Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Guangdong is ready to do this to make a good combination of foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation and foreign intelligence

Guangdong is ready to do this to make a good combination of foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation and foreign intelligence

Invest in Zhaoqing July 9, 2024 20:36 Guangdong

In order to thoroughly implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on opening up to the outside world, we will make a good combination of foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation and foreign intelligence at a new starting point, unswervingly promote Guangdong's high-level opening up to the outside world, and accelerate the creation of new advantages in international cooperation and competition. The following opinions are now put forward in light of the actual situation.

I. General requirements

Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and instructions to Guangdong, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, focus on the implementation of the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", and steadily promote the quality improvement and interconnection and interaction of foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation and foreign intelligence, build a new system of open economy at a higher level, comprehensively enhance Guangdong's position in the global industrial chain, supply chain and value chain, create a hub area for the gathering of global high-end factors and resource allocation, promote the construction of a strong trade province to a new level, and provide strong support for Guangdong to take the lead in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

II. Make every effort to promote the stable scale and excellent structure of foreign trade

(I) Create advantageous export industrial clusters. Consolidate and enhance the trillion-yuan export industrial clusters such as electronic information and modern light industry and textiles, promote the export of smart home appliances and equipment to the trillion-yuan level, and cultivate the trillion-yuan export industrial clusters such as precision instruments, biomedicine, new energy storage, modern agriculture and food. Tap the export potential of counties and cultivate a batch of billion-yuan characteristic export industries.

(II) Targeted development of key overseas markets. Targeting key export markets with a value of over 100 billion yuan, formulate and implement market development plans one by one. Stabilize traditional markets such as Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, and increase the added value of export products. Implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with high quality, and expand emerging markets such as ASEAN. Explore the potential of markets such as Africa, and expand market procurement trade exports to Africa. Organize the "Guangdong Trade Global" overseas exhibition well, support enterprises to explore overseas markets and grab orders, further expand the functions of the Canton Fair, and promote the branding and high-end development of a number of key exhibitions.

(III) Build an important product distribution hub. Focusing on bulk commodities, electronic components, aircraft, automobiles, agricultural products, and mid-to-high-end consumer goods, layout and build six major import bases. Accelerate the construction of the National Import Trade Promotion Innovation Demonstration Zone in Guangzhou Nansha District, Huangpu District and Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone, and apply for the construction of a number of designated import supervision sites for meat, grain, seedlings, fruits, etc. Strengthen trade cooperation with members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and increase imports of crude oil, natural gas, agricultural products and other products. Give full play to the import platform function of the provincial import and export company and strengthen the supporting services for major projects in the province.

(IV) Develop new forms of foreign trade. Support Guangzhou and Shenzhen to build international hub cities for cross-border e-commerce, create 20 "industry clusters + cross-border e-commerce" parks, cultivate 10 billion-level cross-border e-commerce leading enterprises, build 500 large-scale overseas warehouses, and promote the import and export scale of cross-border e-commerce to exceed 1 trillion yuan. Accelerate the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area global trade digital pilot zone, establish and improve the offshore trade authenticity verification system, vigorously develop distribution and assembly, bonded maintenance and remanufacturing and other businesses, and promote the development of bonded fuel oil refueling business for international ships.

(V) Cultivate and expand foreign trade entities. Support leading foreign trade enterprises to become stronger and better, carry out pilot bonded reforms for the entire industrial chain, and support the construction of global supply chain management centers for textiles and clothing, electronic information, and automobiles in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places. Attract and cultivate a number of leading trading companies, port logistics companies, leading industrial chain companies, and platform companies, promote manufacturing companies to set up sales companies directly facing overseas markets, and cultivate a number of local supply chain leaders, international distributors, and agents. Promote the digital transformation of more than 100,000 small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, encourage them to take the internationalization path of "specialization, precision, specialization and innovation", and cultivate no less than 100 influential independent export brands.

(VI) Improve the cross-border logistics system. Optimize the Guangdong-Hong Kong trade channel and improve the customs clearance efficiency of Guangdong and Hong Kong. Improve the cargo capacity of seaports and airports, optimize sea routes to Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia, Africa, etc., focus on improving the capacity of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport's international cargo aviation hub, and launch a feasibility study of a professional cargo airport in due course. Accelerate the establishment of a China-Europe train platform company. Promote customs clearance facilitation reforms, carry out special actions to facilitate cross-border trade, and promote the "single window" application rate to remain above 90%.

(VII) Improve the risk prevention and control system. Establish and improve the trade risk early warning and monitoring system, innovate risk prevention and control measures and hedging tools, and improve the multi-subject coordinated response mechanism for trade frictions. Accelerate the implementation of trade adjustment assistance, establish a legal service platform for responding to trade frictions, and comprehensively enhance the ability of enterprises in our province to use international rules to avoid risks and resolve disputes.

III. Promote the expansion of foreign investment, stabilize the stock and improve the quality

(VIII) Optimize the investment promotion work mechanism. Implement the "top leader" project for investment promotion and coordinate the attraction of domestic and foreign investment. Organize the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Global Investment Promotion Conference and the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong East, West and North Economic and Trade Cooperation Investment Promotion Conference to create a branded investment promotion platform with global influence. Give full play to the role of the direct train for provincial leaders to contact multinational companies, global investment consultants, and the Fortune 500 Entrepreneurs Club, innovate market-oriented investment promotion models, carry out outbound investment promotion, on-site investment promotion, business-led investment promotion, overseas Chinese-led investment promotion, and explore investment-led investment promotion, intermediary investment promotion, and "enclave" investment promotion.

(IX) Strengthen investment promotion in the manufacturing industry. Focus on leading enterprises in the new generation of electronic information, green petrochemicals, new energy, new materials, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing and other industries, carry out chain leader investment promotion, and introduce a number of landmark large projects. Carry out hidden champion investment promotion, and strive to introduce a number of high-quality and high-growth hidden champion enterprises every year. Focus on 6G, new generation artificial intelligence, quantum technology, genetic technology, deep sea, aerospace and other industries, carry out future industry investment promotion, and attract a number of industrial transformation projects to land. Strengthen cooperation with overseas sovereign wealth funds and encourage more sovereign wealth funds to come to Guangdong to carry out greenfield investment and equity investment.

