Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Inspizieren und recherchieren! Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing dringen tief in Unternehmen und Parks ein, um nach Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu suchen

Inspizieren und recherchieren! Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing dringen tief in Unternehmen und Parks ein, um nach Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu suchen

Investieren Sie in Zhaoqing, 10. Juli 2024, 21:27 Uhr, Guangdong, China

Kürzlich haben Geschäftsleute aus Zhaoqing verschiedene Orte intensiv besucht, Unternehmen und Parks besucht, die Möglichkeit einer Zusammenarbeit besprochen, nach für beide Seiten vorteilhaften und Win-Win-Geschäftsmöglichkeiten gesucht und gemeinsam eine Brücke gebaut, um Investitionen anzuziehen.


Am 9. Juli 2024 führte Weng Zhuohui, Sekretär des städtischen Parteikomitees von Sihui und Bürgermeister, ein Team in den Bezirk Chancheng der Stadt Foshan, um Inspektionen zur Investitionsförderung durchzuführen, Unternehmen zu besuchen, Sihui bekannt zu machen und zu fördern, die pragmatische Zusammenarbeit zu vertiefen und vieles mehr Förderung der Geschwindigkeit und Qualität der Investitionsförderung. Förderung neuer wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen.

Im Foshan Dreamweaver Industrial Park erlangten das Sihui-Inspektionsteam und seine Delegation durch Inspektionen vor Ort und Anhörung von Einführungen ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis des Industrielayouts, des Betriebsmodells und des Entwicklungsplans des Industrieparks. Auf dem Symposium tauschte sich das Inspektionsteam intensiv mit dem Managementteam des Industrieparks, Vertretern ansässiger Unternehmen und Vertretern der Foshan Children's Products Industry Association aus und führte umfassende und eingehende Diskussionen über industrielle Zusammenarbeit und Projekteinführung , Talentaustausch usw. und erfolgreich Es wurden mehrere Konsensvereinbarungen getroffen. Das Inspektionsteam stellte fest, dass der Industriepark umfangreiche und wertvolle Erfahrungen in verwandten Industriebereichen gesammelt hat und über ein ausgereiftes Modell verfügt, das einer ernsthaften Untersuchung und Referenz durch das Vierte Huihe würdig ist. Das Vierte Huihe selbst verfügt auch über einzigartige und bedeutende Vorteile und ein enormes Entwicklungspotenzial , und ist bestrebt, mit Unternehmen zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Zusammenarbeit weiter zu stärken, um gegenseitigen Nutzen und Win-Win-Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Die an dem Treffen teilnehmenden Unternehmer sagten, dass Sihui über eine hervorragende geografische Lage, eine gute industrielle Basis und ein enormes Entwicklungspotenzial verfügt. Sie werden sich aktiv am wirtschaftlichen Aufbau der Stadt Sihui beteiligen, ihre eigenen Ressourcen und technologischen Vorteile voll ausschöpfen und mit Sihui zusammenarbeiten eine bessere Zukunft schaffen.

Kreis Guangning

Am 8. Juli 2024 leitete Chen Chaochang, Sekretär des Parteikomitees des Kreises Guangning, ein Team, das Vor-Ort-Ermittlungen bei zwei Außenhandels- und ausländisch investierten Unternehmen, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. und Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., durchführte. , GmbH.

Bei der Dingfeng Company verstand das Forschungsteam die spezifischen Bedürfnisse und bestehenden Probleme beim Bau des technischen Transformationsprojekts der Tissue-Produktionslinie des Unternehmens und gab Hinweise zu relevanten Fragen, wobei es auf eine frühzeitige Umsetzung des technischen Transformationsprojekts und eine effiziente Kapitalverwendung drängte Steigerung und Produktionsausweitung.

Anschließend besuchte das Forschungsteam die Ausstellungshalle der Weipai Electronics Company, hörte sich Berichte des Unternehmensverantwortlichen über Produktforschung und -entwicklung, Produktion und Betrieb an und führte ausführliche Diskussionen und Austausche mit dem Unternehmen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse lag die Entwicklung des Unternehmens auf Außenhandelsmärkten sowie Strategien und Wege für die zukünftige Entwicklungsplanung und andere Aspekte. Durch Besuche und Diskussionen erlangte das Forschungsteam ein umfassendes Verständnis über den Produktions-, Betriebs-, Planungs- und technischen Transformationsprojektbaufortschritt zweier ausländisch finanzierter Außenhandelsunternehmen, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. und Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., Ltd ., und gab Stellungnahmen zur Förderung der „fünf Außenhandelsunternehmen“ des Landkreises Guangning ab. Die damit verbundene Arbeit der „Verknüpfung“ wurde diskutiert, um den Grundstein für die Förderung des Außenhandels des Landkreises Guangning zu legen, den bestehenden Bestand zu erfassen, den Anstieg zu fördern und den zu stabilisieren Grundmarkt für ausländische Investitionen und Außenhandel.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


