Friday, September 6, 2024

Your figs are so special! Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui City, China----We hope to get rid of poverty

Your figs are so special! Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui City, China

Sihui Published 2024-09-05 18:45 Guangdong, China

Recently, a popular saying has been circulating in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

"It's so beautiful, so close, come to Zhaoqing on weekends."

In September, Lianping Village, Didou Town, located in the northern part of Sihui City, China, issued a "Fig Tasting Invitation" to everyone~

In late summer and early autumn, Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui City, had a bumper harvest of figs.

The green vines are full of round and plump figs. Walking in the garden, the fragrance of figs hits you, making you feel like you are in a sweet fruit world.

Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui City China

Look for him if you want to buy beautiful fruits

📞Mo Sheng: +86 137 6009 2388

📍Fengyuan Villa: Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui City China

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Each ripe fig in Lianping Village, Didou Town is the size of an egg, and the ripe fig is shiny black under the sun.

Fragrant, glutinous and soft fruit, every bite is a pool of sweet juice.

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Looking around, from green to purple, and then to black, the heavy figs fall on the branches, carrying the sweetness of summer and autumn.

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig

In recent years, Didou Town has vigorously guided the hometown people and the rich people to return to their hometown to invest and build their homes, and fully promoted the restoration of abandoned land.

didou,sihui,guangdong,didou town,

According to the relevant person in charge of Didou Town, under the active promotion of the local celebrities, the current fig planting area in Didou Town is about 170 mu, of which Lianping Village accounts for 120 mu. The "abandoned land" in the village that was once overgrown with weeds has become a "field of hope" with abundant fruits and vegetables after day-to-day plowing and planting.

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

In this harvest season, figs not only bring rich income to local villagers, but also further promote the prosperity and development of the rural economy. At the same time, it also brings delicious enjoyment to the masses.

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

According to the person in charge of the orchard, the fig orchard currently mainly grows figs and produces a series of fig primary processing products, among which the primary processed products include dried figs and fig leaf tea.

Delicious fruit-fig,didou,sihui,guangdong,china,

"The figs in our orchard have purple-black skins, and the anthocyanin content is higher than many figs on the market. They have better anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and vision protection effects." said the person in charge.

Dried figs,sihui,didou,guangdong,china,

Dried figs,sihui,didou,guangdong,china,

Fig leaf tea,sihui,didou town,guangdong,china,

Dried figs can be eaten as snacks, fig leaves can be used to make tea, and figs can also be used to make fig chicken soup. Lianping Village, Didou Town, Sihui, now invites everyone to "taste fruit"!

If you have received the invitation, come to Lianping Village to try it first!

Didou Town, Sihui City, China is a mountain town. There are many towns like this in the whole Zhaoqing City. These mountain towns are relatively backward in economy. The development of Zhaoqing City and Sihui City is too difficult. They are far away from the coastline and have no industry. The core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta has little impact on Zhaoqing City and Sihui City. As a result, a lot of land has been abandoned. People have also run away. Even the fruits grown (oranges, figs) have no customers to buy. It is really a pity.

Due to the underdeveloped industry here, many young people have gone out to work. Just like the remote areas of Japan and the Rust Belt of the United States, there are no jobs far away from big cities, or the jobs are very low-paying.

We hope that entrepreneurs from all over the world can come to Zhaoqing to take a look.

See if there are investment opportunities that suit you. Develop together.

Zhaoqing City and Sihui City both need the world's help to get rid of poverty.

Didou Town Investment Promotion Office


Sihui City--China's key cities for attracting foreign investment

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-3611228(粤语Cantonese、普通话Chinese)

Fax:  0086-758-3611188







Thursday, September 5, 2024



肇慶市政府サービス 2024年9月3日 14時39分 広東省

最近、記者は肇慶市データ局から、「肇慶市公共データ認可運用管理措置(試行)」(以下「措置」という)が世論の募集と専門家の協議と実証を完了し、審査に入ったことを知った。司法省の合法性審査段階。これは中国共産党第20期中央委員会第3回総会の精神を実行するために肇慶市がとった具体的な措置であり、公共データの認可運用改革を推進するために肇慶市がとった確かな一歩でもある。 。

現在、国内各地が優勝を目指して競い合い、デジタル経済のブルーオーシャンを積極的に掴んでいます。肇慶市は、公共データをガイドとして活用することを主張し、認可された運用を中核とした市場指向のアプローチを模索し、公共データを非感作して復号化してから有料で社会に公開し、データを「リソース」から「リソース」に変換できるようにする。 「資産」から「製品」への転換は、デジタル経済の発展を加速し、新たな生産性の向上に貢献するために、タイムリーかつ不可欠です。


肇慶市は2022年という早い時期に、データを中核事業とする初の国有企業である肇慶市高新区興旺データ有限公司を設立し、公的データの認可された運用のための試験的改革を検討、実施した。パイロットが開始されてから 2 年以上が経過し、合計 15 のデータ製品とデータ機能が広州データ取引所に上場されるよう推進されてきました。肇慶市高新区興旺データ有限公司は、広州データ取引所の最初のバッチを受賞しました。広東省のデータブローカー。


