all levels and all walks of life, the company has grown over the past six years. With its development, it has rapidly grown into a leading domestic manufacturer of special resins for mid- to high-end copper-clad laminates. In 2021, the company's sales reached 947 million yuan, and taxes paid were approximately 40.2 million yuan.

Zheng Yemei from Tongyu New Materials said that Sihui City is attracting investment precisely around the industry. For example, for the main customers of key enterprises, the Sihui Municipal Government visited them one by one and invited them to invest and build factories in Sihui, striving to open up the entire upstream and downstream chain for enterprises, form industrial clusters and industrial cohesion, and provide further confidence in the investment and development of enterprises. and support.

"In recent years, we have been ahead of Zhaoqing City in terms of land expropriation, land revitalization and consolidation, so the effects of industrial investment are also relatively obvious, especially after two or three years, the effects will soon appear." The responsible comrade said.

New grip

Taking advantage of Guangdong's "Implementation Opinions on Optimizing Land Spatial Layout and Promoting the Formation of Several Large-scale Industrial Clusters" and "Guangdong Province Auto Parts Industry "Strong Chain Project" Implementation Plan", Zhaoqing is building a highland for the new energy automobile industry. The successive arrivals of Xpeng Motors and CATL are undoubtedly the focus.

The tower near the water gets the moon first. Sihui City, which occupies a place in the large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), also regards this as a new opportunity to further promote the development of local industries towards "high" and "new".

Huang Wanxing said: "Sihui City has 262 square kilometers placed in a large-scale industrial cluster. This is a very important platform. The four leading parks have also entered large-scale industrial clusters. Dasha Town is the starting area of municipal administration. Industrial planning needs to be done at a higher level.”

According to reports, the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster city management area will focus on the development of intelligent network-connected new energy vehicles, high-end equipment manufacturing, and advanced materials industries; the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster Sihui City starting area will focus on the development of copper Technology industry, advanced equipment, new energy vehicles and auto parts, smart home industry. Sihui City will take advantage of the pioneering advantage of the municipal management starting area to exert a leading effect and promote the coordinated development of the municipal management area and Sihui area.

Pointing to the large open space in front of the first phase of the project, Lifeng told the reporter of China Economic Weekly that this will be the location of Jintian Phase II. As far as the eye can see, in the distance is the high-tech zone where Xpeng Motors has landed. The expansion of Jintian Phase II is huge. Part of it is to meet the needs of emerging industries.

In June this year, Xiaopeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng mentioned that he hopes to introduce 80 to 100 upstream and downstream supply chain enterprise projects in the next 2 to 3 years. It is reported that Zhaoqing is linking up with local and surrounding metal, electronics and other companies around the needs raised by Xiaopeng in order to localize the supply of smart car parts.

Sihui City is also eager to try. Huang Wanxing said bluntly: "Because Zhaoqing introduced Xpeng Motors and CATL, and focused on the new energy vehicle industry, everyone has more confidence in Sihui City to develop this industry."

Zheng Yemei said: "After Xpeng Motors arrived in Zhaoqing, it attracted many companies in the entire vehicle industry. Among them, many auto parts companies I know also came from Shenzhen and plan to invest in Sihui City."

In order to solve the worries of enterprises, Sihui City continues to optimize the business environment, such as launching policies such as "double capacity and dual commitments", "build first and then inspect", and major industrial project contact mechanisms to solve project implementation problems and create a comprehensive system from project negotiation, signing, A full-process tracking service system from construction to production will be developed, while the industrial park and urban living facilities will be further improved.

(This article was published in "China Economic Weekly" Issue 18, 2022)

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Nanfang Daily|Build a big platform! Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial cluster accelerates construction

 Nanfang Daily|Build a big platform! Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial cluster accelerates construction

2023-04-15 17:13 Published in: Beijing

(Source: Zhaoqing Federation of Industry and Commerce)

Big platforms carry big projects, and big projects drive big development. In the high-tech zone of the large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), the two major chain-main enterprises, Xpeng Motors and CATL, are less than 5 kilometers apart, achieving "wall-to-wall supply" and timely response.

Creating a high-level platform is an important support for promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Guangdong proposed that to adhere to the leadership of the manufacturing industry, we must focus on large platforms, establish a high-end, high-end, efficient, and intensive orientation, so that high-level platforms can become "golden business cards" and "golden parasols."

