Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Build "One Center and Two Bases"! Zhaoqing, China is committed to solving the problem of commercialization of low-altitude scenes

Build "One Center and Two Bases"! Zhaoqing, China is committed to solving the problem of commercialization of low-altitude scenes

Invest in Asia August 28, 2024 22:33 Guangdong, China

Driven by the low-altitude economy of hundreds of billions of blue ocean, Zhaoqing has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities.

In order to systematically solve the problems that restrict the commercialization of low-altitude scenes, Zhaoqing City focuses on building "one center and two bases",

namely Zhaoqing City Low-altitude Information Service Center, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base and Logistics Test Base.

Construction rendering of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base. Image provided by Yuanwang Company

About 2.5 kilometers west of the Xiaoxiang Town Government in Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing has opened up a vacant land of about 30 acres as a low-altitude test service base. Here, low-altitude manufacturing, service, and communication companies can carry out relevant flight tests and scene tests, which will help improve product quality and speed up the acquisition of operating qualifications.

Sun Chao, head of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base, introduced:

"The main pain point faced by drone companies is that there is no place to test the products after they are produced. Our base is to solve this problem."

It is reported that the base is adjacent to the Xijiang River, with no obvious residential and industrial park clusters around it, no civil aviation commercial routes above the area, and more than 30km away from the no-fly zone of the approach route of the Zhaoqing New Airport. At the same time, the surrounding waters are wide and the air visibility conditions are good. There are various distributed environments such as rivers, mountains, towns and villages nearby, and the radio communication environment is good, which can provide a good environment for various low-altitude scenes and drone tests.

The logistics test base is mainly to build an innovative experimental pattern for the commercialization model of the low-altitude logistics market, conduct low-altitude logistics safety performance verification tests and logistics system verification tests, and provide guarantees for the commercialization of low-altitude in Zhaoqing City.

Enterprises can conduct experimental research on product R&D and production, product operation, cargo transportation and economic benefit evaluation at multiple take-off and landing points of Zhaoqing’s flight hubs, thus forming a market-oriented and commercialized model for the low-altitude logistics industry.

Low-altitude enterprise staff conduct product testing at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base.

Low-altitude enterprise staff conduct product testing at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base. 

The Low-altitude Information Service Center is located in the municipal management start-up area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area, and will be built into a comprehensive business management platform for low-altitude aircraft.

This is a set of software and hardware combined AI processing system based on ground-to-air distributed network communication, flight airspace application, flight dispatch command, real-time comparison of drone flight route data, etc., which integrates drone airspace dispatch management, no-fly zone management and real-time comparison and analysis of preset routes and actual collected flight routes.

For the low-altitude commercial use scenarios in Zhaoqing, Zhaoqing will also use the distributed layout of air communication dedicated network base stations to grasp the status of drone routes, drone power-on and drone flight airspace scheduling in real time, and compare the terminal equipment with the declared routes, combined with the flight whitelist and ground inspection and control station, to effectively counter and manage illegal acts such as illegal flying and random flying.

Sun Chao said

"Through the establishment of a low-altitude management platform, the improvement of management methods, and the benign interaction between drone companies and the government, we will make the solidified parts into local standards in the future to guide companies to legally and compliantly carry out low-altitude commercialization."



Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off

Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-altitude economy

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-altitude economy

Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-altitude economy

Invest in Asia August 28, 2024 22:33 Guangdong, China

On the afternoon of August 28, 2024, Zhaoqing held a low-altitude economic development promotion meeting and officially released the "Zhaoqing City Action Plan for Promoting Low-altitude Economic Development (2024-2026)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan") at the meeting. It is planned to build a low-altitude economic ecosystem in Zhaoqing by 2026, promote the smooth operation of the management mechanism, basically complete infrastructure construction, increasingly sound industrial system, and continuously enrich application scenarios, and promote the development of Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy in accordance with local conditions.

Leaders and guests visited the low-altitude aircraft exhibition area.

