Showing posts with label Fengkai County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fengkai County. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2024

Promote the integration of agriculture and tourism! China Fengkai County inspection team went to Zhejiang to attract investment

Promote the integration of agriculture and tourism! China Fengkai County inspection team went to Zhejiang to attract investment

Invest in Zhaoqing July 12, 2024 21:20 Guangdong, China

Recently, Fengkai County used investment attraction as an engine to drive the transformation and upgrading of the county economy. In the hot summer, it embarked on an investment attraction trip to Zhejiang Province, taking a solid step in promoting the high-quality development of Fengkai County's industrial investment attraction work.

In-depth promotion among enterprises, sincerely invite investment to promote development

On July 8, 2024, Qiu Canhui, deputy secretary of the Fengkai County Party Committee and county magistrate, led an investment delegation to visit Linhai Xiwanggu Agricultural Tourism Management Service Co., Ltd. and Taizhou Fucheng Tourism Industry Co., Ltd. in Zhejiang Province to visit and learn about the local experience and practices in promoting the integrated development of agricultural, cultural and tourism industries. At the same time, they actively promoted Fengkai County's national 4A-level tourist attractions such as Longshan Scenic Area and Hejiang Greenway Gallery Scenic Area, Lingnan Ancient Capital, Mountain and Water City, Guangxin Culture, Cantonese Culture, Xiaohe Ancient Road, Tea Boat Ancient Road and other profound historical and cultural characteristics and superior investment environment, and sincerely invited enterprise representatives to Fengkai for field visits to jointly explore cooperation opportunities and jointly seek a development blueprint.

Dialogue with professors on revitalization and jointly seeking a new future for rural areas

On July 9, 2024, the delegation turned to the Zhejiang Provincial Party Media "Xiaokang Magazine" and held an in-depth talk with Professor Lai Huineng, editor-in-chief of Decoding Zhejiang, on the "Hundred Million Project" to promote investment attraction. In particular, detailed exchanges and discussions were conducted on how to link enterprises to improve the appearance of towns and villages and build beautiful villages suitable for living and working. The inspection team said that Fengkai County is actively exploring a path of rural revitalization that suits its own reality, and hopes to work hand in hand with the majority of entrepreneurs who come to Fengkai to invest to promote the coordinated development of rural tourism and other related industries, and bring fundamental changes to the rural landscape of Fengkai. Professor Lai and the Xiaokang Magazine team were invited to Fengkai for inspection to provide intellectual support and publicity reports for Fengkai's development.

Field investigation invites enterprises to build a new highland for agricultural tourism

On July 9, 2024, Lin Jian, member of the Standing Committee of the Fengkai County Party Committee, led another investment inspection team to Zhejiang Xianglifang Rural Development Co., Ltd. for a field investigation. At the project sites of Xiaoshan Future Land in Hengyi Village and Honey Cube in Boruqiao Village, the inspection team learned in detail about the latest achievements and advanced experience of local enterprises in the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism. The investment promotion inspection team introduced the increasingly perfect tourism supporting resources of Fengkai County to the enterprises. Fengkai County has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is charming. It is a national geological park integrating natural scenery such as boulders, strange peaks, secluded caves, beautiful waters, and forests. The average content of negative ions is 11,000/cm³, which is a natural oxygen bar. Zhejiang enterprises are sincerely invited to invest and start businesses in Fengkai to jointly create a new highland for the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism. The enterprise expressed a strong desire to strengthen cooperation and seek common development with Fengkai.

This trip to Zhejiang has deepened the mutual understanding between Fengkai County and Zhejiang enterprises in the field of agricultural, cultural and tourism industry integration, and laid a solid foundation for the future win-win cooperation between the two places.

Fengkai County will take this inspection as an opportunity to continuously optimize the business environment, strengthen policy support, attract more high-quality enterprises to invest in Fengkai, and jointly write a new chapter in the integrated development of agricultural, cultural and tourism industries.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Start construction as soon as you get the land! 570 acres of mature industrial land in Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China is listed for investment

Start construction as soon as you get the land! 570 acres of mature industrial land in Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China is listed for investment

Invest in Zhaoqing July 11, 2024 20:04 Guangdong, China

570 acres of mature land in Fengkai County is listed for investment

Clear conditions, good investment choice, complete procedures

This year in 2024, Fengkai County has innovated a new model of "mature land" investment promotion, created a batch of mature industrial carriers, aimed at green building materials and advanced manufacturing, and concentrated on promoting 5 plots of 570 acres of mature industrial land to investors from all walks of life. These plots have completed land acquisition and demolition, complete land use procedures, complete infrastructure, and clear access conditions. They are the best choice for investors to invest in the Greater Bay Area.