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large-scale Industrial Cluster Area (hereinafter referred to as "Zhaoqing Cluster Area") is one of the seven large-scale industrial clusters approved by the provincial government. In recent years, Zhaoqing has adhered to the principle of taking the real economy as the basis and taking the manufacturing industry as its mainstay. It has adhered to the principle of "building a strong city with industries, projects as king, parks as mothers, and enterprises as the first". It has used the city's efforts to build Zhaoqing's agglomeration area into a high-level modernization area with an area of 10,000 acres and 100 billion. A large industrial platform, a high-quality manufacturing development leading demonstration area, and a pioneering demonstration area for the collaborative development of eastern and western industries.


Concentrate the "best" land

Create high-quality industrial space

"The last time I came here to see it, I had to pass through a muddy field. Now the newly built road leads directly to the future factory." The merchants who came to visit lamented that the appearance of Zhaoqing's agglomeration area is changing with each passing day.

In the past year, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)'s large-scale industrial clusters ranked among the top seven large-scale industrial clusters in the province in terms of land acquisition and storage, special debt funds, newly built roads and pipe networks, and newly put into production projects. Behind this is Zhaoqing’s unremitting efforts to seize high-quality development of large-scale industrial clusters.

Zhaoqing agglomeration area is located in the southeastern part of Zhaoqing City, adjacent to Foshan City to the east, Zhaoqing downtown area to the west, and the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport to the south, with an overall planned area of 992 square kilometers.

An aerial rendering of the municipal administration starting area of a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

As the largest development hinterland in the Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing has outstanding land spatial advantages. This land, with a total planned area of approximately 992 square kilometers, is the "core engine" for Zhaoqing's future industrial city, the "aircraft carrier" for industrial agglomeration development, and a demonstration and leading platform for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

Since Guangdong proposed the construction of a number of large-scale industrial agglomerations to host large projects and large clusters, Zhaoqing has advanced at a high level and proposed to take the planning and construction of Zhaoqing agglomeration areas as the number one project for the city's industrial revitalization, and mobilize the city's efforts to create leading industrial agglomerations. , supporting industrial parks and a 10,000-acre, 100-billion-dollar platform.

In April 2022, the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large-scale Industrial Cluster Planning and Construction Headquarters was unveiled, establishing a flat and efficient management system and operating mechanism, and forging a team of high-level personnel who understand the economy, planning, industry, and park construction. A team of high-quality cadres, concentrated "best" land resources to speed up the construction of Zhaoqing agglomeration area, and strengthened all-round factor protection.

The "2+5" starting area of the agglomeration area designated in the first phase covers an area of approximately 137 square kilometers, including the two municipally managed starting areas of Dinghu Lotus-Sihui Fuxi and Sihui Dasha, as well as Duanzhou District, Dinghu-Zhaoqing The five local starting areas of New District, Gaoyao District, Sihui City, and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone have a total of about 130,000 acres of developable land. Only the two municipally managed starting areas have 30,000 acres of contiguous industrial land waiting for high-quality industrial projects. .

With the full launch of the "2+5" starting area, Zhaoqing has accelerated the construction of more than 120 infrastructure projects with an investment of approximately 80 billion yuan in the agglomeration area; an investment of 7.8 billion yuan in infrastructure construction will be completed in 2022.

"There is a large area of mature, high-quality and highly competitively priced concentrated contiguous industrial land here, which is particularly scarce and valuable in the Pearl River Delta." The person in charge of the relevant departments of the Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone Headquarters said that in the new round of land and space planning , Zhaoqing focuses on ensuring that the land scale and land use indicators in the starting areas of large-scale industrial clusters are used for industrial development and project implementation.

Not only that, the "Guangdong Provincial Metropolitan Area Land and Space Planning Coordination Guidelines" issued by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Natural Resources in 2022 points out that it supports the construction of Foshan's large-scale industrial clusters (Fobeizhan New Industrial Park) and Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters. Foshan and Zhaozhou jointly formed a group to promote industrial collaboration and scientific and technological innovation cooperation between Foshan and Zhaozhou. This creates more possibilities for the Zhaoqing agglomeration area to participate in the joint construction of industries in the province.

"The large-scale industrial cluster is not a separate 'new city'. It is adjacent to Guangfo and covers core industrial areas such as Gaoyao District, Sihui City, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, and Zhaoqing New District. It has formed a good relationship with the surrounding industrial clusters and living and residential facilities. Interaction and response." said the person in charge.

According to the development positioning, Zhaoqing will strive to build the agglomeration area into an advanced manufacturing cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, a scientific and technological innovation collaboration zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and a green development demonstration zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


Strong chain, complementary chain, extended chain

Improve and strengthen the industrial ecology

Currently, the large-scale industrial agglomeration area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) and the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone have achieved integrated development and strong alliances. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of the planning and construction headquarters, the Zhaoqing agglomeration area municipal management starting area will soon hold centralized signing and construction activities , 22 projects were signed and 9 projects were started. The projects cover many fields such as auto parts, two-wheeled electric vehicles, industrial aluminum profiles, smart doors and windows, smart home appliances, and smart new retail. At that time, a number of financial institutions will conduct loan disbursement ceremonies. This marks another critical step in the construction of Zhaoqing agglomeration area.

