Monday, September 9, 2024

Small cities in China--Sihui City, Guangdong--Emerging Industrial Cities--Photography Collection-China Travel-環球最大翡翠市場

Small cities in China--Sihui City, Guangdong--Emerging Industrial Cities--Photography Collection



廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,四會綏江河邊

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,


廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,

廣東四會市,Sihui City, Guangdong,china,Small cities in China,Emerging Industrial Cities,Hometown of Chinese Jade,China Travel,


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Sugar Orange Soda Factory direct sales--Sihui City China

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Sunday, September 8, 2024

The only one in the world. Pig cage mooncake. Made in Gaoyao, China.全球唯一。豬籠仔月餅。中國高要出品。

The only one in the world. Pig cage mooncake. Made in Gaoyao, China.全球唯一。豬籠仔月餅。中國高要出品。

想要這款懷舊限定?高要:已安排! 🌙🌙🌙 月到中秋分外明,人到中秋情較濃。






Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,


Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,


Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,

Pig cage mooncake,猪笼饼,猪笼月饼,little Pig mooncake,gaoyao,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,豬籠仔月餅,洋篮月饼,豬籠入水,



 转载 UFO四会站  2023年11月10日 19:25 广东





























Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School Teachers Delegation Visits Sihui Jade-Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base

Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School Teachers Delegation Visits Sihui Jade-Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base

 Sihui Jade-Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base

September 8, 2020 19:15

On September 7, 2020, a delegation of teachers from Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School visited Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base. Luo Rongjian, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of Sihui Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Industry Association, and Li Xiaogeng, the person in charge of the e-commerce Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base, jointly received them.

Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School Teachers Delegation Visits Sihui Jade-Jewelry E-commerce Live Broadcast Base

First, Li Xiaogeng, the person in charge of the base, not only introduced the operating characteristics and live broadcast room of Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base to the Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade Teachers Delegation, but also took everyone to visit the base's BIC warehousing and logistics testing integrated center, special live broadcast room, jade Maitreya Buddha, etc.

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

A discussion meeting on "school-enterprise cooperation" was held afterwards. The attendees included: Luo Rongjian, executive vice president and secretary general of Sihui Bao Association, Li Xiaogeng, head of Douyin e-commerce Sihui live broadcast base, Wu Ziyan, head of Sihui Industrial Service Center, Luo Hongjin, vice president of Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School, Feng Hua, head of the Academic Affairs Section, Zhang Hui, director of the Admissions and Employment Office, Zhang Hongrong, head of the Economic Management Department, Huang Shenghui, head of the e-commerce professional group, Huang Minyi, a key teacher of e-commerce, and representatives of the top excellent e-commerce companies in the base, such as Cai Shiweng, Shilipai, Wucai Xiangyun, Cai Mantian, etc.

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

At the meeting, Luo Rongjian, executive vice president and secretary general of Sihui Bao Association, warmly welcomed the visit of the Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade Teachers Delegation, and introduced the development history of Sihui's jade industry, as well as the development of Sihui's jade industry and market to the participants.

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Luo Rongjian, Secretary General of Sihui Bao Association, delivered a speech

Luo Hongjin, Vice President of Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School, also responded enthusiastically to Secretary General Luo's welcome and expressed that the purpose of this visit was mainly to visit and learn. He hoped that the school and the enterprise could reach a consensus, build a friendly bridge for school-enterprise cooperation, improve the school's teaching experience, and provide more outstanding talents for the e-commerce industry.

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Luo Hongjin, Vice President of Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School, spoke and introduced the basic situation of the school

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Representatives of various jade e-commerce companies spoke enthusiastically, focusing on the current development scale, industry rules, talent training and other issues of the jade live broadcast industry. The enterprise representatives also said that under the guidance of Sihui Bao Association and the Industrial Service Center, they are looking forward to further cooperation and development with the school and injecting fresh blood into the enterprise.

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Sihui E-commerce Live Broadcast Base,sihui,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing Industrial and Trade School,jade,jewelry,e-commerce industry,

Speech by enterprise representatives

After today's meeting, the school and the enterprise have a deeper understanding of each other. Many sparks of thinking collided in this exchange and discussion. It is hoped that there will be further cooperation and exchanges in the near future.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.comEnglish、中文

Why is this company in Gaoyao Jiaotang Town, China so confident?

Why is this company in Gaoyao Jiaotang Town, China so confident?

Posted by Gaoyao on September 8, 2024 15:33 Guangdong

As Zhaoqing City further promotes the construction of ecological civilization and accelerates the construction of a "waste-free city", Gaoyao's environmental protection equipment manufacturing companies are continuously strengthening technological innovation, continuing to improve green competitiveness, and promoting high-quality development.

Recently, reporters walked into the production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. located in Jiaotang Town, Gaoyao, and there was a busy production scene everywhere.

The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

▲The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

Workers are busy lifting and assembling high-power, heavy-duty solid waste resource treatment equipment such as crushers and shredders, and debugging the entire machine. Production, technology, and quality inspection work are cooperating to rigorously and meticulously inspect each system. Operation status, check whether the product technical parameters meet the national standard requirements.

After debugging is completed, these "big guys" will enter downstream enterprises to recycle, harmlessly and reduce solid waste such as household appliances, lithium batteries, plastics and other solid waste to "help" the construction of ecological civilization.

The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

▲The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. 

It is understood that Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Junnuo Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and settled in Gaoyao District in August 2019. As early as 2020, the company won the title of national "Green Manufacturing System Solution Provider" enterprise and the first batch of national "Environmental Protection Equipment Manufacturing (Solid Waste Disposal Equipment) Standardized Enterprises". In order to expand and strengthen the environmental protection industry and promote local green development, from 2021 to 2022, Guangdong Hummingbird Resource Recycling Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong Junnuo Environmental Protection New Materials Co., Ltd., and Industrial Solid Waste Disposal Zhaoqing Cable Company have also been established. subsidiaries.

Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

▲ Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

At present, Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. has established stable sales in many countries around the world through independent research and development of core equipment, including the technical advantages of exclusive detachable knives, fine processing of spindle equipment and intelligent control of production lines. The service system serves more than 100 countries and regions around the world. Its customers include the world's largest environmental protection group Suez Group, GEM Group, Everbright Environment, CATL, GAC Group and other well-known domestic and foreign first-tier listed companies. Cooperation projects include waste electronics and miscellaneous materials cleaning and recycling systems, waste tire disassembly and resource utilization systems, retired lithium battery crushing and recycling resource utilization systems, scrap metal resource utilization and sorting systems, etc., which have effectively promoted the transformation and upgrading of the domestic solid waste industry.

The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

▲The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. 

Ye Lei, general manager of the company, said that cooperation with listed group customers is not just a simple purchase and sale of equipment, but to provide solid waste recycling system solutions and services.

"For traditional project bidding, other engineering companies are unable to provide independent equipment research and development, design, processing and manufacturing equipment like Junnuo, while also taking into account the entire line of projects to achieve high automation and intelligent management, and Junnuo has a global presence. All can provide after-sales service." Regarding the unique advantages of his company, Ye Lei generously revealed that during the production process, he attaches great importance to the handling of environmental issues such as water and gas. "It must meet national emission standards and even achieve 'zero pollution' emissions."

The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd.

▲The production workshop of Junnuo Environmental Protection Equipment Technology (Zhaoqing) Co., Ltd. 

"In the first half of this year, the company achieved a production output value of more than 70 million yuan. Next, we will also maintain high investment in research and development for a long time, and give full play to the advantages of our equipment manufacturing company for the construction of Zhaoqing's 'waste-free city' and the development of circular economy." Ye Lei said that the company will always take root in the environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry, develop and provide more solid waste treatment equipment and technologies, and provide favorable equipment support for the green and low-carbon development of the economy and society.

Welcome everyone to visit Jiaotang Town, Gaoyao, China!

Jiaotang Town Investment Promotion Office

Tel: 0086-758-8113218(Cantonese粤语、Chinese普通话)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673(Cantonese粤语、Chinese普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Xiamao Town, Sihui City, China: Visiting local talents, promoting investment and seeking development

Xiamao Town, Sihui City, China: Visiting local talents, promoting investment and seeking development

Sihui Rural Revitalization May 10, 2024 23:08 Guangdong

In order to vigorously promote the construction of XiaMao Town's industrial cluster development zone, social forces are mobilized extensively to support the high-quality development of XiaMao's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects". From May 8th to 9th, the main leaders of XiaMao Town led an inspection delegation to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan to carry out industrial investment promotion and visit the Guangdong Province Sihui Chambers of Commerce.

The inspection delegation visited Guangzhou Zhaoming Heavy Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Yingchuang Furniture Co., Ltd., and Dongguan Yongdu Shoes Co., Ltd. to conduct investment inspections and learn more about the company's production and operation, technology, product sales and development direction. situation and carry out project negotiations.

Xiamao Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Rural Revitalization,promoting investment,shenzhen,guangzhou,

Xiamao Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Rural Revitalization,promoting investment,shenzhen,guangzhou,

During the inspection, the inspection delegation introduced the investment environment, investment resources and supporting policies of Xia Mao Town to the entrepreneurs in detail, and warmly welcomed and actively supported the enterprises to invest and develop in XiaMao.

Xiamao Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Rural Revitalization,promoting investment,shenzhen,guangzhou,

Entrepreneurs are very optimistic about the development prospects and investment environment of XiaMao Town, and expressed that they will further strengthen the docking and communication work of proposed investment projects, and strive to realize investment and business development and mutual benefit and win-win results in Xia Mao Town as soon as possible.

The delegation visited the Sihui Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong Province and held discussions with Ding Zhiwen, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and Lin Wenfei, Wu Rihui, Ding Jintian, Guan Songzhao, and Lin Guosen, representatives of Xiangxian from Shenzhen and XiaMao.

At the symposium, the inspection delegation took the creation of a "Hundred-Ten Thousand Project" typical town in XiaMao Town in 2024, the comprehensive integration of industry, agriculture, tourism, and the creation of an industrial professional town as the starting point, and comprehensively introduced the Xia Mao Industrial General to the villagers. The status of indicators such as output value, industrial development scale and business environment, as well as future development plans.

Xiamao Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Rural Revitalization,promoting investment,shenzhen,guangzhou,

The relevant person in charge of Xiamao Town said that the Xiamao Town Government is very concerned about the development of the Sihui Chamber of Commerce and hopes that the two parties will strengthen docking and in-depth exchanges. At the same time, they kindly invite the wise people from Xiamao Township who are abroad to return to Xiamao to invest and start businesses and support the construction of their hometown.

The wise people from XiaMao Township expressed their gratitude to the XiaMao Town Government for its warm invitation. This symposium has deepened their understanding of XiaMao Town and they will actively consider returning to their hometown to invest and start businesses in the future.

Distribution Map of Important Industrial Parks in Sihui City, China

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Hello, this is Sihui City! Please accept this new business card to attract investment!--What to invest in Zhaoqing?--Investment paradise

Welcome everyone to visit Xiamao Town, Sihui City, China!

Xiamao Town Investment Promotion Office


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语、普通话)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.comEnglish、中文


Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing production is continuously produced 24 hours a day

Breaking new records! More than 10,000 units of Xiaopeng MONA M03 were rolled off the production line 22 days after launch--Zhaoqing product...