Friday, October 20, 2023

مبلغ الاستثمار الموقع يتجاوز 10 مليار! تأمل العديد من الشركات الأجنبية في التعاون مع Zhaoqing!

 مبلغ الاستثمار الموقع يتجاوز 10 مليار! تأمل العديد من الشركات الأجنبية في التعاون مع Zhaoqing!

Zhaoqing Xijiang Net 2023-10-20 00:49 نُشر في قوانغدونغ


     شيجيانغ ديلي للصحفيين تشانغ Yuanhui وو Yinglin ليو Haohui

19 أكتوبر،

“2023 مؤتمر تشاوتشينغ العالمي للاستثمار

—— تم عقد حدث خاص للاستثمار الأجنبي والتجارة الخارجية،

المسؤولون القنصليون الأجانب في قوانغتشو،

ممثلو مؤسسات التجارة الخارجية المشهورة ذات الاستثمار الأجنبي،

ممثلو جمعيات الأعمال المحلية والأجنبية الكبرى، الخ.

وحضر المؤتمر أكثر من 800 ضيف وتاجر.

تحت شعار "إدراك تشاوتشينغ وتعزيز التنمية معًا"، سيزيد مؤتمر الاستثمار هذا من تعزيز الدعاية الخارجية والترويج لبيئة الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ، ويقدم ويوصي بموارد تشاوتشينغ، ويخلق فرصًا تنموية مشتركة ويشارك في التنمية من خلال بناء التبادل والالتحام. منصة للموارد المحلية والدولية عالية الجودة.

موقع الحدث,

يركز المنظمون على مزايا الموقع، والتنمية الصناعية،

إجراء ترويج شامل لـ Zhaoqing من حيث بيئة الأعمال والجوانب الأخرى،

وأرسلت دعوات للتجار من جميع أنحاء العالم،

مرحبا بكم في تشاوتشينغ

الزيارة ومشاهدة المعالم السياحية والاستثمار في الأعمال التجارية والسعي إلى التنمية المشتركة.


توقيع 15 مشروعاً صناعياً

إجمالي مبلغ الاستثمار يتجاوز 10 مليار يوان

المشاريع المتعاقد عليها تشمل “التكامل الصناعي الاستثماري”

مشاريع تطوير وإنتاج الاستثمار في الطاقة الجديدة،

مشروع قاعدة إنتاج معدات تخزين الطاقة الجديدة Xianyang،

شركة فوشان نانفانغ شينليان لتصنيع المعدات اللوجستية المحدودة

مشاريع تصنيع المعدات المتقدمة، الخ.

الصور الصور الصور


وبعد تنفيذ هذا المشروع التعاقدي،

سوف يزيد من تعزيز التبادلات بين تشاوتشينغ والعالم الخارجي،

تعزيز التعاون الموجه للتصدير والعمل المشترك على خلق مستقبل للتنمية.

هذه رحلة ذات اتجاهين للشركات لمتابعة التنمية.

يبحث Zhaoqing أيضًا بنشاط عن شركاء،

ممثل نموذجي للعمل معًا.


تم التقاط الصورتين أعلاه من قبل مراسل صحيفة شيجيانغ ديلي ليو تشون لين

صدر عن خبراء الصناعة

قدم هذا المؤتمر الاستثماري للضيوف

حالة التطوير الحالية في Zhaoqing وبيئة الاستثمار عالية الجودة،

لقد عمقت فهم الجميع لتشاوتشينغ.

مواصلة تعزيز التبادلات والتعاون بين تشاوتشينغ وأماكن أخرى.


△تصوير لياو وينيي

وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، أصدر المؤتمر أيضا

وضعية تشجيع الاستثمار بالدفعة الثانية من الأراضي الصناعية "الأرض المطبوخة"

تنفيذ المشاريع الاستثمارية الصناعية

يوفر أمن الأراضي الصلبة.

(انقر على الصورة لمشاهدة)


في السنوات الأخيرة، قامت لجنة الحزب لبلدية تشاوتشينغ وحكومة البلدية بترسيخ مفهوم "الكل للتجار، لجميع التجار، ولكل شيء للتجار"، مما فتح الباب أمام الصداقة والتعاون، وتوفير المزيد من الجودة العالية والكفاءة. ، خدمات مريحة وعملية، وخلق بيئة أكثر تحضرًا ونزاهة وانسجامًا وبيئة تحكمها سيادة القانون، والسعي لتحقيق "أفضل الظروف وأفضل السياسات وأفضل الخدمات" لجعل تشاوتشينغ "أرضًا خصبة لـ المستثمرين، أرض مباركة لرواد الأعمال، وجنة لرواد الأعمال".


مدينة تشاوتشينغ سوف تبذل قصارى جهدها ل

تقديم خدمات متنوعة للمشاريع المتعاقد عليها،

تعزيز التنفيذ المبكر للمشاريع المتعاقد عليها،

ابدأ البناء مبكرًا، ودخل حيز الإنتاج مبكرًا، وحقق النتائج مبكرًا.

الصور الصور الصور

وفي الاجتماع، أعرب ممثلو قطاع الأعمال عن أن تشاوتشينغ تتمتع بمزايا جغرافية واضحة، ومساحة أرض شاسعة، وتاريخ وثقافة عميقين، وموارد مواد خام غنية، وخصائص صناعية مميزة، وفرص تنمية عديدة. وعلى وجه الخصوص، تتمتع تشاوتشينغ بنظام سياسي كامل نسبيا وحكومة كاملة. السلسلة الصناعية، مما يجعل Zhaoqing العدد الهائل من شركات الاستثمار الأجنبي وشركات التجارة الخارجية أكثر تصميمًا وثقة في النشر والاستثمار في Zhaoqing، وبعد ذلك، سيعملون على تعزيز التبادلات والالتحام مع Zhaoqing، واستكشاف وتخطيط المزيد من مشاريع التعاون، والسعي لتعزيز المنفعة المتبادلة والنتائج المربحة للجانبين.


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي تشو منغدان

هذا المؤتمر الاستثماري ليس فقط تشاوتشينغ

نافذة لتشجيع الاستثمار

كما أنه يبني جسرا للتعاون المربح للجانبين للشركات.

لتعزيز مزايا التنمية Zhaoqing بنشاط

وبيئة الاستثمار،

تعزيز Zhaoqing لتحقيق مستوى أعلى من الانفتاح على العالم الخارجي

إنشاء شروط المنصة.

استمع لما يقوله التجار


روان شانشان، المدير العام لمجمع Plainvim International Zhaoqing New District Industrial Industrial Park

انجذبت إلى التخطيط والخدمات التطلعية لـ Zhaoqing


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

"غالبًا ما تجري شركة Plainvim بحثًا واختيارًا للموقع بعناية بناءً على احتياجات التخطيط الصناعي لأكبر 500 شركة في العالم والمؤسسات ذات التمويل الأجنبي. فقط عندما ينجح عملاؤنا، يمكننا أن ننجح. " روان شانشان، المدير العام لشركة Plainvim International Zhaoqing New District Modern Industrial وقال بارك، تجربة Plainvim International بعد أكثر من 20 عامًا من التطوير والتراكم، استثمرت في وبناء وتشغيل 16 منطقة صناعية دولية في منطقة الخليج الكبرى ومنطقة دلتا نهر اليانغتسى، وينتمي أكثر من 80٪ من عملائها إلى للصناعات التحويلية ذات الاستثمار الأجنبي. لذلك، عند اختيار موقع المنطقة الصناعية، أولوا أهمية كبيرة لعوامل مثل الموقع الاستراتيجي، والنقل الجغرافي، والتخطيط والبناء، وسلسلة صناعية كاملة، ودعم سياسات الحكومة المحلية ومستويات الخدمة، وترك تشاوتشينغ لهم الكثير من المشاكل خلال هذه العملية.انطباع عميق.

"إن تشاوتشينغ مكان جيد به جبال وأنهار جيدة وناس طيبون. عندما أتيت لأول مرة إلى تشاوتشينغ لاختيار موقع، انجذبت إلى التخطيط والبناء التطلعي لمنطقة تشاوتشينغ الجديدة!" قال روان شانشان إنه في الأربعة سنوات منذ أن استقر Plainvim في Zhaoqing وتطور، سواء كان ذلك من حيث تأسيس الأعمال أو دعم السياسات أو توظيف الموظفين، فقد قدمت الحكومة المحلية دعمًا كبيرًا، مما سمح لها بالدخول بنجاح في الإنتاج والنمو بسرعة حتى بعد ثلاث سنوات من الوباء. ولذلك أعرب أيضًا عن تقديره الكبير لبيئة الأعمال والخدمات الحكومية في تشاوتشينج. "ستصل خدمة Zhaoqing بمجرد اتصالك!"

قال روان شانشان إن بناء المصنع الذي تبلغ مساحته 100 ألف متر مربع في المرحلة الأولى من مشروع Plainvim Zhaoqing يكاد يكون ممتلئًا حاليًا، ويزدهر إنتاج الشركات في الحديقة، كما أكملت المرحلة الثانية من الحديقة بناء 90 ألفًا متر مربع، وهي أيضًا في طور جذب الاستثمار، وهي حاليًا في مرحلة المفاوضات. العديد من الشركات هي من بين أفضل 100 أو أفضل 500 شركة في العالم. كما أنها تعتقد أن العديد من الشركات ذات التمويل الأجنبي عالية الجودة ستنتقل ببطء إلى المرحلة الثانية من الحديقة في المستقبل.