China Gaoyao held a meeting to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion

China Gaoyao held a meeting to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion

Invest in Zhaoqing July 10, 2024 21:27 Guangdong, China

On July 8, 2024, Gaoyao District held a meeting to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district, and listened to the report on the "general battle" of industrial investment promotion and manufacturing project construction in the first half of this year, comprehensively summarized the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district in the first half of the year, further clarified the work ideas, and unified the research and deployment of the specific work direction of investment promotion and project construction in the second half of the year.

The meeting emphasized

Next, Gaoyao District will continue to fully implement the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on the implementation of industrial investment promotion, with a sense of responsibility and urgency of "time is running out, we must seize the day", and promote investment promotion and project construction at a high efficiency and fast pace, providing solid support for the high-quality development of Gaoyao's economy.

First, we must keep our eyes on the target and rush for the task. We must insist on putting the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the top priority position and strive to sprint in the second half of the year. Strengthen overall coordination, mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole district, vigorously implement the joint investment promotion of the Party and the Political Consultative Conference, actively implement the "front-line" work method and "project-based" work, do a good job in communication and docking with relevant departments of the city and district, scientifically analyze and judge, put the work in front, and speed up the progress to ensure the completion of the annual target tasks of Gaoyao District issued by the city.

Second, we must persist in attracting investment. Targeting the investment promotion of leading enterprises, highlighting the extension, supplementation and strengthening of the industrial chain to attract investment, keeping up with the key points in discussing projects, taking the "3+1+1" industry as the main direction, insisting on the "two-wheel drive" of attracting investment and increasing capital and expanding production, strive to attract and cultivate a group of new-quality productivity enterprises with science and technology and innovation, and promote economic quality and efficiency. At the same time, we will proactively layout strategic emerging industries, vigorously explore the low-altitude economy, promote the accelerated formation and agglomeration development of low-altitude economic industrial clusters, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in the field of low-altitude economy in the second half of the year.

Third, we must find ways to promote implementation. We will strengthen the dispatching service of the whole process of industrial projects, take the "general battle" of manufacturing project construction as the starting point, and set off a new wave of project implementation and construction in the whole district through methods such as hanging points, promoting construction, supervision, and reporting. We will strengthen the coordination and linkage of departments, give full play to the functions of the nine special teams, promote the acceleration of infrastructure construction in various industrial parks, solve the difficulties of project implementation with heart and affection, and fully assist various projects in rapid construction, completion, and production, with a focus on accelerating the investment progress of projects with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and go all out to form more physical workload.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Weng Zhuohui led a team to Foshan to carry out investment promotion and inspection work to promote new economic development

Weng Zhuohui led a team to Foshan to carry out investment promotion and inspection work to promote new economic development

Sihui released on July 9, 2024 21:13 Guangdong, China

On July 9, 2024, Weng Zhuohui, Secretary of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, led a team to Foshan Chancheng District to carry out investment promotion and inspection work, connect with visiting enterprises, promote Sihui, deepen pragmatic cooperation, further promote investment promotion work to speed up and improve quality, and promote new economic development.

In Foshan Dreamweaver Industrial Park, Weng Zhuohui and his party learned about the industrial layout, operation model and development plan of the industrial park through on-site inspections and listening to introductions.

It is understood that the industrial park covers an area of ​​73,000 square meters and a construction area of ​​about 260,000 square meters. It is based on textile and clothing design, production, and trade as the core industry, combined with Internet technology, financial services and national strategies, and holographically combines industrial innovation with trade to create a modern park with intelligent operation.

At the symposium, Weng Zhuohui and his delegation had in-depth exchanges with the management team of the industrial park, representatives of settled enterprises and representatives of the Foshan Children's Products Industry Association. Everyone conducted a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on industrial cooperation, project introduction, talent exchange and other aspects, and successfully reached a number of consensuses.

Weng Zhuohui said

The industrial park has accumulated rich and valuable experience in related industrial fields and has a mature model, which is very worthy of Sihui's serious study and reference. Sihui itself also has unique and significant advantages and huge development potential. It is eager to further strengthen cooperation with enterprises to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

The entrepreneurs attending the meeting said that Sihui has a superior geographical location, a good industrial foundation and huge development potential. They will actively participate in the economic construction of Sihui City, give full play to their own resources and technical advantages, and work with Sihui to create a better future.