Take a look at the details of mature land

It is better to act than to be moved! Entrepreneurs are sincerely invited to invest and start businesses in Zhaoqing.

If you have your favorite mature land above,

you can call the investment hotline for consultation:

Huang Huiliang 0086-758-6667757

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Good news for investment promotion丨Progress bar refreshed! Another project in Zhaoqing completed

Good news for investment promotion丨Progress bar refreshed! Another project in Zhaoqing completed

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-01 19:07 Guangdong, China

On June 27, 2024, the Si Rui Plastic Products Project was completed.

The project was invested and constructed by Dongguan Si Rui Plastic Products Co., Ltd. and is located in Pingfeng Expansion Zone, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing Fengkai). The total investment of the project is about 60 million yuan, and the building area of ​​the leased factory is about 6,185 square meters. It mainly develops, produces and sells card album inner pages, card sleeves, packaging bags and other products. The annual output value is expected to be 60 million yuan after reaching full production.

guangdong,Fengkai County,Pingfeng Town,Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone,china,zhaoqing,Plastic Products,

Introduction to the investor

Dongguan Si Rui Plastic Products Co., Ltd. was established on December 24, 2020. Its business scope includes production and sales: plastic products, stationery, anti-static products, packaging products, handicrafts (except ivory and its products), cultural supplies, toys, and hardware products.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Further expand production scale! This company in Fengkai County, China can increase the production of 5 million apricot chicken breeder chicks

Further expand production scale! This company in Fengkai County, China can increase the production of 5 million apricot chicken breeder chicks

Fengkai Release 2024-06-19 12:39 Guangdong, China

Recently, Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd. has received good news. At present, the company has increased production investment, further expanded the scale of breeding chickens, and increased the number of "parent generation" apricot chicken breeders by more than 30,000 sets, which can increase the annual commercial chicks by 5 million, which will greatly alleviate the shortage of chicks for apricot chicken farmers in our county.

It is understood that Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the breeding and processing of apricot chickens. It is an integrated enterprise integrating apricot chicken seed preservation, chick hatching, broiler breeding, chicken cutting and fresh cold chain, and deep processing of cooked chicken products.

封开县,封开杏花鸡,Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding,Xinghua chickens,

The company was established in 2012 and has been in business for 12 years. As a key agricultural leading enterprise in Fengkai County, it adheres to the "company + farmers" business model on the road of development. The poultry breeding center is responsible for cultivating excellent apricot chicken chicks, handing them over to farmers for breeding. After they grow up, the company will collect them and sell them to the outside world to ensure the quality of the apricot chickens produced, helping to build the Fengkai apricot chicken brand.

封开县,封开杏花鸡,Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding,Xinghua chickens,

In addition, the company has always insisted on self-made and self-prepared broiler feed for scientific breeding, and implemented the "five unified" strict control mode in apricot chicken breeding, namely unified varieties, unified epidemic prevention, unified feed supply, unified use of veterinary drugs, and unified sales, strictly adhering to the "bottom line" of apricot chicken food safety, raising the "high line" of quality, and fully guaranteeing the supply and quality safety of feed for farmers.

封开县,封开杏花鸡,Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding,Xinghua chickens,

"We have introduced a batch of apricot chicken breeders, about 30,000 sets."

Chen Yanying, general manager of Fengkai County Guangyuan Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd., introduced.

The company currently plans to further expand the scale of breeding of Xinghua chickens, and it is expected that 10 million chicks will be sold within a year, which is double the original amount. This will effectively solve the shortage of Xinghua chicken chicks and alleviate the demand for breeding.

Since its establishment, Guangyuan Company has led many farmers to become rich by providing free chicks and technology, providing breeding, breeding, and assistance to many farmers, and recruiting local farmers for employment. It has led more than 100 farmers to raise Xinghua chickens to get rid of poverty and become rich, and at the same time guided them to embark on the road of large-scale and industrialized development.

The company was established in Fengkai County through investment promotion. Now, it is growing bigger and bigger in Fengkai County. We believe that if your company is settled in Fengkai County, China, your company can also grow bigger and bigger.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Hello, this is Fengkai! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-investment paradise-Entrepreneurship Paradise

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China: Constructing a collaborative investment promotion pattern and drawing up a blueprint for new industrial development

Friday, June 7, 2024

Heading to the Greater Bay Area and the Southwest, Fengkai County promotes investment in both directions

Heading to the Greater Bay Area and the Southwest, Fengkai County promotes investment in both directions

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-06-04 21:42 Guangdong, China

Recently, Fengkai County has fully utilized its locational advantages as a bridgehead between the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Southwest, instigated a two-way investment promotion offensive, broadened new paths for industrial investment promotion, seized the industrial transfer of the core cities in the Greater Bay Area, and actively explored the potential for cooperation in the Southwest, and promoted the two-way empowerment of resources and projects.

