Showing posts with label Industrial Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Industrial Park. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Inspizieren und recherchieren! Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing dringen tief in Unternehmen und Parks ein, um nach Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu suchen

Inspizieren und recherchieren! Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing dringen tief in Unternehmen und Parks ein, um nach Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu suchen

Investieren Sie in Zhaoqing, 10. Juli 2024, 21:27 Uhr, Guangdong, China

Kürzlich haben Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing verschiedene Orte intensiv besucht, Unternehmen und Parks besucht, die Möglichkeit einer Zusammenarbeit besprochen, nach für beide Seiten vorteilhaften und Win-Win-Geschäftsmöglichkeiten gesucht und gemeinsam eine Brücke gebaut, um Investitionen anzuziehen.


Am 9. Juli 2024 führte Weng Zhuohui, Sekretär des städtischen Parteikomitees von Sihui und Bürgermeister, ein Team in den Bezirk Chancheng der Stadt Foshan, um Inspektionen zur Investitionsförderung durchzuführen, Unternehmen zu besuchen, Sihui bekannt zu machen und zu fördern, die pragmatische Zusammenarbeit zu vertiefen und vieles mehr Förderung der Geschwindigkeit und Qualität der Investitionsförderung. Förderung neuer wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen.

Im Foshan Dreamweaver Industrial Park erlangten das Sihui-Inspektionsteam und seine Delegation durch Inspektionen vor Ort und Anhörung von Einführungen ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis des Industrielayouts, des Betriebsmodells und des Entwicklungsplans des Industrieparks. Auf dem Symposium tauschte sich das Inspektionsteam intensiv mit dem Managementteam des Industrieparks, Vertretern ansässiger Unternehmen und Vertretern der Foshan Children's Products Industry Association aus und führte umfassende und eingehende Diskussionen über industrielle Zusammenarbeit und Projekteinführung , Talentaustausch usw. und erfolgreich Es wurden mehrere Konsensvereinbarungen getroffen. Das Inspektionsteam stellte fest, dass der Industriepark umfangreiche und wertvolle Erfahrungen in verwandten Industriebereichen gesammelt hat und über ein ausgereiftes Modell verfügt, das einer ernsthaften Untersuchung und Referenz durch das Vierte Huihe würdig ist. Das Vierte Huihe selbst verfügt auch über einzigartige und bedeutende Vorteile und ein enormes Entwicklungspotenzial , und ist bestrebt, mit Unternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Zusammenarbeit weiter zu stärken, um gegenseitigen Nutzen und Win-Win-Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Die an dem Treffen teilnehmenden Unternehmer sagten, dass Sihui über eine hervorragende geografische Lage, eine gute industrielle Basis und ein enormes Entwicklungspotenzial verfügt. Sie werden sich aktiv am wirtschaftlichen Aufbau der Stadt Sihui beteiligen, ihre eigenen Ressourcen und technologischen Vorteile voll ausschöpfen und mit Sihui zusammenarbeiten eine bessere Zukunft schaffen.

Kreis Guangning

Am 8. Juli 2024 leitete Chen Chaochang, Sekretär des Parteikomitees des Kreises Guangning, ein Team, das Vor-Ort-Ermittlungen bei zwei Außenhandels- und ausländisch investierten Unternehmen, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. und Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., durchführte. , GmbH.

Bei der Dingfeng Company verstand das Forschungsteam die spezifischen Bedürfnisse und bestehenden Probleme beim Bau des technischen Transformationsprojekts der Tissue-Produktionslinie des Unternehmens und gab Hinweise zu relevanten Fragen, wobei es auf eine frühzeitige Umsetzung des technischen Transformationsprojekts und eine effiziente Kapitalverwendung drängte Steigerung und Produktionsausweitung.

