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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Ranked among the top 1,000 towns in China, how can Longfu Town, Sihui City, China explore new things?

Nanfang + reporter Shi Liang 2023-12-13 12:58

Recently, the China Small and Medium-sized Cities Development Index Research Group and Guoxin Small and Medium-sized Cities Index Research Institute released the "2023 National Top 1,000 Town Development Report", and Longfu Town, Sihui City was selected as one of the top 1,000 towns in China for the first time.

Being on the list is an affirmation of the high-quality economic development of Longfu Town. From January to November 2023, the total industrial output value of Longfu Town above the designated size reached 13.602 billion yuan, and the fixed asset investment reached 2.643 billion yuan; the prototypes of characteristic agricultural industrial belts such as the 10,000-acre aquaculture belt and the 5,000-acre fishery-light complementary industrial belt have begun to emerge.

Wu Dongcheng, secretary of the Party Committee of Longfu Town, said: "Since the beginning of this year, Longfu Town has implemented the deployment requirements of the "Hundred Million Project", focusing on the "four major advantages" of regional transportation, investment depression, industrial foundation, and cultural and tourism resources, and strengthening the town economy according to local conditions, promoting the development of towns and villages in an integrated manner, and promoting the high-quality economic and social development of the town to a new level."

From a large industrial town to a strong industrial town

As one of the 12 industrial demonstration towns in the city specified in the "Three-Year Action Plan" of Zhaoqing City's "Hundred Million Project", Longfu Town has a good industrial foundation.

More than ten years ago, the town relied on the original Asian Metal Resource Recycling Industrial Base, with complete park infrastructure and quickly formed a metal processing industry cluster. However, as time went on, problems such as a single industrial structure, low product added value, and insufficient development momentum gradually emerged.

Longfu Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park,

Longfu Town,sihui,guangdong,china,Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park,
Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park

After learning from the pain, Longfu Town has deepened the "emptying the cage and replacing the bird" of the park land, and made every effort to accelerate the construction of Zhaoqing (Sihui) Electronic Information Industrial Park, and strived to move from a large industrial town to a strong industrial town. The park is divided into the east and west groups by the provincial road S118. The east group is centered on the former Asian Metal Resource Recycling Industrial Base, with an area of ​​7,000 mu to be developed and can be expanded to 10,800 mu in the future. The west group is centered on the former Longfu Industrial Park, with an area of ​​1,485 mu to be developed and can be expanded to 7,200 mu in the future.

New momentum is being transformed. While upgrading the three traditional advantageous industries of metal processing, ceramics, and electroplating in Longfu Town, it is accelerating the development of two emerging industries, electronic information and green energy, and gradually forming a "3+2" industrial development pattern.

There are 55 industrial enterprises above designated size in Longfu Town, including 24 enterprises with an output value of over 100 million yuan. The number of industrial enterprises above designated size ranks second in Sihui and fifth in the city, creating more than 12,000 jobs. This year, 10 projects with an output value of over 100 million yuan have been introduced, with a total investment of 2.1 billion yuan.

With the upgrading of the park, key enterprises are also increasing investment and expanding production, developing new products, and seizing new tracks.

Zhaoqing Dazheng Aluminum Co., Ltd., which settled in the park in 2006, is committed to the recycling of scrap aluminum. It uses advanced automatic sorting equipment and melting and casting equipment in the industry, and is equipped with an automated production and transportation system to form an efficient production line with an annual aluminum output of 300,000 tons. In recent years, Dazheng Aluminum has continuously cultivated its internal strength, embraced the trend of new energy vehicles, and researched and developed in the direction of high-end transportation aluminum.

Zhaoqing Chuangfu New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. It has 5,500-ton and 3,000-ton intelligent extrusion production lines, robot welding and CNC machining centers, and advanced testing centers. It is one of the leading companies in the domestic aluminum formwork industry. Its new construction metal products capital increase and expansion project has been completed and put into production this year.

Wu Dongcheng, secretary of the Longfu Town Party Committee, said: "Longfu will vigorously implement the industrial quality improvement project, with 'new generation of electronic information + advanced equipment manufacturing industry' as the core, 'metal processing industry' as the focus, and high-end metal materials deep processing as the driving force, vigorously attract and cultivate industry leading enterprises, and strive to build a modern industrial system, striving to exceed 20 billion yuan in total industrial output value above the designated size in the town by 2025, and 35 enterprises with an output value of over 100 million yuan."

From small and scattered agriculture to characteristic agriculture

Longfu Town is located in a low mountain and hilly area with dense water networks and numerous rivers and ponds, which is suitable for agricultural production. It has 15,400 mu of cultivated land and 13,200 mu of fish ponds. Poultry, livestock, aquatic products, vegetables, flowers and seedlings, and fruits are the five major agricultural industries in the town.

Similar to the situation of industrial development, Longfu agriculture has gradually shown the development difficulties of small and scattered operations. "Longfu has great potential for agricultural development, but farmers are mainly fighting alone, lacking scientific production from leading agricultural enterprises." Relevant person in charge of Longfu Town said that the lack of contiguous land resources, low breeding technology and low output value, and the lack of an agricultural industrial chain have long restricted the high-quality development of agriculture.

