Monday, July 22, 2024

中国四会国際化粧品工業団地 - 世界最大の化粧品生産拠点

中国四会国際化粧品工業団地 - 世界最大の化粧品生産拠点



計画面積と投資: 公園全体の面積は約 5,000 エーカーであり、そのうち第 1 期建設面積は約 1,000 エーカーです。インフラへの計画投資総額は約15億元。



プロジェクトの進捗状況: プロジェクトは、準備期間、着手期間、開発期間、成熟期間の 4 つの段階に沿って着実に進んでおり、市政府は建設の進捗を加速するためにプロジェクト調整主導グループを設立しています。


産業上の重要性: この工業団地の建設は四会市の経済発展にとって非常に重要であり、産業の高度化と経済の多角化の促進に役立ちます。


Sihui City is an emerging industrial city, which is moving towards internationalization

Dasha Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province: Building a “Grass and Shrub Forest” Industrial Ecosystem-Attracting investment-Investment paradise

中国四会国際化粧品工業団地 - 世界最大の化粧品生産拠点

Zhaoqing Sihui Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) Project Construction Promotion Meeting

Didou Town, Sihui City, China: Taking on the mission of a central town, cultivating typical towns, and accelerating the pace of building "Bay Area Hakka Town Harmonious Didou"

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park--Longfu Town, Sihui City, China

Dasha Town, Sihui City, China, builds a high-end aluminum product industry cluster worth 10 billion yuan

World famous jade processing center and distribution center - Sihui City, China--The Big Orange


The largest wholesale market for jade in Asia - Sihui City

Industrial Park in Sihui City, China

Sihui City in China: Create a strong engine of high-quality development with new productivity

China's Sihui City builds the world's largest cosmetics industrial city

Sihui City: A new look at the “Hometown of Chinese Jade”

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Step up efforts to build a professional town of orchids with top strength

Stunning appearance! Echun ancient kiln in Sihui opens to welcome the New Year

Sihui City: Striving for the first position and accelerating the construction of a 100-billion-RMB county

China Sihui City Investment Guide--located in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, also known as: Big Orange, Jade City, New Industrial City

Longfu Town, Sihui City, China: Focus on typical and strong demonstrations and take on the role of hard work to promote the development of "towns"

Sihui City in Guangdong Province is the largest circular economy emerging city in the world.

Distribution Map of Important Industrial Parks in Sihui City, China

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Hello, this is Sihui City! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--What to invest in Zhaoqing?--Investment paradise


China Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park – der weltweit größte Produktionsstandort für Kosmetika

Der Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park ist ein Schlüsselprojekt in der Stadt Sihui in der Provinz Guangdong. Ziel ist die Schaffung eines High-End-Kosmetikparks, der Kosmetikproduktion, Vertrieb, Forschung und Entwicklung, Ausstellung und Freizeit integriert. Hier einige Details zum Industriepark:

Projektstandort: Der Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park befindet sich im Nantang and Jiangming Village Committee, Stadt Xiamao, Stadt Sihui, in der Nähe des Elektronikindustrieclusters der Stadt Xiamao und ist mit der Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Base verbunden.

Geplante Fläche und Investitionen: Der gesamte Park soll eine Fläche von etwa 5.000 Hektar umfassen, wovon die Baufläche der ersten Phase etwa 1.000 Hektar ausmacht. Die insgesamt geplanten Investitionen in die Infrastruktur belaufen sich auf rund 1,5 Milliarden RMB.

Bauinhalt: Der Bauinhalt des Parks umfasst eine Produktionsbasis für Kosmetika, einen Servicebereich zur Produktionsunterstützung, einen Servicebereich zur Wohnunterstützung, einen Ausstellungs- und Ausstellungsbereich, ein Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum und ein Markeninkubationszentrum usw.

Entwicklungsziele: Das Entwicklungsziel des Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park besteht darin, bekannte Kosmetikunternehmen im In- und Ausland anzuziehen, darunter Industrien, die aus der Perlflussdelta-Region verlegt wurden, sowie Unternehmen aus Japan, Südkorea, Taiwan, Europa und anderen Ländern Vereinigte Staaten.

Projektfortschritt: Das Projekt schreitet entsprechend den vier Phasen Vorbereitungsphase, Anlaufphase, Entwicklungsphase und Reifephase stetig voran. Die Stadtverwaltung hat eine Projektkoordinierungsleitungsgruppe eingerichtet, um den Baufortschritt zu beschleunigen.

Unterstützung und Anerkennung: Die Stadtverwaltung von Sihui hat das Projekt „International Cosmetics Industrial Park“ anerkannt und mit Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet, um die Umsetzung des Projekts zu fördern. Gleichzeitig führten der Landesfrauenverband und der Landesverband der Schönheits-, Friseur- und Kosmetikindustrie auch Vor-Ort-Inspektionen des Projekts durch und führten ausführliche Gespräche über die Zusammenarbeit.