شركة مجموعة بناء الطاقة الصينية للاستثمار المحدودة

نائب المدير العام الإقليمي تاو ون

مثل سرعة Zhaoqing لخدمة Zhaoqing


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

يعد مشروع قاعدة التصنيع الذكي للوحدات الكهروضوئية المقرر تسويته في منطقة تشاوتشينغ الجديدة واحدًا من 15 مشروعًا تم التوقيع عليها هذه المرة، وبعد اكتماله، سيحقق هدف التعاون المتمثل في التصنيع المحلي للوحدات الكهروضوئية في تشاوتشينغ والمناطق المحيطة بها وملء الفجوة في المنطقة. صناعة تصنيع الوحدات الكهروضوئية في جنوب الصين. قال تاو ون إنه منذ التفتيش حتى توقيع العقد، استغرقت حكومة بلدية تشاوتشينغ أقل من أسبوع لإكمال المشروع وأشادت بسرعة خدمة تشاوتشينغ.

تتمتع مدينة Zhaoqing بمناظر حضرية جميلة وخدمات حكومية عالية الجودة ووعي عام كبير بالخلايا الكهروضوئية، مما ساعد شركتها بشكل كبير في نشر صناعة تصنيع الوحدات الكهروضوئية. "من خلال هذا الاجتماع، تعلمت أن شركة Zhaoqing قد طورت بقوة الخلايا الكهروضوئية على الأسطح وتكامل الطاقة الشمسية السمكية في السنوات الأخيرة، وأن صناعة الطاقة الكهروضوئية لديها آفاق واسعة للتنمية. وأنا سعيد جدًا بالاستثمار في Zhaoqing ولدي ثقة كاملة في المشروع الذي سيستقر فيه. Zhaoqing." قال تاو ون، بالإضافة إلى بناء الخلايا الكهروضوئية في Zhaoqing، ستستثمر قاعدة التصنيع الذكية للمكونات أيضًا في مشاريع الطاقة الكهروضوئية لجلب المزيد من الطاقة الخضراء إلى Zhaoqing وتحقيق وضع مربح للجانبين مع Zhaoqing.

الممثل الرئيسي لجنوب الصين، مجلس تنمية التجارة في هونغ كونغ هوانغ تيانوي

إنشاء محطة خدمة لرجال الأعمال في هونج كونج في تشاو لتعزيز النتائج المربحة للجانبين في منطقة الخليج


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

  "لطالما كانت المناظر الطبيعية الجميلة في تشاوتشينغ هي بطاقة العمل المميزة للمدينة والانطباع الرئيسي لشعب هونغ كونغ. ولكن بعد حضوري المؤتمر هذه المرة، وجدت أن تشاوتشينغ تتمتع بمزايا نقل واضحة وتجمع صناعي كبير، مما يجعلها مكانًا جيدًا للاستثمار و تطوير الأعمال." قال Huang Tianwei إن Zhaoqing تتمتع بمزايا فريدة في التاريخ والثقافة والموقع والنقل وعناصر الأرض والبيئة البيئية والأساس الصناعي وبيئة الأعمال وما إلى ذلك، ولديها إمكانات تنمية هائلة.

في السنوات الأخيرة، استثمر العديد من رجال الأعمال في هونغ كونغ الصناعات في تشاوتشينغ ونشروها، مما ضخ الكثير من الزخم في التنمية الاقتصادية في تشاوتشينغ. وقد اجتذب التعاون الجيد المستمر بين المكانين العديد من رجال الأعمال في هونغ كونغ من قطاعات الخدمات والتصنيع والصناعات المالية لزيارة تشاوتشينغ. قال Huang Tianwei إن الجميع يتطلع إلى هذا الحدث ويأمل في العثور على مشروع مناسب في Zhaoqing و"التواصل" مع Zhaoqing.

وقال هوانغ تيانوي إن الخطوة التالية هي إنشاء محطة خدمة لرجال الأعمال من هونغ كونغ في تشاوتشينغ للترويج لمدينة تشاوتشينغ لدى المزيد من رجال الأعمال في هونغ كونغ، وخلق المزيد من فرص التعاون للمكانين، وتعزيز وضع مربح للجانبين للمدينتين في منطقة الخليج. .

QEV Technologies المدير المالي فابيان وونغ

السعي للتعاون مع صناعة سيارات الطاقة الجديدة في Zhaoqing


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

قال التاجر فابيان وونغ إن شركة QEV Technologies تم إدراجها مؤخرًا في أمستردام بهولندا، وهي متخصصة في قطع غيار السيارات. وفي الوقت نفسه، استحوذت الشركة أيضًا على مصنع كبير للسيارات في إسبانيا. وهو متفائل جدًا بشأن صناعة السيارات المحلية في الصين ومستعد لتطويرها. إجراء تعاون متعمق مع صناعة السيارات المحلية، وخاصة في سيارات الطاقة الجديدة، ونحن نخطط للتوسع في جنوب الصين وشمال الصين لمواصلة توسيع وتعزيز الشركة.

قال فابيان وونغ أيضًا إنه اتصل سابقًا بالشخص المعني المسؤول عن فريق ترويج الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ وعلم أن تشاوتشينغ هي المدينة الرئيسية في منطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو الكبرى، وتتمتع بمزايا موقع واضحة وتنتمي إلى المدينة دائرة مرورية لمدة ساعة في منطقة الخليج الكبرى. في الوقت نفسه، تتمتع Zhaoqing أيضًا بموارد جيدة لصناعة سيارات الطاقة الجديدة، على سبيل المثال، تعد Xiaopeng Motors وCATL من شركات السلسلة الرائدة ولديها سلسلة صناعية كاملة نسبيًا. تمت دعوته هذه المرة للمشاركة في مؤتمر Zhaoqing للاستثمار العالمي لعام 2023 - وهو حدث خاص للاستثمار الأجنبي والتجارة الخارجية، وقد أحضر خصيصًا فريقًا من شركات التصميم الصناعي لإجراء فحص أكثر تعمقًا لبيئة أعمال Zhaoqing والسعي إلى تعاون أعمق مع تشاوتشينغ.

عميل IMS Gear رومان فيدوروف

نأمل في الحصول على مزيد من التعاون والتبادلات مع تشاوتشينغ


تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

"IMS Gear هي شركة ألمانية تنتمي إلى صناعة قطع غيار السيارات. وهي متخصصة في صنع أنظمة الفرامل وهي واحدة من الشركات الرائدة في مجال تصنيع التروس في العالم. إن تأثير التكتل لصناعة السيارات في مدينة Zhaoqing واضح. وباعتبارها شركة مصنعة للسيارات، فإنها من المهم الاستثمار في Zhaoqing. Xingye مهتم جدًا." قال رومان فيدوروف، أحد عملاء IMS Gear، إنه بعد حضور المؤتمر، علم أن مناطق التطوير الصناعي الرئيسية في Zhaoqing تتزامن مع مناطق شركته، وأدخل Zhaoqing قائمة انتظار شركتهم لـ اختيار موقع لفتح مصنع في جنوب الصين.

تتمتع مدينة تشاوتشينغ بموقع جغرافي متميز، فهي متاخمة لقوانغفو وجنوب غرب الصين، كما أن البيئة الحضرية والجو الثقافي وبيئة الأعمال متفوقة جدًا، فهي مدينة صالحة للعيش والعمل، مما يمنح الشركات الأجنبية المزيد من الثقة في الاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ.

كشف رومان فيدوروف أن شركة Xpeng Motors، التي تقع في منطقة Zhaoqing للتكنولوجيا الفائقة، تعد قوة جديدة في تصنيع مركبات الطاقة الجديدة محليًا، كما ستعمل على تعزيز الاتصالات والتبادلات مع الشركة هذه المرة، على أمل "التواصل" مع Zhaoqing والحصول على مزيد من التعاون. .

مواجهة للمستقبل،

سيواصل Zhaoqing التركيز على "أفضل ميزات Zhaoqing".

تسريع تعزيز التنمية عالية الجودة ،

في جولة جديدة من الانفتاح على العالم الخارجي

تشكيل القدرة التنافسية للاقتصاد المفتوح.

وفي الوقت نفسه، نرحب بمزيد من رجال الأعمال للاستثمار في تشاوتشينغ.

تنمو معا وتحقيق وضع مربح للجانبين!

تقديم مشاريع استثمارية أجنبية عالية الجودة! هذا العمل في Zhaoqing يؤتي ثماره →

 تقديم مشاريع استثمارية أجنبية عالية الجودة! هذا العمل في Zhaoqing يؤتي ثماره →

صدر عن تشاوتشينج 2023-10-19 16:30 نُشر في قوانغدونغ

فى السنوات الاخيرة،

تشاوتشينغ تجتذب بقوة مشاريع الاستثمار الأجنبي،

طرح عدد من المشاريع الاستثمارية الأجنبية عالية الجودة،

ويستمر حجم الاستثمار في الزيادة،

وقد ترسخت المشاريع الرئيسية وأثمرت.

منذ بداية هذا العام، تم إنشاء حوالي 80 شركة باستثمارات أجنبية في المدينة، وتظهر المشاريع المقدمة الخصائص المميزة للعصر الجديد، بما في ذلك تصنيع المعدات المتقدمة ومركبات الطاقة الجديدة وصناعات قطع الغيار وما إلى ذلك، ويتم دمجها باستمرار في نمط التنمية الجديد.


△تصوير ليانج ليانج

تشاوتشينغ مليء بالحيوية

مدينة عقدة مهمة في منطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو الكبرى،

مع التاريخ والثقافة وموقع النقل،

الأساس الصناعي، مساحة الأرض، بيئة الأعمال،

مزايا فريدة مثل البيئة البيئية،

تأسيس تدريجيا مزاياها الخاصة في التنمية الصناعية.


△طريق قوانغتشو - فوشان - تشاوتشو السريع والسكك الحديدية الحضرية. تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

منذ هذا العام،

قامت فرق التفتيش من هونج كونج وماكاو بزيارة تشاوتشينغ عدة مرات.

