Wednesday, June 26, 2024

China Fengkai County held a county party committee economic work meeting

China Fengkai County held a county party committee economic work meeting

Fengkai released 2024-06-26 23:39 China Guangdong

On June 25, 2024, Fengkai County held a county party committee economic work meeting to earnestly implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the economic work arrangements of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, summarize the economic operation of Fengkai County, deeply analyze the existing problems, study and deploy the next stage of economic work, and mobilize the whole county to make every effort to sprint and ensure the completion of the annual goals and tasks. County Party Secretary Li Yaxu attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and County Party Deputy Secretary and County Mayor Qiu Canhui presided over the meeting and made arrangements.

Li Yaxu emphasized

All towns (streets) and departments in Fengkai County should adhere to the general tone of work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of grasping economic construction and high-quality development, accurately grasp the focus of economic work, further clarify goals and tasks, refine work measures, strengthen monitoring and dispatching, and improve statistical capabilities, continue to grasp the high-quality development of key industries such as industry, agriculture, and construction, and promote the effective improvement of economic quality and reasonable growth in quantity, and ensure the completion of various economic development goals and tasks.

First, we must focus on the manufacturing industry. We must speed up the sorting out of industrial classification and development direction, formulate development strategies, grasp the key to developing new quality productivity, expand and strengthen the leading industry of green building materials, accelerate the construction of Changgang Public Comprehensive Wharf (Phase I), strengthen the service guidance of industrial enterprises above designated size, enterprises above designated size, and port wharf enterprises, continue to do a good job in industrial cooperation, accelerate the promotion of quality and efficiency improvement of Fengkai Park in Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), plan and promote the construction of Nanfeng Industrial Agglomeration Park, and improve the level of manufacturing development. We must focus on the field of construction and building materials, strengthen analysis and judgment, strengthen work coordination, and pay close attention to the taxation and return of output value in the construction industry, and promote the stable and healthy development of the construction industry and real estate industry.

Second, we must focus on extending and strengthening the agricultural chain. We will accelerate the implementation of key agricultural projects, develop characteristic agriculture according to local conditions, do a good job in the work of enterprises above designated size meeting the standards and statistics, focus on extending, supplementing and strengthening the agricultural industry chain, vigorously develop deep processing of agricultural products, accelerate the filling of the gaps in cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural and sideline products, promote the provincial modern agricultural industrial park of Xinghua Chicken (expansion and quality improvement), Yuexiu Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Pig Breeding Integration Project (Phase I) and Huangshanghuang Zhaoqing Meat Processing Center Project to put into production and reach full capacity, make every effort to ensure the construction of Yuexiu Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Project (Phase II), continue to expand the project capacity, effectively expand agricultural increments, and promote high value-added development.

Third, we must focus on consumption upgrading. We will focus on expanding domestic demand, deeply tap consumption potential, vigorously develop the cultural tourism industry based on resource advantages, plan to build the Guangxin Tower-Jiangkouzui "Two Rivers and Three Banks" urban leisure life circle, focus on building the overall pattern of "one street, one circle, and one center" in Nanfeng, explore and develop more "night economy" consumption scenarios, encourage the development of "home appliances going to the countryside" and "new energy vehicles going to the countryside" and other activities, stimulate the consumption potential of urban and rural residents, promote the upgrading of consumption levels, and effectively play the role of consumption in driving economic development. The county statistics bureau should do a good job in business training, strengthen the interpretation of tax policies, encourage catering, accommodation and other enterprises to seize online dividends, expand business layout and enhance benefits, and at the same time guide enterprises to do a good job in the work of being included in the regulations and databases, and ensure that all qualified enterprises should be included and reported.

Fourth, we must focus on project construction. We must insist on making industrial development the top priority of the "Hundred Million Project", accelerate the construction of the "Hundred Million Project" projects, and form more perceptible and tangible creation results. We should plan and reserve a batch of projects with high quality that lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, optimize the structure, and increase stamina, make good use of the newly added bond funds in advance, and strive to promote the construction of infrastructure for the integration of the three industries in the three northern towns, the construction of supporting facilities in the Fengkai Park of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), and other projects, continue to optimize the business environment, and help our county's fixed asset investment grow steadily.

Fifth, we must focus on the implementation of industrial investment. We must firmly establish the idea of ​​"one chess game" and accelerate the formation of a large investment promotion pattern led by county leaders, coordinated by various industry departments, towns (streets) and social forces. We should carefully plan investment promotion work, focus on upstream and downstream enterprises in the "dominant + characteristic" industrial chain such as green building materials, modern agriculture, cultural tourism and health care, and green energy, strengthen collaborative innovation and industrial collaboration, increase investment attraction efforts, ensure the supply of all factors for the investment projects of the introduced enterprises, and help enterprises to start production and reach full capacity on schedule.

Qiu Canhui stressed that the whole county should adhere to the overall planning and coordinated advancement, anchor the primary task of high-quality development, focus on the current status of county industrial development, accelerate the construction of green building materials and Guangdong-Guangxi Fengkai Park, expand and strengthen the "one pig, one chicken, three trees" and Liandu goat industries, and develop calcium-based new materials, drinking water and other industries at a steady pace. The construction of industrial platforms and industrial leaps will promote the economy to continue to recover and improve, and help Fengkai's economic work improve quality and efficiency. 

