Thursday, February 29, 2024



肇慶市ビジネス 2024-02-29 21:29 広東省


肇慶市に「GoGBA香港ビジネスサービスステーション」を設立することにより、香港企業の肇慶市への投資・事業活動をより便利かつ効率的にサポートできるとともに、両地の企業間の連携強化や共同での模索が期待される。より広い市場。 当市は香港貿易発展局の「GoGBA香港ビジネスサービスステーション」プラットフォームを最大限に活用し、肇慶市の投資環境を全面的に促進し、香港のビジネスマンや企業の肇慶市への投資を誘導し、肇慶市との経済貿易協力をさらに促進する。さまざまな分野や業界の香港。

香港貿易発展局の南中国首席代表である黄天偉氏は、肇慶市は香港貿易発展局が「GoGBA香港ビジネスサービスステーション」を展開する8番目の都市であると述べた。 肇慶市と香港は常に緊密な経済貿易関係にあり、両地は産業および科学技術分野での協力に大きな潜在力を秘めており、香港企業は肇慶市の発展に頼って市場開放を加速することができる。南西部地域。 サービスステーションの導入は、香港企業が都市開発とより良く結びつくのに役立つだろう。 次に、香港貿易発展局は肇慶市とのコミュニケーションをさらに強化し、産業、文化観光、惣菜などの多業種交流を実施し、香港企業が肇慶市で発展の機会を模索するよう指導・支援し、また肇慶市の企業の開拓を支援する。輸出の機会。

香港は常に肇慶市にとって海外投資の重要な供給源であった。 2024年1月現在、市内には香港から出資を受けた企業が1,652社あり、総投資額は70億8000万米ドル、登録資本金は48億6000万米ドルとなっている。 2023年、香港企業は肇慶市への投資を増やし続け、新たに香港から出資を受けた企業は85社となり、前年比37.1%増加した。 香港と肇慶市は経済貿易、科学技術、文化観光、教育の分野で常に良好な協力関係を維持しており、香港資本の企業は市の外資系企業の重要な部分を占めており、肇慶市の発展に強い推進力を与えている。市の経済社会発展に大きく貢献しています。

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600




肇慶商務 2024-02-29 21:29 廣東

2024年2月28日,肇慶市商務局與香港貿易發展局(下稱「香港貿發局」)簽訂合作備忘錄,並舉行「GoGBA港商服務站」揭牌儀式,為香港有意到肇慶發展的企業 提供全方位支援服務。



肇慶「GoGBA港商服務站」的成立,將為港商在肇慶開展投資及業務提供更便捷、高效的支援,同時也有望加强两地企業的合作,共同開拓更廣闊的市場。 本市將充分利用香港貿發局的「GoGBA 港商服務站」平台,全力推介肇慶投資環境,引導廣大港商港企來肇投資置業,進一步推動肇港兩地在不同領域及行業的經貿合作 。

香港貿發局華南首席代表黃天偉表示,肇慶是香港貿發局佈局「GoGBA港商服務站」的第8個城市。 肇慶與香港經貿關係向來密切,兩地在工業和科創領域的合作潛力巨大,港商可以依託在肇發展加快打通大西南地區市場。 服務站的落地,將有利於港企更好對接城市發展。 接下來,香港貿發局將進一步加強與肇慶的溝通聯繫,在工業、文旅、預製菜等多產業方向對接交流,引導及支持港企來肇尋求發展商機,也助力肇企探索出口機遇。

一直以來,香港都是肇慶重要的外資來源地。 截至2024年1月,全市共有港資企業1,652家,涉及投資總額70.8億美元,註冊資本48.6億美元。 2023年,香港企業持續增強對肇慶投資,新增港資企業85家,較去年同期成長37.1%。 香港與肇慶在經貿、科技、文旅、教育等領域一直保持著良好合作,港資企業是我市外商投資企業的重要組成部分,為推動我市經濟社會發展注入了強大動力,作出了重大貢獻 。

Take stock of the "highlight moments" of Sihui City in China in 2023

 Take stock of the "highlight moments" of Sihui City in China in 2023!

