Thursday, September 5, 2024

Zhaoqing New District (Dinghu), China: Industrial added value above designated size maintained double-digit growth for 19 consecutive months

Zhaoqing New District (Dinghu), China: Industrial added value above designated size maintained double-digit growth for 19 consecutive months

Invest in Aisa 2024-09-05 21:34 Guangdong, China

Good news!

Recently, Oscon, a leading electronic information company, issued an announcement to increase its capital by 450 million yuan to Guangdong Xizhen Circuit Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Xizhen") in Zhaoqing New District.

Oscon, a leading electronic information company, issued an announcement to increase its capital by 450 million yuan to Guangdong Xizhen Circuit Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Xizhen") in Zhaoqing New District.

The electronic information industry is the leading industry in Zhaoqing New District. This news undoubtedly adds confidence to Zhaoqing New District in exploring new quality productivity and developing strategic emerging industries.

After entering the strategic transformation, Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District developed in coordination, carried out investment promotion in accordance with "what the Bay Area needs and what the New District can do", and gradually formed a "leading + characteristic" industrial development pattern such as electronic information, new energy vehicles and auto parts. There are more than 100 enterprises above designated size in the "leading + characteristic" industries in the two districts, and the industrial added value above designated size has maintained double-digit growth for 19 consecutive months, and the momentum of economic development is getting stronger and stronger.

Leading industries consolidate the foundation of transformation

Walking into the Guangdong Xizhen Science Park in the Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, an automated production line of about 200 meters comes into view, and high-end printed circuit boards are processed on the intelligent production line. According to the relevant person in charge of Guangdong Xizhen, the 450 million yuan of funds are mainly used for the capacity expansion project of its annual production of 960,000 square meters of HDI product line, which will enhance the company's core competitiveness in the global high-end PCB market.

Guangdong Xizhen's intelligent production workshop.

Guangdong Xizhen's intelligent production workshop. Zhaoqing New District provides pictures

Leading attraction, chain gathering. With the settlement of Guangdong Xizhen, many electronic information companies have come in succession and taken root in the development of the Ecological Science and Technology Industrial Park of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. An electronic information industry base that produces electronic components, semiconductors and integrated circuits, display screens and consumer electronics products has taken off, injecting new momentum into the development of strategic emerging industries in Zhaoqing New District.

Driven by Xiaopeng Motors and CATL, Zhaoqing's new energy vehicle industry is developing in full swing. Focusing on the city's leading industries, Zhaoqing New District plans to develop new energy vehicles and auto parts industries.

As of early August this year, the two districts have introduced 50 new projects, with the number increasing by more than 100% year-on-year, and the planned total investment is about 8.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 159%. These projects represent the "Bay Area level" in terms of both volume and quality. There are 108 enterprises above the designated size in the "dominant + characteristic" industrial cluster, accounting for 77% of the total number of enterprises above the designated size, with an output value of more than 10 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.4%.

Cross-border e-commerce drives foreign trade

East to the Bay Area, along the river to the sea. In the first half of the year, the foreign trade performance of the two districts was also very impressive, with the total foreign trade import and export volume increasing by 29%, ranking first in the city in terms of growth rate. According to the relevant person in charge of the Science and Technology Innovation Industry and Trade Bureau of Zhaoqing New District, the reason for the rapid growth of the total foreign trade import and export volume is that the two districts are linked and implement the key enterprise cultivation plan.

In June this year, the Shein Logistics Warehousing Center officially opened, with a daily sorting operation volume of up to 4 million pieces. On the one hand, the construction of the Shein Bay Area Western Smart Industrial Park is still in full swing, and on the other hand, batches of clothing and apparel are departing from the Lingang Industrial Park in Zhaoqing New District and sent overseas. The person in charge of Xiyin said that this project is a new business model innovation of Xiyin in 2024.

The picture is located in the Shein Logistics and Warehousing Center in Zhaoqing New District.

The picture is located in the Shein Logistics and Warehousing Center in Zhaoqing New District. Photographed by Liu Chunlin, a reporter from Zhaoqing Media Center

Among the more than 500,000 square meters of storage lease area in the city, the Xiyin Logistics and Warehousing Center occupies more than half. In the future, this cross-border e-commerce giant will play a key role in driving the total import and export volume of Zhaoqing New District, and will also add new momentum to Zhaoqing and even the Greater Bay Area to build a highland for cross-border e-commerce innovation and development, and strengthen the international competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area supply chain.

"From the planning level, we will focus on opening up the river-sea transport of Zhaoqing New Port and Nansha Port to build a cross-border e-commerce town." The relevant person in charge of the Development and Planning Bureau of Zhaoqing New District introduced that they are currently making full use of the e-commerce advantages of the new district, giving play to the leading and driving role of Xiyin chain-leading enterprises, actively developing cross-border e-commerce, foreign trade logistics, supply chain and other service industries, and actively developing foreign trade economy to build a new highland for cross-border e-commerce in the city.