تختلف كل مجموعة تفتيش عن الأخرى

بذكر الكلمة الساخنة "التصنيع الجديد"،

وكما قال رجل أعمال من هونج كونج:



لقد شهدت مدينة تشاوتشينغ تغيرات هائلة، ومن خلال تشاوتشينغ، يمكننا أن نفهم بشكل أفضل كيف تواصل البلاد تطويرها ونواصل تشجيع شركات هونغ كونغ على تسريع الابتكار التكنولوجي والتحول والتحديث.



△قام رجال الأعمال من هونج كونج بزيارة شركات تشاوتشينج. المصدر: استثمر في تشاوتشينج

تتكشف في السنوات الأخيرة

قائمة المشاريع الاستثمارية الأجنبية التي تم إطلاقها في تشاوتشينغ،

لقد وجدت أنها كلها ذات نوعية جيدة وتنافسية للغاية.

مؤسسة تقف في طليعة الصناعة.

على سبيل المثال، مشروع المنطقة الصناعية الغربية الذكية لمنطقة Xiyinwan الواقع في منطقة Zhaoqing الجديدة، ومشروع Virginie Technology، ومشروع الديكور الداخلي والخارجي للسيارات من شركة Paige الألمانية، ومشروع المنطقة الصناعية المتكاملة لإنتاج ومبيعات المركبات الكهربائية الواقعة في نطاق واسع المجموعة الصناعية في مقاطعة قوانغدونغ (زاوتشينغ)، وما إلى ذلك.

العلاقة بين هذه المشاريع وتشاوتشينغ

لن يتم تحسين السلسلة الصناعية في Zhaoqing فحسب، بل

كما أنه يروج لـ Zhaoqing

المزيد من التبادلات المتكررة مع المجتمع الدولي،

التعاون أقرب.


△عرض مشروع Xiyin. مصدر الصورة صادر عن منطقة تشاوتشينغ الجديدة

حاليًا، يركز تشاوتشينج على "متطلبات الحكومة المركزية، واتجاه منطقة الخليج،

"ما تحتاجه هونج كونج وماكاو، يستطيع تشاوتشينج أن يفعله".

شاركت بعمق في بناء منطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو الكبرى.


تشارك Zhaoqing بنشاط في بناء "منطقة الخليج الكبرى على المسار الصحيح".

تم الانتهاء من خط سكة حديد نان قوانغ فائق السرعة،

سكة حديد قوييانغ-قوانغتشو عالية السرعة، وقوانغتشو-فوشان-زاوغوانغ السكك الحديدية الخفيفة،

سكة حديد قوانغماو وغيرها من خطوط النقل بالسكك الحديدية الأربعة،

تتسارع أعمال بناء قسم تشاوتشينغ من السكك الحديدية عالية السرعة في قوانغجان وتشوهاي وشنتشن-الجنوب.

الوصول إلى المدن الرئيسية في منطقة الخليج الكبرى لمدة 60 دقيقة،

أسرع رحلة إلى هونغ كونغ هي 90 دقيقة.


△مصدر الصورة Zhaoqing Transportation

بالإضافة إلى "الاتصال الصلب"، هناك أيضًا "الاتصال الناعم".

بناء "منطقة الخليج الرقمية"،

بالمقارنة مع المدن الشقيقة مثل قوانغتشو وشنتشن،

تعزيز التوظيف والتعليم والرعاية الطبية ورعاية المسنين والتمويل، وما إلى ذلك.

جوانب اتصال النظام ورسو الآلية.

على سبيل المثال، فيما يتعلق بالابتكار، تشارك شركة Zhaoqing بشكل كامل في بناء المركز الدولي للابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي في منطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو الكبرى، وتخطط لتعزيز توسيع محور الابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي في قوانغتشو وفوشان إلى Zhaoqing. ، وتسريع بناء منصة الابتكار "ممر واحد ومستشفيين وثلاث حدائق وعقد متعددة"، وبناء "قوانغتشو-شنتشن". يستمر نمط التطوير التعاوني المبتكر لـ "حضانة البحث والتطوير في هونغ كونغ وماكاو - تشاوتشينغ في تسريع التصنيع" جذب المزيد من رواد الأعمال إلى Zhaoqing.


△قاعدة تشاوتشينج لهونج كونج وماكاو للابتكار وريادة الأعمال للشباب. مصدر الصورة صادر عن منطقة تشاوتشينغ الجديدة

وفي الوقت الحالي، يبذل تشاوتشينغ قصارى جهده لتعزيز الدعم والمساعدة للشركات ذات الاستثمار الأجنبي.

تعزيز التصنيع والاقتصاد والتجارة والغذاء،

المعلومات الإلكترونية، والتجارة الإلكترونية عبر الحدود، وما إلى ذلك.

تعاون متعمق في مجالات متعددة،

نسعى جاهدين لتحقيق التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية إلى مستوى جديد.


△إن "ساحة المعركة الرئيسية" لتطوير الصناعة التحويلية في تشاوتشينغ هي منطقة فوكسي، وهي منطقة صناعية واسعة النطاق في مقاطعة قوانغدونغ (زاوتشينغ). تصوير مراسل شيجيانغ ديلي ليانغ شياو مينغ

بالإضافة إلى المشاريع الإنتاجية

ويرتبط تشاوتشينغ أيضًا بنشاط بصناعة الطب الصيني التقليدي في ماكاو.

بناء "تجارة الزراعة والتخزين"

- تحويل نتائج الأبحاث العلمية المعالجة" سلسلة صناعة الطب الصيني التقليدي؛

الاعتماد على منطقة تشاوتشينغ الجديدة لبناء منطقة التعاون المميزة بين قوانغدونغ وهونغ كونغ وماكاو،

إنشاء قاعدة للابتكار وريادة الأعمال لشباب هونغ كونغ وماكاو؛

بناء رفيع المستوى لمنطقة خليج قوانغدونغ وهونج كونج وماكاو الكبرى

Zhaoqing (Huaiji) قاعدة توزيع المنتجات الزراعية والهامشية الخضراء،

كن "كيس الأرز" في منطقة الخليج الكبرى

"سلة الخضار" و"طبق الفاكهة".

Introduce high-quality foreign investment projects! This work in Zhaoqing bears fruit

Introduce high-quality foreign investment projects! This work in Zhaoqing bears fruit →

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-10-19 16:30 Published in Guangdong

In recent years,

Zhaoqing vigorously attracts foreign investment projects,

Introduce a number of high-quality foreign investment projects,

The amount of investment continues to increase,

Key projects have taken root and bear fruit.

Since the beginning of this year, about 80 foreign-invested enterprises have been established in the city. The introduced projects show distinctive characteristics of the new era, including advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles and parts industries, etc., and are constantly integrated into the new development pattern.


△Photographed by Liang Liang

Zhaoqing is full of vitality

An important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,

With history, culture, transportation location,

Industrial foundation, land space, business environment,

Unique advantages such as ecological environment,

Gradually establish its own advantages in industrial development.


△Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaozhou Expressway and urban rail. Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

since this year,

Inspection groups from Hong Kong and Macao have visited Zhaoqing many times.

Every inspection group is different

Mentioning the hot word "new industrialization",

As a Hong Kong businessman said:



Zhaoqing has undergone earth-shaking changes. Through Zhaoqing, we can better understand how the country continues to develop and further encourage Hong Kong enterprises to accelerate technological innovation, transformation and upgrading.



△Hong Kong businessmen visited Zhaoqing enterprises. Source: Invest in Zhaoqing

unfold in recent years

List of foreign investment projects launched in Zhaoqing,

I found that they are all of good quality and highly competitive.

An enterprise standing at the forefront of the industry.

For example, the Xiyinwan District Western Smart Industrial Park project located in Zhaoqing New District, the Virginie Technology Project, the German Paige Automotive Interior and Exterior Trim Project, and the Tailing Electric Vehicle Production and Sales Integrated Industrial Park Project located in the large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong (Zhaoqing), etc. .

The connection between these projects and Zhaoqing

Not only will Zhaoqing’s industrial chain be further improved,

It also promotes Zhaoqing’s

more frequent exchanges with the international community,

Cooperation is closer.


△Rendering of Xiyin project. Image source released by Zhaoqing New District

Currently, Zhaoqing is focusing on “the requirements of the central government, the direction of the Bay Area,

What Hong Kong and Macao need, Zhaoqing can do”,

Deeply involved in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


Zhaoqing actively participates in the construction of the “Greater Bay Area on Track”.

Nan-Guang High-speed Railway has been completed,

Guiyang-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoguang Light Rail,

Guangmao Railway and other four rail transit lines,

The construction of the Zhaoqing section of the Guangzhan, Zhuhai, and Shenzhen-South high-speed railway is accelerating.

Achieve 60-minute access to major cities in the Greater Bay Area,

The fastest trip to Hong Kong is 90 minutes.


△Picture source Zhaoqing Transportation

In addition to "hard connectivity", there is also "soft connectivity".

"Digital Bay Area" construction,

Comparing with sister cities such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen,

Strengthen employment, education, medical care, elderly care, finance, etc.

Aspects of system connection and mechanism docking.

For example, in terms of innovation, Zhaoqing is fully participating in the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center, planning to promote the extension of the Guangzhou-Foshan Science and Technology Innovation Axis to Zhaoqing, accelerating the construction of a "one corridor, two hospitals, three parks and multi-node" innovation platform, and building a "Guangzhou-Shenzhen" The innovative collaborative development pattern of "Hong Kong and Macao R&D incubation-Zhaoqing accelerates industrialization" continues to attract more entrepreneurs to Zhaoqing.


△Zhaoqing Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base. Image source released by Zhaoqing New District

Currently, Zhaoqing is making every effort to strengthen support and assistance to foreign-invested enterprises.

