Sunday, March 3, 2024

There are many opportunities and broad prospects! Zhaoqing goes to Liuzhou, Guangxi to carry out industrial docking exchanges

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 china

2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou, Guangxi) Industry Docking Exchange Conference

Deepen cooperation between the east and west of Guangdong, Guangxi, and strengthen industrial cooperation between Zhaozhou and Liuzhou. On March 2, 2024, the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference was held in Liuzhou. More than 80 enterprise representatives from Zhaoqing and Liuzhou exchanged ideas, discussed cooperation, and discussed industrial development. Liu Jingbo, Vice Mayor of Zhaoqing City, and Tang Zhenguo, Vice Mayor of Liuzhou City attended the event.

2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou, Guangxi) Industry Docking Exchange Conference

Cooperation between the east and the west is a major measure personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. It is of great significance to promoting regional coordinated development, coordinated development and common development. Zhaoqing and Liuzhou are both important node cities in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Guangxi-Guizhou High-speed Railway Economic Belt. The two sides have many points of convergence in strategic goals and have extensive space for cooperation in strategic initiatives.

Liu Jingbo said

It is hoped that this inspection and docking will be used as an opportunity to actively guide Zhaoqing enterprises to enter Liuzhou and help Liuzhou develop high-quality around the coordinated development of industries. At the same time, Liuzhou enterprises are also welcome to visit Zhaoqing and invest in business. Tang Zhenguo also expressed the hope that Zhaozhou and Liuzhou will take the opportunity of east-west collaboration to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information, innovate cooperation models, and improve the level of cooperation.

Tang Zhenguo said

It is hoped that Zhaozhou and Liuzhou will take the opportunity of East-West collaboration to further expand exchanges and cooperation in the fields of new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information, etc., innovate cooperation models, and improve the level of cooperation.

Zhu Zengyu, President of Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicles and Auto Parts Association, said

"Both places are running on the fierce track of the new energy automobile industry. Each has its own accumulation and advantages, and there is broad space for cooperation. I hope to take this opportunity to promote Zhaoliu and Liuzhou to strengthen cooperation in the new energy automobile industry and achieve Win-win.”

It is understood that there are 305 parts manufacturers above designated size in Liuzhou City. Liuzhou has the only national automobile quality inspection and testing center in South China. It has made remarkable achievements and obvious advantages on the new energy vehicle track, and has created many good experiences and practices that Zhaoqing can learn from. .

Zhaoqing has initially formed a new main force in the new energy automobile circle with Xpeng Motors as the main chain, CATL as the giant in the power battery industry, and Leoch Power, Hongtu Technology, Hepu Power, Jiali Auto Lighting, and Putai The South China Base and Xizhen Circuit Technology are key supporting industrial clusters with a number of leading enterprises in the subdivision fields, making Zhaoqing one of the most important new energy vehicle and auto parts manufacturing gathering places in the Greater Bay Area and even the country, and has successfully entered the country's advanced manufacturing ranks among the top 100 cities in the industry, showing vigorous development momentum.

Before the meeting, the Zhaoqing enterprise delegation also organized inspections of SAIC-GM-Wuling Co., Ltd., Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd., showing a strong willingness to cooperate with Liuzhou enterprises.

"We focus on making aluminum profiles and have already cooperated with many car companies to ensure quality. We hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Wuling."

"We make high-voltage wiring harnesses, which are accessories for new energy vehicles. I hope Wuling will consider us."

At SAIC-GM-Wuling Co., Ltd., representatives from Zhaoqing companies held a symposium with Huang Shoudao, the company’s head of procurement, to express their demands for cooperation.

Huang Shoudao also expressed to Zhaoqing enterprises that Liuzhou currently lacks high-quality enterprises but Zhaoqing has them, such as die-casting, aluminum profiles and other enterprises, and hopes to further exchanges and cooperation.

Also hotly discussed by Zhaoqing enterprise representatives is the Liuzhou snail noodle industry. In Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing enterprise representatives were inspired while walking around.

"Zhaoqing has many high-quality agricultural products and specialty delicacies, and is building a prepared vegetable industry. We should learn from the successful experience of snail noodles."

“Only by finding the correct market positioning and thinking of a good promotion plan can local specialties become famous throughout the country.”

Business representatives have provided suggestions and suggestions for Zhaoqing's food to "break out of the circle".

At the meeting, representatives from Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial clusters and Fengkai County also made presentations on the investment environment.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Going to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi) in the Year of the Dragon, how does Zhaoqing tap into the potential of Southwest China

Going to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi) in the Year of the Dragon, how does Zhaoqing tap into the potential of Southwest China

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 Guangdong

At the beginning of the new year, all trees grow new.

Various places in the Greater Bay Area are making a fuss about the word "new", and Zhaoqing investment promotion is also aiming at the "new direction"

——Go to Dragon City (Liuzhou, Guangxi), look west, and write a new chapter in Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation.

From March 1st to 2nd, 2024, the Zhaoqing City Investment Investigation Delegation went to Liuzhou, Guangxi to carry out investment inspection activities and hold the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Southwestern China (Guangxi Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Meeting. More than 50 local high-quality Liuzhou companies and more than 20 Zhaoqing new energy vehicle and auto parts companies participated in the industry docking exchange meeting. The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited SAIC-GM-Wuling Liudong Baojun Base, Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd.

A new manufacturing city and an industrial town, the two sides are creating new sparks in a two-way manner. It’s great to learn from each other.

01 Representatives from both parties are enthusiastic and sincere

On March 2, 2024, a unique industry docking exchange meeting was held in Dragon City-Liuzhou.