Next, Zhaoqing New District and Dinghu District will anchor the annual goals and tasks, work tirelessly to attract investment, seize all favorable factors, and make full use of all favorable conditions to fight the economic battle.

At the same time, we will take multiple measures to expand investment, promote consumption, stabilize foreign trade, continue to provide services for foreign-funded projects under construction such as Virginni and Xiyin, and strive to develop new foreign trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Dinghu District

Address: in the People's Government compound of Dinghu District, Luoyin Road, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:   0086-758-2626878

Fax:  0086-758-2626908




肇慶市ビジネス 2024年09月05日 17:56 広東省

広東省肇慶市はこのほど、低地経済発展促進会議を開催し、「肇慶市低地経済発展促進行動計画(2024~2026年)」(以下、「行動計画」という)を発表した。 2026年までに肇慶市に低地経済生態環境を構築する計画。管理メカニズムの円滑な運営を推進し、基本的に完全なインフラ建設、ますます完成度の高い産業システム、継続的に充実したアプリケーションシナリオを推進し、肇慶市の低地経済発展を促進する。地域の状況に応じた経済性。


肇慶市は低地経済の発展を促進するための基本的な課題として、低地インフラの整備を強化し、広東・香港肇慶低地総合サービス情報センターの建設に注力する。 -マカオ大湾区(肇慶市)低高度試験サービス基地、低空物流試験基地は、肇慶市が広東・香港・マカオ大湾区における低空試験アプリケーションの重要な支点を構築する強固な基盤を築く。 。

「行動計画」では、肇慶市が総合的な低高度航空機管理プラットフォーム、航空機監視ネットワーク、総合データベースを構築し、「1つのプラットフォーム、1つの監視ネットワーク、1つのデータベース」を備えた低高度総合サービス情報センターを構築することを提案している。 。




肇慶市はアプリケーションを「先駆者」として、低レベル経済産業チェーンの導入と育成に注力する。 「行動計画」では、低地経済の産業チェーン全体の構築・強化を目標に、産業チェーン全体の投資促進活動を実施し、チェーンの強化・延長を図ると述べた。同時に、肇慶市のハイエンド製造、電子情報、金属加工の基盤を活用し、異業種融合の発展を促進し、電池、電子情報、その他の産業企業のドローン分野への拡大を支援する。将来のドローン産業に変革するための高品質資源の生成効果を研究開発し、金属加工やファインケミカルなどの伝統産業の低空経済製造への転換を支援し、上流と下流の主要企業を多数紹介します。ドローン完成機の設計、部品製造​​と最終組立統合、通信システムの研究開発などの産業チェーンの構築を支援し、ドローン産業クラスターの発展を促進します。

肇慶市は低高度産業の技術研究開発能力を強化するため、低高度経済産業の研究開発レイアウトと技術革新を促進し、低高度航空機の全体設計、システムの研究開発、耐空性試験、飛行サービスなどの側面、および主要なコア技術の研究。低高度データ リソースを利用して、低高度データ管理システムと標準を確立および改善し、ドッキング ルールを改善し、データ管理、業界アプリケーション、およびデータ セキュリティを強化します。

Investment Promotion Bureau of Sihui City

Address: 3F, Administrative Center, Dongcheng Street, Sihui City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-3611228 (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-3611188

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Zhaoqing Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: 6/F, No. 18, Jiangbin West Road, Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:     0086-758-2899202  (Chinese、Cantonese)

Fax:    0086-758-2282600

Email: (English、Chinese、Cantonese)

Investment Promotion Bureau of Gaoyao District

Address: No.201, Nanxing 1st Road, Nan'an Street, Gaoyao District, Zhaoqing City

Tel:   0086-758-8392673

Fax:  0086-758-8200738


Take advantage of the momentum to take off! China Zhaoqing releases a three-year development plan for low-altitude economy

打造低空經濟生態圈 廣東肇慶「飛」入兆級風口

肇慶商務 2024年09月05日 17:56 廣東








以應用為“先鋒”,肇慶將聚焦低空經濟產業鏈引育。 《行動計畫》提到,將以建成和壯大低空經濟全產業鏈為目標,進行全產業鏈招商引資活動,強鏈補鏈延鏈。同時,推動跨產業融合發展,借助肇慶市高端製造、電子資訊、金屬加工的基礎及其產生優質資源向未來無人機產業轉型的效應,支持電池、電子資訊等產業企業向無人機領域拓展研發,支持金屬加工、精細化工等傳統產業向低空經濟製造業轉型,引育一批無人機整機設計、零件製造以及總整合、通訊系統研發等產業鏈上下游重點企業,推動無人機產業群聚式發展。


The agricultural version of the "universal factory building" model of Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong, China was selected as a typical case of rural revitalization in Zhaoqing City in 2024

The agricultural version of the "universal factory building" model of Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong, China was selected as a typical case of rural revitalization in Zhaoqing City in 2024

Deqing Release September 5, 2024 19:25 Guangdong

Recently, the rural revitalization team stationed in Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong, successfully created an agricultural version of the "universal factory building" and won the honor of the typical case of rural revitalization stationed in the town to help the town and the village in Zhaoqing City in 2024.

Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong

The team took "dispersed agricultural land" and "facility agricultural land" as a breakthrough point, and through comprehensive land remediation in the whole region, built a new platform for modern agricultural development - the agricultural version of the "universal factory building", which improved the use value of the land, and also through the method of reverse leasing, allowing project investors to easily take over and quickly put into production, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the local agricultural industry. The Guangdong Haolan Deqing Blueberry Base in Nantian Village, Yongfeng Town is one example.

the rural revitalization team stationed in Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong, successfully created an agricultural version of the "universal factory building" and won the honor of the typical case of rural revitalization stationed in the town to help the town and the village in Zhaoqing City in 2024

Lan Fangtian, manager of Guangdong Haolan Deqing Blueberry Base, said: "In just 58 days, our town government planned land from several villages for us. The town government used this leasing model to build factories and greenhouses, and introduced us to grow blueberries here, saving the initial investment funds and greatly reducing disputes with local farmers. We don't have to participate in the tedious work of obtaining land, which provides great help and convenience for our company to move in."

Nantian Village, Yongfeng Town

Faced with the scattered farmland and abandoned land in the hands of farmers, the work team mobilized the village committee to actively guide farmers to participate in land transfer and integrate scattered pieces of land into large contiguous pieces of land. And by striving for 500,000 yuan of assistance funds from the superiors, the transferred land was leveled and cleared, the water conservancy facilities were improved, and the "three connections and one leveling" were realized. The village committee that participated in the integration of the village collective land also increased the village collective land management fee income by 200 yuan per mu per year, injecting new vitality into the village collective economy. Liang Yujian, deputy leader of the rural revitalization team stationed in Yongfeng Town to help towns and villages, said: "We have received strong support from the county party committee and county government, and used about 10 million yuan of funds from the rural revitalization team to build a general agricultural greenhouse. With the joint efforts of the county, town and village, the project was successfully implemented, and the company achieved "moving in with bags", bringing about 600,000 yuan of greenhouse rental income to the county, town and village each year, and directly driving the employment of about 200 people."

The rural revitalization team stationed in Yongfeng Town, Deqing County, Guangdong Province, said that it will continue to deepen the land consolidation work in the whole region, further promote the "general factory building" model, and accelerate the pace of land transfer. At the same time, actively explore new agricultural development models such as agricultural and photovoltaic complementary projects, revitalize and utilize idle school buildings and other resources, promote village-level collective economic income through multiple channels, and contribute more to the realization of the beautiful vision of strong agriculture, beautiful countryside and rich farmers.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Deqing County (Zhaoqing City, China) Investment Guide

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

Huaiji Release 2024-09-05 20:51 Guangdong, China

The close relationship between Guangzhou and Huaiji County should be attributed to the construction and development of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone.

In March 2012, the Party Committees and Governments of Guangzhou, Foshan and Zhaoqing determined that the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing Economic Cooperation Zone would be located in Huaiji. The planned area of ​​the starting area is 10 square kilometers, divided into Zone A and Zone B for development and construction.

Currently, there are 193 projects in the park, with a total investment of 16 billion yuan.

the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone.

In September 2023, Tianhe District of Guangzhou City established a counterpart industrial cooperation relationship with Huaiji County. In accordance with the city-county cooperation and the coordinated promotion of industrial development in the county, the Tianhe District and Huaiji County jointly built industrial park in the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone (Zone B) were explored. The two sides introduced four new projects with a total investment of 547 million yuan that year through joint investment promotion, sharing of investment promotion information, building of industrial investment promotion platform, and docking and negotiation activities.

At the same time, the two parties jointly invested funds to support the high-quality construction of the industrial transfer cooperation park and promote the overall quality and efficiency of the economic cooperation zone. In 2024, a total of 18 park construction and infrastructure supporting projects were jointly planned, with a total investment of about 115 million yuan, of which about 62 million yuan was invested in Tianhe District's special assistance funds, vigorously promoting the standardization of industrial parks.

the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone

From September 4 to 5, 2024, Wang Huanqing, deputy mayor of Guangzhou Municipal Government, led a municipal government delegation to Huaiji to investigate the docking industrial cooperation work. Li Xingwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, and county leaders Yu Xiaojun, Chen Tengda, Jiang Jianjun, and Huang Zhiwei accompanied the investigation.

