Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Momentum is strong! The construction of industrial projects in Zhaoqing New District is in full swing

Momentum is strong! The construction of industrial projects in Zhaoqing New District is in full swing

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-05-08 21:30 Guangdong, China

Driving into Yong'an Town, located in Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District, trucks loaded with building materials passed by. Tall cranes, towering steel bars, busy workers, and various transport vehicles shuttled along the construction road.

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park

△Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park

This is the gathering place for the industrial parks of the two districts. Various construction forces gather on this land, constantly refreshing the speed of industrial development.

As the core host area of the starting area of Dinghu-Zhaoqing New District, a large-scale industrial agglomeration area in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), Yongan Town, the industrial center of the two districts, has become one of the "focuses" of Zhaoqing's industrial economic development. Currently, Yongan Town aims to be a high-quality development demonstration site for the integration of new industrialization and new urbanization, making every effort to promote the construction of four major industrial parks and taking new steps towards high-quality development.

Relevant person in charge of Yongan Town said

Almost 1,000 dump trucks, 3,000 trucks, and tens of thousands of workers are busy every day, providing various materials and support for the construction of 75 projects under construction in Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District.

Zhaoqing New District Lingang Industrial Park

△Zhaoqing New District Lingang Industrial Park

Across the port avenue, the first phase of the JD Asia One Zhaoqing New District Logistics Park project located in the Lingang Industrial Park has come to an end.

Nine huge logistics warehouses have risen from the ground, with a total construction area of about 260,000 square meters. After the construction is completed, the sorting operation volume is expected to reach 200,000 pieces/day, and the annual revenue will be no less than 10 billion yuan after reaching capacity. It will also become the largest warehousing and logistics base in Zhaoqing.

The person in charge of the project said

At present, the project has been completed and the internal steel structure construction is ongoing. It is planned to be fully opened in August this year.

In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Eco-Tech Industrial Park, the new energy vehicle and auto parts industries are developing in full swing. The picture shows the production workshop of Zhaoqing Paige Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

▲In the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Eco-Tech Industrial Park, the new energy vehicle and auto parts industries are developing in full swing. The picture shows the production workshop of Zhaoqing Paige Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

In the first quarter of 2024 this year, Zhaoqing New District is developing rapidly and has strong driving force.

Among them, Zhaoqing Paige Auto Parts Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Yudean Yongan Natural Gas Thermal Power Co., Ltd., which were newly put into operation in March, achieved an output value of over 270 million yuan, which together contributed to a 0.3 percentage point increase in the city's industrial added value above designated size.

In addition, taking into account the development and construction opportunities of the large-scale industrial cluster Dinghu-Zhaoqing New District starting area, Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District are vigorously promoting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park, Yongan Industrial Park, Lingang Industrial Park and intelligent equipment industries. The infrastructure construction of the park focuses on the development of electronic information, new energy vehicles and auto parts, intelligent equipment, food and beverage and other industries, and promotes the further clustered development of industries in the two districts.

Dinghu Yongan Industrial Park

△A bird’s eye view of Dinghu Yongan Industrial Park. 

Among them, Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District are actively promoting the construction of the "Neighborhood Center" commercial and residential complex in the park covering an area of 66 acres and investing 1 billion yuan.

The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Upon completion, it will greatly enhance the level of comprehensive service guarantees such as catering, shopping, culture and entertainment, and finance in the surrounding industrial parks. At present, a new Yong'an neighborhood that integrates a variety of food, accommodation, board games and other projects has also been put into operation, enriching the lives of employees in the industrial park.

In order to allow enterprises to operate with peace of mind, the two districts also actively promote "mother-like" services, continue to deepen the tripartite cooperation between government, schools and enterprises, promote the government-school-enterprise cooperation model of "industrial park + standard factory building + vocational education", collect and solve the problems of enterprise employment, Faced with practical difficulties such as children's education, we strive to be a "waiter" for the development of the enterprise and serve the enterprise with heart and soul.

Yongan Town Central Kindergarten

△Yongan Town Central Kindergarten 

The key to rapid project advancement is to make good project planning and take the initiative in providing project services. Zhaoqing New District will continue to maintain the courage and energy to "fight", strive for progress while maintaining stability, make breakthroughs while making progress, and develop through breakthroughs. With a vigorous spirit, it will deliver prosperous results.

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