County leaders Wei Xiankang, Deng Dongyao, Yang Junfeng, Li Yanyu, Lu Ke, Lu Liutian, He Xianghui and others attended the meeting.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

看一篇四会1993年的文章《把握機會 建設新四會》





《把握機會 建設新四會》







四是要加速第三產業發展,推動我市的現代化建設。本市已將發展第三產業擺上可議程,但目前的檔次不高,結構不夠合理,未能形成自己的特色優勢。今後;我們要積極發展第三產業,要以抓一二產業的勁頭去抓第三產業的發展,力爭今年內有新的突破。初步-計畫今年第三級產業總產值達4億元以上,就業人數達5萬人以上。著重抓好三個面向:①大力發展旅遊業,我們要藉毗鄰鼎湖、星湖的優勢、積極抓好我市貞山旅遊區和江林旅遊湖的建設和配套工程,盡快開通貞山至鼎湖亠級水坭公路,縮短與鼎湖、星湖、萬有森林公園及北嶺山度假村的距離,使之形成旅遊網絡,實現亠業興百業旺。 ②努力培育市場,推動商貿、物資、供銷業的發展。要以推進市場建設及市場發育為突破口,培育載體,壯大市場。今年內要建成多個綜合批發市場和多家大型高級飯店和商場。 ③要因勢利導,積極扶持個體私工商業的發展,力爭今年個體工商戶達到1.5萬戶以私營企業和私營企業公司突破戶。 ④要重視發展金融、保險、資訊等新興產業,使本市第三產業結構趨於合理,適應國民經濟全面發展的需要。




Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


China Sihui Jade From TianGuangXu to the City That Never Sleeps

 China Sihui Jade From TianGuangXu to the City That Never Sleeps

Southern News Network 2020-08-21 15:19

The weather after the typhoon was particularly quiet, but a city under the night sky still exuded steaming heat.

At 1:15 am on August 20, 2020, a Douyin live broadcast room named "Shilipai Jade" was still in full swing. The female anchor was measuring the thickness of the jade Buddha sculpture with a cursor scale in front of the camera, while introducing the meaning of the Buddha sculpture. The barrage under the live broadcast room kept popping up, discussing the workmanship and texture of the goods.

The live broadcast room is located in Sihui City, the "Hometown of Chinese Jade". More than 70% of the jade pendants and ornaments in the country are made by Sihui jade craftsmen. Today, Sihui is also at the forefront of the industry in the "new track" of online live broadcasting, occupying the top position in jewelry live broadcast sales on multiple platforms, and is known as the "Chinese Jade Live Broadcast Capital" in the industry. Sihui Jade has 3 million visitors a day, with daily sales of nearly 30 million yuan, accounting for about 60% of the city's total jade sales.

By seizing the new opportunities of e-commerce live streaming, Sihui has opened up a distinctive development path of "online live streaming + jade", and the city's jade industry has continued to develop in the direction of aggregation, service, and high-end.

Embrace change and dare to be the first

"Entrepreneurship is a temperament written in the genes of Sihui's jade industry." Fang Guoying, general manager of Wanxinglong Jade City (hereinafter referred to as "Wanxinglong"), introduced that Sihui has always been at the forefront of every stage of the development of the jade industry and has always embraced change.

Sihui has no jade minerals. Under the historical opportunity, a group of jade craftsmen gathered here and gradually formed family workshops. In the mid-to-late 1990s, under the support and guidance of the local government, jade professional markets gradually took shape, and a number of jade streets and jade cities with a certain scale and grade were built, attracting a large number of merchants to invest and trade.

During this period of rapid development, jade merchants with entrepreneurial spirit spontaneously formed the "Jade Tianguang Market" market. From midnight to dawn, merchants came to purchase jade in an endless stream.

The brave and competitive Sihui jade people made a name for themselves throughout the country and even the world. Sihui Jade Market gradually became a well-known jade product sales distribution center and the largest jadeite wholesale market in Guangdong. In 2003, Sihui City was awarded the title of "China Jade Hometown", and Yucheng became the city abbreviation of Sihui City.

Grassroots entrepreneurship has its vibrant and progressive side, but naturally it also has its disorderly and chaotic side. Entering the second decade of the new century, some merchants have problems such as dishonest management and false price reporting, which hindered the development of Sihui's jade industry.

In 2013, a group of Sihui jade markets represented by Wanxinglong bravely took the first step to reverse the industry's malpractice. Through the party members' leading by example, they took the lead in promising "all A-grade products, 10 times compensation for fakes" nationwide, eliminating the problem of selling inferior products as good ones from the root, which hindered the development of the industry.

In the first half of this year, e-commerce live broadcast ushered in a period of great explosion. Jewelry live broadcast has come into the public's view from a little-known corner. Sihui jade live broadcast has been repeatedly exposed in the mainstream financial circle and has become an indispensable part of various e-commerce live broadcast platforms. The "Chinese Jade Town" has ushered in the revival of development.