Zhaoqing holds the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference in Liuzhou

Zhaoqing holds the 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing)-Greater Southwest (Liuzhou) Industry Docking Exchange Conference in Liuzhou

"We mainly produce control systems. Wuling Motors is a good match for our products. Welcome to come to us for guidance." "We specialize in lightweight aluminum alloy precision castings for automobiles. We hope to strengthen contact with Liuzhou companies in this regard." "We have innovation "We welcome friends from Liuzhou to join us in developing the Greater Bay Area together." A group of Zhaoqing enterprise representatives warmly shouted to the Liuzhou enterprise representatives.

Business representatives spoke enthusiastically at the exchange meeting

Business representatives spoke enthusiastically at the exchange meeting

What makes the low-key and pragmatic Zhaoqing entrepreneurs so "excited" is ultimately Liuzhou's attraction.

Liuzhou is an important industrial town in the southwest. It has formed an industrial system with automobiles, machinery, and steel as the leading industries, chemical industry, building materials, food, pharmaceuticals, new energy and other industries coexisting with a complete range of industrial categories. It has cultivated Wuling, Liugong, Liuzhou Iron and Steel, Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile , Shuangying, Luobawang and other well-known enterprises. Among them, the automobile industry is the first pillar industry in Liuzhou, with a total output value of more than 140 billion yuan, and vehicle production and sales exceeding 1.54 million units. Liuzhou has a total of 92 autonomous region-level smart factories and digital workshops, with nearly 8,000 industrial robots in stock, ranking first in Guangxi.

Liu Jingbo said

"Liuzhou has taken solid steps on the road of high-quality development and created many good experiences and practices that Zhaoqing can learn from. Similarly, Zhaoqing, as an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and an important part of the Guangzhou metropolitan area, anchors high-quality Development is the primary task and we will vigorously implement the 'four major revitalizations' of industry, rural areas, culture and tourism, and social undertakings. We welcome more enterprises from Liuzhou to visit Zhaoqing and invest in business."

At the exchange meeting, the leaders of the large-scale industrial agglomeration area of Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing), the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing), and Fengkai County all promoted Zhaoqing’s investment environment, introducing Zhaoqing’s location, transportation, land, policies, costs and Advantages in industry and other aspects.

Tang Zhenguo, deputy mayor of Liuzhou Municipal Government, said

“Zhaoqing actively integrates into the new development pattern, expands and strengthens emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, new energy storage, and electronic information, improves and optimizes traditional industries such as fine metal processing, green building materials, fine chemicals, and food and beverage prepared dishes, and plans to deploy artificial intelligence I am very impressed by industries such as intelligence, 6G, robots, and low-altitude economy. Zhaoqing has embarked on a new journey in the new energy industry and has become a new growth pole in the western part of the core area of the Pearl River Delta. It is an investment hotspot in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and has a bright future. .”

Kuang Sheng, president of Liuzhou Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, believes that

"Guangdong is very strong, and Liuzhou's industrial foundation is also very good. There is something worth learning from each other. There are hundreds of thousands of Guangdong merchants in Liuzhou. In the future, we will use the power of the chamber of commerce to allow entrepreneurs from Liuzhou and Zhaoqing to communicate more , to enhance industrial collaboration capabilities.”

02 The industries of both parties have a foundation and space

Drinking water from the same river makes Zhaoqing-liuzhou and his family close.

Zhaoqing and Liuzhou are both cities with beautiful scenery on both sides of the river. They are also important node cities in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Guangxi-Guizhou High-speed Railway Economic Belt. The two sides have many points of convergence in terms of strategic goals, many similarities in urban layout, and there is also much basis and space for cooperation in industrial development.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

He Shao, Chairman of Guangdong Zhaoqing Power Metal Co., Ltd. said

"We originally also cooperated with Liuzhou Automobile Co., Ltd., and we hope that through this matchmaking meeting, we can have more cooperation opportunities with the 'magic car' Wuling."

Liao Yanshen, general manager of Guangdong Powerlong Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Guangdong (Zhaoqing) Wanyang Public Innovation City, said

"We also have Wanyang Public Innovation City Base in Liuzhou, and we have already had a 'chemical reaction' with Liuzhou and established in-depth connections." He introduced his two industries to the representatives of the participating companies. "One is looking for people who are interested in joining the modified car industry. The car company in the blue ocean is Dabolong Automobile. The other is that we have more than 600,000 square meters of industrial plants, and we also have door-to-door products by trucks. We hope that companies with production qualifications will come to us and integrate into the Greater Bay Area together."

Zhu Zengyu, President of Zhaoqing New Energy Vehicles and Auto Parts Industry Association, said

"The industrial cooperation between the two places has broad prospects and unlimited potential. Zhaoqing and Liuzhou have always been brotherly and friendly cities. They are highly compatible in industry, geography, and environment, and have a solid foundation for strategic cooperation. Many auto parts companies in Zhaoqing have become SAIC-GM-Wuling, Dongfeng Liuzhou, etc. First- and second-tier automobile supporting suppliers or upstream and downstream supply chain partnerships.”

Zhu Zengyu thinks

In the future, Zhaoqing and Liuzhou can complement each other's advantages in the automobile industry. Liuzhou has formed a mature automobile industry chain system and location advantages. Its achievements and experience in the coordinated development of industrial clusters, first-class manufacturing and supply chain systems, and government policy formulation and support are worth learning from Zhaoqing. Zhaoqing made the new energy vehicle industry its leading industry in 2016 and has now formed a new energy vehicle industry cluster covering complete vehicles and batteries, motors, electronic controls, sensors, lightweight new materials, tires, chassis, lighting systems, etc. At the same time, Zhaoqing is backed by Guangdong Province, the largest province in automobile production and consumption in the country. New energy vehicles have obvious advantages in technological innovation. The market demand in the Greater Bay Area is large, and a coordinated development pattern between cities has been formed, which effectively promotes the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry. .

