Friday, January 26, 2024

Low-altitude economy | Output value of nearly 100 billion yuan! The next golden track, Shenzhen will take the lead in developing this industry--Designed in Shenzhen and manufactured in Sihui.

Low-altitude economy | Output value of nearly 100 billion yuan! The next golden track, Shenzhen will take the lead in developing this industry!

2024-01-11 18:14 Published in Guangdong

Another trillion-level industry is rising between the blue sky and the ground.

Within 1,000 meters vertical height from the ground, depending on regional characteristics and actual needs

Expand to airspace within 3000 meters

The low-altitude economy is "rising into the sky" and becoming the next "golden" track for the global economic industry.

As the world's "UAV capital" and the city with the highest concentration of low-altitude industries in the world, Shenzhen takes the lead in taking the lead in technological innovation and driven by scenario applications to efficiently promote industrial development layout and seize the lead in the new low-altitude economic track. Racing at full speed.

Meituan’s food delivery drones fly between buildings in Houhai District, Shenzhen.

Meituan’s food delivery drones fly between buildings in Houhai District, Shenzhen. 

For transportation in the Greater Bay Area, convenient "air taxis" can reach you in ten minutes; sitting at home watching TV, drone delivery "falls from the sky"; traveling around the mountains and seas by electronic aircraft, enjoying three-dimensional "sea, land and air" sightseeing... These originally appeared The future life in science fiction movies has gradually become a reality in Shenzhen with the accelerated expansion of low-altitude application scenarios.

The low-altitude economy is a comprehensive economic form that relies on low-altitude airspace, is driven by the low-altitude flight activities of various aircraft, and radiates to drive the integrated development of related fields. In recent years, Shenzhen has planned its layout in advance and seized low-altitude development opportunities from a strategic level. It will take the lead in becoming a comprehensive demonstration zone for my country's general aviation industry and a pilot zone for civil unmanned aviation, accelerate the top-level layout of low-altitude economic industries, continuously increase policies, and create a new growth pole for economic and industrial development.

At the end of 2022, the "Shenzhen Low-altitude Economic Industry Innovation and Development Implementation Plan (2022-2025)" was released, pointing out the direction for the high-quality development of the urban low-altitude economic industry. At the beginning of 2023, Shenzhen included "low-altitude economy" in the government work report for the first time, proposing to build a low-altitude economic center; in October, the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low-altitude Economic Industry Promotion Regulations (Revised Draft for Comments)" was unveiled to promote Shenzhen's low-altitude economy Provide legal guarantee for the high-quality development of economic and industrial industries; in December, "Several Measures of Shenzhen City to Support the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy" was officially launched, focusing on introducing and training enterprises in the low-altitude economic chain, encouraging technological innovation, expanding low-altitude flight application scenarios, and improving industrial supporting facilities Twenty specific support measures have been proposed in four aspects of the environment to promote high-quality development of the low-altitude economy. At the beginning of the new year in 2024, Shenzhen has introduced the country's first low-altitude economic legislation - the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low-altitude Economic Industry Promotion Regulations" to help the low-altitude economic industry "high-altitude" from the aspects of infrastructure, flight services, industrial applications, technological innovation, safety management, etc. fly". (Related reading → "Shenzhen issues the first special regulations to promote low-altitude economic industries to accelerate the layout of "City in the Sky"")

"To develop low-altitude economy, the market is the foundation, airspace is the key, and policy is the guarantee." Ao Wanzhong, director of the National Low-altitude Economic Integration Innovation Research Center, said that under the escort of policies, Shenzhen's low-altitude application scenarios continue to enrich, the scale of flights continues to expand, and the rapid It has driven the upstream and downstream development of R&D, manufacturing, services, talent cultivation, etc., strengthened the low-altitude economic industry chain, and the low-altitude economic development has taken the lead.

Shenzhen Window of the World has teamed up with Meituan to provide drone delivery services to tourists.

Shenzhen Window of the World has teamed up with Meituan to provide drone delivery services to tourists. 

Shenzhen develops a low-altitude economy and has a good industrial foundation.

Taking low-altitude pillar industry drones as an example, after more than 20 years of development, Shenzhen now has a mature and complete drone industry chain, covering many aspects such as production and manufacturing, technology research and development, software development, commercial applications, talent cultivation, etc., gathering A number of industry leading companies such as DJI, Fengyi Technology, Daotong Intelligent, Luffy Intelligent, and Tianying Equipment have a complete industrial chain that leads the world.

The youth entrepreneurial team of Qianhai Youth Dream Factory is debugging drone equipment.

The youth entrepreneurial team of Qianhai Youth Dream Factory is debugging drone equipment. 

From the perspective of consumer-level applications, manufacturing companies represented by DJI have become the main providers of consumer-level drones in the world and the leading companies in the field of drones; from the perspective of industrial-level applications, Shenzhen is in a leading position in the country, relying on strong With its supply chain system, the output value of industrial-grade civilian drones accounts for about 60% of the country's total, and it has dozens of industrial-grade drone manufacturers such as Yidian Technology, Corbett, Keweitai, and Hawa International.

In addition to drones, Shenzhen's rapidly developing low-altitude industry also covers low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude flight, low-altitude support, comprehensive services, and various low-altitude application scenarios including tourism, logistics, and inspection industries, forming a long-term Chain, low-altitude industrial ecosystem with wide radiation.

