Sunday, September 8, 2024

Malaysia-Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Huining Association--會寧公會

 Malaysia-Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Huining Association




A small shoulder bag carries all the belongings, and a chest carries many expectations - a hundred years ago, the Chinese sages set foot in Nanyang, ushering in an era.


Qingyuan Qingxin District CPPCC visits Sihui City, China to inspect high-quality development related work

Qingyuan Qingxin District CPPCC visits Sihui City, China to inspect high-quality development related work

August 16, 2024 11:52 Guangdong, China

On August 15, 2024, Tang Qingwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Qingxin District CPPCC of Qingyuan City, led a team to visit relevant towns, villages and enterprises in our city to conduct on-site inspections on the high-quality development of the "Hundred Million Project" led by party building, exchange experiences and practices, and jointly promote the effectiveness of the "Hundred Million Project".

Su Jinsheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Sihui Municipal CPPCC, and Chen Yusheng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman, accompanied the inspection.

The inspection team visited Guangdong Zhengli Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Wushigang Village, Hongqi Village Committee, Luoyuan Town, and Shizhai Village, Luoyuan Town, a typical village of the "Hundred Million Project"-the Green and Beautiful Demonstration Site of the Ancient Tree Park, etc. for field inspections. Everyone walked and watched, had in-depth exchanges, and learned in detail about the waterfowl processing, pre-prepared food development, and typical village construction in Sihui City.

Qingyuan Qingxin District CPPCC visits Sihui City, China to inspect high-quality development related work

The inspection team spoke highly of the achievements made by Sihui City in high-quality development. They believed that our city has stimulated the endogenous driving force of town and village development by strengthening party building leadership, effectively integrating various resources, and planning to develop characteristic industries, injecting strong vitality into rural revitalization. At the same time, Sihui City has explored an effective experience and practice in the improvement of human settlement environment and green and beautiful ecological construction.

Qingyuan Qingxin District CPPCC visits Sihui City, China to inspect high-quality development related work

Next, we will carefully summarize the good experience and practices of Sihui, combine the actual development of Qingxin District, formulate more specific, scientific and effective measures and methods, and strive to promote the "Hundred Million Project" to take root and bear fruit in Qingxin District. At the same time, we also hope that the CPPCCs of the two places will strengthen communication and exchanges, broaden their work ideas, jointly explore new paths for rural revitalization, and promote the "Hundred Million Project" to go deeper and more practical with practical actions.

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Longfu Town, Sihui City, China: Strengthening the Town Economy and Drawing a "New Picture" of Rural Revitalization

Longfu Town, Sihui City, China: Strengthening the Town Economy and Drawing a "New Picture" of Rural Revitalization

March 27, 2024 21:21 Guangdong, China

In recent years, Longfu Town, Sihui City has conscientiously implemented the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", adhered to the leadership of party building, focused on the "four major advantages" of regional transportation, investment depression, industrial foundation, and cultural and tourism resources to create a strong town with industrial and commercial characteristics, and made efforts to rush ahead on the new track of "hundreds of millions of projects". On October 20, 2023, Longfu Town was listed in the list of top 1,000 towns in the "2023 National Top 1,000 Town Development Report" released by the Guoxin Small and Medium-sized City Index Research Institute, further encouraging Longfu Town to take the road of strengthening towns and enriching people in the new era.

Focus on improving industrial quality and efficiency

Longfu Town is anchored in the development positioning of building a "10 billion-level industrial town", planning industrial projects around regional characteristics and advantages, and continuously promoting industrial development to shift gears and speed up.

In 2023, the town will achieve a total industrial output value of 15.765 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.72%; and an industrial added value of 2.757 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. The total industrial economy will continue to grow, and the quality of development will continue to improve.

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park.

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park.

1  New breakthroughs in attracting investment

Firmly establish the awareness of the Greater Bay Area, follow the "leading + characteristic" industrial positioning, actively undertake the industrial spillover of the core cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and change "attracting investment" to "selecting businesses and capital". In 2023, 10 new projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan, such as China Power Construction Energy Storage and Aopu Aluminum, will be introduced, with a planned investment of 2.85 billion yuan. It is expected that the annual output value will reach 3.48 billion yuan after reaching full production, and the annual tax revenue will exceed 120 million yuan.