Beautiful views of Sihui

△Beautiful views of Sihui.

Sihui (excluding Dawang Street):

✪ Completed regional GDP of 49.007 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.7% (hereinafter referred to as "growth");

✪ The total industrial output value above designated size was 93.13 billion yuan, an increase of 2%;

✪ The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 17.57 billion yuan, an increase of 2.5%;

✪ The total retail sales of consumer goods was 28.45 billion yuan, an increase of 7.4%;

✪ The total agricultural output value was 12.072 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5%;

✪ General public budget revenue was 3.042 billion yuan, an increase of 65.1%;

✪ Actual foreign investment absorption was RMB 41.94 million;

✪ Resident income growth is basically in sync with economic growth.

✪ The proportion of the three industries is adjusted to 15:39.4:45.6.


The entire Sihui area (including Dawang Street):

✪ Completed regional GDP of 75.915 billion yuan, accounting for 27.2% of Zhaoqing city;

✪ The total industrial output value above designated size is 215.008 billion yuan, accounting for 46.7% of Zhaoqing’s city’s total;

✪ The added value of industries above designated size is 37.988 billion yuan, accounting for 44.1% of Zhaoqing’s total;

✪ The total fixed asset investment is 42.112 billion yuan, accounting for 27.8% of Zhaoqing’s total;

✪ The total retail sales of consumer goods is 45.157 billion yuan, accounting for 38.2% of Zhaoqing’s total;

✪ General public budget revenue is 4.863 billion yuan, accounting for 27.5% of Zhaoqing’s citywide revenue.

✪ Sihui was selected into the top 100 counties and cities in terms of comprehensive strength in the country in 2023. It has been selected as the top 100 counties and cities in the country for green development, the top 100 counties and cities in the country for investment potential, the top 100 counties and cities in the country for scientific and technological innovation, and the top 100 counties and cities in the country for the quality of new urbanization. Among the first batch of innovative model counties in the province’s “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”, the achievements have been hard-won.

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Hu Xiaoxing: Solving project problems with high-quality services and promoting project implementation with responsibility!

Talking about the New Year and brightening the promise | Hu Xiaoxing: Solving project problems with high-quality services and promoting project implementation with responsibility!

Released by Zhaoqing High-tech Zone 2024-02-29 18:00 Guangdong

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Service Center is guided by the spirit of the central, provincial and municipal economic work conferences and the district (enlarged) conference, and deeply promotes the construction of the new industrial science and technology city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, making every effort to promote project construction, strengthen project services, Grasp project investment and promote project implementation.

The project is a “hard support” and “power source” for development

In order to promote the rapid implementation of the project, the High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Service Center arranged for dedicated personnel to go to the project site to provide "one-to-one, point-to-point" full-cycle dynamic tracking services for the project, ensuring that one project is implemented, completed, and effective.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Service Center Party Branch Secretary and Director Hu Xiaoxing

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Service Center Party Branch Secretary and Director Hu Xiaoxing

At present, the Investment Promotion Service Center of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone has comprehensively reviewed the status of projects that have started construction but have not been included in the system, and actively guides projects to prepare registration materials in advance to ensure that projects that meet the conditions can be included in the database on time, while urging projects under construction to speed up construction.

In order to comprehensively provide project construction services and promote early start-up of enterprises and early benefits, the High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Service Center practices front-line work methods and goes deep into the project site to understand the situation.

Give full play to the linkage role of the "Project Construction Joint Meeting System", coordinate various departments to quickly solve the difficult and pain points that affect the project construction progress, and escort the project construction.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 15/F, Fumin Building, Zhaoqing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhaoqing, Guangdong

Tel: 86-758-3983186

Fax: 86-758-3983988


A delegation from Wuzhou City, Guangxi came to Zhaoqing for inspection and exchange: striving to create a model for cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi

A delegation from Wuzhou City, Guangxi came to Zhaoqing for inspection and exchange: striving to create a model for cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi

Released by Zhaoqing 2024-02-29 18:06 Guangdong

From February 27 to 28, 2024, a delegation from Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province came to Zhaoqing for inspection and exchange. On the afternoon of the 27th, the two cities held a joint meeting to thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Guangdong and Guangxi and the important instructions on deepening cooperation between the east and the west, and conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the party committees and governments of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. Deepen the cooperation between the east and the west, comprehensively strengthen the spirit of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Conference, and deepen the cooperation between Zhaoqing and Wuzhou for exchanges and docking. Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhang Aijun and Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong, Wuzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jiang Liansheng and Mayor Li Zhenpin attended relevant activities.