According to public data, the annual output value of Shenzhen's low-altitude economy will exceed 90 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 20%; in 2023, Shenzhen will open 77 new drone routes, build 73 new drone take-off and landing points, and complete the cargo loading The number of drone flights has reached 600,000, ranking first in the country in terms of flight scale. Consumer drones account for 70% of the global market share, and industrial drones account for 50% of the global market share. Helicopters have flown more than 20,000 flights. Leading the country in scale.

A helicopter from Eastern General Aviation prepares to land at the Greater China Heliport in downtown Shenzhen.

A helicopter from Eastern General Aviation prepares to land at the Greater China Heliport in downtown Shenzhen. 

While local low-altitude companies are advancing at a rapid pace, Shenzhen is also focusing on key links in the industrial chain to accelerate the recruitment of large companies. In June 2023, the world-renowned eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft) R&D and manufacturer Lilium of Germany announced that its Chinese headquarters would be located in Shenzhen; followed closely, domestic eVTOL leaders such as Guangzhou Ehang and Shanghai Fengfei also announced their arrival in Shenzhen; the United States The group launched its first UAV intelligent manufacturing center in Longhua and officially put it into production... Shenzhen's low-altitude industrial cluster effect has been gaining momentum, and low-altitude elements have penetrated into all industries.

The new takeout delivery method has citizens stopping to take photos.

The new takeout delivery method has citizens stopping to take photos. 

Seize the new track and stimulate new momentum for high-quality development

Currently, low-altitude economy has become one of Shenzhen’s key future industries. Faced with the huge trend of a trillion-dollar industry, since last year, various districts in Shenzhen have been inspired by the "wind" and have made strategic layouts based on their own industrial advantages and positioning, introduced relevant policies and measures to develop low-altitude economy, and seized the new track of low-altitude economic development.

Drones exhibited at the 2023 Hi-Tech Fair. Photo by Yang Haohan,

Drones exhibited at the 2023 Hi-Tech Fair. Photo by Yang Haohan, 

Futian District launched four major actions to lay out the "City in the Sky"; Luohu District opened the first air route experience at Shuibei International Center; Nanshan District plans to introduce special support policies to target the "world's low-altitude economic highlands"; Yantian District announced low-altitude economic industry innovation The development implementation plan proposes to enrich low-altitude cultural, sports and tourism economic formats; Bao'an District promotes the development of low-altitude economy, with a maximum subsidy of 30 million yuan for a single enterprise; Longgang District has publicly solicited opinions on its policy to promote low-altitude economic development and proposes to create a "flying valley" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area "; Longhua District released the country's first low-altitude economic high-quality development indicator system; Pingshan District took the lead in opening fixed routes for helicopter airports, etc. Facing the surging new wave of low-altitude economy, Shenzhen's low-altitude "legion" is already on the road to seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity.

The 7th World Drone Conference and the 8th Shenzhen International Drone Exhibition in 2023.

The 7th World Drone Conference and the 8th Shenzhen International Drone Exhibition in 2023. 

"The low-level economy is a new track that drives effective investment, creates consumer demand, and enhances innovation levels. It will become a new important engine for economic growth. We will actively seize the current period of strategic opportunities and do a solid job in the development of the low-level economy. , accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and constantly shape new drivers of development and new advantages." The relevant person in charge of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau introduced that in the next step, Shenzhen will accelerate the agglomeration of low-altitude economic industries, focus on promoting the strengthening of industrial chains, and the extension of chains, and work hard to formulate Proactive industrial policies will cultivate a group of leading enterprises that serve the development of the global low-altitude economy across the country, and accelerate the creation of a number of distinctive industrial clusters; accelerate the high-quality development of drones and other low-altitude aircraft manufacturing industries, and create a larger scale and a higher-level production and manufacturing base; accelerate the development and opening of low-altitude application scenarios, explore the layout of more new business formats, and strive to make Shenzhen the city with the richest low-altitude economic application scenarios in the country, etc., and promote Shenzhen's low-altitude economy to take the lead in taking shape.

To manufacture drones and develop low-altitude economy in the world, we need to find a manufacturing base.

Dear merchants, you can go to Sihui City, Guangdong to inspect the manufacturing base.

There is cheap land and cheap talent here,

Sihui City in Guangdong is very close to Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

The land cost is only one-eighth that of Shenzhen, and the labor cost is only one-fourth that of Shenzhen.

Merchants in the world, if you want to develop a low-altitude economy and you want to produce drones,

You must come to Sihui City, Guangdong to check it out.

All your requirements are met here.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City

Tel:  0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188


Vietnam's manufacturing counterattack: Why are global giants flocking to this hot land?

Vietnam's manufacturing counterattack: Why are global giants flocking to this hot land?

  Published in Guangxi on 2024-01-17 07:15

Vietnam, a small country in Southeast Asia, has attracted widespread attention in the global manufacturing sector in recent years. With its unique advantages and policy support, this country has gradually emerged and become an important base for global manufacturing. So, what is the secret to the rise of Vietnam’s manufacturing industry? Let’s find out.

Low-cost labor and geographical location advantages have always been the two pillars of Vietnam's manufacturing industry. A large amount of cheap labor gives Vietnam a significant advantage in global manufacturing. In addition, Vietnam's geographical location also provides unique conditions for the development of its manufacturing industry. Proximity to Asian markets means products can enter surrounding countries and regions more quickly, significantly reducing shipping time and costs.

Policy support is also one of the key factors in the rise of Vietnam's manufacturing industry. In order to encourage foreign investment and accelerate economic development, the Vietnamese government has formulated a series of preferential policies and incentives. These policies include tax incentives, land lease incentives, etc., which provide enterprises with tangible benefits, reduce production costs, and increase profitability.