Industrielle Bedeutung: Der Bau dieses Industrieparks ist für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Stadt Sihui von großer Bedeutung und wird zur industriellen Modernisierung und wirtschaftlichen Diversifizierung beitragen.

Aus diesen Informationen geht hervor, dass der Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park eines der wichtigsten Entwicklungsprojekte in der Stadt Sihui ist und darauf abzielt, eine qualitativ hochwertige Entwicklung der regionalen Wirtschaft durch die Schaffung einer vollständigen Kette der Kosmetikindustrie zu fördern.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188





地理的位置: 集積地域は肇慶市の中部と東部、珠江デルタの中核地域に位置し、広州-仏山-肇慶の経済圏に30分圏内に属しています。広東-香港-マカオ大湾区を1時間以内にアクセスできます。立体的な交通網が四方八方に広がっており、高速道路、高速鉄道、都市間鉄道があり、西江と北江が交差しています。広州白雲空港と珠江デルタハブ(広州新港)からは車でわずか 40 分です。 ) 建設中の空港。

計画区域: 計画区域の総面積は約 992 平方キロメートルで、第 1 段階では「2+5」開始区域が指定され、2 つの市の開始区域と 5 つの都市 (地区、機能) を含む約 137 平方キロメートルの区域をカバーします。エリア)開始エリア。

市政開始エリア: 市政開始エリアには四会大沙市政開始エリアと鼎湖蓮福渓市政開始エリアが含まれます。四会大沙市管理の開始区域は、北は水江、南は肇慶市行政境界と北江、西は光茂鉄道と清啓永、東は翠江に囲まれており、土地面積は28.64です。鼎湖蓮福渓市管理 出発地は、北は国道 321 号線、南は北水工業団地、西は肇慶仏インターシティ、東は県道 433 号線に囲まれています。 23.61平方キロメートル。

産業システム:市経営スタートエリアは、「インテリジェントネットワーク化新エネルギー自動車産業」と「新世代電子情報産業」を主力とした「1+1+2」産業システムの構築に努め、積極的な発展を図る。 「先端機器製造」と「先端素材」が大きな特徴産業です。

空間構造:市経営開始エリアは「3センター、4スライス、複数回廊」の空間構造レイアウトを形成することを計画している。 「3つのセンター」とは四会駅総合サービスセンター、馬坊総合サービスセンター、永安総合サービスセンターであり、「4つのエリア」とはTOD総合サービスエリア、先進自動車製造および新素材応用エリア、インテリジェント端末製造およびハイエンド機器である。将来の革新的開発エリアには、北江、清啓永、古代の河川、および計画された生態緑の回廊が含まれます。

産業空間構造:市経営開始エリアは「2地区、3核、2軸」の産業空間構造を形成し、2つの主要産業クラスターを迅速に接続し、産業協力を促進します。そのうちの「2つのゾーン」は永安福渓電子情報産業ゾーンと四会大沙新エネルギー自動車部品産業ゾーンであり、「3つのコア」は3つの大きな地区レベルのサービスセンターです。 「東津大道、省道263号線の2つの産業発展軸です。



Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188





南江工業団地: 四会市で最も初期の工業団地の 1 つで、1992 年に建設が開始されました。同園区は発展の過程で産業の変革を経験しており、例えば龍福循環経済金属産業基地は2004年に設立され、主に金属の解体と深加工を行っている。国家政策の調整により、同園は改造と改良が進められ、将来的に総産出額は200億元に達し、20億元の税収が生まれると見込まれている。


富渓工業団地: 四会市工業団地の一部として、富渓工業団地は産業投資の促進において顕著な成果を上げており、四会市の産業発展の重要な部分を占めています。


江谷ファインケミカルパーク: 四会市工業団地の一部として、このパークはファインケミカル産業の発展に焦点を当てており、四会市の産業発展の重要な方向性の一つとなっています。

龍福循環経済金属産業基地: この基地は四会市工業団地の一部であり、かつては主に金属の解体に従事していましたが、その後、国家政策の調整により変更され、金属の深部加工産業が維持されます。高級銅新素材産業とその上流・下流の裾野産業を導入する銅科学技術産業団地の建設を計画している。

CIMC (四会) インテリジェント エコロジカル イノベーション パーク プロジェクト: 贞山新城地区に位置し、高級商業施設、革新的技術都市プロジェクト、工業団地の一部です。


Investment and business telephone numbers for each township in Sihui City, China

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Industrial Park in Sihui City, China

Industrial Park in Sihui City, China

As a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, Sihui City has achieved remarkable results in industrial development in recent years, especially in the construction of industrial parks. According to the search results, Sihui City has several industrial parks, including:

Nanjiang Industrial Park: This is one of the earliest industrial parks in Sihui City, and its construction started in 1992. The park has undergone industrial transformation during its development, such as the Longfu Circular Economy Metal Industry Base established in 2004, which mainly carries out metal dismantling and deep processing. With the adjustment of national policies, the park has undergone transformation and upgrading, and its total output value is expected to reach 20 billion yuan in the future, creating 2 billion yuan in tax revenue.