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

The investigation team visited the Guangfozhao (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, Laimeng (Huaiji) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Sanyue Nature Reserve Science Popularization and Research Base, Red Cone King Ancient Tree Park, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Green Agricultural and Sideline Products Distribution Base Trading and Expo Center. Through on-site inspections, listening to reports, and watching promotional videos, they learned in detail about the planning and construction of our county's industrial parks, the landing of industrial investment, the cooperation of counterpart industries in the park jointly built by Tianhe District and Huaiji County, as well as the arduous struggle of the "Yueshan Afforestation Campaign" and the construction of the Red Cone King Ancient Tree Park.

Guangzhou Municipal Government Delegation Visits Huaiji County, China to Investigate and Connect Industrial Cooperation

The research team fully affirmed the phased achievements of the construction of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, and stated that Guangzhou will earnestly implement the work arrangements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and in accordance with the principle of "what Huaiji needs and what Guangzhou can do", continue to find the entry points and focus points of industrial cooperation, improve and perfect the industrial transfer docking mechanism, and jointly promote the construction of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing (Huaiji) Economic Cooperation Zone, further give play to Huaiji's location and ecological resource advantages, promote the orderly transfer of industries, and promote regional coordinated development. It is hoped that the two sides will integrate resource advantages, work together and move forward hand in hand, and carry out all-round and multi-field in-depth counterpart cooperation to jointly promote high-quality development in the two places.

Yu Xiaojun, secretary of the Huaiji County Party Committee, expressed his sincere gratitude to Guangzhou for its long-term strong support for Huaiji's economic and social development, especially for docking industrial cooperation. He said that Huaiji will transform the glorious tradition of "Yueshan afforestation" into an effective practice to promote the high-quality development of Huaiji, actively seize the historical opportunity of the provincial party committee to implement the "hundreds of millions of projects", give full play to Huaiji's advantages in history and culture, ecological environment, natural resources, and transportation location, strengthen cooperation with Guangzhou in industrial docking, talent exchange, scientific and technological innovation, establish a normalized cooperation mechanism, promote industrial upgrading and regional coordinated development, and strive to achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefit and win-win results.

We hope that entrepreneurs all over the world can go to Huaiji County and take a look when they are free.

Maybe you can find an investment opportunity that suits you.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436


Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China: Deqing is striving to become a strong industrial county

Deqing County, Guangdong Province, China: Deqing is striving to become a strong industrial county

Released by Deqing on September 5, 2024 19:25 Guangdong, China

Aerial photo of Deqing County

Aerial photo of Deqing County

Deqing insists on subtracting villages, making up for shortcomings in towns, and improving quality in counties. It coordinates the promotion of high-quality development of counties, energy upgrading of towns, harmonious rural construction and urban-rural integrated development, and strives to promote high-quality development of counties, towns and villages to achieve new breakthroughs and new results. Strive to become a new pacesetter in county economic development and a model county for urban-rural integrated development.

Relying on the park to build a characteristic industrial system

In the factory of Guangdong Yuansheng Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. located in Deqing County, the Xiami Elbow automatic welding robot arm is operating efficiently and accurately welding pipe elbows. Currently, there are 70 wind turbine and supporting industry projects settled in Deqing, covering the entire wind turbine production, motor manufacturing, blade processing, hardware and plastics and other wind turbine upstream and downstream industrial chain manufacturing links. The wind turbine market share ranks among the top.

This is a microcosm of Deqing County’s insistence on the real economy and manufacturing as its core. In recent years, Deqing has comprehensively consolidated the endogenous momentum for high-quality development, always regarded industrial development as a top priority, adhered to the linkage of the three industries and "emphasis on both old and new", accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system with Deqing characteristics, and promoted machinery and equipment manufacturing. Industrial expansion and quality improvement, the transformation and upgrading of the home building materials industry, the deepening and specialization of the food and southern medicine industry, and the intensive development of emerging industries such as electronic information will promote the continued growth of the county economy.

The picture shows Guangdong Xinfeng Fan Co., Ltd. settled in Deqing.

The picture shows Guangdong Xinfeng Fan Co., Ltd. settled in Deqing. 

Guangdong Deqing Industrial Park plans to lay out three large areas (Deqing County, Yuecheng Town, Guanxu Town), with a total planned area of ​​41,600 acres, and a developed area of ​​about 14,900 acres, forming three major areas: home building materials, machinery and equipment manufacturing, food and southern medicine. Large leading industrial clusters, and accelerate the cultivation of strategic emerging industries such as electronic information, new energy vehicles and spare parts. 

In 2024, it is planned to invest 300 million yuan to promote the construction of infrastructure and supporting projects for the quality and capacity expansion project of Deqing Industrial Park. From January to August, 288.55 million yuan was invested in supporting infrastructure construction, completing 96.18% of the annual plan.