Introduction by Yang Kangning, Director of Public Affairs Department of Xpeng Motors

With the development of intelligent technology, the new energy automobile industry is accelerating the reshuffle. With the strong support of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Xpeng Motors Zhaoqing Factory has continued to increase capital and expand production, becoming the main enterprise in the new energy automobile industry in Zhaoqing. Xpeng Motors' Zhaoqing factory is currently developing new models and is committed to promoting more supporting car companies to settle in Zhaoqing and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

SAIC-GM-Wuling vehicles can be seen everywhere in Liuzhou city

SAIC-GM-Wuling vehicles can be seen everywhere in Liuzhou city

03 There are opportunities and future for cooperation between the two parties

Looking west is not only the future but also the mission of Zhaoqing.

Cooperation between the east and the west is of great significance to promoting regional coordinated development, coordinated development and common development. Recently, the two provinces and regions of Guangdong and Guangxi held a conference on deepening east-west collaboration and comprehensively strengthening Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation, and signed a series of deepening cooperation agreements to jointly promote Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation to a new level.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing Municipal Government said

The purpose of Zhaoqing's holding of this industrial docking exchange meeting is to deepen the collaboration between the east and west of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi, strengthen the industrial cooperation between Zhaoqing and Liuzhou, and jointly write a beautiful chapter for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing and Liuzhou.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited SAIC-GM-Wuling Liudong Baojun Base, Guangxi Shuangying Group Co., Ltd. and Guangxi Luobawang Food Co., Ltd. Everyone is impressed by the fact that SAIC-GM-Wuling has become China's first single national brand car company with a cumulative production and sales volume of 25 million units, Shuangying Group has focused on the car seat segment and finally become a "specialized, special and new" enterprise, and Luo Bawang has used "Xiaomi powder" to do things. I was deeply impressed by the excellent case of developing a 50 billion yuan "big industry", and they all handed business cards and added WeChat messages to the representatives of the other companies.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

Introduction by the relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

In the past, Zhaoqing mainly "looked eastward and rushed eastward." While seeing the development advantages of the eastern coastal cities, it should also turn back and "look westward" to seize the development of advantageous industries and high-quality enterprises in the southwest region to carry out industrial collaboration and industrial transfer. opportunities to realize its own industrial upgrading and innovative development.

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

The Zhaoqing investment delegation visited Liuzhou enterprises for on-site inspection

As of February 25 this year 2024, Zhaoqing’s investment promotion team has conducted more than 110 inspections, visited 187 companies and business associations, held 20 investment environment promotion activities, and obtained more than 80 effective investment clues. It is currently actively promoting the accelerated implementation of the projects under discussion. , out of Zhaoqing investment acceleration.

This Year of the Dragon begins in Liuzhou,

Moved by full sincerity, driven by strong strength and attracted by rare opportunities, Zhaoqing is expected to achieve "new breakthroughs" in the "new direction".

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


[Interpretation of the Government Work Report] Sihui City strives to be the main force in Zhaoqing City’s promotion of new industrialization

[Interpretation of the Government Work Report] Sihui City strives to be the main force in Zhaoqing City’s promotion of new industrialization

Released by Sihui City 2024-03-03 12:44 Guangdong

On February 27, 2024, the fourth session of the 17th People's Congress of Sihui City opened. At the meeting, Deng Hong'an, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Committee and deputy mayor of the municipal government, made a work report to the conference on behalf of the Municipal People's Government. The report reviewed the work situation in 2023 in a realistic manner and scientifically planned a grand blueprint for 2024.

Starting from February 29, the "Sihui Release" WeChat public account will provide a comprehensive interpretation of the government work report at the fourth session of the 17th People's Congress of Sihui City, so stay tuned!

In 2023, the “manufacturing leaders” of Sihui will stand up and stand firm.


The Sihui will strengthen the guidance and concentration of industrial factors,

Make every effort to be the main force in Zhaoqing City’s promotion of new industrialization.

01 Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system based on advantages and facing the future

Adhere to the real economy as the foundation and the manufacturing industry as the leader, implement Zhaoqing City's opinions on accelerating the implementation of new industrialization in the new era, continue to implement the "Ten Actions" for the manufacturing industry, comprehensively improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain and supply chain, and promote the total industrial output value above the designated size Exceeding 95 billion yuan, attracting more leading enterprises and specialized and new "little giant" enterprises.

Consolidate and upgrade the four traditional advantageous industries of "refined copper, jade and aluminum". With the Fine Chemical Industrial Park as the strategic fulcrum, we will focus on new chemical materials such as electronic chemicals and high-end resins, promote localized supporting applications of industrial front-end materials, and continue to build and strengthen the provincial industrial cluster of polymer synthetic materials. Increase special support for the metal processing industry, support Jintian Copper to start the construction of the second phase of high-end copper-based new materials projects, support Jintian Copper, Gordon Aluminum and other leading companies to expand their local R&D, production and sales links to promote large-scale development The integrated development of small and medium-sized enterprises will comprehensively improve the level of industrial material products, promote the integrated development of the metal processing industry with new energy vehicles, new energy storage and other emerging industries, and create a demonstration area for the transformation and upgrading of the metal processing industry with Gaoyao and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone. Promote the introduction of supporting policies to support the high-quality development of the jade industry, deepen the core links of jade carving and processing, promote the standardized development of jade processing factories and processing workshops, encourage jade merchants to create trademarks and build brands, promote both the production end and the consumer end, and accelerate the formation of a 100 billion level jade industry cluster.

Comprehensively speed up the development of the two potential industries of green building materials and food and beverage prepared dishes. Promote the green transformation of mining, production, recycling and other links, expand the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste in the production of new building materials, promote the large-scale, green and high-end development of ceramics, cement and other building materials industries, and guide the formation of green building materials enterprises in the city A highly coordinated full-process industrial chain of R&D, production, processing and sales. Support the development of green buildings and prefabricated buildings, boost the effective demand for building materials products in the market, increase the supply of effective products, and encourage construction and building materials companies to deeply participate in the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects". Based on local agricultural characteristics, actively attract food and beverage prepared vegetable projects with sufficient comprehensive strength and strong driving ability to settle in, and support the completion of projects such as Sihui Shatangji Technology Co., Ltd.'s annual output of 600,000 tons of beverage projects and Taier aquatic products prepared vegetable deep processing base. Put into production, accelerate the signing and implementation of the Jinjiang prepared vegetable project, and support the development of the Longfu Town prepared vegetable industrial park.