Leaders and guests visited the low-altitude aircraft exhibition area. Photo by Liu Chunlin, a reporter from Zhaoqing City Media Integration Center

The "Action Plan" points out that by 2026, Zhaoqing will form a low-altitude economy with a smooth operation of the management mechanism, basically complete infrastructure, increasingly sound industrial system, and continuously expanding application scenarios.

The Action Plan defines eight key tasks for Zhaoqing to develop the low-altitude economy, including building a new pattern of coordinated development of low-altitude flight, consolidating the construction of low-altitude infrastructure, promoting the construction of low-altitude testing service platforms, increasing the efforts to attract and cultivate the low-altitude economic industrial chain, improving the technical research and development capabilities of low-altitude industries, building low-altitude economic industrial parks, cultivating low-altitude application scenarios, and striving to create a low-altitude economic pilot demonstration.

In terms of building a new pattern of coordinated development of low-altitude flight, Zhaoqing plans to plan and layout low-altitude flight take-off and landing facilities, establish and improve a coordinated management mechanism, start the preliminary work of general airports, and promote the construction of a new pattern of coordinated development of low-altitude flight.

In terms of consolidating the construction of low-altitude infrastructure, Zhaoqing plans to build a comprehensive management platform for low-altitude aircraft in Zhaoqing City, an aircraft supervision network and a comprehensive database, and build a low-altitude comprehensive service information center with "one platform, one supervision network, and one database"; actively promote the construction of Zhaoqing low-altitude flight service stations, low-altitude intelligent network infrastructure, and ground supporting infrastructure systems to meet the needs of Zhaoqing's low-altitude application in multiple scenarios; create a low-altitude flight service and supervision system to provide low-altitude flight-related services to flight users and the public.

In terms of promoting the construction of low-altitude test service platforms, on the one hand, we will accelerate the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) low-altitude UAV test service base and low-altitude logistics test base, and provide multi-level and multi-scenario testing services such as R&D and operation for UAV manufacturers and operators. On the other hand, relying on third-party inspection and testing services, we will establish a UAV system quality inspection and testing center to provide service guarantees such as operation risk assessment, flight suitability test, finalization identification, mission payload verification, data link testing, and operator training.

In terms of increasing the efforts to attract and cultivate the low-altitude economic industrial chain, Zhaoqing will aim to build and expand the entire low-altitude economic industrial chain, strengthen the chain, supplement the chain and extend the chain, and promote cross-industry integration and development, and support local industries to expand or transform into the low-altitude economic field. At the same time, we will actively expand inspection and testing, maintenance, accident investigation, flight services, aircraft leasing, talent training and other businesses.

In terms of cultivating low-altitude application scenarios, Zhaoqing plans to explore low-altitude flight applications in emergency rescue, logistics distribution, characteristic cultural tourism and other public services, build a new "low-altitude + cultural tourism" business model, and improve the level of smart city management. In addition, Zhaoqing also plans to select 1-2 counties (cities, districts) with good industrial foundations to carry out low-altitude economic pilot demonstrations.

Not only that, in order to support the development of low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing also provides corresponding guarantee measures. It is planned to strengthen the overall coordination by establishing a joint working meeting system. At the same time, a low-altitude economic expert committee will be established to bring together the resources of enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, academic groups, and industry associations to explore the co-construction of industrial funds by state-owned assets and social capital.

In terms of policy support, Zhaoqing will accelerate the research and formulation of policies to promote the low-altitude economic industry, implement the combination of industrial guidance fund investment, and support the gathering of low-altitude economic industries. Strengthen the construction of aircraft standards and quality supervision, crack down on various illegal flight behaviors in accordance with the law, improve the management mechanism and technical protection system of data security protection, and establish a low-altitude flight emergency rescue system to ensure development safety.

Low-altitude aircraft display at the promotion meeting

Low-altitude aircraft display at the promotion meeting

Low-altitude aircraft display at the promotion meeting

Low-altitude aircraft display at the promotion meeting

Picture 1: Photographed by Wu Yongqiang, a reporter from Zhaoqing Media Integration Center; Picture 2 and Picture 3: Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a reporter from Zhaoqing Media Integration Center

In order to implement the work deployment of Guangdong Province on promoting the development of low-altitude economy, actively seize the strategic opportunities of low-altitude economic development, build a low-altitude economic ecosystem, promote the development of low-altitude economy in Zhaoqing according to local conditions, and open up new fields and new tracks, this action plan is specially formulated.