In February this year, Zhaoqing City held a centralized signing, construction and commissioning event for major projects in the city in the first quarter of 2023 in the Dinghu Lotus-Sihui Fuxi Municipal Management Starting Area, a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). Major projects exceeded 200, with a total investment of 87.67 billion yuan.

A number of high-quality enterprise projects have entered the Dinghu-Zhaoqing New Area starting area, a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). File picture.

Why are so many projects located in Zhaoqing agglomeration area?

In recent years, Zhaoqing has successfully introduced a number of high-quality industrial projects, large projects have continued to release the "banyan tree effect", and the construction of a "leading + characteristic" industrial system has been accelerated. In this process, Zhaoqing Agglomeration Area and Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone have shouldered the mission of building "big industry", "big platform", "big project", "big enterprise" and "big environment" since the beginning of construction, carrying batches of key projects, Leading project.

As one of the top three two-wheel electric vehicle manufacturers in the industry, Tailing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. was attracted by the well-established and mature industrial clusters in the Zhaoqing agglomeration area. The agglomeration area has many hardware manufacturing, auto parts manufacturing, metal product processing and other enterprises. One of the front fork supply companies for Tailing electric vehicles is located in the E-bike Industrial Park in the agglomeration area.

Shenzhen Haobo Window Control Technology Co., Ltd. takes a fancy to Zhaoqing's rich land resources and relatively low production costs, which provide a high-quality foundation for the company's further development and growth. They will take root in Zhaoqing and devote themselves to the development and innovation of intelligent door and window control systems, while also laying out future intelligent technologies and products.

Previously, Zhaoqing Minglida Technology Co., Ltd. invested 1 billion yuan to build the first phase of intelligent manufacturing project of key new energy components. Xiao Zunjun, an enterprise representative, said that Zhaoqing is building a "big industry" development pattern around leading enterprises. Its upstream suppliers, large aluminum companies such as Asia Aluminum and Zhongya, have all settled in Zhaoqing; downstream partners such as CATL, Xiaopeng and other corporate suppliers have also invested in Zhaoqing. "From the perspective of the upstream and downstream supply chain, as long as it is a place where industries are accumulated, the development of this place is just around the corner, and Zhaoqing is such a place." Xiao Zunjun said.

Zhaoqing is focusing on the layout of large-scale industrial agglomerations to build "3+2" industrial clusters such as new energy vehicles and auto parts, electronic information, equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, and advanced materials. Among them, the municipal start-up area focuses on building intelligent network-connected new energy vehicles. , new generation electronic information, high-end equipment manufacturing and advanced materials and other "1+1+2" industrial chains. Driven by Xpeng Motors and CATL, Zhaoqing has introduced a number of new energy chain reinforcement projects such as Helin Liye Power Batteries, Adient Automotive Seats, Putilai, and Jiyang Equipment, and has initially formed a network covering complete vehicles and batteries. , motors, wires and other key components. The output value of this industrial cluster will exceed 70 billion yuan in 2022.

The Zhaoqing Agglomeration Area and the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone have become important platforms for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing’s manufacturing industry and the promotion of coordinated regional development. Zhaoqing is continuing to promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of the city's industrial parks, and is striving to build a "1+1+N" park development pattern with Zhaoqing agglomeration areas as the main focus. Various regions in Zhaoqing are accelerating the construction of industrial parks with distinctive characteristics, high-end formats, outstanding energy levels, and integrated functions based on local resource endowments and industrial foundations to meet the supporting needs of the industrial chain and supply chain in Zhaoqing's agglomeration area in the future.

The construction of the Zhaoqing agglomeration area, which is constantly accelerating, is becoming the "golden phoenix tree" for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's economy. As of the end of 2022, there are 950 industrial enterprises above designated size in Zhaoqing's agglomeration area, accounting for 65.3% of the city's total; the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size accounts for 68% of the city's total.


Comprehensively optimize the business environment

Follow the company’s demands to the end

Planting sycamore trees attracts golden phoenixes.

As the main battlefield for Zhaoqing to accelerate the construction of a new manufacturing city in the western part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing adheres to high-standard planning, high-level construction, high-quality investment, and high-efficiency management, further improves the planning and layout of Zhaoqing agglomeration areas, especially the starting areas, and optimizes and enhances Zhaoqing agglomeration District functional quality and industrial carrying capacity.

