Friday, July 5, 2024

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster


Pan Yanmei China Gem Magazine 2024-07-04 11:58 Beijing, China

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Stones from other mountains become jade in Sihui.

As the hometown of jade in China, Sihui has a complete industrial chain integrating production, supply and sales. It is a well-known jade processing base and sales and wholesale distribution center in China. In order to fully understand the current situation and latest trends of Sihui jade market, the author conducted a field investigation and research on it. On this basis, the general situation of Sihui jade market and the characteristics and current situation of main stores are comprehensively explained.

1. Overview of Sihui Jade Market

Sihui City is a county-level city under Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, about 80 kilometers away from Guangzhou City. Sihui's jade market is known as the "Four Major Jade Wholesale Markets in Guangdong" together with the jade markets in Guangzhou, Pingzhou and Jieyang. At the same time, Sihui is also the largest jade processing base in China. Sihui does not produce jade, but it has a complete jade industry chain integrating production, supply and sales. In 2003, Sihui City was awarded the title of "Hometown of Chinese Jadeware", and "Jade City" naturally became the abbreviation of Sihui City. "Studying from other mountains, Sihui makes products" has become the most representative business card of Sihui.

The early Sihui jade market was mainly based on jade processing, and its history can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and then it was quiet for a while. By the mid-1960s, with the help of Guangzhou Nanfang Jade Carving Factory, Sihui established two craft factories, which cultivated a group of jade carving craftsmen who mainly made flower pieces for the early Sihui jade industry. Later, some of them opened husband-and-wife shops and brother shops in Shawei and other places in the form of "front shop and back factory". Because it was profitable, the relatives and friends of these craftsmen also followed suit, and the jade industry in Sihui was like a "snowball", rolling bigger and bigger. In the 1970s and 1980s, Sihui's jade carving industry developed rapidly with the help of the jade craze. In 1994, a new jade street was built on the other side of the river from Shawei Street, with more than 300 jade manufacturers. Subsequently, a jade city consisting of 8 buildings was built next to the jade street, and the "Tianguangxu" market with Sihui characteristics was also opened. Today, Sihui has become a famous jade processing base in China. With the development of jade carving technology and the improvement of jade quality, the varieties of jade processed by Sihui have become more diversified. In the past 100 years, Sihui has steadily developed from a gathering place for individual jade processing workshops to a jade wholesale market and jade processing and sales distribution center integrating production, supply and sales.

According to data released by the Sihui Municipal People's Government in 2023, Sihui currently processes more than 10,000 tons of jade raw materials annually, has about 33,000 jade business households, nearly 300,000 jade practitioners, 17 jade professional markets (bases), and an annual transaction volume of about 35 billion yuan. The scale of the jade industry ranks among the top in the country. The main jade markets in Sihui include: Tianguang Market, Wanxinglong Jade City, Jade Expo City, Yuruyi Jade City, Rifeng Raw Stone Trading Market, etc. Most of them are located on both sides of Sihui Avenue. They are geographically concentrated and have a complete industrial chain. These jade markets cover various categories of jade goods such as raw stones, rough materials (i.e. unpolished jade), loose stones, and finished products.

2. Characteristics of each market in Sihui

(I) TianGuangXu Jade Market

TianGuangXu Jade Market (hereinafter referred to as "TianGuangXu") is located 140 meters east of the intersection of Jiangli Road and the middle section of Sihui Avenue in Sihui City. It is the most popular market in Sihui and also a well-known jade market in the country (see Figure 1). Because it opens in the early morning and opens at dawn, it is named "Tianguang Market". In the early years, TianguangXu Market was open 24 hours a day. After adjustment, the current business hours are from 8 am to 12 pm. TianGuangXu Market has three time periods: morning, noon and evening. Merchants can rent stalls in sections according to the three time periods. When it is most popular, there are about a thousand merchants. The morning and afternoon markets are mainly for finished products, while the evening market is the long-renowned "raw material night market", which is mainly for raw materials and semi-finished products. Usually, TianGuangXu Jade Market is at its peak after 8 pm.