At the joint meeting, Zhang Aijun, on behalf of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, expressed his gratitude to Wuzhou for its long-term support and assistance to Zhaoqing's work.

Zhang Aijun said

Drinking from the same river, Zhaoqing and Wuzhou are one family. In recent years, Zhaoqing and Wuzhou have continued to promote cooperation and achieve new progress and results. It is hoped that the two places will continue to sing the main theme of "Guangdong and Guangxi are one family", jointly promote the development of Zhaowu cooperation to a new level, and strive to create a model for Guangdong and Guangxi cooperation.

The first is to deepen cooperation in the industrial field, relying on platforms such as the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone and the Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to strengthen new energy, electronic information and other industries to strengthen and extend the chain, and promote agricultural development. Collaborative development of the entire industry chain creates a closely linked cross-regional industrial chain.

The second is to deepen cooperation in the transportation field and plan to promote the implementation of more interconnection projects such as railways, highways, port channels, etc. between the two places to make transportation between the two places more convenient.

The third is to deepen cooperation in the field of ecological environment, strengthen joint prevention and joint treatment of ecological environment protection, focus on comprehensive protection of the Xijiang River Basin, refrain from large-scale development, and ensure that clean water from one river flows eastward.

The fourth is to deepen cooperation in the field of culture and tourism, promote the linking of cultural tourism resources between the two places, jointly plan more high-quality tourism routes, and jointly create important tourist destinations.

At the same time, exchanges and cooperation in other areas such as people's livelihood will be strengthened to better promote the development of the two places and benefit the people of the two places.

On behalf of the Wuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Jiang Liansheng expressed his gratitude to Zhaoqing City for its long-term support and congratulated Zhaoqing City on its achievements in economic and social development.

Jiang Liansheng said

Currently, the two provinces and regions of Guangdong and Guangxi are deeply implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, deepening the collaboration between the east and west of Guangdong and Guangxi and working together to build an important strategic hinterland for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The cooperation between Wu and Zhao is facing new major opportunities and broad space.

We hope to further expand the depth and breadth of cooperation between the two cities, promote complementary advantages and collaborative innovation between the two cities, and work together to create a demonstration model for Guangdong-Guangxi cooperation.

Jointly promote the coordinated development of industries, give full play to the advantages of industrial chain linkage and collaboration and the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone platform, integrate and superimpose preferential policies, create high-quality industrial clusters in western Guangdong and Guangdong, and help accelerate the development and opening of the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt.

Jointly promote transportation connectivity, strengthen law enforcement on the Xijiang Waterway, improve the construction of the freight system, and unblock the logistics chain artery serving the Greater Bay Area.

Jointly promote the ecological protection of the Xijiang River, improve the joint prevention and control mechanism of the ecological environment, and build a strong ecological security barrier for the Xijiang River.

Jointly strengthen cultural and tourism cooperation, jointly build an integrated cultural and tourism market in Wuzhao, better inherit and develop Guangfu culture, and create a tourist destination for the Greater Bay Area.

We will jointly create the optimal development environment, expand "inter-provincial services" in an orderly manner, and continue to improve the level of public services to make things more convenient and efficient for people in the two places.

During their stay in Zhaoqing, the Wuzhou City Party and Government delegation visited Guangdong Ruiqing Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Xpeng Automobile Intelligent Network Technology Industrial Park, Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing) Large Industrial Cluster, Zhaoqing Songcheng Qilou Street, Fengkai Port District Changgang Public Comprehensive Terminal, the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Pingfeng Expansion Zone and other places, conduct in-depth inspections of the development of Zhaoqing's new energy industry, the construction of large-scale industrial clusters, the development of the cultural tourism industry, and the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experiment District planning and construction and other aspects.