Promote manufacturing, economy and trade, food,

Electronic information, cross-border e-commerce, etc.

In-depth cooperation in multiple fields,

Strive to achieve social and economic development to a new level.


△The "main battlefield" for the development of Zhaoqing's manufacturing industry is Fuxi Area, a large-scale industrial cluster in Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing). Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

In addition to manufacturing projects,

Zhaoqing is also actively connecting with Macao’s traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Build "Planting-Storage-Trade"

—Processing-scientific research-result transformation" traditional Chinese medicine industry chain;

Relying on Zhaoqing New Area to build a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao characteristic cooperation zone,

Create an innovation and entrepreneurship base for Hong Kong and Macao youth;

High-level construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Zhaoqing (Huaiji) green agricultural and sideline products distribution base,

Be the “rice bag” of the Greater Bay Area

"Vegetable Basket" and "Fruit Plate".

2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference - Special event for foreign investment and foreign trade was held: to attract and utilize foreign investment with greater efforts to promote a higher level of opening up to the outside world

2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference - Special event for foreign investment and foreign trade was held: to attract and utilize foreign investment with greater efforts to promote a higher level of opening up to the outside world

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-10-20 10:25 Published in Guangdong

On October 19, the 2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference-Special Event for Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade was held. With the theme of "Experience Zhaoqing and Promote Development Together", the conference handed over Zhaoqing business cards and invitations to Zhaoqing to entrepreneurs and business representatives at home and abroad, with a view to attracting and utilizing foreign investment with greater efforts, promoting the implementation of more foreign investment projects, and providing Zhaoqing high-tech Quality development is gaining momentum. Zhaoqing Mayor Xu Xiaoxiong, first-level inspector Chen Yuehua of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce, second-level inspector Huang Guoping of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Pei Weimin, Consul General of the Belgian Consulate General in Guangzhou, and Wu Zhijia, Consul General of Vanuatu in Guangzhou attended the conference.

△Photographed by Xijiang Daily reporter Liu Chunlin

Xu Xiaoxiong represents Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government

To the guests and merchants attending the investment conference

Express warm welcome and heartfelt thanks.

Xu Xiaoxiong says

Currently, Zhaoqing is in-depth studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions during his inspection of Guangdong. In accordance with national and provincial deployments, it adheres to the overall goal of “being at the forefront”, focuses on high-quality development, and adheres to the real economy as the foundation and the manufacturing industry as the leader. We will build high-level industrial carriers, accelerate the construction of the western growth pole in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the modern new city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and fully promote Zhaoqing’s practice of Chinese-style modernization.

As a member of the high-level open development pattern of Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing has always prioritized the development of an export-oriented economy. In recent years, it has attracted a large number of high-quality foreign investment projects. Many business associations around the world have worked closely with Zhaoqing to promote Zhaoqing continues to integrate into the global industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain.

Zhaoqing enjoys the first-class industrial foundation in the Greater Bay Area, convenient transportation and logistics conditions, and pioneering policies such as the opening of the service industry, creating a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment. These superior conditions and investment services will be provided to domestic companies without discrimination. Open to foreign merchants and all types of investors. We sincerely welcome all enterprises to visit, inspect, invest and start business in Zhaoqing. Zhaoqing will provide all-round services for enterprises to settle and develop with the greatest sincerity, the best environment and the best policies.

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is one of the regions with the highest degree of openness and the strongest economic vitality in China.

Currently, Guangdong is focusing on the new strategic positioning and historical mission of "one point, two places" given to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and is taking the promotion of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a great opportunity and a major article for Guangdong to deepen reform and opening up and implement it promptly.

As an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing has always adhered to the real economy as its foundation and the manufacturing industry as its mainstay. It has actively integrated into the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and has significantly improved its level of attracting and absorbing foreign investment.

We sincerely welcome foreign-invested foreign trade companies to seize the major opportunities presented by the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and high-quality development in Guangdong, look to Guangdong, invest in Zhaoqing, and achieve "common growth and win-win development" with the Greater Bay Area.

The conference held a project signing ceremony. A total of 15 industrial projects were signed on site, including the "Industrial Integration" new energy investment development and production project, Xianyang new energy storage equipment production base project, Foshan Nanfang Xinlian Logistics Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Equipment manufacturing projects, etc., with a total investment amount exceeding 10 billion yuan.

More than 800 guests and merchants, including city leaders Guan Wei and Xie Guikun, consular officials from Japan, Vietnam, Portugal and other countries stationed in Guangzhou, well-known foreign trade companies, and representatives of major domestic and foreign business associations attended the event.

投資額は100億元を突破! 肇慶市、海外投資の「友人の輪」拡大のため世界投資カンファレンスを開催

 投資額は100億元を突破! 肇慶市、海外投資の「友人の輪」拡大のため世界投資カンファレンスを開催

肇慶への投資 広東省で公開 2023-10-19 23:02




10月19日夜、肇慶市は外国投資と対外貿易の特別イベントである2023年肇慶市世界投資会議を開催し、各地の国や地域からの経済団体、ビジネス界、起業家の代表800人以上に肇慶市の投資環境を宣伝した。世界中、そして国中。 この会議では、総投資額100億元を超える15の主要な対外投資および対外貿易プロジェクトが調印された。


肇慶市は2023年世界投資会議で海外投資と対外貿易の特別イベントを開催した。 写真提供:西江日報記者、劉春林










広東省および広東・香港・マカオ大湾区の高度なオープン開発パターンの一員として、肇慶市の輸出指向経済は常に発展の最優先事項であり、ホンダや美亜などの外資系企業は長年にわたって根付いている。 Xpeng Motors、CATL、Virginie、Xiyin などの国際企業が肇慶市の新興産業の発展をリードしています。 肇慶市の外資導入実績は毎年比較的高い成長率を維持しており、世界中の多くの経済団体が肇慶市と緊密に連携し、肇慶市が世界の産業チェーン、サプライチェーン、イノベーションチェーンに継続的に統合されることを促進している。











肇慶市は肇慶高新区を「機関車」、広東省(肇慶市)の大規模工業集積地を主戦場、肇慶新区を産業都市統合の主要拠点として、高度産業輸送船の建設を精力的に行っている、東部地区と西部地区の 4 つの地区(市) 4 県の特徴的な公園の公園パターンが合理的に配置され、共同開発されており、その中でも肇慶市は大規模公園の開発において省の先頭に立っている。市が管理する開始面積は50平方キロメートルで、「10,000エーカー、1,000億」の大規模産業クラスターに理想的な空間を提供する産業クラスター。








高品質の「調理済み土地」の第 2 バッチには 23 区画が含まれ、合計 1,208 エーカーです。



高品質「調理済み土地」の第 2 バッチの概略図。 張子仙によるデザイン


「用地選びで肇慶市を初めて訪れたとき、肇慶市新区の先進的な計画と建設に魅了されました。プレインビム インターナショナルは肇慶市に上陸後、4 年間の開発期間を経て、肇慶市に 10 万平方メートルの工場棟が完成しました。 「公園の第一段階はもうすぐです。公園の第二段階も90,000平方メートルの建設が完了しました。来年には、より多くの高水準のワークショップやサービスセンター、その他の支援プロジェクトが完了する予定です。」


肇慶市は歴史と文化、立地と交通、土地要素、生態環境、産業基盤、ビジネス環境などにおいて独特の優位性を有しており、大きな発展の可能性を秘めている。 私たちは、このイベントを通じて、より多くの起業家の友人が肇慶についてもっと知り、肇慶を選び、肇慶に投資し、大湾区の発展の恩恵を分かち合うことを願っています。 次のステップでは、肇慶市党委員会と市政府は、契約プロジェクトにさまざまなサービスを提供し、プロジェクトの早期実施、早期着工、早期生産、早期効果を促進するためにあらゆる努力を払う。

Entrepreneurs and merchant representatives from home and abroad gathered at this conference in Zhaoqing...

 Entrepreneurs and merchant representatives from home and abroad gathered at this conference in Zhaoqing...

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-10-19 23:40 Published in Guangdong


October 19th to 20th,

“2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference

——Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Special Session" was held,

To all entrepreneurs and business representatives at home and abroad,

Tell the story of Zhaoqing and send an invitation to Zhaoqing,

Create more opportunities for industrial cooperation.


With the theme of "Perceive Zhaoqing and Promote Development Together", this investment conference will further strengthen the external publicity and promotion of Zhaoqing's investment environment, introduce and recommend Zhaoqing's resource endowments, and jointly create development opportunities and share development by building an exchange and docking platform for domestic and international high-quality resources. Results.

△Photographed by Liu Chunlin

The investment conference includes investment environment promotion,

Release of mature industrial sites, signing of investment projects,

A series of activities such as on-site visits and inspections,

Attracting representatives from well-known foreign trade companies,

Representatives from major domestic and foreign business associations, including

More than 800 guests and merchants came to participate.




Released by industry experts

As one of the main cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhaoqing

Facing Hong Kong and Macao and connecting the southwest,

With superior location and convenient transportation,

The industry is booming and has huge potential.

This investment conference introduced to the guests

Zhaoqing’s current development status and high-quality investment environment,

It deepened everyone’s understanding of Zhaoqing.

Further promote exchanges and cooperation between Zhaoqing and other places.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

In addition, the conference also released

The investment promotion situation of the second batch of industrial land "cooked land",

Implementing industrial investment projects

Provides solid land security.

(Click on the image to view)




Investment project signing

Since this year, Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government

always consider an open economy

As an important engine leading high-quality development,

Issue relevant policies,

Make every effort to attract high-quality foreign investment projects.

After the docking negotiation some time ago,

A total of 15 projects were signed at this investment conference.