Dasha Strategic Emerging Industrial Park: The park is one of the key industrial parks in Sihui City, aiming to promote high-quality industrial development and accelerate the construction of Dasha Town into a demonstration area for high-quality development in Sihui.

Fuxi Industrial Park: As part of Sihui City Industrial Park, Fuxi Industrial Park has achieved remarkable results in promoting the landing of industrial investment and is an important part of Sihui City's industrial development.

Dasha Modern Logistics Park in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: This logistics park is part of the Sihui Industrial Park and is committed to improving regional logistics capabilities and promoting the integration of industry and urban development.

Jianggu Fine Chemical Park: As a component of the Sihui Industrial Park, this park focuses on the development of the fine chemical industry and is one of the important directions of Sihui's industrial development.

Longfu Circular Economy Metal Industry Base: This base is part of the Sihui Industrial Park. It used to be mainly metal dismantling, but later transformed due to national policy adjustments. It continues to retain the metal deep processing industry and plans to build a copper technology industrial park to introduce high-end copper new materials industry and its upstream and downstream supporting industries.

CIMC (Sihui) Intelligent Ecological Innovation Park Project: Located in the Zhenshan New City section, it is a high-end commercial complex, an innovative science and technology city project, and also part of the industrial park.

The development of these industrial parks has not only promoted the economic growth of Sihui City, but also promoted the clustering development of industries and the improvement of the industrial value chain. Sihui City has provided strong support for the development of industrial parks by optimizing the business environment, providing land element guarantees, and implementing innovation-driven development strategies.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone is an important regional development project. The specific location and planning are as follows:

Investment and business telephone numbers for each township in Sihui City, China

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,sihui,dasha,guangdong,china,
Geographic location: The cluster zone is located in the central and eastern part of Zhaoqing and the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta. It has unique location advantages and belongs to the half-hour economic circle of Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing and the one-hour economic circle of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The three-dimensional transportation network is well-connected, with highways, high-speed railways, intercity railways, and the Xijiang River and Beijiang River converging here. It is only a 40-minute drive from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport and the Pearl River Delta Hub (Guangzhou New) Airport under construction.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,sihui,dasha,guangdong,china,
Planned area: The total planned area is about 992 square kilometers. The first phase will delineate "2+5" starting areas, covering an area of ​​about 137 square kilometers, including 2 municipal starting areas and 5 municipal (district, functional area) starting areas.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,sihui,dasha,guangdong,china,

Municipal starting areas: Municipal starting areas include Sihui Dasha Municipal Starting Area and Dinghu Lianhua Fuxi Municipal Starting Area. The Sihui Dashashi Municipal Start-up Zone is bordered by Suijiang River in the north, Zhaoqing City administrative boundary and Beijiang River in the south, Guangmao Railway and Qingqi River in the west, and Suijiang River in the east, with a land area of ​​28.64 square kilometers; the Dinghu Lianhua-Fuxi Municipal Start-up Zone is bordered by National Highway 321 in the north, Beishui Industrial Park in the south, Zhaoqing Focong Intercity Railway in the west, and County Road 433 in the east, with a land area of ​​23.61 square kilometers.

Industrial System: The Municipal Start-up Zone focuses on building a "1+1+2" industrial system, taking "intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry" as the leading factor and "new generation electronic information industry" as the key point, and actively developing two characteristic industries of "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials".

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,sihui,dasha,guangdong,china,

Spatial Structure: The Municipal Start-up Zone is planned to form a spatial structure layout of "three centers, four pieces, and multiple corridors". The "three centers" are Sihui Station Comprehensive Service Center, Mafang Comprehensive Service Center and Yong'an Comprehensive Service Center; the "four areas" are TOD Comprehensive Service Area, Advanced Automobile Manufacturing and New Materials Application Area, Intelligent Terminal Manufacturing and High-end Equipment Area, and Future Innovation Development Area; the "multiple corridors" are Beijiang, Qingqiyong, Guhedao and the planned ecological green corridor.

Industrial spatial structure: The municipal starting area will form an industrial spatial structure of "two areas, three cores and two axes", quickly connect the two major leading industrial clusters, and promote industrial cooperation. Among them, the "two areas" are Yong'an Fuxi Electronic Information Industry Area and Sihui Dasha New Energy Automobile and Auto Parts Industry Area; the "three cores" are three area-level service centers; and the "two axes" are the two industrial development axes of Dongjin Avenue and Provincial Road 263.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,sihui,dasha,guangdong,china,

Traffic planning: The plan makes specific arrangements for the transportation planning of the municipal starting area, and will build a "seven horizontal and six vertical" urban trunk road network in the future.

