Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Issuance of energy development plan! Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

 Issuance of energy development plan! Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

Published by Zhaoqing on May 31, 2023 at 22:01 in Guangdong


Multiple projects in Zhaoqing have received provincial support!

Recently, Guangdong Province officially issued and implemented

Implementation Plan for Promoting High Quality Energy Development in Guangdong Province

(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"),

The Zhaoqing Energy Project is mentioned multiple times in the 'Plan'.



The plan states that by 2025, significant progress will be made in the high-quality development of energy, the ability to ensure energy security will be significantly improved, the green and low-carbon transformation of energy will be significantly achieved, new models and formats of energy development will emerge, breakthroughs will be made in independent innovation of key core technologies, substantial progress will be made in reform of key areas and links, and the ability to coordinate resource allocation will be orderly and smooth. Energy development will be more efficient and fair More sustainable and better meeting the energy needs of the people for a better life.

△ Liang Liang photographed

The Plan mentions that,

Our province needs to accelerate the layout and construction of pumped storage power:

Promote the construction of Meizhou Phase II, Yunfu Shuiyuan Mountain, Shanwei Land River, Zhaoqing Langjiang River, Huizhou Zhongdong, Yangjiang Phase II, Heyuan Centian, and Maoming Dianbai pumped storage power stations; Strive to commence the construction of Zhaoqing Tangshan, Qingyuan Jingbei, Qingyuan Tianhu, and Zhaoqing Changtan pumped storage power stations.

Simultaneously promoting the development of new energy storage:

Promote the construction of new energy generation and new energy storage, promote the layout and construction of independent energy storage power stations as needed, add and put into operation projects such as Foshan Nanhai and Meizhou Wuhua power grid side independent energy storage power stations, Wanliyang Duanzhou independent energy storage power stations, and encourage industrial and commercial enterprises, industrial parks, and other supporting construction of user side energy storage power stations. By 2025, approximately 3 million kilowatts of new energy storage will be completed and put into operation.


Green and low-carbon production and lifestyle

Not only is it a general trend,

It has also become a driving force for high-quality development in Guangdong

Important content.


The recently released "Several Opinions of the Communist Party of China Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial People's Government on the High Quality Development of Guangdong in the New Era" mentioned that Guangdong will vigorously develop clean energy such as offshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation, and accelerate the construction of a new energy system and a new power system.

As the land area of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

One of the largest cities,

Zhaoqing is rich in wind, solar, and hydropower resources,

Having geographical advantages in developing pumped storage energy

Climate and terrain advantages,

The development of green energy industry is uniquely advantageous.


Zhaoqing is rich in wind energy resources. Image source released by Guangning

In recent years,

High quality construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in Zhaoqing

(Zhaoqing) Green Energy Base,

Accelerate the construction of a green energy system in Zhaoqing,

Continuously unleashing the potential for green development,

Promote high-quality development through practical actions.



Improve the policy and institutional system

Gradually improved policy system

Assist in the construction of Zhaoqing

A green energy system with local characteristics.

Zhaoqing City has been established

The Municipal Pumped Storage Project Construction Leading Group

Municipal green power work teams and other working institutions.


The rendering of the Zhaoqing Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station project. Image source released by Guangning

Our city has successively issued and issued

Building the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)

Three Year Action Plan for Green Energy Base


Regulations on the Construction and Protection of Power Supply Facilities in Zhaoqing City

The 14th Five Year Plan for Energy Development in Zhaoqing City

Other policy documents.


CGN Guangning Luogang Wind Farm. Photographed by Li Guoqiang

Also organized and compiled the "Construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in Zhaoqing City

Research Report on the Development Strategy of Green Energy Base


Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Green Energy Base

Overall Construction Plan

Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Energy Sector of Zhaoqing City, etc,

Preliminary construction has been constructed

The policy system for the Green Energy Base in the Greater Bay Area.


Zhaoqing Huaiji Photovoltaic Project. Tuyuan Huaiji Publishing


Promote the construction of key projects

On the other hand,

The key energy projects in Zhaoqing are also accelerating their progress.

Recently, in the Zhaoqing High tech Zone

Provincial Key Projects

——The construction site of the Phase II project of Guoneng Zhaoqing Power Plant,

The main section of the project and pile foundation construction

Infrastructure such as pipeline network and site leveling

Under intense construction,

Workers and mechanical equipment are all busy in an orderly manner.

Zhaoqing High tech Zone is actively promoting the project to reach its peak within the year. At present, the project has basically completed the lifting of the steel frames of the No.3 and No.5 waste heat boilers, as well as the pouring of cast-in-place piles and static piles on site, and is accelerating the main construction of the main factory building.

Picture △: The steel frame lifting of the No.3 waste heat boiler of the Phase II project of Guoneng Zhaoqing Power Plant has been completed. Photographed by Correspondent Wang Ziyang

Zhaoqing aims to accelerate the construction of key projects,

Assist in building a green energy base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing).

Passing through Zhaoqing

500 kV Outer Ring West Section Project in Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

Construction is currently underway in full swing.

It is understood that 416 new iron towers have been built in the project, and 402 have been completed so far; A new line of 214 kilometers has been built, and 142 kilometers have been completed so far.

After the project is completed,

Will become another ultra-high voltage power in our city

Delivery channel.

Relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau

In 2022, a total of 60 key energy projects, including the Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station project, will commence construction. The city's fixed assets investment in the energy industry reached 13 billion yuan, an increase of 501%.


△ Guoneng (Zhaoqing) Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu


Establishing a modern energy system


Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Government

The construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) has been clearly defined

The goal of a green energy base,

During the 14th Five Year Plan period, it is planned to invest approximately 100 billion yuan

Build 164 green energy projects.


Including planning to promote projects of about 7 million kilowatts of photovoltaic power, about 600000 kilowatts of wind power, 3.6 million kilowatts of pumped storage energy, 2.33 million kilowatts of natural gas cogeneration and distributed energy stations, and about 1 million kilowatts of various energy storage stations, and investing 10 billion yuan to improve grid facilities that consume green energy. Planning to build 2 new 500 kV substation hubs, 5 new 220 kV substations, and 14 new 110 kV substations;

Explore the potential of 2-3 pumped storage power station sites and 500000 kilowatt wind power projects; Promote the development of rooftop distributed photovoltaic projects in 5 pilot counties (districts) across the country, promote a batch of village wide rooftop photovoltaic demonstration villages to assist rural revitalization, and promote the construction of enterprise rooftop photovoltaic demonstration projects in industrial parks;

Build a smart energy platform for the integration of source, network, load, and storage in the Zhaoqing High tech Zone; Plan to introduce a batch of projects such as air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and gravity energy storage.


△ Zhaoqing High tech Zone Photovoltaic Project. Tuyuan Zhaoqing High tech Release

It is expected that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period,

Our city will initially form

A clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system,

Meet the green electricity demand of local advanced manufacturing industry,

And provide services for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

More green electricity trading volume.


