Thursday, July 4, 2024

Zhaoqing New District: Create a high-quality business environment with three service concepts

Zhaoqing New District: Create a high-quality business environment with three service concepts

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-04 21:20 Guangdong, China

On a midsummer day, the construction site of Zhaoqing New District is busy. At the construction site of the 10,000-acre industrial park, hundreds of piling equipment are racing against time to tamp the foundation, and the sound is deafening.

As the main industrial platform built by Zhaoqing City, Zhaoqing New District has established its brand in recent years, adhered to the "three-to" service concept of "never call, always on call, and do what you say", continuously optimized the business environment, and actively organized leading cadres to go down to the front line, and use their heart, feelings and strength to solve the problems of "enterprise worries and expectations", and truly serve as partners, intimate people, and escorts of enterprises.

Zhaoqing New District

Source Zhaoqing New District Release

If the enterprise does not call, we will not disturb

Strive to carry out enterprise-related work in a "no-disturbance" manner

In the "three-to" service concept, enterprises should focus on production development, and services should be subtle and silent. To implement the principle of "enterprise first",

Zhaoqing New District shortened the working hours of government departments in enterprises, minimized the disruption of administrative work to the normal production and operation of enterprises, and allowed enterprises to invest, operate and develop with confidence.

Zhaoqing New District held a relief meeting with enterprises

Zhaoqing New District held a relief meeting with enterprises. 

For example, when conducting research activities in enterprises, the relevant departments of Zhaoqing New District will coordinate in advance. If the time, location and theme of different research itineraries are similar, they will arrange peer research to avoid multiple research and repeated research, and fully respect the status of enterprises as operating entities. Enterprises believe that this has reduced the burden of their cumbersome work affairs and given them more time to produce with peace of mind.

For another example, by giving full play to the overall coordination role of the Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District Business Environment Improvement Leading Group, the two districts gradually established a "double random, one public" supervision mechanism, promoted joint inspections by various departments, improved the credit records of operating entities, encouraged information sharing and mutual recognition, improved the level of smart supervision, and effectively reduced the frequency of supervision and law enforcement.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center visits projects to promote the trial production of projects

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center visits projects to promote the trial production of projects

In addition, Zhaoqing New District also provides agency services in the early stage of key projects to improve the efficiency of procedures and approval, minimize the preparation time for construction, and help enterprises move forward lightly.

Last year, SHEIN Bay Area Smart Industrial Park settled in Zhaoqing New District. In order not to disturb the enterprise too much and promote the acceleration of project construction, Zhaoqing New District completed the construction permit within 1 day through agency services. "Efficient and pragmatic government services are the source of Xiyin's decision to choose Zhaoqing New District and invest in Zhaoqing New District." Wang Zhiqing, vice president of Xiyin Supply Chain, said.

Enterprises need us at any time, we will provide services to enterprises immediately, and strive to "reply in seconds" to provide services to help enterprises

Only when there are demands, responses in seconds, and quick solutions, enterprises will regard the government as "mother-in-law".

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has insisted on keeping close to the needs of enterprises in the park, established a party branch of the Enterprise Development Service Center, established a team of "Red Project Specialists", sent specialists to the grassroots to serve enterprises and help them alleviate difficulties, provided all-round services for enterprises and key projects, and continuously injected red kinetic energy into the development of the park.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center distributes self-printed guidebooks to enterprises in the park

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center distributes self-printed guidebooks to enterprises in the park.

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has insisted on keeping close to the needs of enterprises in the park, established an enterprise development service center, established a team of "Red Project Specialists", sent specialists to the grassroots to serve enterprises and help them alleviate difficulties, provided all-round services for enterprises and key projects, and continuously injected red kinetic energy into the development of the park.

These cadres played a pioneering and exemplary role, established WeChat work groups for 156 enterprises one by one, and "moved" the party and mass service center online. Enterprises can directly reach party member leaders and functional departments at any time to feedback problems, demands, opinions and suggestions, and realize "all-day online" service for enterprises.

Zhaoqing New District

Source Zhaoqing New District Release

The voice of the enterprise is the whistle of action. Once an enterprise raises a need for help, the "project specialist" will solve the problem or propose a solution for the enterprise in the shortest possible time according to the principle of "do it immediately and do it well".

During the rainy season, the road on the north side of the factory building of the Weizhenni Group in Zhaoqing New District was flooded. After receiving the request, the relevant party member leaders rushed to the scene and helped the enterprise to restore road access in one and a half hours with the concerted efforts of various departments.

The person in charge of the Xizhen Circuit Project once reported that there were high-voltage wires across the gate in front of the factory building, affecting the safety of large vehicles entering and exiting. After learning about it, the project specialist immediately coordinated the planning, power supply and other departments to conduct on-site investigations and determine the wire relocation plan. Finally, the relocation project was completed 10 days ahead of schedule.

The Membrane Car Film Project started construction on the same day it acquired the land, and the Jieyi Automotive Wiring Harness was completed one month after it started...

With the help of the "project specialists", Zhaoqing New District has achieved 12 new projects started, 26 projects reaching positive and negative zero, 13 completed projects, and 13 trial production projects this year, which has effectively promoted the "good start" of economic development.

Zhaoqing New District

Source: Zhaoqing New District

We do what we say and strive to fulfill our promise to benefit enterprises with "full power"

Incorporate the demands of enterprises into the key tasks of "doing practical things for the people", adhere to the list management, project implementation, and the implementation of the cancellation system, hold targeted centralized supervision days for project implementation, and integrate the service of enterprises into party building to achieve "the enterprise has a call, and I have a response".

Asia Soda, a well-known beverage company in South China, hopes that its Zhaoqing New District project will be put into production as soon as possible. Zhaoqing New District promised to speed up the improvement of water, electricity and gas supporting facilities. The party members' vanguard teams of water, electricity and gas supply departments worked "day and night" for more than three consecutive days, solving the problem of element guarantee at the fastest speed, and setting a "new record" for the time of project commissioning.

Asia Soda, a well-known beverage company in South China,

Source: Zhaoqing New District

Enterprises hope to solve the problem of children of employees going to school. The Party Working Committee of Zhaoqing New District attaches great importance to it and carries out the theme party day activity of "joining enterprises to enter campus and build an education dream together". Representatives of relevant enterprises are organized to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District, and actively coordinate the enrollment of children of employees who meet the conditions, so that enterprise employees can settle down with peace of mind.

Enterprises hope to alleviate the difficulty of young employees making friends. Zhaoqing New District has built an exchange platform and held youth government and enterprise talent networking activities such as "Dragon Boat Festival with Strong Feelings and Zongzi Love in New District", so that young people have more opportunities to meet friendship and fate in addition to their busy work.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center organized enterprise representatives to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center organized enterprise representatives to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District. 

Since 2024, party members and cadres of Zhaoqing New District have visited enterprises 445 times and coordinated to solve 227 various matters. "Solving problems for enterprises and escorting development", the banners sent by enterprises are the best portrayal of "serving the new district and making progress every day".

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2583333

Fax:  0086-758-2588213


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