(10) Strengthen the main battlefield for attracting investment. Deepen the reform and innovation of the Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone, implement preferential policies for corporate income tax and personal income tax, and focus on introducing functional and regional headquarters of multinational companies, central enterprises, large private enterprises, etc. Formulate a comprehensive evaluation method for Guangdong Economic Development Zone, promote the expansion and quality improvement of economic development zones, cultivate a batch of provincial economic development zones, and promote qualified ones to apply for national economic and technological development zones. Promote the construction of Sino-foreign cooperation parks at a high level, promote the establishment of a number of high-level bilateral projects in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City and the China-Korea (Huizhou) Industrial Park, and promote substantial progress in the construction of a number of characteristic cooperation parks.

(11) Create a first-class investment environment. Pilot the connection with international high standards to promote institutional opening in the pilot free trade zone, and strive to build a system and regulatory model that is connected with high-level institutional opening. Implement the negative list for foreign investment access, and comprehensively clean up policies such as market access and consumption subsidies that discriminate against and exclude products or services of foreign-invested enterprises. Implement the policy of clearing manufacturing items from the negative list of foreign investment access in the pilot free trade zone. Make full use of the comprehensive pilot policy of expanding the opening up of Guangzhou's service industry and guide more foreign investment into high-end service industries. Implement policies such as temporarily exempting foreign investors from withholding income tax on direct investment with distributed profits. Actively connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), and continuously promote institutional opening up.

IV. Accelerate the quality upgrade of service outsourcing

(XII) Optimize the structure of service outsourcing. Vigorously develop information technology outsourcing industries such as software research and development, information operation and maintenance, and cloud computing services, and build an offshore software development center. Expand high-end productive service outsourcing such as supply chain management, industrial design, pharmaceutical research and development, and cultural creativity, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the outsourcing industry to high value-added, high quality, and high efficiency. Innovate the outsourcing development model, develop crowdsourcing, cloud outsourcing, and platform subcontracting, and implement bonded supervision on imported materials and parts required for "two-end" service formats such as research and development, design, testing, and maintenance. Coordinate offshore and onshore service outsourcing, work with Hong Kong and Macao to build offshore receiving centers and onshore outsourcing centers, and create a service outsourcing hub region with global influence. Deepen exchanges and cooperation with countries participating in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the going out of "equipment + service" and "engineering + service", accelerate the internationalization of Guangdong's service standards, and encourage service outsourcing companies to go global.

(XIII) Build a strong service outsourcing platform. Improve the level of national service outsourcing demonstration cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Foshan, and promote the innovative development of provincial demonstration cities such as Zhuhai, Dongguan, and Zhongshan. Support the expansion and strengthening of the National Digital Service Export Base in Guangzhou Tianhe Central Business District, and cultivate 15 provincial digital service export bases. Improve the level of outsourcing R&D innovation, build a number of outsourcing incubation platforms and incubation bases, and promote the construction of 10 outsourcing public service platforms.

(XIV) Cultivate leading service outsourcing companies. Increase support for high-quality companies, attract and cultivate a number of global outsourcing top 100 companies, China's leading service outsourcing companies, and top 100 companies. Guide companies to accelerate digital transformation and promote the transformation of no less than 150 service outsourcing companies into digital trade leading companies. Optimize the talent structure of service outsourcing, and cultivate and attract a group of mid-to-high-end and compound service outsourcing talents.

V. Promote the optimization and strengthening of foreign trade

(XV) Carry out foreign investment cooperation in an orderly manner. Strengthen cooperation with Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa and other countries and regions that jointly build the "Belt and Road", promote the reasonable layout of electronic information, smart home appliances, modern light industry textiles, modern agriculture and food companies in overseas and central and western regions and border areas, make good use of the two markets and two resources of domestic and international markets, promote the export of products, equipment, technology and standards, and deeply integrate them in the industrial chain and supply chain. Promote the export of digital industries such as animation and games, digital audio and video, software and information services, and explore overseas markets with localized operations.

(XVI) Build overseas economic and trade cooperation zones with high quality. Expand support for special overseas RMB loans, support the development of existing overseas economic and trade cooperation zones, and cultivate a number of provincial-level overseas economic and trade cooperation zones. Explore the linkage between overseas economic and trade cooperation zones and provincial cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, and support cross-border e-commerce platform companies to establish an integrated marketing system of physical display, sales, distribution and after-sales service in cooperation zones. Support Shenzhen to explore the construction of fishery industrial parks. Support the innovative development of Guangdong Fenyong ASEAN Industrial Park, support the construction of RCEP International Procurement and Trading Center for Agricultural Products, and encourage the exploration of new models of complementary cooperation in the industrial chain of "two countries and two parks" in RCEP member countries.

(XVII) Focus on cultivating local multinational companies. Encourage local leading enterprises to participate in the reshaping of the global industrial chain and supply chain through greenfield investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, joint investment and other means, support the construction of a number of R&D centers, production bases, marketing networks, and storage bases overseas, and actively cultivate local multinational companies with operating income exceeding 100 billion yuan. Accelerate the development of foreign contracting projects, and support the Guangdong "going out" energy infrastructure industry alliance to become stronger and bigger.

(XVIII) Improve the global economic and trade network. Optimize the regional layout of overseas economic and trade offices, integrate platform resources such as overseas Guangdong Chamber of Commerce and trade promotion representative offices, and strengthen docking with overseas multinational companies and business associations. Strengthen risk prevention of foreign investment and cooperation, guide enterprises to strengthen compliance construction, improve compliance systems, urge enterprises to standardize overseas business operations, support Guangzhou Nansha to build a comprehensive service base for Chinese enterprises to "go out", and provide "one-stop" services such as international investment consulting, compliance operations, financial insurance, and emergency hedging.