Leaders of Wuzhou City Huang Zhongxian, Huang Zhenrao, Wei Yan, Wang Dongming, and Yang Zhen, and leaders of Zhaoqing City Huang Zhongxing, Chi Zhixiong, Li Xingwen, Qin Bo, Liu Qingliang, Liu Jingbo, and Lin Jie participated in relevant activities.


Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel:   0086 758 3611228

Fax:  0086 758 3611228



[Investment Promotion]In 2024, watch Zhaoqing Sihui City’s “technology + industry” create new momentum

In 2024, watch Zhaoqing Sihui City’s “technology + industry” create new momentum

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-02-26 20:40 China

Scientific and technological innovation is not only a key variable in solving development problems, but also the largest increment in promoting high-quality development. On February 22, 2024, Sihui City held a high-quality development conference, focusing on the goal of 100 billion counties, proposing to focus on improving the quality and efficiency of the economy, industrial transformation and upgrading, firmly grasping the "big nose" of technological innovation, and promoting Industrial development and technological innovation are deeply integrated and mutually reinforcing to accelerate the cultivation of new productive forces.

The scenery on both sides of the river in Sihui City.

The scenery on both sides of the river in Sihui City. 

01  Transformation and upgrading of traditional industries seeking new changes

Guangdong Gaodeng Aluminum Co., Ltd., located in Nanjiang Industrial Park in Sihui City, was established in 1999. It is a company dedicated to the research and development, production, sales and service of aluminum deep processing products throughout the industry chain.

From producing aluminum doors and windows, traditional building materials with low added value, to focusing on innovation in aluminum coatings, developing wood grain aluminum profiles and participating in the formulation of national standards for wood grain aluminum profiles; to in-depth structural innovation of aluminum products, focusing on aluminum The development of thermal and sound insulation and other properties has led to the development of various home decoration aluminum products... Over the years, Gordon Aluminum has continued to increase research and development and investment, repairing the company's internal strength, and also promoting its continuous growth and development.

R&D personnel of Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Group test products

R&D personnel of Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Group test products

Introduction by Li Jing, Executive President of Gordon Aluminum

"Aluminum is widely used. We hope to make higher-end and more sophisticated aluminum products, extend to various sectors, serve all walks of life, and be used in all aspects of daily life. At present, our aluminum products not only cover the home , construction, decoration, industry and other fields, and has further extended to solar photovoltaics, medical equipment and other fields. In the past two years, we have also actively participated in the innovative R&D and manufacturing of new energy parts, and successfully passed the IATF16949 international automobile quality management in 2022 System certification, production products have been supplied to many automobile brands.”

Frontline workers of Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Group inspect equipment

Frontline workers of Guangdong Gordon Aluminum Group inspect equipment

Gordon Aluminum is the epitome of Sihui City's enterprises seeking high-quality development, and also the epitome of Sihui City's promotion of the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as metal processing to build a modern industrial system. In 2024, Sihui City will continue to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the high-end development of the metal processing industry, focus on the development of copper deep processing and aluminum deep processing in areas such as building profiles and industrial profiles, accelerate technological transformation and product iteration, and continue to move towards Extended development in the field of new metal materials.

02   Precise investment promotion to enhance technological strength

High-tech enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation, and the number of high-tech enterprises demonstrates the local scientific and technological strength. In 2023, Sihui City will add 37 new high-tech enterprises, bringing the total number to 219, and 216 enterprises will be included in the national science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises database. Carrying out precise investment promotion around leading industries - selecting the best and strongest ones is one of the measures taken by Sihui City to further strengthen its scientific and technological strength.

Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd., which settled in 2018, is a leading copper deep processing enterprise introduced by the Sihui in recent years, focusing on chain master type, scientific innovation type, supporting type, and growth type.

Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. 