「措置」によると、肇慶市公共データ認可業務は、公的データの合法かつコンプライアンスに準拠した供給の規制に関して、「事業者と事業者の分離」の原則を遵守し、「二段階認可」モデルを導入している。つまり、市人民政府は市データ局に公共データ認可業務単位を選択する権限を与え、この業務単位は「1 つのシナリオ、1 つの認可、1 つのシナリオ、1 つのレビュー」の原則に基づいて公共データのシナリオ開発単位を選択、決定し、認可します。 「産業発展および業界発展のための公共データ製品またはサービスを開発および形成する。デジタルマーチャントやサードパーティサービス代理店などの市場主体の活力をさらに活性化する。」現在、「措置」は司法部門の合法性審査段階に入っている。

公共データ認証業務の信頼できる監督の観点から、肇慶市は、機密性の高い公共データの機密性を解除し、復号化するための公共データ認証業務サービス プラットフォームを開発、構築しました。このプラットフォームは「6+1+N」キーテクノロジーシステムを採用し、「データがドメインを出ず、利用可能かつ不可視であり、プロセス全体を通じて痕跡を追跡する」監視テクノロジープラットフォームを構築し、公共データの処理と製品の安全性を確保します。開発およびライセンス運用活動は、セキュリティと信頼性を前提として行われます。



肇慶市は、公共データの応用シナリオの革新と推進において、「データ要素×金融サービス」の実践的な道を深く探求し、デジタル金融とグリーン金融に大きく貢献するためにあらゆる努力を払ってきた。 6月20日、広州データ取引所(肇慶市)サービス拠点の除幕式において、肇慶市は肇慶市四会農村商業が提供する国内初の炭素データ商品「質権融資+中国人民銀行再融資」融資事業を開始した。肇慶市高新区興旺データ有限公司に対し、銀行は300万元の炭素口座データ商品質権融資を発行、中国人民銀行肇慶支店は180万元の再融資と1億元の再融資を提供した。 - データ製品質権ローン ビジネスをサポートするためのローン信用枠。この動きは、データ要素とカーボンファイナンスの統合開発のための新しい道と新しいモデルを模索し、肇慶市、同省、さらには全国のデジタルファイナンスとグリーンファイナンスの統合開発に新たな活力を注入する。現在、肇慶市の26の金融機関が「企業カーボン口座」金融システムの適用に参加し、「クラウドカーボンローン」、「クラウドカーボン保証」、「クラウドカーボン補助金」などのグリーン金融商品を発売している。この融資枠は 163 社に 27 億 5,400 万元を提供し、平均 34BP の優遇金利が適用され、企業は毎年最大 1,976 万元の利息を節約できます。



Zhaoqing, China: Promote the development of the real economy and activate the data factor market

Zhaoqing Government Services September 03, 2024 14:39 Guangdong

Recently, the reporter learned from the Zhaoqing Municipal Digital Bureau that the "Zhaoqing Public Data Authorization Operation Management Measures (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") have completed the solicitation of public opinions and expert consultation and demonstration, and entered the stage of legality review by the judicial department. This is a specific measure for Zhaoqing City to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and it is also a solid step for Zhaoqing City to promote the reform of public data authorization operation.

At present, all parts of the country are competing for the championship and actively seizing the blue ocean of digital economy. Zhaoqing insists on taking public data as the guide, exploring a market-oriented approach with authorized operation as the core, and then opening public data to the society for a fee after desensitization and declassification, so that data can be transformed from "resources" to "assets" and from "products" to "commodities", accelerating the development of the digital economy, and helping to improve new quality productivity. It is imperative and timely.

As early as 2022, Zhaoqing City established the first state-owned enterprise with data as its core business, Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Xingwang Data Co., Ltd., to explore the implementation of the pilot reform of public data authorization and operation. Over the past two years of the pilot, a total of 15 data products and data capabilities have been promoted to be listed on the Guangzhou Data Exchange, and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Xingwang Data Co., Ltd. has been awarded as the first batch of data brokers in Guangdong Province.

Since the beginning of this year, Zhaoqing City has made an overall layout from the aspects of building systems, platforms, ecosystems, and scenarios on the basis of summarizing the experience of previous pilot explorations, and has promoted the reform of public data authorization and operation in an integrated manner.

In terms of regulating the legal and compliant supply of public data, according to the Measures, Zhaoqing City's public data authorization and operation adheres to the principle of "separation of operation and business" and implements a "two-level authorization" model, that is, the Municipal People's Government authorizes the Municipal Digital Bureau to select public data authorization and operation units in accordance with laws and regulations, and the operation units select, determine, and authorize public data scenario development units based on the principle of "one scenario, one authorization, one scenario, one review", and develop public data products or services for industrial development and industry development, further activating the vitality of market entities such as digital merchants and third-party service agencies. At present, the Measures have entered the stage of legality review by the judicial department.

In terms of trusted supervision of authorized operation of public data, Zhaoqing City has developed and built a public data authorized operation service platform to desensitize and declassify sensitive and confidential public data. The platform adopts the "6+1+N" key technology system to create a regulatory technology platform with "data does not leave the domain, available but invisible, and full-process traceability", ensuring that public data processing, product development and authorized operation activities are carried out under the premise of safety and trust.