VI. Increase the efforts to attract foreign talents

(XIX) Vigorously introduce foreign-funded R&D institutions. Encourage and guide foreign investment to invest more in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and attract a number of high-level foreign-funded R&D institutions to settle in Guangdong. According to national policies, foreign-funded R&D centers that have been certified will be exempted from import tariffs, import value-added tax and consumption tax on qualified scientific and technological development supplies, and will fully refund the value-added tax on the purchase of domestic equipment. Support foreign-funded R&D institutions to take the lead or participate in provincial science and technology plan projects and participate in the selection of science and technology awards. Optimize the management mechanisms and processes such as the cross-border flow of foreign-funded R&D data, the transfer of intellectual property rights, the import and export of technology, and the customs clearance of scientific research materials to enhance the convenience of foreign-funded R&D. Implement a combination of investment and talent attraction, provide foreign-funded R&D center teams with efficient and convenient services such as entry visas, settlement, children's schooling, and medical care, and drive overseas outstanding scientific and technological talents and teams to settle down.

(XX) Vigorously introduce high-end, sophisticated and scarce talents. Optimize the implementation of major talent plans. Continue to implement flexible talent attraction projects such as overseas famous teachers. We will organize well branded activities such as the China Overseas Talent Exchange Conference, Shenzhen Global Innovation Talent Forum, and China International Talent Exchange Conference, introduce a group of strategic scientists, first-class science and technology leaders and innovation teams, and young scientific and technological talents who lead cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation, and accelerate the gathering of a group of outstanding engineers who are in urgent need of mastering the core technologies of key industries. We will attract overseas Chinese to Guangdong to innovate and start businesses. We will actively provide investment facilitation policies for overseas Chinese. We will strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese, and their families in settling down, starting businesses, receiving education, disposing of property, and social insurance.

(XXI) Create an internationally competitive talent attraction environment. We will optimize the implementation of policies and systems such as foreigners' work permits, foreign talent visas, and the recognition of high-level talents from foreign countries and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and promote the pilot recognition standards for foreign "high-end, high-tech, and scarce" talents. We will create service brands such as "Foreign Experts' Home" and International Talent Community. We will work with Hong Kong and Macao to explore diversified talent attraction and utilization models.

VII. Strengthening guarantee measures

(XXII) Strengthening organizational leadership. We will establish a working mechanism to promote the "five external linkages", with the main responsible comrades of the Party and government at all levels taking the lead in overall planning and strengthening the overall planning and deployment of related work. All regions and departments should strengthen resource input and make every effort to promote the implementation of various tasks. The Provincial Department of Commerce should strengthen overall coordination and supervision of implementation, increase policy publicity, and timely summarize and promote advanced experiences from various places.

(XXIII) Strengthen the supply of resource elements. Coordinate and integrate central and provincial funds, optimize support policies such as market development, export credit insurance, import interest subsidies, and utilization of foreign capital. Strengthen financial guarantees to support major pilot projects, major platforms, and major projects of the "Five External Linkages". Simplify tax preference application procedures and vigorously promote the "no application, no enjoyment" reform. Actively promote the high-level opening-up pilot of cross-border trade and investment and the pilot of integrated foreign and domestic currency funds pools for multinational corporations. Further reduce export credit insurance premiums and expand coverage. Ensure the land demand of key projects through multiple channels.

(XXIV) Strengthen linkage effects. Strengthen the interconnection and interaction between foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation, and foreign intelligence, consolidate and enhance the market space for foreign economic and trade cooperation by strengthening foreign trade, promote industrial upgrading and high-quality development of foreign trade by expanding foreign investment, attract major foreign investment and high-end talents to settle down by developing outsourcing, and drive the export of equipment, technology, standards, certification and services by improving foreign economic cooperation, so as to amplify the comprehensive integrated effect of the "five external linkages".

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)


投資肇慶 2024年07月09日 20:36 廣東


































Leaders of Zhaoqing City, China, went to Gaoyao District to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Leaders of Zhaoqing City, China, went to Gaoyao District to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

Invest in Zhaoqing July 9, 2024 20:36 Guangdong, China

On July 5, 2024, Chen Xuanqun, Vice Chairman of the Zhaoqing CPPCC, led a team to Gaoyao to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity,

promoting the construction of Gaoyao manufacturing projects to speed up and increase efficiency.

On July 5, 2024, Chen Xuanqun, Vice Chairman of the Zhaoqing CPPCC, led a team to Gaoyao to carry out the "Project Landing Centralized Supervision Day" activity

The supervision team visited the construction sites of Guangdong Lingguang Chip-level Electronic Chemical Materials Production Project and Shenzhen Jiexun Auto Parts Production Project, and conducted in-depth exchanges with the enterprises and project leaders to learn in detail about the progress of the projects, the difficulties, the problems that need to be solved, and the next work plan, etc., and listened to the report on the implementation of the industrial investment promotion projects in Gaoyao District, studied and solved the difficulties and problems in the process of project promotion, and put forward opinions and suggestions for the next step of work.

The supervision team emphasized

The key to carrying out the on-site supervision of the "general battle" is to find problems, and the key is to solve them. Next, we must actively promote project construction, improve relevant supporting facilities as soon as possible, further strengthen the awareness of proactive service, follow up on the development needs of enterprises in a timely manner, provide full life cycle services, promote the accelerated implementation and transformation of projects, form more effective investment, and better serve the city's economic and social development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: gyzsjwlk@163.com

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Monday, July 8, 2024





Have you read the Japanese manga "Saint Seiya"? Do you know where the waterfall where Shiryu practiced martial arts is? I found it for you.

It's here:

Huangniutou Forest Park-Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

聖闘士星矢,日本の漫画,練習する,滝,紫龙,Waterfall,紫龍,Saint Seiya,Shiryu,

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China.

This place has not been developed yet and is still like a primeval forest. It takes a long time to walk to get there. Non-professionals should not go there.

The Sixth Patriarch Huineng may not have visited this place even though he was in Sihui for more than ten years.

Many people don't know this place.






Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

Huangniutou Forest Park Waterfall, Shigou Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, China

"Going out" without stopping! Zhaoqing investment promotion team went to many places to carry out investment promotion activities

"Going out" without stopping! Zhaoqing investment promotion team went to many places to carry out investment promotion activities

Invest in Zhaoqing July 08, 2024 22:10 Guangdong, China

Recently, the Zhaoqing investment promotion team has actively "gone out" and has been going to various places to carry out investment promotion activities without stopping, showing firm determination and vigorous vitality.

Gaoyao District

Since July 2024, the Gaoyao District Investment Promotion Team has targeted the "3+1+1" industries and went to Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places to carry out investment promotion activities.