Through these plans and constructions, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large-scale Industrial Cluster will strive to become an advanced manufacturing cluster, scientific and technological innovation coordination zone, and green development demonstration zone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Sihui City is an emerging industrial city, which is moving towards internationalization

Dasha Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province: Building a “Grass and Shrub Forest” Industrial Ecosystem-Attracting investment-Investment paradise

中国四会国際化粧品工業団地 - 世界最大の化粧品生産拠点

Zhaoqing Sihui Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) Project Construction Promotion Meeting

Didou Town, Sihui City, China: Taking on the mission of a central town, cultivating typical towns, and accelerating the pace of building "Bay Area Hakka Town Harmonious Didou"

Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park--Longfu Town, Sihui City, China

Dasha Town, Sihui City, China, builds a high-end aluminum product industry cluster worth 10 billion yuan

World famous jade processing center and distribution center - Sihui City, China--The Big Orange


The largest wholesale market for jade in Asia - Sihui City

Industrial Park in Sihui City, China

Sihui City in China: Create a strong engine of high-quality development with new productivity

China's Sihui City builds the world's largest cosmetics industrial city

Sihui City: A new look at the “Hometown of Chinese Jade”

Shigou Town, Sihui City, China: Step up efforts to build a professional town of orchids with top strength

Stunning appearance! Echun ancient kiln in Sihui opens to welcome the New Year

Sihui City: Striving for the first position and accelerating the construction of a 100-billion-RMB county

China Sihui City Investment Guide--located in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, also known as: Big Orange, Jade City, New Industrial City

Longfu Town, Sihui City, China: Focus on typical and strong demonstrations and take on the role of hard work to promote the development of "towns"

Sihui City in Guangdong Province is the largest circular economy emerging city in the world.

Distribution Map of Important Industrial Parks in Sihui City, China

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Hello, this is Sihui City! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--What to invest in Zhaoqing?--Investment paradise

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


China Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park--China Industrial Park,Guangdong Industrial Park,

China Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park is a key project located in Sihui City, Guangdong Province, aiming to create a high-end cosmetics park integrating cosmetics production, sales, R&D, exhibition and leisure. Here are some detailed information about the industrial park:

China Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park,Cosmetics,Xiamao Town,中国四会国际化妆品产业园,

China Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park,Cosmetics,Xiamao Town,中国四会国际化妆品产业园,

Project location: Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park is located in Nantang and Jiangming Village Committee, Xiamao Town, Sihui City, close to the electronic industry cluster of Xiamao Town, and connected to Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Base.

Planned area and investment: The entire park is planned to cover an area of ​​about 5,000 mu, of which the first phase of construction is about 1,000 mu. The planned total investment in infrastructure is about 1.5 billion yuan.

Construction content: The construction content of the park includes cosmetics production base, production supporting service area, life supporting service area, exhibition area, R&D center and brand incubation center.

Development goal: The development goal of Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park is to attract well-known domestic and foreign cosmetics companies, including industries transferred from the Pearl River Delta region, as well as companies from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Europe and the United States.

Project progress: The project is progressing steadily in four stages: preparation, start-up, development and maturity. The municipal government has established a project coordination leading group to speed up the construction progress.

Support and recognition: The Sihui Municipal Government recognized the International Cosmetics Industrial Park project and cooperated with enterprises to promote the implementation of the project. At the same time, the Provincial Women's Federation and the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association also visited the project and conducted in-depth discussions on cooperation.

Industrial significance: The construction of the industrial park is of great significance to the economic development of Sihui City, and will help promote industrial upgrading and economic diversification.

From this information, it can be seen that the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial Park is one of the key development projects of Sihui City, aiming to promote the high-quality development of the regional economy by building a complete cosmetics industry chain.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Sunday, July 21, 2024

The headquarters project of Oubo Group's high-end beauty full industry chain manufacturing base (Sihui City, China) is accelerating construction

The headquarters project of Oubo Group's high-end beauty full industry chain manufacturing base (Sihui City, China) is accelerating construction

Xijiang Daily 2021-06-11 09:06

Green seaweed eye mask, goat milk hand mask monthly sales of 30,000 copies, VC toner monthly sales of 40,000 copies... In the flagship store of a certain e-commerce platform, the skin care products produced by Guangzhou Oubo Group are hot-selling. In Sihui, Zhaoqing, its 288-acre production base has begun to take shape. The first phase will be completed at the end of the year, and the second phase will be completed in October next year. The project lays a solid foundation for the cosmetics industry chain in Sihui City.