But the rise of Vietnam's manufacturing industry has not been smooth sailing. Over the past few decades, Vietnam has experienced multiple political and economic turmoils, which have brought considerable challenges to the development of the manufacturing industry. However, the Vietnamese government has been committed to stabilizing the domestic situation, strengthening the rule of law, and providing enterprises with a more stable and predictable investment environment.

The impact of global manufacturing bias toward Vietnam is also profound. First of all, the development of Vietnam's manufacturing industry has created a large number of local employment opportunities and improved people's living standards. At the same time, the development of manufacturing has also driven the development of related industries, such as logistics, transportation, services, etc., further promoting the diversified development of Vietnam's economy.

In addition, Vietnam's position in the global supply chain is increasingly important. Many multinational companies have set up production bases in Vietnam, taking advantage of its low cost and geographical location to optimize their global supply chain layout. This makes Vietnam an important part of the global supply chain and has a positive impact on the stability and balance of the global supply chain.

At the same time, Vietnam's manufacturing development has also had an impact on international trade. As Vietnam's exports continue to increase, the global trade pattern has also changed. Vietnamese products and services have entered the markets of more countries and regions, providing more choices for global consumers.

To sum up, the rise of Vietnam's manufacturing industry has benefited from low-cost labor and geographical advantages, policy support and the stability of the domestic situation. These factors have jointly promoted Vietnam's rapid economic development and increased global influence. In the future, as Vietnam's manufacturing industry continues to grow and its technology continues to improve, we have reason to believe that this small Southeast Asian country will play an even more important role on the global stage.

Dear businessmen, when you go to inspect Vietnam and India. You may also wish to come to Sihui City, Guangdong to inspect the investment environment. The land price in Sihui is even cheaper than in Vietnam. It has convenient transportation, a large number of cheap human resources, abundant water resources, and abundant electric power resources. Being close to the Pearl River Delta, the consumer demand in the Pearl River Delta alone can meet the production capacity of your factory.

By investing in Sihui City, you own the entire Pearl River Delta market. You can also sell your products to southwest China and export them to the world.

Businessmen from all over the world are welcome to visit and invest in Sihui City, Guangdong.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City,China

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City,China

Tel:  0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Investment Report Card 2023丨Guangning County, Guangdong: Race against time to attract investment and strive to achieve a green rise!

Investment Report Card 2023丨Guangning County, Guangdong: Race against time to attract investment and strive to achieve a green rise!

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2024-01-25 23:46


In 2023, Zhaoqing will promote the city's modernization with high-quality development, anchor the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, closely follow the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", adhere to the real economy as the foundation, the manufacturing industry as the leader, and focus on To create a big industry, build a big platform, cultivate big enterprises, build big projects, create a big environment, vigorously implement the "Operation to Attract Phoenix", comprehensively set off a new upsurge of "big investment, attract big business", and solidify and strengthen the "industry" of the manufacturing industry , accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with Zhaoqing characteristics and injecting new momentum into Zhaoqing's high-quality development. Starting today, let us review the investment promotion work of all counties (cities, districts) in the city this year, with the aim of summing up experience and preparing for the new year's work.

Since 2023, the Guangning County Investment Promotion Center has closely focused on the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310" and the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, anchoring the annual economic goals and tasks determined by the County Party Committee and the County Government, the main direction of high-quality development and the 2023 specific task list, and promoted The "Ten Actions for Manufacturing Industry Leaders" and the "High-Quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages" have been implemented, and efforts have been made to attract industrial investment and promote construction and production.

since this year,Guangning County Investment Promotion Center adheres to the combination of "going out" and "inviting in" and races against time to attract investment. The work of attracting investment has achieved remarkable results.

Investment Report Card 2023丨Guangning County, Guangdong: Race against time to attract investment and strive to achieve a green rise!

Regarding the implementation and construction of industrial projects, the cumulative actual investment in manufacturing projects in Guangning County in 2023 was 2.569 billion yuan, exceeding the annual target tasks; the capital increase and production expansion projects also exceeded the annual target tasks.

In 2023, the Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will actively participate in organizing the centralized signing, construction and commissioning ceremonies of industrial projects in each quarter of 2023, the Bamboo Industry Innovation and Development Summit, the traditional bamboo processing demonstration base project and the Guangning Lifeng paper products using bamboo instead of plastic project The groundbreaking ceremony, Guangning-Tianhe District (Guangzhou) Investment Environment Promotion Conference and other activities polished Guangning’s investment business card.

In 2024, Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will always adhere to the "project is king", continue to strengthen the implementation of the "Phoenix Attraction Action", and play with the historical responsibility of "success must be mine" and the spiritual realm of "success does not have to be mine" The main theme of project implementation.


Expand investment promotion channels and achieve precise investment promotion

The Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will continue to focus on the "421" industrial layout, while taking advantage of Guangzhou Tianhe's counterpart assistance and cooperation opportunities, making full use of Guangning County Jiangjizhu Industrial Park, Suining Zhigu Industrial Park and other platform carriers to vigorously implement the industrial investment jump-start plan, focusing on It focuses on attracting investment in the industrial chain in the fields of bamboo industry, new materials, equipment manufacturing, food and beverage processing, etc. It is estimated that the total planned investment in 2024 will be 3 billion yuan.