Inside TianGuangXu Jade Market

Inside TianGuangXu Jade Market

Due to its complete range of products and low prices, TianGuangXu Market attracts a large number of tourists and entry-level jade lovers. Compared with other mall-type jade markets in Sihui, TianGuangXu Market gives people a mysterious atmosphere, which is also the reason why it attracts many customers. The atmosphere of Tianguang Market comes from the light. The sky is hazy during transactions. Even though it has grown from a street stall to a professional market, the lighting in the market is still not good. Merchants basically have a desk lamp each. Therefore, there is a saying in the local area that "one person, one lamp, one miracle", and this kind of light will test the buyer's eyesight even more. Second, most of the goods sold are raw materials. The so-called raw materials refer to semi-finished jade products that have not been polished after carving. Purchasing such goods is like seeing flowers in the fog. The surface of the raw materials is generally sprayed with oil to increase its gloss. However, even if the unpolished jade is sprayed with oil, its water quality is still difficult to observe and determine. It is possible that the water quality of the goods will change significantly after polishing; or there may be no flaws on the rough material, but after polishing, the flaws and cracks will appear. Therefore, the rough material transaction has a certain gambling nature, but it is not as risky as the raw material investment. This feature hits the psychology of many consumers who want to find bargains but are afraid of risks, so the rough material transaction is deeply loved by some buyers (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). In the evening, 80 to 90% of the goods visiting Tianguang Market are rough materials. There are also processing and polishing studios around the market to facilitate subsequent processing, which is also a major feature of the Sihui Jade Market. It can be seen that Tianguang Market embodies the biggest feature of the Sihui Jade Market and is an old jade distribution center.

Rough jade materials sold in TianGuangXu Market (surface sprayed with oil)

Rough jade materials sold in TianGuangXu Market (surface sprayed with oil)

Rough jade ornaments sold in Tianguang Market

TianGuangXu Market also has a major feature, its categories are extremely rich. Beads, pendants, carvings, inlaid products, loose stones, rough materials, bracelets, etc., from rough materials to finished products, basically cover most categories of jade products (see Figure 4, Figure 5). However, Tianguang Market is still dominated by mid-to-low-end jade pendants and ornaments. Among them, "Guatemalan jade" (i.e. jade produced in Guatemala) also accounts for a certain proportion, about 10% to 20%. Due to purchase disputes over Guatemalan jade in recent years, most merchants selling Guatemalan jade in the market will clearly inform consumers that the goods they sell are Guatemalan jade (see Figure 6). The Guatemalan jade in Tianguang Market is mainly "blue water jade". This variety of Guatemalan jade has a blue base, coarse quality and low price.

Small jade carvings sold in TianGuangXu Market

Small jade carvings sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade bracelets sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade bracelets sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade beads sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade beads sold in TianGuangXu Market

(II) Wanxinglong Jade City

Wanxinglong Jade City (hereinafter referred to as "Wanxinglong") is about 15 minutes' walk from Tianguang Market. It opened in 2013 and is divided into two areas, south and north (see Figures 7 and 8). Jade products are mainly concentrated on the first and second floors of the south area. Rough materials are mainly concentrated on the first floor, which is especially famous for the morning market (7 am to 12 noon). This morning market is not large in area but very popular. Compared with Tianguang Market, there are more fine loose stones, small carvings and finished products here, and the overall quality and price are higher than the goods in Tianguang Market.

Wanxinglong Jade City

Wanxinglong Jade City

Inside the Wanxinglong Jade City Market

 Inside the Wanxinglong Jade City Market

The northern area of ​​Wanxinglong is mainly composed of some companies engaged in jade live broadcasting, such as Shilipai, Caishiweng, Xiaoliu Jade and other brands. They have implemented the "industry belt + live broadcast" model and attracted well-known e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Kuaishou, and Duizhuang to settle in. Wanxinglong has more than 1,000 merchants and more than 6,000 practitioners (see Figure 9).

Wanxinglong·Duizhuang Live Broadcast Base

Picture 9 Wanxinglong·Duizhuang Live Broadcast Base

(III)China Sihui Jade Expo City

China Sihui Jade Expo City (hereinafter referred to as "Jade Expo City") is located opposite Tianguang Market and officially opened in 2019. It is positioned at a higher end and tends to be a large jade mall. Although it was established later, it has attracted many merchants to settle in due to its high-end environment, good supporting equipment, and some preferential policies. Its business hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, and it is mainly divided into one underground floor and three above-ground floors. The first floor is for inlaid finished products, pendants and a small number of high-end bracelets; the second floor is for jade bracelets and some packaging and matching ropes, with a large number of bracelets covering all price ranges; the third floor is for jade ornaments; the underground floor is mainly for the lunch market of raw materials, starting at 2 pm. Yubo City mainly deals in mid-to-high-end jade, ranging from small fine pieces worth thousands of yuan to bracelets worth seven or eight figures (see Figures 10-14).

China Sihui Jade Expo City

Figure 10 China Sihui Jade Expo City

Inside the Jade Expo City

Figure 11 Inside the Jade Expo City

The first floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for finished products and pendants

Figure 12 The first floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for finished products and pendants

The second floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for bracelets

Figure 13 The second floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for bracelets

Jade ornaments on the third floor of Jade Expo City

Figure 14 Jade ornaments on the third floor of Jade Expo City

(IV) Yuruyi Jade City

Yuruyi Jade City is also located opposite TianguangXu Market. It has only one floor and a small area. It mainly sells inlaid finished products and bracelets. It is positioned at a higher end. The price of goods is much higher than other markets, and there are more full green goods. However, due to some preferential policies of the surrounding shopping malls, the merchants here have lost a lot (see Figure 15).