The total investment exceeds 10 billion yuan.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

(Swipe to view contracted items)

👉The photovoltaic module intelligent manufacturing base project settled in Zhaoqing New District;

👉The Xianyang new energy storage complete equipment manufacturing and production base project settled in Zhaoqing New District;

👉The advanced equipment manufacturing project of Foshan Nanfang Xinlian Logistics Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. settled in Sihui City;

👉The medical equipment and pharmaceutical supplies project of Shanxi Kangbijian Medical Technology Co., Ltd. settled in Sihui City;

👉The Yimei Biotechnology Intelligent Manufacturing and South China E-commerce Distribution Settlement Delivery Center project settled in the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Pilot Zone (Zhaoqing);

👉Yihuang intelligent digital dyeing and finishing equipment manufacturing project settled in Huaiji County;

👉The energy storage projects of Langxin Energy Technology and Easytech Group settled in Guangning County;

👉Fujitsu Elevator Gigafactory project settled in Zhaoqing New District;

👉The Baihuida new material R&D and production project settled in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone;

👉Mifeng’s high-end intelligent wind turbine equipment project settled in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone;

👉The Jinpeng high-definition smart display terminal production base project settled in Duanzhou District;

👉The Xinshunfu import and export trade project settled in Deqing County;

👉The Guangdong Yisheng environmentally friendly new material R&D and production project settled in Gaoyao District;

👉Dingli metal products production project settled in Gaoyao District.

👉China Resources’ 100,000-ton carbon utilization R&D platform construction project settled in Fengkai County.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi



Investment promotion window

This investment conference is not only Zhaoqing

A window to promote investment,

It also builds a bridge for win-win cooperation for enterprises.

To actively promote Zhaoqing’s development advantages

and investment environment,

Promote Zhaoqing to achieve a higher level of opening up to the outside world

Create platform conditions.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

Chief Representative of South China, Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Huang Tianwei said that after the conference,

We will also inspect various enterprises in Zhaoqing,

Learn more about Zhaoqing’s various preferential policies.

Chief Representative of South China, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Huang Tianwei

I felt that this investment conference was of high standard and there were many merchants coming. The main purpose of our trip is to promote Hong Kong companies to Zhaoqing and merchants from all over the world, and we also hope to help more Hong Kong companies have the opportunity to develop in Zhaoqing.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi


2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference

——Special session for foreign investment and foreign trade

It is held by Zhaoqing City in recent years.

One of the important foreign-related business activities.

In fact, Zhaoqing, as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

A member of the high-level open development pattern,

Export-oriented economy has always been the top priority for Zhaoqing's development.

According to statistics, Zhaoqing's actual use of foreign investment increased by 46% and 37.7% year-on-year respectively in 2021 and 2022; from January to August this year, Zhaoqing's actual absorption of foreign investment increased by 26.9% year-on-year, ranking fourth in the province in terms of growth rate and first in the Pearl River Delta. .


△Photographed by Liang Liang

China Resources, Honda, Meiya, Zhongjie, etc.

Foreign-funded enterprises have long taken root in Zhaoqing.

Xiaopeng, Pingqian, Virginie, Xiyin, etc.

International enterprises lead the development of emerging industries in Zhaoqing,

Domestic and foreign enterprises, business associations, etc.

Working closely with Zhaoqing,

Promote Zhaoqing to become a global industrial chain, supply chain,

An important link in the innovation chain.


△Rendering of Xiyin project. Image source released by Zhaoqing New District


face to the future,

Zhaoqing will continue to focus on “Zhaoqing’s best features”.

Accelerate the promotion of high-quality development,

In a new round of opening up to the outside world

Shape the competitiveness of an open economy.

At the same time, more businessmen are welcome to invest in Zhaoqing.

Grow together and achieve a win-win situation!


肇慶市公開 2023-10-19 23:40 広東省で公開














































この投資カンファレンスでは合計 15 件のプロジェクトが署名されました。











👉Langxin Energy Technology と Easytech Group のエネルギー貯蔵プロジェクトが広寧県に定住。



























香港貿易発展局華南首席代表 黄天偉氏

今回の投資カンファレンスはレベルが高く、加盟店も多かったように感じました。 私たちの訪問の主な目的は、香港企業を肇慶市や世界中の商人に宣伝することであり、より多くの香港企業が肇慶市で発展する機会を得られるよう支援したいと考えています。











統計によると、肇慶市の実際の外資利用は2021年と2022年にそれぞれ前年比46%と37.7%増加し、今年1月から8月までの肇慶市の実際の外資吸収は前年比26.9%増加した。 、成長率では省内で 4 位、珠江デルタでは 1 位にランクされています。












△Xiyinプロジェクトのレンダリング。 肇慶新区が公開した画像ソース









The signed investment amount exceeds 10 billion! Many foreign companies hope to cooperate with Zhaoqing!

The signed investment amount exceeds 10 billion! Many foreign companies hope to cooperate with Zhaoqing!

Zhaoqing Xijiang Net 2023-10-20 00:49 Published in Guangdong


     Xijiang Daily reporters Zhang Yuanhui Wu Yinglin Liu Haohui

October 19,

“2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference

——Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Special Event was held,

Foreign consular officials in Guangzhou,

Representatives of well-known foreign-invested foreign trade enterprises,

Representatives of major domestic and foreign business associations, etc.

More than 800 guests and merchants attended the conference.

With the theme of "Perceive Zhaoqing and Promote Development Together", this investment conference will further strengthen the external publicity and promotion of Zhaoqing's investment environment, introduce and recommend Zhaoqing's resource endowments, and jointly create development opportunities and share development by building an exchange and docking platform for domestic and international high-quality resources. Results.

event site,

The organizers focus on location advantages, industrial development,

Conduct comprehensive promotion of Zhaoqing in terms of business environment and other aspects,

and sent invitations to merchants from all over the world,

Welcome to Zhaoqing

Visiting and sightseeing, investing in business and seeking common development.


Signed 15 industrial projects

The total investment amount exceeds 10 billion yuan

The contracted projects include “industry-investment integration”

New energy investment development and production projects,

Xianyang new energy storage equipment production base project,

Foshan Nanfang Xinlian Logistics Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Advanced equipment manufacturing projects, etc.

pictures pictures pictures


After the implementation of this contracted project,

will further strengthen exchanges between Zhaoqing and the outside world,

Enhance export-oriented cooperation and jointly create a future of development.

This is a two-way journey for enterprises to pursue development.

Zhaoqing is also actively seeking partners,

A typical representative of working together.


The above two pictures were taken by Xijiang Daily reporter Liu Chunlin

Released by industry experts

This investment conference introduced to the guests

Zhaoqing’s current development status and high-quality investment environment,

It deepened everyone’s understanding of Zhaoqing.

Further promote exchanges and cooperation between Zhaoqing and other places.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

In addition, the conference also released

The investment promotion situation of the second batch of industrial land "cooked land",

Implementing industrial investment projects

Provides solid land security.

(Click on the image to view)


In recent years, the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have firmly established the concept of “all for merchants, for all merchants, and for everything for merchants”, further opening the door to friendship and cooperation, providing more high-quality, efficient, convenient and pragmatic services, and creating a more civilized , integrity, harmony, and an environment governed by the rule of law, and strive to achieve "the best conditions, best policies, and best services" to make Zhaoqing a "fertile ground for investors, a blessed land for entrepreneurs, and a paradise for entrepreneurs."


Zhaoqing City will make every effort to

Provide various services for contracted projects,

Promote early implementation of contracted projects,

Start construction early, put into production early, and achieve results early.

pictures pictures pictures

At the meeting, business representatives expressed that Zhaoqing has obvious geographical advantages, vast land space, profound history and culture, rich raw material resources, distinctive industrial characteristics, and numerous development opportunities. In particular, Zhaoqing has a relatively complete policy system and a complete industrial chain, which makes Zhaoqing The vast number of foreign-invested and foreign trade companies are more determined and confident to deploy and invest in Zhaoqing. Next, they will further strengthen exchanges and docking with Zhaoqing, explore and plan more cooperation projects, and strive to promote mutual benefit and win-win results for both parties.


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Zhu Mengdan

This investment conference is not only Zhaoqing

A window to promote investment,

It also builds a bridge for win-win cooperation for enterprises.

To actively promote Zhaoqing’s development advantages

and investment environment,

Promote Zhaoqing to achieve a higher level of opening up to the outside world

Create platform conditions.

Listen to what the merchants say


Ruan Shanshan, General Manager of Plainvim International Zhaoqing New District Modern Industrial Park

Attracted by Zhaoqing’s forward-looking planning and services


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

“Plainvim often carefully conducts research and site selection based on the industrial layout needs of the world’s top 500 companies and foreign-funded enterprises. Only when our customers succeed can we succeed.” Ruan Shanshan, general manager of Plainvim International Zhaoqing New District Modern Industrial Park, said that Plainvim International has experienced After more than 20 years of development and accumulation, it has invested in, built and operated 16 international industrial parks in the Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta region, and more than 80% of its customers belong to foreign-invested manufacturing industries. Therefore, when selecting the site for the industrial park, they attached great importance to factors such as strategic location, geographical transportation, planning and construction, a complete industrial chain, local government policy support and service levels, and Zhaoqing left them with a lot of problems during this process. A deep impression.

"Zhaoqing is a good place, with good mountains and rivers and good people. When I first came to Zhaoqing to choose a site, I was attracted by the forward-looking planning and construction of Zhaoqing New District!" Ruan Shanshan said that in the four years since Plainvim settled in Zhaoqing and developed, Whether it is in terms of business establishment, policy support, or employee recruitment, the local government has given great support, allowing it to successfully go into production and grow rapidly even after three years of epidemic. She therefore He also expressed great appreciation for Zhaoqing's business environment and government services. “Zhaoqing service will arrive as soon as you call!”