Zhaoqing Xiaopeng Automobile actively builds a green factory by creating photovoltaic power generation. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In the future,

Zhaoqing will continue to promote green development,

Polish the ecological background of high-quality development,

Cultivate a 50 billion yuan green energy industry cluster,

Make every effort to build a green energy base in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing),

Play the "green energy card" well,

Effectively transform "green waters and mountains" into "golden mountains and silver mountains!

In the next 10 years, regions around the world that are worth investing in and can generate significant returns.

In the next 10 years, regions around the world that are worth investing in and can generate significant returns.

Vietnam - Hanoi Delta,

Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Delta.

India Mumbai Delta, New Delhi metropolitan area,

Mexico - Mexico City metropolitan area

Eastern European Industrial Base

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster,

So many places undertake industrial transfer. They all have a clear example.

8 times P/E ratio.

Attract global investment with cheap land.




越南--胡志明市 三角洲。


















In the next 10 years, regions around the world that are worth investing in and can generate significant returns.

Vietnam - Hanoi Delta,

Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City Delta.

India Mumbai Delta, New Delhi metropolitan area,

Mexico - Mexico City metropolitan area

Eastern European Industrial Base

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster,

So many places undertake industrial transfer. They all have a clear example.

8 times P/E ratio.

Attract global investment with cheap land.

Zhaoqing, a 'black horse'!

 Zhaoqing, a 'black horse'!

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-05-30 20:35 Published in Guangdong

The following article is sourced from Battery China by CBEA Battery China



Is becoming a driving force for the development of China's lithium battery industry

A "dark horse" city.


Guangdong is an important market for lithium battery applications in China,

The market is huge and the opportunities are vast.

Data shows that the production and sales of automobiles in Guangdong Province have ranked first in China for six consecutive years. In 2022, the total production of automobiles reached 4.15 million, of which 1.29 million were new energy vehicles, accounting for about 31%. It is predicted that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China will reach 50% from 2025 to 2030. In this context, as a major province in automobile production nationwide, Guangdong has a huge potential for growth in production capacity and sales of new energy vehicles, which will drive the synchronous growth of demand for power batteries.

The opportunity is present and cannot be missed!

Development of lithium battery industry in Guangdong

Entering a period of rapid development opportunities,

Lithium battery companies have huge investment potential in the Guangdong market.

As an important gathering place for the lithium battery industry, Zhaoqing City,

Extremely advantageous.


▲ Ruiqing Era Project. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Among them, Zhaoqing High tech Zone

It is the main battlefield for the development of Zhaoqing's lithium battery industry

Seize opportunities with five major advantages and work hard

Unique location and transportation

It is a new depression for the development of lithium batteries in the Greater Bay Area

Picture Picture

Zhaoqing High tech Zone is located in the eastern part of Guangdong Province,

The easternmost end of Zhaoqing,

Adjacent to Guangzhou and Foshan,

It is only 50 kilometers away from the urban area of Guangzhou,

Multiple highways pass through the area.


The picture shows the Dawang section of Guangfo Zhao Expressway. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

High speed rail, Guangfo Zhaocheng intercity rail

It also connects Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and other cities

An important node city in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area,

Belonging to the half hour Guangfo Zhao life circle

One hour Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Economic Circle;

Distance from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport

And the Pearl River Delta mainline airport under construction,

It's only a 40 minute walk.


Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In addition, Zhaoqing High tech Zone is adjacent to the Beijiang River, with abundant port resources and river sea intermodal transportation. It is only 50 nautical miles away from Huangpu Port in Guangzhou, and has convenient waterways that can reach all parts of the world. Build a three-dimensional transportation network of "water, land, and air", with convenient transportation advantages that can meet the one hour supply chain requirements of lithium battery manufacturers. One hour's drive can reach the residences of major new energy manufacturers and lithium battery material manufacturers in Guangdong Province.

Strong industrial foundation

Lithium batteries show a momentum of accumulation and development

Picture Picture

Thanks to early layout,

The new energy vehicle industry in Zhaoqing is developing rapidly,

Led by Xiaopeng Automobile,

At present, there are four complete vehicle enterprises in the city,

There are about 150 automobile parts companies,

Covering components such as batteries, motors, electronic controls, and wires.

As of 2022,

The output value of new energy vehicles in Zhaoqing exceeds 70 billion yuan,

The output value will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023.


Ningde Times Zhaoqing Project. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

In terms of new energy storage, with Ningde Times as the leader, a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain of energy storage batteries, battery materials, battery equipment, battery accessories, and battery recycling has gradually been formed. As of 2022, there are 23 enterprises above designated size, achieving an output value of over 30 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 65%.

Rapid development of leading chain owners

Strong traction for the development of lithium battery industry cluster

Picture Picture

In May 2017,

Xiaopeng Automobile, a leading enterprise in the new automotive industry,

The world's first vehicle production base has settled in Zhaoqing High tech Zone.

At present, Xiaopeng Automobile's Zhaoqing Base

The annual production capacity reaches 200000 vehicles,

Four models, P7, P5, G3i, and P7i, have been put into production,

In 2022, the total vehicle delivery volume exceeded 130000 vehicles.


In 2021, Zhaoqing High tech Zone successfully introduced the Ningde Times Power and Energy Storage Battery Production Project. The total investment in Phase I exceeded 12 billion yuan, covering an area of approximately 1075 acres, with a planned production capacity of 25GWh and an annual output value of over 20 billion yuan.

Advantages in developing bearing space

Ten thousand mu and one hundred billion yuan platform is poised to launch

Picture Picture

Zhaoqing has abundant land resources,

Accounting for 26% of the bay area,

The intensity of land development is only 6.5%,

The land that can be released reaches 1700 square kilometers.

As one of the seven industrial platforms in the province, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Agglomeration Zone has a planned area of 992 square kilometers. Currently, the starting area has 25000 acres of contiguous industrial land, which has the bearing conditions to introduce large projects and cultivate large industries.

In 2021, Zhaoqing High tech Zone, based on the two industry leaders of Xiaopeng Auto and Ningde Times, will continue to expand production and launch the planning and construction of a new energy intelligent automobile industrial city covering an area of 45 square kilometers. The industrial city will take "ten thousand mu, one hundred billion yuan" as the goal, and spare no effort to build a national new energy intelligent automobile industrial city, a national intelligent networking pilot zone, and a national "carbon peak, carbon neutrality" strategic pilot demonstration zone. This will provide important support for Guangdong Province's new energy vehicles exceeding one trillion yuan in 2025 and building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.


Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

Creating a first-class development environment

Safeguarding the Development of Lithium Battery Industry

The Zhaoqing High tech Zone has the lowest factor costs within the Bay Area: land prices, housing prices, water, electricity, and gas are relatively low in the Greater Bay Area.

We have abundant human resources. Zhaoqing is the largest vocational education base in Guangdong Province and has been rated as a demonstration city for the comprehensive reform of modern vocational education in Guangdong Province. It can provide enterprises with order based talent and employment training.