From July 4 to 5, 2024, Gaoyao District Party Secretary Chen Depei led the inspection team to Nantong, Yancheng and other places in Jiangsu to carry out investment promotion activities around modern agriculture, food and beverage pre-prepared dishes, equipment manufacturing, metal processing and other industries. The inspection team visited key enterprises such as Jiangsu Kangrui Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zhongya Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Guangdong Hongtu Nantong Die Casting Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Hualu Technology Co., Ltd. The team visited the production workshop on site to understand the production and operation of the enterprise and its development plan, and actively promoted Gaoyao's superior business environment and investment advantages, and sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Gaoyao. The inspection team also visited Jiangsu Kangde Egg Industry Co., Ltd., and had in-depth discussions with the company's senior management on the details of the cooperation in egg chicken breeding and egg deep processing projects, and pushed the project to be signed and settled as soon as possible.

From July 1 to 3, 2024, Li Guanyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Gaoyao District Party Committee and Executive Deputy District Mayor, led the inspection team to Shanghai and Jiangsu Province to carry out industrial investment promotion activities around park construction, low-altitude economy, prefabricated buildings, and pre-prepared food industries. The inspection team visited several high-quality leading enterprises, including the Shanghai Branch of China Wuye Group Co., Ltd., Fengfei Aviation Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Lingjie Technology Group Co., Ltd., visited the production workshop on site, and held discussions with the company's senior management to gain an in-depth understanding of the company's production and operation, development plans, and investment needs. During the period, the inspection team also participated in the "20th Annual Meeting of the China Foundry Association", seized the opportunity of the annual meeting, actively communicated and connected, vigorously promoted the development advantages of Gaoyao District's foundry industry, and warmly invited relevant enterprises of the foundry association to Gaoyao for inspection, deepening exchanges, interactions and investment cooperation.

Gaoyao District will continue to adhere to the combination of "going out and bringing in", vigorously carry out precise investment promotion in the industrial chain, further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district, accelerate high-quality development, and add new momentum to the city's economic quality improvement and efficiency.

Huaiji County

On July 5, 2024, Yu Xiaojun, Secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, led a team to visit and inspect enterprises in Foshan City, actively promote the investment environment of Huaiji, promote the accelerated signing and implementation of high-quality projects, and build momentum for Huaiji's high-quality development.

The Huaiji investment promotion team visited the production workshops and product display areas of Foshan Chengming Printing Co., Ltd. and Foshan Nanhai Xinli Metal Products Co., Ltd., and learned in detail about the company's development history, production operations, foreign trade orders, technology research and development, vision planning, etc., and had in-depth exchanges and negotiations with the company leaders on matters related to project cooperation.

At the subsequent symposium, Yu Xiaojun gave a detailed introduction to Huaiji's location advantages, resource endowments, business environment, preferential policies, and factor guarantees. He sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Huaiji, deepen Huaiji, drive more projects and upstream and downstream enterprises to settle in Huaiji, and help Huaiji build a full industrial chain. He said that he hoped that the two sides would strengthen docking in an all-round way and accelerate the planning and implementation of projects. Huaiji County will continue to create a first-class business environment, with the greatest sincerity, the best policies, and the strongest services to help enterprises take root in Huaiji and develop rapidly, and achieve opportunity sharing and mutual benefit and win-win results.

The heads of enterprises have expressed that they are very optimistic about Huaiji's investment prospects and are willing to establish a close cooperative relationship with Huaiji. They will accelerate the implementation of project construction, see results, find more points of cooperation between the two sides, and enable Huaiji to develop with high quality while realizing enterprise development.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: gyzsjwlk@163.com

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436

Email: zqhjzsj@163.com

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Zhaoqing New District - Industrial Park Construction Situation - Short Video Filmed in May 2024

 Zhaoqing New District - Industrial Park Construction Situation - Short Video Filmed in May 2024

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Friday, July 5, 2024

Chen Chaochang led a team to Guangzhou and Foshan to inspect the development of new materials industry

Chen Chaochang led a team to Guangzhou and Foshan to inspect the development of new materials industry

Guangning released on July 5, 2024 20:43 Guangdong, China

On July 4, 2024, Chen Chaochang, secretary of the county party committee, led an inspection team to Guangdong Leixin New Materials Co., Ltd., Foshan Qisda Film Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Hengya Industrial Materials Industry Co., Ltd. to inspect the development of new materials industry.

At Guangdong Leixin New Materials Co., Ltd., the inspection team learned in detail about the company's development, technological innovation, and specific needs and difficulties in project promotion. The two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the specific details of the project implementation, striving to achieve win-win development for both parties. At Foshan Qisda Film Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Hengya Industrial Materials Industry Co., Ltd., Chen Chaochang listened to the company leaders' introduction on product research and development, production processes and market prospects, and gained an in-depth understanding of the company's development plans and intentions to invest in Guangning.

Chen Chaochang said that at present, Guangning County is focusing on the deployment requirements of the province and the city to "base on the real economy", highlight "manufacturing as the main body", vigorously develop "circular economy and new materials", and create a recycled plastic industry cluster. The new material enterprises of local celebrities abroad are also highly consistent with the future development of the county. We look forward to more local celebrities returning to Guangning to invest and start businesses, and jointly promote the new material industry to increase its strength and speed up. Guangning County will continue to optimize the business environment, serve the progress of projects, provide solid guarantees for the development of enterprises, ensure the smooth implementation and rapid advancement of projects, and wish the local celebrity enterprises to prosper, pay attention to the development of their hometown, and jointly promote the high-quality development of Guangning's economy.

Hello, this is Guangning County! Please accept this new business card to attract investment-China Industrial Park-Guangdong Industrial Park-Zhaoqing Industrial Park-investment paradise-Entrepreneurship Paradise

Guangning County, Guangdong Province, China--Investment Guide

Guangning County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: No. 6, Daxin Road, Chebeidong, Nanjie Town, Guangning County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-8639338

Fax:  0086-758-8669831

Email: gnzsb01@163.com

Chen Depei led a team to Jiangsu and other places to carry out industrial investment promotion activities

Chen Depei led a team to Jiangsu and other places to carry out industrial investment promotion activities

Gaoyao Release July 5, 2024 23:40 Guangdong, China

In the first week of July 2024, Gaoyao District continued to vigorously attract investment around the "3+1+1" industries. The main leaders of the district committee led a team to Jiangsu and other places to carry out industrial investment promotion activities, inspect key enterprises, and negotiate project cooperation, so as to make a good start for the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district in the second half of the year.