2 Promote the upgrading of high-quality enterprises

Actively promote the technical transformation and potential tapping, capital increase and expansion of key enterprises such as Dazheng and Nandu, and guide enterprises to increase investment in scientific research and enhance competitiveness. Since 2023, the town's industrial technical transformation investment has reached 210 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 578.21%; corporate R&D expenses have exceeded 190 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%.

3  Vigorously develop green energy industries

Actively develop "fish-light complementary" photovoltaic power generation projects to drive surrounding farmers to develop high-value-added aquaculture and effectively improve the per-mu benefits of fish ponds. At present, Huadian and China Energy Construction have a total investment of about 2.03 billion yuan, with an installed capacity of about 400MW. A total of more than 5,000 acres of land lease contracts have been signed, and it is expected to provide more than 8 million yuan in rental income to the village collective each year. In addition, the introduction of the Keya Environmental Protection Industrial Park project promoted the upgrading and transformation of the Longfu Electroplating Park, effectively freeing up 317 acres of industrial land to develop characteristic industries such as electronic information, advanced equipment manufacturing and metal processing, and realizing the "emptying the cage and replacing the bird" of the industrial platform.

Focus on characteristic industries that enrich the people

We have made solid progress in promoting rural revitalization through Party building, focusing on giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the village committee and party members. All villages have taken the lead in planning large-scale industrial projects, based on their resource endowments to optimize and strengthen the leading agricultural industries, and gradually developed into characteristic agricultural industrial belts such as 10,000 mu aquaculture belt, 5,000 mu fishery and light complementary industrial belt, 2,000 mu flower and seedling planting base, 1,000 mu vegetable planting demonstration base, and 1,000 mu fruit planting park.

Yuyi Aquatic Cooperative, Longfu Town, Sihui City.
▲Yuyi Aquatic Cooperative, Longfu Town, Sihui City.

Agricultural Demonstration Base, Longfu Town, Sihui City.

▲Agricultural Demonstration Base, Longfu Town, Sihui City.

Agricultural Demonstration Base, Longfu Town, Sihui City - Leek Base.
▲Agricultural Demonstration Base, Longfu Town, Sihui City - Leek Base.

At present,

The collective income of the 7 administrative villages in Longfu Town has entered the ranks of "100,000+", among which Yanling Village and Shuikou Village exceed 500,000 yuan, Longtou Village, Yingjiao Village, and Baishitang Village have a collective income of more than 300,000 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the town will exceed 38,000 yuan in 2023.

Longtou Dazhai, Longtou Village, Longfu Town, Sihui City.
▲Longtou Dazhai, Longtou Village, Longfu Town, Sihui City.

1 Vigorously support rural characteristic industries

Carefully plan one village and one product, cultivate leading agricultural enterprises to link farmers and promote villagers' income. Accelerate the construction of the Longtou Village Freshwater Fish Clean Purification Breeding Demonstration Base Project, which can increase the annual income of farmers by 70,000 yuan and the village collective by 50,000 yuan after completion. Yanling Village actively revitalizes the inefficient use of factory buildings by the village collective and introduces a food supply model of deep processing of pre-prepared dishes. After completion, it is expected to increase the village collective economy by more than 200,000 yuan and drive the surrounding farmers to increase their income by more than 100,000 yuan per household. Introduce companies such as Wangtian and Jugu to contract 1,000 acres of land, including abandoned land, to build a vegetable planting base, and use the "company + village collective + farmer" model to drive Longtou, Yitian and other village collectives and more than 480 households to increase their income by about 1.6 million yuan.

2 Promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism

Deeply explore the distinctive cultural heritage of the Sixth Patriarch Zen Buddhism, the Red Revolution, and the clean family style, promote the integrated development of excellent culture and the agricultural, cultural and tourism industries, build a rural tourism demonstration project based on the Lu family of Longtou Dazhai Village, which has a clean family culture of more than 1,100 years, and continue to improve the supporting facilities of the Tianxin Zen Temple (Sixth Patriarch Ancient Temple) scenic area, and create a "golden business card" that combines Longfu rural construction with tourism.

Focus on the construction of beautiful towns

Taking infrastructure construction and public service improvement as the starting point, each village committee actively mobilizes the masses to actively participate in the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", deepens the construction of beautiful towns, and further stimulates the strong momentum of Longfu's high-quality development.