We strive to implement the development concept of integrating industry, city, and people with complete supporting facilities, and improve infrastructure, living facilities, and supporting facilities. Especially since 2007, Zhaoqing High tech Zone has been the first in the country to achieve free education from kindergarten to high school, gathering sufficient and high-quality basic education resources within the zone.

The green electricity resources are abundant. Zhaoqing has abundant green power resources and is planning the construction of green power facilities throughout the city to effectively support the demand for green power ratio in major projects.

The business environment is high-quality and efficient. The business environment indicators of Zhaoqing High tech Zone rank among the top in the province. Zhaoqing High tech Zone takes the lead in implementing the policy of "dual capacity and dual commitment" for industrial project landing, boldly reforming the approval process, and providing full process services for industrial projects. For example, the project of Ningde Times took only 14 months from start to production, and was officially put into operation by the end of May 2022; The Xiaopeng Automobile Phase II project started construction on the day of signing the contract, showcasing Zhaoqing's service and speed.

Zhaoqing, the future is promising!

Dawang Manufacturing | Sales ranked first in the country! This "red cotton" from Dawang is deeply loved by customers at home and abroad!

Dawang Manufacturing | Sales ranked first in the country! This "red cotton" from Dawang is deeply loved by customers at home and abroad!

Zhaoqing High tech Release 2023-05-29 20:40 Published in Guangdong


Open column language

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to adhere to the focus of economic development on the real economy and accelerate the construction of a strong manufacturing country; Promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry. At the second plenary session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee, it was also proposed to highlight the leadership of the manufacturing industry and erect the industrial "backbone" of Guangdong's modernization construction at a new height.

As the "locomotive" of Zhaoqing's strong industrial city and a leading area for high-quality development, in recent years, Zhaoqing High tech Zone has firmly established the development concept of "strong industrial city, projects as the king, parks as the mother, and enterprises as the first", nurtured a large number of high-quality manufacturing enterprises, confidently and confidently treating the manufacturing industry as a solid family, making "Dawang Manufacturing" renowned both domestically and internationally. Zhaoqing High tech has released a special column called "Dawang Manufacturing" to showcase the company's style and further consolidate the strength of high-quality development and progress.

Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd.:

Craftsman's Mind Casts Quality "Red Cotton" Blooms Global


Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd

(hereinafter referred to as "Zhaoqing Yaodonghua")

Established in August 2017,

It's from Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd

One of the seven major production bases,

Professional research and development, production, and sales of the "Red Cotton" brand

Furniture board, home decoration board, wall board, smart board,

It is also a pilot demonstration project for intelligent manufacturing in Guangdong Province.

In the exhibition hall of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company, which covers nearly a thousand square meters, each piece of board presents different finishes such as mountains and rivers, stone patterns, and wooden charm, exuding natural beauty everywhere. These high-quality boards have a common name - 'Red Cotton'. Red Cotton "is a well-known brand with great influence and strength in the domestic decorative panel industry, with over 100 domestic distribution networks and sales to over 60 countries worldwide.


Production workshop of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Photographed by Wang Zhenyu

The sales of exquisite decorative panels are leading in the country

Speaking of the "red cotton" board,

It cannot be separated from Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company

Accurate pattern matching technology and precise pattern matching decorative artificial board.

This product adopts the industry's first

Double sided precise pattern matching technology,

Its pattern accuracy can reach 1 millimeter,

The three-dimensional effect is 150% of that of other boards,

The reduction degree can reach up to 99%.

Since its launch, precision patterned decorative artificial panels have been loved and selected by domestic first tier real estate companies, numerous customized furniture brand enterprises, and overseas customers. This is the result of ten years of sharpening our sword and building the entire industry chain. Its biggest advantage is its delicacy, just like the inherent wood grain texture, "said Wu Huijuan, Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd.


Display of "Red Cotton" products. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

In 2014, Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd. introduced the first automatic pressing and pasting production line for Germany's Winconner double-sided synchronized patterned veneer artificial board in Asia. In the production workshop of Yaodonghua Company in Zhaoqing, this production line is running in an orderly manner. After printing, dipping, and hot pressing, the raw materials of raw paper, printing paper, dipping paper, and board are transformed into precise grain facing artificial boards with mountain and river textures.

This production line is equivalent to or higher than

5 domestically produced synchronized decorative panels at the same time

The production efficiency of the production line,

Can produce 5000 sheets per day,

While significantly increasing production capacity,

It has also improved the performance of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company

Supply capacity and speed,

Make the product more high-quality and stable.


The production line of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Nowadays, the products produced by Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company

Precise grain facing artificial board

Widely used in furniture customization

And the interior decoration industry, with customers covering

Oupai, Haolaike, Fuli, Country Garden, etc

Famous home customization enterprises and real estate enterprises,

Both sales and production are leading in the country.


The production line of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Building a standard system to lead industry development

As a manufacturer of main material decorative panels, Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd. actively invests in product research and innovation. As of now, it has obtained more than 40 patents, with decorative panel process technology patents accounting for 50%. Since participating in the formulation and revision of national industry standards in 2001, the company has led or participated in the formulation and revision of over 60 national industry standards.

Since 2002,

Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd

We have created a complete quality management system,

And the testing center has been located in the Zhaoqing High tech Zone,

Empowering products with a "quality system+testing system".


The laboratory personnel of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company are testing the quality of the substrate.

As the head of the testing center, Wu Huijuan stated that in order to ensure product quality, the company has extended quality control management to the entire supply chain. The testing center has introduced testing equipment covering the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, such as formaldehyde detection climate boxes, universal testing machines for artificial boards, and scratch testers.

In addition, Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company

I also participated in the development of inspection standards,

And obtained patents for inspection tools and methods,

Provide an inspection system for the entire industry

Provided strong technical support.


Production workshop of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

Building a benchmark enterprise with intelligence

In 2018, Guangdong Yaodonghua Group Co., Ltd

Launch the intelligent manufacturing factory project in Zhaoqing High tech Zone,

Intelligence and automation

It was fully demonstrated in Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company.

The factory integrates MES Manufacturing execution system

WMS Warehouse Management System

Connected to the Yonyou NC-ERP management software,

Enable customers from all over the country

Orders can be placed through an open system.


The production line of Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

The system implementation

From order placement to workshop production

Delivery to suppliers and order delivery

Intelligent and automated management throughout the entire process,

Enable managers to accurately grasp the real-time status of production,

Thus improving efficiency and reducing costs.


Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Intelligent Three-dimensional Warehouse. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

Intelligent three-dimensional library

It's Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Company

Another embodiment of intelligence.

Among them, the substrate three-dimensional warehouse is 24 meters high, with 4800 storage locations and can store 280000 to 300000 substrate boards, making it the world's largest intelligent three-dimensional warehouse for artificial boards with single unit capacity; The finished product three-dimensional warehouse is 24 meters high, with 6000 storage locations, each storing 400000 to 600000 boards. The use of intelligent three-dimensional libraries has increased space utilization by more than four times.