From July 4 to 5, 2024, Gaoyao District Party Secretary Chen Depei led an inspection team to Nantong, Yancheng and other places in Jiangsu to carry out investment promotion activities around modern agriculture, food and beverage pre-prepared dishes, equipment manufacturing, metal processing and other industries.

The inspection team visited Jiangsu Kangrui Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Zhongya Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Guangdong Hongtu Nantong Die Casting Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Hualu Technology Co., Ltd. and other key enterprises, visited the production workshops on site, and gained an in-depth understanding of the production and operation of the enterprises and their future development plans. They also actively promoted Gaoyao's superior business environment and investment advantages, and sincerely invited enterprises to invest in Gaoyao.

The inspection team also visited Jiangsu Kangde Egg Industry Co., Ltd., and had in-depth discussions with the company's senior management on the cooperation of laying hen breeding and egg deep processing projects, and pushed for the project to be signed and settled as soon as possible.

District Party Secretary Chen Depei (first from left) visited Guangdong Hongtu Nantong Die Casting Co., Ltd.

▲ District Party Secretary Chen Depei (first from left) visited Guangdong Hongtu Nantong Die Casting Co., Ltd.

From July 1 to 3, 2024, Li Guanyi, member of the district party committee and executive deputy district mayor, led an inspection team to Shanghai, Jiangsu and other places to carry out investment promotion activities around park construction, low-altitude economy, prefabricated buildings, and pre-prepared food industries. The inspection team visited high-quality leading enterprises such as China Wuye Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, Fengfei Aviation Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Lingjie Technology Group Co., Ltd., visited the production workshops, and held discussions with senior executives to gain an in-depth understanding of the production and operation of the enterprises, future development plans, and investment needs. The inspection team also visited Jiangsu Yike Food Co., Ltd. to promote the accelerated implementation of the Gaogui duck full industrial chain project. During the period, the inspection team participated in the "20th Annual Meeting of the China Foundry Association", vigorously promoted the development advantages of Gaoyao's foundry industry, and sincerely invited enterprises to visit Gaoyao to deepen exchanges, interactions, and investment cooperation.

Liu Chun, member of the district committee, participated in relevant activities.

Next, Gaoyao District will continue to adhere to the combination of "going out and bringing in", vigorously carry out precise investment promotion in the industrial chain, further supplement, strengthen, and extend the chain, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, promote the implementation of industrial investment promotion in the district, accelerate high-quality development, and add new momentum to the city's economic quality and efficiency.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738

Email: gyzsjwlk@163.com

Guangdong Province Low-altitude Economy High-quality Development Conference Held, Wang Weizhong Attended and Delivered a Speech

Guangdong Province Low-altitude Economy High-quality Development Conference Held, Wang Weizhong Attended and Delivered a Speech

Invest in Zhaoqing 2024-07-05 22:56 Guangdong, China

On July 4, 2024, the Guangdong Province Low-altitude Economy High-quality Development Conference was held in Guangzhou. The conference was themed "Guangdong Leads Low-altitude, Intelligent Flying Future", and brought together more than 300 experts, enterprises, and government representatives in the field of low-altitude economy. Governor Wang Weizhong attended the conference and delivered a speech. Wang Wei, Deputy Political Commissar and Major General of the Air Force of the Southern Theater Command, and Li Shuangchen, Director of the Central and Southern Regional Administration of Civil Aviation, attended and delivered a speech.

On behalf of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Guangdong Provincial Government, Wang Weizhong expressed his sincere welcome to the guests and friends who came to the conference, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to everyone for their long-term support for Guangdong's economic and social development.

He said

The development of low-altitude economy is a major decision and deployment made by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed to build a number of strategic emerging industries such as low-altitude economy at the Central Economic Work Conference. Guangdong is a major economic province, a populous province, a major foreign trade province, and a major innovation province in the country. It is resource-intensive, has a prosperous flow of people and logistics, and has a good foundation for the development of low-altitude economy and outstanding advantages. At present, Guangdong is earnestly implementing the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, and solidly promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Guangdong. It regards the development of low-altitude economy as an important measure to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, and promote high-quality development. It has formulated and issued the "Guangdong Province Action Plan for Promoting High-quality Development of Low-altitude Economy (2024-2026)", which is booming in research and development, production, and application. A large number of industry leading companies such as DJI, Ehang Intelligent, and CITIC Haizhi have emerged, building a complete industrial chain covering raw materials, parts, power systems, airborne equipment, navigation and positioning, and operation services, forming three major low-altitude economic agglomeration areas in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai. In the next step, Guangdong will focus on the layout and application of the entire industrial chain of low-altitude economy, strengthen the coordination of the "military, local and civilian" parties, accelerate the reform and innovation of low-altitude airspace, proactively layout low-altitude infrastructure, vigorously promote the mutual promotion of industry and technology, actively expand application scenarios, jointly plan the development of low-altitude economy in Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, accelerate the construction of a development pattern of low-altitude manufacturing and service integration, application and industry mutual promotion, and create a world-leading low-altitude economic industry highland. Sincerely hope that all academicians and experts will give more valuable opinions on the development of Guangdong's low-altitude economy, and sincerely welcome enterprises to pay attention to Guangdong, invest in Guangdong, share Guangdong's new opportunities, and create a better new future.

Wang Wei congratulated the conference on behalf of the Air Force of the Southern Theater Command.


He said

The Air Force of the Southern Theater Command will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Xi, work together with the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, adhere to overall planning and promotion, adhere to reform and innovation, adhere to safe development, coordinate the coordinated development of national defense and economic construction, and actively play the main role of the Regional Air Traffic Control Coordination Committee, unite the military and civil aviation forces, and strive to solve the key and difficult problems such as the classification and demarcation of low-altitude airspace and the coordinated operation and management of military, local and civilian forces. In the practice of urban air traffic management and the construction of a new model of intelligent and integrated low-altitude collaborative management, we will strive to explore new ways to adapt to the development of Guangdong's low-altitude industry and social economy, and create good conditions for the high-quality development of Guangdong's low-altitude economy.