Optimize service quality and efficiency and press the "accelerator button" for enterprise development. Currently, the construction of the second phase of the Guanxu (Deqing) Digital Fashion Electronics Industrial Park is accelerating. After the project is implemented, the output value is expected to exceed 1 billion yuan this year. Guanxu (Deqing) will become the first enterprise in the county with an output value exceeding 1 billion yuan.

Since the introduction of the Guanxu Electronics Industrial Park project, Deqing has held nearly 20 special work promotion meetings, meeting the land demand of 300 acres and financing needs of 271 million yuan, and promoted the completion and commissioning of the first phase of the project and the second phase of the project in less than two years. The project started construction. At the same time, Deqing has strengthened employment support for enterprises, encouraged and guided cooperation between schools and enterprises in all aspects such as talent export and integration of industry and education, and promoted Guanxu Electronics to sign school-enterprise cooperation agreements with eight schools including Guangdong ATV Vocational College of Performing Arts. The county secondary vocational schools jointly set up Guanxu-named classes. Currently, about 200 professional and technical students of various types have been sent to electronic information companies, and a total of more than 3,000 employees have been met by the companies.

Guided by models, continue to improve the appearance of towns and villages

Since the beginning of this year, Deqing County has conscientiously implemented the work requirements of the Municipal Party Committee's "Typical Breakthrough Year", promoted major breakthroughs in the construction of the first batch of provincial typical towns and villages such as Mawei Town, and promoted the overall improvement of the appearance of towns and villages with "classics".

For example, Maxu Town centered on the positioning of “Tasting green and beautiful citrus fragrance”, and took the lead in completing the “seven ones” quality improvement and upgrade of beautiful Town. 

Guanxu Town revolves around the theme of "Drifting Resort·Lingnan Famous Town", focuses on the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and holds the first Tea Picking Tourism Culture Festival in Chaoding Mountain based on tourism resources such as Pallong Gorge, Jinlin Water Village, and Chaoding Mountain. , to build a "wellness and sports circle" and "sightseeing and picking circle" from point to point. 

Yuecheng Town focuses on the theme of "Long Mu's Hometown and Millennium Ancient Town" to build a "famous cultural and tourism town" with the promotion of Dragon Mu culture as the core and featuring the Ming and Qing styles, and promotes the development of the agricultural industry across the "land, sea and air". , Australian freshwater blue lobster and southern medicine and other breeding industries are beginning to take shape.

Deqing County vigorously promotes the construction of typical towns and villages in the province’s “Hundreds and Thousands Project”. The picture shows the new construction of beautiful river channels in Maxu Town.

Deqing County vigorously promotes the construction of typical towns and villages in the province’s “Hundreds and Thousands Project”. The picture shows the new construction of beautiful river channels in Maxu Town. 

In terms of creating typical villages, Deqing County insists on "subtraction" first and "addition" later, and regularly carries out the "Beautiful Zhaoqing·Beautiful Home" concentrated campaign and the campaign to clear dangerous and dilapidated houses to promote the sustainable living conditions of the people. improve.

At the same time, Deqing County insists on reform and opening the way to promote "hundreds of projects", focusing on key areas and key links of high-quality development, strengthening reform exploration, deepening reform and tackling key problems, solving problems and promoting development while comprehensively deepening reform.

Among them, Deqing has further promoted national and provincial reform pilots such as the national rural homestead system reform pilot, the national-level compact county medical community construction pilot, the national youth development city county pilot, and the provincial "zero wage arrears city" pilot. , the exploration formed a batch of Deqing cases and Deqing samples.

Taking advantage of resources to deepen the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism

Deqing is known as the "Hometown of Tribute Oranges in China." Every autumn and winter, heavy tribute oranges hang on the branches. With the joy of the harvest, the fruit farmers are shipped to all parts of the country, and even to overseas markets such as the European Union, North America, and Southeast Asia.

Deqing County takes advantage of local mountainous areas, large forest coverage area, and thick sandy red soil to vigorously develop special planting such as tribute tangerine and southern medicine and intensive processing of agricultural products, making Deqing agricultural products famous and marketable. overseas.

Among them, Deqing promotes the construction of Gonggan provincial-level modern agricultural industrial park, which integrates virus-free nurseries, planting demonstrations, modern processing, fruit testing and omni-channel sales systems, forming a closed loop of the entire industrial chain from seedling cultivation to market terminals. Promote the standardization of the county's tribute citrus industry, build a standardized production and operation system that radiates throughout the county, and achieve efficient docking of production, supply and marketing.

Deqing is known as the “Hometown of Tribute Oranges in China”. The picture shows Deqing Tribute Oranges.