Introduction by Li Feng, General Manager of Guangdong Jintian Copper Industry

"We have always adhered to the strategic positioning of technological innovation and double upgrade of products and customers. In recent years, we have made great breakthroughs in many subdivisions. For example, in 5G communications, the company developed VC etched vapor chamber high-performance copper strips, which has surpassed foreign companies. Monopoly. The company also plans to continue to increase investment in technology research and development, accelerate the layout of market segments such as new energy vehicles and IGBT semiconductors, and consolidate and strengthen core technological advantages with independent intellectual property rights. At the same time, in terms of promoting digital transformation, the company We have also established a professional digital platform to support full value chain operations.”

Intelligent production line of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd.

Intelligent production line of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd. 

In the new material workshop of Guangdong Jintian Copper Industry, the production equipment does not stop 24 hours a day. After drawing, painting, taking up and other links, fifty or sixty tons of electromagnetic wires are produced and shipped to various places every day. The production progress of this process is , order volume, quality yield and other data can be viewed on the digital platform established by it.

On the copper bar production line of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd., workers in various positions operate the machines for production.

On the copper bar production line of Guangdong Jintian Copper Co., Ltd., workers in various positions operate the machines for production. 

Li Feng said

"In the future, we will also make full use of new generation digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to continuously improve the level of manufacturing intelligence, further upgrade the construction and upgrade of digital platforms, and establish a comprehensively interconnected, safe and efficient information architecture."

It is reported that,

According to the direction and focus of industrial attraction, Sihui City will also focus on attracting a number of major projects with large investment, large volume, high technology and high output. At the same time, the main enterprises in the Juli chain carry out precise investment promotion in the industrial chain, strengthen demand docking, seize major opportunities for counterpart assistance in Guangzhou, focus on seizing leaders, attracting headquarters, gathering relevant parties, and actively undertake the orderly transfer of industries.

Fuxi Industrial Park, Dasha Town.

Fuxi Industrial Park, Dasha Town. 

03   Optimize the ecological environment for technological innovation

Guangdong Feinan Resource Utilization Co., Ltd., a listed company located in Luoyuan Town, Sihui City, is an environmental protection enterprise engaged in the recycling and utilization of renewable resources. It has launched a waste electric circuit board resource utilization project at its Zhaoqing base and is also planning and constructing Phase III multi-metal resources comprehensive utilization project to expand production scale. The company insists on using technology to drive business development and has become one of the leading companies in the comprehensive utilization of renewable resources industry in my country.

Guangdong Feinan Resources Utilization Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Feinan Resources Utilization Co., Ltd. 

Sun Yanjun, general manager of the company, once said

Feinan Resources will continue to increase innovation and research and development to enhance its comprehensive competitiveness. But he also hopes that government departments can further develop multi-level capital markets on the basis of existing work to provide enterprises with more financing channels and help them develop.

A good development environment is conducive for enterprises to carry out various innovative attempts. At the High-Quality Development Conference, Sihui City proposed to improve the allocation mechanism of scientific and technological resources that are closely linked to platform carriers, top talents, and R&D investment, guide resource elements such as land, capital, and talents to tilt towards the field of scientific and technological innovation, and further optimize the scientific and technological innovation ecosystem. environment.

Jianggu Fine Chemical Park, Sihui City.

Jianggu Fine Chemical Park, Sihui City. 

Increase policy support

On the one hand, it is increasing policy support to support and guide companies to increase investment in research and development, and plans to invest more than 1.45 billion yuan in corporate research and development expenses (R&D) this year. At the same time, we will strengthen incentives for enterprise transformation and upgrading, establish incentive mechanisms based on enterprise output value, taxation, technological innovation, etc., focus on supporting enterprises to increase technological transformation and investment in science and technology, and promote enterprises to improve quality, efficiency, transformation and upgrading.

Construction of scientific and technological innovation platform

In terms of the construction of a scientific and technological innovation platform, the Fourth Committee will accelerate the establishment of a provincial high-tech zone in Jianggu Fine Chemical Industry Base, develop and expand the high-tech industry in the park, and support leading industrial enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutes to jointly build national and provincial-level high-tech zones. Key laboratories and engineering technology research centers will strive to add more than two provincial-level innovation platforms within the year. At the same time, we will further optimize the construction and operation of science and technology incubation carriers such as Sihui Maker Space and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park, actively promote the construction of high-level science and technology incubation platforms such as Guangdong Huashang University and South China Agricultural University Pearl River College, and accelerate the formation of "Maker Space-Incubator" —Accelerator—Professional Park” complete incubation system.


Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228


The development of Zhaoqing’s manufacturing industry continues to accelerate, which is inseparable from the support of investors from all over the world

The development of Zhaoqing’s manufacturing industry continues to accelerate, which is inseparable from the support of investors from all over the world

Released by Zhaoqing 2024-02-28 20:01 China

Currently, Zhaoqing has sounded the charge to promote high-quality development.

All enterprises are operating at full capacity, and the construction of various projects is booming.

Not long ago, a number of major high-quality projects settled in Zhaoqing! 279 projects were signed, started, completed and put into production in Zhaoqing City, with a total planned investment of 78.4 billion yuan.

On February 23, 2024, Zhaoqing City officially announced its key projects in 2024. This year, Zhaoqing has arranged 388 key projects in the city, with a total investment of 395.378 billion CNY and an annual planned investment of 55.465 billion CNY!

Zhaoqing is "accelerating" all the way, and it is inseparable from...

01 Speed up the new year! Fight for investment and get off to a good start

At the beginning of the new year, investment recruitment teams from all over Zhaoqing have quickly begun to fight, striving for a "good start" in the first quarter and a "full house" throughout the year!

The Zhaoqing investment promotion team went to Guangzhou, Foshan and other places to visit a number of project investors intensively to investigate and supervise the implementation of the projects.

They also conduct in-depth exchanges on project cooperation, understand the investment plans of enterprises, put forward investment suggestions, and sincerely invite enterprises to visit Zhaoqing to experience Zhaoqing's unique advantages in business environment and strive to promote cooperation between the two parties.

At the same time, investment recruitment teams from all over Zhaoqing visited the company for on-site research, had in-depth conversations with the company leaders, learned about the company's production and operation, and discussed cooperation plans in depth.

After having a detailed understanding of the resumption of work and production and production and operation of enterprises in the region, the investment promotion teams from various regions conducted in-depth exchanges with the company leaders on the implementation and construction of relevant projects, and coordinated on-site to solve difficult problems encountered during the implementation and construction of the projects. 

The above picture source Invest in Zhaoqing

02 Try your best to be a good "waiter"! Guarantee services to the end

Only when the policy environment continues to be optimized can investment protection be assured.

In recent years, the Gaoyao District Political and Digital Bureau has carried out the "enterprise first" guarantee service to the end, achieving "no disturbance and responding to requests", providing full-process, nanny-style services and guarantees, and focused on tracking projects that have passed the Municipal Investment Promotion Committee Select industrial projects for filing and review, actively implement the "double capacity and double commitment" direct implementation reform system for industrial investment projects, and promote projects to be started quickly, constructed quickly, put into production quickly, and achieve results quickly.

It is understood that since 2024, Gaoyao District has signed two direct implementation projects of "double capacity and double commitment", namely the second phase flour processing project of Guangdong Jiafu Jiade Food Co., Ltd. and the power adapter production project of Zhaoqing Chidan Technology Co., Ltd. , with a total investment of 500 million CNY.

△The source of the above picture is Gaoyao District Political Bureau

Relying on the "Quanzhaoban" one-stop enterprise-related platform, we will establish "one general ledger" for industrial projects and achieve "one network and unified management" of industrial projects. At present, the "Quan Zhao Office" has been used to provide tracking services for 463 projects and record 1,900 service logs.

03 “Mother-style” service! Project construction continues

With "mother-like" service, project construction can have a "green light" all the way. When you walk into the Baking Industrial Park of Deqing County Industrial Park, you can see that five projects are under construction. Transport vehicles shuttle back and forth, multiple large excavators wield buckets, and workers are constructing in an orderly manner at their respective positions.