Heading to the Greater Bay Area to carry out investment promotion and seize the opportunity of industrial spillover cooperation

On May 29, 2024, Li Yanyu, deputy county magistrate of Fengkai County, led a team to Guangzhou to participate in the Panyu counterpart assistance investment promotion cooperation meeting, focusing on promoting the joint construction of the "enclave" investment promotion platform and deepening the industrial cooperation mechanism, and drawing a new blueprint for cross-regional cooperation.

Fengkai County,Guangdong,guangzhou,china,Zhaoqing,Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing),Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County,

After the meeting, the inspection team inspected the site selection of the investment promotion center and made plans for layout. Then, the delegation visited Panyu District Manufacturers Association, Guangzhou Huasuiwei Prefabricated Parts Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Baoda Wanxiang Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. to promote Fengkai County's large-scale and high-quality mineral resources, rich and unique agricultural products, beautiful natural landscapes and other resource endowments and "mother-like" service business environment and other investment advantages, and warmly invited enterprises to Fengkai for field visits and seek common development.

Fengkai County,Guangdong,guangzhou,china,Zhaoqing,Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing),Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County,

On May 30, 2024, Li Yanyu continued to lead the team to visit a number of industry leaders in Guangzhou, including Guangdong Oriental Yuhong Building Materials Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Dongba Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. and Kezicai (Guangzhou) Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., through on-site visits to the production lines, R&D centers and operation models of the enterprises, to gain an in-depth understanding of the development layout and investment intentions of the enterprises, and to propose targeted investment implementation plans based on the development demands of the enterprises, and strive to promote enterprises to Fengkai to deploy new projects and expand new development paths.

Visit enterprises in the front line of the southwest to seek joint development of the industry

On May 29, 2024, Fengkai County Deputy Mayor Lu Ke led a team to Guangxi to visit Guangxi Wanyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Lu Ke introduced to the entrepreneurs the investment advantages of Fengkai County, such as its rich mineral resources, the "Xijiang Golden Waterway" that connects the Greater Bay Area and the Southwest, and the increasingly perfect industrial supporting facilities. The enterprises said that Fengkai County has various advantages as an ideal investment destination, especially the advantages of water transport resources, which can greatly save the transportation costs of enterprises.

Fengkai County,Guangdong,guangzhou,china,Zhaoqing,Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing),Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County,

Afterwards, the delegation, accompanied by the heads of the enterprises, visited the production base and factory on site to understand the production process and requirements.

The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on resource sharing, project planning and industrial collaboration, laying the foundation for the subsequent industrial cooperation. The delegation sincerely invited enterprises to visit Fengkai on site to create a win-win future.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fengkai County, China: Small white melons, a big industry, help to accelerate the development of the village collective economy

Fengkai County, China: Small white melons, a big industry, help to accelerate the development of the village collective economy

Fengkai Release 2024-06-01 23:24 Guangdong, China

In the hot summer, the melons and fruits are fragrant.

Recently, in the small white melon plantation in Yuancun Village, Yulao Town, Fengkai County, small white melons are spread all over the garden.

The cadres of Yuancun Village Committee and the members of the Town and Village Assistance Team (hereinafter referred to as the "Working Team") in Yulao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City are busy picking the first batch of mature small white melons, which will be officially put on the market for sale the next day. This means that Yuancun Village's exploration and development of the small white melon industry and the development of the village collective economy have begun to show results.

封开,Fengkai County, China,guangdong,yulao town,zhaoqing,foshan,nanhai,

Freshly picked small white melons

It is understood that in order to achieve the goal of strengthening the village collective economy, at the beginning of 2024, the working team actively cooperated with the Party Committee and Government of Yulao Town to guide each village committee to adapt to local conditions, deeply explore the advantageous resources of each village, find the "small incision" to develop characteristic industries, and follow the idea of ​​"one village, one product" to promote the "acceleration" of the village collective economy.

The cadres of Yuancun Village Committee took advantage of the situation and took the initiative to explore and pilot the "village committee + working team + enterprise" production model to plant characteristic crops to achieve village economic income. That is, the village committee is responsible for transferring and leasing land and setting the types of crops to be planted; the working team provides human, financial and material support; the enterprise is responsible for the management of crop planting and helps to produce and sell. "At present, the project has transferred 15 mu of land, planted 15 mu of small white melons, and will continue to rotate 15 mu in the second half of the year. The yield per mu can reach 4,000 jin. It is estimated that this year, Yuancun Village will leverage the village collective economy by 200,000 yuan in small white melon planting alone." The person in charge of the Yuancun Village Residents Committee introduced.