Actively introduce and cultivate strategic emerging industries and future industries. Deeply participate in the provincial auto parts industry strong chain project, accelerate integration into Zhaoqing's new energy auto industry division of labor, promote the construction of Zhuoersheng new energy auto parts and other projects, and support Feinan Resources, Asia Pacific New Materials and other enterprises to become bigger and stronger . Implement new energy storage industry development actions, urge GCL's 100,000-ton new deep eutectic electrolyte project to be completed and put into operation, promote GCL's waste power lithium battery recycling and other projects to accelerate the construction of waste battery precision recycling demonstration project bases, and continue to enrich New energy storage large-scale application scenarios, accelerate the construction of the Provincial New Energy Storage Innovation Center Demonstration Base, Guangdong Zhaoneng Smart Electric Longfu Town Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Station and other projects. Give full play to the demonstration and leading role of electronic information companies such as Fuji Electronics, support the listing of companies such as Tongyu New Materials, and guide local companies to transform and develop in fields such as automotive electronics, energy electronics, and consumer electronics. Focus on the industrial layout of Guangdong and other future industry leading areas, seize new opportunities from technological revolution and industrial transformation, and accelerate project planning and reserve around high-end equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, low-altitude economy and other emerging and future industries, and develop New productivity.

02 Adhere to the "two-pronged approach" of attracting investment and increasing capital and expanding production

Optimize the entire process of investment promotion, use the city's four sets of teams to serve enterprises and other mechanisms, continue to implement the manufacturing project construction battle, do a good job in actual investment in projects, promote the continuous emergence of new increments in manufacturing projects, and provide new support.

Efforts will be made to repatriate output value taxes and optimize the allocation of market factors. Vigorously improve the effectiveness of investment promotion. Strengthen the "hard constraints per mu + industrial chain orientation", focusing on the upstream and downstream of chain master enterprises such as Ruiqing Times, Xpeng Motors, Jintian Copper, and GCL Group, and strive to attract chain masters, science and technology innovation, supporting, and growth For large-scale projects, do a good job in tax benefit assessment at different stages of the project. Promote the introduction of new manufacturing projects with a total planned investment of more than 8 billion yuan throughout the year, introduce more than 2 individual manufacturing projects with a planned investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and strive to introduce 20 upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. Accelerate the signing process of projects such as GCL's 20 GW annual output inverter production base, and strive to introduce a number of major projects that lead the transformation and upgrading of metal processing. Promote the signing and settlement of the Provincial Construction Engineering Group's Construction Technology Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, and plan to reserve a number of upstream and downstream industrial projects such as construction machinery and green building materials. Accelerate governance and curb the recurrence of "half-baked" projects, and promote the number of projects that are started, completed, and put into production to reach 20, 18, and 20 respectively.

Support enterprises to increase capital and expand production. Establish and improve the capital increase and production expansion project library, encourage high-quality enterprises to increase capital and expand production, promote the acceleration of the construction of Fuji Electronics' annual output of 1.5 million square meters of high-reliability circuit board expansion projects, Shengkai musical instruments and other capital increase and production expansion projects, and promote the addition of 5 million yuan There are 36 above-mentioned capital increase and production expansion projects, more than 7 more than 30 million yuan capital increase and production expansion projects, 65 industrial enterprises have carried out technological transformation, 50 industrial enterprises above the designated size have implemented digital transformation, and 30 new industrial enterprises have been added to create more business A key enterprise with revenue exceeding 100 million yuan.

Strengthen the protection of resource elements. Carry out pilot projects for warehousing and redevelopment of low-efficiency land to achieve contiguous land transformation. Promote the site selection and construction of projects such as the 110 kV Zijing Power Transmission and Transformation Project and the 110 kV Longfu 2 Power Transmission and Transformation Project to provide power guarantee for the implementation of park projects. Accelerate the extension of urban and rural water supply pipeline networks and increase support for water use in industrial towns and industrial parks. Plan to establish a state-owned high-quality development industry fund to guide financial institutions to increase credit in areas such as industrial development and technological innovation.

03 Consolidate the “1+4+N” park development pattern

Promote the stable optimization of the park's joint development pattern, and improve the level of industry-city integration and industry-city integrated development as the main platform for orderly transfer of industries. Promote the signing of new land compensation agreements for more than 2,000 acres in the Zhaoqing Municipal Administration Start-up Area (Dasha and Fuxi Areas), a large industrial agglomeration area, promote the construction of infrastructure projects such as Longsha Avenue, complete an investment of 700 million yuan in infrastructure construction, and do a good job in large-scale development Economic data collection and revenue sharing in Sha and Fuxi areas. Relying on the counterpart industry collaboration mechanism, we will accelerate the adjustment of the planning scope of the fine chemical industrial park, ensure that it passes the review of the provincial chemical industrial park, promote the construction of basic supporting service facilities projects for GCL, MMS and fine chemical industrial parks, strengthen co-construction with Zengcheng District industries, and strive to The industrial transfer cooperation park will be built as a key park and demonstration park for a new round of provincial counterpart industry collaboration, and strive to pass the provincial high-tech zone acceptance as soon as possible. Build the Sihui Industrial Park in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone with high standards, complete the acquisition and storage of 500 acres of new land within the year, promote the construction of infrastructure projects such as Commercial Avenue, Xinhuan 1st Road, and Jintian Avenue across the Erguang Expressway, and accelerate the creation of a high-end copper-based new material industry base . Revitalize the west group of the Electronic Information Industrial Park, promote the construction of Guangyuan Avenue, and create a 5-minute living circle between the Electronic Information Industrial Park and the central city. Continue to promote the upgrading and transformation of Nanjiang Industrial Park, guide five companies to carry out transformation and upgrading, complete the preliminary work of Nanjiang Industrial Park infrastructure upgrade and supporting project approval, and urge the project to start construction. Promote the reform of the park management system, optimize the functional allocation, carry out special rectification of inefficient and idle land in the park, improve the standardized construction of the park, and promote the intensive and efficient development of the park. Improve the park’s productive service facilities such as standard factories, warehouses, and testing centers, and introduce public service platforms such as modern logistics, financial services, and technology research and development.