Guangning-Tianhe Investment Environment Promotion Conference

Guangning-Tianhe Investment Environment Promotion Conference

Suining Zhigu Industrial Park Photo courtesy of Guangning County

Suining Zhigu Industrial Park Photo courtesy of Guangning County


Establish mechanisms and establish dedicated teams to provide strong services to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion and achieve results

Efforts will be made to create a dedicated team for project implementation composed of elite soldiers, to further promote guarantee mechanisms such as "advance service", "parallel approval", "land supply upon signing", and "start construction upon receipt of land", and to strengthen government service processes, optimize and streamline them , implement various policies to benefit enterprises, and strive to create a first-class business environment of "less, better, faster".

The Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will provide "mother-like" services throughout the entire life cycle of industrial projects from contract signing to production, and will reflect the effectiveness of investment promotion with project implementation results. Strengthen project planning and reserve, establish inclusion materials, and work with relevant functional departments to carry out project inclusion work scientifically and accurately to ensure that the actual investment amount of the project in 2024 will reach a higher level.


Further strengthen factor protection

Currently, land is the bottleneck restricting the economic development of Guangning County. The Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will work hard to break through the development bottleneck from two aspects.

Guangning County

On the one hand, we must actively revitalize existing construction land and improve the efficiency of land resource utilization. On the other hand, it is necessary to make full use of the new construction land quota, actively seek preferential support from superiors for major industrial projects in Guangning County, and provide sufficient land resource guarantee for Guangning County’s key industrial projects.

The Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will further strengthen coordination and cooperation in land use quotas, land approval, expropriation and demolition, and accelerate the implementation of major industrial projects. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote the revitalization and utilization of idle factories and inefficient land, and strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant functional departments. Based on the needs of the enterprise, we should build a good combination of "water, electricity, and gas" and strive to achieve "the landing of a batch of projects, A rolling development pattern of "one batch is under construction and put into operation, one batch is under construction and another batch is under construction, and one batch is completed and put into production".


Promote the development of industrial clusters

Guangning County will firmly seize the development opportunities of "replacing plastic with bamboo", "replacing cotton with bamboo", "replacing grain with bamboo" and "making fertilizer with bamboo", give full play to the frontline role of the external investment promotion group, and further strengthen departmental linkage to form a synergy. Carry out bamboo industry investment promotion activities to create a positive atmosphere for all-round investment, attract and gather well-known domestic enterprises and investment institutions to invest in Guangning bamboo industry.

Rendering of Guangning County Bamboo Industry New Demonstration Park

Rendering of Guangning County Bamboo Industry New Demonstration Park

The high-quality development of the bamboo industry in Guangning County is becoming more and more vigorous. It is leveraging the green future with the vigor of "breaking bamboo". The manufacturing of bio-based chemical fibers has achieved new breakthroughs and has been recognized by the national, provincial and municipal environmental protection departments. It is currently introducing a group of talents. The strong "Bamboo Replacement for Plastic" enterprise has effectively improved the level of intensive processing of the bamboo industry. Jiangji Industrial Park (Phase II) will be the main hosting park for the bamboo fiber zero-carbon industry project, gradually forming a "leading" situation to drive the industrial chain. .

Next, the Guangning County Investment Promotion Center will use the greatest determination, fastest speed, and best style to accelerate the implementation of industrial investment promotion and construction in the county, striving to become a demonstration area for Guangning to practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are gold and silver mountains" , promote green rise and build green and beautiful Guangning, accelerate the construction of Zhaoqing into the western growth pole of the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and make Guangning County investment promotion for Guangdong to be at the forefront in promoting Chinese-style modernization. The center’s new responsibilities and new contributions.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-8639338

Fax: 0086-758-8669831


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City

Tel:  0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188


2024→2035! How to accelerate the construction of new industrialization in Zhaoqing?Zhaoqing fights like this!

2024→2035! Zhaoqing fights like this!

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2024-01-25 23:46

How to accelerate the construction of new industrialization in Zhaoqing? Come and take a look! !

Recently, the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee reviewed and approved the "Implementation Plan of the Zhaoqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Zhaoqing Municipal People's Government on accelerating the high-quality construction of new industrialization in the new era of the new manufacturing city in the western part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"), and proposed to accelerate The basic idea of ​​promoting new industrialization construction will be to accelerate the cultivation of new productive forces as a key content, highlight the clear direction of the manufacturing industry, and focus on promoting the deep integration and integrated advancement of new industrialization construction and "millions of projects".

The "Implementation Plan" proposes the basic idea of accelerating the construction of new industrialization through "shaping the system, building platforms, introducing projects, cultivating enterprises, grasping innovation, promoting transformation, strengthening counties, and optimizing the environment", and clarifies the goals and tasks by 2027 and 2035. .

Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City
Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City

In the future, Zhaoqing will fight like this!

Zhaoqing's new industrialization construction will adhere to both the old and the new and improve the "leading + characteristic" industrial system

mainly include

Cultivate and strengthen leading industries, we will continue to strengthen [new energy automobile industry], expand [new energy storage industry], and improve [electronic information industry]; optimize [develop characteristic industries], and promote [food and beverage prepared vegetable industry agglomeration] development], promote the high-end development of [metal processing industry], promote the refined development of [new materials industry], and promote the structural upgrading of [green building materials industry]; and take the lead of accelerating the formation of [new quality productivity] and look forward to [lay out future industries] .