Ruan Shanshan said that currently, the 100,000-square-meter factory building in the first phase of Plainvim Zhaoqing Project is nearly full, and the production of enterprises in the park is booming. The second phase of the park has also completed the construction of 90,000 square meters, and is also in the process of attracting investment, and is currently in negotiations. Many of the companies are among the world's top 100 or top 500 companies. She also believes that many high-quality foreign-funded companies will slowly move into the second phase of the park in the future.

China Energy Construction Group Investment Co., Ltd.

Regional Deputy General Manager Tao Wen

Like Zhaoqing service Zhaoqing speed


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

The photovoltaic module intelligent manufacturing base project to be settled in Zhaoqing New District is one of the 15 signed projects this time. After completion, it will achieve the cooperation goal of localized manufacturing of photovoltaic modules in Zhaoqing and surrounding areas and fill the gap in the photovoltaic module manufacturing industry in South China. Tao Wen said that from the inspection to the signing of the contract, the Zhaoqing Municipal Government took less than a week to complete the project and praised the speed of Zhaoqing’s service.

Zhaoqing City has beautiful urban scenery, high-quality government services, and high public awareness of photovoltaics, which has greatly assisted its company in deploying the photovoltaic module manufacturing industry. "Through this meeting, I learned that Zhaoqing has vigorously developed rooftop photovoltaics and fishery-solar complementation in recent years, and the photovoltaic industry has broad prospects for development. I am very happy to invest in Zhaoqing and have full confidence in the project settling in Zhaoqing." Tao Wen said, in addition to building photovoltaics in Zhaoqing The component intelligent manufacturing base will also invest in photovoltaic power projects to bring more green power to Zhaoqing and achieve a win-win situation with Zhaoqing.

Chief Representative of South China, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Huang Tianwei

Establishing a service station for Hong Kong businessmen in Zhao to promote win-win results in the Bay Area


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

  "Zhaoqing's beautiful scenery has always been the city's distinctive business card and the main impression of Hong Kong people. But after attending the conference this time, I found that Zhaoqing has obvious transportation advantages and significant industrial agglomeration, making it a good place for investment and business development. ." Huang Tianwei said that Zhaoqing has unique advantages in history and culture, location and transportation, land elements, ecological environment, industrial foundation, business environment, etc., and has huge development potential.

In recent years, many Hong Kong businessmen have invested and deployed industries in Zhaoqing, injecting a lot of impetus into Zhaoqing's economic development. The continued good cooperation between the two places has attracted many Hong Kong businessmen from the service, manufacturing and financial industries to visit Zhaoqing. Huang Tianwei said that everyone is looking forward to this event and hopes to find a suitable project in Zhaoqing and "connect" with Zhaoqing.

Huang Tianwei said that the next step is to establish a service station for Hong Kong businessmen in Zhaoqing to promote Zhaoqing to more Hong Kong businessmen, create more cooperation opportunities for the two places, and promote a win-win situation for the two Bay Area cities.

QEV Technologies Chief Financial Officer Fabian Wong

Seeking cooperation with Zhaoqing’s new energy automobile industry


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

Merchant Fabian Wong said that QEV Technologies was recently listed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, specializing in auto parts. At the same time, the company also acquired a large automobile factory in Spain. He is very optimistic about China's domestic automobile industry and is ready to conduct in-depth cooperation with the domestic automobile industry. , especially in new energy vehicles, we plan to expand in South China and North China to further expand and strengthen the company.

Fabian Wong also said that he had previously contacted the relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing investment promotion team and learned that Zhaoqing is the main city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has obvious location advantages and belongs to the one-hour traffic circle of the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, Zhaoqing also has good new energy automobile industry resources. For example, Xiaopeng Motors and CATL are its leading chain companies and have a relatively complete industrial chain. This time he was invited to participate in the 2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference - a special event for foreign investment and foreign trade. He specially brought a team of industrial design companies to conduct a more in-depth inspection of Zhaoqing's business environment and seek deeper cooperation with Zhaoqing.

IMS Gear customer Roman Fedorov

Hope to have further cooperation and exchanges with Zhaoqing


Photo by Xijiang Daily reporter Liang Xiaoming

"IMS Gear is a German company that belongs to the auto parts industry. It specializes in making brake systems and is one of the world's leading gear manufacturers. The agglomeration effect of the automobile industry in Zhaoqing City is obvious. As an automobile manufacturer, it is important to invest in Zhaoqing. Xingye is very interested." Roman Fedorov, a customer from IMS Gear, said that after attending the conference, he learned that Zhaoqing's key industrial development areas coincided with his company's, and Zhaoqing entered their company's waiting list for choosing a location to open a factory in South China. middle.

Zhaoqing City has a superior geographical location, adjacent to Guangfo and southwest China. The urban environment, cultural atmosphere, and business environment are also very superior. It is a livable and workable city, giving foreign companies more confidence in investing in Zhaoqing.

Roman Fedorov revealed that Xpeng Motors, located in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, is a new force in domestic new energy vehicle manufacturing. It will also strengthen communication and exchanges with the company this time, hoping to "connect" with Zhaoqing and have further cooperation.

face to the future,

Zhaoqing will continue to focus on “Zhaoqing’s best features”.

Accelerate the promotion of high-quality development,

In a new round of opening up to the outside world

Shape the competitiveness of an open economy.

At the same time, more businessmen are welcome to invest in Zhaoqing.

Grow together and achieve a win-win situation!


肇庆西江网 2023-10-20 00:49 发表于广东


    西江日报记者 张苑卉 吴映霖 刘浩辉
































以上两图 西江日报记者 刘春林摄







△廖文奕 摄
















西江日报记者 朱梦丹摄










平谦国际肇庆新区现代产业园总经理 阮珊珊



西江日报记者 梁小明摄





区域副总经理 陶文



西江日报记者 梁小明摄



香港贸易发展局华南首席代表 黄天伟



西江日报记者 梁小明摄




QEV Technologies 首席财务官 Fabian Wong



西江日报记者 梁小明摄

客商Fabian Wong表示,QEV Technologies公司不久前在荷兰阿姆斯特丹上市,专营汽车零部件,同时该公司在西班牙还收购了一家大型汽车工厂,他很看好中国国内的汽车行业,准备与国内汽车产业进行深度合作,特别是新能源汽车方面展开合作,计划在中国华南、华北布局,进一步做大做强公司。

Fabian Wong还表示,此前已经跟肇庆招商小组相关负责人有过接触,了解到肇庆是粤港澳大湾区的主体城市,区位优势明显,属于大湾区一小时交通圈。同时肇庆也有很好的新能源汽车产业资源,比如小鹏汽车、宁德时代等都是其龙头链主企业,有较完整产业链。这次受邀参加2023肇庆全球招商大会—外资外贸专场活动,他专门带来了工业的设计公司团队,能更深入考察肇庆的营商环境,谋求与肇庆有更深度合作。

IMS Gear 客商Roman Fedorov



西江日报记者 梁小明摄

“IMS Gear是德国企业,属于汽车零部件行业,专营做刹车系统的公司,是全球领先的齿轮制造商之一。肇庆市的汽车产业集聚效果明显,作为一名汽车制造商,对在肇庆投资兴业十分有兴趣。”来自IMS Gear的客商Roman Fedorov表示,参加大会后,了解到肇庆的产业重点发展领域与其公司不谋而合,肇庆进入了他们公司在华南地区选地开厂的待选名单中。


Roman Fedorov透露,位于肇庆高新区的小鹏汽车是国内新能源汽车造车新势力,此次也将与该企业加强沟通交流,希望借此能与肇庆“结缘”,有进一步的合作。








"Zhaoqing is a good place, with good mountains and rivers and good people!"

 "Zhaoqing is a good place, with good mountains and rivers and good people!"

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-10-20 19:16 Published in Guangdong


October 19,

The "2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference-Special Session for Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade" was held.

Foreign consular officials in Guangzhou,

Representatives of well-known foreign-invested foreign trade enterprises,

Representatives of major domestic and foreign business associations, etc.

More than 800 guests and merchants attended the conference.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

At the meeting, business representatives expressed that Zhaoqing has obvious geographical advantages, vast land space, profound history and culture, rich raw material resources, distinctive industrial characteristics, and numerous development opportunities. In particular, Zhaoqing has a relatively complete policy system and a complete industrial chain, which allows the majority of Foreign-funded foreign trade enterprises are more determined and confident in deploying and investing in Zhaoqing. Next, we will further strengthen exchanges and docking with Zhaoqing, explore and plan more cooperation projects, and strive to promote mutual benefit and win-win results for both parties.


△Photographed by Liao Wenyi

Let’s take a look at the participating merchants

Do you have any comments and opinions about Zhaoqing?


Ruan Shanshan, General Manager of Plainvim International Zhaoqing New District Modern Industrial Park


Attracted by Zhaoqing’s forward-looking planning and services

Ruan Shanshan: "Pingqian often carefully conducts research and site selection based on the industrial layout needs of the world's top 500 companies and foreign-funded enterprises. Only when our customers succeed can we succeed."

After more than 20 years of development and accumulation, Plainvim International has invested in, built and operated 16 international industrial parks in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Yangtze River Delta region. More than 80% of its customers belong to foreign-invested manufacturing industries.


△Pingqian Science Industrial Park located in Zhaoqing New District. Photo by Liang Liang

They attach great importance to various factors such as strategic location, geographical transportation, planning and construction, complete industrial chain, local government policy support and service level, and Zhaoqing left a deep impression on them in the process.

Ruan Shanshan: "Zhaoqing is a good place with good mountains and rivers and good people. When I first came to Zhaoqing to choose a site, I was attracted by the forward-looking planning and construction of Zhaoqing New District!"