04 Better stimulate the momentum of technological innovation

Consolidate and improve the achievements in creating national innovative counties (cities), deepen their integration into the construction pattern of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area's international science and technology innovation center, thoroughly implement the "eight major projects" of scientific and technological innovation, coordinate and promote the construction of a modern industrial system led by scientific and technological innovation, and promote the city's R&D funding The proportion of GDP continues to increase. Strengthen the cultivation of the "technological small and medium-sized enterprises - high-tech enterprises - benchmark high-tech enterprises" chain, optimize the operation of platforms such as Sihui Maker Space and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park, and promote high-level science and technology incubation and cultivation such as Guangdong Huashang University and South China Agricultural University Pearl River College Platform construction focuses on supporting leading enterprises such as Tongyu New Materials, Guoyao Aluminum, and Zhendong Food to jointly build provincial key laboratories and engineering technology research centers with universities and scientific research institutes, and promote the total number of high-tech enterprises to 225 , more than 2 provincial-level innovation platforms were added. Consolidate and improve the achievements of the provincial agricultural science and technology park, cultivate more than 3 agricultural-related high-tech enterprises, and promote the transformation and implementation of more than 10 new varieties and new technological achievements. We will unswervingly advance the work of strengthening the city through quality and protecting intellectual property rights, and support enterprises in participating in the formulation of national industrial standards. Optimize and improve the flexible talent attraction working mechanism, promote the resonance of investment attraction and talent attraction, and accurately attract and cultivate "high-end, sophisticated" urgently needed talents. Strengthen the cultivation of Xijiang innovation and entrepreneurship teams and other talent teams, support vocational schools, enterprises, industry associations, etc. to jointly build skilled talent training bases, establish and improve the "talent green card" service mechanism, implement various measures of the youth development plan, and promote youth development-oriented Urban construction, building a talent service highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province,China

Tel: 0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188


Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 15/F, Fumin Building, Zhaoqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhaoqing, Guangdong,China

Tel:  0086-758-3983186

Fax: 0086-758-3983988


Industry Trends丨Interpretation-New Quality Productivity

Industry Trends丨Interpretation-New Quality Productivity

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-03 16:56 Guangdong

Industry trends, latest hot spots, hot news

[Hot Spot 1] The definition of new productivity

[Hot Spot 2] Emerging industries and future industries


The definition of new productivity

In September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed "new quality productivity" when he inspected Heilongjiang and chaired a symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, pointing out that "integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of New productivity; actively cultivate new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, electronic information and other strategic emerging industries, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new productivity, and enhance new momentum for development." In December 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference once again It is proposed that "it is necessary to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation; develop new productivity; implement high-quality development actions for key manufacturing industry chains; and improve the resilience and safety level of industrial and supply chains." Based on the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the statement in "Accelerating the Formation of New Productivity" published by the People's Daily in November 2023 (reprinted by the Party School of the Central Committee):

From a definition point of view, new quality productivity is a new type of productivity that represents new technologies, creates new value, adapts to new industries, and reshapes new kinetic energy. The development of new quality productivity is an important measure to consolidate the material and technological foundation for comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

From a composition point of view, forming new productive forces requires strengthening strategic emerging industries and actively developing future industries. Among them: strategic emerging industries are knowledge and technology intensive, consume less material resources, have great growth potential, and have good comprehensive benefits. They are industries with a major leading role. The 14th Five-Year Plan pointed out that "focusing on the new generation of information technology, biotechnology, New energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment and other strategic emerging industries, accelerate the innovative application of key core technologies, enhance the ability to guarantee factors, and cultivate and expand new momentum for industrial development." Future industries are It represents the new direction of future science and technology and industrial development. It is the key to winning opportunities in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. It is the most active force in the changes in the global innovation landscape and economic structure. It is an important measure to achieve innovation-led development. hand. The "14th Five-Year Plan" outline proposes "forward-looking planning for future industries" and points out that "in the fields of cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep sea and aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, Organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans, and plan and layout a number of future industries."


Emerging industries and future industries

01 Emerging industries

The first is the new generation of information technology, which mainly includes fifth-generation mobile communications (5G), electronic information manufacturing, software and emerging digital fields. The new generation of information technology is mainly aimed at key scenarios and industry applications, optimizing and improving 5G standards. Develop electronic information standards such as integrated circuits, basic devices, energy electronics, ultra-high-definition video, and virtual reality. Develop software standards such as basic software, industrial software, and application software. Develop standards for emerging digital fields such as big data, Internet of Things, computing power, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, industrial Internet, and satellite Internet.

The second is new energy, which mainly includes new energy power generation, new energy grid connection and new energy key equipment. New energy mainly involves the development of new energy power generation standards such as photovoltaic power generation, solar thermal power generation, and wind power generation, optimization and improvement of new energy grid connection standards, and development of key equipment standards such as photovoltaic power generation systems, photothermal power generation systems, and wind power equipment.

The third is new materials, which mainly include advanced petrochemical and chemical materials, advanced steel materials, advanced non-ferrous and rare earth materials, advanced inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance fibers and products and high-performance fiber composite materials. New materials mainly include the development of advanced petrochemical and chemical materials, advanced steel materials, advanced non-ferrous metals and rare earth materials, advanced inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance fibers and products, and high-performance fiber composite material standards. Facing industrial integration development needs and exploration of application scenarios, carry out pre-research on standards for cutting-edge new materials.