Gong Tao, deputy general manager of Deqing Baking Industrial Park Project

We resumed work on the eighth day of the new year, and basically all employees are on duty. Our work progress is to complete all positive and negative zeros in April, and complete the construction and hand it over to the owners in July. During this process, the government departments have been very helpful to us. If there are any difficulties, just don’t worry. Even during the Spring Festival, I will come to help solve the problem as soon as possible, which is really heartwarming.

In the production workshop of Guangdong Xinfeng Fan Co., Ltd., another company in the Deqing County Industrial Park, there is also a busy production scene, and all work is being carried out in an orderly manner. Nie Ruiquan, the company's production manager, is guiding employees in each production process in the workshop.

Nie Ruiquan, Production Department Manager of Guangdong Xinfeng Fan Co., Ltd.

Our company has received an order worth 30 million yuan two years ago. We have resumed work and production since the ninth day of the first lunar month with all employees on duty and fully devoted to this production. This year we plan to continue to expand overseas markets and at the same time accelerate the construction of the third phase of the project. It is expected that It can be put into production in May this year. Overall, this year's sales target is 10% to 20% higher than last year.

The smooth advancement of the company's production expansion project is inseparable from the government's all-round and precise services. Just like the "mother-like" service, the project construction continues to progress and the investment continues to be delayed.

Nie Ruiquan

The government has always given great support to the development of enterprises. It provides completely "mother-like" services. For example, there are service specialists who specialize in serving enterprises. If you have any problems, you can go to the specialists and they will be solved quickly. There are also three During the construction of the first phase of the project, he also helped the company coordinate various departments, solved many problems, and made the project progress as scheduled.

Currently, there are still many projects and companies under construction in Deqing County that are seizing a good start in the first quarter. During the Spring Festival holiday, Deqing County effectively strengthened the production guarantee for enterprises that "continue production" during the holiday, strengthened the connection between corporate services and demand, and paid close attention to "non-stop production" services to ensure that enterprises in the county can produce normally during the holiday.

After the Spring Festival holiday, Deqing County put all its power into opening a new round of "busy production, attracting big business, and promoting development". It paid close attention to the system of service specialists to contact the enterprises, and promptly went to various projects under construction and resumption of work. service, understand the company's resumption of production, employees' return to work, and order status, coordinate various departments to actively carry out "enterprise warm-up" actions, and make every effort to promote the orderly resumption of work and production.

Liu Yuting, Director of Deqing County Investment Promotion Center

We have fully launched the investment promotion work and are planning to establish a local investment promotion team to set up Deqing investment promotion offices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan and other places to gather targeted investment in key areas and key industries.

△The above picture source was released by Deqing

Liu Yuting said,

Deqing continues to deepen the "big battle" for manufacturing project construction, concentrating resources and energy to promote projects to start construction early, put them into production early, and achieve early results. In terms of enterprise land, employment, and park infrastructure facilities, we will strengthen the guarantee of project implementation elements, enhance the park's carrying capacity and attractiveness, and give full play to the role of eight specialized classes in serving enterprises to provide enterprises with full-process "mother-like" services.

Good services accelerate performance, and good projects shape a new future.

Thanks to Zhaoqing's "mother-like" services, the project's construction has been accelerated and has laid a solid foundation for Zhaoqing's high-quality economic development.

In the new year, we will firmly grasp the main line of "improving quality and efficiency" of the economy, accelerate the cultivation of new productive forces, continue to shape new drivers of economic development and new advantages, and lay a more solid foundation for "rebuilding a new Zhaoqing".

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A delegation from Lianping County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province went to Guangning County, Zhaoqing City to study and exchange typical cases and results of the "Hundreds and Thousands Projec

A delegation from Lianping County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province went to Guangning County, Zhaoqing City to study and exchange typical cases and results of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project"

Released by Guangning 2024-02-28 21:02 Guangdong

On February 27, 2024, a delegation from Lianping County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province visited Guangning for investigation, fully implemented the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee’s “1310”, and learned and exchanged typical cases and results and experiences of the “Hundreds and Thousands Project”.