All this seems sudden, but behind it is still the efforts of Sihui jade people who seek innovation and change.

Around 2015, affected by the economic environment, sales of many traditional jade stores in Sihui began to tighten. Some people held on, while others thought about change. From the initial "micro-business" sales to the market "walking broadcast", many new faces holding mobile phones entered the store, bringing new sales methods and new vitality.

While other jade markets are still driving away anchors because of the "newness" of online live broadcasting, live broadcast rooms have been built one after another in Sihui. The live broadcast rooms that are still brightly lit until late at night echo the Tianguang Market that never stops day and night. Now, in addition to jade merchants, there are also young people who are heading straight for the wind.

The development of new formats requires the help of new industry forces. In recent years, the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have successively signed cooperation agreements with Taobao,, Duizhuang, YY, Kuaishou and other platforms. In June this year, the Sihui LIVE Live Broadcast Base (hereinafter referred to as the "LIVE Live Broadcast Base") built in cooperation with Douyin was officially put into operation. In the months since its construction, the base has more than 300 merchants settled in, and there are more than 500 active live broadcast accounts. The activity of the local live broadcast industry can be seen.

Once again, Sihui has "been the first to taste the soup" of the new stage of jade development.

A city where young people pursue their dreams

Usually, we can't see the anchor's face in the jewelry live broadcast room. The camera focuses on the goods displayed in the anchor's hands, and behind the camera are young and energetic faces.

"Earrings represent listening to the voice of love for a lifetime. This pair of fluorescent earrings is very suitable as a token of love." Xin Yang, who is working hard to recommend goods in front of the camera, is an anchor under the Shilipai Company. She is just 25 years old this year and has lived in Shanghai, Yunnan, Myanmar and other places. In the end, she chose to stay in Sihui and become a jade anchor.

"If you want to use one word to describe Sihui, it would be 'steaming'." Xin Yang said that she is a person who dares to challenge herself and try new things. When she first arrived in Sihui, she was infected by the vitality of the city. In Tianguang Market, there are merchants coming and going 24 hours a day. Everyone is walking in a hurry, with a firm and hopeful look in their eyes. "People always have to go to a place where they can realize their dreams. For me, that place is Sihui."

After the completion of the LIVE live broadcast base, Xinyang began her live broadcast career. Having had experience in e-commerce, she quickly got on the right track and recommended carefully selected goods to fans in the live broadcast room every day. "The live broadcast of jade is full of imagination. Just like everyone in this city, every stone has its own story." Xinyang said.

"Xinxin, I am doing jade live broadcast in Sihui, why don't you help me?" Because of a friend's words, Zhang Xinxin came to Sihui from afar. This young "post-90s" has the unique boldness and decisiveness of Shandong girls.

Sihui, as described by friends, is inclusive and full of opportunities. Zhang Xinxin's work and life in the past few months have also confirmed that her friends' words are not "false propaganda". The anchors never cherish their own things, often exchange live broadcast skills, and ask the owners for jade knowledge and teach them everything they know. Zhang Xinxin, who has never been involved in the live broadcast industry, quickly mastered the basic skills required by anchors.

"Companies, bases and even government departments often organize training courses for anchors every month. Here, as long as you work hard, there is no career that cannot be accomplished." Zhang Xinxin said.

Zhang Xinxin came to Sihui with her schoolmate Liu Wenhao. This young man who just graduated had just failed the postgraduate entrance examination and had a small amount of debt for some reasons. After working as an anchor in the "Imagination" jewelry live broadcast room for several months, he has solved his financial problems.

Liu Wenhao only understood the challenges when he really started his work as an anchor. There must not be any "empty microphone" during the seven to eight hours of live broadcast. When he first started live broadcasting, he stumbled and spoke incoherently like many people. The live broadcast team gave newcomers enough tolerance and support. When they went off the air, they would not blame him, but would evaluate the live broadcast situation of the day in detail. Although there was no severe criticism, the team's detailed review virtually drove him to self-pressure and grow rapidly.

"There are few industries like jade live broadcasting that can help a young person who has just entered the society to quickly gain a foothold. The work pace here is fast and the pressure is high, which is why everyone is full of motivation." Liu Wenhao said.

The "slow work" of fast live broadcasting

When talking about what qualities an excellent anchor needs to have, in addition to the qualities generally required in the live broadcasting industry such as service spirit and communication skills, the most mentioned by jade anchors is continuous learning.

"For general fast-moving consumer goods, live broadcast sales do not need to consider too much trust and issues involving consumer decisions, but due to the non-standardization and high unit price of jade pendants, customers will consider the professionalism of the anchor, the detailed characteristics of the goods, the sales scene, the service system and other aspects before purchasing." He Peng, who has been working in the live broadcasting industry since 2015, summarized it this way. He is one of the merchants settled in the LIVE live broadcast base, and also serves as an anchor in his own "He Peng Jewelry" live broadcast room.

