Friday, December 15, 2023

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

Invest in Zhaoqing Published in Guangdong on 2023-12-15 23:34

On December 15, 2023, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference and the Guangzhou Logistics Technology and Application Association Member Conference were held in Zhaoqing.

An investment promotion event in Zhaoqing was held at the meeting, aiming to carry out in-depth "attraction" actions and promote the high-quality development of Zhaoqing's high-end equipment manufacturing industry.

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

This Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference has the theme of "Integrating new industrial ecology to create digital intelligence in logistics". It invited Columbus Technology, Sany Robot, Jinfukai Technology, Jiexiang Lingyue, Huibo Robot, Representatives from more than 250 high-end equipment companies, including Kejie Intelligent, Hengli Heavy Industry, Damon Technology, and Furui Precision, participated in the event. Representatives from more than 30 companies from Zhaoqing, including Putilai, Linton Heavy Industry, Xizhen Circuit, and Deli CNC, also participated in the event to promote communication and economic and trade exchanges between Zhaoqing's high-end equipment manufacturing industry and the industries in the core cities of the Greater Bay Area.

At the meeting,

The relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau systematically introduced the investment environment in Zhaoqing from multiple dimensions such as location and transportation, ecological environment, spatial carriers, industrial foundation, business costs, investment policies, corporate services, etc., and discussed the opportunities in the Bay Area with everyone and shared development dividends.

Zhaoqing is an important member of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area. It is also the only city in the Greater Bay Area bordering the southwest. Its strategic overlay and market scale advantages have become increasingly prominent. In recent years, Zhaoqing has anchored the top priority of high-quality development, insisting on strengthening the city with industry, projects as king, parks as mother, and enterprises first. It has comprehensively implemented the "Ten Actions" for the leadership of the manufacturing industry, and introduced a total investment of more than 280 billion in industrial projects in the past three years. Yuan, this year has set off the climax of the "big battle" in manufacturing project construction. Industrial investment has maintained double-digit growth for many consecutive years, and the development momentum of industrial clusters is good.

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

The relevant person in charge of Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau said

"We have effectively created a pro-business atmosphere of 'never being called, being available when called, and doing what we say', with the greatest sincerity, the best environment, and the best policies, so that our entrepreneurial friends can make more money, have less trouble, and be in good health." '. Here, we sincerely invite entrepreneurs to walk around and see Zhaoqing, appreciate Zhaoqing's landscape and culture, share Zhaoqing's development opportunities, and become 'partners' of Zhaoqing's urban development."

The good environment and considerate services have made entrepreneurs very interested in Zhaoqing.

Yang Chengjie, general manager of Jinfukai Logistics Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. said

"The land resources are abundant and the development intensity is only 6.5%, which is an important aspect that attracts us. We have been to Zhaoqing many times before and have business dealings with companies such as Vipshop and Xiyin that have settled in Zhaoqing. We will consider it in the future. Zhaoqing has established relevant supply chains.”

Mao Junlan, senior vice president of Shanghai Columbus Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. said

"Zhaoqing is located in the hinterland of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, radiating to southern China. What we value is the geographical advantage here. Our company has invested in and built factories in both eastern and northern China, but has not yet deployed in southern China. We will 'position' in the future 'Where, city location, business environment, investment policy, etc. are all factors we consider."

During the event, Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau and Guangzhou Logistics Technology and Application Association formed a strategic partnership. The two parties will further strengthen resource links and information sharing, promote investment promotion and industrial cooperation, and continuously promote the high-quality development of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry.

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

The Guangzhou Logistics Technology and Application Association has more than 400 member units. It mainly brings together digital, intelligent, and sophisticated leading enterprises in logistics supply chain, manufacturing, and industrial design, with the main mission of promoting my country's high-tech smart logistics technology and applications. .

Liu Yaojun, president of the association, said

The conference held in Zhaoqing mainly focuses on Zhaoqing's location and industrial advantages. In the future, it will give full play to the association's role as a link, connect the Zhaoqing municipal government and member companies, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, and promote the transformation and upgrading of Zhaoqing's high-end equipment manufacturing industry.

During the event, the Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau and the investment promotion departments of counties (cities, districts) and functional zones conducted negotiations and exchanges with representatives of participating companies to promote industry economic and trade cooperation and accelerate the implementation of projects in Zhaoqing.

Focus on digital technology and work together for the future of the Bay Area! Zhaoqing debuts at Digital Intelligence Logistics Technology Development Conference

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel: 0086-758-2899202

Fax: 0086-758-2282600


Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228

Fax:  0086-758-3611188


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