In the past year, the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to it. The Zhaoqing agglomeration area took the lead in the province to build a development and operation management model of "leading group + headquarters + state-owned development company", and implemented a flat and efficient large-scale management model like a management committee. Put the city's decision-making and resources directly into the front line; establish a municipal park platform company as the main body of development and construction to create a construction and operation platform that integrates "investment, financing, construction, operation and management". This year, we took the lead in realizing the physical operation of management agencies in the province, promoting the integrated development of Zhaoqing agglomeration area and Guangdong-Guangxi experimental zone, and further improving the efficiency of administrative operations.

Based on the needs of agglomeration area construction, Zhaoqing provides full support in land development, financial guarantee and other aspects. At the same time, it insists on intensive and economical use of land, focuses on promoting concentrated and contiguous development of land, attracts large businessmen, explores the establishment of agglomeration area construction funds, and leverages more Social capital forces participate in the construction to ensure the smooth and efficient construction and operation of the agglomeration area.

In terms of supporting facilities in the agglomeration area, Zhaoqing optimizes the layout of production, life, and ecology, promotes the construction of water, electricity, gas networks, environmental protection, standard factory buildings and other supporting facilities to high standards, builds a modern infrastructure system, strives to improve total factor productivity, and enhances the carrying capacity and attraction of the park. We will strive to form a good pattern of industry-city integration, job-housing balance, and interactive development, and strive to provide solid support for a high-level and modern industry-bearing platform, so that good projects can be introduced, settled quickly, retained, and developed well.

In addition to having solid "hard support", in terms of soft services, a series of innovative initiatives are also being implemented at an accelerated pace. Zhaoqing continues to increase policy support for agglomeration areas and the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone. A number of provincial and municipal key policies have been prioritized in agglomeration areas, and the advantages of policy overlay are obvious.

For example, according to the relevant provisions of Guangdong Province's "Financial Support Plan for Promoting the Orderly Transfer of Industries (Trial)", the municipally managed starting area of Zhaoqing agglomeration area, as one of the main platforms for undertaking industrial undertakings supported by the province's key construction, will undertake projects that comply with relevant regulations. Projects can be given a one-time reward of no more than 10% of the fixed asset investment of equipment purchase and self-built factories (excluding land purchase costs).

At the same time, all qualified talents working in Zhaoqing can be issued a "talent green card". Card holders can enjoy conveniences in administrative services, medical services, housing security, children's schooling, employment services, life services, etc.

In the Zhaoqing agglomeration area, projects need to be implemented quickly, and ready-made land is readily available; construction needs to start quickly, and the "double capacity and double commitment" policy can be built first and then verified; certificates need to be obtained quickly, and dedicated personnel and dedicated teams provide full-service agency... Zhaoqing continues to optimize business operations As a "big nose" project in comprehensively deepening reform, the environment has innovated and created an "all-in-one" model to serve enterprises, providing one-stop agency services for industrial project approval and acceptance. The progress of project approval can be viewed at any time, and enterprise demands can be "directly addressed with one click, and all requests are answered." Follow up to the end" to effectively solve corporate problems and promote "Zhaoqing service, progress every day."

Some time ago, I learned that a smart door and window manufacturing company wanted to move out of a rented factory building in other places and return to Zhaoqing for development. The investment promotion staff of Zhaoqing agglomeration area took the initiative to contact the company, introduced the development of the agglomeration area in detail and provided full-process professional services. From the first connection to the company signing the agreement, it only takes 5 working days.

"Because the industrial development planning and infrastructure supporting facilities in the early stage of the agglomeration area have been solid, and the current construction progress is accelerating, these have given enterprises great confidence in their implementation and development, and also made more and more enterprises pay attention to and invest in Zhaoqing." Related Introduction by investment recruiters.

Industry empowerment, platform first. The Zhaoqing agglomeration area will launch a smart city framework with high-standard infrastructure and high-quality supporting facilities. Zhaoqing will comprehensively optimize the business environment with preferential policies and digital intelligence. It will undertake the gradient transfer of industries with guaranteed factors and contiguous mature land, and form a beautiful blueprint for high-quality development. It has become a vivid practice for Zhaoqing to make progress quickly.

The urban development framework has been fully expanded

Zhaoqing is busy with the construction and investment promotion of large-scale industrial clusters

In the municipal management starting area of a large-scale industrial agglomeration area in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), the construction site is in full swing, and project construction is in full swing: Dinghu Lotus-Sihui Fuxi Municipal Management Starting Area, hundreds of construction machinery and transportation vehicles are shuttled there. Busy; the pile foundation, pipe network, riprap and other work on the main section of the "Longsha Avenue-Dike Road Combination" project in the Sihui Dasha City Management Starting Area are progressing in an orderly manner. After the project is completed, the north-south direction of the Dasha Starting Area will be strengthened vehicle traffic capacity and further improve the transportation network inside and outside the park.