The Lianping County delegation visited Luoguo Village in Hengshan Town, the Environmental Protection Resource Station, the Bamboo Planting Demonstration Base, and Meiliwei Town in Gushui Town to learn more about Guangning’s practices and results in promoting the “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”.

A delegation from Lianping County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province went to Guangning County, Zhaoqing City to study and exchange typical cases and results of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project"

At the symposium, the delegation listened to Guangning County’s reports on the effectiveness of EOD projects, rural domestic sewage treatment, bamboo industry development, and the construction of Meiliwei Town. Qiu Wenbo, deputy county magistrate of Lianping County, said that through this survey, he learned the advanced experience and practices of Guangning County, and after returning home, he turned what he learned into a powerful driving force to help Lianping do the "millions of projects" and promote Lianping County has made great progress in various undertakings and achieved high-quality development.

Lu Yanbo, deputy secretary of the Guangning County Party Committee, expressed the hope that the two places can strengthen communication and cooperation, work together to anchor high-quality development goals, gather "one force" and twist into "one rope" to jointly create a new era of high-quality development situation, and strive to promote new breakthroughs and new achievements in various tasks of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects".


Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Guangdong Industry | Adhere to leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation

Guangdong Industry | Adhere to leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation

Invest in Guangdong 2024-02-28 16:42 Guangdong

The All-Guangdong Provincial High-Quality Development Conference made arrangements to promote industrial technological innovation and develop new productive forces. It proposed that talents should be regarded as treasures, work together with enterprises, use the market to cultivate momentum, and seek vitality from reform. It issued a message to the entire province towards industry. A mobilization order to climb the peak of science and technology. Guangdong, which is running on a new track of high-quality development, is accelerating the integrated development of industry and science and technology. It insists on leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, speeding up and setting a new trend.

guangdong,zhaoqing,china,asia,Industry,Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,technological innovation,

Just after the Spring Festival holiday, all enterprises in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone are busy with production and going all out for research and development. In the production workshop of Zhaoqing Leoch Power Technology Co., Ltd., the fully automatic energy storage battery assembly line is running non-stop. This production line was put into use in January this year. The efficiency has increased by nearly three times, and the quality of the products produced is also more stable. .

Promoting industrial technological innovation and developing new productive forces is Guangdong’s strategic move and long-term policy. Guangdong has vigorously promoted the mutual promotion of industry and science and technology, made important progress in the construction of a modern industrial system, and achieved new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation.

guangdong,zhaoqing,china,asia,Industry,Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,technological innovation,

On the track of scientific and technological innovation, enterprises are the natural protagonists. Guangdong is a fertile ground for investment and business. The number of high-tech enterprises in the province exceeds 75,000, accounting for 1/6 of the country. It ranks first in the country for eight consecutive years. A number of enterprises have grown into world-class enterprises. Level innovative enterprises, a series of specialized and special new enterprises thrive, and a large number of innovative resources are gathered in high-quality enterprises.

guangdong,zhaoqing,china,asia,Industry,Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,technological innovation,

High-quality development is essentially innovation-driven development. At the High-Quality Development Conference, Guangdong Fenji Yangfan’s “road map” and “construction order” became increasingly clear. "Improving quality with innovation" has become the most colorful logo. Guangdong is making every effort to climb towards the peak of industrial science and technology, accelerating the creation of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, and continuously enhancing the "hard power" of high-quality development.

guangdong,zhaoqing,china,asia,Industry,Zhaoqing High-tech Zone,technological innovation,

Zhaoqing City very much welcomes technology companies and technology giants to start their own businesses in Zhaoqing.The creative atmosphere in Zhaoqing City is very good.

If you want to invest in China (Dinghu, Sihui, Gaoyao, Guangning, Deqing, Fengkai, Huaiji), you can contact me directly. I can help foreign investors reduce investment costs.



WhatsApp: +852 67274664

Wechat: +86 13143984664

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600



Pepper pigeon, tea oil pigeon, original pigeon soup ~ Guangning's 640 million yuan pigeon industry is certainly not simple

Pepper pigeon, tea oil pigeon, original pigeon soup ~ Guangning's 640 million yuan pigeon industry is certainly not simple Guangning rel...