He Zhengli, member of the Standing Committee of the Sihui Municipal Party Committee, participated in the investment promotion inspection.

Sihui City is an emerging industrial city, which is moving towards internationalization

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Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park--Longfu Town, Sihui City, China

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Industrial Park in Sihui City, China

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China Sihui City Investment Guide--located in Zhaoqing, Guangdong, also known as: Big Orange, Jade City, New Industrial City

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Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


Park Promotion | China Deqing County Industrial Transfer Industrial Park

Park Promotion | China Deqing County Industrial Transfer Industrial Park

Guangdong Industrial Park, May 15, 2024 17:41 Guangdong, China

1 Basic Information of the Park

Deqing County is the hometown of Dragon Mother and the city of Chongde. It is located in the west of central Guangdong and the middle reaches of the West River. It is an important development hinterland of the Pearl River Delta and the main city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The industrial park is based on Deqing’s first provincial industrial transfer industrial park. The planning layout is "one city and two parks" (Deqing Industrial New City, Prefabricated Building Industrial Park, Food and Southern Medicine Industrial Park). The total planned area is 41,565 mu, and the developed area is 14,870 mu. It has achieved "seven connections and one leveling" (road, water, electricity, postal, communication, natural gas, drainage and leveling land), and 197 enterprises have entered the park. Among them, the planned area of ​​Deqing Industrial New City is 13,470 mu, mainly focusing on mechanical equipment manufacturing and fan specialty industries, and home building materials industries; the planned area of ​​Deqing Prefabricated Building Industrial Park is 14,505 mu, mainly focusing on green building materials; the planned area of ​​Deqing Food Southern Medicine Industrial Park is 13,590 mu, mainly focusing on southern medicine, food and beverages. The park is separated from the county town by a road, enjoying a 5-minute living block. The surrounding communities, schools (kindergarten to university), markets, supermarkets, hospitals, sports and other living facilities are all available, and the integration of industry and city is highly developed. In 2024, the park's public comprehensive service area will be built, and it is expected to provide about 187 sets of living and supermarkets, restaurants and other supporting facilities to serve enterprises at zero distance.

Schematic diagram of the industrial park

Schematic diagram of the industrial park

Aerial photo of the industrial park

Aerial photo of the industrial park

2 Location and transportation

Deqing County is an important water and land transportation hub in western Guangdong, and an important node connecting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to the southwest. A new pattern of modern large-scale transportation by water, land and rail transport is gradually taking shape. It can reach the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta in 1.5 hours and Guangxi in half an hour. The golden waterway Xijiang River flows through Deqing for 83 kilometers, maintaining a navigation capacity of more than 3,000 tons all year round. It has a national Class II port container terminal with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons. The Yuecheng and Jiushi general terminals under construction have an annual throughput of 49 million tons, connecting Guangxi and Guizhou in the east and the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Macao in the south. National Highway 321 connects Zhaoqing City in the east, and the Xijiang Bridge connects Guangwu (Guangkun) Expressway and Nanguang High-speed Railway in the south. The entrance and exit of Guangfozhao Expressway is a 5-minute drive from the park, and the Nanjiangkou High-speed Railway Station is a 10-minute drive from the park.

Deqing County Class II Water Transport Port Deqing Kangzhou Port Loading and Unloading Point

Deqing County Class II Water Transport Port Deqing Kangzhou Port Loading and Unloading Point

Xijiang Waterway

Xijiang Waterway

3 The current status of the development of the leading industries and the next development plan

The current status of the development of the leading industries: Building an industrial system dominated by the agglomeration of machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, and food and southern medicine industries, accelerating the cultivation of strategic emerging industries such as electronic information, new energy vehicles and spare parts, so as to scientifically plan the industrial layout and promote high-quality industrial development. The mechanical equipment manufacturing industry is mainly based on the fan and woodworking intelligent equipment industries. With the goal of creating a Guangdong Province fan characteristic industrial park, it strives to build a unique general fan industrialization base in Guangdong Province. With Detong Company as the leader, it drives the "panoramic" agglomeration development of the upstream, midstream and downstream industrial chains such as fan complete machine production, motor manufacturing, and hardware accessories. There are 67 upstream and downstream related projects in the general fan industry, covering fan complete machine production, motor manufacturing, blade processing, hardware plastics and other fan upstream and downstream industrial chain manufacturing links, with an annual output of more than 3 million fans, and products of more than 40 series and more than 400 specifications. The home building materials industry is divided into residential industry, steel structure (PS) industry, precast concrete structure (PC) industry and green building materials industry, with 31 industrial enterprises above designated size. In terms of food and southern medicine industry, the Deqing Southern Medicine Health Industry Park is planned to be built with a total planned area of ​​12,246 acres, striving to build it into a national innovation, research and development and processing gathering place, a national authentic Chinese medicine industry three-industry integration development demonstration site, and a health tourism and traditional Chinese medicine health culture inheritance site in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the electronic information industry, Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. was introduced with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, mainly engaged in the research and development and production of intelligent audio and video terminal products.