He introduced that jewelry live broadcast rooms mostly use equipment with high color reproduction for shooting, and at the same time display as many goods as possible. On this basis, it is necessary to introduce the goods in more dimensions, which requires the anchor to have a deep enough understanding of jade knowledge and culture.

"When customers recognize you and trust you, they will place orders with you. At the same time, the repurchase rate of jade is much higher than that of other goods." He Peng said that jewelry anchors will manage every fan carefully and become friends with them. The platform utilization rate and conversion rate of jewelry live broadcast rooms are also much higher than other live broadcasts with goods. A live broadcast with thousands of people can reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of sales.

If the "skills" of doing a good job in online live broadcasting are beyond live broadcasting, it takes time to slowly polish, then promoting the development of the live broadcast industry is the same.

"Not only in the jade industry, Sihui Jade is also a 'head player' under the large category of arts and crafts live broadcasts." Yu Hangchong, the person in charge of the operation of the LIVE live broadcast base, introduced that among the same type of industrial clusters, Sihui has a complete industrial chain from raw material processing to wholesale and retail, with hundreds of thousands of employees, and has a very good foundation for industrial development.

On this basis, Sihui has empowered the local jade industry by cooperating with various live broadcast platforms. Taking the LIVE live broadcast base as an example, the base is equipped with a supply chain area, an integrated center integrating testing, logistics, and warehousing, and provides high-quality anchor and operation training courses, as well as comprehensive after-sales services for a long time.

The relevant person in charge of the Sihui jade industry said that through cooperation with the platform, Sihui will not only open up the sales market for jade products, but also promote the development of multiple categories of colored gems and precious metal products, and further extend and expand the development chain of the jade industry. The prosperous development of the jade live broadcast industry will gather merchants, talents and capital from various industrial bases across the country to enter Sihui, not limited to the jade industry. In the future, Sihui will be built into a headquarters-type, service-type, and application-type e-commerce cluster.

At the same time, Sihui will make every effort to promote the deep integration of the jade live broadcast industry and the tourism industry, develop the jade mall and jade live broadcast base into Sihui's popular tourist check-in points, further polish the golden signboard of "China's Jade Hometown", and make every effort to create a provincial full-domain tourism demonstration zone. This will be a long-term and systematic project.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


The research team of Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China, conducted a special research on industrial investment and park construction

The research team of Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, China, conducted a special research on industrial investment and park construction

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-25 23:14 Guangdong, China

On June 24, 2024, Zhang Haolong, Secretary of the Duanzhou District Committee, led a team to Shuanglong Provincial Economic Development Zone to conduct a special research on industrial investment and park construction, and held a special work meeting to thoroughly study and implement the important speech and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, focusing on the implementation of the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", and studying and promoting the implementation of industrial investment and park planning and construction. It emphasized the need to speed up the improvement of park infrastructure, enhance the efficiency of serving enterprises, accurately carry out "leading + characteristic" industrial investment, promote the acceleration of project construction and early production, and provide new momentum for promoting the high-quality development of Duanzhou's economy.

Zhang Haolong and his team learned about the construction of the Shuanglong Park Sewage Treatment Plant.

The research team visited Shuanglong South Road, Fushiya Thermal Energy Equipment Project, Shuanglong Park Sewage Treatment Plant, Jingsheng Intelligent Equipment Project and other sites in succession, and learned about the progress of project construction in detail, and coordinated on-site to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of project promotion. At the special work meeting, Zhang Haolong listened to the work reports of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, District Investment Promotion Center, District Sanrong Industrial Park Management Committee, District Party Committee Organization Department and other departments on the industrial development, investment promotion, management mechanism and other aspects of the park, and conducted research on the promotion of the next step of work and put forward specific work suggestions.

The research team emphasized

It is necessary to rely on the original industrial foundation, aim at the industrial development trend, clarify the main direction and tasks, and accelerate the development of leading industries such as electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, and special industries such as new materials, food and beverages.

It is necessary to clarify the focus and direction of investment promotion, focus on the key links of "strengthening, extending and supplementing the chain", comprehensively sort out the target enterprises of the industrial chain, continuously optimize and improve the investment map of the leading industry, actively implement map-based investment promotion, knock on the door investment promotion, and targeted investment promotion, so as to attract large and strong enterprises, select the best and accelerate the promotion of a good situation of continuous and rolling development of projects.

We should focus on the principles of industrial agglomeration and benefit priority, build a park development pattern with intensive land use, reasonable layout and coordinated functions, further improve the level of industrial intensiveness in the park, promote the park to improve quality, expand quantity and increase efficiency, solidly promote the digitalization, intelligence and green transformation of industrial parks, strengthen the overall guarantee of talent, capital and other factor resources, continuously optimize the business environment, deepen the implementation of the "general battle" for manufacturing project construction, and continue to provide services for the whole process of project construction and enterprise development.

We should continuously optimize and improve the management mechanism of Shuanglong Provincial Economic Development Zone, further streamline the organizational structure and operation mechanism, clarify personnel responsibilities and service functions, ensure the efficient operation of institutions, provide more professional and efficient services for park enterprises, and help more high-quality enterprises grow and develop in the park.