Anschließend besuchte das Forschungsteam die Ausstellungshalle der Weipai Electronics Company, hörte sich Berichte des Unternehmensverantwortlichen über Produktforschung und -entwicklung, Produktion und Betrieb an und führte ausführliche Diskussionen und Austausche mit dem Unternehmen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse lag die Entwicklung des Unternehmens auf Außenhandelsmärkten sowie Strategien und Wege für die zukünftige Entwicklungsplanung und andere Aspekte. Durch Besuche und Diskussionen erlangte das Forschungsteam ein umfassendes Verständnis über den Produktions-, Betriebs-, Planungs- und technischen Transformationsprojektbaufortschritt zweier ausländisch finanzierter Außenhandelsunternehmen, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. und Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., Ltd ., und gab Stellungnahmen zur Förderung der „fünf Außenhandelsunternehmen“ des Landkreises Guangning ab. Die damit verbundene Arbeit der „Verknüpfung“ wurde diskutiert, um den Grundstein für die Förderung des Außenhandels des Landkreises Guangning zu legen, den bestehenden Bestand zu erfassen, den Anstieg zu fördern und den zu stabilisieren Grundmarkt für ausländische Investitionen und Außenhandel.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

Deqing Release July 1, 2024 21:09 Guangdong, China

On July 1, 2024, Xing Xiang, Secretary of the Huadu District Committee of Guangzhou, led a research team to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to go deeper and more practical in Deqing. Ling Yun, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Zhang Zhouxing, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Mayor, and Sun Yanpeng, Deputy County Mayor, accompanied the investigation.

The research team went to Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. and other places for field research, and learned in detail about the industrial transfer of the Huadu-Deqing co-built industrial park and the construction of the green and beautiful industrial demonstration site.

At the Huadu-Deqing Party and Government Joint Meeting, Ling Yun expressed his gratitude for the long-term strong support of Huadu District. He said that since the two places established a counterpart assistance relationship, the cooperation has been continuously strengthened, and all work has achieved good results. Deqing County will seize the development opportunities such as counterpart assistance and cooperation, focus on the entry points of assistance, strengthen cooperation in key areas such as investment promotion, industrial cooperation, talent exchange, education and medical care, and strive to promote rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy.

After listening to the work report of the Huadu District Working Team in Deqing, Xing Xiang fully affirmed the achievements made by Huadu District in counterpart assistance to Deqing County. She said that we should focus on two-way empowerment, promote industrial cooperation to achieve a new leap, continue to deepen the joint construction of parks, actively carry out collaborative investment promotion, vigorously develop advantageous industries, and further increase the added value of agricultural products; we should focus on mutual benefit and win-win, promote consumer cooperation to enter the fast lane, promote each other's high-quality products, deepen and improve the "local specialties" article, promote the increase of people's income and wealth, rely on the "reverse enclave" park of Huadu and Deqing e-commerce incubation, as well as the resource advantages of Huadu District E-commerce Association and consumer assistance enterprises, and strive to promote more high-quality agricultural products in Deqing to go out and make the "purses" of the people in Deqing bulge; we should focus on people's livelihood needs, promote assistance and cooperation to a new level, promote the exchange of education and medical talents, and accelerate the improvement of infrastructure; we should anchor the overall goal of "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and tens of thousands of villages", integrate assistance resources, form a joint force for assistance, and promote the "hundreds of millions of projects" in Deqing with stronger strength and more practical measures.

During the investigation, the research team also visited Mawei Town, Gaoliang Town, Deqing Morinda Officinalis South China Trading Market and other places to investigate the development of Deqing southern medicine in Meiliwei Town, a typical town of the province's "Hundred Thousand Million Project".

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Zhaoqing New District - Industrial Park Construction Situation - Short Video Filmed in May 2024

 Zhaoqing New District - Industrial Park Construction Situation - Short Video Filmed in May 2024

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Friday, March 1, 2024

Zhaoqing-Deqing County, Guangdong held a working meeting on industrial park construction: accelerating the improvement of park quality and efficiency and promoting the high-quality development of the industrial economy

Zhaoqing-Deqing County, Guangdong held a working meeting on industrial park construction: accelerating the improvement of park quality and efficiency and promoting the high-quality development of the industrial economy

Released by Deqing 2024-03-01 21:11 Guangdong

On February 29, 2024, Deqing County held an industrial park construction work meeting to study and deploy key tasks for park construction, accelerate the improvement of park quality and efficiency, and promote the high-quality development of the industrial economy. Deqing County Party Committee Secretary Lingyun, County Party Committee Deputy Secretary and County Magistrate Wu Jianwei, County People's Congress Standing Committee Director Zhang Jianqiu and others attended the meeting.