封开,Fengkai County, China,guangdong,yulao town,zhaoqing,foshan,nanhai,

The working team is checking the planting of small white melons and assisting growers in fertilizing. 

In supporting the implementation of the small white melon planting industry project in Yuancun Village, the working team linked resources from multiple parties. Through the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Revitalize Ten Thousand Villages" campaign, it raised 10,000 yuan in assistance funds as the start-up capital for the project; it raised social donations and purchased 2,000 kilograms of fertilizers to be donated to the Yuancun Village Committee. In addition, the working team took the initiative to assist the village committee in field management, weeding, pruning, fertilizing, and picking for the plantation. Cui Xianzhong, the team leader, said: "Industrial revitalization is the foundation of rural revitalization. We must continue to contribute to the village committee in exploring and developing characteristic industries and increasing the village-level collective economic income."

In the next step, Yulao Town will seek development through innovation, vigorously support the development of characteristic industries by various village committees, strive to achieve industries and brands in every village, and help accelerate the "acceleration" of the village collective economy.


Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China joins hands with the Chamber of Commerce to deepen cooperation and jointly build a road for investment in Southwest China

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China joins hands with the Chamber of Commerce to deepen cooperation and jointly build a road for investment in Southwest China

Released by Fengkai County 2024-05-08 23:33 Guangdong, China

Recently, the presidents and entrepreneurs of the Guangxi Liuzhou and Yulin Chaoren Overseas Friendship Associations and the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the "Fathership and Chamber of Commerce") came to Fengkai County for on-site inspections and negotiations on industrial projects. .

Recently, a group of chamber of commerce presidents and entrepreneurs formed an inspection delegation to Fengkai to inspect investment

△Recently, a group of chamber of commerce presidents and entrepreneurs formed an inspection delegation to Fengkai to inspect investment.

The delegation came to Fengkai Park in Guangdong Province to inspect the park layout, factory design, living and entertainment facilities, and park enterprises.

The person in charge of the Changshi Cable Project Company who settled in the park said: "The business environment in Fengkai is really good. The government provides comprehensive services and cares and supports our company. The journey from signing to implementation was smooth." The inspection team expressed their appreciation for the Fengkai Park in Guangdong and Guangxi Standard factory buildings, investment costs, etc. are appreciated.

At the negotiation meeting held after the field trip, the main leaders and functional departments of Fengkai County introduced to the delegation in detail Fengkai County’s long humanistic history, rich mineral resources, “the first of the three famous chickens”, apricot flower chicken, oil chestnut, etc. Famous and high-quality agricultural products, beautiful landscapes such as Hejiang Bidao, Guangxin Tower, "Guangdong Little Guilin" Longshan Scenic Area, two major industrial platforms and investment policies, Guangdong-Guangxi Fengkai Park and Green Building Materials Industrial Park.

Special Experimental Zone for Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation

△Special Experimental Zone for Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation

The inspection team spoke highly of Fengkai County's resource endowment and business environment, and stated that it would accelerate investment cooperation with Fengkai County and further plan to invest in specific industrial projects focusing on electronic information, green building materials, food processing and other fields. .

At the same time, the delegation further strengthened the promotion of Fengkai County among internal companies, and mobilized member companies to come to Fengkai to inspect Fengkai County’s investment advantages in green building materials, advanced manufacturing, food processing, industrial supporting facilities and business environment, and seek common cooperation with Fengkai County. Chance to win. In addition, the delegation will also incorporate Fengkai County’s investment information and advantages into the promotional content of associations and chambers of commerce to help Fengkai County increase promotion and broaden publicity and promotion channels.

Fengkai County will use the association and chamber of commerce in Guangxi as a link to seize the opportunity to build Fengkai County's reputation in the southwest region.

Next, Fengkai County will strengthen communication with associations and chambers of commerce, and plans to go to Yulin City in June and Nanning City to visit corporate members to further seek cooperation opportunities.