Aerial photography of beautiful villages in Longfu Town, Sihui City.
▲Aerial photography of beautiful villages in Longfu Town, Sihui City.

1 Continue to improve the construction of regional transportation network

Accelerate the construction of the Longfu Interchange of the Second Guang Expressway, promote the upgrading and reconstruction of the Provincial Highway S118 and the construction of Guangyuan Avenue, and dredge the "capillaries" of urban transportation. Deepen the construction of "four good rural roads" and promote integrated construction with industrial parks and tourist attractions. In 2023, 5 "four good rural roads" have been completed, and 23.7 kilometers of dual-lane roads have been connected to administrative villages.

2 Deepen the construction of beautiful and livable villages

In 2023, we will continue to invest 400,000 yuan to renovate and upgrade the facilities of town and village houses, and classify and implement farmhouse renovation based on the characteristic folk culture of each village to continuously improve the living environment. Promote the construction of "four small gardens" in combination with village layout and waste resource utilization, mobilize villagers to plant vegetables, fruits, trees, etc. on idle land in front of and behind houses, use local materials such as discarded tiles, bricks, and wood for fences or landscape shaping, effectively promote the renovation of corners, and give the rural landscape a new look. At present, the town has created more than 130 "four small gardens" to create a beautiful rural landscape from point to surface.

3 Continuously improve the level of public services

Continue to promote the construction of health infrastructure, continuously improve the hardware and software equipment of Longfu Health Center in accordance with the principle of filling in the gaps, comprehensively improve the basic medical and health service capabilities, and plan to initiate the project to acquire land, change the nature of the original site, re-plan and set up outpatient and inpatient rooms, and build a new outpatient and inpatient complex building with an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters and 21 beds.

The 200MW Fishery Photovoltaic Comprehensive Utilization Power Generation Project in Longfu Town, Sihui City Held a Commencement Ceremony

Longfu Town, Sihui City, China: Focus on typical and strong demonstrations and take on the role of hard work to promote the development of "towns"

Professional town for metal resource recycling in Guangdong Province: Longfu Town, Sihui City

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park--Longfu Town, Sihui City, China

Welcome everyone to visit Longfu Town, Sihui City, China!

Longfu Town Investment Promotion Office


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.comEnglish、中文

Seek cooperation together! Leaders of Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China, led a delegation to Hong Kong to promote Gaoyao

Seek cooperation together! Leaders of Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China, led a delegation to Hong Kong to promote Gaoyao

Gaoyao Media August 4, 2024 13:36 Guangdong

In order to further strengthen the liaison and exchanges between Gaoyao and Hong Kong chambers of commerce, give full play to the role of the chamber of commerce as a bridge and link, promote information exchange and resource sharing, and help Gaoyao develop high-quality, from July 30 to August 1, 2024, Gaoyao Standing Committee Member and Gaoyao United Front Work Department Director Zhan Qingmei led a delegation to organize 16 district Federation of Industry and Commerce member companies to go to Hong Kong to carry out liaison, friendship, inspection and study, and investment promotion activities.

Seek cooperation together! Leaders of Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China, led a delegation to Hong Kong to promote Gaoyao

The delegation visited the headquarters of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and its Shatin Product Testing Center, the Hong Kong Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, SenseTime's global headquarters, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, KGI Securities, and Mak Ka Wing Law Firm. Through on-site visits and discussions, they gained an in-depth understanding of the development of Hong Kong's high-tech, financial industry, and legal affairs. At the same time, they introduced Gaoyao's economic and social development in recent years, especially the good industrial development, to various associations (companies), and actively promoted Gaoyao's unique location advantages and high-quality business environment.

Seek cooperation together! Leaders of Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China, led a delegation to Hong Kong to promote Gaoyao

The delegation said that the member companies of the Gaoyao District Federation of Industry and Commerce will take the initiative to learn from the advanced experience of Hong Kong companies in development planning, business operations, market expansion, and brand building. At the same time, they also hope that the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises can further promote the integration of Zhaoqing and Hong Kong, and promote more Hong Kong businessmen and enterprises to invest and start businesses in Gaoyao, live and work in peace and contentment, and become the "best partners" for Gaoyao's development, share development opportunities, and jointly explore new chapters of cooperation.

