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Showing posts with label manufactured in Sihui. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024

Low-altitude economy | Output value of nearly 100 billion yuan! The next golden track, Shenzhen will take the lead in developing this industry--Designed in Shenzhen and manufactured in Sihui.

Low-altitude economy | Output value of nearly 100 billion yuan! The next golden track, Shenzhen will take the lead in developing this industry!

2024-01-11 18:14 Published in Guangdong

Another trillion-level industry is rising between the blue sky and the ground.

Within 1,000 meters vertical height from the ground, depending on regional characteristics and actual needs

Expand to airspace within 3000 meters

The low-altitude economy is "rising into the sky" and becoming the next "golden" track for the global economic industry.

As the world's "UAV capital" and the city with the highest concentration of low-altitude industries in the world, Shenzhen takes the lead in taking the lead in technological innovation and driven by scenario applications to efficiently promote industrial development layout and seize the lead in the new low-altitude economic track. Racing at full speed.

Meituan’s food delivery drones fly between buildings in Houhai District, Shenzhen.

Meituan’s food delivery drones fly between buildings in Houhai District, Shenzhen. 

For transportation in the Greater Bay Area, convenient "air taxis" can reach you in ten minutes; sitting at home watching TV, drone delivery "falls from the sky"; traveling around the mountains and seas by electronic aircraft, enjoying three-dimensional "sea, land and air" sightseeing... These originally appeared The future life in science fiction movies has gradually become a reality in Shenzhen with the accelerated expansion of low-altitude application scenarios.

The low-altitude economy is a comprehensive economic form that relies on low-altitude airspace, is driven by the low-altitude flight activities of various aircraft, and radiates to drive the integrated development of related fields. In recent years, Shenzhen has planned its layout in advance and seized low-altitude development opportunities from a strategic level. It will take the lead in becoming a comprehensive demonstration zone for my country's general aviation industry and a pilot zone for civil unmanned aviation, accelerate the top-level layout of low-altitude economic industries, continuously increase policies, and create a new growth pole for economic and industrial development.

At the end of 2022, the "Shenzhen Low-altitude Economic Industry Innovation and Development Implementation Plan (2022-2025)" was released, pointing out the direction for the high-quality development of the urban low-altitude economic industry. At the beginning of 2023, Shenzhen included "low-altitude economy" in the government work report for the first time, proposing to build a low-altitude economic center; in October, the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low-altitude Economic Industry Promotion Regulations (Revised Draft for Comments)" was unveiled to promote Shenzhen's low-altitude economy Provide legal guarantee for the high-quality development of economic and industrial industries; in December, "Several Measures of Shenzhen City to Support the High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy" was officially launched, focusing on introducing and training enterprises in the low-altitude economic chain, encouraging technological innovation, expanding low-altitude flight application scenarios, and improving industrial supporting facilities Twenty specific support measures have been proposed in four aspects of the environment to promote high-quality development of the low-altitude economy. At the beginning of the new year in 2024, Shenzhen has introduced the country's first low-altitude economic legislation - the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low-altitude Economic Industry Promotion Regulations" to help the low-altitude economic industry "high-altitude" from the aspects of infrastructure, flight services, industrial applications, technological innovation, safety management, etc. fly". (Related reading → "Shenzhen issues the first special regulations to promote low-altitude economic industries to accelerate the layout of "City in the Sky"")

"To develop low-altitude economy, the market is the foundation, airspace is the key, and policy is the guarantee." Ao Wanzhong, director of the National Low-altitude Economic Integration Innovation Research Center, said that under the escort of policies, Shenzhen's low-altitude application scenarios continue to enrich, the scale of flights continues to expand, and the rapid It has driven the upstream and downstream development of R&D, manufacturing, services, talent cultivation, etc., strengthened the low-altitude economic industry chain, and the low-altitude economic development has taken the lead.

Shenzhen Window of the World has teamed up with Meituan to provide drone delivery services to tourists.

Shenzhen Window of the World has teamed up with Meituan to provide drone delivery services to tourists. 

Shenzhen develops a low-altitude economy and has a good industrial foundation.

Taking low-altitude pillar industry drones as an example, after more than 20 years of development, Shenzhen now has a mature and complete drone industry chain, covering many aspects such as production and manufacturing, technology research and development, software development, commercial applications, talent cultivation, etc., gathering A number of industry leading companies such as DJI, Fengyi Technology, Daotong Intelligent, Luffy Intelligent, and Tianying Equipment have a complete industrial chain that leads the world.

The youth entrepreneurial team of Qianhai Youth Dream Factory is debugging drone equipment.

The youth entrepreneurial team of Qianhai Youth Dream Factory is debugging drone equipment. 

From the perspective of consumer-level applications, manufacturing companies represented by DJI have become the main providers of consumer-level drones in the world and the leading companies in the field of drones; from the perspective of industrial-level applications, Shenzhen is in a leading position in the country, relying on strong With its supply chain system, the output value of industrial-grade civilian drones accounts for about 60% of the country's total, and it has dozens of industrial-grade drone manufacturers such as Yidian Technology, Corbett, Keweitai, and Hawa International.