Duanzhou District Bureau of Commerce

Address: No.15, Guta Middle Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2734786

Fax: 86-758-2762300


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2899202

Fax: 86-758-2282600


Monday, June 24, 2024

A delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited Zhaoqing

A delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited Zhaoqing

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2024-06-21 10:41 Guangdong, China

From June 18 to 19, 2024, a delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati, led by the leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Kiribati, Tabua Lokoto, visited Zhaoqing for exchanges. David Thiabo, Kiribati's ambassador to China, Yu Xueyong, counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Zhou Jijun, a first-level researcher of the Friendship Office of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, accompanied them on the visit. Wu Ding, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, Zou Xiaoling, Director of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, and Chen Jianhua, Director of the Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, attended the relevant activities.

On behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Wu Ding welcomed the delegation's visit to Zhaoqing and introduced the economic and social development and religious situation in Zhaoqing. She said that the friendship between China and Kiribati has a long history. Zhaoqing, as a friendly exchange city of Kiribati, firmly implements the important instructions of President Xi Jinping and the diplomatic policy of the Chinese government, implements the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries with practical actions, actively carries out pragmatic cooperation with Kiribati, and establishes a deep friendship across mountains and seas with the people of Kiribati. Zhaoqing is an open, inclusive and harmoniously developed city. It is hoped that the two sides will use religious exchanges as a bridge to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, enhance understanding and mutual trust, and jointly promote the friendly relations between China and Kiribati to a new level.

The delegation expressed gratitude to Zhaoqing for actively carrying out exchanges, cooperation and aid work with Kiribati. During their stay in Zhaoqing, the delegation visited the Zhaoqing Museum, the ancient city wall, the Qixingyan Scenic Area and the Qingyun Temple of Dinghushan. They were amazed by Zhaoqing's profound historical and cultural heritage, beautiful ecological environment and economic development achievements. They believed that this visit deeply felt China's development vitality and cultural charm, the pragmatism of the government and the enthusiasm of the people, and the friendly friendship of being at home. They hoped to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation and further promote the win-win development of the two places.

The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Zhaoqing Museum

▲The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Zhaoqing Museum

The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the ancient city wall

▲The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the ancient city wall

The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Qixingyan Scenic Area

▲The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Qixingyan Scenic Area

The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Qingyun Temple

▲The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Qingyun Temple

The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Baoding Garden in Dinghushan

▲The delegation of religious leaders from Kiribati visited the Baoding Garden in Dinghushan

It is reported that Zhaoqing has actively carried out exchanges and cooperation with Kiribati in recent years, and has achieved fruitful results in jointly fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting Kiribati to improve people's livelihood, develop the economy, and promote cultural exchanges between the two sides. On April 27 this year, the Tarawa Youth Park in Kiribati, built with assistance from Zhaoqing City, was officially opened to the public. It has become a new landmark leisure center in Kiribati and a flagship project of China-Kiribati friendly cooperation, and has written a new chapter in the friendly relations between China and Kiribati.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Das Guangning-Inspektionsteam reiste in die Stadt Dongguan, um Investitionsförderungsmaßnahmen durchzuführen!

Das Guangning-Inspektionsteam reiste in die Stadt Dongguan, um Investitionsförderungsmaßnahmen durchzuführen!

Investieren Sie in Zhaoqing 24.06.2024 23:37 Guangdong

Kürzlich reiste das Inspektionsteam von Guangning in die Stadt Dongguan, um Investitionsförderungsmaßnahmen durchzuführen.

Besuche bei wichtigen Dorfweisen und Vertretern der Handelskammer

Am 21. Juni 2024 führte Chen Chaochang, Sekretär des Parteikomitees des Kreises Guangning, ein Inspektionsteam in die Stadt Dongguan, um Besuche zur Investitionsförderung durchzuführen. Das Inspektionsteam kam zur Guangzhou Guangning Tea Chamber of Commerce, um wichtige Dorfgelehrte und Vertreter der Handelskammer zu besuchen und an einem Symposium teilzunehmen.

Auf dem Symposium stellte Chen Chaochang ausführlich die wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung und die zukünftigen Entwicklungspläne des Landkreises Guangning in den letzten Jahren vor, insbesondere das Entwicklungspotenzial und die politische Unterstützung der Teeindustrie von Guangning. Vertreter der Gemeinde erkannten die Entwicklungsaussichten von Guangning sehr an und sagten Mehrere Vertreter der Handelskammer waren bereit, sich aktiv am Aufbau und der Entwicklung von Guangning zu beteiligen und diese zu unterstützen. Sie teilten ihre erfolgreichen Erfahrungen in der Teeindustrie und einzigartige Einblicke in die Marktaussichten und lieferten wertvolle Hinweise für die Entwicklung der Guangning-Teeindustrie. Beide Parteien brachten außerdem wertvolle Meinungen und Vorschläge dazu ein, wie die Rolle der Handelskammer noch stärker genutzt und die Zusammenarbeit mit Quang Ninh gestärkt werden kann. Später besuchten sie auch Bainian Shangpu Tea Co., Ltd. und besichtigten in Begleitung des Unternehmensleiters die Teeverarbeitungswerkstatt, die Verpackungswerkstatt und die Produktausstellungshalle.