Yuruyi Jade City

Figure 15 Yuruyi Jade City

(V) Raw Stone Trading Market

Rifeng, Qingdong, Huitong, and Fusheng are concentrated together. The merchants here specialize in selling jadeite raw stones and flakes, mainly transparent materials. The raw stone market usually opens at 7 am and closes at around 2 pm. The jadeite raw stones sold range from low-end to high-end. In most areas of the market, a stall is a few lines drawn on the ground. Buyers don’t care whether the stall is high-end or low-end, they only care about the quality and value of the jade. Compared with finished products and rough materials, the threshold for raw stones is much higher, so most of the buyers here are jade merchants and jade carving factory managers from Sihui and other parts of Guangdong. Some merchants in Sihui bid for jadeite raw stones from Yunnan and then transported them back to Guangdong. Some of the raw stones they bid for were cut and processed by themselves, and some were sent to the bidding factory for further bidding (see Figures 16 and 17).

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 1

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 1

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 2

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 2

There are many processing factories gathered near the raw stone market, which is convenient for merchants to cut and process the goods after purchasing them. The raw materials of jade products made by jade merchants of all sizes in Sihui are basically purchased and processed in the Rifeng Jade Trading Market (see Figure 18-20).

Blade cutting machine

Blade cutting machine

Wire cutting machine

Wire cutting machine

Making jade bracelets

Making jade bracelets

Making jade bracelets

3. Sihui jade online sales market

Sihui jade online live broadcast sales began to develop around the end of 2016. At first, it was mainly a mobile live broadcast with one person and one machine - "walking broadcast" (see Figure 21), and soon it formed a relatively fixed location "sitting broadcast". So far, the live broadcast method has gradually developed into fixed-point live broadcast rooms, live broadcast companies and even live broadcast cities, and the corresponding scale has also developed from individual live broadcasts to team operations with clear division of labor; the live broadcast platform has also changed from the original entertainment to more targeted commercial live broadcasts, such as merchants logging into Taobao, Douyin and various comprehensive or specialized jewelry live broadcast apps such as Duizhuang, and the live broadcast content has changed from the initial method of guiding fans to consume to the method of the anchor consciously guiding fans to shop. The live broadcast sales market of the entire jade category has begun to take shape, and has attracted more and more investment with considerable traffic and huge transaction volume rumored in the industry.

One person one machine mobile live broadcast

One person one machine mobile live broadcast

Sihui Market has successively innovated and led sales models such as "Internet + live broadcast" and "Internet + auction", and e-commerce live broadcast sales are at the forefront of the country. At present, Taobao, Douyin, Kuaishou, Duizhuang and other large and small online platforms have entered Sihui. As of 2022, e-commerce sales accounted for more than 60% of Sihui's total jade sales, and daily online sales increased from 20 million yuan per day in 2018 to more than 100 million yuan per day (data from the official website of Sihui Municipal People's Government released in 2023). At present, Sihui live broadcasts are mainly low- and medium-end jade products, mostly in the hundreds and thousands of yuan range, but after communicating with merchants, we learned that the return rate of live broadcasts is still high, reaching about 80%.

4. Overall analysis of Sihui jade market

In general, Sihui market is dominated by low- and medium-end jade, and the types of jade processing cover a wide range, especially jade ornaments (including fine and high-end goods), and it is also the main distribution center for semi-finished jade products (unpolished). Sihui jade market can be mainly divided into raw material market, rough material market, finished product market and online live sales channel.

The raw material market is mainly concentrated near Rifeng Jade Trading Market, mainly with clear materials. The merchants who sell raw materials in various stores in Sihui basically purchase raw materials in the Rifeng Jade Trading Market for processing and production. Compared with the raw material markets in Yunnan and other places, the price advantage of the raw material market in Sihui is not obvious, but because most of them are clear materials and flake materials, the gambling and risk are smaller.

The raw material market is mainly concentrated in the Tianguangxu Night Market, Wanxinglong Morning Market and Yubo City Lunch Market. Raw materials are a major feature of the Sihui market. Generally speaking, they are mainly medium- and low-end products, with large quantities and rich categories. Its processing capacity and price are extremely advantageous and competitive nationwide. Sihui's jade products are mostly medium-sized ornaments and small flower pieces and play pieces. Overall, the quality of raw materials is average. The main carvings are mostly flowers, birds, fish, insects, poultry and animals. The interest in life is strong, and the craftsmanship of the ornaments is generally high (see Figure 22). In the field of jade pendants (flower pieces), fine workmanship and rough workmanship each account for a certain proportion. In Tianguang Market, you can see craftsmanship of different grades, high, medium and low. The best carvings are mostly made by Fujian craftsmen. The animal shapes are accurately grasped, the ideas are ingenious, and the selling price is relatively high; many low-level crafts are apprentice works or "quick work" to meet market needs. The raw materials are low-grade, with thick lines and large outlines. They mainly flow into the low-end consumer market.

