Friday, September 13, 2024

Today, September 13, 2024, the "Sunshine Public Auction" of jade raw stones in Sihui City, China, officially opened

Today, September 13, 2024, the "Sunshine Public Auction" of jade raw stones in Sihui City, China, officially opened

Sihui Release September 13, 2024 20:55 Guangdong, China

In order to promote the high-quality development of Sihui's jewelry and jade industry and assist in the construction of Sihui's "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", on September 13, under the high attention and guidance of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the Guangdong Jewelry and Jade Exchange Center, Sihui Mingalar Investment Co., Ltd., and Sihui Huibaoli Auction Co., Ltd. signed the "Jade and Jade Trading Cooperation Agreement", which strengthened the cooperation consensus for the normalization of the Sihui MARGALAR Jade Trade Fair (Public Auction).

Cai Xueli, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal CPPCC, Li Zhiwei, President of the Guangdong Jewelry and Jade Exchange Center, and relevant department heads of Sihui City, industry representatives, etc. attended and witnessed the signing ceremony.

The signing ceremony was held at the MINGALAR bidding site in Sihui City.

According to the agreement, the three parties will jointly build a sustainable and high-standard trading activity demonstration system to gradually guide the healthy development of the entire jade industry.

The jewelry and jade industry is a characteristic industry of Sihui. The Sihui Party Committee and Government have always attached great importance to the development of the jewelry and jade industry, and have successively issued a series of preferential policies to guide and support the development of the industry. In recent years, Sihui has carried out precise industrial investment promotion with the focus on "strengthening and supplementing the chain", expanding the new quality productivity of the industry, and introduced and built the Sihui MARGALAR standard field in 2023.

From September 10 to 16, 2024, with the support of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the guidance of the Guangdong Jewelry and Jade Trading Center, the Jade and Jade Trade Fair will try to open in the MINGALAR standard field in a sunshine trading mode.

The trade fair was very lively and crowded. Jade experts from all over the country held strong flashlights and carefully analyzed and judged the color, texture, and texture of each piece of raw stone.

According to relevant persons in charge, this trade fair explored the "Sunshine Public Auction" trading model, with more than 6,200 jade raw materials of various grades participating in the transaction. On the first day, more than 3,000 jade merchants from Yunnan, Pingzhou, Jieyang, Henan, and other parts of the country gathered here to select their favorite jade raw materials.

Some merchants said that with the holding of Sihui Jade Public Auction, now you can buy your favorite jade raw materials at your doorstep, which provides great convenience for the development of jade business.

Mr. Li, a merchant from Sihui:

We are quite satisfied with Sihui Jade Public Auction, because there are many varieties of jade, both large and small, cheap and expensive, moderate prices, and many choices. In terms of quality, compared with the previous auctions, the quality of this jade is relatively high. In the future, I hope Sihui will hold more such activities so that you can buy your favorite stones at your doorstep.

It is reported that this trade fair will last for one week, with September 10-12, 2024 as the viewing period and September 13-16 as the bid opening period. The bid for the trade fair will be conducted in a "sealed auction" manner, and the highest bidder will win. The organizer will supervise the whole process in accordance with the requirements of "transparent transactions and transparent processes", and professional industry association personnel will effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and ensure the smooth progress of the bidding.

Yang Jie, head of the Mengla Bidding Field in Sihui City:

Under the strong leadership of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and with the supervision and assistance of the industry association, this public auction was successfully held. We have raised more than 6,000 pieces and nearly 400 tons of goods, and carried out transactions in accordance with the principles of fair, just and open transactions. This trade fair will bring a good supplement and boost to the raw material supply of the entire jade market, and further promote the healthy and sustainable development of the entire industry.

In the future, Sihui will actively build a jadeite sunshine trading system with the Guangdong Jewelry and Jadeite Exchange Center, continue to shape a good jadeite sunshine trading system, promote the healthy and sustainable development of Sihui's jadeite industry, and contribute solid strength to the promotion of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects".


Sihui MINGALAR Jewelry and Jade Center was officially unveiled


四會發布 2024年09月13日 20:55 中國廣東














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