Rendering of Fuxi Science and Technology Innovation Park in the municipal management starting area of a large industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

"There are new changes here every day, and every day is a new look." The relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing agglomeration area headquarters introduced that Zhaoqing is currently scientifically and efficiently promoting the planning and construction of the agglomeration area, optimizing the layout of production, life, and ecology, improving total factor productivity, and seizing The "golden period" of construction promotes quick start, quick construction, quick commissioning and quick results of projects.

In recent years, the municipal supporting equipment in the Zhaoqing agglomeration area has been increasingly improved, and high-quality supporting facilities such as the Sheraton Hotel, the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and high-standard general factories have been put into use.

In order to speed up the implementation of the project and put it into production, the agglomeration area focuses on creating an environmental carrier for “move-in”. Taking urban road projects as an example, in the Dasha municipal management starting area of Sihui, the provincial highway S263 extension project and the Longsha Avenue project combined with embankment roads will be built with two longitudinal roads running through the entire area, which will strengthen the north and south of the Dasha area of the municipal management starting area. Towards vehicle traffic capacity, it connects Sihui City to the north and Dinghu District to the south, further strengthening transportation connections inside and outside the Dinghu and Sihui areas and improving the road network structure in the area. Simultaneously construct the extended section of Line A of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Expressway, Guangsha Avenue, Gangmei Road, Huisheng Road and other transverse roads to create a dense regional road network to further improve the internal transportation network of the park and increase vehicle traffic capacity. In the Dinghu Lotus-Sihui Fuxi City Management Starting Area, the second phase of Zhenxing Avenue, Fuxi Avenue, Fumin Road, Fuli Road, Fusheng Road and other projects can further unblock the "capillaries" of the original industrial park and allow enterprises to Transportation is more convenient. “When roads are accessible and businesses come in, the agglomeration area will become prosperous,” said the person in charge of the construction company.

The Zhaoqing agglomeration area is rapidly planning to promote infrastructure construction. Currently, the first phase of Yongbei Avenue, the BC section of Yongbei Avenue, Longsha Avenue, and the newly built Water supply pipe, Dasha Project 1, Industrial Avenue, Fuxi Subproject 4, and Zhenxing Avenue Phase 2 have started construction; Provincial Highway 263 expansion project, Industrial Avenue south extension, Beishui Avenue AB section, Yongbe Avenue east extension, Preliminary work is being accelerated for projects such as Lianhua Sewage Plant, Dasha Town Sewage Plant, Dasha Second Sewage Plant, and water system projects.

In addition to vigorously promoting infrastructure construction, Zhaoqing agglomeration area also continues to build a "big investment" pattern to promote the implementation of large projects. The agglomeration area has always regarded investment promotion as the lifeline of high-quality development, comprehensively implemented the "top project" of taking the lead in manufacturing and attracting investment, implemented special actions to increase capital and expand production of enterprises, and implement investment promotion for industrial projects, and carried out precise investment promotion for the industrial chain.

Strengthening the traction role of large-scale industrial agglomerations, Zhaoqing focuses on attracting projects, strengthening leaders, supplementing chains, building platforms, and clustering groups to further enhance investment attraction capabilities and innovative investment attraction models, give full play to the role of stationed investment attraction teams and industrial park operators, and vigorously introduce leaders "Aircraft carrier-level" large-scale projects with strong sex and driving effects and industrial projects with obvious production capacity benefits and strong "hematopoietic" capabilities.

In the future, Zhaoqing agglomeration area will continue to improve the list of target enterprises for industrial investment, vigorously carry out industrial chain investment around "chain master" enterprises such as Xpeng Motors, Ruiqing Times, and Fenghua Hi-Tech, and actively introduce upstream and downstream enterprises and partners to settle in Zhaoqing City. "Introducing business through business" promotes supporting cooperation in the industrial chain, and strives to introduce a large number of high-quality projects that "build, strengthen, supplement and extend the chain".