Deqing leading enterprise Guangdong Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Guangdong Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Deqing leading enterprise Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Next development plan: First, strengthen platform construction and create a high-quality industrial carrier. Adhere to the "park as the mother", do a good job in the effective connection of the "Deqing Industrial Transfer Industrial Park Agglomeration Overall Development Plan (2020-2035)" and the provincial and municipal planning schemes such as promoting orderly industrial transfer and promoting regional coordinated development, optimize and expand new space for industrial transfer; promote the integration of industry and city development, closely combine industrial development with urban construction, and strive to build the county industrial park into a benchmark for industrial and urban integration with highly concentrated industries, complete urban functions, and beautiful ecological environment. Second, focus on precise investment promotion and make every effort to promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion. Adhere to the "project as the king", focus on the "leading + characteristic" industrial cluster development pattern, and carry out precise investment promotion around the three major leading industries of machinery and equipment manufacturing, home building materials, and food and southern medicine, and strengthen the chain pillar. Third, highlight the leading role of industry and accelerate the high-quality development of manufacturing industry. Adhere to the principle of "manufacturing as the master" and "per mu as the hero", make intensive and efficient use of land, implement the enterprise development doubling plan, strengthen the leading enterprises, supplement the chain, gather clusters, accelerate the formation of the industrial ecology of "leading projects, industrial chains, and industrial clusters", and promote the development of traditional and characteristic industries.

Aerial photo of industrial park

Aerial photo of industrial park

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Australia Guangdong Chamber of Commerce visits Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, China

Australia Guangdong Chamber of Commerce visits Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City, China

Gaoyao release 2024-07-09 22:53 Guangdong, China

On July 9, 2024, Wang Guozhong, President of Australia Guangdong Chamber of Commerce and Director of Australia Guangdong Overseas Chinese Association, led a delegation to Gaoyao District to conduct a visit and inspection to share friendship, seek common development, and promote economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between the two places. Xian Yiliang, Vice Chairman of Zhaoqing CPPCC, and Chen Depei, Secretary of Gaoyao District Committee, attended the event and warmly welcomed the arrival of Australia Guangdong Chamber of Commerce.

▲ Xian Yiliang, Vice Chairman of Zhaoqing CPPCC (third from left), Chen Depei, Secretary of Gaoyao District Committee (second from right), and Wang Guozhong, President of Australia Guangdong Chamber of Commerce and Director of Australia Guangdong Overseas Chinese Association (second from left), visited the Second China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo to learn about the development status of Gaoyao hardware industry.

The delegation came to Jinli High-tech Zone, Zhaoqing, to attend the opening ceremony of the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo, and visited the 2nd China (Jinli) Hardware and Construction Expo to learn about the current development of Gaoyao's hardware industry; then went to the Jinli Dragon Boat Museum to visit and learn about the inheritance and development of Jinli's dragon boat culture. The delegation then went to Jindu Town, went deep into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Zhaoqing Gaoyao) Pre-prepared Food Industrial Park Exhibition and Investment Promotion Center, the New Xiehang Greater Bay Area Cold Chain Logistics and Pre-prepared Food Processing Base, and inspected the development, project construction and operation of Gaoyao's pre-prepared food industry. The delegation also went to Chishuitang Community, Huilong Town, to investigate the construction of the Chinese Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Base.

Chen Depei introduced the economic and social development of Gaoyao to the Australian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce. He pointed out that at present, Gaoyao is anchored on the primary task of high-quality development, vigorously implementing the "Hundred Million Project", focusing on industries such as automotive parts, advanced energy storage materials, and pre-prepared food, and vigorously promoting investment attraction and project construction to promote stable economic growth. It is hoped that a long-term docking mechanism will be established with the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce in Australia in terms of information exchange, resource sharing, business cooperation, and project implementation, so as to help more Chinese and Australian enterprises "bring in" and "go out", further expand the scope of industrial cooperation, and promote the economic and trade development of the two places.