Besuchen Sie Unternehmen, um nach weiteren Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu suchen

Am Nachmittag desselben Tages besuchte das Inspektionsteam Dongguan Kaicheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Das Inspektionsteam besuchte die Produktionswerkstatt und das Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum des Unternehmens, um mehr über die Abläufe des Unternehmens und die Ergebnisse der technologischen Innovation zu erfahren.

Auf dem Symposium tauschten sich die beiden Parteien ausführlich über die Umsetzung des investierten und gebauten umfassenden Nutzungsprojekts für grünen Bambus aus. Das Unternehmen erklärte, dass es die Vorarbeiten des Projekts beschleunigen werde, um sicherzustellen, dass es rechtzeitig vorangetrieben werde. Chen Chaochang sagte, dass relevante Einheiten wie die Bezirksregierung effektiv Dienstleistungen erbringen, Landnutzungs-, Genehmigungs- und andere Einschränkungen so schnell wie möglich koordinieren und lösen, die Landübertragung beschleunigen, den schnellen Bau und die Inbetriebnahme von Projekten vorantreiben und weitere Auffüllungen durchführen sollten. Stärkung und Erweiterung der Kette. Aktivieren Sie den Agglomerationseffekt der Bambusindustrie im Landkreis Guangning.



肇慶市への投資 2024-06-24 23:37 広東省、中国









L'équipe d'inspection du comté de Guangning, en Chine, s'est rendue dans la ville de Dongguan pour mener des activités de promotion des investissements !

Investir à Zhaoqing 2024-06-24 23:37 Guangdong, Chine

Récemment, l'équipe d'inspection de Guangning s'est rendue dans la ville de Dongguan pour mener des activités de promotion des investissements.

Visites avec d'importants sages du village et des représentants de la chambre de commerce

Le 21 juin 2024, Chen Chaochang, secrétaire du Comité du Parti du comté de Guangning, a dirigé une équipe d'inspection dans la ville de Dongguan pour effectuer des visites de promotion des investissements. L'équipe d'inspection s'est rendue à la Chambre de commerce du thé de Guangzhou Guangning pour rendre visite à d'importants sages du village et aux représentants de la chambre de commerce et participer à un symposium.

Lors du symposium, Chen Chaochang a présenté en détail les plans de développement économique et social et de développement futur du comté de Guangning au cours des dernières années, en particulier le potentiel de développement et le soutien politique de l'industrie du thé de Guangning. Les représentants de la municipalité ont hautement reconnu les perspectives de développement de Guangning et ont déclaré. Désireux de participer activement et de soutenir la construction et le développement de Guangning, plusieurs représentants de la chambre de commerce ont partagé leurs expériences réussies dans l'industrie du thé et leurs perspectives uniques sur les perspectives du marché, fournissant ainsi une référence précieuse pour le développement de l'industrie du thé de Guangning. Les deux parties ont également présenté des opinions et des suggestions précieuses sur la manière de tirer davantage parti du rôle de la Chambre de commerce et de renforcer la coopération avec Quang Ninh. Plus tard, ils ont également visité Bainian Shangpu Tea Co., Ltd. et, accompagnés du responsable de l'entreprise, ils ont visité l'atelier de transformation du thé, l'atelier d'emballage et la salle d'exposition de produits.

Visiter les entreprises pour rechercher davantage d'opportunités de développement

Dans l'après-midi du même jour, l'équipe d'inspection a visité Dongguan Kaicheng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. L'équipe d'inspection a visité l'atelier de production et le centre de R&D de l'entreprise pour en savoir plus sur les opérations de l'entreprise et les résultats de l'innovation technologique.

Lors du symposium, les deux parties ont eu des échanges approfondis sur la mise en œuvre du projet d'utilisation globale du bambou vert investi et construit. L'entreprise a déclaré qu'elle accélérerait les travaux préliminaires du projet pour garantir qu'il soit promu à temps. Chen Chaochang a déclaré que les unités concernées telles que le gouvernement du comté devraient fournir efficacement des services, coordonner et résoudre dès que possible l'utilisation des terres, l'approbation et d'autres contraintes, accélérer le transfert de terres, inciter les projets à être construits et mis en production rapidement et à se reconstituer davantage. renforcer et étendre la chaîne. Activer l'effet d'agglomération de l'industrie du bambou dans le comté de Guangning.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Chine – Zone économique de la vallée du Xijiang de Zhaoqing

Chine – Zone économique de la vallée du Xijiang de Zhaoqing

Y compris : le district de Dinghu de la ville de Zhaoqing, le nouveau district de Zhaoqing, la ville de Dasha de la ville de Sihui, la rue Dawang de la ville de Sihui, la ville de Jinli, la ville de Xianggang, la ville de Baitu, la ville de Jindu et la ville de Huilong du district de Gaoyao. Ces villes sont situées dans la zone économique de la vallée du fleuve Xijiang. Il s'agit d'une zone plate située le long du fleuve Xijiang et dotée d'un énorme potentiel de développement économique.