Representatives of member companies highly praised the Hong Kong inspection and exchange activities, and said that they had gained a lot. They believed that Hong Kong has unique advantages in talent and finance, and is also an important window to overseas. In the future, they will adhere to the principle of in-depth cooperation and common development, actively play their own advantages, strengthen exchanges and connections with Hong Kong in finance, technological innovation and other aspects, promote diversified cooperation, and strive to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673(Cantonese粤语、Chinese普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


The first foreign basket weaving skills competition in Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China was held

The first foreign basket weaving skills competition in Gaoyao, Guangdong Province, China was held

September 03, 2024 16:38 China

Recently, the Gaoyao District Federation of Trade Unions, Gaoyao District Talent Office, and Gaoyao District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau jointly hosted the "Strive for Hundreds of Millions and Build a Foreign Basket Weaving Dream" Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City The first foreign basket weaving skills competition was held in Gaoyao District. The foreign basket creative cultural park in Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao District was crowded with people. More than 100 contestants showed their skills in the competition, fully demonstrating the style of Xinqiao foreign basket intangible cultural heritage art.

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

At the competition site, the contestants' skillful hands flew up and down. On the basis of traditional warp and weft weaving techniques, they added weaving techniques such as threading, tying, tying, and nailing, allowing pieces of bamboo strips to transform into exquisite works such as flower baskets, bamboo baskets, sun hats, and boats.

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

The competition groups include an adult group composed of experienced old craftsmen and a youth group composed of young players. The "old and young" group proves the inheritance of the traditional handicraft of Xinqiao foreign basket from generation to generation.

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

After more than an hour of competition, the judges selected the special prize, first prize, second prize, third prize and winning prize for the youth group and adult group respectively based on the style, quality and skills of the works.

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

foreign basket weaving,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,China,Xinqiao foreign basket,Xinqiao town,新桥洋篮,weaving skills,

This foreign basket weaving skills competition is an important attempt by the Gaoyao District Federation of Trade Unions to explore the expansion of labor competitions and skills competitions to new industries and new formats, fully demonstrating the high attention and support of trade union organizations to the labor group of new employment forms. The organizers have excavated and cultivated a group of outstanding talents in foreign basket weaving skills through competition, guided practitioners to use manual skills to contribute to the "hundreds of millions of projects", promoted the revival and growth of the foreign basket industry, and truly transformed "fingertip skills" into "fingertip economy", and transformed foreign basket weaving from the "manual work" of the masses into "rich work".

Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China: More than just a foreign basket--the first basket weaving competition in Gaoyao, Zhaoqing, China in 2024

Foreign basket 🧺 + mooncakes 🥮! The strongest CP of Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China is coming

The whole town of Xinqiao is cheering for this couple

Too hot! Two good things from Xinqiao Town (Gaoyao,China) that you must get for this Mid-Autumn Festival

Welcome the world to visit Xinqiao Town, Gaoyao, China.

Xinqiao Town Investment Promotion Office

Tel: 0086-758-8471236(Cantonese粤语、Chinese普通话)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673(Cantonese粤语、Chinese普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


College student commandos are in action, and various colleges and universities go to Gaoyao to carry out practical activities

College student commandos are in action, and various colleges and universities go to Gaoyao to carry out practical activities

Civilized Gaoyao September 08, 2024 17:13 Guangdong, China

With the continuous advancement of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", batches of college student commandos formed by young students have actively participated in rural revitalization.

South China Agricultural University Law Run Tongxin Practice Team

Recently, the South China Agricultural University Law Run Tongxin Practice Team went deep into the villages of Xinggang Town, Gaoyao District to conduct research, and had a more intuitive understanding of the current situation in rural areas and a deeper understanding of the essence of the problem.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

Walking into Xingyi Village, it is like traveling through a tunnel of time and space and returning to that ancient and peaceful era. Xinggang Bagua Ancient Village has a natural terrain. It has a history of more than 600 years since its opening. It has preserved many ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as the Li Clan Ancestral Hall. Bagua Village is centered on Gangding. The houses in the ancient village form neatly structured circles from the inside to the outside. The number of houses increases with each circle, forming a layout of Bagua Sixteen Ancestral Halls. The style of the houses in the village is coordinated and unified, and three theme parks are in sight. The quiet and comfortable environment, the ancient charm and the new look complement each other, and a beautiful picture of ecological livability is drawn, which also makes the practice team feel unprecedented warmth and touching.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

Walking into Fujin Village, the roads in the community are clean and flat, the houses are scattered and orderly, and the lotus ponds are layered and green, adding a coolness to the village in summer. There are many ancient trees in the community, and many villagers chat under the trees to cool off. The quiet and pleasant scene makes the members of the practice team linger.