One picture to understand

Competing in the low-altitude economy and striving to become the "Sky City", how will Zhaoqing take advantage of the situation to take off?

Zhaoqing has the courage to be the first

Facing new things, daring to show its sword and seize opportunities, Zhaoqing has made many successful explorations. In 2016, Zhaoqing keenly seized the opportunity of new energy vehicles and new energy storage industries to develop the "green electricity" industry: by joining hands with Xiaopeng Motors, the output value of new energy vehicles has exceeded 70 billion yuan; by introducing CATL, the Zhaoqing base has become the largest lithium battery manufacturing base in South China.

Zhaoqing has broad development space

Zhaoqing also has a diverse environment of densely populated urban areas, mountains, forests, large river basins, and lakes, which can form many low-altitude application scenarios such as "low-altitude + logistics", "low-altitude + cultural tourism", "low-altitude + plant protection", and "low-altitude + farming protection".

Zhaoqing has comprehensive support and guarantee

Zhaoqing has established an industrial guidance fund to support the gathering of low-altitude economic enterprises, the attraction of leading enterprises, the research of key core technologies, the construction of infrastructure, the cultivation of low-altitude data industries, the expansion of application scenarios, and the introduction of high-end talents.

The future has come, and the blue ocean is boundless.

Zhaoqing is expected to become the first city in South China to have a full chain of low-altitude flight services. It will complement and develop synergistically with the three major low-altitude economic clusters of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai to secure an important seat in the trillion-level low-altitude economic market.



Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Explore the new scenario of "low-altitude economy +"! In Zhaoqing, you can really take a "flying taxi" in the future

Explore the new scenario of "low-altitude economy +"! In Zhaoqing, you can really take a "flying taxi" in the future

Invest in Zhaoqing August 28, 2024 22:33 Guangdong

Seize the new track and chase the new blue ocean!

On August 28, 2024, Zhaoqing City, China held a promotion meeting for Zhaoqing's low-altitude economic development. The promotion meeting released the "Zhaoqing City Action Plan for Promoting Low-altitude Economic Development (2024-2026)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and entrepreneurs and experts from all over the country shared the industry development opportunities, and a number of industrial chain projects were signed and landed.

Promotion meeting site--On August 28, 2024, Zhaoqing City, China held a promotion meeting for Zhaoqing's low-altitude economic development.

△ Promotion meeting site. Photo by Liu Chunlin, a reporter from Zhaoqing City Media Center

"Planning" development

At the promotion meeting, experts shared the predictions of investment institutions. It is expected that by 2025, the market size of China's low-altitude economy will reach 1.5 trillion yuan.

Zhaoqing has location advantages, airspace advantages, application scenario advantages, etc., and is a potential city for the development of low-altitude economy.

Zhaoqing City sincerely invites all enterprises to pay attention to Zhaoqing, invest in Zhaoqing, take root in Zhaoqing, share new opportunities and create a new future.

According to the "Plan", Zhaoqing City will take eight measures to promote the development of Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy,

including building a new pattern of coordinated development of low-altitude flight;

Strengthening the informatization of low-altitude economy;

Promoting the construction of low-altitude testing service platform;

Increasing the efforts to attract and cultivate the low-altitude economic industrial chain;

Improving the technical research and development capabilities of low-altitude industries;

Promoting the research and development layout and technological innovation of low-altitude economic industries,

Building a low-altitude economic innovation platform;

Building a low-altitude economic industrial park;

Cultivating low-altitude application scenarios.


At the promotion meeting

Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government and China Yuanwang Communications Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation to jointly build "two centers and one base". A number of industrial chain projects involving drone manufacturing, parts production, low-altitude testing, training and other services were signed and landed, and the unveiling ceremony of the Zhaoqing Low-altitude Economic Industry Association was held.

Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government and China Yuanwang Communications Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation to jointly build "two centers and one base". A number of industrial chain projects involving drone manufacturing, parts production, low-altitude testing, training and other services were signed and landed, and the unveiling ceremony of the Zhaoqing Low-altitude Economic Industry Association was held.

"Discuss" cooperation

In this event, many industry leaders gathered in Zhaoqing to discuss the future of the low-altitude economy industry and seek more cooperation space.

Zhou Bin

Chief Engineer, Researcher, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Aerospace Information of the Guangdong Greater Bay Area

"I think Zhaoqing has great advantages in developing the low-altitude economy. Zhaoqing already has logistics companies such as JD Warehousing, and it is also very convenient in terms of transportation and trade. I hope that Zhaoqing will introduce more low-altitude industries in the future, form a large-scale park, and take the lead in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area."

Zhou Lei

Professor of Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy (Shenzhen)

"I hope that Zhaoqing will attract more excellent companies through investment promotion Attracting people to come in, I am also optimistic about the future development prospects of Zhaoqing. I think low-altitude economy can also be gradually applied in fire protection, security and other aspects, which can reduce manpower and improve safety. "

Wu Yachen

Vice President of Ehang Intelligent Group

"Zhaoqing has beautiful scenery and rich tourism resources. For example, Qixingyan and Yanzhou Island are very suitable for low-altitude economic projects in my opinion. At the same time, we have also negotiated cooperation with them. I look forward to the application of low-altitude economy in all aspects of work and life, and Zhaoqing can become a model city for low-altitude economy."

Unmanned aerial vehicle products---Zhaoqing, Guangdong--Low-altitude economic base--Low-altitude economic industrial park (Dasha Town, Zhaoqing, China)

Unmanned aerial vehicle products---Zhaoqing, Guangdong--Low-altitude economic base--Low-altitude economic industrial park (Dasha Town, Zhaoqing, China)

Unmanned aerial vehicle products---Zhaoqing, Guangdong--Low-altitude economic base--Low-altitude economic industrial park (Dasha Town, Zhaoqing, China)

"Looking for" opportunities

Driven by the 100 billion blue ocean of low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities.

To this end, Zhaoqing will rely on the large-scale industrial clusters in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) to build the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park.

Precisely lay out the two core sections of the pilot construction area and the future innovation cluster area:

1. Lead the development with the pilot construction area, take the lead in laying out functional areas such as front-end research and development and pilot bases, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity;

2. Cultivate industrial advantages with the future innovation cluster area, focus on drones, enhance the manufacturing capabilities of low-altitude industries, and cultivate local leading industries.

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park

△ Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park (Rendering)

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park will focus on the layout of R&D groups and manufacturing clusters. The R&D groups will focus on cutting-edge fields such as new material applications, low-altitude logistics experiments, and low-altitude support systems to create an innovation center;

The manufacturing cluster focuses on the layout of industrial spaces such as drone whole machine manufacturing and assembly integration, flight control and airborne systems, and aircraft mold core parts manufacturing in a modular way, providing supporting enterprises and institutions with all-round and professional industrial carrying space and services.

Liang Guangting, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhaoqing Municipal Government, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), and Director of the Management Committee

"For the majority of enterprises, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is an important market for low-altitude economy. Zhaoqing has good airspace conditions and rich application areas. Many application scenarios have been developed to leverage more business formats to set up in Zhaoqing."

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster.

△ Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster. Photographed by Nanfang + Shi Liang

At the same time

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park will coordinate the centralized development of industrial space and create a "one center and three areas", namely a public service center + R&D innovation, cultural display, and production and manufacturing. The spatial structure of the three major areas will promote the agglomeration of the entire chain of low-altitude economy, cultivate low-altitude application scenarios, enhance industrial technology R&D capabilities, and build a high-quality industrial ecology by improving the full-link R&D and manufacturing service platform and building a one-stop innovation service system.

Lianfu Industrial Park, a large industrial cluster in Zhaoqing City.

△ Lianfu Industrial Park, a large industrial cluster in Zhaoqing City. 