Zhaoqing Yaodonghua Decoration Materials Technology Co., Ltd. Intelligent Three-dimensional Warehouse. Tuyuan Red Cotton Board

Not only that, the intelligent three-dimensional library also endows each sheet with an "ID card", recording information such as raw materials, suppliers, quality standards, production dates, etc. It can manage and intelligently arrange the production, warehousing, and shipping needs of customer orders, greatly improving management efficiency.

Introduction by Wu Huijuan,

Synchronizing the decoration industry and leading China,

To be the best sheet metal supplier and service provider in China

It is Yao Donghua's mission and goal,

The company will continue to increase brand promotion efforts,

Keep up with world famous brands,

Quickly transition from "following" to "running together",

And then to the magnificent butterfly transformation of "leading".




Monday, May 29, 2023



















现在来讨论发达地区的 ,蛋白质地区的人口减少。














现在客户也聪明了。 都盯紧开支费用。








Saturday, May 27, 2023

Triệu Khánh ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới tái chiêu thương, nâng cao sức mạnh toàn thành phố xây dựng thành phố công nghiệp ô tô thông minh năng lượng mới quốc gia

Triệu Khánh ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới tái chiêu thương, nâng cao sức mạnh toàn thành phố xây dựng thành phố công nghiệp ô tô thông minh năng lượng mới quốc gia

Đầu tư Triệu Khánh 2023-05-27 23:08 Xuất bản tại Quảng Đông

Hình ảnh

Từ ngày 24 đến ngày 26 tháng 5,

Mượn xe Tiểu Bằng triệu tập tại Triệu Khánh

Hội nghị Đối tác Toàn cầu 2023

Thành phố Triệu Khánh tổ chức hội nghị chiêu thương ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới

(sau đây gọi tắt là "Đại hội chiêu thương")

Tổ chức khách hàng khảo sát môi trường đầu tư của địa phương,

Một lần nữa cho các doanh nghiệp liên quan đến ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới

Phát ra tín hiệu hữu nghị "Xây tổ dẫn phượng".

Hình ảnh

Năng lượng mới Ô tô&Phụ tùng ô tô Công nghiệp

Đã được Triệu Khánh định vị là toàn thành phố

Một trong những ngành công nghiệp chủ đạo được xây dựng trọng điểm,

Trong những năm gần đây đã giới thiệu thành công ô tô Tiểu Bằng,

Các doanh nghiệp chủ yếu như thời đại Ninh Đức,

Giá trị sản xuất lần lượt đột phá 30 tỷ Nhân dân tệ trong thời gian 3 năm,

40 tỷ và 70 tỷ,

Năm nay có hy vọng đột phá đại quan trăm tỷ NDT.

Hình ảnh

Khu phát triển ngành công nghệ cao quốc gia Triệu Khánh có ô tô Tiểu Bằng và "Song Long Đầu" thời Ninh Đức. Phóng viên nhật báo Tây Giang Lương Tiểu Minh nhiếp ảnh

Bí thư Thành ủy thành phố Triệu Khánh Trương Ái Quân cho biết

Là một trong những thành phố chủ thể của vùng vịnh Quảng Đông, Hồng Công, Ma Cao, Triệu Khánh phát triển ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới có cơ sở, có điều kiện, có tiềm năng, hiện nay, Triệu Khánh đang neo vững nhiệm vụ hàng đầu về phát triển chất lượng cao, tích cực chiếm đường đua ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới, mong đông đảo khách hàng lấy hội nghị chiêu thương làm cơ hội, tìm hiểu thêm Triệu Khánh, đầu tư Triệu Khánh.

Hình ảnh

Khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh. Ảnh: Wang Zhenyu

Phó Thị trưởng thành phố Triệu Khánh, Bí thư Đảng ủy thành phố Triệu Khánh Quản Vĩ cho biết

Triệu Khánh đang nâng cao sức mạnh toàn thành phố để xây dựng thành phố công nghiệp ô tô thông minh năng lượng mới quốc gia, cung cấp nền tảng rộng lớn cho đông đảo doanh nhân trong lĩnh vực ô tô năng lượng mới.

Tích cực thu hút đầu tư

Ngày 25 tháng 5,

Ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới

Đoàn khảo sát đầu tư chính lần lượt đến

Vườn Khoa học sáng tạo lập nghiệp khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh,

Khu công nghiệp linh kiện ô tô liên kết mạng thông minh Triệu Khánh Tiểu Bằng,

Đài quan sát khu tập trung ngành công nghiệp lớn tỉnh Quảng Đông (Triệu Khánh),

Tìm hiểu về ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới của Triệu Khánh

Tình hình phát triển và quy hoạch tương lai.

Hiện tại, Zhaoqing đang sử dụng khu tập trung công nghiệp lớn của tỉnh Quảng Đông (Zhaoqing) làm phương tiện truyền tải quan trọng, dựa vào các trận địa chính như thành phố công nghiệp ô tô thông minh năng lượng mới Zhaoqing Daewang (nằm ở khu công nghệ cao Zhaoqing) và khu công nghiệp phụ tùng ô tô Zhaoqing (Cao cấp), v.v., để xây dựng một cơ sở công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới dựa trên Tam giác châu Á và hướng tới cả nước, và để định hình bố cục hợp tác khu vực "Quảng Phật Triệu Toàn xe, phụ tùng ô tô Zhaoqing và dịch vụ Zhaoqing".

Hình ảnh

Ảnh: Wang Zhenyu

Khi đoàn khảo sát đầu tư đến

Khi khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh sáng tạo lập nghiệp khoa học vườn,

Mặc dù nguyên bản đã an bài nhân viên làm tiếp đãi,

Cục trưởng Cục Đầu tư và Đầu tư khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh Đặng Kế Vinh

Hay là đến hiện trường cùng nhân viên công ty?

Gặp mặt giao lưu, trao đổi phương thức liên lạc.

Xe kết nối mạng thông minh Zhaoqing Xiaopeng

Khu công nghiệp linh kiện còn đang được xây dựng,

Phóng viên có thể nhìn thấy tại hiện trường khu công nghiệp,

Mảnh đất đã bị san bằng.

Hình ảnh

Các khách hàng Trung Quốc đến hiện trường dự án khu công nghiệp linh kiện ô tô liên kết mạng thông minh ô tô Tiểu Bằng. Ảnh: Southern+Luhrmann

Được biết,

Xe thông minh Xiaopeng

Khu công nghiệp linh kiện Tây Viên (450 mẫu),

Đông Viên (627 mẫu)

Cũng như khu công nghiệp đồng bộ 3000 héc - ta,

Cơ bản thực hiện thất thông nhất bình,

Bất cứ lúc nào cũng có thể quen thuộc chiêu thương.

Thiên thời địa lợi nhân hòa

Trong hành trình của Đại hội chiêu thương lần này,

Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh nhiều lần

Gửi tin nhắn cho khách hàng - -

Triệu Khánh là vùng trũng đầu tư ô tô năng lượng mới của khu vực vịnh lớn.