Xiaopeng Automobile Production Line
Xiaopeng Automobile Production Line

Zhaoqing's new industrialization construction will adhere to aggregation and promote the "344" park development pattern to accelerate the formation of

Promote the advancement of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, focus on the goal of building a new industrial science and technology city, and create a national-level high-tech zone that is innovatively led, concentrated, and nationally advanced; promote the strategic transformation of Zhaoqing New District, and build a science and technology innovation city that develops the city with industry and gathers industry with the city ; Promote the speed and quality improvement of large-scale industrial agglomerations and strive to create a national demonstration base for new industrialized industries; promote the characteristic development of county parks and make industrial parks the main engine for the development of new industrialization in counties.

The vibrant large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong (Zhaoqing) is the Dinghu Lotus-Fuxi City Management Starting Area

The vibrant large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong (Zhaoqing) is the Dinghu Lotus-Fuxi City Management Starting Area

Zhaoqing's new industrialization construction will adhere to the "two-wheel drive" and coordinately promote investment attraction and capital increase to expand production.

We will continue to make efforts to recruit the best and attract the best, and strive to ensure that key industrial chain projects account for no less than 70% of the newly introduced projects; we will focus on technological transformation and accelerate the promotion of capital increase and production expansion; we will focus on the land that has been contracted but not supplied, and the land that has been supplied has not yet started construction. , key projects that have been started but not yet completed, and strengthened full-process project services.

Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City-Jindu Industrial Park

Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City-Jindu Industrial Park

Zhaoqing's new industrialization construction will insist on focusing on large and small ones to comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises

Implement the "chain master" enterprise cultivation project to promote large enterprises to "stand tall"; insist on "expanding quantity and improving quality" to promote the "overwhelming" of small and medium-sized enterprises; carry out "joint action" for the integration and innovation of large and medium-sized enterprises to promote the integrated development of large and medium-sized enterprises ; Carry out the "Made in Zhaoqing" quality improvement action, promote the construction of a strong quality city, strive to create a quality brand improvement demonstration area, and comprehensively improve the quality level of industrial products.

Zhaoqing’s new industrialization construction will adhere to innovation-driven

Promote industrial innovation with technological innovation

Accelerate the construction of the Zhaoqing High-tech Zone-Dinghu District-Duanzhou District Science and Education Corridor and establish a high-level industrial science and technology innovation platform system; deeply implement the action of increasing and setting standards and improving quality of high-tech enterprises to strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation; deeply integrate into Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao The construction of the Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center plans to promote the extension of the Guangzhou-Foshan Science and Technology Innovation Axis to Zhaoqing, carry out full-chain cooperation of "technology research and development-business incubation-industrial cultivation", and accelerate the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park

Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Innovation and Entrepreneurship Science Park 

Zhaoqing’s new industrialization construction will adhere to transformation and leadership

Promote optimization and upgrading of industrial structure

Promote the digital transformation of the industry and accelerate the popularization and application of new generation information technology in the entire manufacturing industry and the entire chain; by accelerating the construction of the [Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing) Green Energy Base], actively develop remanufacturing and circular economy, cultivate and strengthen [environmental protection equipment ] and other green industries, accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing system, and promote the green upgrading of industries; insist on strengthening mutual promotion of industry and agriculture, service empowerment, and cross-border integration, and promote the in-depth integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries.

Rendering of Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station in Zhaoqing, Guangdong

Rendering of Langjiang Pumped Storage Power Station in Zhaoqing, Guangdong

Zhaoqing's new industrialization construction will adhere to characteristic development and accelerate the process of new industrialization in the county

Optimize the development layout of county industries and promote the characteristic and clustered development of county industries; seize opportunities for the orderly transfer of provincial industries, build a high-level main platform for our city to undertake the orderly transfer of industries, and accelerate the creation of our city's orderly transfer of domestic and foreign industries. important carrier.

Zhaoqing’s new industrialization construction will adhere to strengthening the foundation

Continuously optimize the industrial development environment

Strengthen the construction of supporting facilities in the park and improve industrial infrastructure services; fully implement the "Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment of Zhaoqing City" to create a first-class business environment; improve the industrial policy system for the new development stage, implement industrial development support policies, promote funds, land, Factor resources such as talents are concentrated in industry.

Strengthen and expand Zhaoqing’s modern industrial system and promote Zhaoqing’s high-quality development to achieve new results!

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


Turkish Consul General in Guangzhou Kaan Baskurt visited Zhaoqing

Turkish Consul General in Guangzhou Kaan Baskurt visited Zhaoqing

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2024-01-24 22:49 Published in Guangdong

On January 19 2024, Turkish Consul General in Guangzhou Kaan Baskurt visited Zhaoqing and held discussions with the Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade on strengthening friendly ties and further promoting multi-field cooperation between the two places. Zou Xiaoling, director of the Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau, Li Zhenjie, deputy director, and Ye Huhua, vice president of the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade, attended the symposium.

Turkish Consul General in Guangzhou Kaan Baskurt visited Zhaoqing

Zou Xiaoling extended a warm welcome to the visit of Kaan Baskurt and his delegation, and briefly introduced Zhaoqing's history, culture, economic and social development and other relevant situations. She said that Zhaoqing, as one of the main cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, has outstanding location advantages, abundant land resources, rich natural resources, and rapid development momentum. The Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau will strengthen communication with the Turkish Consulate General in Guangzhou to jointly promote practical cooperation between the two parties in the fields of economy and trade, modern agriculture, humanities education, and international sister cities. During the meeting, the two parties had in-depth exchanges on holding two-way investment promotion meetings and promoting exchanges and cooperation between the two industrial parks.