△The Phase I factory building of Plainvim Zhaoqing project located in Zhaoqing New District. Photo by Liang Liang

In the four years since Plainvim settled in Zhaoqing, the local government has provided great support in terms of business establishment, policy support, and employee recruitment. She highly appreciates Zhaoqing's business environment and government services.

Ruan Shanshan said that currently, the 100,000-square-meter factory building in the first phase of Plainvim Zhaoqing Project is nearly full, and the production of enterprises in the park is booming. The second phase of the park has completed the construction of 90,000 square meters, and is currently attracting investment, and there are many projects currently under negotiation. Most of the companies are among the world's top 100 or top 500 companies. She believes that many foreign-funded companies will gradually move into the second phase of the park in the future.

Tao Wen, Regional Deputy General Manager of China Energy Construction Group Investment Co., Ltd.


Like Zhaoqing service Zhaoqing speed

The photovoltaic module intelligent manufacturing base project to be settled in Zhaoqing New District is one of the 15 signed projects this time. Once completed, it will achieve the cooperation goal of localized manufacturing of photovoltaic modules in Zhaoqing and surrounding areas and fill the gap in the photovoltaic module manufacturing industry in South China.


△Zhaoqing New District has obvious advantages in industrial agglomeration. Photo by Liang Liang

Tao Wen said that from the inspection to the signing of the contract, it was realized in less than a week with the strong support of the Zhaoqing Municipal Government, and he praised the speed of Zhaoqing's service.

Zhaoqing has beautiful city scenery, high-quality government services, and high public awareness of photovoltaics, which has provided a lot of help for its company to deploy the photovoltaic module manufacturing industry.

Tao Wen said that through this meeting, he learned that Zhaoqing has vigorously developed rooftop photovoltaics and fishery-solar complementation in recent years, and the photovoltaic industry has broad development prospects. He is very happy to invest in Zhaoqing and is confident that the project will be settled in Zhaoqing. In addition to building a photovoltaic module intelligent manufacturing base in Zhaoqing, it will also invest in photovoltaic power projects to bring more green power to Zhaoqing and achieve a win-win situation with Zhaoqing.

Chief Representative of South China, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Huang Tianwei


Establishing a service station for Hong Kong businessmen in Zhao to promote win-win results in the Bay Area

Huang Tianwei: "Zhaoqing's beautiful scenery has always been the city's characteristic business card, and it is also the main impression of Zhaoqing by Hong Kong people. But after attending the conference this time, I found that Zhaoqing's location has obvious transportation advantages and remarkable results in industrial agglomeration, making it a good place for investment and development." Place. Zhaoqing has unique advantages in history and culture, location and transportation, land elements, ecological environment, industrial foundation, business environment, etc., and has huge development potential."


△Zhaoqing is a national historical city. Photo by Liao Wenyi

In recent years, many Hong Kong businessmen have invested and deployed industries in Zhaoqing, injecting impetus into Zhaoqing's economic development. With the continued good cooperation opportunities between the two places, Hong Kong businessmen from the service industry, manufacturing industry, and financial industry have been attracted to visit Zhaoqing.


△Zhaoqing East Station has 4 departures to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station every day. Photo by Liao Wenyi

Huang Tianwei said that everyone is looking forward to this event and hopes to find a suitable project in Zhaoqing and become connected with Zhaoqing. The next step is to establish a service station for Hong Kong businessmen in Zhaoqing to promote Zhaoqing to more Hong Kong businessmen, create more cooperation opportunities for the two places, and promote win-win results for the two Bay Area cities.

QEV Technologies Chief Financial Officer Fabian Wong


Seeking cooperation with Zhaoqing’s new energy automobile industry

Merchant Fabian Wong said that QEV Technologies was recently listed in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, specializing in auto parts. At the same time, the company also acquired a large automobile factory in Spain. He is very optimistic about China's domestic automobile industry and is ready to conduct in-depth cooperation with the domestic automobile industry. , especially cooperation in new energy vehicles, and plans to expand in South China and North China to further become bigger and stronger.

This time he was invited to participate in the 2023 Zhaoqing Global Investment Conference - a special event for foreign investment and foreign trade. He specially brought a team of industrial design companies to conduct a more in-depth inspection of Zhaoqing's business environment and seek deeper cooperation with Zhaoqing.


△Xpeng Motors production workshop. Photo by Wang Zhenyu

Fabian Wong also said that he had previously contacted the relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing Municipal Commerce Bureau and learned that Zhaoqing is the main city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has obvious location advantages and belongs to the one-hour traffic circle of the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, Zhaoqing has very good new energy automobile industry resources. Xiaopeng Motors and CATL are its leading chain companies and have a relatively complete industrial chain.

IMS Gear Merchant Roman Fedorov


Hope to have further cooperation and exchanges with Zhaoqing

Roman Fedorov: "IMS Gear is a German company that belongs to the auto parts industry and specializes in braking systems. It is one of the world's leading gear manufacturers. The agglomeration effect of Zhaoqing's automobile industry is obvious. As an automobile manufacturer, it is important to invest in Zhaoqing. Very interested.”

After attending the conference, he learned that Zhaoqing's key industrial development areas coincided with his company's, and Zhaoqing entered their company's waiting list for choosing a location to open a factory in South China.


△The municipal management starting area of Zhaoqing's large-scale industrial agglomeration area (Lianhua-Fuxi). Photo by Liao Wenyi

Zhaoqing has an advantageous geographical location, adjacent to Guangfo and southwest China. The urban environment, cultural atmosphere, and business environment are very superior. It is a livable and workable city, giving foreign companies more confidence in investing in Zhaoqing.

Roman Fedorov revealed that Xpeng Motors, located in Zhaoqing High-tech Zone, is a new force in domestic new energy vehicle manufacturing. This time, it will also strengthen communication with the company, hoping to build a relationship with Zhaoqing and have further cooperation.

It is hoped that Zhaoqing can make greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment in the future.

Improve the quality and level of utilizing foreign capital,

Attract more foreign companies

Get to know Zhaoqing and settle down in Zhaoqing,

Let it take root and grow in the fertile soil of Zhaoqing,

Share open opportunities and write a new chapter of cooperation!

Top 1,000 in the country! These four towns in Zhaoqing were selected

 Top 1,000 in the country! These four towns in Zhaoqing were selected →

Released by Zhaoqing 2023-10-20 19:16 Published in Guangdong



Recently, China’s small and medium-sized city development index

Research team and Guosen Small and Medium City Index Research Institute

Released the "2023 National Thousand Towns Development Report",

Among them, Jinli Town and Lubu Town, Gaoyao, Zhaoqing,

Dasha Town and Longfu Town in Sihui were successfully selected as one of the top 1,000 towns in the country.




△Small and Medium Cities Index Network

Qianqiang Town is the main force in the economic development of the town.

It is a model and leader for high-quality development in the town.

The town is the basic unit of county economic development.

The township is the link between the city and the countryside.

It is to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas,

An important node to achieve common prosperity.


△Photographed by Liang Liang

These four towns in Zhaoqing City

What’s the secret to being selected as one of the top 1,000 towns in the country?

Let’s take a look↓

Gaoyao District-Jinli Town

Since this year, Jinli Town, as the first echelon of Zhaoqing’s “Two Industry and Two Farmers”, has strictly followed the deployment of the municipal party committee, city government, district party committee, and district government’s pilot work, anchoring the construction of “industry-city integration, job-housing balance, governance With the goal of creating a modern new urban area that is effective, livable and suitable for business, we will solidly advance the work of "high-quality development pilot projects integrating new industrialization and new urbanization" and accelerate high-quality development.


△Jinli Town. Photo by Chen Yancheng

Leading the city with industry to build a new pattern of industrialization

Target investment in leading industries. The focus is on strengthening and replenishing the chain and extending the chain in precise investment promotion in the auto parts, hardware manufacturing, fine chemicals and new building materials industries.

Strengthen the hardware industry, refine the chemical industry, and optimize the building materials industry. Strengthen communication and linkage between local hardware companies and automobile companies such as Xiaopeng Motors, Putilai, Jiali Automotive Lighting, and promote the transformation of Jinli Hardware into higher output value industries such as auto parts hardware and electrical appliance hardware.


△Zhaoqing Jinli Auto Parts Industrial Park. Photo by Deng Darong

For the first time, a group of hardware companies collectively went to the Canton Fair to showcase the regional brand of "Good Hardware, Made by Jinli"; the first Jinli Hardware Expo and Construction Expo were held, and 180 local hardware companies gathered together to "show off their muscles."


△Zhaoqing Jinli Hardware Town. Photo courtesy of Gao Yao

Promote the park to improve quality and efficiency. Accelerate the infrastructure construction of Jinli Starting Area, a large industrial cluster in Guangdong (Zhaoqing). Select high-quality projects to enter the platform to improve platform efficiency.

Build a new pattern of urban-rural integration and balanced development of employment and housing

The formation of convenient transportation network is accelerated. The expansion project of Jiangbindi Road is underway; the construction of Jinli Avenue and the east extension of Jinli Avenue is accelerating and is expected to be functionally open to traffic in December; the construction of more than 10 municipal roads including Gongye Avenue, Chengbei Road, and Donghui Road is accelerating.


△The construction site of Jinli Avenue. Photo by Deng Darong

The functional quality of urban areas continues to improve. The first area of the Guoxin Complex City Plaza has been put into use, and the construction of a number of high-end commercial and residential buildings has been accelerated. The construction of the five-star Daoxi Wyndham Hotel with a design height of 268 meters has begun. It is planned to promote the construction of Junyu Coast Riverside Park and other projects.

Gaoyao District-Lubu Town

Since this year, Lubu Town has focused on the "High-quality Development Project of Hundreds of Counties, Thousands of Towns and Tens of Thousands of Villages", focusing on strengthening manufacturing, refining cultural tourism, and enriching people and revitalizing villages, which has effectively promoted the coordinated development of urban and rural areas.