Deqing is known as the “Hometown of Tribute Oranges in China”. The picture shows Deqing Tribute Oranges. Nanfang + Photo by Lu Yixuan

Based on the advantages of southern medicine production areas, Deqing encourages local farmers to develop agricultural product processing and increase the added value of agricultural products. Gaoliang Town has established the only professional trading market of Morinda officinalis in South China - Deqing Morinda officinalis South China Trading Center, with an annual trading volume of about 5,000 tons and a transaction volume of more than 100 million yuan; with Mocun Town as the center, farmers are encouraged to develop Morinda officinalis hair removal, Rough processing such as core removal, flattening and drying has formed the largest processing and trading center for semi-finished products of Morinda citrifolia medicinal materials in the country.

Not only that, Deqing has developed "one village, one product, one town, one industry" industries to enrich the people and revitalize the village in accordance with local conditions, and make articles on "local specialties" such as Gaoliang's bamboo shoots, Guanwei Yuanyang Guiwei lychee, Yongfeng blueberries, and Mocun camellia. The county has cultivated a number of professional villages and towns with outstanding leading industries and obvious brand benefits. A total of 30 professional villages and 7 professional towns have obtained provincial recognition. Among them, Guanwei Town was rated as a strong agricultural industry town in the country, and Deqing Gonggan and Zi 18 agricultural products, including yam and cucumber, were listed in the National Famous, Special and Excellent New Agricultural Products List.

Deqing also deepens the integration and innovation of agriculture, culture and tourism, deeply taps the potential and vitality of agriculture, culture and tourism resources, and strives to reshape the development of Deqing's culture and tourism to new glory.

Starting from applying for the establishment of a province-wide pilot project to promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism in the whole county, Deqing has done a good job in "ancient, beautiful, green and red" articles, and planned and constructed Longmu Culture and Panlongxia ecological health care as the "two cores" , with the Dragon Mother Cultural Sightseeing Belt of Xijiang Bidao Gallery, the ecological leisure agriculture demonstration belt of "Hundred Fruits Zhengxin·Poetic Rhymes of Official Horses", and the red ancient village cultural belt of "Danshan Yueshui·Yongbo Fengfei" as the "three belts". The new pattern of integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism is “two core drives, three belts and loops, and linkage across the entire region”. At the same time, we will continue to organize folk cultural activities such as "Lantern Festival in Deqing", "Spring Festival" in Deqing Academy and "Dragon Mother's Birthday" to promote the coordinated development of the county's cultural tourism resources and string them together into a chain.

Not long ago, Deqing County signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement with the Zhaoqing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the Municipal Cultural Tourism Group for the Panlong Gorge Scenic Area project. It plans to invest more than 600 million yuan to fully revitalize the tourism resources of the Panlong Gorge Scenic Area and build it into a first-class forest in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Hot spring vacation destination.

By vigorously developing rural tourism such as health and leisure, ecological picking, rural hotels, and study tours, Deqing will strive to make people's spiritual and cultural life "rich", traditional folk festivals "popular", and agriculture, culture and tourism deeply integrated and developed. "Hot" up.

Deqing County Investment Promotion Bureau

Address: Headquarters of Deqing Industrial Park, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:    0086-758-7780802

Fax:  0086-758-7780802


Deqing County (Zhaoqing City, China) Investment Guide

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The holiday atmosphere is full! These places in Zhaoqing are really healing

The holiday atmosphere is full! These places in Zhaoqing are really healing

Zhaoqing released on September 1, 2024 at 19:30 Guangdong, China

The original ecological farming island, the green and beautiful river scenery, and the creation of ecological landscape roads...

"People walk in the scenery, and everywhere is a painting."

This is probably the most vivid portrayal of Zhaoqing.


"I am very happy that the new Huangbusha Bridge is completed and opened to traffic! In the future, I don’t have to worry about the economic losses caused by the flooding of the bridge when I grow cash crops. This bridge is the "bridge to wealth" for our villagers!"

The villagers of Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, laughed when they talked about the benefits brought by the opening of the bridge.

Huangbusha Bridge

The Huangbusha Bridge mentioned by the villagers is a renovation project of the old and dangerous Huangbusha Bridge in Shapu Town, Dinghu District. It has been included in the Zhaoqing City's support for Shapu Town, Dinghu District to create a national agricultural industry town and a Chinese agricultural park in the whole region. The bridge is the only land access for Huangbusha villagers.

The total investment budget of the project is 16.411 million yuan. Construction started in August 2023. It was originally planned to be completed and opened to traffic in January 2025. It is now delivered and put into use 4 months ahead of schedule. The new bridge is 187.08 meters long, with a roadbed width of 8 meters, two-way two-lane, and asphalt concrete pavement. It is very safe and smooth for people and vehicles to pass through.

Huangbusha Bridge.

△Huangbusha Bridge. Photo by Ye Haoshu

Huangbusha Village is located on a small original farming island with Guangdong water town characteristics in the Dinghu section of Xijiang River. It has a total area of ​​about 3,000 mu, with an agricultural production area of ​​about 2,000 mu. It has a suitable climate and fertile land. It mainly grows bananas and fruits and vegetables. In particular, it has created the "Lingyangxia" banana brand and has the reputation of "Zhaoqing's No. 1 Banana Village".