Lingyun emphasized

It is necessary to fully understand the importance and urgency of park construction, further strengthen the confidence and determination to promote high-quality development of the park, further stimulate the enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the park construction, and strive to build the "four beams and eight pillars" of industrial development to provide high-quality development for Deqing. Inject new vitality and add new momentum.

It is necessary to firmly believe that the park is the mother, expand the sources of funds for park construction, improve the park infrastructure, strengthen the prevention and control of pollution in the park, build a solid platform for industrial development, improve the level of park agglomeration, and create a powerful carrier for industrial transfer.

It is necessary to select the right industries and projects, vigorously carry out investment promotion closely around the leading industries, and introduce more industrial projects that complement, extend, and strengthen the chain.

It is necessary to make every effort to promote construction and production, continue to optimize enterprise services, implement the rectification and write-off system for enterprise problem lists in the park, implement policies, land use, energy use and other element guarantees, promote projects to be quickly launched, constructed quickly, and put into production quickly, and existing enterprises meet the standards. production, safety and steady development.

Wu Jianwei requested

It is necessary to adhere to problem orientation and goal orientation, consolidate the foundation for industrial development in the park, and ensure that "land is available, land can be used, and land is utilized."

We must persist in seizing opportunities to attract investment accurately, keep a firm grip on the "steering wheel" of investment promotion, and promote the development of industrial clusters in the park.

It is necessary to persist in optimizing the business environment, optimizing the supply of public services, planting fertile ground for good development of the park, accelerating the implementation of projects, and promoting high-quality development of the park.

At the meeting, relevant town (street) and county departments made speeches on promoting the construction of industrial parks.

Deqing County leaders Chen Sufang, Zhang Zhouxing, Xiao Zunming and Zhou Jianyi attended the meeting.



德慶發布 2024-03-01 21:11 廣東

2024年2月29日,德慶縣召開工業園區建設工作會議,研究部署園區建設重點工作,加速園區提質增效,促進工業經濟高品質發展。 德慶縣委書記凌雲,縣委副書記、縣長伍劍偉,縣人大常委會主任張建球等參加會議。


要充分認識園區建設的重要性和緊迫性,進一步強化推動園區高品質發展的信心決心,進一步激發大抓園區建設的干勁熱情,全力築牢產業發展的“四樑八柱”,為德慶高品質發展 注入新活力、增添新動能。



要全力促進生產,持續優化企業服務,實施園區企業問題清單整改、銷帳制度,落實政策、用地、用能等要素保障,推動工程快落、快建設、快投產,現有企業達標達 產、安全穩健發展。







Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Deqing County, Guangdong Province,China

Tel:   0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Hello, this is a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!

Hello, this is a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing)! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-12-07 23:36

What to invest in Zhaoqing? What high-quality industries are there in Zhaoqing? What is the industrial base...

Today we will launch the last issue of the special column planning "Zhaoqing Investment Business Card".

This column explains to you the "business card" information such as the industrial basic overview, industrial advantages, and attraction directions of each county (city, district) in Zhaoqing. Domestic and foreign merchants are welcome to come to Zhaoqing for negotiation, investment and business development.

Zhaoqing welcomes you

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

Below, we introduce to you

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

(Hereinafter referred to as "Zhaoqing Large Agglomeration Area")

Industrial investment business card.

Where is the large gathering area in Zhaoqing?

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

The Zhaoqing large-scale industrial agglomeration area is located in the southeast of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. It is one of the seven large-scale industrial agglomeration areas approved by the provincial party committee and the provincial government at the end of 2021. It is also a major industrial platform that Zhaoqing is currently building with the city's efforts.