Wang Guozhong said that through this visit and inspection, he felt the profound industrial foundation, unique cultural charm, and broad development prospects of Gaoyao, enhanced the exchanges and friendship between the two sides, and laid a good foundation for future investment cooperation and trade exchanges between the two places. The Guangdong Chamber of Commerce in Australia will actively build a bridge of communication and a link, provide a complete and high-quality service platform, and help Gaoyao's high-quality enterprises to enter the Australian market. At the same time, it will introduce more high-quality resources from Australia to Gaoyao, create an industrial "shared ecology", jointly open up the market, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

"Gaoyao's pre-prepared food products are diversified and high-quality. We hope to bring Gaoyao's pre-prepared food products to Australia, integrate them into the local consumer market in Australia, and promote them to become a mainstream eating habit and food culture in Australia. This is also an important task for the Australian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce to visit Gaoyao this time. We plan to hold the Guangdong Civil and Commercial Expo in Australia in March 2025. This time I came back to see Gaoyao's hardware, Gaoyao's pre-prepared food, and Gaoyao's industrial operations. I think these are all worthy of display at the Australian Guangdong Civil and Commercial Expo." Wang Guozhong said in an interview with reporters.

Members of the visiting delegation also said that Gaoyao has many development opportunities, large space, and good prospects, and will actively participate in and promote Gaoyao's high-quality development. Wu Jiaquan, President of the Australian Zhaoqing Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: "The Chamber of Commerce will strengthen cooperation with Gaoyao to introduce Australia's good resources into Gaoyao, and promote Gaoyao's good products to Australia, and work together to seek common development."

Chen Caixia, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Zhaoqing Overseas Chinese Federation, Zhan Qingmei, leader of Gaoyao District, and relevant departments of the city and district, and responsible comrades of relevant towns participated in the event.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)
















Chen Chaochang led a team to conduct research in foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprises, and strived to promote enterprises to efficiently increase capital and expand production

Chen Chaochang led a team to conduct research in foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprises, and strived to promote enterprises to efficiently increase capital and expand production

Guangning Release July 9, 2024 20:34 Guangdong, China

On July 8, 2024, Chen Chaochang, secretary of the county party committee, led a team to conduct field research in two foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprises, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., Ltd.

Chen Chaochang led a team to conduct research in foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprises, and strived to promote enterprises to efficiently increase capital and expand production

At Dingfeng Company, the research team learned about the specific needs and existing problems in the construction of the technical transformation project of the company's household paper production line, and put forward guiding opinions on related issues, and strived to implement the technical transformation project as soon as possible and efficiently achieve capital increase and expansion.

Afterwards, the research team visited the exhibition hall of Weipai Electronics Company, listened to the company's leaders' reports on product research and development, production and operation, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges with the company, focusing on analyzing the company's strategies and paths in opening up foreign trade markets and future development plans.

Through visits and discussions, the research team fully understood the production, operation, planning and technical transformation project construction progress of two foreign-funded foreign trade enterprises, Guangdong Dingfeng Paper Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Weipai Electronics Co., Ltd., and discussed the promotion of Guangning County's "five external linkage" related work, laying the foundation for promoting Guangning County's foreign trade to seize the existing volume and promote the increase, and stabilize the basic foreign investment and foreign trade.

Deputy County Mayor Yang Hongzhang accompanied the research.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


The Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project with an investment of 15 million yuan has been successfully capped

The Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project with an investment of 15 million yuan has been successfully capped

Guangning Release July 02, 2024 20:16 Guangdong, China

Recently, the Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project located in Hengjing Village, Shijian District, Binheng Town, Guangning County has been successfully capped. After completion, the project will have service functions such as refrigeration and preservation, rapid distribution, food processing, and distribution and delivery. It is expected to be officially put into production in December this year to help Guangning County's bamboo industry develop with high quality.

Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project

▲Project renderings

Walking into the construction site of the Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project, the workers are working hard to dismantle the internal frame, clean up materials, and lay bricks. The construction site is busy and orderly. According to the person in charge of the project, the main building has been successfully capped recently. The project department will seize the good weather, keep a close eye on the target nodes, and accelerate the construction progress on the premise of ensuring quality and safety to ensure that the project is put into production and use as soon as possible.

Gong Haifei, Quality Inspector of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

The stairwell roof was poured on June 24, 2024, and the internal frame of the first floor has been removed. The main construction content now is that the internal frame of the second floor is being removed, and masonry construction is currently being prepared. Masonry and plastering will be completed by the end of July.