Hình ảnh

Dự án thời đại Thụy Khánh. Ảnh: Wang Zhenyu

Quản Vĩ giới thiệu với khách hàng tại hội nghị chiêu thương

Giá đất cơ bản của đất công nghiệp Zhaoqing là 20-55 triệu nhân dân tệ/mẫu, thấp hơn khoảng 60% so với các thành phố khác trong khu vực vịnh lớn, giá điện công nghiệp của Zhaoqing bắt đầu từ 0,49 nhân dân tệ/độ, thấp hơn khoảng 10% so với các thành phố khác trong khu vực vịnh lớn, giá nước công nghiệp trung bình của Zhaoqing là thấp nhất trong khu vực vịnh lớn, thậm chí thấp hơn mức trung bình của toàn tỉnh, mức lương trung bình của Zhaoqing cũng là thấp nhất trong khu vực vịnh lớn, giá nhà trung bình trong khu vực thành phố Zhaoqing chỉ có 7600 nhân dân tệ/mét vuông.

Triệu Khánh có đầy đủ đất đai để phát triển ngành nghề mới,

Tổng diện tích Triệu Khánh đạt 15 nghìn km2,

Chiếm một phần tư tổng diện tích khu vực vịnh lớn,

Là thành phố có diện tích lớn nhất trong khu vực vịnh lớn,

Mà tổng dân số Triệu Khánh chỉ có khoảng 4,5 triệu người.

Hình ảnh

Ảnh: Liang Liang

Trong quá khứ, Zhaoqing phụ thuộc vào môi trường tự nhiên của mình để phát triển mạnh mẽ ngành du lịch, tỷ lệ che phủ rừng của thành phố là hơn 70%, bây giờ cường độ phát triển đất của Zhaoqing chỉ 6,5%, có thể giải phóng đất lên tới hơn 1700 km vuông. Khu công nghiệp cao Zhaoqing, khu tập trung công nghiệp lớn của tỉnh Quảng Đông (Zhaoqing) và các nền công nghiệp khác, dự trữ gần 10.000 mẫu đất công nghiệp. Triệu Khánh đề xuất phải xây dựng mặt bằng lớn ngành nghề vạn he@@ ́c - ta trăm tỷ Nhân dân tệ, hoàn toàn có không gian phát huy.

Điều đáng nói là,

Đất ở khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh là đất nhà nước,

Khi cần thu hoạch đất để phát triển ngành công nghiệp mới,

Có thể tiết kiệm rất nhiều thời gian cần thiết để thu hồi đất.

Hình ảnh

Khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh. Ảnh: Wang Zhenyu

Mà vị trí địa lý của Triệu Khánh tương đối khá,

Giao thông cũng ngày càng thuận tiện,

Triệu Khánh "là một con đường vàng Tây Giang,

Hai tuyến đường sắt nhanh, sáu tuyến đường sắt,

Mạng lưới giao thông "Bảy đường cao tốc" đã được xây dựng thành hình.

Triệu Khánh đến sân bay Bạch Vân Quảng Châu

Đi xe khoảng 1 giờ,

Khoảng cách tới sân bay trung tâm Tam Giác Châu đang xây dựng

Khoảng 20 km.

Đi tàu cao tốc đến Quảng Châu chỉ mất nửa tiếng,

Đến Thâm Quyến chỉ mất 1 giờ,

80 phút đến Hong Kong

Hình ảnh

Về mặt nguồn nhân lực,

Triệu Khánh là tỉnh Quảng Đông lớn nhất

Cơ sở giáo dục đào tạo nghề,

Có các trường đại học phổ thông,

Hơn 30 trường nghề trung bình,

Hơn 210 nghìn sinh viên trong trường,

Trường học có thể triển khai với doanh nghiệp

Hợp tác bồi dưỡng nhân tài theo đơn đặt hàng.

Hình ảnh

← Trường đào tạo tài năng khu công nghệ cao Triệu Khánh

Quan trọng hơn, chính quyền thành phố Triệu Khánh rất coi trọng việc đào tạo ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới, Triệu Khánh đã tạo ra một số tốc độ Triệu Khánh khi giới thiệu các doanh nghiệp hàng đầu trong ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới. Ví dụ, dự án thời đại Ninh Đức chiếm diện tích 1000 he@@ ́c - ta, từ khởi công đến đưa vào hoạt động chỉ mất 14 tháng, dự án giai đoạn II ô tô Tiểu Bằng chiếm diện tích 500 he@@ ́c - ta, năm đó khởi công đưa vào hoạt động.

Trong thời điểm cả nước thúc đẩy thực hiện mục tiêu carbon kép,

Nguồn điện xanh của Triệu Khánh

Cũng là yếu tố thu hút đầu tư công nghiệp,

Triệu Khánh đang lên kế hoạch xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng xanh.

Hình ảnh

Nguồn: Guangning Published

Từ tháng 1 đến tháng 3 năm nay,

Thành phố Hà Nội quy định ngành công nghiệp ô tô năng lượng mới

Doanh nghiệp đạt 89 doanh nghiệp,

Thực hiện giá trị sản xuất công nghiệp theo quy định tăng trên 14% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái,

Xe năng lượng mới của Triệu Khánh

Ngành công nghiệp thu hút đầu tư vẫn đang tiếp tục.

Phát biểu tại hội nghị chiêu thương, Quản Vĩ cho biết

Chúng tôi chân thành chào đón tất cả các bạn đến thăm và khảo sát Triệu Khánh, đầu tư và kinh doanh, chúng tôi sẽ tạo ra một môi trường phát triển'kiếm nhiều tiền, ít rắc rối và sức khỏe tốt'với sự chân thành lớn nhất, môi trường tối ưu và chính sách tốt nhất, để chúng ta có thể tận dụng ngọn gió đông của việc xây dựng khu vực vịnh Quảng Đông-Hồng Kông, chung tay tạo ra những kỳ tích mới và lớn hơn ở vùng đất nóng Triệu Khánh này.

Zhaoqings neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie zieht wieder Investitionen an und nutzt die Bemühungen der Stadt, eine nationale neue Energie intelligente Fahrzeugindustrie zu bauen

Zhaoqings neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie zieht wieder Investitionen an und nutzt die Bemühungen der Stadt, eine nationale neue Energie intelligente Fahrzeugindustrie zu bauen

Investition Zhaoqing 2023-05-27 23:08 Veröffentlicht in Guangdong


Von 24th bis 26th Mai,

Treffen in Zhaoqing mit Xiaopeng Automobile

Die Gelegenheit zur 2023 Global Partner Conference,

Die Stadt Zhaoqing veranstaltet eine Konferenz zur Investitionsförderung der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie

(nachstehend "Konferenz zur Investitionsförderung" genannt),

Organisieren Sie Händler, um das lokale Investitionsumfeld zu inspizieren,

Wieder einmal an Unternehmen, die mit der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie verbunden sind

Sende ein freundliches Signal von "Nester bauen, um Phönix anzulocken".


