Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Industry + Culture and Tourism! Didou Town, Sihui City, China holds "Equipment Update, Consumer Goods Replacement and BBQ Carnival"

Industry + Culture and Tourism! Didou Town, Sihui City, China holds "Equipment Update, Consumer Goods Replacement and BBQ Carnival"

Released by Sihui City 2024-05-07 17:33 Guangdong

On the afternoon of May 6, 2024, a visual and taste bud feast was staged at the Didou Town Cultural and Sports Park in Sihui City. The [Didou Town Equipment Update·Consumer Goods Replacement Launching Ceremony and hosted by the Didou Town People’s Government of Sihui City BBQ Carnival】The event was successfully held, attracting about 500 local people.

The equipment update and consumer goods replacement launching ceremony and barbecue carnival event in Didou Town, Sihui City

△The equipment update and consumer goods replacement launching ceremony and barbecue carnival event in Didou Town, Sihui City.

Wen Tianwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, all members of the Didou Town leadership team, and heads of companies such as Sihui Jinjiale Hardware Products Co., Ltd. attended the launching ceremony.

The event site is equipped with an enamel product display area, a gourmet food display area, a local product (souvenir) exhibition area and a self-service barbecue area, allowing the vision and taste buds to be satisfied at one time.

Let’s review the wonderful event together!

In the enamel product display area, there are enamel products from many well-known companies in Didou Town. These products are not only exquisitely designed and exquisitely crafted, but also come in a wide variety, covering all aspects from household appliances to works of art.

The product exhibition area of Sihui Jinjiale Hardware Products Co., Ltd.

△The product exhibition area of Sihui Jinjiale Hardware Products Co., Ltd. (Source: Nanfang + Shi Liang)

Visitors can appreciate the fine craftsmanship and beauty of Didou Town’s enamel products at close range and understand the profound heritage of Didou Town’s enamel culture.

The exhibition area for ceramic products of Caiming Pottery Factory in Didou Town

△The exhibition area for ceramic products of Caiming Pottery Factory in Didou Town.

In the food display area, there are special delicacies such as mugwort glutinous rice dumplings, knife-cut glutinous rice dumplings, peanut buns, roasted pork with ground beans, tea oil chicken, etc. for tourists to feast their appetites.

In the souvenirs (souvenirs) exhibition and sales area, many authentic local souvenirs were also displayed, attracting tourists to buy, and many tourists returned home with a full load...

▲Local specialty food tasting area

▲Local specialty exhibition area

In the self-service barbecue area, visitors can barbecue by themselves and feel the warm hospitality of the Didou Hakka people.

Picture ▲ Self-service barbecue area (Source: South+)

The event attracted an endless stream of people and a warm atmosphere, and was loved and praised by tourists. Visitors who participated in the event said that this was a multi-experience event. Not only could they learn about the enamel of Didou Town, but they could also taste the town's special agricultural products.

It is understood that enamel, also known as enamel, is a composite material in which inorganic glassy materials are melted and solidified on the base metal and firmly combined with the metal.

In recent years, Didou Town has built the enamel industry into a pillar industry in the town. The enamel hardware product cluster led by Jinjiale, Deying, Weili and other enterprises has continued to grow, with safe production, digital transformation, and intelligent upgrading as the core. An important direction is to speed up the updating of equipment in the enamel industry, and fully apply robots, manipulators and artificial intelligence to the enamel production line.

In 2023, Didou Town was rated as a "Zhaoqing Enamel Hardware Professional Town", with a total output value of enamel specialty industries reaching 2.303 billion yuan. Among them, Sihui Jinjiale Hardware Products Co., Ltd. was rated as one of the top ten enterprises in China's light industry enamel industry.

"This event is not only an important platform to showcase the achievements of Didou Town's enamel industry, but also a new exploration of the organic integration of industry and cultural tourism elements." Yan Denghui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Didou Town, introduced.

In the future, Didou Town will continue to adhere to the real economy and manufacturing industry, and actively build a high-quality regional brand of "good enamel, made in Didou".

At the same time, we will adhere to the integrated development of the agricultural, cultural and tourism industries, further expand the popularity and influence of Didou’s specialty products, and follow a new path of high-quality development.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com

Didou Town, Sihui City, China: Taking on the mission of a central town, cultivating typical towns, and accelerating the pace of building "Bay Area Hakka Town Harmonious Didou"

Didou Town, Sihui City, China: Focus on the construction of central towns and accelerate the creation of a "Hakka Village in the Bay Area"

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