The headquarters project of Oubo Group's high-end beauty full industry chain manufacturing base (Sihui City, China) is accelerating construction

The Guangzhou Oubo Group's high-end beauty full industry chain manufacturing base and headquarters project is located in Xiamao Town, Sihui City. Sihui City is committed to developing the skin care industry, and the Oubo Group project is the first leading project introduced by the city. The total investment of the project is 1.5 billion yuan, and the main construction areas are daily chemical production area, packaging area, logistics area, R&D center and sales display center. It is expected that the annual output value of the project will reach 3 billion yuan and the tax revenue will reach 150 million yuan after completion. It will be built into a national leading high-end beauty product R&D and production and e-commerce base.

At the construction site of the project, the person in charge of the project introduced that the project will be built in two phases. The first phase of 188 acres started in February this year. At present, the No. 1 office building of the first phase has completed the three-story column and four-story beam slab concrete pouring, and the formwork for the five-story beam slab is being set up. It is planned to complete the main capping this month; the construction progress of multiple factory buildings is considerable, and the dormitory building and boiler room have also been piled. It is planned to cap all of them before the end of the year, and strive to conduct small-scale trial production within the year. The second phase started in June this year. At present, two static presses have begun to drive the pile foundation of the three south-facing factory buildings. It is planned to complete the second phase pile foundation in mid-June, and the roads around the west-facing factory buildings have been hardened.

In recent years, domestic skin care products have become more and more popular, and domestic skin care related companies have grown rapidly. Sihui seized the opportunity to develop the skin care industry and plan an industrial cluster. The Oubo Group project is the first leading skin care project to settle in the city. Sihui ensures its smooth construction with high-quality services. "In terms of project land use, government departments at all levels helped us solve the problems we encountered. Since the project was signed last year, the progress has been faster than expected, which is of great help to us in achieving on-time production." Mr. Xiong, the project leader, said that the Sihui Municipal Government has also opened up multiple green channels for the project, speeding up the project construction procedures and the construction of supporting facilities on the construction site. Xiamao Town, where the project is located, provides full service.

The reporter learned from the Sihui Investment Promotion Center that Sihui is actively planning to attract upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in with Oubo Group as the leader. With the cooperation of government and enterprises, 10 related enterprises have been confirmed to settle in the park, including cosmetic packaging materials, raw materials, terminal products and other enterprises. The person in charge of the city's investment promotion center introduced that the relevant enterprises are partners of Oubo Group. The reason for choosing Sihui is the urgent need to expand production and the location and cost advantages. In order to serve these enterprises well, Sihui City arranges various special teams to maintain close communication with enterprises.

Xiamao Town is located in the central part of Sihui City, close to the urban area, with complete industrial supporting facilities, close to Jianggu Fine Chemical Park, and has complete upstream chemical companies to provide supporting facilities. Sihui plans to build Xiamao Town into a high-end cosmetics characteristic industrial town. It is reported that in addition to Oubo Group, the city will also allocate 1,000 acres of land to build a cosmetics production base. A number of manufacturing projects are currently being discussed, all of which are small-scale and high-efficiency projects. At present, relevant enterprises have a strong desire to land, and Sihui will provide good services and strive for them.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation and Guangdong Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association visited Sihui City for an on-site inspection of the International Cosmetics Industrial City project

Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation and Guangdong Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association visited Sihui City for an on-site inspection of the International Cosmetics Industrial City project

Date: 2017-07-21

On the morning of July 19, 2017, Yan Jingping, Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation, Ma Ya, Standing Committee Member of the Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation and President of the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association, and a delegation of member companies visited the International Cosmetics Industrial City in Sihui City. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on further broadening the scope of cooperation and accelerating the construction of the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Chen Xudong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Zhaoqing Municipal Committee and Mayor, met with a delegation from the Guangdong Provincial Women's Federation and the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association, and expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the relevant merchants of the Provincial Women's Federation and the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association. He also had an in-depth conversation with Yan Jingping, Chairman of the Provincial Women's Federation, and Ma Ya, President of the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association, on the International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Li Yaokun, Standing Committee Member of the CPC Zhaoqing Municipal Committee and Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Government, pointed out that the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City will be committed to building a high-end cosmetics park integrating national cosmetics production, sales, research and development, exhibition and leisure. The governments of Zhaoqing and Sihui are actively accepting the industrial transfer from the core areas of the Pearl River Delta such as Guangzhou, hoping to introduce a number of nationally renowned cosmetics brand companies, and hope that entrepreneurs of the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association can find more business opportunities in Sihui, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and thus accelerate the construction of the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Sihui Municipal Party Committee Secretary Yuan Pengran introduced the economic development of Sihui City to the merchants. The Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have the confidence and determination to build an international cosmetics industrial city, make every effort to do a good job in the infrastructure construction of the industrial city, optimize the government service process and efficiency, create a high-quality environment for the development of enterprises, help enterprises settle in the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City as soon as possible, and further promote the economic development of Sihui City.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Sihui City, China will build an international cosmetics industrial city in Xiamao Town, with an initial investment of 1.5 billion yuan!

Sihui City, China will build an international cosmetics industrial city in Xiamao Town, with an initial investment of 1.5 billion yuan!