In the future, Fengkai will be based on the local resource endowment and industrial foundation, give full play to Fengkai County’s geographical location, the “Golden Waterway of the Xijiang River”, resource endowment and other investment advantages. On the basis of strengthening investment promotion in Guangxi, it will further expand and target Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and High-quality enterprises in the southwestern region such as Chongqing continue to extend, supplement and strengthen the chain to promote the development of industrial clusters in Fengkai County.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China: Constructing a collaborative investment promotion pattern and drawing up a blueprint for new industrial development

Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, China: Constructing a collaborative investment promotion pattern and drawing up a blueprint for new industrial development

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-04-23 23:09 Guangdong, China


Fengkai County

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

Build a collaborative investment promotion pattern

Work together to promote industrial investment promotion

Fengkai County actively deepens the collaborative large-scale investment promotion pattern, and through the comprehensive implementation of the "top leader" leadership system and the "three-thirds" work system for industrial investment promotion, the implementation of industrial investment promotion work is refined to each functional department and each town (street) to ensure that Responsibilities are clear and tasks assigned to people. At the same time, we give full play to social forces such as business associations, township sages, and investment promotion agencies to form a large-scale investment promotion pattern in which county leaders take the lead and industry authorities, towns (streets), and social forces collaborate. Through the collaborative operation model, the resources of all parties are integrated to form a joint force to improve the professionalism, pertinence and effectiveness of the investment promotion work, and jointly promote new breakthroughs in Fengkai County's investment promotion work.

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

Go to various places to attract investment, and set off a new wave of "big investment, attracting big business"

Fengkai County makes full use of its resource advantages such as rich mineral resources, diverse specialty agricultural products, convenient transportation on the Xijiang Golden Waterway, and beautiful natural landscapes, and focuses on upstream and downstream enterprises in leading industrial chains such as green building materials, advanced manufacturing, modern agriculture, culture, tourism, and health care, and green energy. Carefully plan investment promotion work.

Driven by the leadership of Fengkai County, investment promotion teams from various functional departments and towns (streets) went to Fujian, Anhui, Guangxi, Hubei and other places, and traveled to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan and other Pearl River Delta regions many times to vigorously carry out investment promotion activities and actively We visited enterprises and business associations to comprehensively promote Fengkai County’s investment advantages such as its resource endowment, industrial foundation, and business environment. Since the beginning of this year, Fengkai County has had about 100 people go out to attract investment for about 45 days, and visited more than 90 companies.

Strengthen publicity and promotion

Increase visibility and seize new development opportunities

The Fengkai investment promotion team has repeatedly used investment promotion conferences and other events to deeply promote Fengkai County’s profound historical and cultural heritage, rich mineral resources, beautiful ecological landscape, as well as its superior transportation location advantages, characteristic agricultural advantages, and industrial platform advantages.

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

On January 19, 2024,Fengkai  participated in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Green and Prefabricated Building High-Quality Innovation and Development Conference in Guangzhou.

On March 2, 2024, Fengkai participated in the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference in Liuzhou, Guangxi. Through precise promotion and in-depth exchanges with entrepreneurs, I comprehensively demonstrated the advantages and advantages of Fengkai County’s investment environment. Regarding the prospects of industrial development, entrepreneurs have expressed that Fengkai County has huge development potential and are full of confidence in investing and starting businesses in Fengkai. The two promotion meetings have successfully connected with about 50 companies.

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

Accelerate the pace of project implementation

Create a strong atmosphere of learning and catching up

On February 19, 2024, Fengkai County held a grand signing and groundbreaking ceremony for Zhaoqing City’s key projects in the first quarter of 2024 at the Longhua International Hotel project site (Fengkai Branch Venue).

This event not only showcased Fengkai County's fruitful results in industrial investment promotion, but also greatly demonstrated the county's spirit of "go hard and fast", stimulating enthusiasm and determination for industrial development. During the day's activities, 4 projects were signed with a total planned investment of 897 million yuan, and 12 projects were started with a total planned investment of 1.399 billion yuan.

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

Improve the service concept of investment promotion and landing

Create an efficient and convenient business environment

Fengkai County continues to deepen the communication mechanism between government and enterprises, strengthens the closed-loop management of the entire process of industrial projects, implements "list + account cancellation" dynamic supervision, "does not disturb anything, responds to requests", and provides all-round, all-weather "mother-like" services.

Fengkai County,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,new industrial development,investment promotion,Liuzhou,guangzhou,hongkong,Greater Bay Area,

At the same time, the county implements a project monitoring point mechanism, uses county leaders’ monitoring points to promote project signing and implementation, consolidates the responsibilities of eight specialized classes for industrial investment promotion, and promotes the efficient implementation of projects through daily scheduling, supervision and assignment, interviews and notifications, etc. This year, Solved 18 project implementation problems. Fengkai County adheres to a problem-oriented approach and provides timely and efficient relief to enterprises. Enterprises have said that Fengkai County's efficient and convenient services allow enterprises to invest with confidence, operate with peace of mind, and develop with confidence.

