Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The city's industrial investment promotion landing and park planning and construction exchange symposium was held: Systematically and accurately grasp investment promotion and promote the park to improve quality, expand quantity and increase efficiency

The city's industrial investment promotion landing and park planning and construction exchange symposium was held: Systematically and accurately grasp investment promotion and promote the park to improve quality, expand quantity and increase efficiency

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-05-29 23:53 Guangdong, China

On May 29, 2024, the city's industrial investment promotion landing and park planning and construction exchange symposium was held to thoroughly study and implement the important speech and important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, focus on implementing the specific deployment of the provincial party committee's "1310", and study and promote the landing of industrial investment promotion and park planning and construction. Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting emphasized

All localities and departments should insist on taking the landing of industrial investment promotion and park planning and construction as an important means to promote high-quality economic development, continuously improve the accuracy, professionalism and systematicness of investment promotion, and work together to promote the park to improve quality, expand quantity and increase efficiency, and strive to run out of the "acceleration" of Zhaoqing's high-quality development.

First, we must actively reconstruct the goals and tasks of investment promotion. Based on the resource endowment and development needs of various regions, relying on the original industrial foundation and industrial system, aiming at the development trend of the industry, clarifying the main direction and tasks, focusing on the leading and characteristic industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information, actively seeking business and knocking on the door to attract investment, coordinating and doing a good job in precise investment in the fields of agriculture, culture, commerce, and tourism, actively focusing on new quality productivity to do a good job in industrial introduction, forward-looking layout of future industries such as low-altitude economy, and accelerating the formation of a good trend of continuous and rolling development of projects.

Second, we must make every effort to improve the quality and empowerment of industrial park platforms. Continue to build the "344" park carrier, promote the construction of the three major industrial platforms led by Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, Zhaoqing New District, and large-scale industrial agglomeration areas with high quality, promote the deepening of the "one county, one park, and one characteristic" development pattern in the four eastern districts (cities) and the four western counties, and solidly promote the digitalization, intelligence, and green transformation of industrial parks, and further improve the level of industrial intensiveness in the parks.

Third, we must strengthen the guarantee of investment promotion and park construction elements. We will continue to optimize the business environment, implement a series of policies and measures to promote high-quality development of investment attraction in the manufacturing industry, establish and improve the approval agency services for major industrial investment projects and the existing investment attraction assessment and project selection systems, improve the result-oriented assessment and evaluation system, strengthen the overall guarantee of talent, capital and other factor resources, deepen the implementation of the "general battle" for the construction of manufacturing projects, and continue to provide services for the entire process of project construction and enterprise development.

Fourth, we must go all out to do a good job in economic work in the first half of the year. We must scientifically and accurately plan and reserve ultra-long-term treasury bond projects, actively promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement, accelerate the construction of major projects to expand effective investment, strengthen the analysis and dispatch of economic operations and fiscal and taxation work, take multiple measures to promote consumption, and effectively consolidate and enhance the upward trend of the economy.

The meeting reported on the landing of industrial project investment attraction in the city since this year. The main responsible comrades of Dinghu District (including Zhaoqing New District), Guangning County, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone, Sihui City, and Fengkai County made exchanges.

Municipal leaders Chi Zhixiong, He Jing, Liu Jingbo, and Xie Guikun attended the meeting.

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