Li Shuangchen congratulated the conference on behalf of the Civil Aviation Central and Southern Regional Administration.


He said

As the civil aviation industry management agency of the Civil Aviation Administration of China in the Central and Southern regions, the Central and Southern Regional Administration of Civil Aviation of China will unswervingly implement the major strategic decisions of the Party Central Committee, implement the relevant work requirements of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, serve the industrial development needs of Guangdong Province, and jointly promote the implementation of the relevant low-altitude airspace classification management reforms, support and cooperate to accelerate the construction of unmanned aircraft flight test areas, airworthiness certification capabilities and low-altitude flight service guarantees, support the steady development of emerging unmanned aircraft business forms, encourage the enrichment of low-altitude scene applications, improve the low-altitude supervision system and capacity building, and help Guangdong's low-altitude economy develop with high quality.

At the meeting, Zhang Ping and Liu Daxiang, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered a thematic report on the low-altitude economy. Relevant responsible comrades from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other cities, and heads of enterprises and institutions such as the Provincial Airport Group, Ehang Intelligent, Meituan Low-altitude Logistics, Airbus Helicopters China, Hong Kong Juntong Capital, and Macau University of Science and Technology made exchanges. The conference also held the establishment ceremony of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Low-altitude Economic Development Strategic Advisory Committee, the unveiling ceremony of the Guangdong Province Low-altitude Economic Industry Development Company, the awarding ceremony of the Guangdong Province Low-altitude Aircraft Pilot Platform, the establishment ceremony of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Low-altitude Economic Industry Alliance, and the signing of low-altitude economic projects.

Before the meeting, the leaders and guests visited the demonstration of low-altitude economic aircraft, the latest product equipment display and the industrial chain enterprise publicity exhibition.

Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, Sun Zhiyang, Mayor of Guangzhou; Cheng Qiumin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Jiangzhou, Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chen Xiangsheng, Luo Xiwen and other experts and scholars; responsible comrades from 21 prefecture-level cities and relevant units directly under the provincial and central governments stationed in Guangdong attended the meeting.

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 86-758-2899202

Fax: 86-758-2282600

Email: zqszsj@126.com

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster


Pan Yanmei China Gem Magazine 2024-07-04 11:58 Beijing, China

Sihui City, China: Building a high-quality jade industry cluster

Stones from other mountains become jade in Sihui.

As the hometown of jade in China, Sihui has a complete industrial chain integrating production, supply and sales. It is a well-known jade processing base and sales and wholesale distribution center in China. In order to fully understand the current situation and latest trends of Sihui jade market, the author conducted a field investigation and research on it. On this basis, the general situation of Sihui jade market and the characteristics and current situation of main stores are comprehensively explained.

1. Overview of Sihui Jade Market

Sihui City is a county-level city under Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, about 80 kilometers away from Guangzhou City. Sihui's jade market is known as the "Four Major Jade Wholesale Markets in Guangdong" together with the jade markets in Guangzhou, Pingzhou and Jieyang. At the same time, Sihui is also the largest jade processing base in China. Sihui does not produce jade, but it has a complete jade industry chain integrating production, supply and sales. In 2003, Sihui City was awarded the title of "Hometown of Chinese Jadeware", and "Jade City" naturally became the abbreviation of Sihui City. "Studying from other mountains, Sihui makes products" has become the most representative business card of Sihui.

The early Sihui jade market was mainly based on jade processing, and its history can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, and then it was quiet for a while. By the mid-1960s, with the help of Guangzhou Nanfang Jade Carving Factory, Sihui established two craft factories, which cultivated a group of jade carving craftsmen who mainly made flower pieces for the early Sihui jade industry. Later, some of them opened husband-and-wife shops and brother shops in Shawei and other places in the form of "front shop and back factory". Because it was profitable, the relatives and friends of these craftsmen also followed suit, and the jade industry in Sihui was like a "snowball", rolling bigger and bigger. In the 1970s and 1980s, Sihui's jade carving industry developed rapidly with the help of the jade craze. In 1994, a new jade street was built on the other side of the river from Shawei Street, with more than 300 jade manufacturers. Subsequently, a jade city consisting of 8 buildings was built next to the jade street, and the "Tianguangxu" market with Sihui characteristics was also opened. Today, Sihui has become a famous jade processing base in China. With the development of jade carving technology and the improvement of jade quality, the varieties of jade processed by Sihui have become more diversified. In the past 100 years, Sihui has steadily developed from a gathering place for individual jade processing workshops to a jade wholesale market and jade processing and sales distribution center integrating production, supply and sales.

According to data released by the Sihui Municipal People's Government in 2023, Sihui currently processes more than 10,000 tons of jade raw materials annually, has about 33,000 jade business households, nearly 300,000 jade practitioners, 17 jade professional markets (bases), and an annual transaction volume of about 35 billion yuan. The scale of the jade industry ranks among the top in the country. The main jade markets in Sihui include: Tianguang Market, Wanxinglong Jade City, Jade Expo City, Yuruyi Jade City, Rifeng Raw Stone Trading Market, etc. Most of them are located on both sides of Sihui Avenue. They are geographically concentrated and have a complete industrial chain. These jade markets cover various categories of jade goods such as raw stones, rough materials (i.e. unpolished jade), loose stones, and finished products.

2. Characteristics of each market in Sihui

(I) TianGuangXu Jade Market

TianGuangXu Jade Market (hereinafter referred to as "TianGuangXu") is located 140 meters east of the intersection of Jiangli Road and the middle section of Sihui Avenue in Sihui City. It is the most popular market in Sihui and also a well-known jade market in the country (see Figure 1). Because it opens in the early morning and opens at dawn, it is named "Tianguang Market". In the early years, TianguangXu Market was open 24 hours a day. After adjustment, the current business hours are from 8 am to 12 pm. TianGuangXu Market has three time periods: morning, noon and evening. Merchants can rent stalls in sections according to the three time periods. When it is most popular, there are about a thousand merchants. The morning and afternoon markets are mainly for finished products, while the evening market is the long-renowned "raw material night market", which is mainly for raw materials and semi-finished products. Usually, TianGuangXu Jade Market is at its peak after 8 pm.