The fourth is high-end equipment, which mainly includes industrial robots, high-end CNC machine tools, agricultural machinery equipment, engineering machinery, medical equipment, intelligent testing equipment and additive manufacturing equipment. High-end equipment mainly develops basic commonality, key technologies and industry application standards of industrial robots. Develop key common technologies, complete machines, digital controls and core component standards for high-end CNC machine tools. Develop basic general agricultural machinery equipment, key technologies, and high-end intelligent and green standards. Develop basic general engineering machinery, key materials, core components, electrification and high-end intelligent and green standards. Develop key materials, core components, operational services and integrated application standards for medical equipment. Develop the basics, key technologies and interconnection standards for intelligent testing equipment. Develop core processes and components, key technologies, testing and evaluation standards for additive manufacturing equipment. Develop equipment digitalization and intelligent manufacturing basic commonality, key technologies, typical industry applications and other standards.

The fifth is new energy vehicles, which mainly includes new energy vehicles, key component systems, core components, intelligent network technology and charging and swapping infrastructure. Mainly focusing on the field of new energy vehicles, developing vehicle standards such as power testing, safety specifications, and economic evaluation, system standards for key components such as drive motor systems, power battery systems, and fuel cell systems, and standards for core components such as automotive chips and sensors. , intelligent network technology standards such as autonomous driving systems, functional safety, and information security, as well as standards related to charging and swapping infrastructure such as conductive charging, wireless charging, and hydrogenation.

The sixth is green environmental protection, which mainly includes carbon peak carbon neutrality, green manufacturing, industrial energy conservation, industrial water conservation, industrial environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of industrial resources. Green environmental protection mainly focuses on achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and developing basic general greenhouse gas, accounting and verification, technology and equipment, monitoring, management and evaluation standards. Optimize and improve standards for green products, green factories, green industrial parks and green supply chains. Develop standards for industrial energy conservation, industrial water conservation, industrial environmental protection, and comprehensive utilization of industrial resources.

Seventh is civil aviation, which mainly includes aircraft, engines, airborne systems and general infrastructure and operational support. Civil aviation mainly focuses on the development of aircraft standards such as commercial aircraft, amphibious aircraft, helicopters, drones, and new power and new configuration aircraft. Develop engine standards for the complete engine, key and important components, airworthiness compliance, customer service, etc. Develop standards for airborne systems such as avionics systems, flight control systems, and electromechanical systems. Develop general aviation basic standards such as basic products, full life cycle data, production and manufacturing, and operational support standards.

Eighth, ships and ocean engineering equipment, mainly including high-tech ships and ocean engineering equipment. Ships and offshore engineering equipment mainly focus on the field of high-tech ships, and develop the overall design of key ship types, final assembly and construction standards, key components and system standards, and green management standards. Focus on the field of marine engineering equipment, develop overall design, final assembly and construction, key system standards, and develop submersible standards.

02 Future Industry

One is the metaverse. Carry out research on the metaverse standardization roadmap. Accelerate the development of basic universal standards for Metaverse terminology, classification, and identification, key technical standards such as Metaverse identity system, digital content generation, cross-domain interoperability, and technology integration, virtual digital people, digital asset circulation, digital content rights confirmation, and data assets. Protection and other service standards, carry out research on application standards such as the industrial metaverse, urban metaverse, commercial metaverse, entertainment metaverse, etc., as well as pre-research on privacy protection, content supervision, data security and other standards.

The second is brain-computer interface. Carry out research on the brain-computer interface standardization roadmap. Accelerate the development of basic common standards such as brain-computer interface terminology and reference architecture. Carry out research on input and output interface standards for brain information reading and writing, data format, transmission, storage, representation and preprocessing standards, and brain information encoding and decoding algorithm standards. Conduct preliminary research on industry applications and safety ethics standards in manufacturing, medical and health, education, entertainment and other industries.

The third is quantum information. Carry out research on the standardization roadmap of quantum information technology. Accelerate the development of basic common standards such as quantum information terminology definitions, functional models, reference architectures, and benchmark evaluations. Focus on the field of quantum computing and develop quantum computing processors, quantum compilers, quantum computer operating systems, quantum cloud platforms, quantum artificial intelligence, quantum optimization, quantum simulation and other standards. Focus on the field of quantum communication and develop standards for quantum communication devices, systems, networks, protocols, operation and maintenance, services, and testing. Focusing on the field of quantum measurement, we develop standards for quantum ultra-high-precision positioning, quantum navigation and timing, quantum high-sensitivity detection and target identification.

The fourth is humanoid robots. Develop basic standards such as humanoid robot terminology, universal ontology, overall machine structure, and social ethics. Carry out preliminary research on basic standards for special structural components, drive components, electromechanical system components, controllers, high-performance computing chips and modules, and energy supply components for humanoid robots. Develop intelligent perception decision-making and control standards for humanoid robot perception systems, positioning and navigation, human-computer interaction, autonomous decision-making, and cluster control. Carry out preliminary research on system evaluation standards such as humanoid robot movement, operation, interaction, and intelligent ability classification and performance evaluation. Conduct preliminary research on security standards for electromechanical systems, human-computer interaction, data privacy, etc. Carry out pre-research on humanoid robot application standards for scenarios such as industry, home services, public services, and special operations.