It is understood that the project covers an area of ​​7.1 acres and has an investment of about 15 million yuan. After completion, the project will have functions such as cold storage and preservation, rapid distribution, food processing, distribution and delivery, and provide services for important agricultural products in the links of pre-cooling and preservation at the place of production, cold chain transportation, cold storage in the sales area, and cold chain distribution, which will effectively make up for the shortcomings of local cold chain logistics and open up the "first kilometer" and "last kilometer" of agricultural products entering the city.

Guangdong Supply and Marketing (Guangning) Cold Chain Logistics Project

In addition to the cold chain logistics service function, Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative also anchors the central work of the county party committee and county government to develop the bamboo industry, develop and improve the food processing service function of the project, and build a food processing plant. After completion and production, it will cooperate with bamboo shoot processing enterprises (Zhaoqing Defengyuan Food Technology Co., Ltd., etc.), focusing on cultivating leading bamboo shoot processing backbone enterprises, exploring bamboo shoot processing, innovatively developing special bamboo shoot processing products, and focusing on enriching product types, creating Guangning bamboo shoot specialty brands, and enhancing Guangning bamboo shoot brand value and core competitiveness.

At the same time, relying on the supply and marketing cooperative organization system, by including bamboo shoot processing products in the "Ninggong Optimized" product list, signing the "Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement on Promoting Guangning Bamboo Shoot Agricultural Product Production and Marketing Docking" with the Tianhe District Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and listing on major physical stores and online business platforms, the sales channels of bamboo shoot processing products are unblocked, the high-quality development of the bamboo industry is promoted, and the Guangning bamboo shoot "local specialty" article is written with the supply and marketing organization advantages and brand effects.

Zhu Chengqiang, Director of the Board of Directors of Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative

Next, Guangning County Supply and Marketing Cooperative will continue to strengthen the guidance and supervision of project construction, further strengthen communication and docking with bamboo shoot processing industry partners, and deliver the company's on-site installation facilities and equipment in a timely manner. It is expected that the processing workshop will be renovated in October 2024, the equipment will be debugged and trial-operated in November, and it will be officially put into production in December.

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831


Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Huaiji Release July 5, 2024 10:48 Guangdong, China

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoi

Huaiji has six large reservoirs, one of which was built in the 1970s by the farmers of the whole commune with their hands and shoulders.

That is the Hulang Reservoir located in the north of Maning Town, Huaiji County.

The Hulang Reservoir Dam is 26.8 meters high, 231 meters long, 5 meters wide at the top, 186 meters wide at the bottom, and about 350,000 cubic meters of earth dam. The catchment area is 13.35 square kilometers and the total capacity is 12.04 million cubic meters. It is a medium-sized reservoir integrating flood control, irrigation, power generation, domestic water supply, aquaculture, hydrological observation, and tourism. The Hulang Reservoir area has beautiful scenery, lush ferns, and a wide vegetation coverage. From the satellite map, it seems like a pearl inlaid in the mountains.

However, this huge reservoir was built by expropriating land for free. In the absence of mechanical equipment, the people worked hard for more than five years with their flesh and blood to flatten the four hills on both sides of the dam and build a reservoir dam of more than 350,000 cubic meters.

From scratch, the villagers gave up their land for free to build the reservoir

In the 1970s, in order to better protect the green mountains and clear waters, so that the people can see the blue sky and white clouds and drink clean water, Huaiji County decided to build the Hulang Reservoir in the Hulang Brigade of Maning Commune. Of the six production teams in the Hulang Brigade, except for the two production teams of Pingshanzhai and Shanweizhai, the remaining four production teams of Anning, Linwu, Tanwu and Shazhou were all relocated. Anning moved to a post at the Hulang Pass, and the collective unified planning and reconstruction was named Xincun; the three production teams of Linwu, Tanwu and Shazhou moved to the higher mountainside of the reservoir area to choose a site for reconstruction. In that era of work points, there was no concept of compensation for demolition and land expropriation. The Party Committee and the government are responsible for leveling the land, dismantling the houses, transporting the raw materials, building the same area of ​​civil structure tile houses in other places, and exempting the villagers from the public grain.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

The simple and kind-hearted people in the mountain villages actively responded to the call of the Party, without any complaints, reluctantly gave up their fields and houses, actively cooperated with the relocation, and built new homes in other places. During the relocation process, the masses did not bargain, did not ask for compensation, and there were no "nail households".