In terms of strengthening the public data industry ecology, Zhaoqing has promoted the establishment of the Guangzhou Data Exchange (Zhaoqing) Service Base to provide data asset evaluation, registration and settlement, transaction matching, dispute arbitration and other services for market entities in the city. The service base was officially listed and operated on June 20, and as of now, it has developed 20 members. Today, Zhaoqing is accelerating the establishment of the Zhaoqing Data Industry Company, a municipal state-owned enterprise, to participate in the selection of a group of qualified market entities as service providers for the development of public data in the city, provide commercial data products or services to the society, and cultivate a group of market entities that can promote data circulation and promote the realization of data value.

In terms of innovation to promote public data application scenarios, Zhaoqing has deeply explored the practical path of "data elements × financial services" and made every effort to do a good job in digital finance and green finance. On June 20, at the unveiling ceremony of the Guangzhou Data Exchange (Zhaoqing) Service Base, Zhaoqing launched the country's first carbon data product "pledge financing + People's Bank of China re-loan" financing business. Zhaoqing Sihui Rural Commercial Bank issued a carbon account data product pledge loan of 3 million yuan to Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Xingwang Data Co., Ltd.; the Zhaoqing Branch of the People's Bank of China provided 1.8 million yuan of re-loan and 100 million yuan of re-loan credit to support the data product pledge loan business. This move has explored new paths and new models for the integrated development of data elements and carbon finance, and injected new vitality into the integrated development of digital finance and green finance in Zhaoqing, the province and even the country. At present, 26 financial institutions in Zhaoqing have participated in the application of the "corporate carbon account" financial system, and have launched green financial products such as "Yuntan Loan", "Yuntan Guarantee" and "Yuntan Sticker", increasing the credit line of 2.754 billion yuan for 163 enterprises, with an average preferential interest rate of 34BP, saving enterprises up to 19.76 million yuan in interest each year.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Zhaoqing Municipal Digital Bureau, Zhaoqing City will further deepen the market-oriented allocation reform of data elements, speed up the formulation and promulgation of the "Measures", deploy and launch the public data authorization operation service platform, and promote new achievements in public data authorization operation. At the same time, expand the scope of application of the results of the public data authorization operation reform, combine the local characteristic resources and industrial advantages, explore the implementation of enterprise data development and utilization in multiple fields, empower the development of the real economy, and activate the vitality of the data element market.


中國肇慶:推動實體經濟發展, 啟動数据要素市場

肇慶政務服務 2024年09月03日 14:39 廣東








在創新促進公共資料應用場景方面,肇慶深入探索「資料要素×金融服務」的實踐路徑,全力做好數位金融、綠色金融大文章。 6月20日,在廣州數據交易所(肇慶)服務基地揭牌儀式上,肇慶推出全國首創的碳數據產品「質押融資+人民銀行再貸款」融資業務,由肇慶四會農商銀行向肇慶高新區興旺數據有限公司發放300萬元的碳帳戶數據產品質押貸款;由中國人民銀行肇慶市分行為支持該筆數據產品質押貸款業務提供180萬元再貸款和1億元再貸款額度授信。此舉為數據要素與碳金融領域的融合發展探索了新路徑和新模式,為肇慶、全省和全國的數位金融和綠色金融融合發展注入了新活力。目前,肇慶已有26家金融機構參與應用「企業碳帳戶」金融體系,衍生推出「雲碳貸」「雲碳擔」「雲碳貼」等綠色金融產品,為163家企業增加27.54億元的授信額度,平均優惠34BP利率,每年為企業節省利息高達1,976萬元。


Industry News | Guangdong Jinye Group strategically invests in Bangke Electronics to promote the development of Zhaoqing's electronic information industry

Industry News | Guangdong Jinye Group strategically invests in Bangke Electronics to promote the development of Zhaoqing's electronic information industry

Zhao Shanghui September 4, 2024 18:19 Guangdong, China

Adhere to the real economy and take the lead in manufacturing

Recently, Guangdong Jinye Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., Zhaoqing Gaoyao District Gaohong Industrial Investment Development Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Bangke Electronics Co., Ltd. held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony. It is reported that Guangdong Jinye Group will work with Gaohong Industrial Investment Company to carry out in-depth cooperation with Bangke Electronics to jointly promote the high-quality development of Bangke Electronics and realize the IPO listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange as soon as possible.



肇商匯 2024年09月04日 18:19 中國廣東

堅持實體經濟為本 製造業當家



業界ニュース | 広東金業グループは肇慶市の電子情報産業の発展を促進するため、Bangke Electronicsに戦略的に投資

2024年9月4日 18時19分 中国広東省



Annual output value of 3 billion yuan! Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing Dasha Town) Large Industrial Cluster Project +1

Annual output value of 3 billion yuan! Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing Dasha Town) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Project +1

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster zone 

September 5, 2024 22:21 Guangdong, China

Good news, good news!

Another project has been signed in Zhaoqing Large Production Area!