Inside TianGuangXu Jade Market

Inside TianGuangXu Jade Market

Due to its complete range of products and low prices, TianGuangXu Market attracts a large number of tourists and entry-level jade lovers. Compared with other mall-type jade markets in Sihui, TianGuangXu Market gives people a mysterious atmosphere, which is also the reason why it attracts many customers. The atmosphere of Tianguang Market comes from the light. The sky is hazy during transactions. Even though it has grown from a street stall to a professional market, the lighting in the market is still not good. Merchants basically have a desk lamp each. Therefore, there is a saying in the local area that "one person, one lamp, one miracle", and this kind of light will test the buyer's eyesight even more. Second, most of the goods sold are raw materials. The so-called raw materials refer to semi-finished jade products that have not been polished after carving. Purchasing such goods is like seeing flowers in the fog. The surface of the raw materials is generally sprayed with oil to increase its gloss. However, even if the unpolished jade is sprayed with oil, its water quality is still difficult to observe and determine. It is possible that the water quality of the goods will change significantly after polishing; or there may be no flaws on the rough material, but after polishing, the flaws and cracks will appear. Therefore, the rough material transaction has a certain gambling nature, but it is not as risky as the raw material investment. This feature hits the psychology of many consumers who want to find bargains but are afraid of risks, so the rough material transaction is deeply loved by some buyers (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). In the evening, 80 to 90% of the goods visiting Tianguang Market are rough materials. There are also processing and polishing studios around the market to facilitate subsequent processing, which is also a major feature of the Sihui Jade Market. It can be seen that Tianguang Market embodies the biggest feature of the Sihui Jade Market and is an old jade distribution center.

Rough jade materials sold in TianGuangXu Market (surface sprayed with oil)

Rough jade materials sold in TianGuangXu Market (surface sprayed with oil)

Rough jade ornaments sold in Tianguang Market

TianGuangXu Market also has a major feature, its categories are extremely rich. Beads, pendants, carvings, inlaid products, loose stones, rough materials, bracelets, etc., from rough materials to finished products, basically cover most categories of jade products (see Figure 4, Figure 5). However, Tianguang Market is still dominated by mid-to-low-end jade pendants and ornaments. Among them, "Guatemalan jade" (i.e. jade produced in Guatemala) also accounts for a certain proportion, about 10% to 20%. Due to purchase disputes over Guatemalan jade in recent years, most merchants selling Guatemalan jade in the market will clearly inform consumers that the goods they sell are Guatemalan jade (see Figure 6). The Guatemalan jade in Tianguang Market is mainly "blue water jade". This variety of Guatemalan jade has a blue base, coarse quality and low price.

Small jade carvings sold in TianGuangXu Market

Small jade carvings sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade bracelets sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade bracelets sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade beads sold in TianGuangXu Market

Jade beads sold in TianGuangXu Market

(II) Wanxinglong Jade City

Wanxinglong Jade City (hereinafter referred to as "Wanxinglong") is about 15 minutes' walk from Tianguang Market. It opened in 2013 and is divided into two areas, south and north (see Figures 7 and 8). Jade products are mainly concentrated on the first and second floors of the south area. Rough materials are mainly concentrated on the first floor, which is especially famous for the morning market (7 am to 12 noon). This morning market is not large in area but very popular. Compared with Tianguang Market, there are more fine loose stones, small carvings and finished products here, and the overall quality and price are higher than the goods in Tianguang Market.

Wanxinglong Jade City

Wanxinglong Jade City

Inside the Wanxinglong Jade City Market

 Inside the Wanxinglong Jade City Market

The northern area of ​​Wanxinglong is mainly composed of some companies engaged in jade live broadcasting, such as Shilipai, Caishiweng, Xiaoliu Jade and other brands. They have implemented the "industry belt + live broadcast" model and attracted well-known e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Kuaishou, and Duizhuang to settle in. Wanxinglong has more than 1,000 merchants and more than 6,000 practitioners (see Figure 9).

Wanxinglong·Duizhuang Live Broadcast Base

Picture 9 Wanxinglong·Duizhuang Live Broadcast Base

(III)China Sihui Jade Expo City

China Sihui Jade Expo City (hereinafter referred to as "Jade Expo City") is located opposite Tianguang Market and officially opened in 2019. It is positioned at a higher end and tends to be a large jade mall. Although it was established later, it has attracted many merchants to settle in due to its high-end environment, good supporting equipment, and some preferential policies. Its business hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, and it is mainly divided into one underground floor and three above-ground floors. The first floor is for inlaid finished products, pendants and a small number of high-end bracelets; the second floor is for jade bracelets and some packaging and matching ropes, with a large number of bracelets covering all price ranges; the third floor is for jade ornaments; the underground floor is mainly for the lunch market of raw materials, starting at 2 pm. Yubo City mainly deals in mid-to-high-end jade, ranging from small fine pieces worth thousands of yuan to bracelets worth seven or eight figures (see Figures 10-14).

China Sihui Jade Expo City

Figure 10 China Sihui Jade Expo City

Inside the Jade Expo City

Figure 11 Inside the Jade Expo City

The first floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for finished products and pendants

Figure 12 The first floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for finished products and pendants

The second floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for bracelets

Figure 13 The second floor of Jade Expo City is mainly for bracelets

Jade ornaments on the third floor of Jade Expo City

Figure 14 Jade ornaments on the third floor of Jade Expo City

(IV) Yuruyi Jade City

Yuruyi Jade City is also located opposite TianguangXu Market. It has only one floor and a small area. It mainly sells inlaid finished products and bracelets. It is positioned at a higher end. The price of goods is much higher than other markets, and there are more full green goods. However, due to some preferential policies of the surrounding shopping malls, the merchants here have lost a lot (see Figure 15).