Gathering forces to build a water conservancy barrier

The Hulang Reservoir began to build the dam in 1972 and was completed and put into operation in 1977, which took more than five years. During these five years, Maning Commune insisted on the leadership of party building, gave full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and party members and cadres took the lead in the front line, leading the people to actively invest in the construction of the reservoir dam. Under the leadership of party members and cadres, local villagers actively responded to the call, prepared their own production tools, took the initiative to work, and stayed in a simple thatched shed near the mountain near the dam for a long time. They built their own stoves and lived on the mountain tops. They worked hard, overcame difficulties, and built a solid water conservancy barrier with their flesh and blood.

All people participate, and the united assault battle

The party organization fully trusts and relies on the masses. In addition to the transfer of migrant workers, it summons all the labor of each production team in the two periods of spring planting and autumn harvest every year, and brings their own meals to the reservoir construction site to voluntarily carry mud and build dams, and conduct assault battles. The efficiency of the assault battle is not high, but the assault battles in two periods every year can raise the dam by 2 to 3 meters. In the era without mechanical equipment, the use of mass assault battles is a good choice.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

Work hard for a long time, and continue to struggle to protect the green mountains and clear waters

Most of the migrant workers who stay at the construction site are doing the work of transporting mud and building dams. Migrant workers with special skills do high-tech work such as chiseling and blasting rocks, building stone walls, and building culverts. For the migrant workers, the sound of the radio broadcast from the construction site command center is the command signal for their work and life. Due to the high mountains and steep roads, the terrain is steep, and the wheelbarrow has no brake device, when transporting mud down the mountain, one person can only step on the rear of the car to drag the sand, and two people use their shoulders to carry the two handlebars with difficulty, and then slowly move backwards. When they arrived at the dam, the three people used their hands and feet, one person pulled and two people pushed, and arduously transported the mud to the designated location for filling. In this way, they went back and forth more than ten times every day without interruption, and evacuated the construction site by pulling the wheelbarrow at 11 noon. Because the construction site set off the "mud cannon" on time at 12 o'clock, in order to ensure safety, there were special people guarding the safety work. Everyone near the site had to evacuate, and people and animals were prohibited from entering. "Mud cannon" is to use a long-handled iron shovel to dig a round hole with a diameter of 15 cm and a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters, and then put in explosives, detonators, and fuses. When the time comes, ignite and blast to loosen the soil and make it easier for migrant workers to load. Generally, it is set once in the afternoon and evening. At 2 pm, the construction site broadcast sounded and continued to transport mud and build the dam. At 6 pm, the work was over. After a day, the migrant workers were exhausted, covered in mud and sweat, dragging their tired bodies back to the shed. Day after day, they worked hard to start a business, and batches of villagers continued to struggle.

Liang Linsheng from Maning Town was one of the workers who transported mud and built the dam. In August 1974, Liang Linsheng had just graduated from high school and was arranged by the production team to work as a migrant worker at the Hulang Reservoir construction site. He did heavy physical work, ate white rice with pickled cabbage, and lived in a thatched hut that was leaky and full of insects and rats. In addition to transporting mud and building dams, he also took turns to cook three meals a day for the migrant workers in his team. Regardless of the scorching sun in summer or the biting cold wind, he insisted on working every day for one year and six months, using his youth and sweat to make positive contributions to the construction of the Hulang Reservoir Dam.

Upgrading and renovating to solve the problem of drinking water

After the reform and opening up, the social economy has transformed, science and technology has developed rapidly, and large-scale modern machinery and equipment have been used in rural areas. In 2003, the Hulang Reservoir used the abundant water resources of the reservoir to build a water plant. The siphon technology (also known as the reverse suction technology) can continuously divert clean and hygienic water from the reservoir to the water plant without the need for electricity to pump water, greatly reducing the cost of water production. It was completed and put into operation in 2004, solving the drinking water problem of thousands of households in Maning. In 2017, the pipe network and capacity expansion were upgraded and renovated, and the daily water supply can reach 4,000 tons, further improving the water supply capacity, expanding the water supply coverage, and benefiting more people. Today, the Hulang Reservoir not only provides safe, clean and hygienic drinking water for the people of Maning, but also ensures the living water supply for more than 70,000 villagers in dozens of villages such as Huashi Village and Dazhai in the surrounding Liangcun Town.

Maning Town, Huaiji County, China - The past and present of Hulang Reservoir

A reservoir has witnessed a period of history. More than 50 years ago, the vast number of farmers in Maning Town worked together to build the Hulang Reservoir with their flesh and blood in just five years, witnessing a period of intensive labor achievement in Huaiji County. Over the past 40 years, the Hulang Reservoir has not only played the role of ensuring water supply for life and agricultural production, but also played an economic benefit in the form of power generation, playing an active role in maintaining ecological harmony and social comprehensive benefits.