Huang Lifen, Director of Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center

"Zhaoqing has abundant natural resources, which can provide a wide range of application and testing scenarios for the low-altitude economy, and has huge market prospects in agriculture, emergency response, management, monitoring and application of mountains, forests, rivers and lakes, and cities, as well as logistics in the future airport economic zone. In addition, Zhaoqing has excellent industrial policies and will provide certain policy support for the implementation of high-quality manufacturing projects."

Seeing the development potential, Guangdong Hongda International Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. plans to implement the "Flying Bird Station" related projects in Zhaoqing.

"Flying Bird Station" is mainly engaged in providing ground infrastructure "general warehouse-type automated airport", cutting into the 7km-60km medium and long-distance "hourly" application scenario, and can provide a number of value-added services according to customer needs. The project initially selected "Lianfu Industrial Park-Sihui Dasha Town" as the pilot route.

Chen Long, head of Guangdong Hongda International Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.

"We hope to make the Zhaoqing project a demonstration project of low-altitude economy and promote it in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even the whole country."

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park (Rendering)

△ Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Economic Science and Technology Industrial Park (Rendering)

Express delivery by drones to home, taking a "flying taxi" to work during rush hours, taking an amphibious aircraft for a "land, sea and air" sightseeing trip...

These scenes that once only appeared in science fiction films are now about to be realized in Zhaoqing with the development of the "low-altitude economy".



Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off!

Seize the 100 billion blue ocean (low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles)! Zhaoqing takes off!

Invest in Asia August 28, 2024 20:37 Guangdong, China

Recently, the sky is very lively.

Xiaopeng Huitian split flying car "land aircraft carrier".

△Xiaopeng Huitian split flying car "land aircraft carrier". Picture source Xiaopeng Motors

Xiaopeng Huitian invested 500 million yuan to establish a flying car manufacturing company in Guangzhou to carry out the research and development, manufacturing and sales of flying locomotives.

The "manned flying saucer" made its first flight in Yantian, Shenzhen, providing innovative solutions for low-altitude tourism, urban logistics, etc.

The "manned flying saucer" made its first flight in Yantian, Shenzhen, providing innovative solutions for low-altitude tourism, urban logistics, etc.

△The manned flying saucer eVTOL made its first flight in Dameisha Seaside Park, Yantian District. Picture source Shenzhen News Network

The first "low-altitude + rail" air-rail intermodal project in China.

△The first "low-altitude + rail" air-rail intermodal project in China. Picture source Shenzhen Release

The China headquarters of Airbus Helicopters, a global aircraft manufacturing giant, signed a contract to land in Hengqin, promoting the development of the low-altitude economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Developing low-altitude economy has become the annual buzzword of 2024.

Guangdong Province, as a national innovation highland, took the lead in "taking off":

Write "low-altitude economy" into the government work report, formulate a three-year action plan, and propose that by 2026, the scale of low-altitude economy will exceed 300 billion yuan, basically forming a low-altitude economic industrial pattern with three cores of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai linked, multi-point support, and integrated development, and cultivate a group of leading enterprises and specialized and new enterprises... A series of policies and guidelines have drawn a blueprint for the development of Guangdong's low-altitude economy.

As an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, an important part of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Economic Circle and the Guangzhou Metropolitan Circle, Zhaoqing not only enjoys the unique location advantages of serving the Greater Bay Area and connecting the Southwest, but also has a vast flight airspace, a basically compatible industrial foundation, and a rich and diverse application scenarios. It will be a "potential stock" for the development of low-altitude economy.

✦ Seize the opportunity and take advantage of it!✦ 

On August 28, 2024, the Zhaoqing City Low-altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference was held.

On August 28, 2024, the Zhaoqing City Low-altitude Economic Development Promotion Conference was held. In today's competitive world, Zhaoqing is rushing to the future track, seizing the 100 billion blue ocean, and actively embedding itself in the low-altitude economic development chain of the Greater Bay Area, and is expected to compete for a place in the "Sky City".