The planned area of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area is 992 square kilometers.

Across the river from Foshan,50 minutes to Guangzhou Airport,

25 minutes to the planned Pearl River Delta trunk airport.

10 minutes to the high-speed rail station,

The high-speed train takes half an hour to Guangzhou and 1 hour to Shenzhen.

It is an investment lowland with great development potential.

It is also the main battlefield for Zhaoqing’s construction with the whole city’s efforts.

The planned area of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area is 992 square kilometers.  Across the river from Foshan,50 minutes to Guangzhou Airport,  25 minutes to the planned Pearl River Delta trunk airport.  10 minutes to the high-speed rail station,  The high-speed train takes half an hour to Guangzhou and 1 hour to Shenzhen.  It is an investment lowland with great development potential.  It is also the main battlefield for Zhaoqing’s construction with the whole city’s efforts.

The first phase of Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area has designated a "2+5" starting area, covering an area of approximately 137 square kilometers, including 2 municipal starting areas and 5 Duanzhou, Dinghu-Zhaoqing New District, Gaoyao, Sihui, and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone A local starting area.

With the strong support of the Guangdong province, since the large-scale agglomeration area in Zhaoqing was put into physical operation in April this year, it took only half a year to complete the acquisition of nearly 14,000 acres of land, settle more than 80 projects, acquire land for more than 40 projects, and transfer more than 2,000 acres of land. , it takes an average of 4 days to sign a project, and 8 days to complete land supply for each project.

What is the industrial foundation and what are the advantages?

Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area takes "industrial project support, leading enterprises as the lead, park-based carrying, and cluster development" as its core ideas. The municipal management starting area will be led by "intelligent network-connected new energy automobile industry" and "new generation electronic information industry". "As a focus, actively develop the two characteristic industries of "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials", build an overall "1+1+2" industrial system, and build the municipal management starting area into a highly recognizable, clustered, and strong carrying capacity. Advanced manufacturing core development zone.

In terms of intelligent networked new energy automobile industry,

Relying on Xpeng Motors, CATL, etc.

The leading role of “chain owner” enterprises,

Build step by step

"Core parts - vehicle manufacturing - after-market services"

Intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle industry chain.

At present, Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area has formed a core industrial chain of vehicle manufacturing + batteries, motors, electronic controls, wires, tires, chassis, lightweight materials, sensors, lighting, tires, etc., which can provide a full range of key components for the layout of the automobile industry in Zhaoqing. Industrial chain supporting services.

In the electronic information industry,

Vigorously promote the manufacturing of electronic information terminals,

The development of new electronic components,

Build a "core components - complete machine manufacturing - terminal application"

A new generation of electronic information industry chain.

How is the business environment?

As an industry platform that continues to grow and develop,

Zhaoqing’s large-scale agglomeration area not only has unique development advantages,

The business environment also continues to improve.

Administrative approval and enterprise services are at the forefront of the province.

01  Powerful supervision and effectiveness mechanism

Set up 8 special work teams for land acquisition, land use approval, and project tracking services, and implement the "one project, one leader, one ledger, follow up to the end" working mechanism to ensure that each project has a leader to follow up and implement, and fully promote the implementation of the project .

02  Excellent corporate service awareness

Each project has a dedicated tracking service, early intervention, and front-line service. The "dual capacity and double commitment" working mechanism optimizes the construction process and strives to shorten the project implementation time limit and process.

03  Efficient project service management

Build a digital investment guidance platform for the agglomeration area to promote the organizational structure, transportation location, land reserves, investment projects, etc. of the agglomeration area in an "online + offline" manner, from the project to the entire process of contract signing, landing, and production. manage.

04  Professional project implementation team

The agglomeration area headquarters has mobilized cadres from counties and districts with experience in investment promotion, park management, corporate services and other related work to create a high-quality project implementation team that understands economics, planning, industry, park construction, and corporate services. Cadre work team.