Kaan Baskurt said that Turkey has unique geographical advantages, charming natural scenery, and rich cultural relics. It has been an important link and bridge linking Eastern and Western cultures since ancient times. He hopes to further strengthen ties with the Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Council for the Promotion of International Trade exchanges and promote mutually beneficial and win-win development.

Kaan Baskurt visited Qixingyan Scenic Area and cultivated soil and watered the friendship tree in the "Consul Forest"

During this period, Kaan Baskurt visited Qixingyan Scenic Area and cultivated soil and watered the friendship tree in the "Consul Forest"

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Investment report card 2023丨Huaiji County, Guangdong Province, China: Recruiting strong talents to improve both quantity and quality

Investment report card丨Huaiji County, Guangdong Province, China: Recruiting strong talents to improve both quantity and quality

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2024-01-24 23:19


In 2023, Zhaoqing will promote the city's modernization with high-quality development, anchor the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, closely follow the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", adhere to the real economy as the foundation, the manufacturing industry as the leader, and focus on To create a big industry, build a big platform, cultivate big enterprises, build big projects, create a big environment, vigorously implement the "Operation to Attract Phoenix", comprehensively set off a new upsurge of "big investment, attract big business", and solidify and strengthen the "industry" of the manufacturing industry , accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with Zhaoqing characteristics and injecting new momentum into Zhaoqing's high-quality development. Starting today, let us review the investment promotion work of all counties (cities, districts) in the city this year, with the aim of summing up experience and preparing for the new year's work.

In order to double the increase in investment in the manufacturing industry, Huaiji County has implemented the "Phoenix Attraction Action" in depth, adhering to the principle of "strengthening the city with industry, project as king, park as mother, and enterprise first", and continues to give full play to the "top leader" leadership system in investment promotion, " The party and government cooperate with the "Grand Investment Promotion" and other mechanisms to continuously expand investment promotion channels, and strive to promote new progress and achieve new breakthroughs in investment promotion work with a courageous spirit of responsibility, a fighting spirit to win, and the drive to seize the day.

Investment report card 2023丨Huaiji County, Guangdong Province, China: Recruiting strong talents to improve both quantity and quality

Precise investment promotion

Concentrate efforts to promote industrial chain strengthening, mending and extending the chain

Implement the "top leader" leadership system for investment promotion, with party and government leaders personally planning, deploying, and negotiating major projects, and implement the one-third work method.

In the work of industrial investment promotion, Huaiji County, Guangdong adheres to the idea of "strengthening the city by industry, projects are king, parks are mother, and enterprises are first" and actively carry out targeted investment promotion. In 2023, Huaiji County went out to attract investment 204 times and visited 368 companies (businesses and associations). Among them, Huaiji County party and government leaders led teams to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Hezhou, Wuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, etc. Visited 77 enterprises (businesses and associations) on the ground; taking [Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone] as the main battlefield for attracting investment in the manufacturing industry, focusing on machinery manufacturing and metal processing, food and beverage processing, and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries, key industrial chains and strategic emerging industries, conduct point-to-point targeted investment promotion, and work together to strengthen and extend the industrial chain.

Centralized signing and construction start

Implementation of investment promotion projects

On February 6, 2023, Huaiji County held a centralized signing and construction start event for major projects in the first quarter of 2023 in Area B of [Guangzhou Foshan Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone], injecting stronger impetus into the high-quality development of our county , provide stronger support and accumulate stronger potential. In Huaiji County, 27 major projects were signed, started, and put into operation in the first quarter, with a total investment of 13.784 billion yuan. Among them, a total of 20 projects were signed and started on the day of the event, with a total investment of 13.289 billion yuan, covering equipment manufacturing, metal processing, food processing, modern agriculture, tourism and vacation, new energy and other fields and aspects.

On February 6, 2023, Huaiji County held a centralized signing and construction start event for major projects in the first quarter of 2023 in Area B of [Guangzhou Foshan Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone], injecting stronger impetus into the high-quality development of our county , provide stronger support and accumulate stronger potential. In Huaiji County, 27 major projects were signed, started, and put into operation in the first quarter, with a total investment of 13.784 billion yuan. Among them, a total of 20 projects were signed and started on the day of the event, with a total investment of 13.289 billion yuan, covering equipment manufacturing, metal processing, food processing, modern agriculture, tourism and vacation, new energy and other fields and aspects.

On September 26, 2023, Huaiji County held a centralized signing, construction start, completion, and commissioning ceremony for 2023 manufacturing projects in Area B of the [Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone]. A total of 34 projects were signed, started, completed and put into production this time, with a total planned investment of 5.128 billion yuan, covering many fields and aspects such as metal processing, electronic information, biomedicine, food and beverage, new energy, and textile industry. Among them, a total of 8 projects have been collectively signed, with a total planned investment of 2.566 billion yuan; a total of 10 projects have been started, with a total planned investment of 1.463 billion yuan; a total of 8 projects have been completed, with a total planned investment of 411 million yuan; projects have been put into production collectively There are 8 projects in total, with a total planned investment of 688 million yuan.

On September 26, 2023, Huaiji County held a centralized signing, construction start, completion, and commissioning ceremony for 2023 manufacturing projects in Area B of the [Guangfo-Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone]. A total of 34 projects were signed, started, completed and put into production this time, with a total planned investment of 5.128 billion yuan, covering many fields and aspects such as metal processing, electronic information, biomedicine, food and beverage, new energy, and textile industry. Among them, a total of 8 projects have been collectively signed, with a total planned investment of 2.566 billion yuan; a total of 10 projects have been started, with a total planned investment of 1.463 billion yuan; a total of 8 projects have been completed, with a total planned investment of 411 million yuan; projects have been put into production collectively There are 8 projects in total, with a total planned investment of 688 million yuan.