Conditional - The vast airspace is conducive to "take-off" 

Adjust parameters, test performance, clear the road surface...

At the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base located in Xiaoxiang, Gaoyao, some aircraft company engineers are testing drone products and enjoying the convenience brought by this base.

Engineer Liu

"Drone flights need to be legal and compliant, so finding a legal test site has become the most troublesome problem for our company's development. Today, I am testing two industrial-grade transport drones at the Zhaoqing Low-Altitude Test Service Base. In the future, these models can be used to carry goods and realize point-to-point logistics and transportation services."

The low-altitude test service base built by Zhaoqing is adjacent to the Xijiang River and can provide a test environment for drones for logistics and transportation.

△The low-altitude test service base built by Zhaoqing is adjacent to the Xijiang River and can provide a test environment for drones for logistics and transportation. 

Why can Zhaoqing develop a low-altitude economy?

First of all, it is reflected in its unique airspace advantages.


The low-altitude economic industry has great uncertainty at the technical level. The test flight of drone whole machine enterprises needs to meet the basic conditions of large airspace area, good weather conditions, no "three high" buildings on the ground (high-voltage lines, viaducts, high-rise buildings), 5G signal base stations, construction of take-off and landing points and flight runways.

Zhaoqing, as the city with the largest land area in the Greater Bay Area, has relatively open waters, plains and low mountain and hilly areas, and no important routes pass through.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Area Municipal Management Start-up Area, Sihui City Start-up Area, Dinghu-Zhaoqing New District Start-up Area, Duanzhou District Start-up Area and other areas have obvious advantages in test flight conditions and can carry out low-altitude flight business.

Sun Chao, head of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base

“Zhaoqing has few low-altitude users, a large area of ​​non-densely populated areas under the airspace, and a variety of terrain environments, which can form many low-altitude application scenarios.

This is the conclusion they came to after visiting and investigating-in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, in the early stage of low-altitude economic development, Zhaoqing is a region with better airspace conditions and richer application scenarios. It is a golden choice for the development of low-altitude economic industries in Guangdong Province.

Zhaoqing has vast land, clean airspace, and diverse terrain. It is a golden choice for the development of low-altitude economy.

△Zhaoqing has vast land, clean airspace, and diverse terrain. It is a golden choice for the development of low-altitude economy. 

Having a foundation-the industry "turns" and advances into the low-altitude field 

At present, the development of the low-altitude economic industry is in its infancy due to factors such as weak infrastructure, lack of low-altitude management regulations, and limited low-altitude management methods.

Zhaoqing has a complete industrial foundation, and related links can directly switch to the low-altitude track to achieve seamless connection, thus "overtaking on the curve".

There are currently two drone complete machine manufacturers in Zhaoqing. Among them, Century South was invested and established by Shenzhen Kobite, and is a quasi-listed company integrating component production and complete machine assembly; Lingfei Aviation was founded by locals and focuses on the research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles. It is a technology-based growing company.

Kong Ling, general manager of Lingfei Aviation

"Although there are not many companies in Zhaoqing that are directly involved in the division of labor in the low-altitude economic industry, they can make drones as long as they "turn a corner". ”

Lingfei Aviation, a local enterprise in Zhaoqing, focuses on the research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles and is a technology-based growing enterprise

△ Lingfei Aviation, a local enterprise in Zhaoqing, focuses on the research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles and is a technology-based growing enterprise. Lingfei Aviation provided the picture

As a "manufacturing new city" in the Bay Area, Zhaoqing has a new energy vehicle industry with a production value of nearly 100 billion yuan, as well as a metal processing industry with a production value of over 100 billion yuan. It is also vigorously developing emerging industries such as new energy storage and new generation electronic information, and the relevant chains are complete.

➣ In addition to the assembly of the whole machine, in terms of fuselage manufacturing, Zhaoqing has companies such as Asia Pacific New Materials (carbon fiber materials) and Bohui New Materials (glass fiber materials);

➣ In terms of battery production, there are companies such as Ruiqing Times and Fenghua New Energy;

➣ In terms of brushless motor manufacturing, there are companies such as Hongwang Motor, Guangzhao Motor, and Fuwei Motor;

➣ In the production of electronic components, there are companies such as Fenghua Hi-Tech, Fushi Electronics, and Xizhen Circuit;

➣ In the manufacturing of fuselage structural parts, there is support from Jinli Town, a major town of small hardware...