As of the end of November this year, there were 84 newly introduced projects in the municipal management starting area, with a total planned investment of 26.84 billion yuan, an estimated annual output value of 41.694 billion yuan, and an estimated annual tax revenue of 1.21 billion yuan. Key projects include regular projects with a planned investment of 1.1 billion yuan. Innovative retail smart manufacturing comprehensive industrial park project, Tailing electric vehicle industrial park project with a planned investment of 1 billion yuan, Jieli lithium battery production and industrial energy storage system integration project with a planned investment of 1 billion yuan, etc. At present, 47 projects have been transferred to provide land, with a total land area of 1,685.34 acres.

Investment direction

Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area takes "intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle industry" as its leading role and "new generation electronic information industry" as its focus, and actively develops two characteristic industries: "high-end equipment manufacturing" and "advanced materials" to build an overall "1+1" +2” industrial system.


In the future, Zhaoqing's large-scale agglomeration area will focus on the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Municipal Party Committee, clarify investment promotion ideas, innovate investment promotion measures, and strive to improve the resilience and integrity of the industrial chain and supply chain, through targeted We actively promote the "going out and bringing in" model through methods such as investment promotion, chain owner investment promotion, business introduction, fund investment promotion, "Internet +" and investment promotion meetings, introduce large projects, cultivate large industries, and strive to attract a group of leading talents. , iconic, "chain master" type major high-quality projects settled in the large-scale industrial cluster area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing).

Welcome to forward Zhaoqing’s new business card for investment.

 Let more people feel the vitality of Zhaoqing’s large-scale gathering area

and vigorous vitality,

  Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) large-scale industrial cluster

Looking forward to your arrival!

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Some projects are put into production this year! Zhaoqing Industrial Park construction busy --attract investment-Investment Paradise-make money

Some projects are put into production this year! Zhaoqing Industrial Park construction busy 

Investment Zhaoqing 

Recently, in various industrial parks in Zhaoqing,

There are many hanging towers on the construction site

Transport vehicles shuttle back and forth,

With the roar of various large machinery,

Ensemble a wonderful hymn of labor.

What is the progress of each project in the industrial park?

Let's pay attention!

01 Guangning High-tech Industrial Park Phase II Project

A few days ago,

Guangning High-tech Industrial Park Phase II Project

Project construction site

It shows that construction is in full swing

The scene of rushing for progress.

At present, the construction of four important projects

Significant progress has been made.

Molecular cold chain (Zhaoqing) intelligent equipment project

It is a key project of Guangning County with more than 100 million yuan,

The total investment of the project is 361 million yuan,

300 jobs were created,

The project mainly manufactures refrigerated containers, liquid nitrogen freezers

Freeze-drying machine, pre-cooler and other cold-chain related equipment.

Effect picture of molecular cold chain (Zhaoqing) intelligent equipment project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Effect picture of molecular cold chain (Zhaoqing) intelligent equipment project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

To ensure the project

It can be put into production in the second half of the year,

The workers on the construction site scrambled for the construction period,

Go all out to complete the plant construction.

At present, the capping work of plant II and plant IV has been completed, and the lifting work of roof tiles of plant I and plant III has been carried out at full power. The project is expected to be officially put into operation in the second half of the year.

The construction site of molecular cold chain (Zhaoqing) intelligent equipment project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The construction site of molecular cold chain (Zhaoqing) intelligent equipment project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project

The total planned investment is 160 million yuan,

450 jobs were created,

The project has been completed and the annual production room air conditioning

15000 high and low voltage distribution cabinets.

Rendering of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Rendering of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Rendering of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

It can be seen at the project construction site,

The main body of a four-storey modern building

The construction has been completed,

The workers are installing glass doors and windows

Water, electricity, gas and other supporting facilities and equipment,

The project is expected to be delivered in mid-March.

The construction site of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The construction site of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The construction site of Guangdong Weiteng Cloud Computing Equipment Manufacturing Project in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Kemi has an annual output of 350000 sets of paper shredders

Production project of classified destruction equipment

The land area is 40 mu,

Mainly engaged in the production of Kemi paper shredder,

Including hardware processing, electronic component production

Production of plastic products, etc

Production and assembly of paper shredder parts.