La longueur de l'ensemble de la zone économique de la vallée du fleuve Xijiang est d'environ 40 kilomètres, soit environ 600 kilomètres carrés. La plupart des terres n'ont pas encore été ouvertes au public et la valeur des terres est parmi les moins chères du Guangdong.

La zone économique de la vallée du Xijiang de Zhaoqing est loin de la zone centrale du delta de la rivière des Perles. L'environnement est donc plutôt magnifique.

Les forêts, les rivières, l'air pur vous procurent une totale sensation de liberté.

La zone économique prend comme modèle la vallée de Santa Clara en Californie.

Les domaines d'attraction des investissements sont les suivants : Internet, les jeux, les véhicules électriques à nouvelles énergies, l'industrie des technologies de l'information et l'industrie des technologies électroniques.

Nous espérons que grâce à la publicité, des entreprises du monde entier viendront à Zhaoqing pour inspecter l'environnement.

La zone économique de la vallée du fleuve Xijiang répond parfaitement aux exigences des étrangers en matière d’environnement de bureau détendu et libre et d’un magnifique environnement naturel.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

中国 - 肇慶市西江渓谷経済区

中国 - 肇慶市西江渓谷経済区









Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)







該經濟帶向加州的Santa Clara Valley作為學習典範。




Benefits and catering solutions for foreigners to start businesses in Zhaoqing New District, Dasha Town, Sihui, Jinli Town, Gaoyao and Xian'gang Town.

Benefits and catering solutions for foreigners to start businesses in Zhaoqing New District, Dasha Town, Sihui, Jinli Town, Gaoyao and Xian'gang Town.

Xijiang River Valley
Xijiang River Valley

These towns (areas) are all open plains in Zhaoqing, located along the Xijiang River Valley.

The air is fresh and the environment is beautiful. Zhaoqing has excellent air quality, and its air quality has long been ranked first in Guangdong. There is no trouble from big cities, which is very suitable for R&D companies to settle in. For example, software, games, and the Internet. This place is like Santa Clara Valley in the United States.

It can be said that this is Santa Clara Valley in China.

There is no need to worry about catering problems for foreigners. Because Sihui City, Dawang High-tech Zone, Jinli Town, and Duanzhou District all have mature commercial facilities. There are McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut to meet the catering needs of all foreigners. Foreigners come to Zhaoqing and don't have to worry about not being able to get used to local food. Because as early as more than a decade ago, there were many Western fast food restaurants operating in Sihui City, Duanzhou District, and Jinli Town. The convenience of life is no different from that in big cities such as New York, London, Hong Kong, and Guangzhou.

The convenience of life is very good. It is as convenient as living in Silicon Valley, California.

Moreover, Zhaoqing is among the best in the country in terms of cleanliness, hygiene and civilization. In Zhaoqing, there is no need to worry about personal safety or food safety.

Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, lived in Sihui for fifteen years, and no one could murder him. Zhaoqing people are a kind and friendly nation. The credit level and contract fulfillment level are ranked in the top 20 in China.

Moreover, Zhaoqing and Sihui are secular societies, without religious beliefs or racial issues.

Zhaoqing is very safe, and there are basically no homeless people or drug addicts on the streets. There is no possibility of robbery.

When the Japanese invaded China, it was not occupied until 1944.

During the SARS epidemic, no one in Zhaoqing was infected.

During the coronavirus epidemic, it was only tense for two months, and everything was normal the rest of the time.

The backwardness of Zhaoqing lies in the backwardness of its industrial economy and location conditions, so the locals are relatively poor, but their ideology is very advanced and they are willing to accept foreigners and new foreign things. As early as hundreds of years ago, Italian Matteo Ricci lived in Zhaoqing for more than ten years. As early as more than 100 years ago, Zhaoqing people went to Southeast Asia to make a living. Zhaoqing's location conditions restricted its economic development. Therefore, industrial development is not ideal. With the construction of the new airport and the development of new industries, the new industries in the future will not have too high requirements for land. The Internet industry, game production industry, and software industry can also be developed with slightly worse location conditions.

In Zhaoqing, there are Zhaoqing College (Xijiang University), Guangzhou Huashang College, Guangdong Polytechnic College, and Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. There are still talents, but the quality is not as high as that in the United States.

Zhaoqing is a civilized place.

Merchants from all over the world are welcome to come and inspect. Entrepreneurs in Santa Clara Valley are welcome to come to Zhaoqing for inspection.

The Xijiang River Valley in Zhaoqing City is a good place for entrepreneurship, similar to Silicon Valley in California.

Zhaoqing wants to integrate into the world, into civilization, and into prosperity.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845   (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Economic development moves forward in waves. Squatting is to jump higher.

Economic development moves forward in waves. Squatting is to jump higher.

Economic development moves forward in waves. Squatting is to jump higher.