In addition to drones, Shenzhen's rapidly developing low-altitude industry also covers low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude flight, low-altitude support, comprehensive services, and various low-altitude application scenarios including tourism, logistics, and inspection industries, forming a long-term Chain, low-altitude industrial ecosystem with wide radiation.

According to public data, the annual output value of Shenzhen's low-altitude economy will exceed 90 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 20%; in 2023, Shenzhen will open 77 new drone routes, build 73 new drone take-off and landing points, and complete the cargo loading The number of drone flights has reached 600,000, ranking first in the country in terms of flight scale. Consumer drones account for 70% of the global market share, and industrial drones account for 50% of the global market share. Helicopters have flown more than 20,000 flights. Leading the country in scale.

A helicopter from Eastern General Aviation prepares to land at the Greater China Heliport in downtown Shenzhen.

A helicopter from Eastern General Aviation prepares to land at the Greater China Heliport in downtown Shenzhen. 

While local low-altitude companies are advancing at a rapid pace, Shenzhen is also focusing on key links in the industrial chain to accelerate the recruitment of large companies. In June 2023, the world-renowned eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft) R&D and manufacturer Lilium of Germany announced that its Chinese headquarters would be located in Shenzhen; followed closely, domestic eVTOL leaders such as Guangzhou Ehang and Shanghai Fengfei also announced their arrival in Shenzhen; the United States The group launched its first UAV intelligent manufacturing center in Longhua and officially put it into production... Shenzhen's low-altitude industrial cluster effect has been gaining momentum, and low-altitude elements have penetrated into all industries.

The new takeout delivery method has citizens stopping to take photos.

The new takeout delivery method has citizens stopping to take photos. 

Seize the new track and stimulate new momentum for high-quality development

Currently, low-altitude economy has become one of Shenzhen’s key future industries. Faced with the huge trend of a trillion-dollar industry, since last year, various districts in Shenzhen have been inspired by the "wind" and have made strategic layouts based on their own industrial advantages and positioning, introduced relevant policies and measures to develop low-altitude economy, and seized the new track of low-altitude economic development.

Drones exhibited at the 2023 Hi-Tech Fair. Photo by Yang Haohan,

Drones exhibited at the 2023 Hi-Tech Fair. Photo by Yang Haohan, 

Futian District launched four major actions to lay out the "City in the Sky"; Luohu District opened the first air route experience at Shuibei International Center; Nanshan District plans to introduce special support policies to target the "world's low-altitude economic highlands"; Yantian District announced low-altitude economic industry innovation The development implementation plan proposes to enrich low-altitude cultural, sports and tourism economic formats; Bao'an District promotes the development of low-altitude economy, with a maximum subsidy of 30 million yuan for a single enterprise; Longgang District has publicly solicited opinions on its policy to promote low-altitude economic development and proposes to create a "flying valley" in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area "; Longhua District released the country's first low-altitude economic high-quality development indicator system; Pingshan District took the lead in opening fixed routes for helicopter airports, etc. Facing the surging new wave of low-altitude economy, Shenzhen's low-altitude "legion" is already on the road to seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity.

The 7th World Drone Conference and the 8th Shenzhen International Drone Exhibition in 2023.

The 7th World Drone Conference and the 8th Shenzhen International Drone Exhibition in 2023. 

"The low-level economy is a new track that drives effective investment, creates consumer demand, and enhances innovation levels. It will become a new important engine for economic growth. We will actively seize the current period of strategic opportunities and do a solid job in the development of the low-level economy. , accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and constantly shape new drivers of development and new advantages." The relevant person in charge of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau introduced that in the next step, Shenzhen will accelerate the agglomeration of low-altitude economic industries, focus on promoting the strengthening of industrial chains, and the extension of chains, and work hard to formulate Proactive industrial policies will cultivate a group of leading enterprises that serve the development of the global low-altitude economy across the country, and accelerate the creation of a number of distinctive industrial clusters; accelerate the high-quality development of drones and other low-altitude aircraft manufacturing industries, and create a larger scale and a higher-level production and manufacturing base; accelerate the development and opening of low-altitude application scenarios, explore the layout of more new business formats, and strive to make Shenzhen the city with the richest low-altitude economic application scenarios in the country, etc., and promote Shenzhen's low-altitude economy to take the lead in taking shape.

To manufacture drones and develop low-altitude economy in the world, we need to find a manufacturing base.

Dear merchants, you can go to Sihui City, Guangdong to inspect the manufacturing base.

There is cheap land and cheap talent here,

Sihui City in Guangdong is very close to Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

The land cost is only one-eighth that of Shenzhen, and the labor cost is only one-fourth that of Shenzhen.

Merchants in the world, if you want to develop a low-altitude economy and you want to produce drones,

You must come to Sihui City, Guangdong to check it out.

All your requirements are met here.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City

Tel:  0086-758-3611228

Fax: 0086-758-3611188



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