Neue Energiefahrzeuge und Automobilindustrie

Zhaoqing wurde als die gesamte Stadt positioniert

Eine der wichtigsten führenden Industrien, die entwickelt werden sollen,

Xiaopeng Automobile in den letzten Jahren erfolgreich eingeführt

Ningde Times und andere Kettenbesitzer,

Innerhalb von drei Jahren hat der Output-Wert sukzessive 30 Milliarden Yuan überschritten

40 Milliarden Yuan und 70 Milliarden Yuan,

Dieses Jahr wird voraussichtlich die 100-Milliarden-Yuan-Mark durchbrechen.


Zhaoqing National High Tech Industrial Development Zone, mit den "dualen Führern" von Xiaopeng Automobile und Ningde Times. Fotografiert von Liang Xiaoming, Journalist von Xijiang Daily

Zhang Aijun, Sekretär des kommunalen Parteikomitees der Stadt Zhaoqing, erklärte

Als eine der wichtigsten Städte in der Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing hat die Grundlage, Bedingungen und Potenzial, um die neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu entwickeln. Derzeit verankert Zhaoqing die Hauptaufgabe der hochwertigen Entwicklung und aktiv die Spur der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu ergreifen. Wir hoffen, dass Kunden die Gelegenheit der Investitionsförderungskonferenz nutzen können, um Zhaoqing weiter zu verstehen und in Zhaoqing zu investieren.


▲ Zhaoqing High Tech Zone. Fotografiert von Wang Zhenyu

Der stellvertretende Bürgermeister der Stadt Zhaoqing und Sekretär des Parteiarbeitsausschusses der neuen Region Zhaoqing, Guan Wei, erklärte

Zhaoqing unternimmt alle Anstrengungen, um eine nationale neue Energie intelligente Fahrzeugindustriestadt zu bauen und bietet eine breite Plattform für Unternehmer im Bereich neuer Energiefahrzeuge.

Aktive Anziehung von Investitionen

Am 25.Mai,

Als Mensch in der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie

Das Hauptinvestitionskontrollteam ist einer nach dem anderen angekommen

Zhaoqing High Tech Zone Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park

Zhaoqing Xiaopeng Intelligent Connected Automotive Parts Industrial Park

Provinz Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Große industrielle Agglomeration Zone Observatory,

Verstehen Sie die lokale neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie in Zhaoqing

Entwicklungssituation und Zukunftsplanung.

Derzeit nimmt Zhaoqing die großflächige industrielle Agglomerationszone in der Provinz Guangdong (Zhaoqing) als wichtigen Träger und stützt sich auf die Hauptpositionen von Zhaoqing Dawang New Energy Intelligent Vehicle Industry City City (befindet sich in Zhaoqing High Tech Zone) und Zhaoqing (Gaoyao) Automotive Parts Industry Park, um eine neue Basis für die Energiefahrzeugindustrie zu schaffen, die im Perlflussdelta basiert und dem ganzen Land gegenüber steht und um ein regionales Kooperationsmuster von "Guangfo Zhaoqi, Zhaoqing Autoteile und Zhaoqing Services" zu gestalten.


Aufgenommen von Wang Zhenyu

Wenn das Investitionsinspektionsteam ankommt

Im Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park der Zhaoqing High Tech Zone,

Obwohl bereits Personal für den Empfang arrangiert worden war,

Deng Jirong, Direktor des Zhaoqing High Tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

Immer noch auf dem Weg zur Szene und Treffen mit Geschäftsleuten

Treffen und Austausch von Kontaktinformationen.

Zhaoqing Xiaopeng Intelligent Connected Vehicle

Der Industriepark Komponenten befindet sich noch im Bau,

Der Reporter kann auf dem Gelände des Industrieparks sehen, dass,

Die Weite des Landes ist abgeflacht.


Die Händler kamen auf den Projektstandort des Xiaopeng Automobile Intelligent Connected Automotive Parts Industrial Park. South+Lu Shuman Schießerei

Es versteht sich, dass,

Intelligentes vernetztes Fahrzeug von Xiaopeng

The West Park of the Parts Industry Park (450 Hektar)

Dongyuan (627 Hektar)

Und die Unterstützung von Industrieparks, die eine Fläche von 3000 Hektar abdecken,

Grundsätzlich erreichen sieben Verbindungen und eine Nivellierung,

Seien Sie mit der Anziehung von Investitionen jederzeit vertraut.


Im Rahmen dieser Konferenz zur Investitionsförderung,

Zhaoqing Kommunalpartei Komitee und Regierung haben wiederholt

Informationen an Kunden weiterleiten...

Zhaoqing ist eine Investitionskrise für neue Energiefahrzeuge in der Greater Bay Area.


▲ Ruiqing Era Projekt. Fotografiert von Wang Zhenyu

Guan Wei stellte Händlern auf der Investitionsförderungskonferenz vor

Der Referenzgrundpreis für Industrieland in Zhaoqing beträgt 200000 bis 55000 Yuan/mu, was etwa 60% niedriger ist als in anderen Städten in der Greater Bay Area. Der industrielle Strompreis in Zhaoqing beginnt bei 0.49 Yuan/kWh, was etwa 10% niedriger ist als in anderen Städten in der Greater Bay Area. Der durchschnittliche Industriewasserpreis in Zhaoqing ist der niedrigste in der Greater Bay Area, sogar niedriger als der Provinzdurchschnitt. Das durchschnittliche Gehalt in Zhaoqing ist auch der niedrigste in der Greater Bay Area, wobei der Durchschnittspreis eines Hauses aus erster Hand im städtischen Gebiet Zhaoqing nur Quadratmeter beträgt.

Zhaoqing hat genügend Land, um neue Industrien zu entwickeln,

Die Gesamtfläche von Zhaoqing hat 15000 Quadratkilometer erreicht,

Ausgerechnet mit einem Viertel der Gesamtfläche der Greater Bay Area,

Es ist die größte Stadt in der Greater Bay Area,

Die Gesamtbevölkerung von Zhaoqing beträgt nur etwa 4,5 Millionen Menschen.


▲ Fotografiert von Liang Liang

In der Vergangenheit verließ sich Zhaoqing stark auf seine eigene natürliche Umwelt, um seine Tourismusindustrie zu entwickeln, mit einer Waldbedeckungsrate von über 70% in der Stadt. Jetzt ist die Landentwicklungsintensität von Zhaoqing nur 6,5%, mit über 1700 Quadratkilometer Land verfügbar. Industrieplattformen wie Zhaoqing High Tech Zone und Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster haben Reserven von fast 10000Hektar reifen Industrieland. Der von Zhaoqing vorgeschlagene Vorschlag, eine große industrielle Plattform mit einer Gesamtfläche von zehntausend Hektar und einhundert Milliarden Yuan zu bauen, hat volles Entwicklungspotenzial.

Es ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass

Das Land in der Zhaoqing High Tech Zone ist staatliches Land,

Wenn es notwendig ist, neue Industrien durch Landerwerb zu entwickeln,

Es kann die Zeit, die für den Grunderwerb benötigt wird, erheblich sparen.