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Investment promotion never stops! Secretary Yu Xiaojun led a team to negotiate projects here

Huaiji Release July 6, 2024 18:02 Guangdong, China

On July 5, 2024, Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, led a team to Foshan City to visit and inspect enterprises, actively promote Huaiji's investment environment, promote the accelerated signing and implementation of high-quality projects, and build momentum for Huaiji's high-quality development. Deputy County Mayor, Director of the Management Committee of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone Li Zechu participated in the event.

Yu Xiaojun and his party successively visited the production workshops and product display areas of Foshan Chengming Printing Co., Ltd. and Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd., and learned in detail about the company's development history, production operations, foreign trade orders, technology research and development, vision planning, etc., and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations with the company leaders on matters related to project cooperation.

At the symposium, Yu Xiaojun introduced in detail the location advantages, resource endowments, business environment, preferential policies, and factor guarantees of Huaiji. He sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Huaiji, deepen their roots in Huaiji, drive more projects and upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in Huaiji, and help Huaiji build a full industrial chain. He said that he hoped that the two sides would strengthen docking in an all-round way and accelerate the planning and implementation of projects. Huaiji County will continue to create a first-class business environment, with the greatest sincerity, the best policies, and the strongest services to help enterprises take root in Huaiji and develop rapidly, and achieve opportunity sharing and mutual benefit and win-win results.

The heads of enterprises have expressed that they are very optimistic about the investment prospects of Huaiji and are willing to establish a close cooperative relationship with Huaiji. They will accelerate the implementation of project construction, see results, give full play to their own brand advantages, technical advantages, talent advantages, etc., find more points of cooperation between the two sides, and enable Huaiji to achieve high-quality development while realizing enterprise development.

The heads of departments such as the Huaiji County Party Committee Office, Huaiji County Investment Promotion Center, and Huaiji Branch of the Municipal Environmental Bureau participated in the event.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

The main leaders of Guangzhou Huadu District Committee went to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work

Deqing Release July 1, 2024 21:09 Guangdong, China

On July 1, 2024, Xing Xiang, Secretary of the Huadu District Committee of Guangzhou, led a research team to Deqing County to investigate the assistance and cooperation work, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to go deeper and more practical in Deqing. Ling Yun, Secretary of the County Party Committee, Zhang Zhouxing, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Executive Deputy County Mayor, and Sun Yanpeng, Deputy County Mayor, accompanied the investigation.

The research team went to Zhaoqing Detong Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. and other places for field research, and learned in detail about the industrial transfer of the Huadu-Deqing co-built industrial park and the construction of the green and beautiful industrial demonstration site.

At the Huadu-Deqing Party and Government Joint Meeting, Ling Yun expressed his gratitude for the long-term strong support of Huadu District. He said that since the two places established a counterpart assistance relationship, the cooperation has been continuously strengthened, and all work has achieved good results. Deqing County will seize the development opportunities such as counterpart assistance and cooperation, focus on the entry points of assistance, strengthen cooperation in key areas such as investment promotion, industrial cooperation, talent exchange, education and medical care, and strive to promote rural revitalization and high-quality development of the county economy.

After listening to the work report of the Huadu District Working Team in Deqing, Xing Xiang fully affirmed the achievements made by Huadu District in counterpart assistance to Deqing County. She said that we should focus on two-way empowerment, promote industrial cooperation to achieve a new leap, continue to deepen the joint construction of parks, actively carry out collaborative investment promotion, vigorously develop advantageous industries, and further increase the added value of agricultural products; we should focus on mutual benefit and win-win, promote consumer cooperation to enter the fast lane, promote each other's high-quality products, deepen and improve the "local specialties" article, promote the increase of people's income and wealth, rely on the "reverse enclave" park of Huadu and Deqing e-commerce incubation, as well as the resource advantages of Huadu District E-commerce Association and consumer assistance enterprises, and strive to promote more high-quality agricultural products in Deqing to go out and make the "purses" of the people in Deqing bulge; we should focus on people's livelihood needs, promote assistance and cooperation to a new level, promote the exchange of education and medical talents, and accelerate the improvement of infrastructure; we should anchor the overall goal of "high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and tens of thousands of villages", integrate assistance resources, form a joint force for assistance, and promote the "hundreds of millions of projects" in Deqing with stronger strength and more practical measures.

During the investigation, the research team also visited Mawei Town, Gaoliang Town, Deqing Morinda Officinalis South China Trading Market and other places to investigate the development of Deqing southern medicine in Meiliwei Town, a typical town of the province's "Hundred Thousand Million Project".

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802




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