Information source: Nanfang Daily, Nanfang⁺Client

Published by the editor of Zhaoqing Federation of Industry and Commerce

Business in Zhaoqing, win-win cooperation

Zhaoqing Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce)

南方日報|大きなプラットフォームを築こう! 肇慶市の大規模産業クラスターが建設を加速

2023-04-15 17:13 発行地: 北京


大きなプラットフォームは大きなプロジェクトを運び、大きなプロジェクトは大きな開発を推進します。 広東省(肇慶市)の大規模産業クラスターのハイテクゾーンでは、小鵬汽車とCATLという2大チェーン大手企業の距離は5キロ未満で、「壁一面供給」を実現しており、タイムリーな対応。

製造業の質の高い発展を推進するためには、高度なプラットフォームの構築が重要な支援となります。 広東省は、製造業のリーダーシップを堅持するには、大規模なプラットフォームに焦点を当て、ハイエンド、ハイエンド、効率的、集中的な方向性を確立し、ハイレベルのプラットフォームが「黄金の名刺」になるようにする必要があると提案しました。 「金色のパラソル」。

広東省(肇慶市)大規模産業集積地域(以下「肇慶クラスター地域」)は、省政府が認定した7つの大規模産業集積地域の1つである。 近年、肇慶市は実体経済を基礎とし、製造業を主力とするという原則を堅持しており、「産業、プロジェクトを王、公園を母とし、強力な都市を建設する」という原則を堅持している。肇慶市の努力を利用して、肇慶市の集積地域を10,000エーカー、1,000億の高度な近代化地域に建設しました。大規模な産業プラットフォーム、高品質の製造業の発展をリードする実証東洋と西洋の産業の共同発展のための先駆的な実証地域です。




「前回ここを見に来たときは、ぬかるみの野原を通らなければなりませんでした。今は新しくできた道路が将来の工場に直接つながっています。」 訪れた商人たちは、肇慶市の集積地の様子が時代とともに変わりつつあることを嘆いていた。過ぎていく毎日。

昨年、広東省(肇慶市)の大規模産業クラスターは、土地取得と保管、特別債務基金、新設の道路とパイプ網、新たに制作プロジェクトに投入されました。 この背景には、大規模産業クラスターの質の高い発展を獲得するための肇慶市のたゆまぬ努力がある。



大湾区最大の開発後背地である肇慶市は、優れた土地空間的優位性を持っています。 総計画面積約992平方キロメートルのこの土地は、肇慶市の未来工業都市の「中核エンジン」であり、産業集積開発の「空母」であり、高品質な産業開発の実証および主導プラットフォームである。製造業。


2022年4月、広東省(肇慶)大規模産業クラスター計画建設本部が発足し、フラットで効率的な管理システムと運営メカニズムを確立し、経済、計画、産業を理解するハイレベル人材のチームを編成しました。 、および公園の建設.質の高い幹部のチーム、「最良の」土地資源を集中させて肇慶市集積地域の建設を加速し、全面的な要素の保護を強化しました。

第1段階で指定された集積エリアの「2+5」開始エリアは、市が管理する2つの市管理開始エリアである鼎湖蓮華-四会復興と四会大沙を含む約137平方キロメートルのエリアをカバーする。鼎湖-肇慶市端州区 新区、高要区、四会市、肇慶市ハイテクゾーンの 5 つの地方スタートエリアには、合計約 130,000 エーカーの開発可能土地があり、隣接する 30,000 エーカーの土地があるのは、市が管理する 2 つのスタートエリアのみです。高品質の産業プロジェクトを待っている工業用地。

「2+5」スタートエリアの本格始動により、肇慶市は集積エリアに約800億元を投資して120以上のインフラプロジェクトの建設を加速しており、78億元のインフラ建設投資が完了する予定である。 2022年に。


それだけでなく、広東省天然資源局が2022年に発行した「広東省都市圏土地空間計画調整指針」では、仏山市の大規模産業クラスター(仏北山新工業団地)や肇慶市の大規模産業クラスターの建設を支援していると指摘している。佛山市と肇州市は共同で、佛山市と肇州市の産業協力と科学技術イノベーション協力を推進するグループを設立した。 これにより、肇慶市集積地域が省内産業の共同建設に参加する可能性がさらに高まる。






現在、広東省(肇慶市)の大規模産業集積地域と広東・広西チワン族自治区協力実験区は一体的な発展と強固な連携を実現しており、計画建設本部設立1周年を機に、肇慶市集積区市営管理開始区はまもなく集中署名・建設活動を開催し、22件のプロジェクトが署名され、9件のプロジェクトが開始された。 このプロジェクトは、自動車部品、二輪電気自動車、産業用アルミニウムプロファイル、スマートドアと窓、スマート家電製品、スマート新小売などの多くの分野をカバーしています。 その際、多くの金融機関が融資実行セレモニーを実施します。 これは肇慶市集積地域の建設における新たな重要なステップとなる。