Zhaoqing's No. 1 Banana Village
Zhaoqing's No. 1 Banana Village

It is understood that Huangbusha Village has a population of more than 700 people. Before the new Huangbusha Bridge was built, the old bridge was often flooded. Although the village committee would rent boats for free to let villagers cross the river to work, go to school, buy daily necessities, etc. on the other side to facilitate the villagers' daily travel, it is far from convenient for farmers.

Huangbusha Bridge
△Huangbusha Bridge

The villagers' troubles will no longer exist after the opening of the new Huangbusha Bridge.

Today, the new Huangbusha Bridge is very beautiful and solid. Villagers often ride electric bicycles, motorcycles or cars across the bridge, and everyone smiles when crossing the bridge.

Liang Jinbo, Party Secretary of Huangbusha Village, said:

Our village is the first batch of typical demonstration villages of the provincial "Hundred Million Project". In January 2024, our village was successfully established as a "Zhaoqing City A-level Rural Tourism Village". At present, we are promoting the construction of a characteristic tourism village in the leisure agriculture project area in the whole village. After the new bridge is built, not only will the sale of agricultural and sideline products in the village no longer be affected by floods, but large machinery can also enter the village, effectively reducing construction costs.

The bridge is also equipped with modern street lights to facilitate villagers' travel at night. After the bridge is completed and opened to traffic, it will not only bring great convenience to the production and life of the villagers, but also help promote the industrial and economic development of Huangbusha Village.

Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, China

Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, China

Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, China

Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, China

Huangbusha Village, Shapu Town, Dinghu District, Zhaoqing City, China

As rural tourism becomes increasingly popular, Sihui City has attracted many rural tourism enthusiasts, and flower viewing, picking in the fields, camping and playing in the water... have become one of the must-do items for many tourists.

During every long holiday, the number of tourists to the Longjiang River Water Camp in Xinwu Village, Jianggu Town, Sihui City exceeds 100,000. The village actively promotes the greening work of "one village, thousands of trees, one village, thousands of flowers", and the villagers enjoy the dividends of the courtyard economy.

Xinwu Village, Jianggu Town

△Source Sihui Release

Xinwu Village, Jianggu Town, is located at the intersection of the mountain ecological leisure belt and the Lingnan original style corridor, which are the key areas of tourism in Sihui City.

For a long time, the village has vigorously promoted the glorious tradition of "Yueshan afforestation", deepened the ecological construction of the green and beautiful Jianggu, implemented the greening work of "one village, thousands of trees, one village, thousands of flowers", and actively assisted the people in cultivating potted flowers such as bougainvillea that meet recycling standards, and expanded the channels for villagers to increase their income.

△Source: Sihui Release

Xinwu Village has optimized the construction of rural infrastructure along the line, from the rural "toilet revolution" to the improvement of farmhouse style control, to the improvement of the facades of houses in Mulan, Tankou, Zhuandong, Zhuanzhou, Daba and other village groups, focusing on improving the ecological landscape of key areas such as the surrounding areas of the village, Jianggu Reservoir, and along the main transportation lines, gradually filling the gaps in the living environment and promoting the construction of a rural ecological space that is suitable for living and working in the whole region.

In recent years, the towns of Sihui City have continued to make efforts in coordinating characteristic industries, red culture, and transportation locations, actively gathering favorable resources from all parties, and constantly polishing the new business card of the integrated development of "agriculture, culture and tourism", and embarking on a road of high-quality development with beautiful villages and prosperous industries.

△Source Sihui Release

In Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City, the village has successively implemented public infrastructure projects such as the integration of town and village water supply systems, rural power grid transformation, hardened village road transformation and upgrading, and "digital village" construction, taking the lead in achieving 100% coverage of lane hardening, centralized water supply, rural domestic garbage removal, and rural toilet transformation in Didou Town.

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

△Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

At present, the village has a village history museum, a local celebrity museum, a cultural room, a fitness room, a farmer's book house, a rule of law culture corridor, and a standardized basketball court.

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

Not only that, Shuiche Village has also jointly built a macadamia nut planting demonstration base with Shiling Village and Sangui Village.

At the same time, by introducing the smart farm project of Sakura Tourism Development Company and Xuhe Agriculture Co., Ltd., 1,500 acres of tea seed trees, 300 acres of pineapples, cherry tomatoes, and strawberries were planted, and a 5,000-meter cherry blossom trail was built.

Wu Bo, a villager of Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City, said:

The original dilapidated houses in the village have all been renovated, and the roads, street lights and other facilities have been greatly improved. Our town has introduced many agricultural enterprises and built cherry blossom gardens and smart farms to provide employment for villagers.