Jade ornaments (spraying oil on the surface of the rough material)

Jade ornaments (spraying oil on the surface of the rough material)

Finished jade is scattered in various jade markets in Sihui. Jade pendants, small carvings, and jade bracelets are the main products. There are fewer inlaid finished products. The overall market is mainly medium and low-grade, mainly highlighting the price advantage.

From the market situation, the popularity of Sihui jade market has rebounded significantly since 2023, so most merchants are optimistic about sales. The mid-to-high-end products have increased by 30%~50%, but the low-end products have not changed much. The overall market is steadily improving, showing a booming development trend.

Pan Yanmei

FGA Gemological Association Gemologist, precious metal jewelry and gemstone tester technician. Graduated from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) with a master's degree. Currently works at the Beijing Education Company of the Jewelry National Inspection Group, engaged in the teaching and research of jewelry and jade.

Note: This article is reproduced from the 3rd issue of "China Gem" magazine in 2024.

Welcome jewelry merchants from all over the world to exchange and learn in Sihui, China. 

Sihui City is the world's largest jade wholesale market. In the future, it will develop in the direction of the entire industry chain of gold, diamonds, silver and pearls.

Douyin e-commerce "Gold Origin Sihui Jade Festival" grand opening

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Signing + Land Acquisition for Construction! Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone has another good news of investment attraction

Signing + Land Acquisition for Construction! Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone has another good news of investment attraction

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone.Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone 2024-03-19 21:58 Guangdong, China

On March 19, 2024, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone has another good news of investment attraction!

On that day, one project was delisted and one project was signed in the municipal management starting area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone! Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Project Attraction Speeds Up Again!


Signed project

Inspection on the same day, signing on the same day

On March 19, 2024, Wang Yu, Chairman of Shenzhen Yuanxin Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., led an inspection team to the municipal management start-up area of ​​Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone for inspection. Liang Guangting, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), Deputy Secretary-General of the Zhaoqing Municipal Government, and relevant personnel from the Economic Promotion Bureau of the Management Committee of the Experimental Zone accompanied him.

On March 19, 2024, Wang Yu, Chairman of Shenzhen Yuanxin Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd., led an inspection team to the municipal management start-up area of ​​Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone for inspection

After a day of inspection and negotiation, Wang Yu lamented that the location advantages of the large production area are obvious and the investment and business environment is good. On the same day, the specific investment plan for the research and development and production project of Yuanxin Intelligent Lithium Battery Energy Storage System was implemented, and a project investment agreement was signed with the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing).

Inspection on the same day, signing on the same day
Inspection on the same day, signing on the same day

The total investment of the project is about 500 million yuan, mainly producing 2GWh of new energy storage equipment per year, including multiple battery modules and new energy storage equipment manufacturing production lines. The annual output value is expected to be 800 million yuan after reaching full production.

Shenzhen Yuanxin Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.

The company was established in 2019. It is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, research and development, and production of large-scale intelligent lithium battery energy storage systems. At present, it has realized the latest energy storage system technology with high capacity integration, temperature control consistency, and system safety and reliability. The overall scale of participating projects exceeds 5GWh. In the first half of 2023, it ranked in the top ten in the world in terms of energy storage system shipments, and ranked second in the world in terms of DC side energy storage system shipments.

Land acquisition construction project

Land acquisition and on-site exploration

The LanYa Automotive Electronics Project was a delisted project on the same day. After the project was delisted, it immediately entered the site for exploration and completed the project filing on the same day, running out of the "acceleration" of investment promotion in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area.

The total investment of the project is about 300 million yuan, and the land area is about 47.52 acres. It mainly produces new energy vehicle charging guns, intelligent photovoltaic trackers, instrument panel control panels, large-screen machine control motherboards, etc. The annual output value is expected to be 400 million yuan after reaching full production.

The LanYa Automotive Electronics Project renderings

The LanYa Automotive Electronics Project renderings.

It is worth mentioning that the investor of the LanYa Automotive Electronics project is a national high-tech enterprise and is also a supplier to many well-known domestic and foreign automobile companies, with its products having high market recognition.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

SHEIN and JD Industrial Development officially opened a warehouse in Zhaoqing New District

SHEIN and JD Industrial Development officially opened a warehouse in Zhaoqing New District

Investment in Guangdong 2024-07-02 19:12 Guangdong, China

Recently, SHEIN and JD Industrial Development held an opening ceremony in Zhaoqing New District, and The SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center officially settled in the JD Intelligent Industrial Park in the Lingang Industrial Park of Zhaoqing New District.

The SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center officially settled in the JD Intelligent Industrial Park in the Lingang Industrial Park of Zhaoqing New District.