On December 18, 2023, Huaiji County held the "Huaiji County Township Talents Help High-Quality Development of Millions of Projects Conference and Huaiji County Investment Environment Promotion Conference". Huaiji County Party Committee Secretary Yu Xiaojun expressed his heartfelt thanks to the villagers for their long-term concern and support for the construction and development of his hometown, and introduced in detail the industrial planning, location advantages, project access, etc. of Huaiji County, and listened to the villagers The needs of returning to hometowns for development, and the questions raised about development prospects, enterprise supporting facilities, etc. were answered one by one. It is hoped that the local sages will continue to offer suggestions and suggestions for the development of Huaiji and serve as a bridge to attract investment in Huaiji.

Industrial chain investment promotion uses business to attract business and forms an industrial chain investment promotion model.

The Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center has set up an "Industrial Chain Investment Recruitment Group". Through the team members' visits and exchanges with the enterprises that have settled in the park, they sort out the list of upstream and downstream enterprises, and carry out targeted investment promotion for the enterprises' projects in the same industry chain, so as to attract entrepreneurs The "circle of friends" has become an investment resource, further broadening investment channels, and is committed to creating a "bunch of grapes" effect of "settling in one company and bringing in a batch". Since the beginning of this year, the Huaiji County Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Group has recommended 10 upstream and downstream companies through 5 companies. Currently, 7 companies have been introduced, with a total investment of 660 million yuan.

As an enterprise that has settled in Huaiji County, Zhaoqing Century Flying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. hopes to form an industrial cluster in Huaiji, continuously improve and extend the industrial chain, and reduce enterprise operating costs.

After the business operators learned about the "Industrial Chain Investment Promotion Group" established by the center, after communication, Dong Hantao, chairman of Century Flying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., recommended Zhongshan Xiangjiu Lighting Electric Co., Ltd. and Jincheng Lighting Co., Ltd. to the Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center. After the implementation of the Jincheng LED integrated lighting project, the company recommended relevant downstream companies to the Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center and is currently actively negotiating. The Jincheng LED integrated lighting project and the Xiangjiu lighting electronic components project are high-quality projects introduced by Huaiji County to play a leading role in the industrial chain, and have become a successful case of "attracting business through business" in Huaiji County.

In 2024, Huaiji County will continue to strengthen exploration, have the courage to try, boldly innovate investment methods, further promote the in-depth development of investment promotion work, and welcome merchants from all directions.

Welcome businessmen from all over the world to Huaiji County, Guangdong for inspection and investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


The leadership team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

The leadership team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee held a special democratic life meeting on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs 2024-01-24 22:49 Published in Guangdong

In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Municipal Party Committee, on January 19, the leadership team of the Municipal Party Committee Foreign Affairs Office held a special democratic life meeting on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era thematic education, focusing on the general requirements and specific goals of thematic education, and conducting an in-depth review We should conduct party spirit analysis, carry out criticism and self-criticism, further unify our thoughts, will, and actions, and strive to create a new situation in Zhaoqing's foreign affairs work. Zou Xiaoling, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and made a concluding speech.

Before the meeting, the leadership team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee strictly followed the relevant requirements, focused on the theme of the special democratic life meeting, carefully organized special study, carried out in-depth heart-to-heart talks, comprehensively and thoroughly investigated the problems, sorted out the implementation of rectifications, and carefully wrote inspection materials to prepare for a good start. The special democratic life meeting was fully prepared.

The meeting informed the leadership team of the Municipal Party Committee’s Foreign Affairs Office of the rectification measures for the 2022 Democratic Life Meeting and the implementation of the rectification of thematic education. Zou Xiaoling made a cross-check on behalf of the leadership team of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Party Committee, and then took the lead in conducting personal cross-checks. Other members of the leadership team conducted personal cross-checks one by one. We combine our thoughts and work realities to effectively put ourselves, responsibilities, and work into consideration, comprehensively identify problems and deficiencies, deeply analyze the root causes, study and propose future directions of efforts and improvement measures, and seriously carry out criticism and Self-criticism.

In her concluding speech, Zou Xiaoling emphasized that we should take this special democratic life meeting as a new starting point, make full use of the results of the meeting, further strengthen the self-construction of the leadership team of the Municipal Party Committee Foreign Affairs Office, effectively play a leading role in demonstration, and promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics The socialist ideology has become deeper and more practical, providing a strong political guarantee for the high-quality development of Zhaoqing’s foreign affairs.

First, we must work hard to learn deeply and understand thoroughly. We must adhere to the "two establishments" and achieve the "two safeguards" into specific actions, learn deeply and thoroughly understand Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and use learning to build souls, increase wisdom, and learn to rectify the style. We will continue to work hard and achieve long-term results in promoting learning and cadres, and continue to consolidate and expand the results of thematic education.

Second, we must work hard to make real changes. Adhere to problem orientation and result orientation, and combine this special democratic life meeting to investigate and resolve problems, resolutely shoulder the responsibility for rectification, refine and improve rectification measures, clarify the time limit for rectification, implement rectification responsibilities, and adhere to the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment" .

Third, we must work hard for the people in foreign affairs. We should unswervingly stand on the people's stand, practice the mass line, refrain from formalism and bureaucracy, thoroughly implement the "four grassroots" system, carefully plan work ideas for serving the people, and come up with more foreign affairs that benefit enterprises and foreign affairs for the people. We will recruit new ones through hard work, and go all out to implement them, so that more foreign affairs achievements will benefit our city’s enterprises and people.