On September 5, 2024, Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. signed a contract with the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), planning to invest 1.28 billion yuan to invest in the construction of Guangdong Rihong 800kV and below graphene wire and cable project in the Zhaoqing Large Production Area Municipal Management Start-up Area.

On September 5, 2024, Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. signed a contract with the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), planning to invest 1.28 billion yuan to invest in the construction of Guangdong Rihong 800kV and below graphene wire and cable project in the Zhaoqing Large Production Area Municipal Management Start-up Area.

It is understood that the project plans to use 112 acres of land, and the main planned products of the project are graphene cables and mineral cables below 800kV. After the project is fully put into production, the annual output value is expected to reach 3 billion yuan.

At the signing ceremony, the Guangdong-Guangxi Experimental Zone and Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. expressed their beautiful vision and firm confidence in the future of the project, and stated that they would uphold the concept of win-win cooperation and jointly promote the project construction to ensure that the project starts early, goes into production early, and takes effect early.

Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd., which signed the contract this time, is not only a national high-tech enterprise, but also a specialized and new enterprise in Guangdong Province. It can be said that it is full of scientific and technological content!

Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd.

The company was established in 2000. It is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development and manufacturing of wires and cables. It has the core technology of graphene wires and cables and has obtained 23 patents. The company mainly produces environmentally friendly long-life wires, 35kv and below environmentally friendly flame-retardant cables and other series of wire and cable products, and is widely used in the power construction of major cities and large and medium-sized enterprises, covering power, petrochemical, railway, construction, aviation, automobile, home appliances, metallurgy, ports and other industries.

It is worth mentioning that Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Guangzhou Guanggao High Voltage Electrical Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Guanggao High Voltage Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

The company was founded in 1958 and is one of the first batch of manufacturers of transformers and switches in the country. It is an important undertaker of the Guangdong Province Equipment Manufacturing Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan and the Provincial Modern Top 500 Project. It is also a national high-tech enterprise, Guangdong Province Specialized and New Enterprise, Guangdong "Time-honored Brand", Guangdong Province Innovative Enterprise, Guangdong Province Engineering Technology Center.

Liang Guangting, Deputy Secretary-General of Zhaoqing Municipal Government, Zhaoqing Large Production Area Planning and Construction Command, Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center, Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing) Management Committee Relevant responsible persons, Guangzhou Guanggao High Voltage Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Xianlong, General Manager Liu Cikun, Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. Chairman Liu Cikai, General Manager Liu Cihao, Shareholder Yang Shaoli and other enterprise representatives attended the signing ceremony.

On September 5, 2024, Guangdong Rihong Cable Co., Ltd. signed a contract with the Management Committee of the Guangdong-Guangxi Cooperation Special Experimental Zone (Zhaoqing), planning to invest 1.28 billion yuan to invest in the construction of Guangdong Rihong 800kV and below graphene wire and cable project in the Zhaoqing Large Production Area Municipal Management Start-up Area.

The first contact between Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing Dasha Town) Large Industrial Cluster Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone and Rihong Company was at the end of March 2024 this year. At that time, Rihong Company's production capacity increased, and the current factory building could no longer meet the production scale, and it was urgently needed to build a new factory building to increase capital and expand production.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone keenly captured this information, set up a special working group, anchored the goal, and quickly connected with Rihong Company with an aggressive attitude of striving to catch up. In the following months, relevant leaders of the Large Industrial Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone and the Municipal Investment Promotion Center led teams to visit and exchange with Rihong Company many times. Rihong Company also visited and negotiated with the Large Industrial Zone Municipal Management Start-up Zone many times until a cooperation intention was reached and the contract was signed smoothly.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone and Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center have contacted Rihong Company many times.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone and Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center have contacted Rihong Company many times.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone and Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center have contacted Rihong Company many times.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone and Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center have contacted Rihong Company many times.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone and Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Center have contacted Rihong Company many times.

Zhaoqing Large Industrial Cluster Zone has obvious location advantages, a good business environment, huge industrial potential, and a rapid development momentum. It is currently entering the "fast lane" of development. More and more high-quality enterprises choose to settle down and invest in the large production zone.

Guangdong Province (Zhaoqing Dasha Town) Large Industrial Cluster Zone,zhaoqing,sihui,china,guangdong,

The graphene wire and cable project signed and settled this time is not only highly consistent with the development strategy and industrial direction of the large production zone municipal management start-up zone, but also in line with the development requirements of the large production zone to build new quality productivity.

I believe that with the completion and commissioning of the project in the future, the industrial strength of the large production area will be further enhanced, the industrial chain of the large production area will be improved, and it will help build an "innovation and development demonstration zone" and a "high-quality development pilot zone."

