Friday, May 10, 2024

In the annual assessment of Guangdong Province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”, Sihui City was rated outstanding

In the annual assessment of Guangdong Province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”, Sihui City was rated outstanding

Released by Sihui City 2024-05-10 15:33 Guangdong, China

A few days ago, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee’s Rural Work Conference and the Promotion Meeting for the In-depth Implementation of the “Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns and Ten Thousand Villages High-Quality Development Project” were held in Guangzhou. The assessment and evaluation results of the “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects” implemented in Guangdong Province in 2023 were notified at the meeting. The fourth meeting The city was awarded the first-class county (city) excellent ranking!

Both sides of the Suijiang River in Sihui City

Both sides of the Suijiang River in Sihui City

In recent years, the Fourth Session has launched a vigorous practice across the city to promote strong counties, promote towns and villages, and the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" have started well and become effective. In 2023, Sihui was successfully listed among the top 100 counties and cities in terms of comprehensive strength in the country, and was selected into the first batch of typical counties (cities, districts) in the province; Dasha Town was selected into the top 1,000 towns in the country for seven consecutive years, and Longfu Town was selected into the top 1,000 towns for the first time. In addition, 1 town and 8 villages were selected as provincial typical towns and villages. In 2023, during the Fourth Session, the entire region's GDP will be 75.915 billion yuan, accounting for 27.2% of Zhaoqing's city. Substantial progress has been made in various tasks of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project".

City night view of Sihui City

City night view of Sihui City

Establish a high-standard command system. It was the first among the counties (cities, districts) in Zhaoqing City to unveil and establish a county-level headquarters office to achieve physical operation; it established 14 special work teams, established and improved the "five major systems", and realized linkage and operation between the upper and lower levels. Efficient working mechanism.

Make industrial support bigger and stronger. We will make every effort to expand and strengthen the "leading + characteristic" industrial cluster, use advanced manufacturing to stand up the "backbone" of the modern industrial system, and introduce GCL Group, ranked second among the world's top 500 new energy companies, with a total planned investment of 6.75 billion yuan. In 2023, the total industrial output value of the entire Sihui area is 215.008 billion yuan, accounting for 46.7% of Zhaoqing's city; the added value of industry above designated size is 37.988 billion yuan, accounting for 44.1% of Zhaoqing's city. Accelerate the high-quality development of the jade industry and build high-standard towns with jade cultural characteristics; introduce the new Mangora Jade Trading Center to overcome the long-standing problem of lack of jade raw material trading venues; continue to promote the prosperity and development of the jade industry. Currently, Sihui Jade Industry The number of personnel reaches 300,000. Accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system and successfully create the Shatangji Provincial Modern Agricultural Industrial Park and the Shatangji National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Park, with a comprehensive industrial output value of more than 2 billion yuan; Sihui Orchid will appear at the 2023 China Brand Day event, and its output value will increase to 5.5 100 million yuan; the province's first rural-related bank "credit union" was established in Sihui, and 12 credit villages received "whole village credit" of 143 million yuan; the collective operating income of 124 villages in the entire Fourth Huiyue exceeded 100,000 yuan.

Accelerate the construction of the municipally managed starting areas (Dasha and Fuxi areas) of large-scale industrial clusters in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

Accelerate the construction of the municipally managed starting areas (Dasha and Fuxi areas) of large-scale industrial clusters in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

There is more motivation for reform and innovation. The system undertook 51 provincial-level administrative matters, becoming the only county (city) entrusted to undertake the "144-hour convenient visa blank paper issuance" matter; undertook 9 Zhaoqing municipal-level matters, adjusted and decentralized 27 county-level matters, comprehensive township and street comprehensive The 59 functions and powers of the administrative law enforcement system reform were smoothly connected. Actively carry out the cultivation of typical cases, explore the "Internet + Medical Community" and "Online + Offline" joint hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model, build a close county medical community, fully promote the experience cases across the country, and successfully cultivate similar models with remarkable results. There are 54 cases in total.

The construction of typical towns and villages was accelerated. The development idea of "one corridor and two axes" was determined, and 13 towns and streets were connected in series based on three lines, and the construction of typical towns and villages of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" was promoted in gradients. Efforts will be made to build a model town for the "Hundred-Million Project" of Dasha Town, a typical town in the province. In 2023, Dasha Town will complete a full-scale tax revenue of 950 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.26%; complete a total industrial output value of 22.304 billion yuan above designated size; all administrative The collective economy of the village has exceeded 250,000 yuan, and the total income has exceeded 18 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 53%; the "six chaos" rectification actions have been carried out on a regular basis, and all administrative villages have reached the standard of beautiful and livable villages. Explore and carry out the "1+1+1+1+2" team attack model, focusing on 14 provincial and Zhaoqing city typical villages in 2023, and solidly promote the construction of typical villages to achieve substantial progress. Longma Village, Dasha Town, comprehensively promotes the improvement of the living environment and creates a beautiful rural landscape with distinctive features. It has built 10 green and beautiful gardens in Yuanxin Village, a natural village under its jurisdiction. The surrounding areas are characterized by bamboo fences, wooden fences, and landscape walls. There are pavilions and teahouses for rest, and more than 2,000 various green plants such as hydrangeas, mangosteens, roses, and perfumed lemons are planted in the garden; Xinwu Village in Jianggu Town relies on the endowment of natural scenery resources to promote the creation of a water-friendly camp on the Longjiang River. Connect adjacent attractions to create ecological demonstration projects and form innovative cultural tourism development experience.

All parties work together to build it. The Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress took the lead in the provincial vertical assistance group unit of the Four Clubs to create an "enclave collaborative assistance" model, and coordinated the appearance of the Sihui orchids in Terminal 2 of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Passengers can visit them at close range, and continue to expand the orchid brand. Influence. Seizing the opportunity of China Railway Construction's assistance and assistance, we strengthened communication and docking, and established a list of 36 priority assistance projects, involving an investment amount of 250 million yuan. To advance the "Double Hundred Action" in an orderly manner, the working group has formulated 19 paired and co-constructed intention projects with the Sihui focusing on rural landscape planning, citrus industry, cultural tourism industry, high-quality development of basic education and other fields. Currently, each project is progressing in an orderly manner and achieved phased results. Signed a paired assistance agreement with China Communications Construction Company No. 4 Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., and worked together with Dasha Town to carry out a total of 5 projects in the aspects of house facade improvement, green ecological construction, and rural house style improvement, creating new highlights in innovative urbanization construction. . It has established a comprehensive paired assistance relationship with Guangzhou Zengcheng District and will undertake 11 industrial transfer projects in Guangzhou in 2023.

Next steps

This year is a critical year for the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" to speed up and achieve comprehensive breakthroughs. The next four will promote the "Hundreds of Thousands of Projects" at a high level and in a consistent manner to comprehensively enhance the comprehensive strength of the county and accelerate the move towards the "Thousands of Thousands of Projects". The pace of construction of Yi County will make more contributions to the implementation of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" throughout the province and Zhaoqing.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



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