2017-07-13 16:03

At noon on July 10, 2017, Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Government, led a delegation of relevant merchants including China Aoyuan Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. to visit our city's International Cosmetics Industrial City. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on further broadening the scope of cooperation and accelerating the construction of our city's International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Ma Jun, CEO of Aoyuan Group of China Aoyuan Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and other relevant merchants, accompanied by Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Government, Chen Tengda, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Sihui Industrial Park Management Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, and leaders of relevant departments such as the Municipal Investment Promotion, Land, Housing, Planning and Construction, came to Xiamao Town of our city to visit the International Cosmetics Industrial City project. Chen Tengda briefly introduced the basic situation of our city to the visiting merchants, as well as the basic overview of the location advantages, strategic goals, industrial scale and project positioning of the International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City

It is understood that the Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City is located in Nantang and Jiangming Village Committee of Xiamao Town in Sihui city, with the original planned land of the electronic industry cluster in Xiamao Town as the carrier. The south borders the Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Base and is planned to cover an area of ​​5,000 mu. The first phase of construction is about 1,000 mu, mainly to build a cosmetics production base, production supporting services, life supporting services, exhibitions, R&D centers, brand incubation centers, etc. The total planned investment in infrastructure is about 1.5 billion yuan. In order to speed up the construction of the International Cosmetics Industrial City project in our city, the municipal government has established a project coordination leading group headed by Mayor Liu Jingbo, with an office and five special task forces responsible for the specific work promotion. At present, the project is steadily advancing in four stages: preparation period, start-up period, development period, and maturity period.

Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and member of the Party Leadership Group of the Municipal Government, pointed out that Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City will be committed to building a high-end cosmetics park integrating national cosmetics production, sales, research and development, exhibitions and leisure. The first step is to actively undertake the industrial transfer of Guangzhou and other core areas of the Pearl River Delta, and strive to introduce a number of nationally renowned cosmetics brand companies; the second step is to introduce some well-known cosmetics companies from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan; the third step is to introduce well-known cosmetics companies from Europe and the United States. Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City welcomes senior executives of China Aoyuan Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and other relevant merchants to visit Sihui, and hopes that all entrepreneurs can find more business opportunities in Sihui, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and thus accelerate the construction of our city's International Cosmetics Industrial City project.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


China's Sihui City builds the world's largest cosmetics industrial city

China's Sihui City builds the world's largest cosmetics industrial city

Zhaoqing Food and Drug Administration 2017-08-12 22:58

Recently, Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee, led a delegation to Guangzhou to discuss investment promotion and actively promoted the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City" project, vigorously promoting the construction of the park. Zhou Wenhuan, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, and relevant leaders of the Municipal Food and Drug Administration, Municipal Development and Reform Bureau, Sihui City and Deqing County People's Government attended the event.

Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee, led the investment promotion team to discuss investment promotion matters at Yifa (International) Cosmetics Purchasing Center in Baiyun District, Guangzhou.

▲ Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee, led the investment promotion team to discuss investment promotion matters at Yifa (International) Cosmetics Purchasing Center in Baiyun District, Guangzhou.

At the investment promotion symposium, the two sides discussed in detail,

and reached a preliminary consensus on the strategic positioning of the project, the scope and scale of project cooperation, the content and model of project cooperation, and the steps of project implementation.


Li Yaokun said

Zhaoqing City will make every effort to build the infrastructure of the industrial city, optimize the government service process and efficiency, provide sufficient preferential policies in terms of land, finance, talents, etc., and actively create a high-quality environment that is friendly to, supports, and loves businesses.

Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee (first from the right), personally received and promoted the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City" project

▲ Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee (first from the right), personally received and promoted the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City" project

In order to speed up the construction of the project, since 2017, Li Yaokun, member of the Standing Committee, has led relevant municipal departments and the Sihui Municipal Government to visit well-known enterprises such as the Guangdong Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association, Guangzhou Liby Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Beauty Expo City, and Yifa (International) Cosmetics Purchasing Center for research and promotion. He also received relevant merchants such as China Aoyuan Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and the Provincial Beauty and Hairdressing Cosmetics Industry Association who came to inspect. He repeatedly asked about the construction progress and investment promotion of the industrial city, led the investment promotion team to visit potential merchants in a timely manner, and solved the technical and policy problems encountered by investors during the project construction.

The Zhaoqing Municipal Government actively undertakes the industrial transfer of Guangzhou and other core areas of the Pearl River Delta, and actively carries out the planning and construction of the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City", planning to have 100 enterprises in the first batch. Through efforts, the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City" project has attracted the attention of many enterprises in the province, and is steadily advancing in four stages: preparation, start-up, development, and maturity. At present, more than 30 companies have been received for negotiation, and 6 companies have submitted applications for admission.