The effect picture of Kemi's annual production of 350000 sets of paper shredder secret-related destruction equipment in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The effect picture of Kemi's annual production of 350000 sets of paper shredder secret-related destruction equipment in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

At present, the project is progressing in an orderly manner.

It is understood that after the year, construction site personnel will enter the site in succession,

There are more than 100 construction personnel on site,

There will be more staff this year 2023,

Accelerate the progress of project construction,

It is planned to be completed in June this year 2023.

The construction site of Kemi's annual production of 350000 sets of paper shredder secret-related destruction equipment in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The construction site of Kemi's annual production of 350000 sets of paper shredder secret-related destruction equipment in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

Guangdong Lile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

The blank storage LGV project is temporarily unmanned

The total planned investment is 113 million yuan,

Mainly engaged in ceramic production of wall and floor tiles, large slabs and rock slabs

And the whole glaze line equipment of the thin plate production line

Design, production, installation and commissioning.

The effect picture of the blank storage LGV project of Guangdong Lile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

The effect picture of the blank storage LGV project of Guangdong Lile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guangning, Zhaoqing. Issued by Guangning

According to the project leader,

The main part of the office building of the project has been basically completed,

The two main parts of the plant have been completed,

There is only one main building under construction.

Next, the project party will increase manpower,

Ensure that the project is completed around July

Formal production.

The construction site of the blank storage LGV project of Guangdong Lile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., located in Guangning, Zhaoqing, is temporarily empty. Issued by Guangning

The construction site of the blank storage LGV project of Guangdong Lile Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., located in Guangning, Zhaoqing, is temporarily empty. Issued by Guangning

02 Zhaoqing New Area Port Industrial Park Project


In the Lingang Industrial Park of Zhaoqing New Area,

Industrial projects are also being vigorously promoted,

All construction personnel have been in place,

Work hard to accelerate the project construction.

The port industrial park project in Zhaoqing New Area has been vigorously promoted.

The port industrial park project in Zhaoqing New Area has been vigorously promoted. 

Zhaoqing Tianqing Agricultural Products Cold chain logistics industrial park project

Zhaoqing Tianqing Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Industrial Park Project is Guangdong Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative

And Zhaoqing Supply and Marketing Cooperative

Key projects to be jointly promoted,

The project is expected to refrigerate 50000 tons of agricultural products after reaching the production capacity,

The annual processing and sorting of agricultural products is more than 100000 tons.

Rendering of Zhaoqing Tianqing Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Industrial Park Project. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area,

Rendering of Zhaoqing Tianqing Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Industrial Park Project. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area, 

JD Asia No.1 Zhaoqing New Area Logistics Park

The way to go is

Jingdong Asia No.1 Zhaoqing New Area Logistics Park,

The total investment is 1.43 billion yuan,

Estimated sorting operation volume after formal operation

Up to 200000 pieces per day,

The annual revenue shall not be less than 10 billion after reaching the production capacity.

The rendering of the logistics park project in Zhaoqing New Area, JD Asia No.1. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area,

The rendering of the logistics park project in Zhaoqing New Area, JD Asia No.1. Issued by Zhaoqing New Area, 

It is understood that many high-quality projects such as JD Intelligent Warehousing, Junfu and Tianqing Cold Chain have been settled in the Lingang Industrial Park area of Zhaoqing New Area, and some of them are planned to be completed and put into operation this year.

Lingang Industrial Park Area of Zhaoqing New Area

Lingang Industrial Park Area of Zhaoqing New Area

It's just the right time to work hard!

At present, Zhaoqing Industrial Park is busy,

Each project competes against time to catch up with the construction.

With each industrial park in Zhaoqing

The rapid progress of the project,

Zhaoqing's industrial development is bound to seize the momentum

The future can be expected!


Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong 搬工廠去肇慶四會----兩個廣東老闆的對話

Moving the factory to Sihui, Zhaoqing --- a conversation between two bosses from Guangdong A: What happened to your factory in Vietnam recen...