Economic Promotion Bureau of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) and Investment Promotion Bureau of Fengkai County

Address: the fifth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, and the fourth floor of the Administrative Center Building, Fuqian Road, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province;

Tel:  0086-758-6689238,   0086-758 -6667757;

Fax: 0086-758-6689383,   0086-758-6683786;

Email: 、

Hello, this is Fengkai! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-investment paradise-Entrepreneurship Paradise

Sunday, March 3, 2024

There are many opportunities and broad prospects! Zhaoqing goes to Liuzhou, Guangxi to carry out industrial docking exchanges

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 china

2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou, Guangxi) Industry Docking Exchange Conference

Deepen cooperation between the east and west of Guangdong, Guangxi, and strengthen industrial cooperation between Zhaozhou and Liuzhou. On March 2, 2024, the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference was held in Liuzhou. More than 80 enterprise representatives from Zhaoqing and Liuzhou exchanged ideas, discussed cooperation, and discussed industrial development. Liu Jingbo, Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing City, and Tang Zhenguo, Vice Mayor of Liuzhou City attended the event.

2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou, Guangxi) Industry Docking Exchange Conference

Cooperation between the east and the west is a major measure personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is of great significance to promoting regional coordinated development, coordinated development and common development. Zhaoqing and Liuzhou are both important node cities in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Guangxi-Guizhou High-speed Railway Economic Belt. The two sides have many points of convergence in strategic goals and have extensive space for cooperation in strategic initiatives.

Liu Jingbo said

It is hoped that this inspection and docking will be used as an opportunity to actively guide Zhaoqing enterprises to enter Liuzhou and help Liuzhou develop high-quality around the coordinated development of industries. At the same time, Liuzhou enterprises are also welcome to visit Zhaoqing and invest in business. Tang Zhenguo also expressed the hope that Zhaozhou and Liuzhou will take the opportunity of east-west collaboration to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information, innovate cooperation models, and improve the level of cooperation.

Tang Zhenguo said

It is hoped that Zhaozhou and Liuzhou will take the opportunity of East-West collaboration to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information, etc., innovate cooperation models, and improve the level of cooperation.

Zhu Zengyu, President of Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicles and Auto Parts Association, said

"Both places are running on the fierce track of the new energy automobile industry. Each has its own accumulation and advantages, and there is broad space for cooperation. I hope to take this opportunity to promote Zhaoliu and Liuzhou to strengthen cooperation in the new energy automobile industry and achieve Win-win.”

It is understood that there are 305 parts manufacturers above designated size in Liuzhou City. Liuzhou has the only national automobile quality inspection and testing center in South China. It has made remarkable achievements and obvious advantages on the new energy vehicle track, and has created many good experiences and practices that Zhaoqing can learn from. .

Zhaoqing has initially formed a new main force in the new energy automobile circle with Xpeng Motors as the main chain, CATL as the giant in the power battery industry, and Leoch Power, Hongtu Technology, Hepu Power, Jiali Auto Lighting, and Putai The South China Base and Xizhen Circuit Technology are key supporting industrial clusters with a number of leading enterprises in the subdivision fields, making Zhaoqing one of the most important new energy vehicle and auto parts manufacturing gathering places in the Greater Bay Area and even the country, and has successfully entered the country's advanced manufacturing ranks among the top 100 cities in the industry, showing vigorous development momentum.

Before the meeting, the Zhaoqing enterprise delegation also organized inspections of SAIC-GM-Wuling Co., Ltd., Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd., showing a strong willingness to cooperate with Liuzhou enterprises.

"We focus on making aluminum profiles and have already cooperated with many car companies to ensure quality. We hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Wuling."

"We make high-voltage wiring harnesses, which are accessories for new energy vehicles. I hope Wuling will consider us."

At SAIC-GM-Wuling Co., Ltd., representatives from Zhaoqing companies held a symposium with Huang Shoudao, the company’s head of procurement, to express their demands for cooperation.

Huang Shoudao also expressed to Zhaoqing enterprises that Liuzhou currently lacks high-quality enterprises but Zhaoqing has them, such as die-casting, aluminum profiles and other enterprises, and hopes to further exchanges and cooperation.

Also hotly discussed by Zhaoqing enterprise representatives is the Liuzhou snail noodle industry. In Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing enterprise representatives were inspired while walking around.

"Zhaoqing has many high-quality agricultural products and specialty delicacies, and is building a prepared vegetable industry. We should learn from the successful experience of snail noodles."

“Only by finding the correct market positioning and thinking of a good promotion plan can local specialties become famous throughout the country.”

Business representatives have provided suggestions and suggestions for Zhaoqing's food to "break out of the circle".

At the meeting, representatives from Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters and Fengkai County also made presentations on the investment environment.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Going to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi) in the Year of the Dragon, how does Zhaoqing tap into the potential of Southwest China

Going to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi) in the Year of the Dragon, how does Zhaoqing tap into the potential of Southwest China

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 Guangdong

At the beginning of the new year, all trees grow new.