▲ Zhaoqing High Tech Zone. Fotografiert von Wang Zhenyu

Und die geographische Lage von Zhaoqing ist recht gut,

Der Transport wird immer bequemer,

Zhaoqing ist ein goldener Wasserweg des Xijiang Flusses,

Zwei Schnellstraßen, sechs Bahntransit,

Das Verkehrsnetz der "Sieben Autobahnen" wurde aufgebaut und gebildet.

Zhaoqing nach Guangzhou Baiyun Flughafen

Es dauert etwa eine Stunde mit dem Auto,

Entfernung vom Pearl River Delta Hub Airport im Bau

Es sind etwa zwanzig Kilometer,

Es dauert nur eine halbe Stunde, um die Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahn nach Guangzhou zu nehmen

Es dauert nur eine Stunde nach Shenzhen zu kommen,

Es dauert nur 80 Minuten, um in Hongkong anzukommen.


Was die Humanressourcen angeht,

Zhaoqing ist die größte Stadt in der Provinz Guangdong


Regelmäßige Hochschuleinrichtungen

Mehr als 30 berufsbildende Sekundarschulen,

Es gibt über 210000 Studenten auf dem Campus,

Berufsschulen können mit Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten

Auftragsbasierte Zusammenarbeit zur Talentförderung.


Zhaoqing High Tech Zone Yucai School

Noch wichtiger ist, dass der Zhaoqing Kommunal Parteiausschuss und die Regierung große Bedeutung der Kultivierung der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie beimessen.Bei der Einführung führender Unternehmen in der neuen Energiefahrzeugindustrie hat Zhaoqing mehrere Zhaoqing Geschwindigkeiten geschaffen. So dauerte beispielsweise das Projekt Ningde Times, das eine Fläche von 1000 Hektar abdeckt, vom Bau bis zur Produktion nur 14 Monate. Das Projekt Xiaopeng Automobile Phase II, das eine Fläche von 500 Hektar abdeckt, wurde im selben Jahr in Betrieb genommen, in dem es mit dem Bau begann.

Zum Zeitpunkt der bundesweiten Förderung der Erreichung des Doppelkohlenstoffziels,

Ökologische Stromressourcen in Zhaoqing

Es ist auch ein Element, das Industrieinvestitionen anzieht,

Zhaoqing plant den Bau von grünen Anlagen.


▲ Bildquelle veröffentlicht von Guangning

Von Januar bis März dieses Jahres,

Die neue Energiefahrzeugindustrie der Stadt Zhaoqing im Maßstab

Es gibt 89-Unternehmen,

Erreichen eines Vorjahreswachstums von über 14% des industriellen Produktionswerts über der angegebenen Größe,

Neue Energiefahrzeuge in Zhaoqing

Die Anziehungskraft für Industrieinvestitionen ist nach wie vor fortgesetzt.

Guan Wei erklärte auf der Investitionsförderungskonferenz

Wir begrüßen Sie herzlich, Zhaoqing zu besuchen, zu untersuchen, zu investieren und Ihr Geschäft zu starten. Wir schaffen eine Entwicklungsumgebung von "mehr Geld, weniger Ärger und guter Gesundheit" mit der größten Aufrichtigkeit, der besten Umwelt und den besten Richtlinien. Nutzen Sie den Ostwind des Baus der Guangdong Hong Kong Bay Area, und arbeiten Sie zusammen, um ein neues und größeres Wunder in diesem heißen Land von Zhaoqing zu schaffen.

Thursday, May 25, 2023



这就是珠三角边沿城市的乡镇  肇庆市鼎湖区广利街道(环珠三角贫困带)  2023年5月25日下午的冷清


广东省肇庆市鼎湖区广利街道(环珠三角贫困带)  2023年5月25日下午的冷清。










投資肇慶2023-05-25 23:31広東省で発表









Xu Xiaoxiong led a team to Shenzhen to carry out investment promotion and inspection activities

 Xu Xiaoxiong led a team to Shenzhen to carry out investment promotion and inspection activities

Investment Zhaoqing 2023-05-25 23:31 Published in Guangdong


Strengthen communication and cooperation to achieve win-win development

From May 22nd to 24th, Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong led a team to Shenzhen for investment inspection. Focusing on key industrial chains such as new energy vehicles and automotive components, new energy storage, and electronic information, he conducted intensive visits to enterprises, discussed docking projects, deepened cooperation consensus, and accumulated momentum for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's economy and society.

Xu Xiaoxiong and his delegation have conducted on-site visits to enterprises such as Shenzhen Energy Group, BYD Co., Ltd., Haoneng Technology Co., Ltd., and Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd., and had discussions with company leaders to gain a detailed understanding of the company's production and operation, industrial layout, industry development, technology research and development, and investment intentions. They also conducted in-depth docking around strengthening cooperation and win-win results.

The enterprises surveyed this time have great development potential, obvious technological advantages, and a high degree of compatibility with the Zhaoqing industry. We sincerely hope that the enterprises can fully leverage their technological core advantages and talent advantages, strengthen cooperation with Zhaoqing, actively provide wisdom and suggestions for the future industrial positioning and development of Zhaoqing, and jointly promote the integrated development of Zhaoqing's industrial chain, innovation chain, capital chain, and talent chain, to help Zhaoqing deeply integrate into the modern industrial system of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. All relevant departments in Zhaoqing should strengthen communication and docking with the inspected enterprises, combine Zhaoqing's development strategy and industrial characteristics, actively seek cooperation points, provide comprehensive and high-quality services, promote the accelerated implementation and production of signed projects, and strive to achieve win-win cooperation and development.

Entrepreneurs said that as an important member of Dawan District and metropolitan area, Zhaoqing has obvious advantages in industrial foundation, regional transportation, ecological environment, land space, business environment, etc. Enterprises will fully leverage their technological resources, research and development capabilities, capital cooperation and other advantages, actively participate in the industrial development layout of Zhaoqing, comprehensively explore more cooperation possibilities, and assist in the high-quality development of Zhaoqing.

Xu Xiaoxiong also conducted in-depth research and learning on the improvement of urban quality and green and beautiful ecological construction in Shenzhen. He pointed out that Shenzhen is at the forefront of reform and opening up, with new urban construction concepts and continuously improving urban quality. The "mountains and seas connecting the city" depicts a green and beautiful Pengcheng, which is worthy of serious learning and reference by Zhaoqing. All relevant departments should strengthen research, continuously improve planning and design, scientifically handle the relationship between urban construction and economic development, and strive to create a high-quality new city that is livable, suitable for business, and suitable for tourism. We need to continue to strengthen the construction of green and beautiful ecology, improve the level of garden greening management and maintenance, focus on creating a clear and penetrating landscape effect, explore the construction of demonstration sites for "green and beautiful factory areas", and effectively improve the level of ecological civilization construction.

Vice Mayor Guan Wei participated in relevant activities.