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Deepen assistance and cooperation, work together for win-win development----Huaiji, Guangdong is struggling for development

Huaiji release September 5, 2024 22:08 Guangdong PRC

On September 4, 2024, Liang Qingyan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd., went to Huaiji to carry out research on the implementation of the "Hundred Million Project", further deepen pragmatic cooperation, discuss the development plan of counterpart assistance, and promote the "Hundred Million Project" to increase its strength and speed up. County leaders Yu Xiaojun, Feng Yongzhong, Jiang Jianjun and Li Zechu participated in the research.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

At the symposium, Guangwu Holding introduced the situation of the planned investment projects in Huaiji. The participants exchanged views on promoting project construction, coordinated to solve the current problems, and clarified the next step of assistance work goals.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, expressed warm welcome and sincere thanks to Liang Qingyan and his party on behalf of the county party committee and county government. He said that in the future, Huaiji will resolutely implement the relevant deployment requirements of the superiors, seize development opportunities, take the initiative to think and plan, give full play to the advantages of location, ecology, humanities, etc., and work with Guangwu Holdings to broaden the scope of assistance and expand the field of communication, especially in the development of people-friendly projects, agricultural, cultural, tourism and sports industries, etc. Deepen cooperation and create highlights. All departments should take the initiative to strengthen contact, communication and cooperation with the assistance units, and strive to accelerate the implementation of assistance projects and bring benefits as soon as possible, help the provincial vertical group assistance work to go deeper and more practical, and promote the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" to continuously achieve new results.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

Liang Qingyan said that Guangwu Holdings will resolutely implement the specific deployment of the Provincial Party Committee's "1310", focus on promoting the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", accurately grasp the actual needs of Huaiji, and continue to work hard in green and beautiful construction, financial support, cultural, tourism and sports integration, etc., and help Huaiji's high-quality development with greater efforts and more practical measures to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The provincial vertical assistance work team stationed in Huaiji County should grasp the assistance tasks, give full play to the role of bridges and ties, actively plan assistance projects, highlight characteristics, demonstrate results, and strive to promote the implementation of various tasks.

huaiji,Guangfo Zhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone,Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group,zhaoqing,guangdong,china,asia,

During the event, the research team also visited Area B of the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, the site selection site of the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, the Park Management Bureau and other places to inspect the progress of key assistance projects such as the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project and the Green and Beautiful Ecological Park, and listened to the introduction of the construction of the Huaiji County Park, industrial development and investment promotion.

Guangdong Guangwu Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Guangwu Holding) is a member unit of the provincial group to vertically assist Huaiji County. It has always given full play to the resource advantages of large provincial state-owned enterprises, and has continued to assist Huaiji in industrial investment and consumption assistance, helping Huaiji to enhance its endogenous development momentum and strengthen the county's comprehensive strength.

Huaiji, combined with its own geographical environment and cultural advantages, deepened its cooperation with Guangwu Holding, and achieved tangible results in county industrial development and green and beautiful ecological construction. At present, all key assistance projects are progressing smoothly. Among them, the Guangwu Shiji New Material Production Project plans to invest a total of 30 million yuan, and plans to build 6 Shiji New Material production lines with a plant area of ​​about 7,000 square meters. After the project reaches full production, it is expected to achieve an annual output of 14,700 tons of stone-based new material packaging boxes, an annual revenue of 90 million yuan, which can provide local employment for 60 people and generate annual tax revenue of about 5 million yuan. The project can significantly reduce the loss and cost of various products, provide low-cost, high-quality, green and environmentally friendly packaging services for Huaiji's primary and secondary industry enterprises, help local governments save energy and reduce emissions, and supplement the regional enterprise service industry chain. At present, the site selection for the project's production plant has been preliminarily completed.

The Green Beauty Ecological Park Assistance Project is located in the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone. It is jointly built by Guangwu Holding Group and Huaiji County. It plans to invest 2 million yuan in construction funds and a planned site area of ​​6.7 acres. After completion, the park will be open to the public, further improving the ecological leisure and greening level of the park, and providing a place for cultural exchanges and social activities for the surrounding people.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Made in Zhaoqing PRC! The world's first! What is it?

Made in Zhaoqing PRC! The world's first! What is it?

Zhaoqing Headlines September 5, 2024 20:22 Guangdong, PRC

Did you know? The world's first open AI headset is made in Zhaoqing PRC!

launched the world's first open AI headset Cleer ARC3 sound arc with epoch-making significance

International piano masters Lang Lang and Gina have both live-streamed it!


This high-tech product is made in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City

In July 2021, the Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park project with a total investment of over 1 billion yuan settled in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City.

In September 2023, the first phase of the project was put into production, and the industrial output value was 680 million yuan that year.

Deqing Release--Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park
Deqing Release--Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

Guanxu Electronics is a national high-tech enterprise, mainly engaged in the research and development, manufacturing and brand marketing of smart terminal products such as professional audio, smart headphones and smart speakers. The products it has led or participated in designing have also won the world's top design awards many times, and it has also undertaken the research of many scientific research projects such as the National Mobile Internet and 4G Special Project and Shenzhen's Major Industrial Technology Research.

Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Source: Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd.

On April 22, 2024, which is also the 55th World Earth Day, Guanxu Electronics' intelligent acoustic brand Cleer held a grand new product launch conference in Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City with the theme of "AI Driven · Zero Carbon Leading", and launched the world's first open AI headset Cleer ARC3 sound arc with epoch-making significance.


Source Deqing Release

On this day (April 22), Xinhua News Agency reported in depth on Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. with the title "Guanxu Electronics' "New Sound Method"".

Among them, the end of the article also focused on how Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd., after investing in Deqing, continued to innovate and develop the electronic information industry under the "mother-like" service of Deqing County, and promoted the development of new quality productivity.