The total construction area of ​​the SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center project exceeds 250,000 square meters. After it is put into operation, the sorting operation volume can reach 4 million pieces/day, and the express operation volume can reach 5,000 tons/day. At present, the project is leased by Xiyin as a whole park. In the future, it will serve as a large-scale intelligent supply chain hub integrating delivery and sorting in the Greater Bay Area.

SHEIN (Head of Huizhou/Dinghu District) said in his speech that the project is a new business model innovation for SHEIN in 2024. During the implementation of the project, Zhaoqing New District provided support services in terms of park infrastructure and supporting construction. In the future, it will continue to deepen cooperation with JD Industrial Development and jointly create new business cooperation opportunities.

A relevant person in charge of JD Industrial Development said that with the full support of the New District Management Committee, JD Industrial Development and SHEIN Group worked closely together to create a cooperation benchmark. In just three months, the large-scale complex transformation of the project was completed with high efficiency and high quality, ensuring the smooth delivery and operation of the project. After the JD Intelligent Industrial Park reaches full production, it will become the largest warehousing and logistics base in Zhaoqing, with an estimated annual revenue of no less than 10 billion yuan.

After the opening of the SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center, the two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation in infrastructure networks, cross-border transportation capacity, new energy management and supply chain management, warehousing and logistics, etc., and promote the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce supply chains in Zhaoqing with higher-level cooperation. Zhaoqing New District will also accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce, add new momentum to the creation of a highland for cross-border e-commerce innovation and development in Zhaoqing and even the Greater Bay Area, and strengthen the international competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area supply chain.

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has focused on attracting investment, introducing cross-border e-commerce leaders such as SHEIN Bay Area Western Smart Industrial Park and JD Asia No. 1, focusing on improving the road network and basic supporting facilities of the four major parks, and initially forming a cross-border e-commerce industry chain integrating warehousing, supply chain, logistics, labor, and foreign trade comprehensive services.

Next, Zhaoqing New District will promote the expansion and strengthening of the Lingang Industrial Park, relying on major projects such as SHEIN and JD, linking the New Port Terminal and the Comprehensive Bonded Zone, creating an e-commerce logistics distribution center, and building an industrial-city integration demonstration zone.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2583333

Fax:  0086-758-2588213


Good news for investment promotion丨Shanghai main board listed company, Guangdong manufacturing single champion enterprise, land acquisition for construction

Good news for investment promotion丨Shanghai main board listed company, Guangdong manufacturing single champion enterprise, land acquisition for construction

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-04 21:20 Guangdong, China

Recently, another project in The municipal management starting area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone has been acquired for construction. The project investment enterprise is not only a single champion enterprise in Guangdong manufacturing, but also a listed company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange!

The project to be acquired for construction this time is the Guangzhou Weili Medical Equipment Manufacturing Project, with a total land area of ​​70 mu, a planned total investment of 400 million yuan, and an estimated annual output value of 600 million yuan after reaching full production. It mainly produces anesthesia, respiratory and nursing products.

Guangzhou Weili Medical Equipment Manufacturing Project

Introduction to the investor

Guangzhou Weili Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of medical devices in the fields of anesthesia, catheterization, urology, nursing, respiratory, hemodialysis, etc., which are widely used in clinical practice for common open surgery, minimally invasive surgery, emergency and nursing, etc., and is committed to providing high-quality medical device products to patients around the world.

Weili has its own patented products and has many advantages: 1. It is in a leading position in the industry. Weili is one of the major suppliers of medical catheters in the world. Its production and sales of tracheal intubation and indwelling urinary catheters are among the best in the world and in China. 2. The product market is broad and covers a wide range. Its products have entered mainstream markets such as the European Union, North America, Japan and South Korea, and are sold to more than 90 countries and regions. In China, its products have covered the whole country and entered more than 3,000 hospitals, including more than 1,000 tertiary hospitals. 3. Guangdong Province's single champion enterprise in manufacturing has demonstrated its outstanding strength in the medical device manufacturing industry. It is believed that with the completion and production of Weili Medical Device Manufacturing Project, the industrial strength of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Municipal Start-up Zone will be further enhanced, and the "family property" of manufacturing will become more solid. This year, the municipal start-up zone of the large production area has made many mistakes and made new breakthroughs in project attraction. Nowadays, new quality productivity continues to grow and develop in the municipal starting area of ​​the large production area, the industrial strength continues to increase, and the level of scientific and technological innovation continues to improve. High-quality enterprises such as Weili, Tailing, BTR, and Haobo choose to settle in the large production area.

Next, the municipal starting area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area will continue to focus on large industries, build large platforms, build large projects, cultivate large enterprises, and create a large environment, and further do a good job in various development and construction work to help build Zhaoqing's "Innovation Development Demonstration Zone" and "High-quality Development Pilot Zone".