Longfu Town has focused on characteristic industries that enrich the people, based on its resource endowment to optimize and strengthen the leading agricultural industries, and gradually developed into characteristic agricultural industrial belts such as 10,000 mu aquaculture belt, 5,000 mu fishery and photovoltaic complementary industrial belt, 2,000 mu flower and seedling planting base, 1,000 mu vegetable planting demonstration base, and 1,000 mu fruit planting park. It also plans to build a Sihui pre-prepared food industrial base to give full play to the distribution effect.

Taking aquaculture as an example, Longfu has innovatively explored the path of characteristic breeding in response to the problem of lack of contiguous fish ponds. The town has signed land lease contracts for more than 5,000 mu with two photovoltaic projects, Huadian Hualong and China Energy Construction, and the fishery and photovoltaic complementary industrial belt is under construction in full swing. On this basis, the Sihui Yuyi Aquaculture Professional Cooperative in Longtou Village has been continuously strengthened to develop seed cultivation and adult fish breeding of California bass, Yangtze grass carp, and golden grass carp. At present, the number of members has grown from 5 households at the beginning to more than 30 households now. The current breeding fish pond area is nearly 600 acres, with an annual total output of 600 tons and a total output value of 16 million yuan. At present, the cooperative is promoting the construction of a freshwater fish clean purification breeding demonstration base project, turning traditional finished fish into delicious and transportable high-quality products through later hanging water breeding, which can increase farmers' income by 70,000 yuan/year (rent), the village collective income by 50,000 yuan/year, and provide 300 jobs.

In addition, Yanling Village actively revitalized the inefficient use of the village collective factory buildings and built a breeding demonstration area integrating slaughtering, sales and deep processing of pre-prepared vegetables. After completion, it is expected to increase the village collective economy by more than 200,000 yuan, and drive the surrounding farmers to increase their income by more than 100,000 yuan per household; it introduced companies such as Wangtian and Jugu to contract 1,000 acres of land including abandoned land to build a vegetable planting base, and planted leeks, taro, fruit corn, etc. in the "company + village collective + farmer" model, which led to an increase of about 1.6 million yuan in income for Longtou, Yitian and other village collectives and more than 480 households.

At present, the collective income of the seven administrative villages in Longfu Town has entered the "100,000+" ranks, among which Yanling Village and Shuikou Village have exceeded 500,000 yuan, Longtou Village, Yingjiao Village, and Baishitang Village have collective incomes of more than 300,000 yuan, and it is expected that the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the town will exceed 38,000 yuan this year.

From locational advantages to development advantages

Longfu Town is located in the northern suburbs of Sihui City, adjacent to Sanshui District of Foshan City in the east, Dongcheng Street in the west, and Jingkou Town in the north. It is not only a transportation node for linking cities and villages in Sihui City, but also an important hub for external transportation.

How to transform locational advantages into development advantages? Longfu Town takes infrastructure construction and public service improvement as the starting point to further promote the construction of beautiful towns and further stimulate the strong momentum of Longfu's high-quality development.

Although Longfu Town has obvious advantages in transportation location, there is still a lot of room for improvement in transportation infrastructure. Provincial Highway S118 runs through the town and is the main road of Longfu. It carries huge traffic pressure from industry, agriculture and people's daily travel. In addition, there is a lack of high-speed interchange entrances and exits in the town, which are all "hard-to-solve" problems that restrict Longfu from improving its town taste.

In recent years, Longfu has continued to improve the construction of regional transportation network, accelerated the construction of Longfu Interchange of Erguang Expressway, promoted the upgrading and reconstruction of Provincial Highway S118 and Guangyuan Avenue (Asia Park to Wuyue Plaza), and dredged the "capillaries" of urban transportation. The upgrading and reconstruction of S118 will be completed by the end of the year, and the Longfu Interchange of Erguang Expressway is expected to start construction at the end of the year. We will continue to deepen the construction of "four good rural roads" and promote the integrated construction with industrial parks and tourist attractions. As of November, 5 "four good rural roads" have been built, and 23.7 kilometers of dual-lane roads have been built in administrative villages.

It is understood that the People's Government of Longfu Town is only 3 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Sihui City. While seeing the function of connecting cities and villages, we have to face up to the "siphon effect" of urban areas on town development factors.

In this regard, Longfu Town has taken practical measures to promote the construction of beautiful and livable villages. This year, it will continue to invest 400,000 yuan to renovate and upgrade the facilities of town and villagers' houses. Based on the unique folk culture of each village, it will classify and implement farmhouse renovation to continuously improve the living environment; continue to promote the construction of "four small gardens" in combination with village layout and waste resource utilization, mobilize villagers to plant vegetables, fruits, trees, etc. on the idle land in front of and behind the houses, use local materials such as discarded tiles, bricks, and wood for fences or landscape renovation, effectively promote the renovation of corners, and give the rural landscape a new look. At present, the town has created more than 130 "four small gardens" to create a beautiful rural landscape.

Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188



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