Why is this company located in Deqing County, Zhaoqing City so outstanding that it attracted a full-page focus report from Xinhua News Agency?

How did it get to know Deqing?

Let's read on to find out the answer~


Why did it settle in Deqing?

Deqing County has a profound historical and cultural heritage, convenient transportation, and prominent location advantages.

Deqing Industrial New City has complete supporting facilities around it and enjoys an 8-minute living block. It is a benchmark for industrial-city integration with highly concentrated industries, complete urban functions, and beautiful ecological environment.

Source Deqing Release

Deqing adheres to the working philosophy of "being friendly to business, ensuring business security, supporting business, and benefiting business",

implements the working mechanism of "one county leader + one chief service officer + one enterprise service specialist + a set of customized service plans",

vigorously promotes "one-stop service, joint approval", and continues to create a first-class business environment. We sincerely provide enterprises with the best services, and strive to make entrepreneurs feel at ease to invest, start businesses, and develop smoothly.

What is good about Deqing's service?

Wu Jianwei, the head of Deqing County, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency: Since the signing of the project in July 2021, Deqing County has made every effort to solve the problems of land, electricity and water for Guanxu Electronics, and actively promoted Guanxu (Deqing) Fashion Electronics Industrial Park to create a municipal demonstration point for the ecological construction of Green Deqing, and provided guidance on the internal greening layout and greening tree species selection of the park, and guided enterprises to establish a multi-layer three-dimensional greening system including shrubs, miscellaneous trees and trees, and the vegetation coverage rate of the park reached more than 65%.

Rendering of Guanxu (Deqing) Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

Rendering of Guanxu (Deqing) Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

It took only three months from the formal signing of the investment agreement to the official start of construction of the Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park project.

From financing, labor demand, project construction and other links, Deqing has always insisted on providing full-chain services for project construction and enterprise development, and has promoted the construction and development of enterprises with heart, emotion and hard work.

Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

Recently, Deqing County has stepped up publicity of the "Enterprise•Mayor Express" service platform to further smooth the interactive channels between the government and enterprises, lay the foundation for Deqing County to create a first-class business environment, and serve the high-quality development of enterprises.

The person in charge of Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu Electronics Co., Ltd. said that Deqing is a good place for investment with simple folk customs and very good government services. With the support of government departments at all levels, their projects are progressing very smoothly. Whether it is project land or employment, they provide timely and thoughtful services, which also makes them more determined to develop in Zhaoqing.

The first phase of the factory building of Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu project.

The first phase of the factory building of Zhaoqing Deqing Guanxu project. 

Deqing, a prosperous place with endless potential, is an open city, an industrial city, a business-friendly city, and a livable city.

Deqing is seizing opportunities and taking advantage of the momentum. Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Deqing characteristics, build momentum and energy to drive steady economic growth, and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of a modern Deqing!

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Deqing County (Zhaoqing City, China) Investment Guide

Huang Kunming went to Zhaoqing for research. Further deepening reforms comprehensively will generate new momentum for high-quality development. We will strive to build a new growth pole in the Pearl River Delta and a gateway hub for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area facing the southwest.

Huang Kunming went to Zhaoqing for research. 

Further deepening reforms comprehensively will generate new momentum for high-quality development. We will strive to build a new growth pole in the Pearl River Delta and a gateway hub for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area facing the southwest.

Zhaoqing Headlines September 5, 2024 20:45 Guangdong, China

On September 5, 2024, Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, went to Zhaoqing City and went deep into towns, villages, enterprises, ecological corridors and industrial parks to earnestly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guangdong, and to promote Zhaoqing to grasp the economic operation and accelerate the realization of high-quality development. He stressed that we must anchor the annual economic and social development goals and do a good job in all aspects, adhere to the development of questions and reforms, and further deepen reforms comprehensively with a high degree of political consciousness and a strong sense of mission, effectively promote the conversion of momentum, structural upgrading, and quality and efficiency improvement, and continuously inject strong momentum into the modernization of Zhaoqing.

The Hejiang River, a tributary of the Xijiang River flowing through Fengkai County, forms a unique riverside landscape with winding turns in the local area.

Huang Kunming came to the west bank of the Hejiang River to inspect the water environment management and vegetation protection, and then took a boat to inspect the water quality of the river basin and the natural ecological landscape on both sides of the river, and listened to the report on the comprehensive management of the Hejiang River and the construction of the Greenway Gallery. Huang Kunming emphasized that we must always put the safety of rivers and the ecology of the river basin in the first place, and protect the naturally formed and precious circular and "Jiziwan" river landforms of the Hejiang River with heart and affection, focus on river management and pollution prevention, strengthen regular inspections and management, ensure flood safety, and effectively protect the shoreline wetland ecosystem and biodiversity. Under the premise of high-level protection, we must scientifically and orderly promote the coordinated development of coastal tourism resources, rely on the unique natural scenery to carefully create a beautiful shoreline, increase publicity and promotion efforts, attract more people to visit, and make the Hejiang River a happy river that benefits the people along the coast.