Shuiche Village, Didou Town, Sihui City,

△Source Sihui Release

Looking at Hengshan Town, Guangning County, what comes into view is a brand new rural landscape. In recent years, Hengshan Town has taken the construction of beautiful villages to enhance the new rural landscape as the main line, continuously promoted the construction of typical villages, and strived to create a livable and business-friendly and beautiful countryside.

Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

△Source Guangning Release

Take Hengshan Community as an example. The community vigorously promotes the construction of the "seven one" project of beautiful towns, and has built modern rural landscapes that integrate green ecology and leisure and entertainment, such as the entrance passage of beautiful towns, the living room of beautiful towns, the beautiful river channel and the green and beautiful ecological park.

Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

△Source Guangning Release

At the same time, it actively guides residents to carry out courtyard beautification, and the village appearance is completely new. Promote rural greening and beautification, complete 26 greening and beautification of "five sides" and "four sides", build two green demonstration points of Fen'ao Greenway and Liheng Green Road, and plant more than 300 trees along the line.

Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

△ Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

At the same time, the community improved the infrastructure, built 4 new parking lots, added 70 parking spaces, built 2 farmer's book houses, 1 open swimming pool, and 8 leisure pavilions.

The construction of infrastructure such as garbage and sewage treatment is becoming more and more perfect, and the long-term management and maintenance mechanism is running stably.

Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

Hengshan Town, Guangning County,

Hengshan Town has always been striving to create four major green and beautiful subjects: green and beautiful roads, green and beautiful rivers, green and beautiful courtyards, and green and beautiful squares, and build green and beautiful roads and green and beautiful corridors with clear water, harmonious people and water, and green and beautiful river scenery, which comprehensively improve the overall rural landscape and people's quality of life.

△Source: Guangning Release

Today, Zhaoqing is strengthening the planning and design of towns and villages and improving their appearance with aesthetic thinking, deeply implementing the improvement of rural living environment and the "double beauty" action, combining the "hundreds of millions of projects" with the ecological construction of green Zhaoqing, adhering to ecological priority and green development, developing green economy according to local conditions, and constantly strengthening the ecological barrier in the western part of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, making the "green" background of Zhaoqing's high-quality development more beautiful~

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China: Forge ahead and care about people's livelihood to write a new chapter

Original published by Huaiji on September 5, 2024 08:18 Guangdong

In the past few days, Aozai Town, Huaiji County, has guided the cadres and the masses to work together and forge ahead, and strive to promote high-quality economic and social development in Aozai Town.

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town has convenient water and land transportation. National Highway G355 runs through the town, and Suijiang River, a tributary of Beijiang River, flows through it.

Li bamboo (also known as tea stalk bamboo) is rich in resources and is known as "steel bamboo" and "iron fence". It is known as the "king of bamboos" and is the first batch of national geographical indication protected products in Huaiji County.

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

In 2023, Aozai Town won the title of "Hometown of Tea Stalk and Bamboo in China". The town currently has more than 200,000 acres of bamboo base, with an annual output value of more than 300 million yuan; it has 338 bamboo processing companies, and the export volume of bamboo is increasing year by year. , accounting for more than 60% of the country's export volume of similar products, and its products are exported to more than 30 countries and regions in Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town has achieved remarkable results in the construction of spiritual civilization. In 2017, Libo Village was rated as a "National Civilized Village" and "Guangdong Province Civilized Village", and Luoda Village was rated as a "Guangdong Province Civilized Village".

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China
From 2020 to 2022, Libo Village, Jiedong Village, Fengheng Village and Luoda Village have successively won the title of "Guangdong Province Rural Governance Demonstration Village".

In 2023, Aozai Town successfully passed the review of the provincial health town and was rated as a "Health Town of Guangdong Province"; Libo Village was rated as "Zhaoqing City's Green and Beautiful Ancient Tree Village", and Jiedong Village was rated as "the city's top 100 Ten Million Project 'Typical Village'.

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town, Huaiji County, China - the hometown of tea stalk bamboo in China

Aozai Town leader Su Ke said

Aozai Town established a strong town company to promote the development of the tea straw and bamboo industry and continue to polish its business card as "the hometown of tea straw and bamboo in China". Actively explore the "company + farmer" development model, promote the transfer of tea stalk and bamboo forest land, further develop and expand the village collective economy, drive the masses to increase income and become rich, and accelerate the overall revitalization of the countryside.

We will continue to improve the construction of basic public service facilities, solidly promote projects such as "replacing single to double" village roads and rural centralized water supply, implement every practical matter for people's livelihood, and fully satisfy the people's yearning for a better life.

Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County

Address: Investment Promotion Bureau of Huaiji County, Jinji Park, Xingfu 1st Road, Huaiji County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province

Tel:  0086-758-5555666

Fax: 0086-758-5553436



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