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing New District: Create a high-quality business environment with three service concepts

Zhaoqing New District: Create a high-quality business environment with three service concepts

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-04 21:20 Guangdong, China

On a midsummer day, the construction site of Zhaoqing New District is busy. At the construction site of the 10,000-acre industrial park, hundreds of piling equipment are racing against time to tamp the foundation, and the sound is deafening.

As the main industrial platform built by Zhaoqing City, Zhaoqing New District has established its brand in recent years, adhered to the "three-to" service concept of "never call, always on call, and do what you say", continuously optimized the business environment, and actively organized leading cadres to go down to the front line, and use their heart, feelings and strength to solve the problems of "enterprise worries and expectations", and truly serve as partners, intimate people, and escorts of enterprises.

Zhaoqing New District

Source Zhaoqing New District Release

If the enterprise does not call, we will not disturb

Strive to carry out enterprise-related work in a "no-disturbance" manner

In the "three-to" service concept, enterprises should focus on production development, and services should be subtle and silent. To implement the principle of "enterprise first",

Zhaoqing New District shortened the working hours of government departments in enterprises, minimized the disruption of administrative work to the normal production and operation of enterprises, and allowed enterprises to invest, operate and develop with confidence.

Zhaoqing New District held a relief meeting with enterprises

Zhaoqing New District held a relief meeting with enterprises. 

For example, when conducting research activities in enterprises, the relevant departments of Zhaoqing New District will coordinate in advance. If the time, location and theme of different research itineraries are similar, they will arrange peer research to avoid multiple research and repeated research, and fully respect the status of enterprises as operating entities. Enterprises believe that this has reduced the burden of their cumbersome work affairs and given them more time to produce with peace of mind.

For another example, by giving full play to the overall coordination role of the Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District Business Environment Improvement Leading Group, the two districts gradually established a "double random, one public" supervision mechanism, promoted joint inspections by various departments, improved the credit records of operating entities, encouraged information sharing and mutual recognition, improved the level of smart supervision, and effectively reduced the frequency of supervision and law enforcement.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center visits projects to promote the trial production of projects

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center visits projects to promote the trial production of projects

In addition, Zhaoqing New District also provides agency services in the early stage of key projects to improve the efficiency of procedures and approval, minimize the preparation time for construction, and help enterprises move forward lightly.

Last year, SHEIN Bay Area Smart Industrial Park settled in Zhaoqing New District. In order not to disturb the enterprise too much and promote the acceleration of project construction, Zhaoqing New District completed the construction permit within 1 day through agency services. "Efficient and pragmatic government services are the source of Xiyin's decision to choose Zhaoqing New District and invest in Zhaoqing New District." Wang Zhiqing, vice president of Xiyin Supply Chain, said.

Enterprises need us at any time, we will provide services to enterprises immediately, and strive to "reply in seconds" to provide services to help enterprises

Only when there are demands, responses in seconds, and quick solutions, enterprises will regard the government as "mother-in-law".

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has insisted on keeping close to the needs of enterprises in the park, established a party branch of the Enterprise Development Service Center, established a team of "Red Project Specialists", sent specialists to the grassroots to serve enterprises and help them alleviate difficulties, provided all-round services for enterprises and key projects, and continuously injected red kinetic energy into the development of the park.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center distributes self-printed guidebooks to enterprises in the park

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center distributes self-printed guidebooks to enterprises in the park.

In recent years, Zhaoqing New District has insisted on keeping close to the needs of enterprises in the park, established an enterprise development service center, established a team of "Red Project Specialists", sent specialists to the grassroots to serve enterprises and help them alleviate difficulties, provided all-round services for enterprises and key projects, and continuously injected red kinetic energy into the development of the park.

These cadres played a pioneering and exemplary role, established WeChat work groups for 156 enterprises one by one, and "moved" the party and mass service center online. Enterprises can directly reach party member leaders and functional departments at any time to feedback problems, demands, opinions and suggestions, and realize "all-day online" service for enterprises.

Zhaoqing New District

Source Zhaoqing New District Release

The voice of the enterprise is the whistle of action. Once an enterprise raises a need for help, the "project specialist" will solve the problem or propose a solution for the enterprise in the shortest possible time according to the principle of "do it immediately and do it well".

During the rainy season, the road on the north side of the factory building of the Weizhenni Group in Zhaoqing New District was flooded. After receiving the request, the relevant party member leaders rushed to the scene and helped the enterprise to restore road access in one and a half hours with the concerted efforts of various departments.

The person in charge of the Xizhen Circuit Project once reported that there were high-voltage wires across the gate in front of the factory building, affecting the safety of large vehicles entering and exiting. After learning about it, the project specialist immediately coordinated the planning, power supply and other departments to conduct on-site investigations and determine the wire relocation plan. Finally, the relocation project was completed 10 days ahead of schedule.