In terms of planning and site selection, the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City" is located in the central part of Xiamao Town, Sihui City, with the original planned land of the electronic industry cluster in Xiamao Town as the carrier, and borders the Jianggu Fine Chemical Base in the south. The industrial city is 16 kilometers away from Sihui City, 8 kilometers away from the Sihui West Exit and Exit of the Erguang Expressway, and 4 kilometers away from the Jianggu Exit of the Shantou-Zhanjiang Expressway under construction; it only takes 50 minutes to drive to the New Baiyun Airport and 30 kilometers away from Sihui Mafang Port. The planned Sihui City to Xiamao Highway Project (Zhenxing Avenue) runs through the industrial city, which has a great advantage in convenient transportation in Zhaoqing City and even in the northwest of Guangdong. The overall planned land area of ​​the industrial city is 5,000 mu, which will be developed in three phases, including 1,000 mu of start-up land, 2,500 mu of mature land, and 1,500 mu of development land. The main construction projects include cosmetics production bases, production supporting services, life supporting services, exhibitions, R&D centers, and brand incubation centers.

In terms of target positioning, the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industry City" seizes the new round of development opportunities in the cosmetics industry and strives to build a national high-end cosmetics park integrating production, sales, R&D, exhibitions, and leisure.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Every lady likes--China Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City)--paradise for ladies

Every lady likes--China Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City)

1. Historical background of the project

In order to undertake the transfer of cosmetics industry from Guangdong Province and other regions in China, the People's Government of Sihui City plans to build a new Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City) project in Xiamao Town and Jianggu Town, Sihui City (Zhaoqing City's 2019 key preparatory project).

The project is committed to building a national-level fine chemical (cosmetic) industrial new city that integrates R&D, production, inspection, testing, new product release, online sales, offline exhibition and sales, product experience, warehousing and logistics, and has complete functions such as commercial supporting facilities, education, medical care, finance, residence, and entertainment, as a new pillar of economic growth and sustainable development of modern industry in Sihui City.

2. Formation of the project cooperation development framework

In December 2017, the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal People's Government unanimously approved the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industry City Cooperation Development Framework Agreement". The main contents of the resolution are:

(1) In principle, the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industry City Cooperation Development Framework Agreement" was approved;

(2) In principle, the development and construction of Sihui International Cosmetics City was approved, with a land area of ​​5,000 mu;

(3) In principle, the two parties agreed to establish the Sihui International Cosmetics City Industrial Fund, with a model of approximately RMB 2.5 billion.

3. Determine the undertaking entity for project development management services

In October 2018, the Sihui Municipal People's Government approved that the Sihui Municipal State-owned Assets Management Corporation would represent the Sihui Municipal People's Government in bidding and sign the "Sihui International Cosmetics Industry City Cooperation Operator Cooperation Contract", "Investment and Development Company Cooperation Agreement", and "Sihui International Cosmetics Industry City Development Management Service Agreement" with the successful bidder.

The People's Government of Sihui City approved and agreed that Sihui State-owned Assets Management Corporation and the successful bidder jointly funded the establishment of "Sihui Guojian Cosmetics Development Co., Ltd." as the undertaking entity of the project development and management services of Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City), of which the successful bidder holds 60% and Sihui State-owned Assets Management Corporation holds 40%.

4. Service content of the undertaking entity of project development and management services

Sihui Guojian Cosmetics Development Co., Ltd. provides the Sihui Municipal People's Government with preliminary work, project management, evaluation consulting and fund management services for this project.

Among them, the preliminary work includes but is not limited to regional master planning, control detailed planning, project approval report, regional environmental impact assessment report, safety assessment report, risk assessment report, etc.

5. Annual service fee and contract period

Sihui State-owned Assets Management Corporation shall pay the service fee for the previous two years to Sihui Guojian Cosmetics Development Co., Ltd. in the first quarter of every two years.

The contract period of the project development management service agreement of Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City) is 10 years, from December 18, 2018 to December 17, 2028.

6. Basic information of the project

The project is located in Nantang and Jiangming Village Committee, Xiamao Town, Sihui City, starting from Nantang Xinwu Village, Xiamao Town in the east, Lizhai Changjiang Village, Jianggu Town in the west, Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Base in the south, and Jiangming Niuzui Village, Xiamao Town in the north.

The initial planned land area of ​​the project is 5,000 mu, with 2,000 mu for the first phase and 3,000 mu for the second phase. The park will be developed in two phases.

In Sihui, China, you can find endless cosmetics, cheap and affordable. This is a paradise for ladies.

There are all kinds of cosmetics companies, cosmetics manufacturers, and cosmetics brands.

Ladies all over the world find confidence, happiness, and beauty here.