Good hardware, made by Jinli! The 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo is coming soon

Good hardware, made by Jinli! The 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo is coming soon

Gaoyao release 2024-06-19 22:37 Guangdong, China

Last year in 2023, the first Jinli International Hardware Expo and the first China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo were successfully held, which built a big stage for the smooth flow of goods and win-win cooperation for hardware companies and merchants, allowing more people to see "Good Hardware·Jinli Made".

From July 9 to 11, 2024, the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo will continue to be held in the Guangdong Jinli Hardware Smart Manufacturing Town in Jinli High-tech Zone, Zhaoqing, to help hardware companies and merchants strengthen trade cooperation and open up a broad market.

Guangdong Jinli Hardware Smart Manufacturing Town in Jinli High-tech Zone, Zhaoqing

▲ Jinli Hardware Smart Manufacturing Town. 

At present, many hardware companies in Jinli Town are carefully preparing for the exhibition, seizing opportunities, seizing the market, and achieving new breakthroughs and new developments.

Today, let's take a look at how Jinli Hardware Enterprise is preparing to "show its prowess" at the exhibition!

Good hardware, made by Jinli!

At Guangdong Jinlian'an Technology Co., Ltd., the machines in the production workshop are rumbling, and the production of door closers is carried out in an orderly manner on various semi-automated production lines.

It is understood that the company has 5 production lines with an average monthly output of more than 400,000.

Guangdong Jinlian'an Technology Co

Guangdong Jinlian'an Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the production and sales of high-end door control hardware, glass door hardware and other hardware products. The company strives for excellence in product quality control. The door closers it produces have a stable structure and have undergone at least 300,000 or even 900,000 life tests. They operate smoothly and flexibly, and are mainly sold to overseas markets such as Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and are deeply favored by customers. At present, the company is actively exploring the European and American markets. The arrival of the Second China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo has made the company excited, carefully preparing exhibits and fully welcoming the "exhibition at home".

Guangdong Jinlian'an Technology Co

Li Zongye, business manager of Guangdong Jinlianan Technology Co., Ltd., revealed that in addition to conventional door closers, the company has developed several new products this year, which will be unveiled at the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo. "Last year, we participated in the first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo, and many customers came to consult and purchase, with good results. I am very grateful to the Party Committee and Government of Gaoyao District for building such a platform for enterprises. This year, after learning that the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo will be held, we signed up for it as soon as possible. We hope that through the exhibition, more buyers will understand the company's products and bring more orders to the company." Li Zongye said.

Also attracting many new domestic and foreign customers through the Construction Expo platform is one of Jinli's local hardware companies that started intelligent layout earlier-Guangdong Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which integrates design, research and development, production and sales.

Guangdong Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Precision Manufacturing

Guangdong Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has an annual production capacity of 150 million hinges, and its products are sold to more than 30 provinces in China and more than 130 countries and regions around the world. From pursuing quality to surpassing European and American standard quality, the company has been constantly changing, continuously working on new product research and development, and striving to open up a larger market. It is understood that "Xiangxing Hardware" will bring a number of new products to participate in the Second China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo.

Guangdong Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Precision Manufacturing

"The company invests about 10 million yuan each year in product research and development and production equipment upgrades, and product production is benchmarked against EU standards. At the upcoming Second China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo, the company plans to exhibit three categories of products: hinges, slides and rebounders." Wu Tianqing, marketing manager of Guangdong Jinli Xiangxing Hardware Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd., told reporters.

In recent years, the Party Committee and government of Gaoyao District have strongly supported and promoted the high-quality development of Jinli's hardware industry, actively integrated the resources of hardware companies, and jointly created the "golden business card" of "good hardware·Jinli made". Enterprises have gone overseas and formed groups to enter the market. The domestic and foreign markets have been continuously expanded and the order volume has continued to increase. In June this year, "Xiangxing Hardware" launched the second phase of the capital increase and expansion project. The new plant is expected to be completed and put into use in October next year, and the production capacity will be increased by about 50% after it is put into production.


"This year, Gaoyao will hold the Hardware Construction Expo again, which will bring more convenience to hardware companies and allow us to display our products at our doorstep. Companies will take advantage of this opportunity to drive more customers to have a deeper understanding of Jinli hardware products and their production processes, and further enhance the regional brand awareness of 'Good Hardware Jinli Made'." Wu Tianqing said.

It is understood that Jinli Town has a complete hardware industry chain, with products covering more than 300 categories and more than 2,000 types. The first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo was successfully held from July 9 to 11, 2023, creating a unique and splendid "Hardware Carnival", which has won wide acclaim and recognition from all walks of life in the industry.

At the first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo, exhibitors showed hardware products to customers

At the first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo, exhibitors showed hardware products to customers

At the first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo, exhibitors showed hardware products to customers

▲ At the first China (Jinli) Hardware Construction Expo, exhibitors showed hardware products to customers

Taking advantage of this favorable wind, Gaoyao once again held the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo in Zhaoqing Jinli High-tech Zone this year, creating a high-quality business environment with high-quality services, strengthening publicity and promotion with greater efforts, further polishing "Good Hardware·Jinli Made", and enhancing the lasting driving force for high-quality development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738



Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing production is continuously produced 24 hours a day

Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing product...