The Membrane Car Film Project started construction on the same day it acquired the land, and the Jieyi Automotive Wiring Harness was completed one month after it started...

With the help of the "project specialists", Zhaoqing New District has achieved 12 new projects started, 26 projects reaching positive and negative zero, 13 completed projects, and 13 trial production projects this year, which has effectively promoted the "good start" of economic development.

Zhaoqing New District

Source: Zhaoqing New District

We do what we say and strive to fulfill our promise to benefit enterprises with "full power"

Incorporate the demands of enterprises into the key tasks of "doing practical things for the people", adhere to the list management, project implementation, and the implementation of the cancellation system, hold targeted centralized supervision days for project implementation, and integrate the service of enterprises into party building to achieve "the enterprise has a call, and I have a response".

Asia Soda, a well-known beverage company in South China, hopes that its Zhaoqing New District project will be put into production as soon as possible. Zhaoqing New District promised to speed up the improvement of water, electricity and gas supporting facilities. The party members' vanguard teams of water, electricity and gas supply departments worked "day and night" for more than three consecutive days, solving the problem of element guarantee at the fastest speed, and setting a "new record" for the time of project commissioning.

Asia Soda, a well-known beverage company in South China,

Source: Zhaoqing New District

Enterprises hope to solve the problem of children of employees going to school. The Party Working Committee of Zhaoqing New District attaches great importance to it and carries out the theme party day activity of "joining enterprises to enter campus and build an education dream together". Representatives of relevant enterprises are organized to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District, and actively coordinate the enrollment of children of employees who meet the conditions, so that enterprise employees can settle down with peace of mind.

Enterprises hope to alleviate the difficulty of young employees making friends. Zhaoqing New District has built an exchange platform and held youth government and enterprise talent networking activities such as "Dragon Boat Festival with Strong Feelings and Zongzi Love in New District", so that young people have more opportunities to meet friendship and fate in addition to their busy work.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center organized enterprise representatives to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District.

Zhaoqing New District Enterprise Development Service Center organized enterprise representatives to visit the Central Primary School of Zhaoqing New District. 

Since 2024, party members and cadres of Zhaoqing New District have visited enterprises 445 times and coordinated to solve 227 various matters. "Solving problems for enterprises and escorting development", the banners sent by enterprises are the best portrayal of "serving the new district and making progress every day".

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2583333

Fax:  0086-758-2588213


The planned total investment exceeds 2 billion yuan! These industrial projects in Zhaoqing have made good news

The planned total investment exceeds 2 billion yuan! These industrial projects in Zhaoqing have made good news

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-04 21:20 Guangdong, China

7 projects with a total investment of over 100 million yuan have been delisted, a comprehensive industrial park has been built, and a cross-border e-commerce industrial cluster has been initially formed...

The middle of 2024 has arrived, and industrial projects in various parts of Zhaoqing have reached an important node!

01 The planned total investment exceeds 2 billion yuan, and Zhaoqing is accelerating the layout of future industries

Recently, 7 projects in the municipal management starting area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Agglomeration Zone have been delisted.

The 7 projects delisted this time are Tianzhe Auto Parts Production Project, Zhongyida Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Project, Zhongxing Intelligent Gas Metering Equipment Manufacturing Project, Tongcheng Auto Parts Production Project, Congli Auto Parts Production Project, Gangshen New Materials Project and Chaomei Auto Parts Production Project. The total planned land area of ​​the project is nearly 270 acres, and the planned total investment exceeds 2 billion yuan.

The delisted projects involve multiple industries such as new energy vehicles, high-end equipment manufacturing and new materials. Some enterprises have high technological content and great development potential, such as the Zhongyida project, Zhongxing project and Gangshen project, whose investment enterprises are all high-tech enterprises.

Among the delisted projects this time, more than half belong to the new energy vehicle and parts industry. These projects mainly produce products such as automotive profiles, auto parts and automotive battery covers.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters Municipal Management Start-up Zone. Zhaoqing Large Industrial Clusters Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

△ Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters Municipal Management Start-up Zone. Zhaoqing Large Industrial Clusters Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

Since 2024 this year, the Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Clusters Municipal Management Start-up Zone Investment Promotion Team has visited the Yangtze River Delta Industrial Overflow Area and the Pearl River Delta Core Area to inspect a large number of high-quality industrial projects. While conducting negotiations on industry-leading projects, it has also gone all out to accelerate the landing of high-tech and "specialized and new" enterprises.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area. Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

△Source: Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area. Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone

Next, the municipal-managed starting area will focus on attracting high-tech manufacturing industries in related fields such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, new generation electronic information, low-altitude drones, robots, etc., accelerate the layout of future industries, and explore the creation of Zhaoqing's "Innovation Development Demonstration Zone" and "High-quality Development Pilot Zone".