The practice team conducted questionnaire interviews and on-site surveys in the community around the themes of rural development, rural construction, and rural governance, and combined their own majors to make suggestions for villagers' breeding or planting.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

Gujing Village is located in the southwest of Xinggang Town. It has rich historical and cultural resources and beautiful rural scenery. The practice team interviewed village cadres at the Party and Mass Service Center of Gujing Village to understand the basic situation of the village. Afterwards, they visited Gujing Village to investigate the village's moral culture, living environment, supporting facilities, etc. Through the investigation, the practice team has a deeper understanding of how to apply the learned theories to practice to help the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects".

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

Tsinghua University Rural Revitalization Work Station

Recently, a team of 12 people from the Tsinghua University Rural Revitalization Work Station went to Gaoyao District to carry out a 10-day practical investigation activity.

Tsinghua University Rural Revitalization Work Station went to Gaoyao, Zhaoqing, mainly focusing on the revitalization of public spaces in ancient villages, cultural and creative product design, dragon boat cultural publicity, learning experience exchange, and youth public welfare classes. It went to Jindu Town, Liantang Town, Baitu Town, Xinqiao Town, Jinli Town and other places to carry out a series of research and practice activities.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

For the two topics of ancient village revitalization and community development strategies, the academic group conducted in-depth academic research on the Duan Inkstone in Shuikou Community, Jindu Town, Gaoyao District as an example. From the perspective of revitalizing ancient villages, we explore how to better protect the cultural heritage of villages under the rural revitalization strategy in the new era, and propose strategies such as coordinating the development of handicraft workshops, introducing Duan inkstone culture into campuses and communities, and activating the Duan inkstone economy, aiming to achieve systematic protection, inheritance and innovation of Duan inkstone culture and promote the diversified development of community economy.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

In terms of cultural and creative design, the members of the cultural and creative group conducted in-depth research on local characteristics and product culture, designed Gaoyao IP and "Gaogui" series of cultural and creative products, and proposed a revitalization plan to improve the public space of Xiongcai's hometown in Baitu Town and Chenghu Village in Huilong Town. By integrating modern creativity and traditional culture, a design upgrade and renovation plan for the Jinli Dragon Boat Museum was formed to activate the vitality of rural revitalization.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

The project team members of the practice detachment went to Gaoyao District No. 1 Middle School, Gaoyao District No. 2 Middle School and Zhaoqing Rongyuanlong Senior High School to conduct learning experience exchange lectures, and fully shared their experiences on overall review thinking, specific subject learning, examination methods and mentality. In the exchange and Q&A session, students actively participated and asked questions, and humbly asked Tsinghua University students for advice on holiday planning, subject skills, and question-solving methods. The team members also went to the District Youth Palace to conduct medical knowledge popularization and paper-cutting craft public welfare classes, and conducted inspiring, interesting and practical classes for young people, further broadening their knowledge horizons and stimulating their learning interest and potential.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

At the results summary report meeting, the practice detachment displayed the research report on the revitalization of ancient villages, cultural and creative product design, Jinli Dragon Boat Museum renovation plan and other practical results, and put forward a series of countermeasures and measures to provide useful ideas and suggestions for Gaoyao to further promote the "Hundred Million Project" and rural revitalization.

高要,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,qinghua,Tsinghua University,South China Agricultural University,Xinqiao Town,Jinli Town,Baitu Town,Liantang Town,

In the next step, Gaoyao District will take the opportunity of accelerating the creation of a youth development city to continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with colleges and universities, promote the project-based development of college practice activities, and guide more college students to enter Gaoyao, publicize Gaoyao, and build Gaoyao.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Zhaoqing City leaders come to Huaiji County, China for research

Zhaoqing City leaders come to Huaiji County, China for research

Huaiji release 2024-09-06 16:03 Guangdong, China

On September 5, 2024, Deputy Mayor Shen Ao of the Municipal Government led a team to Huaiji to investigate the "Hundred Million Project", supervise the work of guaranteeing the delivery of buildings, and carry out concentrated propaganda and visits and condolences on the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Deputy County Mayor Kong Jianhui accompanied the investigation.