➣ They all have the potential to be embedded in the low-altitude economic industrial chain, forming the initial ecology of Zhaoqing's low-altitude economy.

Zhaoqing has a solid industrial foundation. Xiaopeng Motors built a factory in Zhaoqing and became the "chain leader" enterprise of the local new energy vehicle industry chain. The picture shows Xiaopeng Flying Car

△Zhaoqing has a solid industrial foundation. Xiaopeng Motors built a factory in Zhaoqing and became the "chain leader" enterprise of the local new energy vehicle industry chain. The picture shows Xiaopeng Flying Car.   Liang Xiaoming, reporter of Zhaoqing Media Center Photo

At present, these companies are rushing to enter the low-altitude economy track:

Xpeng Huitian, a subsidiary of Xiaopeng Motors, announced that it will mass-produce flying cars;

Continental Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd., the parent company of Ruiqing Times, has successfully tested 4-ton civil electric aircraft and 8-ton aircraft, which are expected to be released between 2027 and 2028;

Fenghua Hi-Tech has provided safe and efficient product solutions for drone equipment in terms of lightweight, miniaturized and efficient passive components, including drone sensors, power management, cameras and communication equipment.

Kong Ling, General Manager of Lingfei Aviation

“Some local motor companies, electronic information companies, and even hydrogen energy companies are contacting us, hoping to enter the low-altitude industry through cooperation with us. At present, our drone products are gaining momentum in the industrial field, and we expect to expand production this year. I am very optimistic about the prospects of Zhaoqing’s development of the low-altitude economy, and the sky of Zhaoqing will definitely be lively in the future. ”

In the future, drones will have a wide range of application scenarios.

△ In the future, drones will have a wide range of application scenarios. Photo provided by Lingfei Aviation

There is a future - full coverage of application scenarios, great market potential 

For the development of low-altitude economy, it is not only necessary to "fly", but also to "use".

A city with a mature industrial chain, huge market demand and rich application scenarios is an important soil for the construction and development of low-altitude enterprises.

Zhaoqing City has a vast territory. In addition to ocean scenes, it has terrain features such as mountains, lakes, cities, rivers, forests, springs, and gorges, which basically cover the flight scenes required by low-altitude enterprises. In recent years, Zhaoqing has actively promoted the widespread application of drones in the fields of power inspection, agricultural plant protection, emergency rescue, social governance, etc., and the market potential for providing public services based on drones is huge.

Zhaoqing morning - the sunrise is so beautiful

△ Zhaoqing morning - the sunrise is so beautiful

Zhaoqing City has a vast territory. In addition to ocean scenes, it has terrain features such as mountains, lakes, cities, rivers, forests, springs, and gorges, which basically cover the flight scenes required by low-altitude enterprises.

In recent years, Zhaoqing has actively promoted the widespread application of drones in power inspection, agricultural plant protection, emergency rescue, social governance and other fields. The market potential for providing public services based on drones is huge.

Xiaoxiang Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing ---- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Test Site in the Greater Bay Area

△ Xiaoxiang Town, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing ---- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Test Site in the Greater Bay Area

The application of "low altitude + agricultural and forestry plant protection" has matured, and the demand will increase greatly in the future. According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in the field of crop planting, the control effect of drone operation is 15%-30% higher than that of traditional pesticide application machinery, which can reduce costs and increase efficiency for agricultural producers. At present, the sown area of ​​crops in Zhaoqing is 5.7766 million mu, with more than 1,800 agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery enterprises, more than 3,600 farmers' cooperatives, and more than 9,900 family farms. The operation area of ​​agricultural plant protection drones is about 560,000 mu. According to statistics from the Zhaoqing Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, it is expected that the "low altitude + agriculture" operation area will be 3.76 million mu in the next two years, and the field inspection will be about 771,900 times. 