広東省(肇慶市)の大規模な産業集積地である鼎湖・肇慶新区スタートエリアには、多くの質の高い企業プロジェクトが参入している。 ファイルの画像。


近年、肇慶市は多くの高品質産業プロジェクトの導入に成功し、大規模プロジェクトが継続的に「ガジュマル効果」を放ち、「先進+特色」産業システムの構築が加速している。 この過程において、肇慶集積区と広東・広西実験区は建設開始以来、「大産業」、「大プラットフォーム」、「大プロジェクト」、「大企業」、「大環境」を構築する使命を担ってきた。主要プロジェクトのバッチ、主要プロジェクト。

業界トップ 3 の二輪電気自動車メーカーの 1 つである Tailing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. は、肇慶市の集積地域に確立された成熟した産業クラスターに魅力を感じました。 集積エリアには、ハードウェア製造、自動車部品製造、金属製品加工などの企業が数多く集積しており、テーリング電気自動車用フロントフォーク供給会社の1社が集積エリア内の電動バイク工業団地に位置している。

Shenzhen Haobo Window Control Technology Co., Ltd. は、肇慶市の豊かな土地資源と比較的低い生産コストに注目しており、これが同社のさらなる発展と成長のための高品質な基盤となっています。 彼らは肇慶市に根を張り、インテリジェントなドアと窓の制御システムの開発と革新に専念するとともに、将来のインテリジェント技術と製品を展開していきます。

以前、肇慶Minglida Technology Co., Ltd.は10億元を投資して、主要な新エネルギー部品のインテリジェント製造プロジェクトの第1段階を構築した。 企業代表の蕭存軍氏は、肇慶市は大手企業を中心とした「大産業」の発展パターンを構築していると述べた。 上流サプライヤーである亜細亜アルミニウムや中雅などの大手アルミニウム企業はすべて肇慶市に定住しており、CATL、Xiaopeng、その他の企業サプライヤーなどの下流パートナー企業も肇慶市に投資している。 「上流と下流のサプライチェーンの観点から見ると、産業が集積している場所である限り、この場所の発展は目前に迫っており、肇慶市はまさにそのような場所です。」と蕭存軍氏は語った。

肇慶市は、新エネルギー車や自動車部品、電子情報、機器製造、生物医学、先端材料などの「3+2」産業クラスターを構築するため、大規模産業集積の配置に注力している。この分野は、インテリジェントなネットワーク接続の新エネルギー車両、新世代の電子情報、ハイエンド機器の製造と先端材料、その他の「1+1+2」産業チェーンの構築に焦点を当てています。 Xpeng MotorsとCATLが推進する肇慶市は、Helin Liye Power Batteries、Adient Automotive Seats、Putilai、Jiyang Equipmentなどの多数の新しいエネルギーチェーン強化プロジェクトを導入し、当初は完成車とバッテリーをカバーするネットワークを形成しました。この産業クラスターの生産額は 2022 年に 700 億元を超えると見込まれています。

肇慶集積区と広東・広西実験区は、肇慶市の製造業の質の高い発展と地域の協調的発展の促進にとって重要なプラットフォームとなっている。 肇慶市は市内の工業団地の品質と効率の向上を引き続き推進しており、肇慶市の集積地域を中心とした「1+1+N」の団地開発パターンの構築に努めている。 肇慶市の各地域は、肇慶市の集積地における産業チェーンとサプライチェーンの支援ニーズに応えるため、地元の資源賦与と産業基盤に基づいた、特色ある特徴、ハイエンドのフォーマット、卓越したエネルギーレベル、統合された機能を備えた工業団地の建設を加速している。これからのエリア。

肇慶市集積地域の建設は常に加速しており、肇慶市経済の質の高い発展のための「金の鳳樹」となりつつある。 2022年末現在、肇慶市の集積地域には指定規模以上の工業企業が950社あり、全市の65.3%を占め、指定規模以上の工業企業の付加価値は全市の68%を占めている。






この1年間、肇慶市党委員会と市政府はこれを重視し、肇慶市集積地区は省内で率先して「主導グループ+本社+国有開発会社」の開発運営管理モデルを構築した。 」を掲げ、管理委員会のようなフラットで効率的な大規模管理モデルを導入 市の意思決定とリソースを直接現場に投入し、整備・建設の主体となる市立公園プラットフォーム会社を設立し、都市公園の構築を実現「投融資・建設・運営・管理」を統合した運営プラットフォーム。 今年、当省は省内の管理機関の物理的運営を率先して実現し、肇慶市集積区と広東・広西実験区の一体的開発を推進し、行政運営の効率をさらに向上させた。