The beautiful scenery of the Hejiang Greenway Gallery, the first bay of the Hejiang River Image source: Fengkai News

△The beautiful scenery of the Hejiang Greenway Gallery, the first bay of the Hejiang River Image source: Fengkai News

Located on the bank of the Hejiang River, Lizhi New Village is a beautiful village with beautiful mountains and clear waters and bamboo forests. It is one of the important node villages in Fengkai's beautiful rural demonstration zone.

Huang Kunming walked into the village to inspect the agricultural products, bamboo forest cultivation, and green and beautiful ecological construction of the village. He learned in detail about the experience and practices of Lizhi New Village in developing characteristic planting and promoting the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and listened to the local report on the pilot work of deepening the reform of the collective forest rights system. He emphasized that we must seize and make good use of the reform pilot opportunities, fully understand the spirit of the series of policy documents of the central and provincial governments, accelerate the activation of forest land management rights, promote the orderly transfer of forest land and trees, better develop bamboo, forest fungi, medicinal materials, flowers and seedlings and other forest economies, effectively enable the development of new agricultural, cultural and tourism formats such as agricultural sightseeing, eco-tourism, forest health care, and study tours, and help achieve a win-win situation of green and prosperity.

Fengkai County is known as the "gateway to Guangdong and Guangxi". In recent years, based on its unique location adjacent to Wuzhou and Hezhou in Guangxi, the local area has innovatively established the "Inter-provincial Neighborly Corridor" with the border areas of Guangxi, carried out all-round joint construction, and jointly promoted the high-quality development of regional economy and society.

Huang Kunming came to the Corridor Service Center in Fulai Village, Jiangkou Street, had a cordial conversation with the staff, inspected the Guangdong-Guangxi characteristic agricultural and sideline products on display here, and asked in detail about the mechanism arrangement, main content, activity carrier and implementation results of the inter-provincial joint construction. He fully affirmed that this is a positive exploration and beneficial attempt to deepen the cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi based on local reality. He hopes to make persistent efforts and continue to make good use of the convenient conditions of close proximity, common language and close people, focus on the development issues of common concern to both sides and the urgent needs of the people in the two places, visit more, discuss more, cooperate more, continuously enrich the forms of activities, strengthen mutual learning and mutual reference, promote the in-depth development of joint construction, and work together to find a new path for the integrated development of inter-provincial border areas and create a new highlight of the cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi.

Fulai RV Camp. Source: Fengkai Release

△ Fulai RV Camp. Source: Fengkai Release

Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park, located in Deqing Industrial New City, is an important platform for local industrial transfer.

Huang Kunming inspected the greening work of the park on the spot, listened to the project planning and construction report, and then visited the production line of enterprises in the park, and experienced the smart audio products produced by the enterprises with great interest. He encouraged enterprises to firmly take root in Deqing for development, make full use of the preferential policies of industrial transfer and the local location advantages, and continue to increase investment in advanced equipment and technological transformation in the future, promote production process innovation, process optimization, product upgrades, and quality improvement, and be invincible in the market competition with excellent quality.

Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

△ Guanxu Fashion Electronics Industrial Park

Maxu Town, Deqing County is the first batch of typical towns of the "Hundred Million Project" in the province.

Huang Kunming walked into the town's small ecological park and the main streets of the neighborhood, and randomly visited and inspected the town's overall landscape design and control, environmental sanitation, urban green and beautiful ecological construction, and other work. He pointed out that it is necessary to promote the creation work with high standards and high quality, go deep and be practical, base on local realities, highlight distinctive styles, play a good leading role in planning, leverage more social capital to invest, closely link up with paired central enterprises, construction companies and universities, work together to do a good job in industry introduction, infrastructure construction, commercial cultivation, greening and beautification, and focus on tackling the comprehensive improvement of the "Malu Town", so that the people can see the changes and get benefits, and truly make it clean, tidy, and long-lasting, and become a demonstration model that can be learned, referenced, and promoted, leading and driving the overall improvement of the construction of beautiful towns in the entire region. During the visit, Huang Kunming listened to the report on the pilot reform of the homestead system in Maxu Town, affirmed the reform ideas of "exchanging land for land, building without land, paid use, more refund and less compensation" formed by the local area based on the actual situation, and emphasized the need to focus on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, speed up the solution of the "people, land, money" constraints faced by rural revitalization, and promote the pilot reform of the homestead system in a steady and prudent manner according to local conditions, promote more standardized and convenient approval management, and more efficient and intensive use of land resources, further release rural development space, and strengthen the element support for the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

Maxu Town. Source Deqing Release

△ Maxu Town. Source Deqing Release

Huang Kunming also came to Deqing County Dongpu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., walked into the company's exhibition hall and planting base, and thoroughly investigated and understood the experience and practices of this leading agricultural enterprise in vigorously developing Deqing tribute orange planting, processing and sales, and driving and promoting the increase of income of surrounding farmers. It is hoped that enterprises will adhere to the path of high-quality and efficient ecological agriculture, and promote the quality and efficiency of the entire chain of Gonggan production, processing, circulation and service with digitalization and intelligence, promote the increase of product added value and extend the industrial chain; at the same time, actively explore new models of linking farmers and leading farmers, establish a more stable and long-term interest linkage mechanism, leave more jobs and added value of the industrial chain to farmers, further broaden farmers' income sources, and accelerate the pace of getting rich.