The research team went to the Digital Agriculture Exhibition Hall of Huaiji County, Diling Village of Gangping Town, Yushui Village of Liangcun Town, Gangping Town and other places. Through on-site visits and listening to reports, they fully understood the production and sales of agricultural and sideline products, digital agricultural display, informatization construction, and the "Seven Ones" construction of beautiful towns and towns and the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project". The research team emphasized that it is necessary to further clarify the development ideas, improve the planning, consolidate the foundation, comprehensively benchmark the policy requirements, and promote the "Hundred Million Project" to go deeper and more practical.

The research team also visited some real estate projects in the county to inspect the construction of various projects and learn about the construction progress, construction plan and house delivery time in detail.

At the subsequent symposium, relevant departments reported on the progress of real estate delivery, existing problems and the next work plan. The research team pointed out that the delivery of real estate projects is related to the vital interests of the people. All relevant departments should effectively enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, strictly promote project construction in accordance with the construction plan, ensure the quality and safety of the project, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers.

In Diling Village, Gangping Town, Shen Ao made a concentrated speech on learning and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. He emphasized that we must deeply understand the great significance of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and effectively unify our thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. By accelerating new urbanization, improving urban management, strengthening intellectual property protection and improving people's livelihood, we should closely combine with reality and promote new breakthroughs in high-quality development.

During the period, the research team also visited and comforted the low-income households.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Fengkai County, China held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction: promoting high-quality development with good results of investment attraction

Fengkai County, China held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction: promoting high-quality development with good results of investment attraction

Fengkai Release August 16, 2024 23:42 Guangdong

On August 16, 2024, Fengkai County held a meeting on counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction, thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, summarized the counterpart industry cooperation and investment attraction work in the county since this year, deeply analyzed the existing problems, and studied and deployed the next stage of work. County Party Secretary Li Yaxu attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and County Party Deputy Secretary and County Mayor Qiu Canhui presided over the meeting.

Li Yaxu emphasized that we must anchor the primary task of high-quality development, firmly grasp the major opportunities of the provincial party committee to implement the "100 million projects" and promote counterpart industrial cooperation, deepen the reform of the investment promotion system and mechanism, and vigorously carry out "recruiting big merchants and large investment promotion" with a series of practical, hard and good measures. The good results of attracting investment promotion will promote the overall acceleration and efficiency of investment promotion in the county, continue to stimulate the vitality of investment promotion, and help the high-quality development of the county's economy and society.

First, we must unify our thinking and effectively enhance our sense of responsibility, mission and urgency in doing a good job in investment promotion and promoting high-quality development. Strengthen the industrial development orientation of the real economy as the basis and the manufacturing industry as the main body, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of investment promotion, call on the whole county to attract investment, boost the spirit of wanting to do, knowing how to do, and daring to do, do a good job in the construction of the investment promotion team, strengthen precise policy implementation, optimize the business environment, promote the implementation of more high-quality projects, maintain positive performance growth, and continue to strengthen the confidence and stamina of future development.

Second, we must open up channels, create a new platform for collaborative investment promotion, and realize the rapid implementation of projects. We must make every effort to ensure the supply of all factors of the project and promote the accelerated signing, landing and production of the project. Each town (street) should develop characteristic industries according to local conditions, actively plan "good projects", make "first moves", and strive to carry out targeted investment promotion. At the same time, it is necessary to further deepen the counterpart industry cooperation with Panyu District, strengthen joint investment promotion and information sharing, actively explore various two-way "enclave economy" new models such as "Panyu R&D + Fengkai Manufacturing", organically combine counterpart industry cooperation with "hundreds of millions of projects" to promote them, deepen exchanges and cooperation in all fields, and promote high-quality development of both sides in achieving mutual benefit and win-win results.