△Picture source published by Gaoyao

Focus on improving quality and efficiency to strengthen manufacturing industry

Lubu Town has vigorously promoted investment promotion. There are 4 newly introduced projects in the town, including 2 projects exceeding 100 million yuan, all of which have started construction. To promote enterprises to increase investment and expand production, the New Pearl Technology Transformation Project has started construction, and the Bafang Niu Food Expansion Production Line Project has been put into production. We will vigorously revitalize idle resources and revitalize idle old factories through the method of "vacating cages and replacing birds" to help high-quality economic development.


△The production workshop of Guangdong Summit Ceramics Co., Ltd. Image source published by Gaoyao

Highlight cultural heritage and refine cultural tourism

We will upgrade Lubu Qilou Street, Hongxing Pier, etc., innovatively create cultural tourism IP, and combine the Lubu Market Daily Stage and more than 30 specialty restaurants in the town to draw a food map and Lubu one-day tour route. Carry out a variety of mass cultural activities, such as the Second Fishing Festival, Lubu Men's Basketball League, etc. Build a rapeseed flower sightseeing base in Baitu No. 2 Village to enrich rural tourism elements and promote economic development and rural revitalization.


△Picture source published by Gaoyao

Pay attention to cohesion and enrich the people and revitalize the village

Promote the co-construction and sharing of public services. Gather the joint efforts of the society to raise funds to build the upper grade campus of Lubu Central Primary School; mobilize the talents of the countryside to donate large-scale medical equipment to Lubu Central Health Center; launch the upgrading and renovation project of the inpatient department of Lubu Central Health Center. We will continue to develop and expand the village-level collective economy, increase village-level collective income, and focus on building Luocungang and Zhennan villages into sustainable income demonstration villages, achieving full coverage of collective income of more than 100,000 yuan within the year.


△The silk seedlings and rice planting base of Feixiang Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative is located in Baitu No. 2 Village, Lubu Town, Gaoyao District. Image source published by Gaoyao

Sihui City-Dasha Town

In the list of the top 1,000 towns in the country in 2023, Dasha Town in Sihui ranked 816th, an increase of 84 places from last year. The town has been selected as the top 1,000 towns in the country for three consecutive years.


Excellent location and solid foundation for industrial development

As a national key town, a pilot town for the provincial urban-rural integrated development center, a demonstration town for the construction of Meiliwei Town in the province, a pilot town for the construction of "integration of informatization and informatization" in Zhaoqing, and a demonstration town for the construction of Zhaoqing's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects" and "Two Industry and Two Farmers", etc. Dasha Town has an excellent location and solid foundation for industrial development.


Since the beginning of this year, Dasha Town has unswervingly adhered to the goal of becoming an industrially strong town, making traditional industries such as metal products bigger, stronger, and more sophisticated, promoting the coordinated development of upstream and downstream modern industrial chains such as new energy vehicles, electronic information, and advanced materials, and focusing on Create advanced manufacturing clusters.


From January to September, the town's total industrial output value above designated size was 16.438 billion yuan, with 81 newly introduced projects, a planned investment of approximately 31.28 billion yuan, and an estimated annual output value of over 50 billion yuan. At present, Dasha Town has about 280 industrial enterprises, including 126 industrial enterprises above designated size and 74 national high-tech enterprises. It has been selected as one of the top 1,000 towns in the country for three consecutive years.

Accelerate the construction of livable, industrial and beautiful villages, develop and enrich the people and rejuvenate the villages


△Children are playing happily under the signs of Zhongbu Village and Xiabu Village in Dasha Town. Photo by Zhang Liangyan

In terms of accelerating the construction of a livable, workable and beautiful countryside and vigorously developing industries that enrich the people and revitalize the village, Dasha focuses on "one village, one product, one town, one industry", focusing on building a "model town" for rural revitalization and comprehensively improving the level of the agricultural industry. Dasha Town actively taps the "potential" of towns and villages, effectively promoting the steady growth of village collective economic income. The village-level collective economy of all 13 villages in the town has exceeded 200,000 yuan, and the total operating income has exceeded 10 million yuan.

Sihui City-Longfu Town

Longfu Town is located in the middle reaches of the Suijiang River, a tributary of the Beijiang River. It has concentrated industrial planning, guaranteed infrastructure, and sufficient land stock. It has the Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park and a good electronic information supporting industry foundation. It is reported that Longfu Town was selected into the list of the top 1,000 towns in the country for the first time, ranking 990th.


△Aerial photography of the beautiful countryside of Longfu Town. Picture source released by the Fourth Session

The town’s economy is growing and building a tens-billion-level industrial town

Longfu Town's regional economy has grown and it has become a tens-billion-level industrial town. From January to August, Longfu Park introduced 6 projects exceeding 100 million yuan; the Electronic Information Industrial Park introduced 2 projects exceeding 100 million yuan; 6 projects are under negotiation, 17 projects are under construction, and 8 projects are planned to be put into production this year.


△Photo provided by Sihui Industrial Park Administration Bureau of Zhaoqing High-tech Zone

Longfu Town has centralized industrial planning, guaranteed infrastructure, sufficient land stock, large space for land appreciation, flat and open terrain, easy development, and the advantage of expansion space.

At present, Longfu Town has the Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park, and has a good electronic information supporting industry foundation, which has the prerequisites for "industry-based recruitment". Driven by the development of the "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects", Longfu Town entered the national "Top Thousand Towns" list for the first time.



Zhaoqing will continue to have high standards, high quality,

Promote high-level efforts with all our strength,

The blueprint for the development of “Hundreds and Thousands of Projects”

Convert to "real picture".

Thursday, October 12, 2023

















There is a reason why Zhaoqing is poor. The transportation is very backward.

It’s 2023 now. In Zhaoqing, there is only one free national highway, G321, connecting it to the Pearl River Delta.

The rest of the Guangfo-Zhaoqing Expressway, Erguang Expressway, and Guangkun Expressway are all tolled.

There are still too few roads connecting Zhaoqing to the Pearl River Delta.

Another Xijiang Bridge should be built in Gaoyao Jinli to connect Sanshui and Nanhai. Currently there is only one Guangzhou-Kunming Expressway, which is too backward.

Reality is too backward. Zhaoqing is inferior to cities in other inland provinces. . .

The Xijiang River and the Beijiang River divide the Pearl River Delta and Zhaoqing into one Europe and one Africa.

Young people in Zhaoqing go out to work to make a living, and there are no local businesses or jobs.

The bankruptcy of state-owned enterprises in the 1990s caused the entire Zhaoqing to collapse.

Choosing an industry and direction, and choosing tourism, resulted in Zhaoqing’s economy being very backward.

Guangdong Province asked Zhaoqing to protect the forest and water resources, but now Zhaoqing is so poor. Children in Zhaoqing can only eat instant noodles on their birthdays.

This means that the richest people are in Guangdong Province, and the poorest people are also in Guangdong Province.


Il y a une raison pour laquelle Zhaoqing est pauvre : le transport est très arriéré.

Nous sommes en 2023 maintenant. À Zhaoqing, il n’existe qu’une seule route nationale gratuite, la G321, qui la relie au delta de la rivière des Perles.

Le reste des autoroutes Guangfo-Zhaoqing, Erguang et Guangkun sont tous payants.

Il existe encore trop peu de routes reliant Zhaoqing au delta de la rivière des Perles.

Un autre pont du Xijiang devrait être construit à Gaoyao Jinli pour relier Sanshui et Nanhai. Actuellement, il n’existe qu’une seule autoroute Guangzhou-Kunming, qui est trop en retard.

La réalité est trop arriérée. Zhaoqing est inférieure aux villes des autres provinces intérieures. . .

Les fleuves Xijiang et Beijiang divisent le delta de la rivière des Perles et Zhaoqing en une seule Europe et une seule Afrique.

Les jeunes de Zhaoqing vont travailler pour gagner leur vie, et il n'y a ni entreprises ni emplois locaux.

La faillite des entreprises publiques dans les années 1990 a provoqué l’effondrement de l’ensemble de Zhaoqing.

Le choix d’une industrie et d’une direction, ainsi que le choix du tourisme, ont conduit l’économie de Zhaoqing à être très arriérée.

La province du Guangdong a demandé à Zhaoqing de protéger les forêts et les ressources en eau, mais maintenant Zhaoqing est si pauvre. Les enfants de Zhaoqing ne peuvent manger des nouilles instantanées que le jour de leur anniversaire.

Cela signifie que les personnes les plus riches se trouvent dans la province du Guangdong, et que les personnes les plus pauvres se trouvent également dans la province du Guangdong.

Est-ce parce que la population locale ne travaille pas dur, ou est-ce parce que la province et le pays n'investissent pas ? ? ?

Est-ce parce que Zhaoqing ne veut pas le construire, ou est-ce que Foshan ne veut pas se connecter ? ? ?



今は2023年です。 肇慶市には、珠江デルタと接続する無料の国道 G321 号線が 1 本だけあります。



三水と南海を結ぶために、高要錦里に別の西江橋を建設する必要があります。 現在、広州-昆明高速道路は1本しかなく、あまりにも遅れています。

現実は後ろ向きすぎる。 肇慶市は他の内陸部の都市に比べて劣っている。 。 。





広東省は肇慶市に森林と水資源の保護を求めたが、今の肇慶市は非常に貧しい。 肇慶市の子供たちは誕生日にしかインスタントラーメンを食べることができない。


地元の人たちが頑張っていないからなのか、それとも州や国が投資をしていないからなのか。 ? ?

肇慶市が建設したくないのか、それとも佛山市が接続したくないのか。 ? ?

Wednesday, October 11, 2023























Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment

Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment I...