ハード面での充実したサポートに加え、ソフト面でも革新的な取り組みを加速させています。 肇慶市は集積地域と広東・広西実験区に対する政策支援を強化し続けており、省や市の重要政策の多くが集積地域で優先されており、政策オーバーレイの利点は明らかである。

例えば、広東省の「秩序ある産業移転促進のための財政支援計画(試行)」の関連規定によれば、市が管理する肇慶市集積地域の出発地は、産業事業を行うための主要な基盤の一つとして支援されている。省の主要な建設によって、関連法規に準拠したプロジェクトを実施するプロジェクトには、設備購入および自社建設工場(土地購入費を除く)の固定資産投資の 10% を超えない 1 回限りの報酬が与えられます。


肇慶市の集積地域では、プロジェクトを迅速に実施する必要があり、既成の土地がすぐに利用可能であること、建設を迅速に開始する必要があること、「二重の生産能力と二重のコミットメント」政策を最初に建設してから検証することができること、証明書を取得する必要があることなどです。肇慶市は事業運営の最適化を継続 改革を全面的に深化させる「ビッグノーズ」プロジェクトとして、環境を革新し「オールインワン」モデルを構築企業にサービスを提供するために、産業プロジェクトの承認と受諾のワンストップ代理サービスを提供し、プロジェクトの承認の進捗状況をいつでも確認でき、企業の要求に「ワンクリックで直接対応し、すべての要求に回答します」ことができます。 「最後まで」を目指して、企業の問題を​​効果的に解決し、「肇慶市のサービス、日々進歩」を促進します。

少し前に、あるスマートドアと窓の製造会社が、別の場所にある賃貸工場の建物を出て肇慶市に戻って開発をしたいと考えていることを知り、肇慶市の集積地区の投資促進担当者が率先してその会社に連絡を取ったと紹介しました。集積地域の開発を詳細に行い、全プロセスの専門サービスを提供しました。 最初の接続から企業が契約に署名するまで、わずか 5 営業日しかかかりません。


業界の強化、プラットフォーム第一。 肇慶市集積地域は、高水準のインフラと高品質の支援施設を備えたスマートシティの枠組みを立ち上げ、優遇政策とデジタルインテリジェンスによりビジネス環境を総合的に最適化し、保証要素と連続的成熟度を備えた産業の段階的移転を実施する。肇慶市が迅速に発展するための鮮明な実践となっています。







プロジェクトの実施を加速して生産に移すために、集積エリアは「入居」のための環境キャリアの構築に重点を置いています。 都市道路事業を例に挙げると、四会市大沙市管理開始地域では、台道S263延伸事業と堤防道路を組み合わせた龍沙大道事業が全地域を貫く2本の縦断道路で建設され、市管理開始地域の大沙地区の南北を強化し、車両交通能力を向上させ、北の四会市と南の鼎湖区を結び、定湖・四会地区内外の交通接続をさらに強化し、地域内の道路網構造を改善する。 広州・仏山・肇慶高速道路A線の延長区間、広沙大道、港美路、恵生路などの横断道路を同時に建設し、密集した地域道路網を形成し、公園内の交通網をさらに改善し、車両交通量を増加させる。容量。 定湖蓮華四会福渓市管理開始区では、鎮興大道、福渓大道、富民路、富里路、復興路などの第二期プロジェクトにより、元の工業団地の「毛細血管」の詰まりがさらに解消され、企業の輸送が可能になる。のほうが便利です。 建設会社の担当者は「道路が整備され、企業が参入すれば、集積地は栄えるだろう」と話す。



肇慶市集積地域はインフラ建設を精力的に推進することに加え、大型プロジェクトの実施を促進する「大型投資」パターンの構築も続けている。 集積地域は常に投資促進を質の高い発展の生命線と捉え、製造業を先導して投資を誘致する「トッププロジェクト」を全面的に実施し、資本増強と企業生産拡大のための特別措置を実施し、投資促進を実施してきた。産業プロジェクトへの投資を促進し、産業チェーンへの的を絞った投資促進を実施します。


今後、肇慶市集積地域は引き続き産業投資対象企業リストを充実させ、小鵬汽車、瑞清時報、奉華高科技などの「チェーンマスター」企業を中心とした産業チェーン投資を精力的に実施し、積極的に導入する予定である。肇慶市に定住する上流と下流の企業とパートナーを「ビジネスを通じたビジネスの導入」により産業チェーンにおける支援協力を促進し、「チェーンの構築、強化、補完、延長」を実現する質の高いプロジェクトを多数導入するよう努める。 。





Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 15/F, Fumin Building, Zhaoqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhaoqing, Guangdong

Tel:  0086-758-3983186

Fax: 0086-758-3983988


Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600



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