The fifth is generative artificial intelligence. Focusing on multi-modal and cross-modal data sets, develop basic standards such as annotation requirements, quality evaluation, management capabilities, open source sharing, and transaction circulation for video, image, language, voice and other data sets and corpora. Focusing on the key technical areas of large models, develop general technical requirements, capability evaluation indicators, reference architectures, and technical standards for training, inference, deployment, and interfaces. Focusing on applications and services based on generative artificial intelligence (AIGC), we will develop AIGC model capabilities, service platform technical requirements, application ecological framework, and service capability maturity in key directions such as application platforms, data access, service quality, and application credibility. Application standards such as evaluation and generated content evaluation. Conduct preliminary research on risk management, ethical compliance and other standards for AIGC products and services in key industries such as industry, medical care, finance, and transportation.

Sixth is biological manufacturing. Develop key components such as sensors, production equipment such as bioreactors, and process standards such as production technical specifications. Optimize and improve standards for products, testing and evaluation methods in biomanufactured foods, medicines, fine chemicals and other application fields.

Seventh is the future display. Carry out pre-research on advanced technology standards such as quantum dot display, holographic display, and retinal display. Develop key technical standards such as Micro-LED display, laser display, and printed display, key product standards such as new generation display materials, special equipment, and process devices, as well as application standards for smart cities, smart homes, smart terminals, and other scenarios.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Chen Chaochang led a team to Dongguan to carry out investment inspection activities in the manufacturing and modern logistics industries.

Chen Chaochang led a team to Dongguan to carry out investment inspection activities in the manufacturing and modern logistics industries.

Released by Guangning 2024-03-02 20:07 Guangdong

On March 1, 2024, Chen Chaochang, Secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee, led a team to Dongguan City to carry out investment promotion inspections. Through on-site inspections, project docking, and cooperation negotiations, we will further promote the accelerated development of the manufacturing and modern logistics industries in our county.

The inspection team first visited Dongguan Fenngling Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd., visited the company's logistics park and production workshop, discussed cooperation intentions for the logistics park project, and studied and inspected the development of Dongguan's advanced manufacturing industry. Subsequently, the inspection team came to Guangdong Haili Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. The two parties had an in-depth discussion on the project construction and commissioning matters, and took multiple measures to jointly promote the project to be put into production as soon as possible.

Chen Chaochang pointed out that the project of Guangning Haili headquarters and high-end warehousing and logistics equipment research, production and marketing base was steadily advanced and made good progress in the early stage with the joint efforts of the leaders, units, investment promotion departments and enterprises. Next, all departments must continue to provide good services, work with enterprises to implement progress arrangements, seize the golden period of construction, and jointly promote the construction and production of the Haili project. At the same time, Guangning County has a good investment environment, complete infrastructure, preferential policy support and complete supporting services. Enterprises are welcome to invest in Guangning to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

The company stated that it will strengthen cooperation with Guangning and jointly promote the construction and commissioning of the project, adding new momentum to the high-quality development of Guangning's manufacturing industry.

County leader Yang Hongzhang participated in the inspection.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Today, the super factory officially started construction

Today, the super factory officially started construction

Released by Zhaoqing New District 2024-03-02 23:04 Guangdong

On March 2, 2024, the Fujitsu Elevator Super Factory project located in Zhaoqing New District officially started construction. It will be built into a cluster factory covering elevator industry supply chain enterprises, radiating to Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guiyang and other places.

Project renderings

Project renderings

On the day of the event, a project groundbreaking ceremony was held on site.

Yan Haihong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhaoqing New District, Yoko Nakano, Chairman of Japan Fujitsu Co., Ltd., Chen Songfu, General Manager of Fujitsu (Guangdong) Elevator Industry Group Co., Ltd., Zeng Minhua, Chairman of Guangdong Yaodonghua Group and Executive Chairman of Guangdong Home Building Materials Chamber of Commerce, Li Zhipeng, Zhang Dongshuo, Fan Zhihao and other leaders of the two districts, relevant department-level leaders of the two districts, relevant departments of the two districts, relevant responsible comrades of the New District Investment and Development Co., Ltd., relevant leaders of Fujitsu (Guangdong) Elevator Industry Group Co., Ltd. and representatives of relevant enterprises attended the meeting Activity.

The Fujitsu Elevator Super Factory project is located in Yong'an Industrial Park, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing New District, and is invested and constructed by Fujitsu (Guangdong) Elevator and Automation Co., Ltd.

The Fujitsu Elevator Super Factory project is located in Yong'an Industrial Park, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing New District, and is invested and constructed by Fujitsu (Guangdong) Elevator and Automation Co., Ltd.

The project covers an area of about 82 acres, with a total planned investment of about US$100 million. The new project includes a super factory including production workshops, testing workshops, comprehensive buildings, R&D buildings, etc., with a total construction area of about 108,000 square meters. It mainly produces passenger elevators, Observation elevators, freight elevators, hospital elevators, escalators and other types of elevators and their spare parts.

Project renderings

Project renderings

It is understood that the project has achieved dual capacity and dual commitments, the temporary water supply has been connected, exploration and dynamic compaction construction have been completed, and preparatory work such as project planning permits and drawing in-depth design are in progress.

At the ceremony, Chen Songfu said

We will closely focus on the established goals of planning and construction, fully cooperate with construction home decoration units and elevator upstream supply chain partners, give full play to Fujitsu's management advantages, financial advantages, technical advantages and resource advantages, and deliver high standards, high quality and high efficiency on schedule. Complete the construction tasks and build the project into a new manufacturing base with production automation, information synchronization, product specialization and personalized services.

The start of the Fujitsu Elevator Super Factory project not only marks a new journey for the company's development, but is also of great significance to stimulating the industrial vitality of the two districts and promoting the clustered development of advanced manufacturing. It will help the industrial ecology of the two districts to achieve further progress. Breakthroughs will provide a source of vitality for the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in the two districts.

Yongan Industrial Park, Zhaoqing New District

Yongan Industrial Park, Zhaoqing New District

Yan Haihong said

Next, the two districts will, as always, go all out to provide high-quality, efficient and convenient services for the construction and development of projects and enterprises, adhering to the "three-to" service of "never being called, being available on call, and doing what we say" The concept promotes projects to be quickly implemented, put into production quickly, and reach production quickly.