"One axis"---Advanced manufacturing development axis (Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park)

"One axis"---Advanced manufacturing development axis (Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park)

Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City)

Sihui Fine Chemical Industrial Park (Sihui International Cosmetics Industrial City)

Friday, July 19, 2024

Guangning County Party and Government Delegation Goes to Sihui City to Carry Out County-level Paired Assistance Cooperation

Guangning County Party and Government Delegation Goes to Sihui City to Carry Out County-level Paired Assistance Cooperation

Sihui Release July 18, 2024 19:35 Guangdong, China

On July 17, 2024, Guangning County Party Secretary Chen Chaochang led a team to Sihui City to carry out county-level paired assistance cooperation to jointly promote the coordinated development of Sihui and Guangning. Sihui Municipal Party Committee Secretary and Mayor Weng Zhuohui participated in the event.

Guangning County Party and Government Delegation Goes to Sihui City to Carry Out County-level Paired Assistance Cooperation

On the same day, the Guangning County Party and Government Delegation went to Yuanxin Village, Longma Village Committee, Dasha Town, Jingyi Building, Dasha Town, Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Co., Ltd., Sihui Zhuangjia R&D Center and other places to visit and learn about Sihui City's advanced experience in beautiful villages, town living room construction, enterprise operations and jade industry development.

Guangning County Party and Government Delegation Goes to Sihui City to Carry Out County-level Paired Assistance Cooperation

At the symposium, Chen Chaochang, on behalf of the Guangning County Party Committee and the County Government, expressed his sincere gratitude to Sihui City for supporting Guangning County's economic and social development since the paired assistance cooperation.

Chen Chaochang said that since the pairing assistance and cooperation, the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have attached great importance to it. The two sides have studied and discussed the key assistance and cooperation matters between the two places in 2024, clarified the direction of cooperation, and achieved certain substantial results. Sihui City is one of the top 100 counties in the country in terms of comprehensive strength and the first batch of innovative counties (cities) in the country. There are many advanced experiences in industrial development, park construction, and typical town and village cultivation that are worthy of Guangning County to learn from. In the future, it is hoped that with the help of the joint meeting system of the party and government of the two places, a pairing assistance leading group will be established to increase financial support and resource element support. In the process of jointly building an industrial cooperation park, it is hoped that Sihui City will be able to give Guangning more support and guidance in the future in terms of policy support, formulation and optimization of development plans, infrastructure construction, and industrial investment promotion. In terms of rural industries, rural governance, greening and beautification, it is hoped that the two sides will have more collaborative projects to jointly create a high-quality model for the construction of typical towns and villages in the province. At the same time, it is hoped that the two places will carry out in-depth cooperation in more fields such as medical care, culture, and public services, so that more high-quality resources will benefit the people of the two places. On behalf of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Weng Zhuohui extended a warm welcome to the Guangning County Party and Government Delegation and expressed heartfelt thanks to Guangning County for its long-term support for Sihui's work.

Weng Zhuohui pointed out that Sihui and Guangning are closely related in terms of mountains and rivers, humanities, and both belong to the Suijiang River Basin of Zhaoqing City. They have interconnected transportation, complementary industries, and mutually beneficial ecology. They have been closely related over the years. It is of great significance to carry out paired assistance in counties. We must truly unify our thoughts and actions with the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, and deeply realize that carrying out county assistance and cooperation is to thoroughly implement the specific requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the implementation of the regional coordinated development strategy, and is an effective practice of the Provincial Party Committee's "Hundred Counties, Thousands of Towns, and Tens of Thousands of Villages High-Quality Development Project".

Next, Sihui City and Guangning County should focus on promoting the implementation of the "Hundreds of Thousands of Projects". On the basis of the "one-to-one" assistance and cooperation relationship between the two sides in the county, they should clearly implement the "1+2+3+4" counterpart assistance and cooperation (i.e., "jointly build 1 industrial cooperation park", "paired development of 2 types of demonstration towns", "cooperative construction of 3 rural systems", and "paired implementation of 4 livelihood projects" model). Focusing on employment, education, medical care, culture and other livelihood issues that are closely related to the people, we will continue to strengthen the coordinated comprehensive service capabilities of the two places and effectively enhance the well-being of the people. We must jointly improve the working mechanism and work together to promote the high-quality development of the economies of the two places. Resolutely implement the "dual subject" responsibilities, establish and improve the working mechanism in which the main responsible comrades of the party and government of the two paired parties take the lead, the responsible comrades in charge coordinate and promote, and the paired assistance command headquarters implements the specific implementation. At the same time, establish and improve the regular exchange working mechanism, strengthen the guarantee of factors, actively seek support from higher-level policies, take the lead in the construction of industry, culture and tourism, education, and scientific and technological cooperation, increase financial support and resource factor guarantee support, strive to obtain greater dividends for the assistance and cooperation between the two places, and promote the economic and social development of the two places to a new level.

Guangning County leaders He Jiancai, Li Haisheng, Zhang Jun, Sihui City leaders Su Peng, Cai Xueli, Deng Hongan, Wang Kecheng, Liu Jiexiong, and Zou Runchang participated in the event.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



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