02  It is expected to be fully completed by the end of next year, and Gaoyao plans to build a comprehensive industrial park

In midsummer, Gaoyao is full of sonorous and full-speed footsteps. Walking into the Junda Industrial Park located in the Tianzi Industrial Cluster Base in Gaoyao District, you can see that the fourth phase of the industrial park project has sounded the "assembly call" for construction, and the newly settled enterprises have also accelerated the speed of production.

Junda Industrial Park,gaoyao,guangdong,zhaoqing,

△Junda Industrial Park. 

In Building A37 in the industrial park, the pile foundation construction is progressing in an orderly manner.

According to the current progress, it is expected that the main construction can be carried out in July, and the main facade and interior decoration will be completed before the end of the year, and it is planned to be delivered and put into use in May 2025.

Junda Industrial Park,gaoyao,guangdong,zhaoqing,

△Junda Industrial Park. 

According to relevant persons in charge, the fourth phase of the Junda Industrial Park project covers an area of ​​30 mu, and plans to build 7 factory buildings, which will be completed by the end of next year.

Junda Industrial Park,Gaoyao,Zhaoqing,Guangdong,China,

△Junda Industrial Park. 

As an important platform for Gaoyao District to attract businesses, the first three phases of the Junda Industrial Park have attracted a large number of companies to settle in after they were completed and put into use.

At present, the Junda Industrial Park has gathered companies in hardware, electronics, textiles, printing and other industries, which will help to further build a comprehensive industrial park.

Junda Industrial Park,Gaoyao,Zhaoqing,Guangdong,China,

△Junda Industrial Park. 

Since the beginning of this year, Gaoyao has been focusing on the "3+1+1" modern industrial system of the automotive parts industry, advanced energy storage materials industry, fine chemical industry, ceramic industry, and pre-prepared food industry, accurately attracting investment and taking the initiative to continuously make efforts and seek breakthroughs in attracting large and strong companies, increasing capital and expanding production, and landing projects.

According to statistics, from January to June this year, Gaoyao District introduced 19 new manufacturing projects with a planned total investment of 7.521 billion yuan, completing 53.7% of the annual task; among them, there are 5 projects with an investment of more than 500 million yuan, and 8 high-tech enterprises and specialized "little giant" enterprise projects.

Aerial photo of the auto parts industrial park in Zhaoqing Jinli High-tech Zone

△ Aerial photo of the auto parts industrial park in Zhaoqing Jinli High-tech Zone. 

03 Building a large-scale intelligent supply chain hub, Zhaoqing cross-border e-commerce industry cluster is initially formed

Good news also comes from Zhaoqing New District industrial projects.

Recently, JD Industrial Development and SHEIN held an opening ceremony, and the SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center officially settled in the newly completed JD Intelligent Industrial Park.

SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center officially opened. JD Intelligent Industrial Park

△ SHEIN Logistics Warehousing Center officially opened. JD Intelligent Industrial Park provided the picture

It is understood that the project took only three months to complete the complex transformation of the factory with high efficiency and high quality, and successfully delivered it for operation.

The logistics and warehousing center is located in the Lingang Industrial Park of Zhaoqing New District, with a total construction area of ​​over 250,000 square meters. The park is equipped with supporting facilities such as warehouse mezzanine offices, gatehouses, carports, convenience stores, etc.

After the project is officially put into operation, the sorting operation volume can reach 4 million pieces/day, and the express operation volume can reach 5,000 tons/day. It will become a large-scale intelligent supply chain hub integrating delivery and sorting in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

SHEIN Logistics and Warehousing Center. JD Smart Industrial Park

△SHEIN Logistics and Warehousing Center. JD Smart Industrial Park 

The relevant person in charge of SHEIN highly praised the all-round support provided by Zhaoqing New District during the implementation of the project, and expressed that it will continue to deepen cooperation with JD Industrial Development to jointly create new business cooperation opportunities.

The relevant person in charge of JD Industrial Development said

In the future, JD Industrial Development will give full play to its global layout and ecological resource advantages, deepen cooperation with Xiyin in infrastructure network, cross-border transportation capacity, new energy management and ESG, and fully empower Xiyin's global business development.

In recent years, Zhaoqing has fully utilized the important role of the e-commerce industry in promoting consumption, expanding trade, and increasing employment, and has initially formed a cross-border e-commerce industry cluster that integrates warehousing, supply chain, logistics, labor, and foreign trade comprehensive services.

Industrial projects are "on full blast", and corporate investment vitality is bursting out...

The strong momentum of high-quality development of Zhaoqing's industrial economy is accelerating, and there is a wave of hard work and striving for the first place everywhere!

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



Dinghu District·Zhaoqing New District held a party-government-enterprise communication symposium

Dinghu District·Zhaoqing New District held a party-government-enterprise communication symposium Dinghu Release September 20, 2024 19:53 Gua...