A bank credit granting ceremony was also held at the commissioning ceremony. Five banks including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Rural Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank granted strategic credit of RMB 200 million to the project, with a total credit grant amount of RMB 1 billion.


肇慶新区公開 2024-03-02 23:04 広東省








私たちは、計画と建設の確立された目標に厳密に焦点を当て、建設室内装飾ユニットおよびエレベーター上流のサプライチェーンパートナーと完全に協力し、富士通の経営上の利点、財務上の利点、技術的な利点、およびリソースの利点を最大限に活用し、高水準、高品質の製品を提供します。品質と高効率を予定どおりに達成する 建設タスクを完了し、生産自動化、情報同期、製品の専門化、個別化されたサービスを備えた新しい製造拠点としてプロジェクトを構築します。

富士通エレベータ スーパーファクトリープロジェクトの開始は、当社の発展の新たなスタートとなるだけでなく、両地区の産業活力を活性化し、先端ものづくりの集積発展を促進する上で極めて重要な意味を持ち、産業エコロジーにも貢献します。ブレークスルーは、両地区の製造業の質の高い発展の活力の源となります。




Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Friday, March 1, 2024

Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, look for opportunities to promote cooperation, and strive to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, look for opportunities to promote cooperation, and strive to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-03-01 23:49 Guangdong

From February 28 to 29, 2024, Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong went to Shenzhen to carry out investment investigation work, visited the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and inspected relevant enterprises, actively sought cooperation opportunities, jointly promoted more good projects to settle in Zhaoqing, and strived to win in the new round Gain initiative and opportunities in development.

Xu Xiaoxiong extended his sincere greetings and blessings to the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and the vast number of businessmen in Shenzhen and Zhaoqing.

He also briefly introduced the economic and social development of Zhaoqing in recent years.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Since its establishment, the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce has united and contacted the vast number of businessmen and local talents in Shenzhen and Zhaoqing, and has played a major role in deepening economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Zhaoqing and Shenzhen, promoting the return of projects, funds, and talents, and promoting the economic development of Zhaoqing. It is expected that the Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce will continue to play a good role as a bridge and link, actively publicize and promote Zhaoqing, connect and contribute to the development of its hometown, and strive to make new contributions in promoting the high-quality development and modernization of Zhaoqing.

Yuan Huohong, President of Shenzhen Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce, said

The long-term development of the Chamber of Commerce is inseparable from the care and support of the hometown. It will further promote information docking and resource sharing with Zhaoqing, actively drive more projects and resources to settle in Zhaoqing, and contribute to the economic construction of the hometown.

In Shenzhen ByteDance Information Technology Co., Ltd.,

Shenzhen Hydrogen Blue Times Power Technology Co., Ltd.,

Overseas Chinese Town Group Co., Ltd. and other places,

Xu Xiaoxiong conducted an in-depth inspection of the company’s industrial structure,

Operation model, planning layout, etc.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Currently, Zhaoqing is focusing on key tasks such as implementing the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" and taking the lead in the manufacturing industry. It is actively expanding cooperation with the Shenzhen metropolitan area, making new energy vehicles, new energy storage, electronic information and other emerging industrial clusters bigger and stronger, and actively seizing the market share. New tracks for future industries such as new energy iteration, artificial intelligence, and low-altitude economy will continue to promote the prosperity and development of cultural tourism and commerce, and continue to create new advantages for high-quality development. We sincerely invite all entrepreneurs to visit Zhaoqing for investigation and research, and actively carry out comprehensive cooperation in new economic and new business formats such as new energy application scenarios and digital economy, so as to work together to win the initiative and opportunities in the new round of development.

Entrepreneurs say

Zhaoqing has obvious advantages in ecology, location, and resources, as well as huge development potential. We are confident that enterprises will take root in Zhaoqing and develop. We will continue to enhance communication and exchanges with Zhaoqing, closely connect with Zhaoqing's industrial development system, and strive to find more entry points for cooperation to promote win-win development.


許曉雄赴深圳開展招商考察工作 尋機遇促合作 努力在新一輪發展中贏得主動和先機

投資肇慶 2024-03-01 23:49 廣東

2024年2月28日至29日,市長許曉雄赴深圳市開展招商考察工作,拜訪深圳市肇慶商會和考察有關企業,積極謀求合作機遇,共同推動更多好項目落戶肇慶,努力在新一輪 發展中贏得主動和先機。




深圳市肇慶商會自成立以來,團結聯絡廣大在深肇商和鄉賢,在深化肇深經貿交流合作,推動項目回歸、資金回歸、人才回歸,促進肇慶經濟發展等方面發揮了重大作用。 期望深圳市肇慶商會繼續發揮好橋樑紐帶作用,積極宣傳肇慶、推介肇慶,為家鄉發展牽線搭橋、獻計出力,努力在推動肇慶高質量發展和現代化建設中再立新功。









目前,肇慶正聚焦實施「百千萬工程」、落實製造業當家等重點工作,積極拓展與深圳都會圈合作,做大做強新能源汽車、新型儲能、電子資訊等新興產業集群,積極搶佔 新能源迭代、人工智慧、低空經濟等未來產業新賽道,持續推動文旅商貿繁榮發展,並不斷塑造高品質發展新優勢。 誠摯邀請各位企業家多到肇慶考察研究,積極在新能源應用場景、數位經濟等新經濟新業態上開展全面合作,攜手在新一輪發展中贏得主動和先機。



Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600




部分封頂!四會這家醫院新院區建設進度條刷新 四會發布 2024年09月23日 20:31 廣東 最新消息!備受社會各界高度關注的四會婦幼保健院異地新建專案有新進展囉! 目前該計畫門急診大樓部分已順利封頂,標誌著整個計畫進入了新的建設階段。 下面一起跟著小編來看看醫院的建設! 在工...