Fourth, we must work hard on taking on responsibilities. We will make every effort to implement the "Five Foreign Affairs Linkage" combination and continuously enrich the paths for the high-quality development of foreign affairs services. We will carefully organize major foreign-related activities, expand international cooperation platforms, and further promote exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, humanities, tourism and other fields. Consolidate "old friends", make "new friends", and do a good job in the work of international sister cities in the new era. Strengthen external publicity planning and international communication, and tell the story of China, Guangdong and Zhaoqing well.

Fifth, we must work hard to optimize our style. Take the lead in unswervingly maintaining the political essence of the Communists, identifying gaps in the party style requirements, investigating the root causes of the party spirit requirements, clarifying measures in accordance with the party discipline requirements, and promoting the normalization and long-term effectiveness of style construction. It is necessary to tighten and consolidate the political responsibilities of party management and governance, and persistently promote the development of comprehensive and strict party governance. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of the cadre team, carry out in-depth bidding to be the first, and strive to create a clean and upright political ecology and a strong atmosphere of hard work and striving for the first.

Members of the 21st Group of the Municipal Party Committee’s Supervision Group attended the meeting to provide guidance.

Zhaoqing Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau

Address: No. 122, Chengzhong Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-2237010,  0086-758-2231845

Sihui City Investment Promotion Center

Contact information

Tel: +86 758 3611228

Fax: +86 758 3611228



Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: +86 758 2899202

Fax: +86 758 2282600


This major project is signed in Dinghu Zhaoqing--Jiamu Medical Project,Jiamu Optoelectronics Project

This major project is signed! --Jiamu Medical Project,Jiamu Optoelectronics Project

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Area Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone Published in Guangdong on 2024-01-24 22:42

On January 23, 2024, the Administrative Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing) and Jiamu Group successfully signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement for the Jiamu Medical Project and Jiamu Optoelectronics Project. Liu Jingbo, deputy mayor of the municipal government, Liang Guangting, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the pilot zone, Fan Bi, deputy director of the pilot zone management committee, Liu Xiaohui, deputy director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Center, Wang Lanting, chairman of Jiamu Group, Zhang Zhang, legal person and director of Jiamu Group Liang, Wang Chongyang, Vice President of Jiamu Medical attended the signing ceremony.

According to the plan, the project signed by Jiamu Group will be launched in the municipal management starting area of Zhaoqing agglomeration area. The total planned land area of the project is 391 acres, with a total planned investment of 2.7 billion yuan; of which, the first phase will use 173 acres of land, with a total planned investment of 1.2 billion yuan, and will build 3 medical projects and 1 photovoltaic project.

Jiamu Medical Project

It mainly produces movable head CT, orthopedic navigation robots, microwave ablation equipment, etc., and builds six platform modules including common technology, inspection and testing, animal testing, clinical trials, registration, and customized production to provide research and development, registration, and One-stop service for inspection and production, committed to creating a domestic high-end medical device innovation industry base based in Zhaoqing and radiating to South China.

Jiamu Optoelectronics Project

It mainly produces LEC cold-area light sources, which are luminescent materials that integrate high technology, new materials, innovation, energy saving and environmental protection. In the future, the project will focus on smart cities, smart light poles, and smart advertising, combined with the 5G ecosystem, to deeply tap market potential in areas such as advertising backlighting, traffic instructions, and smart signs.

Jiamu Medical Project

Jiamu Optoelectronics Project

It is believed that with the future settlement of Jiamu Group's medical projects and optoelectronic projects, the industrial strength of Zhaoqing and the high-end medical device industry and optoelectronics industry in the agglomeration area will be greatly enhanced, and new development impetus will be injected into the project construction and high-quality development of the agglomeration area!

Zhaoqing New Area Economic Promotion Bureau

Address: within the Management Committee of Zhaoqing New Area, No. 1 Jinhua Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2583333

Fax: 86-758-2588213


The main structure of the first section of Yuecheng Town(Deqing Guangdong) General Terminal Project is completed

The main structure of the first section of Yuecheng Town(Deqing Guangdong) General Terminal Project is completed

Deqing released 2024-01-23 20:47 Published in Guangdong

Recently, the completion ceremony of the main structure of the first section of Yuecheng General Terminal in Deqing Port District, Zhaoqing Port was held at the construction site of the Yuecheng General Terminal project, marking the important phased results of the Yuecheng General Terminal construction project towards the end of 2024. A solid step has been taken towards the production target.

The main structure of the first section of Yuecheng Town(Deqing Guangdong) General Terminal Project is completed

It is reported that the Yuecheng General Terminal Project is an important part of Zhaoqing City's construction of the Xijiang "Golden Waterway" entire industry chain, with a total investment of 1.083 billion yuan. The provincial work target assigned to our county in 2023 is to complete an investment of 280 million yuan. Currently, it has Investing 280 million yuan, 100% completed the goals and tasks assigned by the province in 2023.

The Deqing County Transportation Bureau stated that it will continue to support the construction of the Yuecheng General Terminal Project in Deqing Port Area, Zhaoqing Port, strengthen communication and coordination, actively and steadily solve the difficulties and problems encountered during the project advancement, and effectively ensure the project construction. , ensuring that the project is completed and put into use as soon as possible.

Businessmen from all over the world are welcome to visit and invest in Deqing County, Guangdong.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-7780802

Fax: 0086-758-7780802



Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment

Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment I...