Third, we must actively build park carriers and lay a solid foundation for the development of industrial clusters. Accelerate the improvement of the infrastructure construction of the green building materials industrial park, manage and use the Fengkai Park of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), further expand the development space of the park, optimize the functional layout of the park, enhance the carrying capacity of the park, and strengthen the development level of the park, promote the development of industrial agglomeration and clustering, and improve the quality and efficiency of industrial industries, and effectively transform the location advantages and resource advantages of our county into investment advantages and development advantages, and promote high-quality development with large investment projects.

The meeting also listened to the progress of counterpart industry cooperation and the implementation of industrial investment promotion since this year. Relevant county-level units reported on the counterpart production and investment promotion work in their respective fields and proposed work measures for the next stage.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、





Saturday, September 7, 2024

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong

A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recently? I saw you rushing to move to Vietnam a few years ago. Is it a big opportunity?

B: No! Vietnam often has power outages, and workers are unwilling to work overtime. I dare not accept orders when I see them, for fear that I cannot deliver the goods to customers. What about you?

A: I am in the Pearl River Delta, and various costs are getting higher and higher, which is not easy. The cost has increased a lot. Recently, I moved a small factory to Sihui. After running it for 9-10 months, I found that the cost here in Sihui is much lower. Orders that were not profitable in the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta can be profitable when placed in Sihui. There are few factories in Sihui, there is no power outage, and it is easier to find workers. I plan to move the entire large factory to Sihui. I think it is easier to control costs if I move to Sihui.

B: Is there any industrial land in Sihui? What is Sihui's investment policy?

A: There are many industrial lands in Sihui. I don't know the investment policy. I only know that I went there to help with the procedures, and it was done in a few days. Once you get the land certificate, you can start construction. I haven't seen any officials come to make things difficult for me. Although Sihui is backward, the people in Sihui are still quite civilized. Basically, they do things according to the contract. But Sihui is indeed poor, and the wages in Sihui are much lower than those in the Pearl River Delta. I see that many local people don't have money to see a doctor. I set up a factory here to help alleviate poverty.

B: Have you made money in Sihui? Is Sihui so poor?

A: I moved my small factory to Sihui. For the time being, I still make money in Sihui. If I move all the big factories to Sihui, I should make more money. Sihui is indeed poor and has no industry. The local people in Sihui have no jobs to make money. People in Sihui are much poorer than those in the Pearl River Delta.

B: From what you said, you seem to be very optimistic about Sihui.

A: I am optimistic about it. I plan to move all the big factories in the Pearl River Delta to Sihui in half a year. Sihui is across the river to the Pearl River Delta, which is actually very close.

B: If you have time, take me to your factory in Sihui. I want to see what the environment and situation are like.

A: Sure. Do you also want to move your factory from Vietnam to Sihui?

B: I'll go to Sihui first. I see that you are doing so well in Sihui. I can move 1-2 production lines to Sihui. I can try this.

A: Okay, when are you free to come back to Guangdong? I'll take you to Sihui to have a look.

B: Next week. I'll fly back to Guangdong to see you. I'm going to Sihui to have a look.

















The research team of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research

The research team of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research

The research team of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research

On the afternoon of January 18, 2024, Qu Jiashu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province and Director of the Provincial Oceanic Administration, visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research, accompanied by Liu Jingbo, Deputy Mayor of Zhaoqing City.

The research team of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research


Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui City (Dasha Town), China is located in the large industrial cluster area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) and is a key investment attraction project in Zhaoqing City. The project covers an area of ​​412 mu, with a construction scale of 500,000 square meters, providing nearly 5,000 jobs.


Project aggregation, industrial agglomeration, industrial and urban integration, resource sharing, and the use of an interactive model of industry and financing.

Planned introduction:

Machinery and equipment, hardware processing, auto parts, forging and casting and other industries.


Plan and build an emerging industrial park integrating manufacturing, R&D, production, life support, and smart industrial park management.

The research team of the Department of Natural Resources of Guangdong Province visited Wanyang Innovation City in Sihui (Dasha Town) for investigation and research


Dasha Town Investment Promotion Office


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Guangdong (Sihui) Wanyang Innovation City Business Promotion Telephone


Sihui (Dasha Town) Wanyang Innovation City Business Promotion Telephone



Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing production is continuously produced 24 hours a day

Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing product...