Various places in the Greater Bay Area are making a fuss about the word "new", and Zhaoqing investment promotion is also aiming at the "new direction"

——Go to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi), look west, and write a new chapter in Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation.

From March 1st to 2nd, 2024, the Zhaoqing City Investment Investigation Delegation went to Liuzhou, Guangxi to carry out investment inspection activities and hold the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Southwestern China (Guangxi Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Meeting. More than 50 local high-quality Liuzhou companies and more than 20 Zhaoqing new energy vehicle and auto parts companies participated in the industry docking exchange meeting. The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited SAIC-GM-Wuling Liudong Baojun Base, Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd.

A new manufacturing city and an industrial town, the two sides are creating new sparks in a two-way manner. It’s great to learn from each other.

01 Representatives from both parties are enthusiastic and sincere

On March 2, 2024, a unique industry docking exchange meeting was held in Dragon City-Liuzhou.

Zhaoqing holds the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference in Liuzhou

Zhaoqing holds the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference in Liuzhou

"We mainly produce control systems. Wuling Motors is a good match for our products. Welcome to come to us for guidance." "We specialize in lightweight aluminum alloy precision castings for automobiles. We hope to strengthen contact with Liuzhou companies in this regard." "We have innovation "We welcome friends from Liuzhou to join us in developing the Greater Bay Area together." A group of Zhaoqing enterprise representatives warmly shouted to the Liuzhou enterprise representatives.

Business representatives spoke enthusiastically at the exchange meeting

Business representatives spoke enthusiastically at the exchange meeting

What makes the low-key and pragmatic Zhaoqing entrepreneurs so "excited" is ultimately Liuzhou's attraction.

Liuzhou is an important industrial town in the southwest. It has formed an industrial system with automobiles, machinery, and steel as the leading industries, chemical industry, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, new energy and other industries coexisting with a complete range of industrial categories. It has cultivated Wuling, Liugong, Liuzhou Iron and Steel, Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile , Shuangying, Luobawang and other well-known enterprises. Among them, the automobile industry is the first pillar industry in Liuzhou, with a total output value of more than 140 billion yuan, and vehicle production and sales exceeding 1.54 million units. Liuzhou has a total of 92 autonomous region-level smart factories and digital workshops, with nearly 8,000 industrial robots in stock, ranking first in Guangxi.

Liu Jingbo said

"Liuzhou has taken solid steps on the road of high-quality development and created many good experiences and practices that Zhaoqing can learn from. Similarly, Zhaoqing, as an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and an important part of the Guangzhou metropolitan area, anchors high-quality Development is the primary task and we will vigorously implement the 'four major revitalizations' of industry, rural areas, culture and tourism, and social undertakings. We welcome more enterprises from Liuzhou to visit Zhaoqing and invest in business."

At the exchange meeting, the leaders of the large-scale industrial agglomeration area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing), and Fengkai County all promoted Zhaoqing’s investment environment, introducing Zhaoqing’s location, transportation, land, policies, costs and Advantages in industry and other aspects.

Tang Zhenguo, deputy mayor of Liuzhou Municipal Government, said

“Zhaoqing actively integrates into the new development pattern, expands and strengthens emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information, improves and optimizes traditional industries such as fine metal processing, green building materials, fine chemicals, and food and beverage prepared dishes, and plans to deploy artificial intelligence I am very impressed by industries such as intelligence, 6G, robots, and low-altitude economy. Zhaoqing has embarked on a new journey in the new energy industry and has become a new growth pole in the western part of the core area of the Pearl River Delta. It is an investment hotspot in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and has a bright future. .”

Kuang Sheng, president of Liuzhou Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, believes that

"Guangdong is very strong, and Liuzhou's industrial foundation is also very good. There is something worth learning from each other. There are hundreds of thousands of Guangdong merchants in Liuzhou. In the future, we will use the power of the chamber of commerce to allow entrepreneurs from Liuzhou and Zhaoqing to communicate more , to enhance industrial collaboration capabilities.”

02 The industries of both parties have a foundation and space

Drinking water from the same river makes Zhaoqing-liuzhou and his family close.

Zhaoqing and Liuzhou are both cities with beautiful scenery on both sides of the river. They are also important node cities in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Guangxi-Guizhou High-speed Railway Economic Belt. The two sides have many points of convergence in terms of strategic goals, many similarities in urban layout, and there is also much basis and space for cooperation in industrial development.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

He Shao, Chairman of Guangdong Zhaoqing Power Metal Co., Ltd. said

"We originally also cooperated with Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., and we hope that through this matchmaking meeting, we can have more cooperation opportunities with the 'magic car' Wuling."