لتنمية هنا سوف يكون أفضل وأفضل ! " الطاقة الجديدة تجار السيارات متفائلون تشاوتشينغ

 " التنمية هنا سوف يكون أفضل وأفضل ! " الطاقة الجديدة تجار السيارات متفائلون تشاوتشينغ 

 الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ 2023-05-25 23 : 31 نشرت في قوانغدونغ 

 في 25 أيار / مايو ، 

 تشاوتشينغ الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات دعوة المؤتمر افتتح ، 

 مصنعي قطع غيار السيارات في جميع أنحاء العالم يجتمعون في تشاوتشينغ ، 

 تطوير صناعة الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية . 

 في صباح ذلك اليوم ، 

 ممثل رجال الأعمال السفر إلى تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية ، 

 التحقيق في بيئة الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ منطقة جديدة . 

 الابتكار وريادة الأعمال في حديقة العلوم تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية ، 

 دينغ jirong ، مدير مكتب الاستثمار في منطقة تشاوتشينغ مرحبا التكنولوجيا 

 أمام الرمال بانورامية الجدول في منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية ، 

 يقدم هذا البحث مزايا الموقع و التوزيع الصناعي في مناطق التكنولوجيا الفائقة . 


 " مرحبا بكم في تشاوتشينغ الوطنية مرحبا التكنولوجيا المنطقة ، حيث يمكن أن توفر الطاقة الجديدة لصناعة السيارات في تطوير 10 كيلومتر مربع من الأراضي الصناعية ، في الوقت الحاضر يمكن أن توفر أكثر من 4000 فدان من الأراضي جاهزة . 


 ▲ رجال الأعمال يأتون إلى تشاوتشينغ مرحبا التكنولوجيا منطقة الابتكار وريادة الأعمال العلمية بارك .  الجنوب + لو شومان 

 تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية والابتكار وريادة الأعمال حديقة العلوم 

 الانتهاء من البناء في نيسان / أبريل 2021 

 و وضعت رسميا في الاستخدام ، 

 تغطي مساحة 186 مو ، 

 مجموع مساحة البناء 136000 متر مربع ، 

 هو مجموعة من البحث والتطوير ، على نطاق تجريبي ، 

 الإنتاج في حديقة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الحديثة . 


 ▲ وانغ تشن يو صور 

 في الوقت الحاضر 

 بارك قد استقر في 95 مشروعا ، 

 بما في ذلك معهد بحوث التكنولوجيا الضوئية ، جنوب الصين عادي جامعة 

 عبر الحدود الكهربائية الصناعية بارك 

 ما بعد الدكتوراه الابتكار ( تشاوتشينغ ) مظاهرة مركز 

 تشاوتشينغ هونغ كونغ وماكاو قاعدة الابتكار وريادة الأعمال للشباب . 


 ▲ تشاوتشينغ مرحبا التكنولوجيا منطقة الابتكار وريادة الأعمال العلمية بارك .  بيانات الرسم البياني 

 بعد ذلك 

 رجال الأعمال يأتون إلى الشبكة الذكية Xiaopeng السيارات 

 قطع غيار السيارات الصناعية بارك موقع المشروع ، 

 تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية 

 في صناعة السيارات من الطاقة الجديدة . 


 ▲ التجار يأتون إلى موقع المشروع من قطع غيار السيارات الصناعية بارك شياو بنغ السيارات الذكية .  الجنوب + لو شومان 

 تشاوتشينغ منطقة التكنولوجيا العالية مع السيارات 

 نينغده مرات هي المؤسسة الرئيسية لسلسلة ، 

 مستوى عال من التخطيط تشاوتشينغ Dawang 

 مدينة صناعة السيارات الذكية للطاقة الجديدة ، 

 الجهود الرامية إلى بناء مليون مو مليار منصة صناعية . 


 ▲ Ruiqing مرات المشروع .  صور وانغ تشن يو 

 المحطة الأخيرة 

 التجار سيرا على الأقدام إلى 

 مقاطعة قوانغدونغ ( تشاوتشينغ ) على نطاق واسع التجمعات الصناعية في المنطقة . 


 ▲ رجال الأعمال في منطقة جديدة تقع في تشاوتشينغ بمقاطعة قوانغدونغ ( تشاوتشينغ ) على نطاق واسع التجمعات الصناعية في المنطقة .  الجنوب + لو شومان 

 يقف على منصة المراقبة ، 

 التجار يطل على مستقبل صناعة تشاوتشينغ . 

 وفقا للعرض ، 

 تشاوتشينغ منطقة جديدة من الطاقة الجديدة للسيارات 

 و 30 مشاريع تصنيع قطع الغيار ، 

 تغطي سلسلة الصناعية العليا ، الوسطى والدنيا 

 العديد من فئات المنتجات ، والاستثمار الإجمالي حوالي 8.1 مليار يوان . 


 ▲ العديد من المشاريع ذات الجودة العالية في مقاطعة قوانغدونغ ( تشاوتشينغ ) التجمعات الصناعية الكبيرة Dinghu - تشاوتشينغ منطقة انطلاق جديدة .  صدر 

 مزايا الموقع واضحة ، 

 خطوط الصناعة واضحة ، 

 العديد من رجال الأعمال تشاوتشينغ نقطة الثناء . 


 وقال وانغ شياو جو ، مدير العمليات في منطقة آسيا ، laoshiling قطع غيار السيارات ( كونشان ) المحدودة 

 " نعتقد أن المستقبل مع بنغ السيارات وغيرها من العملاء في جنوب الصين مواصلة تعميق التعاون ، ونحن سوف تختار أيضا تخطيط جنوب الصين ، تشاوتشينغ سيكون خيارا جيدا . 

 " كاواشيما النسيج ( شنغهاي ) المحدودة لتنمية الأعمال التجارية ، وقال شين شيانغ هوى وزير 

 " من خلال هذه الخطط ، أشعر تشاوتشينغ التنمية السريعة ، التفكير في المدينة ، ونمط الوعي الخدمة ناضجة جدا ، وأعتقد أن تشاوتشينغ سوف تتطور بشكل أفضل في المستقبل . 

 تشاوتشينغ مرحبا التكنولوجيا المنطقة . 

 نظام التعليم في المنطقة هو الكمال ، 

 الرعاية الطبية الكافية ، 

 أسعار المساكن منخفضة ، 

 نجوم ، مراكز رياضية ، الخ . 

 هو مكان مناسب للعيش والعمل . 


 ▲ تشاوتشينغ مرحبا التكنولوجيا المنطقة .  صور وانغ تشن يو 

 العديد من رجال الأعمال نقدر ذلك كثيرا 


 جيانغسو tiemao التكنولوجيا المحدودة 

 " الشخص الموهوب هو الإنتاجية الأولى ، القيام بعمل جيد في الدعم اللوجستي ، يمكن أن يطلب من شخص ما ، يمكن أن تبقى تحت الشخص . 


It's on fire! International professional league players and domestic basketball players gathered in Sihui to present high-level basketball games to the masses

It's on fire! International professional league players and domestic basketball players gathered in Sihui to present high-level basketb...