One of the market drivers of the low-altitude economy comes from logistics and transportation.

There are 47 express delivery companies and 135 postal business premises in Zhaoqing City, which have achieved full coverage of express delivery outlets in towns and villages in the city.

There are many express delivery outlets, full regional coverage, and the basis for opening "drone + express logistics" routes. The infrastructure conditions are good and application scenarios can be created quickly.

The popularity of low-altitude cultural tourism has risen and become a new outlet.

In the first half of 2024, Zhaoqing City received 9.337 million tourists and realized a comprehensive tourism income of 8.15 billion yuan.

The water, land and air sports tourism base represented by Yanzhou Island in Dinghu District brings fresh tourism experience to citizens and tourists, and makes the historic city of Zhaoqing glow with new vitality.

The Zhaoqing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports predicts that the number of low-altitude sightseeing tourists will reach 100,000 in the next two years, and the number of low-altitude photography and aerial photography services will reach 20,000.

Diversified low-altitude tourism products such as skydiving, flight experience, drone training, and drone formation performances are bringing unprecedented opportunities.

Actions - Multiple favorable factors help to reach the trillion-yuan market 

According to estimates, the scale of China's low-altitude economy in 2023 has exceeded 500 billion yuan, and is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan in 2030.

Guangdong's provincial-level planning also pointed out that it is expected that the scale of the low-altitude economic industry will exceed 300 billion yuan within three years.

Following Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai, Zhaoqing is seizing the opportunity to join the game. At the conference on the 28th, Zhaoqing City issued the "Zhaoqing City Action Plan for Promoting the Development of Low-altitude Economy (2024-2026)", planning that by 2026, Zhaoqing will form a low-altitude economy with smooth management mechanism, basically complete infrastructure, increasingly sound industrial system and continuously expanding application scenarios.

Construction rendering of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) low-altitude test service base.

△ Construction rendering of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) low-altitude test service base. Photo provided by Yuanwang Company

Zhaoqing City is building a test service base and a logistics test base to support the technology research and development and product testing of the low-altitude economy and related industries.

At the same time, a low-altitude economic comprehensive information service center will be built in the municipal management area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone to provide algorithm computing support for low-altitude flight.

In order to welcome the vast number of low-altitude enterprises and join hands in entering the trillion-dollar market, Zhaoqing has built an industrial carrying space with "two parks as the core and multi-point layout development".

More than 1,000 acres of low-altitude economic science and technology industrial park will be built in the municipal management area of ​​Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone; more than 200 acres of mature land will be reserved in Huodao Town, Gaoyao District to create a new type of low-altitude logistics demonstration park.

The "two parks" will provide a carrier for the manufacturing of drones, the production of core components, key materials, and logistics and transportation operations.

Low-altitude enterprise staff conduct product testing at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base.

△ Low-altitude enterprise staff conduct product testing at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Low-altitude Test Service Base. 

In addition, Shuanglong Industrial Park in Duanzhou District has 180 mu of contiguous land, Zhongan Zhigu has over 100,000 square meters of industrial plants; Feiya Industrial Park in Gaoyao District has over 50,000 square meters of vacant land; Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster Zone City Management District has over 200,000 square meters of industrial plants for low-altitude enterprises to invest. Each park carrier is about 30 minutes' drive from the central urban area, which is a blessed place for the low-altitude economy to achieve industrial-city integration development.

In Zhaoqing, in addition to a solid industrial foundation and low investment costs, enterprises can also obtain support for scientific and technological innovation, talents, and financial financing.

Shuanglong Industrial Park, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing

Shuanglong Industrial Park, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing

The low-altitude economy is just in time, and Zhaoqing is taking off at the right time. Zhaoqing will rely on digital and intelligent technologies to promote in-depth integration in more fields, give birth to a new cross-border integration ecology, create a highland of innovation in the low-altitude economy, and soar in the trillion-level market of the low-altitude economy.



Develop low-altitude economy, Zhaoqing will "fly high" in the blue ocean in the future

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738



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