Deqing County Dongpu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd.

△ Deqing County Dongpu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. 

During the investigation, Huang Kunming fully affirmed that Zhaoqing has been vigorously promoting modernization construction since this year, and all work has maintained steady progress, and high-quality development has taken solid steps.

Huang Kunming emphasized

We must focus on the reform tasks clearly defined by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, follow the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, implement them with the spirit of nailing nails, rely on further comprehensive deepening of reforms to continuously generate new development momentum and open up new development space, continue to enhance comprehensive strength, and accelerate the rise of the new growth pole of high-quality development in the Pearl River Delta and build it into a gateway hub for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area facing the southwest.

We must put the stabilization of economic operation in a prominent position in the current work and do it well, withstand the pressure and meet the challenges, focus on industrial investment and infrastructure investment, promote the expansion of investment scale and optimization of structure, go all out to stabilize the basic plate of foreign investment and foreign trade, take multiple measures to promote consumption, and promote the effective improvement of economic quality and reasonable growth in quantity.

We must unswervingly, pragmatically and efficiently promote the implementation of the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects", thoroughly and meticulously carry out the construction of typical counties, towns and villages and various pilot projects, and use the point to lead the whole to continuously make new breakthroughs in the high-quality development of counties, towns and villages, and strive to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas to a new level, and truly make the "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" a people's livelihood project that promotes production, improves life and protects the ecology.

We must closely combine the actual situation of Zhaoqing to promote the ecological construction of green Guangdong, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of Yueshan afforestation, widely mobilize cadres and the masses to plant, love and protect green, and insist on using the strictest system and the most stringent rule of law to protect the water environment of Xijiang and Hejiang, and lay a green and beautiful foundation for high-quality development.

Typhoon "Makar" is currently approaching the waters of western Guangdong. The latest weather forecast shows that it will land as a super typhoon along the coast from Maoming Dianbai to Qionghai, Hainan, and directly hit the Leizhou Peninsula, bringing severe wind, rain and waves. The Provincial Flood Control Headquarters has upgraded the wind emergency response to Level I.

During the investigation, Huang Kunming made clear requirements for the province to do a good job in defending against strong typhoons. He stressed that all localities and relevant departments must conscientiously implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on flood control and typhoon prevention, strictly implement the spirit of our province's emergency notice on doing a solid job in defending against Typhoon "Makarn", always put people and life first, and based on the most unfavorable situation, think of risks first, fill loopholes first, and make preparations first. Closely track the typhoon's path for rolling monitoring, rolling forecasts, and rolling warnings, strictly, practically, and meticulously carry out risk hidden danger investigation and rectification, resolutely and thoroughly implement prevention measures such as ships returning to port, transfer of people taking shelter, and safety management, make careful arrangements to deal with mountain torrents, small and medium-sized river floods, and urban waterlogging caused by typhoons, further strengthen emergency response and on-duty, pre-position emergency rescue equipment and forces, ensure efficient and timely handling of dangerous situations, and make every effort to protect the safety of people's lives and property and minimize disaster losses.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Deqing County (Zhaoqing City, China) Investment Guide

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

This batch of Zhaoqing enterprises were selected in the public announcement list of the sixth batch of specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants" enterprises released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

This batch of Zhaoqing enterprises were selected in the public announcement list of the sixth batch of specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants" enterprises released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Invest in Zhaoqing September 5, 2024 21:34 Guangdong, China

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China released the public announcement list of the sixth batch of specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants", and 10 enterprises in Zhaoqing were shortlisted.

The shortlisted enterprises in Zhaoqing this time cover new materials, new energy storage, electronic information, precision manufacturing and other industries. Zhaoqing High-tech Zone occupies 4, Dinghu District occupies 2, Duanzhou District, Gaoyao District, Sihui City, and Deqing County each occupy 1.

Check out the shortlisted list

Zhaoqing enterprises shortlisted in the public announcement list of the sixth batch of specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants" enterprises in China.

As of now, there are 17 national-level specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants" in Zhaoqing City.

If the above-mentioned enterprises are publicized, the number of national-level specialized, sophisticated and new "little giants" enterprises in Zhaoqing will increase to 27.

Specialized, refined, distinctive and innovative "little giant" enterprises refer to the leaders and outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises with the characteristics of "specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty". They are the vanguards of enterprises that focus on niche markets, have strong innovation capabilities, high market share, master key core technologies, and have excellent quality and efficiency. They are located at the top of the pyramid of the high-quality small and medium-sized enterprise gradient cultivation system built by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Zhaoqing City will make every effort to guide the majority of small, medium and micro enterprises to take the progressive development path of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises → specialized, refined and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises → specialized, refined and innovative "little giant" enterprises;

At the same time, various policies and measures to benefit enterprises will be implemented to provide more powerful soft and hard environment support for specialized, refined and innovative enterprises, and promote the rapid and healthy development of Zhaoqing's specialized, refined and innovative enterprises.


Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment

Good news for investment promotion丨Modern Elevator Huaiji (Guangdong, China) production base project successfully won the land investment I...