Yuruyi Jade City

Figure 15 Yuruyi Jade City

(V) Raw Stone Trading Market

Rifeng, Qingdong, Huitong, and Fusheng are concentrated together. The merchants here specialize in selling jadeite raw stones and flakes, mainly transparent materials. The raw stone market usually opens at 7 am and closes at around 2 pm. The jadeite raw stones sold range from low-end to high-end. In most areas of the market, a stall is a few lines drawn on the ground. Buyers don’t care whether the stall is high-end or low-end, they only care about the quality and value of the jade. Compared with finished products and rough materials, the threshold for raw stones is much higher, so most of the buyers here are jade merchants and jade carving factory managers from Sihui and other parts of Guangdong. Some merchants in Sihui bid for jadeite raw stones from Yunnan and then transported them back to Guangdong. Some of the raw stones they bid for were cut and processed by themselves, and some were sent to the bidding factory for further bidding (see Figures 16 and 17).

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 1

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 1

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 2

The interior of the raw stone trading market such as Rifeng. Part 2

There are many processing factories gathered near the raw stone market, which is convenient for merchants to cut and process the goods after purchasing them. The raw materials of jade products made by jade merchants of all sizes in Sihui are basically purchased and processed in the Rifeng Jade Trading Market (see Figure 18-20).

Blade cutting machine

Blade cutting machine

Wire cutting machine

Wire cutting machine

Making jade bracelets

Making jade bracelets

Making jade bracelets

3. Sihui jade online sales market

Sihui jade online live broadcast sales began to develop around the end of 2016. At first, it was mainly a mobile live broadcast with one person and one machine - "walking broadcast" (see Figure 21), and soon it formed a relatively fixed location "sitting broadcast". So far, the live broadcast method has gradually developed into fixed-point live broadcast rooms, live broadcast companies and even live broadcast cities, and the corresponding scale has also developed from individual live broadcasts to team operations with clear division of labor; the live broadcast platform has also changed from the original entertainment to more targeted commercial live broadcasts, such as merchants logging into Taobao, Douyin and various comprehensive or specialized jewelry live broadcast apps such as Duizhuang, and the live broadcast content has changed from the initial method of guiding fans to consume to the method of the anchor consciously guiding fans to shop. The live broadcast sales market of the entire jade category has begun to take shape, and has attracted more and more investment with considerable traffic and huge transaction volume rumored in the industry.

One person one machine mobile live broadcast

One person one machine mobile live broadcast

Sihui Market has successively innovated and led sales models such as "Internet + live broadcast" and "Internet + auction", and e-commerce live broadcast sales are at the forefront of the country. At present, Taobao, Douyin, Kuaishou, Duizhuang and other large and small online platforms have entered Sihui. As of 2022, e-commerce sales accounted for more than 60% of Sihui's total jade sales, and daily online sales increased from 20 million yuan per day in 2018 to more than 100 million yuan per day (data from the official website of Sihui Municipal People's Government released in 2023). At present, Sihui live broadcasts are mainly low- and medium-end jade products, mostly in the hundreds and thousands of yuan range, but after communicating with merchants, we learned that the return rate of live broadcasts is still high, reaching about 80%.

4. Overall analysis of Sihui jade market

In general, Sihui market is dominated by low- and medium-end jade, and the types of jade processing cover a wide range, especially jade ornaments (including fine and high-end goods), and it is also the main distribution center for semi-finished jade products (unpolished). Sihui jade market can be mainly divided into raw material market, rough material market, finished product market and online live sales channel.

The raw material market is mainly concentrated near Rifeng Jade Trading Market, mainly with clear materials. The merchants who sell raw materials in various stores in Sihui basically purchase raw materials in the Rifeng Jade Trading Market for processing and production. Compared with the raw material markets in Yunnan and other places, the price advantage of the raw material market in Sihui is not obvious, but because most of them are clear materials and flake materials, the gambling and risk are smaller.

The raw material market is mainly concentrated in the Tianguangxu Night Market, Wanxinglong Morning Market and Yubo City Lunch Market. Raw materials are a major feature of the Sihui market. Generally speaking, they are mainly medium- and low-end products, with large quantities and rich categories. Its processing capacity and price are extremely advantageous and competitive nationwide. Sihui's jade products are mostly medium-sized ornaments and small flower pieces and play pieces. Overall, the quality of raw materials is average. The main carvings are mostly flowers, birds, fish, insects, poultry and animals. The interest in life is strong, and the craftsmanship of the ornaments is generally high (see Figure 22). In the field of jade pendants (flower pieces), fine workmanship and rough workmanship each account for a certain proportion. In Tianguang Market, you can see craftsmanship of different grades, high, medium and low. The best carvings are mostly made by Fujian craftsmen. The animal shapes are accurately grasped, the ideas are ingenious, and the selling price is relatively high; many low-level crafts are apprentice works or "quick work" to meet market needs. The raw materials are low-grade, with thick lines and large outlines. They mainly flow into the low-end consumer market.

Jade ornaments (spraying oil on the surface of the rough material)

Jade ornaments (spraying oil on the surface of the rough material)

Finished jade is scattered in various jade markets in Sihui. Jade pendants, small carvings, and jade bracelets are the main products. There are fewer inlaid finished products. The overall market is mainly medium and low-grade, mainly highlighting the price advantage.

From the market situation, the popularity of Sihui jade market has rebounded significantly since 2023, so most merchants are optimistic about sales. The mid-to-high-end products have increased by 30%~50%, but the low-end products have not changed much. The overall market is steadily improving, showing a booming development trend.

Pan Yanmei

FGA Gemological Association Gemologist, precious metal jewelry and gemstone tester technician. Graduated from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) with a master's degree. Currently works at the Beijing Education Company of the Jewelry National Inspection Group, engaged in the teaching and research of jewelry and jade.

Note: This article is reproduced from the 3rd issue of "China Gem" magazine in 2024.

Welcome jewelry merchants from all over the world to exchange and learn in Sihui, China. 

Sihui City is the world's largest jade wholesale market. In the future, it will develop in the direction of the entire industry chain of gold, diamonds, silver and pearls.

Douyin e-commerce "Gold Origin Sihui Jade Festival" grand opening

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188

Email: SHQYFW@VIP.163.com



最近2024年9月份的房地产市场,因为美国减息, 大家都学会分析房价市盈率,会分析租售比了。没用的! 嗯。 明年2025年租金腰斩,租客减少60%。 今年2024年房价跌了。 明年2025年房租要跌了。 房价房租,螺旋式下跌。 这就是所谓的戴维斯双杀。 把寒气传递给每一个人,包括...