Saturday, December 9, 2023

Hello, this is a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!

Hello, this is a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-12-07 23:36

What to invest in Zhaoqing? What high-quality industries are there in Zhaoqing? What is the industrial base...

Today we will launch the last issue of the special column planning "Zhaoqing Investment Business Card".

This column explains to you the "business card" information such as the industrial basic overview, industrial advantages, and attraction directions of each county (city, district) in Zhaoqing. Domestic and foreign merchants are welcome to come to Zhaoqing for negotiation, investment and business development.

Zhaoqing welcomes you

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

Below, we introduce to you

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

(Hereinafter referred to as "Zhaoqing Large Agglomeration Area")

Industrial investment business card.

Where is the large gathering area in Zhaoqing?

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

The Zhaoqing large-scale industrial agglomeration area is located in the southeast of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. It is one of the seven large-scale industrial agglomeration areas approved by the provincial party committee and the provincial government at the end of 2021. It is also a major industrial platform that Zhaoqing is currently building with the city's efforts.

The planned area of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area is 992 square kilometers.

Across the river from Foshan,50 minutes to Guangzhou Airport,

25 minutes to the planned Pearl River Delta trunk airport.

10 minutes to the high-speed rail station,

The high-speed train takes half an hour to Guangzhou and 1 hour to Shenzhen.

It is an investment lowland with great development potential.

It is also the main battlefield for Zhaoqing’s construction with the whole city’s efforts.

The planned area of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area is 992 square kilometers.  Across the river from Foshan,50 minutes to Guangzhou Airport,  25 minutes to the planned Pearl River Delta trunk airport.  10 minutes to the high-speed rail station,  The high-speed train takes half an hour to Guangzhou and 1 hour to Shenzhen.  It is an investment lowland with great development potential.  It is also the main battlefield for Zhaoqing’s construction with the whole city’s efforts.

The first phase of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area has designated a "2+5" starting area, covering an area of approximately 137 square kilometers, including 2 municipal starting areas and 5 Duanzhou, Dinghu-Zhaoqing New District, Gaoyao, Sihui, and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone A local starting area.

With the strong support of the Guangdong province, since the large-scale agglomeration area in Zhaoqing was put into physical operation in April this year, it took only half a year to complete the acquisition of nearly 14,000 acres of land, settle more than 80 projects, acquire land for more than 40 projects, and transfer more than 2,000 acres of land. , it takes an average of 4 days to sign a project, and 8 days to complete land supply for each project.

What is the industrial foundation and what are the advantages?

Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area takes "industrial project support, leading enterprises as the lead, park-based carrying, and cluster development" as its core ideas. The municipal management starting area will be led by "intelligent network-connected new energy automobile industry" and "new generation electronic information industry". "As a focus, actively develop the two characteristic industries of "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials", build an overall "1+1+2" industrial system, and build the municipal management starting area into a highly recognizable, clustered, and strong carrying capacity. Advanced manufacturing core development zone.

In terms of intelligent networked new energy automobile industry,

Relying on Xpeng Motors, CATL, etc.

The leading role of “chain owner” enterprises,

Build step by step

"Core parts - vehicle manufacturing - after-market services"

Intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle industry chain.

At present, Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area has formed a core industrial chain of vehicle manufacturing + batteries, motors, electronic controls, wires, tires, chassis, lightweight materials, sensors, lighting, tires, etc., which can provide a full range of key components for the layout of the automobile industry in Zhaoqing. Industrial chain supporting services.

In the electronic information industry,

Vigorously promote the manufacturing of electronic information terminals,

The development of new electronic components,

Build a "core components - complete machine manufacturing - terminal application"

A new generation of electronic information industry chain.

How is the business environment?

As an industry platform that continues to grow and develop,

Zhaoqing’s large-scale agglomeration area not only has unique development advantages,

The business environment also continues to improve.

Administrative approval and enterprise services are at the forefront of the province.

01  Powerful supervision and effectiveness mechanism

Set up 8 special work teams for land acquisition, land use approval, and project tracking services, and implement the "one project, one leader, one ledger, follow up to the end" working mechanism to ensure that each project has a leader to follow up and implement, and fully promote the implementation of the project .

02  Excellent corporate service awareness

Each project has a dedicated tracking service, early intervention, and front-line service. The "dual capacity and double commitment" working mechanism optimizes the construction process and strives to shorten the project implementation time limit and process.

03  Efficient project service management

Build a digital investment guidance platform for the agglomeration area to promote the organizational structure, transportation location, land reserves, investment projects, etc. of the agglomeration area in an "online + offline" manner, from the project to the entire process of contract signing, landing, and production. manage.

04  Professional project implementation team

The agglomeration area headquarters has mobilized cadres from counties and districts with experience in investment promotion, park management, corporate services and other related work to create a high-quality project implementation team that understands economics, planning, industry, park construction, and corporate services. Cadre work team.

As of the end of November this year, there were 84 newly introduced projects in the municipal management starting area, with a total planned investment of 26.84 billion yuan, an estimated annual output value of 41.694 billion yuan, and an estimated annual tax revenue of 1.21 billion yuan. Key projects include regular projects with a planned investment of 1.1 billion yuan. Innovative retail smart manufacturing comprehensive industrial park project, Tailing electric vehicle industrial park project with a planned investment of 1 billion yuan, Jieli lithium battery production and industrial energy storage system integration project with a planned investment of 1 billion yuan, etc. At present, 47 projects have been transferred to provide land, with a total land area of 1,685.34 acres.

Investment direction

Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area takes "intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle industry" as its leading role and "new generation electronic information industry" as its focus, and actively develops two characteristic industries: "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials" to build an overall "1+1" +2” industrial system.


In the future, Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area will focus on the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Municipal Party Committee, clarify investment promotion ideas, innovate investment promotion measures, and strive to improve the resilience and integrity of the industrial chain and supply chain, through targeted We actively promote the "going out and bringing in" model through methods such as investment promotion, chain owner investment promotion, business introduction, fund investment promotion, "Internet +" and investment promotion meetings, introduce large projects, cultivate large industries, and strive to attract a group of leading talents. , iconic, "chain master" type major high-quality projects settled in the large-scale industrial cluster area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

Welcome to forward Zhaoqing’s new business card for investment.

 Let more people feel the vitality of Zhaoqing’s large-scale gathering area

and vigorous vitality,

  Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

Looking forward to your arrival!

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



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