Liao Yanshen, general manager of Guangdong Powerlong Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Wanyang Public Innovation City, said

"We also have Wanyang Public Innovation City Base in Liuzhou, and we have already had a 'chemical reaction' with Liuzhou and established in-depth connections." He introduced his two industries to the representatives of the participating companies. "One is looking for people who are interested in joining the modified car industry. The car company in the blue ocean is Dabolong Automobile. The other is that we have more than 600,000 square meters of industrial plants, and we also have door-to-door products by trucks. We hope that companies with production qualifications will come to us and integrate into the Greater Bay Area together."

Zhu Zengyu, President of Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicles and Auto Parts Industry Association, said

"The industrial cooperation between the two places has broad prospects and unlimited potential. Zhaoqing and Liuzhou have always been brotherly and friendly cities. They are highly compatible in industry, geography, and environment, and have a solid foundation for strategic cooperation. Many auto parts companies in Zhaoqing have become SAIC-GM-Wuling, Dongfeng Liuzhou, etc. First- and second-tier automobile supporting suppliers or upstream and downstream supply chain partnerships.”

Zhu Zengyu thinks

In the future, Zhaoqing and Liuzhou can complement each other's advantages in the automobile industry. Liuzhou has formed a mature automobile industry chain system and location advantages. Its achievements and experience in the coordinated development of industrial clusters, first-class manufacturing and supply chain systems, and government policy formulation and support are worth learning from Zhaoqing. Zhaoqing made the new energy vehicle industry its leading industry in 2016 and has now formed a new energy vehicle industry cluster covering complete vehicles and batteries, motors, electronic controls, sensors, lightweight new materials, tires, chassis, lighting systems, etc. At the same time, Zhaoqing is backed by Guangdong Province, the largest province in automobile production and consumption in the country. New energy vehicles have obvious advantages in technological innovation. The market demand in the Greater Bay Area is large, and a coordinated development pattern between cities has been formed, which effectively promotes the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry. .

Introduction by Yang Kangning, Director of Public Affairs Department of Xpeng Motors

With the development of intelligent technology, the new energy automobile industry is accelerating the reshuffle. With the strong support of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Xpeng Motors Zhaoqing Factory has continued to increase capital and expand production, becoming the main enterprise in the new energy automobile industry in Zhaoqing. Xpeng Motors' Zhaoqing factory is currently developing new models and is committed to promoting more supporting car companies to settle in Zhaoqing and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

SAIC-GM-Wuling vehicles can be seen everywhere in Liuzhou city

SAIC-GM-Wuling vehicles can be seen everywhere in Liuzhou city

03 There are opportunities and future for cooperation between the two parties

Looking west is not only the future but also the mission of Zhaoqing.

Cooperation between the east and the west is of great significance to promoting regional coordinated development, coordinated development and common development. Recently, the two provinces and regions of Guangdong and Guangxi held a conference on deepening east-west collaboration and comprehensively strengthening Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation, and signed a series of deepening cooperation agreements to jointly promote Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation to a new level.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing Municipal Government said

The purpose of Zhaoqing's holding of this industrial docking exchange meeting is to deepen the collaboration between the east and west of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi, strengthen the industrial cooperation between Zhaoqing and Liuzhou, and jointly write a beautiful chapter for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing and Liuzhou.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited SAIC-GM-Wuling Liudong Baojun Base, Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd. Everyone is impressed by the fact that SAIC-GM-Wuling has become China's first single national brand car company with a cumulative production and sales volume of 25 million units, Shuangying Group has focused on the car seat segment and finally become a "specialized, special and new" enterprise, and Luo Bawang has used "Xiaomi powder" to do things. I was deeply impressed by the excellent case of developing a 50 billion yuan "big industry", and they all handed business cards and added WeChat messages to the representatives of the other companies.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

Introduction by the relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

In the past, Zhaoqing mainly "looked eastward and rushed eastward." While seeing the development advantages of the eastern coastal cities, it should also turn back and "look westward" to seize the development of advantageous industries and high-quality enterprises in the southwest region to carry out industrial collaboration and industrial transfer. opportunities to realize its own industrial upgrading and innovative development.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

As of February 25 this year 2024, Zhaoqing’s investment promotion team has conducted more than 110 inspections, visited 187 companies and business associations, held 20 investment environment promotion activities, and obtained more than 80 effective investment clues. It is currently actively promoting the accelerated implementation of the projects under discussion. , out of Zhaoqing investment acceleration.

This Year of the Dragon begins in Liuzhou,

Moved by full sincerity, driven by strong strength and attracted by rare opportunities, Zhaoqing is expected to achieve "new breakthroughs" in the "new direction".

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600



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